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File: 117 KB, 470x750, hahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6269647 No.6269647 [Reply] [Original]

>United Kingdom

>> No.6269684

>implying he hasnt more swag than you
>implying youre just a jelly fuccboi

>> No.6269692

>living in UK
>wearing worthless americlap money as trousers
>u wot m8

>> No.6269703

got any nudes?

>> No.6269710
File: 133 KB, 532x800, sean_o_pry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America > UK in every single aspect of life you Britbong.

>> No.6269735

>implying americunts aren't all fat
>implying you don't get shot every day in the name of your freedums
>implying you won't have to delcare bankruptcy if you need to go to hospital
>implying your minimum wage isn't an african-tier $2.50 an hour

>> No.6269743
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Jamie Ryan Dee (left) used to be kinda cute

>> No.6269741


i was not aware we were competing with each other. we like americans actually, we think you are exotic

>> No.6269747

>implying UKfags aren't all fat
>implying you don't get your heads decapitated by Africans
>implying you don't get taxed to hell for everything
>implying you make minimum wage

>> No.6269756
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>> No.6269758

>n-no, Jamie Oliver made our children healthy
>implying America isn't going to shit because tea party fags refuse to give a penny to the government for the sake of bettering the country because freedums from cummunism

>> No.6269760
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>> No.6269761

Nah he looks better now, that guy you have in the pucture looks like some kind of scene faggot from 2006-2008.

Scene kids are like the millennial version oh hair metal faggots who didn't get the memo and were still doing hair metal style in 1993 or some shit, after alternative and rap stomped a figurative muddhole in metal's ass.

>> No.6269768

Meh, we'll win in the end. Shit i want the US to be more like the UK in some aspects. Others, you can keep that shit.

>> No.6269775
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Eh opinions opinions opinions

>> No.6269774

what are you even trying to say
UK is the worst country in the anglosphere by a long way

>> No.6269780

>liking scene
How's high school treating you?

>> No.6269781

UK is a fucking shithole lel

there are very few parts of it that are actually nice

the people are bland and boring

and dont get me started on the weather

whenever i watch a british film or tv show i have to turn it off because i just get too depressed, such a terrible place to live

the only redeeming quality is the accent

>> No.6269789

I'm uni faggot
And there's nothing wrong with being scene

>> No.6269795

>in uni
>being scene

Hows being gay treating you? How many dicks you suck tonite, twink?

>> No.6269796

Scene faggot detected
How many piercings do you have on your face bitch?

>> No.6269804
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every one, look at him.
look at him and laugh.

>> No.6269800

I'm female you dickface

>> No.6269808
File: 79 KB, 800x600, 1361403406706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People like things that I don't like

>> No.6269805 [DELETED] 

Why do have to know fuckface

>> No.6269809

I have a septum, two lip piercings and a Monroe, what are you gonna do? Rip my gauges out?

>> No.6269817

What a fag

>> No.6269818

>in uni
>using dickface
>liking scene boys

I think you may be a lesbian. You just don't know,it. Instead of going full on butch and munching carpets, you want to love mens who look like girls instead of going full p to p, clit to clit,.

>> No.6269815

You're so liberal and economically retarded I cringed.

>> No.6269819

>tfw innit

>> No.6269822

Monroe are gross and lip piercings are for kids but I am in support of septum, nose, medusa, labret and stretched ears.

>> No.6269824
File: 58 KB, 330x495, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the actual
They don't look like girls

>> No.6269825

None of that is /fa/
When did scene faggots start thinking they were fashionable?

>> No.6269828

I just recently got my Monroe actually
Not sure if I'm gonna keep it

>> No.6269833

That guy is s gay man in denial. Just like all scene boys from the past decade. They just faced it and became full on gay twinks on Grindr now

>> No.6269839

Can't be in Great Britain, the sun is actually shining

>> No.6269835

Don't keep it, they look gross on everybody,

>> No.6269842
File: 112 KB, 574x766, US UK broship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


US and UK are allies for life. Google "Special Relationship"

>> No.6269840


I used to have that exact nike hoodie. I can't grasp the fact that they think it's fashionable, it was literally the rattiest hoodie I owned.

>> No.6269843
File: 141 KB, 480x719, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have scene friends that aren't gay
Judgemental penis bucket

>> No.6269849

That guy is the epitome of gay

>> No.6269854

>watch video of uk kids on youtube
>terrible fashion
>obsessed with America
>love the shittiest of american music
>they wear raiders hats
>probably never watch handegg in their life
>all doing that trashy look like in op picture
>mfw the people im talking about are well in their 20s

What the fuck is going on over there?

>> No.6269858

Years and years of incest on a tiny island exposed to little vitamin d.

>> No.6269860

>thinking americans are exotic
I'm American and think you're fucking stupid more than I'm flattered.

Remind me to stay away from England

>> No.6269861

>bitter conservativefag detected
>b-but muh freedums
I bet you voted for Mitt Romney, you bigoted fascist.

>> No.6269872

I didn't actually, and even if voting did matter I still wouldn't have. Either way, I don't want to support those deemed unfit to continue to flourish.

>> No.6269874

what will you do when europe collapses in on itself due to debt

>> No.6269882

>all this rustling
>implying I'm not just a shitposting ausfag

>> No.6269888

When Europe collapses i hope we ban them from coming to American. I rather have the Pakis and Mexicans.

Your comedians are a bunch of uptight faggots, and your TV shows range between trying too hard and being an aid for sleep.

Also, your music is shit.

>> No.6269895

Australia is like what would happen if Texas and Florida fell off of America and formed a continent,

>> No.6269897

Damn I knew it was you this whole time Irwin. At least you got deported from Brittany for being a delinquent.

>> No.6269904

>Cowboys, Cubans and Jews

>> No.6269911

>, Crocodile Dundee type faggots, Abbos and Abbos

>> No.6269917

>implying abos arent less than 5% of the pop

>> No.6269942

thats like saying the USA consists of rednecks and native americans

>> No.6269948

>uk perfectly fine
>body chopped up in public
>london riots
>implying you arent middle east

>> No.6269975

As an Aussie going to jump right in and say that I was shocked at the amount of red-necks and radicalised idiots in your country compared to mine.
In the big cities too. Stay deluded though, our national image is totally accurate and there's no cause for you to question that, right.

>> No.6270003

do people actually say 'Aussie' outside of tv and movies?

>> No.6270010
File: 3 KB, 321x121, 1369869580837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like that was even what he asked. Please fuck off.

>> No.6270037


>hasn't watched the news in decades
>unaware of mass killings in the us every few weeks

muh freedums

>> No.6270058

>mass killings
Please explain to me what that is exactly.

>> No.6270072

>nationalistic shitposting

take it to /b/

>> No.6270070

Uh yes. I'm Australian and i say Straya too.

>> No.6270084


>> No.6270093
File: 51 KB, 500x667, SWAG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/Americunt pussies

>> No.6270101


I'm Australian...

>> No.6270110

>being this out of touch with the world as it is today

fuck man, I feel bad for you

>> No.6270107

Even worse.

>> No.6270122

>getting this mad at a stranger on 4chan
Fuck man, get a life.

>> No.6270133

>being this bad at basic reading comprehension
At no point did I express any kind of anger or resentment towards you, just pity. Now I pity you even more because you are both ignorant and stupid.

>> No.6270134

>insulting peoples countrys based on your own ignorant view of the world, on 4chan
fuck man, get a life

>> No.6270137

>even this board is flooded with the great britain vs america threads
>/fa/ i am disappointed in you

>> No.6270147

Mad was a bad choice in wording, I meant something more along the lines of "concerned".

>> No.6270164


what is a typo?

what is not have English as your first language?

>> No.6270173
File: 80 KB, 396x594, afghani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not mine either habibi ;)

>> No.6270172


Regardless of word choice you remain both stupid and ignorant and I remain just as not mad or concerned as I was before

>> No.6270175


In that case you should be more understanding towards small typographical errors

>> No.6270185

No, I don't have sympathy for those who can't master more than 2 or 3 languages.

>> No.6270187


>> No.6270190


Implying a error of three letters in any way represents a lack of understanding, a simple lapse in judgement is obviously what occured.

>> No.6270198

You're brain lacks the ability to cognitively, and properly, fashion together simple English concepts.

>> No.6270201


Speaking of the English language you seem to be such a scholar on,there's a word called 'mistake'. I suggest you look it up.

>> No.6270212

I am a perfect being and this word is not in my vocabulary ;)
>p.s. you didn't even call me out on my grammatical error

>> No.6270217


be more understanding towards small typographical errors

I follow my own principles.

>> No.6270225

>And there's nothing wrong with being scene
>nothing wrong with being scene
>being scene
Just kill yourself now

>> No.6270262

Win what?

>> No.6270271

Get a load of this guy

>> No.6270281


But the British make the best films.

Every American film has to have a 5/5 clap ending where Americans feel happy and don't choke on their burgers.

Americans ruin movies, look at 28 days later, you fucking Americans ruined that, you pieces of shit.

>> No.6270284

I'll just leave you with that.

>> No.6270286


Sorry I don't know what you're trying to say, mouth breather.

>> No.6270285


Are you fucking retarded?

We have the best comedians and the best TV shows, why don't you steal another one of our TV shows you obese faggot.

>> No.6270288

>stop liking what i don't like

>> No.6270289

>subjective forms of entertainment
This English delusion has gone too far.

>> No.6270291

>Zionists in Hollywood
I'll just leave you with that.

>> No.6270299

im american, and every time I visit the uk I have girls drooling all over me because of my accent

its just a shame british girls are filthy sluts

>> No.6270301

this always gets me
do people not understand how incest works?
if someone is am alone with a SMALL number of people in a BIG space (like idk ohio, north dekota, south dekota ect) incest happens becuase you CAN'T have a diverse family (also like no cops to stop it) if you have a SMALL area with HIGH POPULATION diversity is EASIER
also you can't have both with the whole
>england is full of muslams
>england is full of inbred fucks

ameristupid is not smart and can't into geography

>> No.6270306

its not subjective, they gross the most
top gear
exported and you folks lap it up
louis ck doesn't into africa, india, eastern europe
>but top gear does

>> No.6270309

Who the fuck lives in the Dakotas..? Oh that's right, people who don't matter.

>> No.6270318

right.. point still remains inbreeding doesn't occur in the UK
yet it does in the US
be gone with your shitty stereotype, its absurd

>> No.6270321

To be completely honest, not even trying to fuck with you Brits, no one here gives a fuck about Top Gear. Maybe 45 year old middle class white men, but no one else. England is irrelevant in America.

>> No.6270345

I ain't tryna fuck with murrica
can't really say that america is irrelevant to the average brit but I couldn't give a shit
canadas better
in large regardless of this the thread in general is foolish britbaiting and UK plens tryna streetwear are almost as bad as US plens doing likewise

>> No.6270347

>implying inbreeding doesn't happen everywhere on this autismal earth
You're putting 53 million people up to a little less than 700 thousand though, it wouldn't make sense to compare the two...

>> No.6270357

>being serious in race threads
all that boiled shit going through your head

>> No.6270365

The reason the rest of the world hates America is because of media. The only thing foreigners see are loud fat burger Christians in the south who make up a very small percentage. Most people who live on the coasts, which is pretty much everyone, are level headed agnostics who don't bother anyone. It's like how Muslims are painted in a bad light in western media when most of them are actually just chill people. Only the retards are shown.

>> No.6270369

>mass killings by individuals
>constant civil unrest by the public

>> No.6270371

>living in uk
>not being anything but a skinhead

fucking plebs everywhere

>> No.6270378


This faggot is from my town.

>Walk past college
>Suddenly tumblrcore everywhere

>> No.6270385

>We're the definition of classy!
>We're the definition of elegance!
>We're the definition of grace!

>> No.6270383

To be completely honest.

Everybody that isn't American thinks Americans are disgusting. They have the worst accents, especially the women, making them the LEAST attractive out of every nation on earth.

If I was born American I would kill myself.

>> No.6270386


I fail to see anything wrong with this.
It's just a bit of traditional fun.

>> No.6270388

Master Ruseman, is that you?

>> No.6270391

If Americans did it you would call them barbaric swine.

>> No.6270392


effay as fuck

>> No.6270394


No I wouldn't.

>> No.6270400


How the fuck am I ruseman? Americans do have the worst accents.

>> No.6270411

>your opinion
Now I know it's you.

>> No.6270410

There's a reason Americans pretend to be Canadian when they go on holiday.

>> No.6270414

Because they've realised that the autistic 5% of the population misrepresents the other normal 95% of them.

>> No.6270417
File: 152 KB, 434x558, 1357916955601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6270421
File: 155 KB, 500x750, rjudoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6270436


>muh guns
>muh healthcare
>muh debt
>muh hootin' and hollerin' at any chance
>muh superiority complex
>muh ugly accent
>muh freedums

>> No.6270459
File: 61 KB, 620x349, Stalin_print.jpg.crop_display-620x349[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread

>> No.6271841

You're from Sunderland? Me to mhannn.

>> No.6272154
File: 60 KB, 616x654, russelcreamsodamanjoneswhatkindofnameisthat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, us scene kids are all good looking enough to pull it off aren't we?

>> No.6273103

>British "People"
>always look high
>always look deformed
>society operates like a robocop movie
>women are ugly and plain or gussied up hussies
>men are all faggy and think that kissing men are ok
>black population is even more worthless than the American black population
>Grime music
>actually liking edm
>has a league of pompous asshole atheist comedians who are androgynous
>can't deal with their camel jockey problem like us
>has a huge ass clock as a national icon
>cloudy all the time
>Overrated band for white people called The Beatles
>Can't use the internet without shitting it up
>created the English language
>can't even speak it
>hasn't done anything relevant in music in years
>most known singer is a fat women who can't really sing
>cuisine is likened to shit you find on the bottom of a dumpster

Why the fuck do you guys even exist?

>> No.6273113
File: 225 KB, 496x346, everyday in britain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.6273114

Used to get the metro with this guy to college. Never even knew who he was- shat myself when I first saw his mug on /fa/.

This is also the first time I've seen other people from the north east. A-are you normals?

>> No.6273123

They have college in the UK?

>> No.6273132

>Tumblrcore in college

I don't get it. I thought you guys were supposed to be more mature than Americans. Yet on American campuses, there's no one dressing like high school kids. Even the freshmen. They're all in sweats, look like strung out pos going to classes.


>> No.6273150

Don't think you understand. Our college is pretty much still your highschool. We have school until 16 years of age, then we can optionally move into a college until we're 18 at which point we would then go into university, which would be your college.

>> No.6273161

scene boys are so god damn feminine and unenthusiastic about everything, you fags need to go to the military and the man the fuck up.

>> No.6273172

>wearing american money
dollar > pound

>> No.6273196

UK is just pure tumblrcore and club sluts

>> No.6273207

u wot m8

>> No.6273234
File: 40 KB, 635x500, 1363370575207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And there's nothing wrong with being scene

>> No.6273265

I have that same tshirt. Cool.

>> No.6273294
File: 23 KB, 627x556, summer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling someone a bigot when you yourself are intolerant of differing opinions
>using fascist as a pejorative