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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 54 KB, 1402x758, fafafafa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6202420 No.6202420 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6202428

>not a contest
ya ok

>> No.6202434

OH snap, that's good. adding it.

>> No.6202431

Forgot: /fa/ is not an adjective

>> No.6202443


>> No.6202439


>> No.6202452

>implying there is no objective aspect to fashion

We shut down people that present their opinion as fact on here daily

>> No.6202455

so then what are we supposed to post then

>> No.6202458
File: 70 KB, 557x1200, 1367516730832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what is /fa/?

>> No.6202456

dadcore nigger detected

>> No.6202457

go away cancer

>> No.6202462


>> No.6202468
File: 35 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mi1fjlgiof1r6ek22o1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

implying shit like this will look good ever

>> No.6202471

>objective or related to science
>not r/atheism hurr durr when do we terraform hurr durr neuroscience

>> No.6202473

>>/the outside world/

>> No.6202478

You wish son

>> No.6202482

it's pronounced "fah" not "effay"
you call other boards "poll", "soc", "ann", "fit" and "muh"
not "pee oh ell", "ess oh see", "ay ann" "eff eye tea" and "em you"

>> No.6202492

>making up rules

yall gay niggas

>> No.6202487
File: 118 KB, 1392x1552, fafafafa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6202489
File: 336 KB, 1075x714, 1346517552865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6202493

its fay
bcos its close to gay

>> No.6202496

>not understanding exceptions

>> No.6202497

But dan doesn't shitpost. You danfags are the ones that do that.

>> No.6202504

>tfw you read >tow as "tuh fuh wuh"

>> No.6202508
File: 168 KB, 855x969, 1346628503766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dan doesn't shitpost

i can smell the creed from here dan you ugly shutin

>> No.6202509

>uh nuh tuh fuh bruh

>> No.6202512

>tuh fuh wuh nuh guhfuh

>> No.6202514

Doesn't dan hate creed?

>> No.6202510

/mu/ is mew
and anyway. how would you pronounce /ck/, /cgl/, /sp/ etc
this really is a pointless argument though. idk why i posted

>> No.6202520

see kay
see gee ell
ess pee

>> No.6202516

c kay
c gee ell
ess pee or spee

>> No.6202518
File: 618 KB, 2304x3072, Dental_Phantom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ is different things for different people, OP.
Trying to formalize a place like this is futile.

>> No.6202519

spell /cgl/

>> No.6202527

I actually agree, taste is subjective but some things humans just like more. I get bothered when people try to argue with things like basic color theory by saying 'you can't get mad at me for my taste'

>> No.6202528

yeah exactly
so eff-ay has some logic behind it

>> No.6202529

wuh uh nuh tuh fuh bruh
>tuh fuh wuh nuh cuhtuhpuhguhfuhtuh druhs uph uhn ruhk wuth uhnd fuh

>> No.6202533

no it's fah

>> No.6202546

>tuh fuh wuh uh cuhn sluh buhcuh nuh guh fuh tuh cuh wuh :(

>> No.6202549

That's clearly not what OP is talking about. He's talking about rankings and "x aesthetic is better than y" and all that bullshit.

>> No.6202555


>> No.6202557


For real son

Take a survey on a dude wearing an all pink suit, and a dude wearing an all black - the results will lean more toward black being strong, confident, and responsible. The pink will result in fun, out-going, homosexual

>but no wait I like pink and I am a confident guy so I will be just as presentable as the dude in black


>> No.6202559


They call themselves seagulls

>> No.6202561

You realize that much of /fa/ fails so hard and completely at colour theory that they resort to wearing all-black, right>

>> No.6202562

No, that's not what OP is talking about, because he wants to shitpost triggers

>> No.6202570

>implying wearing all black doesn't require an eye all it's own

>> No.6202573

Also, a lot of the dudes are here are /mfa/ tier and scared to NOT wear color

I'm the only dude that really posts all black outfits in WAYWT threads

>> No.6202574

I imply no such thing.

>> No.6202577

don't reply to the denim dan autist

>> No.6202580

Lol yeah right looking at a color wheel to pick out what matches so hard kekmao

>> No.6202579


Except you 100% did

>fail at color theory
>resort to all black

An implication

>> No.6202584

>Taking the time reply to someone you deem autist

>> No.6202586

both are true, people who are good at wearing all black put thought in to it, others just hide in it i think

>> No.6202590


I'm sure goofs have a whole different set of struggles unrelated to colour.

>> No.6202594

You can't just wear all black and look acceptable automatically because you are "too lazy to pay attention to color"

When you wear all black, the whole silhouette, the lines of the fit just become more apparent.

Getting that part right's a freaking brick wall if you look at tumblr monochromatic fits that look like absolute shit

>> No.6202657

i pronounce /soc/ as "soesh"

>> No.6202658

The worst part is a camera is going to downplay quality, making it seem easy to throw on all black, or the camera completely glamorizes all blacks... making it seem easier to just throw on all black

I'm even guilty of making less than desirable all black fits, but exploiting camera quality to pass it off as something more than it is... but I guess that's part of the point of photography

>> No.6202679

Thanks Dan

>> No.6202680

/mu/ is "m-you" /soc/ is "soesh"

>> No.6202686

Worst thread in the last month.

>> No.6202694

this is patrick

>> No.6202698

Looking good Dan

>> No.6202699
File: 129 KB, 593x647, a.aaa-No-fun-allowed..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is serious shitt guys

>> No.6202704

no, it´s SOCK like INGSOC

>> No.6202735

hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tum :DD

>> No.6202789

>making less than desirable all black fits, but exploiting camera quality to pass it off as something more than it is... but I guess that's part of the point of photography
turnleft all day erryday

>> No.6202804
File: 91 KB, 503x400, 1363137397164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ is not a dictatorship
not really up to you what people post about, as long as it's fashion-related

>> No.6203654

pls moot add this to the sticky