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/fa/ - Fashion

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6233163 No.6233163 [Reply] [Original]

How can you even begin to call yourself /fa/sionable if you don't smoke?

>> No.6233166

Being pure is fashionable.

>> No.6233173

It really isnt worth it. Take from someone who lost a portion of their lung, and even walking small distances is a challenge. Harming your body just for the sake of looking cool is the most stupidest thing and most selfish thing you can do to your body or for someone that cares for you.

>> No.6233218

"It really isnt worth it. Take from someone who lost a portion of their lung, and even walking small distances is a challenge. Harming your body just for the sake of looking cool is the most stupidest thing and most selfish thing you can do to your body or for someone that cares for you."

Think he deleted the comment, but well said. I told myself I didn't have an addictive personality and thought I would be able to stop, but damn, quitting is a lot harder than I expected. Just in case anyone is considering taking it up, don't.

>> No.6233225

Forget about that first part, read the comment on the main page but it wasn't showing when I opened the thread

>> No.6233616


Smoke what? Crack? Smoking crack is /fa/.

>> No.6233654

I only smoke marihuana because that's super perfect and cool, I did three whole marihuanas yesterday

>> No.6233660

How bad is smoking 1 cigarrette a day?
(Used to smoke half a pack but it fucked me up pretty bad and I have enough self control to keep it on 1 or 2 daily but haven't been able to quit

>> No.6233667

This smokingfag shit again? /fa/ please stop this bullshit

>> No.6233678
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>> No.6233693

not that bad, normally what i do. i make it a routine where i'll only smoke if i'm on a long drive & have a nice drink (like a iced/hot drink), or if i'm drinking.

>> No.6233713

I do it at night before going to sleep or in the morning but I'm scared of cancer or heart dissease (I'm hypocondriac)

my grandpa had heart problems at 68 and my grandma is a light smoker and doesn't have any problems, no one in my family has cancer

>> No.6233715

social smoker master race reporting in

once in a while i'll also have a smoke to de-stress which is nice

>> No.6233746

I want to become a social, just when I'm with people but I haven't gone out much lately and I get bored at home and it's nice to have a cigarrette with coffee in the morning as a stimulant.

I'd change it for weed since I just need one hit and I'll be high but it isn't legal

I wouldn't even smoke a joint a day, I'd just take one hit off my bowl in the morning and one at night and it'd be probably healthier

>> No.6233753

I was in a depressed state of mind when I started and the idea of slowly poisoning my body seemed interesting. I can't stop now though shit suxs

>> No.6233763

are you me?

>> No.6233765

>not treating your body as a temple

>> No.6233769

just because you can't control it and turn it into a bad habit doesn't mean it's shit for everyone else

i like others in this thread can actually control it and use it as a nice reliever here & there

>> No.6233786

I never said it was bad just if youre a pack a day type of person

>> No.6233808

Started smoking when I was 14, went complete cold turkey and quit at 21, now 22 and 0 desire to smoke again.

The #1 reason I stopped smoking? It makes you smell like shit to everyone else. How is smelling like shit fashionable? Well I guess if all of your friends are smokers as well...

>> No.6233811

oh and I was at a pack a day for the last two years of smoking before cold turkey.

>> No.6233815

anyone that smokes more than 5 a day has an addiction because it's way past stress relief at that point, the only relief you'd get would be from the nicotine craving

>> No.6233825


can you stop trying to justify smoking period by saying shit like "OH less than 5 a day bro, no problem no problem it's great".

It's a shit habit, and you're weak minded.

Your just doing mental hoops to justify it to yourself and others and hide the fact that you lack any willpower.

>> No.6233832

LOL, alright 5 is pushing it.
i'm 1 a day at most (unless drinking) and it's a nice rush whenever i do it

>> No.6233847

I'm at the same 1 a day unless drinking and when drunk 5 or 10 if I smoke like a lot

I'm not saying it's a good habit I'm just saying that it could be worse

>> No.6233868

>you're weak minded
>you lack any willpower

kinda pisses me off that people have this mentality against a smoker who smokes 1-2 a day,
whereas a pot smoker could be lighting bowls all day and you'd probably have no problem with that

just doublesided shit, whatever

>> No.6233899

>what is drinking
>what are drugs
>what are contact sports

>> No.6233970

People do those things because they're enjoyable, not to look cool.

>> No.6233986

I don't know, smoking just seems like a waste of life.

>> No.6233988

>implying theres a difference

>> No.6234121

drinking is bad
drugs are bad
contact sports while they are harmful, they do open up opportunities such as scholarships, instead of just momentary highs or looking cool.

>> No.6234150

>bought a packet of american spirits almost 4 months ago
>only smoke twice per month, still have 6 remaining cigarettes

I don't know how people get addicted to smoking, I guess I'm just extremely disciplined and have a strong mind.

>> No.6234156 [DELETED] 

I can't even tell if this is true anymore.

>> No.6234163

I can't even tell if this is a troll anymore

>> No.6234168

>not sure if troll or srs but i agree
smoking just feels gross. especially afterwards when you know you reek of tobacco and can taste it everywhere.

i can only manage to smoke if i'm really stressed or already drunk. hard to imagine anyone getting addicted to it.

>> No.6234190

>extremely disciplined
>strong minded
that's really what it takes to kick a habit

>> No.6234194

those things are actually fun

smoking isn't fun. you might think you like it for the first few months but after that all you'll feel is a slight combination of disgust and regret after every smoke.

>> No.6234193

im not trolling, and yeah I hate the stench after on my entire right arm. I usually smoke late at night when I do smoke once per month I never wear nice clothes and always shower afterwards, but that hardly gets rid of the smell.

I don't ever really crave cigarettes either, it's just something I do once or twice in a full moon.

>> No.6234197

>my opinion & reactions must be how it is for everyone

go fuck yourselves

>> No.6234203

sry 4 ur adiction buddee :(((

>> No.6234204

hmm good point.

I'm just better than everyone else.

>> No.6234267

Ughh reading a book on how to quit smoking right now.

Don't start -- it really sucks to stop.

>> No.6234304

Why increase your risk of cancer to follow a niche group's view of coolness?

Don't be a faggot

>> No.6234311

Go set yourself on fire

>> No.6234321
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>> No.6234333
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>> No.6234341

Whats worse is I only had 2 cigarettes. One for my first video of me smoking, the other for the second -- on the second one I even put a second filter on it.

>> No.6234347

I really want to make a 3rd video. :(

>> No.6234365
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Because it only looks cool and badboy-ish when your super goodlooking... Otherwise you just come of as white trash