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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 77 KB, 612x612, 68b91658c91711e2b60722000a9f09f0_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6250585 No.6250585 [Reply] [Original]

how did bai afford a rolex

>> No.6250590

you dont want one. rolex is pleb tier. poor people thinking they got a nice watch or rich people who have no taste and no idea what theyre doing.

>> No.6250597

through hard work and frugality B)

>> No.6250598

He has a well paying position in the field of fashion.

>> No.6250600

By working at a fasssshun house who charges mad dough to them costumers for goods made in china and relabeled as made sumwhere else

>> No.6250601

This. They're worth more as a symbol of prestige than as an aesthetically pleasing accessory.

>> No.6250604

mommy and daddy

>> No.6250607

Jesus H. Christ you're an angry little /fa/ggot.

>> No.6250611

where did he say that?

>> No.6250609

he said he had a mill by age 21 which i dont think came from hard work but idk tbh

>> No.6250625

Is the bubble at the top off centre?

>> No.6250631

Sometime sieg figure that his eames chair was fake, so idk. this can be a replica

>> No.6250629
File: 171 KB, 1400x900, LM1-WG-PROFILE_preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why? i know enough about watches to be able to tell you this in all honesty. just dont buy a rolex.
heres what you want to get: Sarpaneva, A Lange & Söhne, Philippe Dufour, MB&F, Cyrus, Greubel Forsey, Linde Werdelin, Franck Müller, Harry Winston, Thomas Prescher, Christophe Claret, HYT

if youre going to spend a lot of money on a watch, do it right.

>> No.6250632

Lel'd a bit at this when I saw it on instagram. Should've gotten an IWC instead.

>> No.6250640

an ask on his tumblr, he said something like

`i did what what a lot of others dont do and had a cool mil by 21` or something fuck idk

>> No.6250642

lel i remember that

bai shows off so hard

>> No.6250645
File: 163 KB, 740x871, SSB series.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same way most people do: by having an income and saving up. It's overrated to all hell but let them have their fun.

If anyone's interested, the most recent watch movement that has caught my interest is the VK/6T series by Seiko, 2011. They're being sold by Time Module, a company set up by Seiko money in Hong Kong for sale to third parties. What's interesting about this movement is that it is a quartz chronograph that has a chrongraph second hand that moves at 1/5 sec. intervals, creating that mechanical "sweep" look. So far, the movements can be found in the Seiko SSB series, some Wired chronographs (a Seiko subsidiary), the Techné Sparrowhawk II, and a few other odd brands. Really want to get my hands on one because they're relatively cheap as chronographs go, have the accuracy of quartz, but the aesthetic appeal of mechanicals.

pic related watches contain the 6T63/VK63

>> No.6250650

>Hi Mom I made it! Rolex Submariner Date 116610LN

>> No.6250652


this. everything about these things is ugly. literally everything.

>> No.6250653

how much does that watch cost

>> No.6250658

All ugly.

>> No.6250663

Oh, okay, that's why so many other brands mimic the entire aesthetic.

In b4 you say something stupid like "they're just trying to make it look like the status symbol!!"

>> No.6250665

Rolexes are shit. Daniel Wellington watches are much higher quality. Everything about DW watches are better.

>> No.6250674

why is /fa/ jerking bai so hard recently

he hasn't posted on sufu in like a year and a half but all the fuccbois just now finding out about him because tinfoil posted a few of his fits

>> No.6250681

TOP fucking LEL.

>> No.6250683

Yeah, especially that logo of theirs.

>> No.6250691

I just went to the rolex site and it asked me "Would you let us help you finding your watch"
it was fucking pleb, like uber basic luxury sense

>> No.6250710

Are you fucking dense? Rolex makes a variety of watches in all shapes and sizes. It would only make sense to sort through these.

>> No.6250720

>implying brands don’t strongly rely on their function as status symbols

damn, i lol’d hard.

you literally made the dumbest post i ever had the misfortune to come upon on /fa/.

>> No.6250717

you dont want one. aston martin is pleb tier. poor people thinking they got a nice car or rich people who have no taste and no idea what theyre doing.

you dont want one. brioni is pleb tier. poor people thinking they got a nice suit or rich people who have no taste and no idea what theyre doing.

you dont want one. aston martin is pleb tier. poor people thinking they got a nice car or rich people who have no taste and no idea what theyre doing.

>> No.6250729


Your troll prowess is weak.

>> No.6250743
File: 142 KB, 600x600, wired chrono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh feelings are h-hurt.

I actually don't like their look much either (except for the panda dial). The SSB series is pretty low-budget: they don't even have lume and the bracelets are all folded steel. I'm more interested in the movement. The 6T63 has a 24hr subdial that annoys me because it's so redundant. The VK67 has a better subdial layout with 6-9-12, subseconds-chronohours-chronominutes. Unfortunately, they only come in Wired watches, which are only sold in Asian markets and all have worse designs, or Invictas, which are equally bad for me.


>> No.6250741

>Having any kind of expertise in horology.

You faggots need to get your asses to the watchuseek forum. They will sort out any misconceptions and answer any questions you may have on any watch.

>> No.6250751

That's an obvious fake.

>> No.6250774

lol. you didnt get it, did you? rolex isnt the equivalent of an aston or a brioni suit. its an overpriced shit tier brand for stupid people. learn something about watches dude. i posted a long list of manufacturers you want to buy from in >>6250629

>> No.6250778
File: 17 KB, 250x250, constanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw i realize you probably are lurking with an ipad while wearing raybans and some cheap t-shirt with a nasty brand logo slapped on

>> No.6250783

the fashion equivalent of buying a rolex is buying tshirt with the givenchy logo

>> No.6250791


if i spot someone on the street wearing a rolex, i suspect he’s got a small dick.

if i spot someone wearing a lange & söhne, i instantly realize this person knows their shit.

(pro-tip: internally, bmw likes to compare their top lines to lange & söhne)

>> No.6250798

congrats on making false assumptions that cannot be further from the truth

>> No.6250812

>if i spot someone on the street wearing a rolex, i suspect he’s got a small dick.
What is "projection"?

>> No.6250847

listen, son. you’ve already proofen that even the basic principles branding are pretty much a mistery to you.

stop spending your parents money on iphone cases and shiny sneakers.

/fa/ doens’t reflect how the world works, you know?

>> No.6250857

Spring drive master race

>> No.6250873


>> No.6250877


i'll bet they could be further from the truth

>> No.6250883

Rolex in OP's photo is fake.

>> No.6250890

So can someone actually provide reasons as to why Rolexs are shit

>> No.6250893

Nope. I'm actually an immaterial trans-dimensional being in another galaxy, communicating to your anime message board via teletechnicalpathy and have no need for carbon based technology or "clothing".

>> No.6250900

Little to no exclusivity.

>> No.6250906

Rolex in pic is fake. I know because I have one that is identical.

>> No.6250909

what kind of editing does he do in all his pics there's always a really nice relaxing white milky layer over the picture its easy on th e eyes

>> No.6250912

It's fake because of the obvious flaws on the watch.

>> No.6250914

i don't see enough of it to be 100% but from the magnification on the date it seems fake, yes.
a mixture of slight overexposure and bokeh would be my guess.

>> No.6250920

What is his job?

>> No.6250931

That and the crown is incorrect.

>> No.6250932
File: 30 KB, 302x236, Screen Shot 2013-05-31 at 02.47.11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he simply cut the dark tonal values. in my opinion, this destroys the picture.

>> No.6250947

something business related for acne

>> No.6250954

i would love to see that on my business card.

>> No.6250957
File: 572 KB, 800x600, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on pain.net I usually just go to adjustments then saturation/hue then raise the lightness
pic related
25% lightness added

>> No.6250969
File: 35 KB, 500x334, tumblr_m17ybqxp5n1qiwc5qo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>25% lightness added

>> No.6250970
File: 132 KB, 658x671, IMG_20130531_104957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

geos are like a third of his height and his gf is probably a good foot taller than him

stop wasting ur breath on this snooty midget

>> No.6250984


>> No.6251023


What's so difficult to understand about anon's post?

Go into saturation/hue on photoshop and put lightness on 25.

>> No.6251024


jealous much

>> No.6251317

that and he stretches his pics lel

>> No.6251750
File: 210 KB, 786x991, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish everyone would stop lumping all Rolexes in together. I'm in full beat-the-overpaid-plebs-with-their-own-90mm-watches agreement on Rolex's current lineup. But vintage Rolex?

They were high end techwear just two eras ago, perfect incarnations of, and now monuments to, the human impulse to do things intensely and well, which includes doing them with beauty. They were tools for doing things like climbing Everest, navigating a plane over long distances, or doing scientific research in the roughest conditions. They were meant to be used and beat up, which they frequently were: the best examples have what's called a "tropical dial:" a black dial that's been aged by equatorial sun to a rich, dappled brown.

The best models, to my taste, are the first and second versions of the Explorer, and the GMT Master. Ideally with a Pepsi bezel (pic related). None of them are perfect, although the Explorer I perhaps comes closest, so pared down and direct, lacking only in that 24 hour dials are so obviously superior. The Explorer II is imperfect in lacking a Pepsi dial option and in having a date function, and the GMT Master just has the date function.

(But thinking about it now, maybe it's just a matter of different times, and the GMT Master (again, black dial, Pepsi bezel, as pictured gone tropical) might actually be perfect. What's bothered me about them is the extra fuss implied in having to reset the calendar every month, for little benefit. But a mechanical is fussy no matter what, and when your only link to the broader, quotidian world is a shortwave radio, a calendar on your wrist could be an essential comfort.)

>> No.6251758
File: 231 KB, 1024x683, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One or two of those three, plus some carefully selected token Audemar (just because "Audemar" is so, so euphonious) are the only mechanical watches I'd ever bother to own under any circumstances that don't involve flipping them. I don't own any of them; I'm too poor right now and they're not essential today. I use a Modaine Evo and a Terrorist Special. I wish someone - and maybe someone does; I'm not a huge watch nerd and haven't given it too much research or thought - would make a watch today that re-embodies that spirit, somehow transcending the essential frippery of a watch when any serious expedition is going to have a rugged GPS receiver that brings down perfect time from heaven.

Maybe GPS receivers are the new sport watches. We need to get a good designer over to Garmin.

(Explorer I in pic.)

>> No.6251761
File: 440 KB, 863x1128, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explorer II.

>> No.6251768
File: 292 KB, 791x1236, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reinhold Messner, the fucking yuppie pleb, wearing his gaudy ass 36mm Explorer II.

>> No.6252640
File: 191 KB, 638x708, horological feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no genuinely smooth sweeping seconds hand

>> No.6252829


wow what's up with his toes god damn

>> No.6252874


Frostbitten and amputated after a climb with his brother.

His brother died.

>> No.6252893
File: 1.80 MB, 2592x1936, Photo 33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ay me 2 lol

>> No.6252968

>cool mil by 21
>high paying position in a fasshhun house
lel bai confirmed for sucking dicks

>> No.6252972

hes just a paper pusher over there and got the job from a friend. props & jelly.

>> No.6252973
File: 162 KB, 1076x352, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckin captcha sums it all up

>> No.6252976
File: 110 KB, 800x1000, bai meets tinny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6252977

well im assuming it was from his parents but yeah
if its true thats hes rocking fakes thats real sad
still seems pretty cool and im p sure hes in those copenhagen effay night club videos

>> No.6252978

paper pusher?
1 mil?
still dresses like 1, 2, 3: rick, undercover, acne


>> No.6252988

>i did what what a lot of others dont do
suky suky me rove yu wrong tiem

>> No.6253007

No really.

Describe a paper pushers responsibilities.

Can't be from his parents, he just stated, "hi mom i made it" with his sheep watch and sheep clothes

I don't think he hit a milli, his life definitely does not reflect as such.

>> No.6253021

If you can afford a car or anykind of house/apartment you can most certainly afford a 5k watch. It's just a matter of priorization. I know lowish middle class guys who have put twice that much on Hi-Fi.

>> No.6253030
File: 423 KB, 1889x662, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6253031


You can, and some people do, buy Rolex because of their appreciation of horology.

>> No.6253036
File: 361 KB, 658x671, geos are pretty large anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6253039
File: 48 KB, 958x518, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his life definitely does not reflect as such

Means nothing.

I'm pretty sure he isn't actually THAT well off but still.

>> No.6253045

More pictures of this guy balling?

he seems cool.

>> No.6253051

no he doesnt

He looks like all he wants to do is show pictures of him doing things and living the live when in reality he spends all his time holding up his internet persona without actually doing anything

I bet the midget never cooked a meal together with his "gf" or went to the movies

>> No.6253054


>> No.6253057

>I bet the midget never cooked a meal together with his "gf" or went to the movies
dat projection

>> No.6253058

mmm so jeellly

>> No.6253062

i bet all you do is foam at the mouth on 4chan

>> No.6253061

p sure he didnt because judging by his huge ego of showing off everything there shouldve been a pic of him sitting in front of a movie theater in one of his gooby costumes or with some greasy chinese food in his hands while wearing dunks in the pic

>> No.6253064

okay bai keep on being shit

>> No.6253066

>I don't think he hit a milli, his life definitely does not reflect as such.

what, he lives way more lavish than many multi millionaires that I know personally. Saving actually helps you accumulate wealth.

>> No.6253067

what's his tumblr?

>> No.6253069

buying expensive clothing =/= wealth

It's actually the opposite.

>> No.6253077

Basically what I meant. Maybe the person I replied to was saying the same thing.

Then again, there are different types of wealthy people.

>> No.6253078

I think we all agree that bai doesn't have as much money as he tries to project he does.

>> No.6253083
File: 13 KB, 366x329, 1369555765775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


anybody know the password?

>> No.6253085


>> No.6253117

Most the hostility in this thread comes from jealousy. Face it, even though this guy is "flaunting" his expensive items. The majority of /fa/ doesn't own this many nice things. Bai is just some dude who has enjoys the expensive things that he owns. Yes, some have issues with his personality or something but a lot of people actually like his fits.

>> No.6253119


>> No.6253122

nobody cares

even if he had millions he's still some ugly asian midget

>> No.6253128

no patek (watch noob but i've been offered a patek phil, thought it was good stuff)
th...thanks dad

>> No.6253134


How bitter can u get

>> No.6253133

But that is the point, people are getting mad or just shit talking. No one is even talking about is fits.

>> No.6253135

I don't care about his fits or his money. Nigga is ugly af

just stating the truth

>> No.6253142

Lol, nobody cares about how fucking pretty he is faggot.

>> No.6253148


do u know what board ur on?

dumb cunt

>> No.6253149

exactly nobody cares about bai because he's bai

which is why he's completely useless, I can look at nice clothing on my own

>> No.6253164

discrediting him because he is "ugly". Sure he isn't handsome but that doesn't mean he doesn't have style or can't look good. I am pretty confident he dresses better than you and most ppl on /fa/.

>> No.6253166

let's be honest, i'm a bit jealous of him

>> No.6253172

I already told you I don't care what he dresses like.

He's just ugly.

I'm not discrediting him for anything he does because I don't give two shits about what he does.

>> No.6253175

ACNE Studios?
Does he work at ACNE?

>> No.6253176

he brings coffee

>> No.6253184 [DELETED] 

So it seems like i finally have a new job again, and i want to up my level of "professionalism".

I'd still like to keep my main look in the jeans/chinos + dress shirt/merino sweater department, but I think the time is ripe for adding a sports coat into the mix.

So what else can I do to research on the subject, apart from reading all put this on articles on sports coats?

Any particular brands /fa/ would suggest that
a) have an off-the-rack/little alterations fit for a slim guy, while allowing maximum movement
b) are middle class, price wise. I am not exactly poor, so I dont need the cheapest, but I am not that loaded, and most of all, I want to avoid to look like someone with more money than style. What would a price level for middle class be?

>> No.6253188

You are saying that his face/body is ugly. I am telling you that he still looks better than you because he knows how to dress. Post a fit to prove me wrong, I already know you won't

>> No.6253192


what the fuck dad ur so embarrassing

>> No.6253195

Yes, I'm saying his body and face are ugly. The clothes he wears are nice. Just not on him because he's ugly.

>> No.6253199

Okay I just read one of this replies from a user on his instagram and he said;

Hey man I love all your photos and clothing! Haha was wondering what do u do as a career? @baixchen

@_bouga hey thanks! really appreciate it. i work for swedish fashion house Acne

I don't know what he does, probably a PA?

>> No.6253200


ok this is me

im sorry, i am jealous, i am a neckbeard that is too fat and has too wide hips to fit into ANY nice clothing

its honestly depressing me man

>> No.6253202
File: 108 KB, 612x612, ee8fd07655e211e28b3722000a1f99d9_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But his body is pretty decent?
He may be a little short thats all.

>> No.6253205

No, his proportions are all whack. Somebody post the mirror shot he did

nice projections dude

unlike me saying I just think he's ugly

>> No.6253206

most autistic thing I have heard today. Well, you might as well give up your self because you are not a male model and you never will be.

If anything this dude is around average or below looking. That doesn't exclude someone from still being /fa/ despite that they aren't model tier.

>> No.6253213

>using /fa/ as an adjective
>not autistic

I still think he's fucking ugly no matter what you throw at me.

>> No.6253217

Okay well, I'm re-reading his comments and I don't he meant to say he wasn't /fa.

He just finds him unattractive.

>> No.6253214

those tattoos are disgusting

>> No.6253219 [DELETED] 

Okay well, I'm re-reading his comments and I don't he meant to say he wasn't /fa.

He just finds him unattractive?

>> No.6253222

Finally someone who gets it.

I just think he's ugly. No matter what good clothing or style or money.

It doesn't mean he can't be an achiever at life, I just think he's ugly.

>> No.6253256

he is but i'm jealous of

his flat
his job
his clothes
his lifestyle
>tfw forever a loser

>> No.6253264

I'm not. I'd rather look in the mirror and not be disgusted by what I see than have any of that.

>> No.6253269
File: 734 KB, 880x1323, yajazoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see what you mean. If it is too detracting then yes it can be an issue.

I still think that someone can look good and be an inspiration even if they are ugly. Fashion for is not about what face you were born with, I am more interested in clothes and how the look on bodies.

>> No.6253271

for me*

>> No.6253274

Johji is good looking though. Bai is ugly.

At least Bai seems to know that he isn't attractive and just cuts out his face. I just wish he didn't distort his pics so much with forced angles so you could see what the clothing really looks like

>> No.6253301

>I'm not. I'd rather look in the mirror and not b
because you're not ugly
i'm ugly (more than bai) and everything in his life is better than mine

>> No.6253321
File: 354 KB, 373x639, Screen Shot 2013-03-17 at 9.54.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what he actually looks like btw

>> No.6253327

that shit still cracks me up

>> No.6253328

all of it boils down to the whole 'dont let your own clothes wear you' shit

you gotta have that swagger when youre rocking your fits. most of the dudes i get my fashion inspiration from arent that good looking anyway (jun takashi comes to mind)

being a pretty looking manboy archetype that /fa/ seems to be going for of course has its advantages though

>> No.6253344

it's not that bad is it?

>> No.6253348

he's small, face is ugly, too skinny, proportions are bad

he's nothing special

>> No.6253350

so fucking short even with those shoes

>> No.6253351

i read somewhere he was ripped cuz he do martial arts or smth
i don't think he's too skinny
short maybe (how tall?)
ugly is up to everybody's appreciation

>> No.6253356

He looks ok to me, not amazing though. I guess I would look like a monster or something.

>> No.6253360

lol look at how he's drowning in that shirt #grail

>> No.6253362

I read on a forum somewhere he claimed around 5'10

>> No.6253368

i like how he claims everything that HE owns is a grail. from what ive seen him and like 4 others only call it their grails

protip: grail is a specific article of clothing that YOU obsess over

there is not "thats not a grail" groupthink shit for you noobs

>> No.6253369

I agree with this. Of course it always helps to have model looks like /fa/ likes though.

>> No.6253382

5'10" is not that short
i thought he would be like 5'5" or smth

>> No.6253401


he's definitely no more than 5'5

>> No.6253427

Agreed. What's your Sieg?

>> No.6253439

found his eames rocking chair for 200euro is this a fake?

>> No.6253445

his eames chair is def fake

>> No.6253458

what about mine @ 200E?
what would the price of a real one be

>> No.6253465


>> No.6253475

wtf ok mine would be fake too

>> No.6253476

does it say herman miller on it anywhere?

>> No.6253480



fuck off man you're not wanted here

>> No.6253534

afraid not sir

>> No.6253542


nor are you fuccboi


>> No.6253541 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 80x80, 1369964010888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking thread

>> No.6253545


there are more fakes of the iconic eames chairs in the world than there are real ones so no worries

>> No.6253574


>holding DSLR with one hand
>that noise
>that shitty kit lens
>That lack of apparent depth of focus

I bet he uses a REBAL


My inner /p/ro is cringing.

>> No.6253576
File: 21 KB, 372x260, ௵.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>six feet tall

>> No.6253585

s'wrong with rebel

>> No.6253586


Babby's first DSLR

Most commonly used by plebs who think they are artsy-fartsy coming from instagram, or niggas who think a "good" camera will make them a better photographer

It leads to shitty photos like >>6253321

>> No.6253587

there's a reason tinfoil gets consistently negged on sufu

>> No.6253609

because he looks awkwardly tall, can't do cuffs and has average fits?

>> No.6253613

This is actually a problem I believe.

I have money now and I want to buy a "status watch". I know Rolex is The Watch, but I just can't get over the gaudy, bulky design. I hate it. Don't they have some elegant, sleek models for younger people that don't look totally dadcore?

>> No.6253619


do more research, how hard is it

there's more watchmakers out there

>> No.6253625

why did this word catch on immediately and just as quickly change meanings

>> No.6253639

Completely agreed.

Asian = Lost at birth

All of his life is huge overcompensation

>> No.6253788

Look at vintage Rolexes. >>6251758

IIRC, examples of all those can be found for about $5k.

>> No.6253790

how can you people even post comments amidst all of this jell everywhere

>> No.6253794

nobody is actually jelly

>> No.6253807

>mfw i don't hate on him and im a poor slav

>> No.6253810

Try Omega or IWC

>> No.6253824

the vast majority of this thread is

>> No.6253875
File: 557 KB, 1299x1464, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whos paypal are we looking at here?

How so. With social media and the public invation and invitation into a mans personal life.

What is he driving? His monthly rent?

Him taking side jobs and gigs as a dj.

His statement attached to the basic rolex, "hi mom i made it" Implying he was able to have sufficient savings just now.

The frequency of purchases, the apparent effort in savings. Quality of clothes he is budgeting, I am looking at the fa gates of hell for reference. Yes, also the mention that he is aware and boastful of, personally pursuing items the public considers "grail"

>a milli

>> No.6253889

Also, it seems more than half of the people participating in this jelly discussion haven't seen his instagram/tumblr before


>> No.6253900
File: 2.56 MB, 3264x2448, 20130531_093533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sea dweller here

Like it and I think it looks good
I mean its a matter of opinion
Some love it some hate it.
I think people gotta stop forcing their opinions onto others

>> No.6253913


is he asian?

>> No.6253969
File: 53 KB, 720x482, DSCF0899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


well, sho does not like this?

>> No.6253987
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>> No.6254009

PErsonally my next watch has to be the Breotling monthbrilliant
But I cant decide which edition

>> No.6254135

The fuck dude, lol
I remember posting that exact list of watchmakers in that order in another thread about sports watches a few months ago
Did you copy paste it? Wow

>> No.6255294
File: 681 KB, 972x614, gotta go.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.6255296


>> No.6255309
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>> No.6255319

He simply won't answer.

>> No.6255320


>que ridiculo


>> No.6255450
File: 7 KB, 457x234, 1341644157714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6255467

he deletes a lot of comments actually

>> No.6255866

by not replying lel

>> No.6255891

Oh my god maan now I feel kinda bad... He really looks like "that short'n'scrawny kid who got pushed around at school"...

But then again he has model friends, sick wardrobe and my dream job

>> No.6255914

Why does his height matter? Who started this height craze? /fit/?

>> No.6255922

the one thing these faggots have over him

>> No.6255926
File: 6 KB, 200x200, teddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I know why he wears all these nice and expensive clothes... little niggas overcompensating #lmao

>> No.6255935

>be small
>don't take care of your looks
>people make fun of you
>try to make the best out of yourself
>people make fun of you

I don't get it. Overcompensating is the most stupid buzzword ever. People that got lucky making fun of people who actually invested effort and work into something.

>> No.6255940

>he's short! that means his fits aren't good!
that's retarded af coming form a 6ft2 nigga. The most styling people I have seen in person were average-height asians/blacks
/fit/'s insecurities spilling over into /fa/

>> No.6255954

you just got trolled

>> No.6255958

But people actually think like that.

>lmao look at his muscles
>i bet he is overcompensating for his tiny penis

>> No.6256530

how old is he

>> No.6256543


>> No.6256570

let's stop the bai circlejerk and let's get back to worhsipping knoch

>> No.6256595

>works for Acne

Seriously doe

>> No.6256613

Holy fuck, don't lie.

He said he graduated from fashion studies or w.e

I am pretty sure he is older than that.... Or is he?

>> No.6256633

source or go home

>> No.6256864

thread is TL;DR

but second hand submariners can be had for about 3000-4000

>> No.6256906

Nah I asked him on tumblr a while ago, this was his response

"Hey. I am not a part of the creative process, I did not attend fashion school. I have a business degree and I got in by knowing the right people :-) good luck!"

>> No.6257801

This is stupid.

>> No.6257810
File: 71 KB, 612x1000, 631841-nautilus-jpg_577459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My watch of choice.

>> No.6257822

Oh yes I love these watches my boyfriend has one.

>> No.6257824



>> No.6258257

Audemars Piguet, Hublot, Ulysse Nardin, Breitling

The first two, AP and Hublot are very big status watches right now. And they're fucking sexy as fuck.

doit faggot

>> No.6258658

im a fan of bai myself, but people need to realize he isnt some baller making big moves at acne. He works shop front, i visit the acne store he works at every 2 weeks or so and hes almost always there. Probably just works alot

>> No.6258793

how tall is he

>> No.6258794

whats he like? arent retail people only meant to wear the clothing in store? im not expecting him to go UC everything

>> No.6260996
