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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 63 KB, 1125x585, 1367493413446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6256688 No.6256688 [Reply] [Original]

>not created by a tripfag edition
>"t-t-talk shit p-post fit"

>> No.6256733

10/10 thread op

>> No.6256737

this thread is now unpure

>> No.6256744

should I play dressup or just wear sweats and a tee to a movie

>> No.6256783
File: 50 KB, 1125x585, 1370051264892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6256790


>> No.6256839
File: 205 KB, 310x734, le fuccboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit nowison

>> No.6256852
File: 570 KB, 734x979, paddington.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6256858


god damn it you perfect fuck

>> No.6256868

how do I into glorious long asian hair?

>> No.6256873
File: 54 KB, 1125x585, waywtscalped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6256874

What glasses?

The black + rings + long hair makes it look like you are in a rock band. Looks good though.

>> No.6256878

You've got really nice finger. Shoes?

>> No.6256888

Love the Skrillex hair

>> No.6256917

Thank you. also nice trips with the 8s. Asians love that shit.

Get an Asian mum.

They're Tom Ford Campbells in black. I sometimes play guitar for a friend's blues band, this was hanging out before I went off to play

Wearing an old pair of yohji boots.

are you wearing a cardi underneath the jacket?

>> No.6256923

no it's the lining

>> No.6256936

hair takes this fit to the nest level

dem textures m8

>> No.6256986


damn, so glorious.

>> No.6257036

i don't see the hype.
manlet crouching down wearing all black.
everything is so so.
guess i'm not ready for summerfagism yet.

>> No.6257067

bahahaha ahhh cry some more.

>>guess i'm not ready for summerfagism yet.
yet you embody it perfectly.

>>"t-t-talk shit p-post fit"
go on, show us all how it's done.

>> No.6257075

lol you're mud.
just don't like it sorry. looks like shit.
maybe you were squatting because when you stand your proportions are all fucked per usu.
too lazy to post a fit
too lazy to care what a manlet thinks

>> No.6257077

Jesus, post like this are disgusting

>> No.6257122

worst waywt yet

>> No.6257127

hhahahaha god you are so pathetic hahahaha

keep on living though, stick around to remind those people around how lucky they are that they're not you. hahahaa

>> No.6257135

sorry for hitting a softspot man.
just don't like it.
looks like shit.
sorry for calling you a manlet.

>> No.6257143
File: 726 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6257145

>>sorry for hitting a softspot man
writes these sad little man rants

hahaha ahhh man, thank you. You've really cheered me up on this rainy day, I'll remember that even at my worst it will always be miles ahead of you best.

Take care mate :)

>> No.6257154

I'm not a huge fan of that fit either but you're acting like a huge faggot. The mad jelly is self evident.


>> No.6257161

i think it looks good b

idk y u giv do's like that so much attention
hypertension ain no fun.

>> No.6257162

if you re laced your sneakers I think it would do wonders.

>> No.6257177

Cause I've got to be fair and see if they have real constructive arguments, it's pretty bullshit if I just brush off anyone who doesn't like my fits. I think I've always got room to improve and I definitely have had good advice from /fa/ once in a while.

Besides it becomes a Socratic dialogue with guys like that ranting and showing just how sad their lives must be.

But then again, you get a lot more hate than I do. So maybe you've dealt with it more.

>> No.6257179

fit is p bad doe

>> No.6257183

bretty gud
got any pics of the shoes?

also 'im gay for your hair
shit sometimes i wish i was born asian

>> No.6257188
File: 1.33 MB, 967x972, 31-05-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6257192

w2c shoes?

>> No.6257193


okay do'

>> No.6257200

It's one of the best fits I've seen on waywt. TSPF

>> No.6257203

eh i dont like it
shoes are nice though

>> No.6257217
File: 49 KB, 479x717, cdf0ffd26c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta say, pretty sure you can goto the salon and get hair straightened to me like mine, go ask a hairdresser if you want it :D

and I don't have a pic of the boots on hand, but they're these except with a commando sole instead of a cuban heel.

>> No.6257213



>> No.6257215
File: 42 KB, 300x250, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is it a socratic dialogue no one learns anything from throwing shit???

>> No.6257221

>But then again, you get a lot more hate than I do. So maybe you've dealt with it more.
>mifune fires shot at turnfaggot
>top lel

>> No.6257224


>> No.6257237

why block out your face now if we've seen your ugly face before m8

>> No.6257239

we've learnt that shit talk is shit but you've gotta give shit talkers a chance to contribute, if they insist on still acting like cunts, cut them down.

lol no shots bruv

still one of my favourite cops

>> No.6257246

hehe nice try bruv
>>i've never posted a face pic
>>you've seriously gotta be kidding if you i'd ever put one up on 4chan

>> No.6257252


>> No.6257269
File: 158 KB, 350x575, mifune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your face is on my computer

>> No.6257270

Damn nigga, you look tiny. How tall/weight?

>> No.6257322

I'm seated you dummy, notice how my knees are bent?


heheheheheh man i wanna be that cool one day, also going to try and recreate that fit

that's a swing and a miss with the leggings and rolled up capris, the idea is good, but you're gonna have to keep trying bruv.

>> No.6257329

Indeed but didn't mean to offend you. Nothing's wrong with tiny. Just genuinely wondering how tall/weight you were.

>> No.6257337

He lines his heels with unused early drafts of contracts and legalese

>> No.6257344

haha dude sorry i forgot to put in a smiley face, i was just taking the piss, cause obviously i'd look tiny given i'm seated. No offence taken.

I'm 178cms-72 kilos. the julius heels are huge, so they add about 4cms.

hahahahahah this is best thing i've ever read.

>> No.6257353

my hair is straight, the problem is that it is too fine/thin, and gets oily too easily
i have short hair now though so it no longer matters

pretty cool boots btw. where did you cop?

>> No.6257385

fit-wise everything nice
however your pants are black and your jacket is navy, and colorblocking those is like a cardinal sin to me for some reason
idk it'll be more obvious if you zip it up
looks like a perfect day for a waywt pic
i personally don't subscribe to the bighueggraphixonsweater vibe
it looks nice for hanging out though
this is an interesting idea. I think that maybe 3/4 pants with the leggings underneath might work a little better, maybe even cropping the same pair to that length.

>> No.6257409
File: 21 KB, 299x576, 2013-05-31 23.07.07-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw pale skinny/fat fuccboi

>> No.6257411


you're too skinnyfat for tanks

>> No.6257414

hypebeast core

>> No.6257427

how so?

>> No.6257432

get a tan, eat a steak and lift some weight and it will look good

>> No.6257437

You won't be able to pull that tank unless you're black.

>> No.6257443

unless you're either
>super skinny

don't wear tanks

>> No.6257459

not anon.

will do, ill start lifting.
okay, thanks for the advice

>> No.6257474
File: 517 KB, 1600x1200, effayuniform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6257485

for the love of god

see what you guys started with this whole leggings bandwagon???!!!!!!!

>> No.6257488

thats not how u do shorts+leggings


>those shoes

>> No.6257496

fuck the haters, looks pretty aite

>> No.6257502

so show me how
also post a fit or kickrocks

>> No.6257509

nice pikachu

>> No.6257561

maybe people hate this because it is bad.

>> No.6257592
File: 288 KB, 577x1491, 01may13(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

repost but probs the same fit I will wear tonight. Didn't get any replies last time I posted it

Also, white pocket square, or purple with small white polka dots? Would the latter be a bit too gay?

>> No.6257625

pls respond

>> No.6257630


i dig the shoes

>> No.6257639

>fit-wise everything nice
>however your pants are black and your jacket is navy, and colorblocking those is like a cardinal sin to me for some reason
jacket is black

>> No.6257726
File: 331 KB, 480x800, 2013-06-01 13.20.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6257739

hey i remember you
you're that fuccboi who bragged about getting complimented for dressing good and then posted a really bad dadcore fit

>> No.6257746

yup. wouldn't call it bragging tho bc i wasn't sure if it was sarcasm or not lol

>> No.6257753

how much / how long did it take to straighten all that, i have really wavy dry disgusting semi-black people hair (think stretched out ramen noodles) and tried growing it out but the sheer volume of my hair makes it look like a helmet, and I decided to just cut it tomorrow. Will attempt again in the future tho

>> No.6257758

y so defensive
maybe it's because
you're a

>> No.6257778

he may not be a complete manlet but he certainly shows signs of small dick syndrome

>> No.6257779

Take this shit back to /fit/

>> No.6257806

lol you look like shit. i don't like your fit, big woop. come at me ya big baby. hair is cool.

>> No.6257809
File: 191 KB, 600x1200, pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

repost cause barely any replies last thread

>> No.6257815

lol ur ded alreayd what u doin here

>> No.6257816

>77 posts
>8 fits
>most posts are in response to one trip

Never change /fa/

>> No.6257818

I like the jacket and pants.
how much did you pay for your flyknits
also w2c

>> No.6257819

its allright...im not a fan of capris on men but watev floats your boat....what ethnicity are you? jw bc tan skin

>> No.6257823

youre dressing a lot better than other fits ive seen you in, looks decent

offtopic but would shave that goatee (person pref though)
and besides that fit is good (not really a fan of rings either though), you should outline the pieces next time

would definitely change those shoes, looks fine otherwise

bottom half looks pretty retarded, why are you squating and the tights just look goofy


>> No.6257827


simple but fine

did you crop them pants yourself

>> No.6257835

flyknits restocked on nike.com so retail price


yeah was testing out combinations like that
peruvian & polish

>> No.6257839

nah its just uniqlo

>> No.6257840 [DELETED] 

not ded, just been lurkin

>> No.6257846

not ded, jus been lurkin

>> No.6257848
File: 983 KB, 500x376, daphne.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>youre dressing a lot better than other fits ive seen you in, looks decent
t-thanks. you t-too...

>> No.6257849

dig it

>> No.6257858

thanks dan

>> No.6257859

don't wear tanks if u auchwitz mode, no one wants to see that

>> No.6257863


>> No.6257865

looks really nice
>dat crop
>dat flyknit
bad fitting pants+jacket, good shoes, come on, you could do so much stuff with those
uh... what colors are you wearing
almost true
gr9 shoes
get that upper-arm tan going man
that tank is hard to pull off, you can do it though
i feared that as well, black with almost-black can sometimes as annoying. it's really a case-by-case kind of thing though

>> No.6258008

>i feared that as well, black with almost-black can sometimes as annoying. it's really a case-by-case kind of thing though
lol they match fine irl. shitty i4 camera

>> No.6258038
File: 493 KB, 1708x2815, dee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hair is a mess coz last nite was ruff

>> No.6258041

are you colorblind
absolutely horrendous

>> No.6258059

Copped the boots from a boutique in Hong Kong called IT

it was a beautiful day, a new girl took me on a picnic date. It was well nice.

I fee like I've seen you at a music festival

It's only too gay if you use it to wipe the cum from your mouth, if in doubt go with the classic white.

The goatee goes with the moustache, I've got Hiroki tier facial hair... If i only had the goatee I'd probably banish myself. Which piece do you want to know about? And it's waywt custom not to list individual items incase labels sway opinions.

oh man... you're gonna hate me... I kinda wake up with my hair looking like that... seriously...

>>thinks that was defensive, no wonder you're dead :D

>> No.6258060

u dont like the socks?!?

>> No.6258069

I don't think the colour pop with the red socks works with the rest of the outfit bruv. If you had something else that was red, even just a touch on the top half would encourage the viewer to go up and down, but this just draws you to the red socks and makes you wonder.

The rest of it pretty solid

>> No.6258070

> no staxx
Nigga u even tryin?


>> No.6258075

did you get the new girl to take the waywt photo? How did you explain what the photo was for?

>> No.6258079

I've seen some bad stuff from you mif but this genuinely looks really good. What jacket is that?

Fuck why am I even asking, the shit you wear is always in the hundreds.

>> No.6258081

>aye bitch take a snap of my sick fit so i can show it to /fa/

>> No.6258086

The only deliberate photos i do for waywt are usually the kmart pics and a few by colleagues.

The rest of them, like a few of the yohji fits and this one are just incidental photos.

I was smiling at a little girl who had wandered on our picnic rug and the new girl jut snapped it and sent it to me. I didn't even know she took it. I'm smiling like an idiot.

>> No.6258091

>I was smiling at a little girl

fuckn pedo get trashed bet you wanted to try her on for a fit u sik fuk

>> No.6258097

damn and you ruined that special photo by posting it on 4chan for a bunch of ill-adjusted pricks.

>> No.6258098

I definitely have had misses, but I think you forget I post a few of them KNOWING that it's not working. I always appreciate good feedback on how to improve outfits :)

ummm yeah... that jacket ain't cheap... sorry... but at least it's not leather and thus immediately in the thousands.

>> No.6258099

yeah, i just thought the fit needed something else,
normally i would've just opted for no show socks,
but the occasion i was going to seemed as though nobody would give a fk, which was true

>> No.6258104

hehe nah, only she has seen the smile which was at the little girl having a laugh but more for her cause it was really nice of her to take me on a picnic.

I like it when girls take initiative and take the guys out. She seems to be a keeper

>> No.6258107

lol I think the coloured socks was a good idea, but going for such an obvious red... that said, it may have appeared less in your face in person.

>> No.6258139

awwww miffy :3

>> No.6258145
File: 1.50 MB, 1536x2304, DSC_0333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's not very good but I'm stuck with it I'm afraid.


>> No.6258154

looks basic and cool.

>> No.6258155
File: 247 KB, 500x377, tumblr_mltwc7zbGd1qkl009o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no defined jaw like this fuccboi
>tfw I will never be able to get a buzzcut and go full gothninja

>> No.6258156

I'm into it and your look. You're like a German professor who takes part in sadomasochism on Saturdays.

>> No.6258157
File: 295 KB, 500x377, 1369305654640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6258159

fuck I posted my face on /mu/ once and someone said exactly the same thing.

>> No.6258164

it's definitely not bad,
the only thing i'd suggest changing would be the shoes,
i wouldnt say it's an urgent change, but u should consider replacing them with a similar looking shoe, as long as they arent docs,
also, those glasses arent doing u any favours

>> No.6258165
File: 81 KB, 1024x768, nihilist-fight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6258166

make rick balder

>> No.6258167

You can wear anything with that jawline, Christ. Lose the glasses and you're basically a B class model.

>> No.6258171

It's a good thing. You've got this badass academic thing going on which is almost impossible to pull off.

>> No.6258179

Not him but the docs work perfectly with that fit and his buzzed head (lol)

>> No.6258182
File: 1.55 MB, 1536x2304, DSC_0334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah glasses are an issue for me, they all look bad on me. Might opt to contacts.

Is this fit less 'nihilistic'? I think the sweater doesn't really go with the indigo

>> No.6258185

first fit is better

>> No.6258190

wats that sweater

>> No.6258191

now you look like a dad, go back to the first fit you fuccer. Also stop doing that shit with your legs.

>> No.6258193

fuccboi what is he even doing with his legs???

>> No.6258194

>These poses.
Holy fuck, the autism.

>> No.6258196
File: 295 KB, 499x377, 1370071045919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6258198

>oh man... you're gonna hate me... I kinda wake up with my hair looking like that... seriously...
didn't you say above that you went to a salon to get it straightened

>> No.6258200

nigga how can u say a pose is autism like the autist is urself m7

>> No.6258203

Read what you just typed.

>> No.6258210

no issue with the first bruv, I love nihilists.

Also sweet jersey on the wall there

>> No.6258211


Are you fucking dense?? He's spreading his legs like he's a dinosaur or something. Just stand casually with your legs straight jeeeeez can it be that hard??

>> No.6258213
File: 22 KB, 300x252, gg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6258218
File: 290 KB, 499x377, 1370071045919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6258222


>> No.6258224

OMG this is the huge nerd who's badmouthing your shit while he's a fuccbo£i in a dadcore outfit

Your tiny head on that body damn it

>> No.6258230
File: 183 KB, 640x480, goobitub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6258231

The worst with this dadcore nigger fuccboï is that he's genetically blessed, but he's too idiot to have a proper haicut and wear glasses oh motherfucker

>> No.6258247

He's fugly but with a nice jaw, that's it. He has no fucking eyelids.

>> No.6258249

I like that jacket bbe

>> No.6258260

Insight or something
Bought it from a boutique thinking it was high quality hand made niche brand but turns out its a huge company :(. It's built weird as fuck but not problems wid it

>> No.6258265

<3 u miff

>> No.6258293

What shoes are they? Can you post some close-ups, they are really nice!

>> No.6258303

>why does my son dress like that

>> No.6258406 [DELETED] 
File: 1.03 MB, 1536x2048, waywt01june13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what colours are you wearing
grey trousers
white shirt
navy blazer
white pocket square
black shoes and belt

Here's a better-lit picture that I took earlier. Going to leave in a couple of hours

>> No.6258416
File: 282 KB, 625x1549, waywt01june13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what colours are you wearing
grey trousers
white shirt
navy blazer
white pocket square
black shoes and belt

Here's a better-lit picture that I took earlier. Going to leave in a couple of hours

>> No.6258520

anybody? thoughts?

>> No.6258531

Everytime, I look down to the shoes first, because they always look really goofy on you and it's hilarious..

>> No.6258534

its not very well executed
like, if it fit great id look over the fact that youre too young for a suit
buuuut yeah

>> No.6258545


>dat 2edgy4me scarface look.

Lose the chain and touch your hair up a bit more.

>> No.6258557


nigga where da fuk are you going dressed like that?

>> No.6258564

Shitty belt
Shitty hair
Get that chest pocket cloth out if you don't know how
Button that shirt up proper
Are you seriously wearing a necklace with your suit

>> No.6258591

what aspect of it doesn't fit well? It's a 34 chest, whereas I'm normally a 36. It's very slim. And yes, I know I'm young.

Fancy club/bar in the city. The people there are a little older/corporate crowd, so it fits in a bit better

m9 my BMI is like, 19. I'm 5'6 110lb

>> No.6258607

According to my calculator 5'6 110lb would be already underweight

Coupled with the obvious bulge on your shirt I think you're making shit up

>> No.6258631 [DELETED] 
File: 455 KB, 1844x1500, standarddadcore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6258701

cardigan looks shitty.

>> No.6258703

u spray it w/ starch and iron it

>> No.6258741
File: 32 KB, 417x569, 111156485858701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything need to change ?

>> No.6258743

no bb u r purfekt

>> No.6258745

what ?

>> No.6258770

gookin lood

>> No.6258792

dat file name

>> No.6258813
File: 1.47 MB, 2448x3264, 20130530_135648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i /fa/?

>> No.6258817

killer bed sheets bruh bruh. is that a bay blue fleece blanket under your pillow. son whut r u doin

>not spreading it out under the doona for maximum comfy levels

>> No.6258819

Naah its not a fleece blanket its just another pillow

>> No.6258821

looks 2 flat for pillow i am calling bull poop

>> No.6258823
File: 137 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for shit quality and angle lol

>> No.6258832

and shit fit

>> No.6258831
File: 1.96 MB, 2448x3264, 20130530_135302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pillows dont have to be shaped like a turtle

Is white better? pic related

>> No.6258834

burn those pants

>> No.6258835

yes white is better

looks nice, what material are those trousers tho?

>> No.6258837


>> No.6258840


you know why

>> No.6258842

Cause you're afraid of wearing anything thats not black?

>> No.6258843

throw in a light blue chambray shirt on top of the henley, leave it unbuttoned

wear black jeans. take off the watch it doesnt really fit the aesthetic im trying to school you on.

>> No.6258844

Because they are too /effay/ for you mere plebeian?

>> No.6258847

its like 95 degrees here. Not Layering

>> No.6258852

just wear the henley with jeans then. whats your shoe game like?

>> No.6258853

yes ;_;

>> No.6258864
File: 1.54 MB, 3264x2448, 20130601_232323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either of these
Knew it

>> No.6258881

Normal cheap monday stretch jeans the fit of them just looks fucked up in this pic

>> No.6258897


jesus fucking christ you're my size but male, and I'm a size FR 32

how are you alive?? pls eat

>> No.6258903

from the light they looked kinda suede-y thats all

>> No.6258904

fatty I'm 6'1 and 112 pounds

>> No.6258936
File: 420 KB, 2048x1536, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh god okay bby, enjoy being a skeletron

pic related, probably what you look like whilst your bf gives you the ol' reach-around

>> No.6258950

how are you even alive hungry skeleton?

>> No.6258974

absolutely disgusting

scum of the earth



>> No.6258980

Make a thread on /pol/ about your experience at Auschwitz

>> No.6258988
File: 584 KB, 1200x1600, poo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone buy me some shoes, I'm so broke

>> No.6258989

holy shit he's fucking hideous

>> No.6258997
File: 13 KB, 305x198, jewzers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m-muh 6 million

>> No.6258996

He has Marfan syndrome, what do you expect

>> No.6259019

looks p cool, i like your shorts

>> No.6259024
File: 729 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_0182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they slvr

u kik rocks

>> No.6259040
File: 1.16 MB, 1272x2477, WAYWT23 june 1st 2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6259057


those are fucking ugly

>> No.6259058

what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.6259061

usually your fits look nice, even if boring but honestly that sucks. nice trousers though.

>> No.6259062

i like your pants, what are they?

>> No.6259082



Tailored strellson L-James

>> No.6259110

Your fits are great, but your execution is poor.

>> No.6259167
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Repost from like two days ago.

>> No.6259182

Still one of the best fits since a long time

>> No.6259186

Thanks, man.

>> No.6259197

u need 2 grow coke nails and paint em 4 dat stremph

>> No.6259207

what music do you listen to

>> No.6259234
File: 21 KB, 300x375, 1300044236701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you've posted enough identifying shit--house, sister, hoes, multiple fits, personal info--that hiding your face from possible IRL connections is a pointless exercise

whatevs doe, you're entertaining

>> No.6259255

>And it's waywt custom not to list individual items incase labels sway opinions

'cept for kmart

>> No.6259258

he's been pretty vague about all his info. Fits aren't going to identify him and what personal info?

Besides, he's Asian. He's gonna be able to hide behind another billion lookalikes

>> No.6259265

he takes shots inside kmart it has nothing to do with the designer labels. are you a retard?

>> No.6259280

>Besides, he's Asian. He's gonna be able to hide behind another billion lookalikes
the other billion asians will be able to id him

>> No.6259284

looks great, what kind of shirt is that?

>> No.6259285

w2c jacket?

>> No.6259288

I think that's a myth, asians just claim they can identify each other so white people seem more racist.

>> No.6259304


Dope fit.

Textures are awesome!

>> No.6259318

A long sleeve I found from Cheap Monday.

>> No.6259422

eh, the pic is much better but with formal outfits the subtle shades of color can make or break it. also, lose the necklace
wtf is going on around your feet
fat cuff, and those socks, and those shoes again
top half good though
bottom half is great. the pose makes the shoes look awkward but i still think its good.
dunno if we can save the bad sweater fit though
i agree that the first was cooler
great fit, i'd prefer the pants not be so tight
great and simple. I don't know about pairing a workshirt-type thing with all black, but that's just nitpicking\
do what >>6258843 says
nice shirt, hate the color and roll of the shorts
shoes should be fine though
ehh the tee looks so casual in comparison with your good formal bottom half

>> No.6259489

top lel

>> No.6259521
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I really like this.

>> No.6259528

woke up with a sore throat

>> No.6259535

what bomber is that

>> No.6259540

they look a bit like y3 kubos

>> No.6259542

looks like quilted river island kacket

>> No.6259549

wat snappy are u wearing my boy

>> No.6259598

dude your neck is huge, head is small and feet are large as fuck, whate the fuck is wrong with your proportions?

>> No.6259620
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Asians recognize people by bone structure. Whites tend to put more emphasis hair style/color and eyes instead of bones. Part of it is association, which is why all blacks look the same to me. Some of my international students friends from Asia have a hard time telling apart non-Asians.

>> No.6259659

My camera is broken but I am wearing a Levi Trucker jacket, plain white tee, 508s (the colours are different enough that it doesn't look like a Canadian Tuxedo) and Doc Martens. Pretty pointless without a picture but oh well.

>> No.6259671

i'd like this btter with low docs tbh

>> No.6259756

>tfw girls think they're cute
>tfw strangers coming up asking me where I bought them
>comfiest kicks

>> No.6259789

Nope, nose/eyes are the main factors, but jaw/cheek structure helps too.

Of course it'd be silly to expect non-asians to able to identify like that, though.

>> No.6259792

w2c top

>> No.6259840
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>> No.6259846

not you

>> No.6259853

Why say that? Got any real feedback?

>> No.6259858
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Just showered

>> No.6259863

Don't be a padhole.

>> No.6259865

>Just showered
>wears shades while showering

>> No.6259894

w2c that jacket m8

>> No.6259943

u rlly want feedback? throw all your stuff away, its miserable, you look like a little slut

>> No.6259960

jacket is asian-momcore
like i'm not kidding every asian woman over 20 has a similar jacket in that color
more pics of dogu

>> No.6259986
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Thanks for feedback

>> No.6260002


I like the contrast between top and bottom, but I think it's a little too much in this fit. You could try changing your shoes with a pair of brogue, and maybe wear a pair of pants without the crease.

>> No.6260035

The clothes would be looking rather nice on you if you'd were at least 6'0. I don't see the point of your trying.

>> No.6260055

Go away /fit/

>> No.6260082

What /fit/ has to do with height? Can you work out to become taller for 6 inches? No, you can't. Pitying the manlet is the common sense.

>> No.6260100

>tfw 5'11'.999999999999'' masterrace

>> No.6260105

/fit/ is full of insecure manlet trolls, hence take that shit back there.

>> No.6260106

you're still better than mif tho

>> No.6260112

Damn, answered to wrong post, that was meant for >>6256852
A manlet should group with manlets.

>> No.6260120
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he dresses better than you

get over it

pic rel, 5'9"

>> No.6260173

Void fits are good. By the way, we are talking not about me and not about void, why are you trying to change the subject so desperately? If mifune'd be at least his height, his fits would be much better. Too bad mif is 4 inches smaller.

>> No.6260184

I don't understand how someone could wear used sneakers. I mean used by someone else besides him for a few years. Isn't it, well, disgusting?

>> No.6260186


master ruseman

>> No.6260190


mif is 5'10"

>> No.6260191

I share his point and I bet you eat other peoples' leftovers when you clear after them in McDonalds.

>> No.6260195


no, not if you aren't mastered by the fallacious petite-bourgeoisie idea of cleanliness

>> No.6260196

no he isn't

>> No.6260199

Food is still food and you are a retard of thinking otherwise.

>> No.6260207

Please elaborate how this could be considered good.
Protip: none of the clothing above except sneaks and socks fits.

>> No.6260208

Why do you feel as though someone's height is so important for fits? The shorter fellows are doing the best with what our lord and savior gave them...

Calling a fit shitty just because of the guy's height is immature and retarded, and a good indicator of your own insecurity
>inb4 you call me a manlet, I'm 6ft2 and a qt

>> No.6260219

There are clothes which look good on tall persons and look awkward on average persons. There are clothes which look good on average persons and look awkward on tall persons. There are no clothes which look good on manlets. Care to prove otherwise? I'm all ears.

>> No.6260220


welcome to /fa/ newfaf

>> No.6260226

The most considerable point is that it's not actually his clothes looking bad, it's mifune who looks bad. Not his fit is a failure, but mifune is a failure himself.

>> No.6260231

As expected you can't. Learn how to choose clothing that fits, then come back.

>> No.6260233
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as expected, you are new

>> No.6260237


what do you consider to be average

>> No.6260248



>> No.6260251
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wooster here

5'5 master race

>> No.6260257

So >>6260120 equals >>6260233 for you? What a fucking autist are you.

>> No.6260258


>> No.6260264


it's to point out that your mfa-style rules do not always apply

a lot of designers' work is amazing because they say "fuck the rules"

>> No.6260266


>> No.6260272

>a lot of designers' work
>blank tee which doesn't fit
>retarded pants which don't fit
u wot m8

>> No.6260281

ITT: defensive manlets

>> No.6260296
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>implying scalping involves the removal of the skull

>> No.6260322
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>> No.6260327

how do they not fit lol

>> No.6260335


>> No.6260346

i like the shoes, but the shorts are terrible

then again, i've never seen shorts over leggings done well

>> No.6260370

lurk more

>> No.6260375


do you not know what cropped pants are

>> No.6260383

that goes for you not for me
answer the question

>> No.6260388

messing with the size of clothing can achieve a more interesting aesthetic/silhouette, it doesn't all have to fit a certain way. applying this style to a basic tee is very common and allows for it to give the impression of being more than what it is

>> No.6260395

Yeah, they fit perfect

>> No.6260409

brandon boii has a more beautiful soul than all you fart sniffers

>> No.6260415

So you need to be spoonfed that much, eh?

Tee is too wide on shoulders (not as wide to be considered oversized though). His sleeves are too wide (not as wide to be considered oversized as well). Fit on chest is okay but everything below looks baggy and just awful.
Pants are too short to be considered default and too long to be properly cropped.

inb4 hysterical answers like HURR DURR THAT WAS INTENDED YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND DESIGNER CLOTHES GO BACK TO MFA (by the way since when you've got the impression it's mfa who have a right to decide which fits and which isn't? That was just silly) POST A FIT YOURSELF and so on and so on.
You're easily predictable after all.

>> No.6260421

samefag is so obvious lmao. put your trip back on, stop being so defensive

>> No.6260426
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some people wear oversized tees

>> No.6260427

>a lot of designers' work is amazing because they say "fuck the rules"
>applying this style to a basic tee is very common
You are so inconsistent.

>> No.6260436

So will you put your trip back or you won't. Also, learn to read.

>> No.6260443

buncha honkeys

>> No.6260448


why do you think i have a trip

>> No.6260459

>some people wear oversized tees
>Tee is too wide on shoulders (not as wide to be considered oversized though)
>His sleeves are too wide (not as wide to be considered oversized as well)
Autism at its finest.

>> No.6260465


so what?

>> No.6260477


Yep this is where people go wrong. It's why just buying an XXL t shirt from somewhere will look like shit, if you want oversized you need one that's been made specially that way

>> No.6260478

So his tee isn't oversized, it's just a tee with a bad fit.

>> No.6260480

>to be considered oversized
>to be considered

where are you getting these standards from?

>> No.6260489

lurk more. this goes to you and you only my summerfag friend.

>> No.6260509

i'm not summer
void's tee doesn't fit super well esp the lower half but its far from not fitting at all, and it's obvious he made the shirt that way on purpose
why does it matter exactly where his pants are cropped? people wear their pants at so many different lengths I don't see how you can think there is a 'proper' length to crop @ esp. when its casual

>> No.6260544

If you make something on purpose that doesn't mean it's good. Think about it.

>> No.6260569



it's not about being spoonfed it's about you qualifying your opinions on a fit instead of just saying 'it doesnt fit'

i didnt say it was a good fit I think its ok but thats beside the point
people should give crit. that goes beyond
>retarded pants which don't fit

>> No.6260658

178 cms is 5'10. All this shit talk and no fits. Fuccbois moaning about supposed inferiors being more stylish than them. You lose.

>> No.6260871

I really like your shirt
It's a shame the white ones in my size are all sold out ;_; wanted to cop one