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File: 432 KB, 2420x1870, chin-and-jaw-angle-implants-dr-barry-eppley-indianapolis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6201929 No.6201929 [Reply] [Original]

How can I improve my jawline?

is this site full of shit ...http://physicalblue.com/how-to-get-a-chiseled-jawline/

>> No.6201955

genetics and work out faggot

but mostly genetics. deal w/it

>> No.6201962

do you not think surgery is a viable option?

>> No.6201965

Genetics and reduce body fat

Don't do any jaw exercises, that shit is just


>> No.6201968


na m8

>> No.6201977

You can always try it out. It doesn't look like it's something that requires that much, just a bit of dedication to the "exercises".

>> No.6201987

You are going to make your jaw even worse by doing these exercises

Just go see an orthopeadist for some invisalign if you're that desperate

>> No.6201989

>You are going to make your jaw even worse by doing these exercises


>> No.6202003
File: 70 KB, 500x669, 1347891726548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody here had Jaw augmentation and give any insight?

>> No.6202013

Nvm, just looked at those exercises and they seem to be safe for the most part

I just remembered some troll chart which recommended you doing Chin Pushups which would've squished your jaw in even more.

>> No.6202016

not if it looks like the OP pic

the man on the right's jaw looks like a cartoon jaw, it's bizarre

>> No.6202024
File: 200 KB, 542x653, jaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then there's this

>> No.6202028

top lel

>> No.6202034

lol OP iv had lots of cos surgery

jaw agumentation is on my list of to do's

>> No.6202040

>jealous that gay guys just look better then straight fags

>> No.6202058
File: 496 KB, 400x226, 19003468966.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol OP iv had lots of cos surgery
Fucking disgusting.

>> No.6202070

>telling someone else how to live their life
lol you must have lost of friends

i got no regrets, some of the best decisions iv made.

>> No.6202092

>straight fags

>> No.6202094

Of course I've lost friends, everyone has, but not because they've gone and had cosmetic surgery for being retarded, but because of growing apart and heading different ways in life.

>i got no regrets, some of the best decisions iv made.
Show before and after pic -- I bet you look fucked up.

Also, how old are you and gender?

>> No.6202099

I haven't had any cosmetic surgery but I would have it in a heartbeat if I had the money. Why not? Integrity? Because it won't change your genetics? Who gives a fuck about that?

I'd rather look good and fuck a girl with good genetics than look bad and fuck a girl with equally shit genetics. Not to mention that people in general are lookist. Looking good does provide opportunities in MOST cases.

>> No.6202104

you like that huh

>> No.6202114

eat my cock ^.^

i bet youv got maybe 3 friends
never get laid.

I loved the look i got after my surgeries.
>telling someone how to live their life again
you must be a total loser lols

>> No.6202154

Holy fuck that website is such bs

>> No.6202164

>eat my cock
And then the poor attempt on an attack on my person
>i bet youv got maybe 3 friends
>never get laid.
>you must be a total loser lols
Fucking adorable, man. You're like a fifth grader.

>I loved the look i got after my surgeries.
>telling someone how to live their life again
You're a trap aren't you? You used to be some ugly guy who upped and decided to change into a chick because, well, might as well try because then you can get up on a high horse and act as if you matter.
Either that, or you're actually some moron who was actually okay/average looking yet decided to get surgery and ended up looking worse -- but having the delusion you actually look better now.

Either way, you're pretty stupid and even more pathetic.

>> No.6202190

>i havent been trying to assault your character for doing what you want with your life
>if i call you adorable and try to talk down to you maybe ill be cool
>maybe if i try to call him a trap
lol so your just a bored douche bag. Got it.

you dont want surgeries man dont get them.
But dont go around telling other people they shouldnt cause you dont like it.
Youll always look like a huge fag.

>> No.6202225
File: 141 KB, 700x466, 19875394000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you actually are a trap/deformed guy.
Whatever floats your boat.

>> No.6202310

>its true im just a bored fag
thanks for playing

>> No.6203157

Steroids...steroids...steroids. Easy d-bol/ test-e cycle and a pct for 3 months of lifting hard and eating right, and your jaw line will go from lmao to possibly decent depending on genetics.

>> No.6203185

i bet youre asian
asians can do it bc they all look alike anyway
no matter how many time you try to fix your face
there will be three to five more guys who look like you in a 3 mile radius