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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 127 KB, 1080x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6138914 No.6138914 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone ever gotten mad at the amount of money you spend on clothes?

I told one of my friends roommates how much my jacket cost after he asked and he got pissed off. Like genuinely pissed off, it was hilarious.

Anyone else have this happen to them?

>> No.6138922

dawg just lie to them

u doing them a disservice tellin them somethin they cant handle

>> No.6138927

Ae you kidding? If this is the reaction I'm going to get then I'm telling the truth every time.

>> No.6138928

why would you care, you shouldnt be telling how much you spend on it unless people ask, and they shouldnt be asking about that shit

>> No.6138937
File: 22 KB, 269x583, tom4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Plebs gonna pleb.

>mfw I get to tell someone 'this jacket cost like 5 grand'

>> No.6138935

No because I'm highly respected in my circle of friends, if anyone asks me how much any of my clothes cost I would tell them, and plenty of them already know how much I spend on my attire.

>> No.6138936

how much was ur jacket op

>> No.6138943

>thinking it's a good thing to get ripped off

>> No.6138944

>oh man you spent 100+ on a hoodie what the hell m8
>dropcroth pants, m8? y not just sag?
that's it

>> No.6138949

$1200 lol. He'd shit if he saw my Junya stuff.

>> No.6138953

No. I've had people tell me that they like their cheap clothes better or that they don't understand how I can spend so much on one article of clothing, but that's about it.

>> No.6138971

you dont own any junya faggot

>> No.6139000


>> No.6139007
File: 659 KB, 570x491, 1367448427559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where'd you get my picture...?

>> No.6139024

todd posted it

>> No.6139026

I bought a pair of 60 dollar sweats one time and my gf wouldn't stop giving me shit about it
now whenever she asks me how much x costs I say I got it as a gift

>> No.6139031

fucking todd.

>> No.6139040
File: 6 KB, 103x122, gurgecastanzor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maybe...post more?

>> No.6139041

Hey bby you want some Ric?

>> No.6139046

>told one of my friends
>after he asked


>> No.6139056

I've had someone get pissed over an $80 sweater. How the fuck is that even unreasonable?

>> No.6139070

this is why you never mention prices, even if someone asks

>> No.6139089

Couldn't give a fuck if nerds cop feels over my clothes

They shouldn't ask if they can't handle the truth

>> No.6139125

I read someone spent a few grand on some armani suit today on /fa/, that was pretty nuts, cause it even looked like shit compared to a simple black blazer i got at HM for like 60 bucks

>> No.6139131

You guys can all go fuck yourselves. This is my last post on this stupid faggot /fa/ board you guys are the worst on all of 4chan.

All I wanted to do was give an opinion and then you faggots had to bust out the "you mad" "u jelly" bullshit. I didn't get mad but I got pissed because it is hard to talk about good fashion with people who grew up on the wrong side of town.

I'm trying not to be a dick but how can I talk to you guys about $800 dollar pants when you guys think fucking J Crew is the greatest thing since peacoats and desert boots or whatever it is you guys wear.

I honestly don't understand why people in this world have children when they can't afford to give them a proper upbringing. not only did you stupid fucks miss out on a normal life but you are perpetuating your ignorance fucking lifestyle and stupid fucking ideas of what is good. You guys should just keep being happy with H&M and maybe send in an application because that is the only thing you have going for you. Or do what I mentioned and join the Army because we need more cannon fodder (you may have to look that term up).

In short, fuck you, all of you. I'm leaving this bullshit fucking channel because it is full of low class redneck blue collared faggots who probably watch larry the cableguy or whatever. You people make me fucking sick and are what is wrong with this motherfucking country I hate all of you and I hope you all fucking die FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS YOU ARE FUCKING STUPID UGLY WHITE TRASH AND YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THIS

FUck of FA I'm out

>> No.6139136

i get mad at myself sometimes....ESP tonight bc i ruined a pair of fave classic as fuck $300 boots by spilling red goddamnfucking wine on them!

inb4 thats not a lot on boots

i know but still 300 down the drain pissed of like hell right now WHYYY ME WHYYY THOSE BOOTS?!

thankgod i have same pair a shade darker

>> No.6139144

I always slash the prices in half and even then some people get legitimately steamed about it.

I'm ok if they're pissed. It's rude to ask in the first place.

>> No.6139151
File: 47 KB, 700x305, 1366365855833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6139155

>J Crew is the greatest thing since peacoats and desert boots
This has to be a copypasta of /fa/ past years

>> No.6139162

No, the last shirt I bought cost $10.98

>> No.6139205

it looks like a cat paw :333

>> No.6139216
File: 808 KB, 2625x2400, 1365902523103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6139229

its actually a copypasta of /fa/ from an hour ago

>> No.6139242

whats wrong with j crew?

i love there indian cotton plaid shirts (and short sleeves)

>> No.6139278

Of the lies you tell on the internet? No.

>> No.6139287

no but my girlfriends mom screamed at her for buying a "saks 5th avenue" sweater

after about 30 mins i told her it was mine she was borrowing

>> No.6139292

lets be real here

you dont have a girlfriend

>> No.6139297

Overpriced. If it was like fifty percent cheaper across the board, it would be worth it.

>> No.6139300

Also, that Saks house brand is garbage.

>> No.6139314
File: 44 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20130511_50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

J Crew is aight for basics. in fact the boots i ruined were j crew. so fuck all you gothninjas or wateverthefuck u r. im beyondpissypants atm.

>> No.6139319

did u piss on ur boots?

>> No.6139333

fuck you. tho i probly woulda been better off bc red wine aint coming out

>> No.6139343

>look at me I make silly faces so I must be attractive and outgoing

Quit bean-flicking to cara

>> No.6139340

Hahah yes. They actually get angry at what you spend your own money on, it's the most hilarious thing ever,

>> No.6139355
File: 36 KB, 1145x210, Screen shot 2012-09-19 at 6.24.02 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reactions I get range from

"Dude, how do you even spend that much?"


"Are you fucking kidding me? You could have bought a new computer for that much."

It's never positive. The "best" reaction I got was my roommate's girlfriend saying "Why am I dating YOU?" to her bf after hearing about my new boots, literally calling him poor to his face, and later asking if I had a girlfriend.

Honestly, I love spending lots of money on clothes. The more expensive my outfit is, the better I feel. Even if the piece isn't worth the price (like mid-range sunglasses), I still bask in the knowledge that I have what most of my peers simply can't afford.

With that being said, I hate people who act like they "love fashion" or whatever, when they're basic as fuck. Most people simply don't appreciate the commitment of time and money that goes into finding and buying nice pieces, and it upsets me to be lumped together with those guys/girls as "those people who like clothes" when we're not at all on the same level.

>> No.6139357

From the thumbnail I thought this was a girl crying next to the hanged body of her father or something

>> No.6139361


>> No.6139366


why do you tell people? i never do. id rather people judge my clothes for how they look than have their opinions colored by how much they cost.

>> No.6139377


first 20sec dedicated to u

>> No.6139379

I never offer the information unless asked, and I've actually stopped doing even that due to the whole thing with my roommate's girlfriend; it was just so palpably uncomfortable that I wanted to avoid that feeling. It was funny in hindsight, but everyone involved just felt really awkward for a few minutes.

Like you said, I'd rather someone just say "nice boots" than go on about how much my boots cost. Even if they knew the cost, they'd never really appreciate them, so there's no point in telling them even that.

>> No.6139397


I see. And yeah i agree, its not like the average person even cares about quality clothing. I just feel like it isnt worth the time, they wouldnt get it anyways.

I just tell people that my rick shoes are old adidas or nikes if they ask me or whenever someone asks me where my other stuff is from i just say thrift store.

>> No.6139427

More rage reactions plz.

>> No.6139434

this is bc average people dont understand fashion=art and would prob judge for saying that as a fact so just bask in glory that you know better bitches

>> No.6139445

no, not mad, i don't really associate myself with people that don't understand that when i make a purchase that's relatively expensive it's because i want something quality. my friends and family both respect that.

>> No.6139453

>I just feel like it isnt worth the time, they wouldnt get it anyways.

Yup. Even if they appreciated why you spend all of that money, they wouldn't understand how it feels to hunt for hours and hours for that one perfect piece. I'm not into Rick or anything like that, but my menswear-centered purchases often result in me waiting 4-6 months for something that was custom made for me, and no average guy will know what it feels like to open a package like that.

I just spent days (if not weeks) looking for a certain watch at a good price, and ended up having to make an international bank transfer and dealing with customs to have it shipped from France, only to find out that I got the wrong model. That's an emotional rollercoaster that most people just don't get.

"[Fashion is] greater than art, because you live your life in it."

Nothing too crazy; it's usually just my friends getting panic attacks when a single piece of mine could buy their wardrobe twice over. A buddy of mine got pissed when I told him how much I was spending on a watch, because "You don't fucking do anything. You're not in clubs or on any teams; you have nowhere you need to be, ever. You're the last person who needs a watch."

>> No.6139454
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>> No.6139471

If I discriminated this heavily when making friends, I wouldn't have friends; literally everyone I know just wears t-shirts and jeans every day.

>> No.6139476

lol now youre being melodramatic homo.
i have masters&work in fash industry and i dont even take it that seriously.
fashion is art. period.
if youre taking it too far u probly have OCD mental condition

>> No.6139484

>not recognizing a Devil Wears Prada quote

>> No.6139490

my friends wear jeans and t-shirts. they just understand why i make the purchases i do because i've talked to them about it after they inquire. people are a lot more accepting once they gain perspective. especially if conveyed properly.

>> No.6139492


where did you go to school

will confirm your masters

>> No.6139499

>friend spent $300 on a suit
>decent fit since he's slim
>tell him it's nice and cheap but good

>> No.6139501

i lold

>> No.6139509
File: 1.73 MB, 1840x3264, 1367619730286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoulda said talk to me when you spend 300 on a tank top

>> No.6139521

'givenchy fittin like it's gym clothes'

>> No.6139527

HA no thankyou..will not disclose all details of life so you people could ruin it. but i went to VCU for bachelor degree i already mentioned that at some point. excellent fash merchandising program

>> No.6139531


>> No.6139535

get fucked

>> No.6139537

>implying it's not possible for us to find out

Stick around

>> No.6139545

post more of that picture OP, got a set to that?

>> No.6139546

banana thought you said you werent a legit NIGGER watchout

>> No.6139551

i forgot to filter you too thanks for the reminder


>> No.6139587


>> No.6139612

Whats with the face?
Are you autistic or something?

>> No.6139619
File: 32 KB, 500x356, how-men-and-women-take-photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6139637

idk only one person has ever cared when i've told them. he was kinda mad but i just told him it was no stupider than how much he spends on his music equipment and he stfu quick

i think its all about conveying that they're more than just clothes to you, and then people understand instantly

>> No.6139649

whole clip dedic8ted to u bb

>> No.6139651

lol. implying there are legit males in here.
no dingdong i only show face bc people hate me and get pantyrut jealous

>> No.6139665

When people ask I just say I don't like to talk about it, that it's private, etc.

>> No.6139666
File: 22 KB, 645x773, tfw+pink[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no gf

>> No.6139677
File: 35 KB, 517x623, tf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool pic dood

I have it in white

TFW S/S 2013 exclusive colorway

>> No.6139678


>> No.6139683

omigush seriously now youre really embarassing me. this dumbninjas will think im posting retard shit....oh wait i dont care....keep it up if thats all it take to entertain u

>> No.6139684

Why is it rude to ask how much something is?

>> No.6139693

Stop using my name, please

>> No.6139689
File: 5 KB, 240x210, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw u serve the dark lord

shgigtty doubles

>> No.6139695

Close dude!

One off!

I hope I get my doubles with this post, lol.


>> No.6139699

i really hope theres only 1 imposter n you just working extra hard overtime

>> No.6139704

It's not, it's fude to ask and then throw a hissy fit when you don't like the answer

>> No.6139705


>> No.6139707
File: 7 KB, 236x213, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw having to work so hard just to make you feel
>tfw doubles

>> No.6139709

um it IS condsidered rude to ask how mu something is depending on country u in. dumb@$$ninja as fuck go back to school learn mktg manners n shit

>> No.6139714
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>> No.6139720


Nope you wish

>> No.6139733
File: 76 KB, 500x419, tumblr_mj5fwnjXnW1r6i24yo1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw 707 is a type of plane that probably killed people.

tfw thinking superficially about my mortality

>> No.6139760

i sincerely hope nobody would actually do this when im not here able to defend myself

>> No.6139781
File: 49 KB, 480x380, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forget about that feel

>> No.6139790
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>> No.6139799

>and they shouldnt be asking about that shit


>> No.6139829
File: 540 KB, 2646x1860, gamez0ne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw 707 is my area code.
PS check the pic for proof

>> No.6139832
File: 917 KB, 3648x2736, ddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait i censored it out in that one.
check this one for 707

>> No.6139838
File: 50 KB, 600x450, 210400657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My other work station.
peep the boxwine

>> No.6139841

damn nigga thats whats up. perks/x/aderol...just need some benzos and were on

>> No.6139843

dats not yours u liarninja

>> No.6139851
File: 30 KB, 500x290, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw saying nigga when i'm white

everyday i'm not black is suffering


>> No.6139853

yea it is.
what makes you think otherwise?

>> No.6139862

woooooow. i may be a lil silly sometimes but if theres one thing im serious about is i def made a mental note youre full fledged nigga status dark skin nappy hair etc etc

>> No.6139868
File: 799 KB, 834x636, Screen Shot 2013-02-13 at 10.13.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my side bitch.
RIP Based hat that blew off when i was sticking my head out the window actin a fool off molly.

>> No.6139869

bc ive never met a single person who has this many/sells drugs and goes on messageboards like this...

>> No.6139873

Drinking a 40oz and using adobe after effects is it? legit as fuck

>> No.6139876
File: 81 KB, 550x420, mishka-snapback-cap-hat-based_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn i wish i could cop another one of these.

>> No.6139878

>after effects

keep trying

but i do use after effects, just not in that pic

>> No.6139882
File: 103 KB, 500x544, tumblr_mlxm6cXefT1s4whndo1_500[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i was born in the wrong decade

>> No.6139883

Is it a similar program? Genuinely curious at this point

>> No.6139885

for being fat i'd say you grew up in the perfect generation

>> No.6139886
File: 1.22 MB, 1071x800, Screen shot 2013-05-10 at 2.19.42 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6139892

it's FCP 7

>> No.6139888

>being fat
>being an adderall addict

pick one

>> No.6139889

tbh if i lived in the 707 id be an alcoholic too

>> No.6139895

Holy shit those arent even the same fucking laptops...
one is a Pro one is just normal.

why do you have 2?

>> No.6139893

molly out....so 2008

ketamine in

>> No.6139900

either your talking to yourself or you cant tell the diff between knockoff as fuck.

afraid this wud happen damn people gna assume im dumb as bricks should stop using name always post as anon dont care nuff to learn trips

>> No.6139907

whoever took this picture is cool AF id bang even if virgin

>> No.6139908

i just got a gram of molly for $70

wish i could cop some ketamine.

>> No.6139914

paid 70 for g of molly
make friends in right places

>> No.6139916

I don't know, if you copied that name then I guess I couldn't tell? i dont know m8


1.5 dubs
and i know a chick whos on like concerta thats chubby. smokes a lot of weed too, that probably cancels out the appetite supression

>> No.6139917

thanks just fly out to 707
you could etiher fly to SF, Oakland or Sac
I'll pick you up and bring you to my mansion

>> No.6139919

All these lil herbs tryin be me.

gtfo, basic bitches

>> No.6139925

fuck concerta fuck uppers.

downers cool tho

>> No.6139926

add a trip bby deffo wanna see moar of u :3

>> No.6139929
File: 840 KB, 3648x2736, awesomegamezone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

concerta some faggot bullshit though
true thugs know to peel the white shell off first, which is the XR bullshit.

once the shells off it's just regular Ritalin, which is still weak compared to adderall.

pic related: the white shit on the floor is the shell i peeled off concerta with a razor blade.

PS dont judge the lack of a desk. that's just a stash spot house.

>> No.6139934

jesus fuck how many playin w my head right now for real?

>> No.6139938

this some trippy shit tho


>> No.6139939

>>6139929 so u tweak on 4chan lol. explains it all

>> No.6139947

naw its my day off today. i aint tweaking
i am about to be pretty drunk tho

>> No.6139949
File: 100 KB, 430x615, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what this night has become

>> No.6139951

damn thought had grasp on situation. shits spinning out control. fuck. fuck u

>> No.6139952

the shell is actually instant release methylphenidate

>> No.6139954
File: 367 KB, 1000x669, VIP_EDITION_IN_HAND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ye adderall is def most /fa/ drug its hip&contemporary af errybody be bumpin dat pomo anxiety game you with me?

>> No.6139957

but concerta is an XR medication.

at least the shit i have is. id look up the stamp but i dont remember it and theyre at my other place.

>> No.6139960

what album is that? its suck sick artwork

>> No.6139961

*it's such sick artwork

>> No.6139963

yeah the white shell is instant release and under that is a wax coat covering a sponge and some more methylphenidate - as the pill sits the sponge absorbs liquid and pushes out the methylphenidate. if u want it to be instant release take a razor and cut off the brown half then pop it

>> No.6139965

this shit got real fast...

also no wonder u bitches are skinnytoothpicksbingeonrXmeth

>> No.6139966
File: 66 KB, 768x1024, 5322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i hate ritalin can't take too much of it without my stomach trying to rip itself apart

tfw stomach upset

>> No.6139967

also if want instant feel good af inject in vains

>> No.6139969

what are the white pills?
I do NOT fuck with ritalin and concerta. that's just for resell and i've never even had real ritalin

>> No.6139970

veins* shit

>> No.6139971

stfu and learn to hold your alcohol

>> No.6139981
File: 131 KB, 518x720, 530772_479526652084120_1897287699_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kingdom's vip edition but it's the label fadetomind's aesthetic, nxt lvl shit

>> No.6139975

its just a different brand of ritalin i think

fuck i was up like 2 days on adderall, finally slept today for 17 hours somehow

all this shit fucks you up so much

>> No.6139977

no...just sound advice as always so fo and let me do my job

>> No.6139978

You can take Ritalin recreationally? I have some pills right here for studying, but...

>> No.6139983

not me
when i work i have like six pills in my pocket
i take them like candy basically
sometimes i just let the dissolve in my mouth for a different effect.

i paid my way through college selling it too

>> No.6139985

your telling me this was all just bunch of uppers?

>> No.6139988

other than studies i use adderal for social situations, overcome anxiety + articulate conversation v clearly

>> No.6139990

hell no
theres downers too lol

>> No.6139991

old pic, not yours

>> No.6139992

im just gonna assume you kids are still in highschool...
thats when aderall was cool...

>> No.6139993

have a job and take adderal
get a promotion

>> No.6139997

you got any problems sleeping?

>> No.6139998

aderall gives me anxiety fuck dat shit. only good for working math problems writing 15pg papers n shit.

>> No.6140000


also the pills in this pic is some good opiates

>> No.6140003

i would but i got a ton of sleeping pills.

the sleeping problems go away if you take adderall for a while.
it's to the point where i can take adderall and still get sleepy.

>> No.6140004

tfw i got more street cred than u 2 combined

>> No.6140008

quads WHAT

>> No.6140007

lol sleeping with block boys doesnt count

>> No.6140009

man it gets me thinking too fast to be anxious

fuck yknow i just really love adderall

>> No.6140012


>> No.6140015

How much money is that?

>> No.6140017

those pics arent yours nice try tho you got my attn

>> No.6140019

looks like $75-100

>> No.6140020

>tfw it's illegal here, can't every try it

>> No.6140022

w2c addy in melb? finals r comin up here

>> No.6140023

post a fit fuccboi

only thing i can't stand is weed. so fucking boring

that's what i used to do, but i had to cut myself off of the sleeping pills. couldn't fall asleep without them for a while

>> No.6140029

about $617
the only reason its even in the pic is cuz i was emptying out my pockets

>> No.6140031

W2c addy LOL

>> No.6140034
File: 514 KB, 805x600, Screen shot 2013-05-12 at 12.59.00 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6140040
File: 66 KB, 630x865, venice-film-festival-burn-reading-premeire-2008-tilda-12827[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ye, need to figure out a way to acquire a presc, they only give for adhd, not anxiety

lel how wud i know? fuck ausland

>> No.6140036

go find random asian, ask them

shit has 100% success rate

>> No.6140038

lol. conveniently placed cashwad strategy. good game boy

>> No.6140042


>> No.6140044

why the fuck would you even doubt me?

>> No.6140051

that feel when instant interest in person skyrockets bc he not a squarefuck like the rest of these guys....whats wrong with me drugs arent cool im too old for this shit needo stay out trouble

>> No.6140054

>why doubt me hurrdurr

was it not you posting all those shwag pics?

>> No.6140055

im just trying to hold it down for the 707

>> No.6140063
File: 48 KB, 720x540, Nigga_902491_133068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6140067


This sounds familiar

You the anon who had the carmina balmorals?

>> No.6140069

no im jus real. sorry your wackjob condition. how the fuck you manage to avoid drugs ur adolescense?

>> No.6140070

whoevere posted that pic isn't me.

>> No.6140073

wat i need more wine for this

>> No.6140076
File: 43 KB, 720x540, Nigg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6140078

im about to pass the fuck out but you seem like a psycho chick

and thats always interesting.
you know where to find me

>> No.6140080

nonetheless today was a good day bc i realized FA isnt just tons of homosexuals. there normal people here. wateverthefuck normal is

>> No.6140079
File: 34 KB, 151x287, untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prodigy, i hope your taking notes on keeping it real

>> No.6140085

yea i get frustrated when it turns everyones just some gays.

its cool you think having thousands of $ worth of pharmaceuticals is normal

>> No.6140087

same person?
also idk who the fuck anyone is anymore.
lost track unless been 1 trollinWigger whole time

>> No.6140090

$1000's? i wouldnt push it....and its not cool i wish i werent like this

>> No.6140092

yea thats the problem being anon.
that's different people.
hit me up at adderallstar@gmail.com

it's just a burner account i use for transactions

>> No.6140097

omfg also omfg u have nerve to post shit like this.........not good idea
ill kit :) nite

>> No.6140094

>paying for college
>not thousands


>> No.6140100

yo nigger hmu in oc?

>> No.6140102

lol you arent even gonna find out if its a real address?


>> No.6140109

jus sayin unless oxycontin or someshit or maybe buncha overpaying mofos or more pillbottles not pictured

>> No.6140116

it isnt bottles, its the amount in the bottle
finals week at a US college is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

>> No.6140112

lol who says i was gna actually kit?

>> No.6140120

i dont even know what kit means

>> No.6140122

ya ya ya taking advantage of people in need i know the feel yo ive got distribution charges just be fucking careful cuz u seem like a chill kid

>> No.6140128

i could tell you stories about how i ran shit but ill spare you

>> No.6140131

kit...haha thats highschool acronims damn boy nobody wrote that in your yearbook?

>> No.6140135

RAN SHIT lol...typicaltypicaltypical

>> No.6140138

hags nigga

>> No.6140141

plz try to write shit that makes sense, otherwise i wont be able to respond

>> No.6140144

oooh nm

no people wrote those acronyms i just never gave a fuck

in 6th grade this girl wrote me a letter saying she loved me and the envelope said SWAK and i have no idea what it means to this day

>> No.6140146

sloppy weak ass kidd

>> No.6140150

so u had nerve to give me fake ass email adress

>> No.6140152


Goddamn this is the greatest fucking thread ive ever seen on 4chan.

>> No.6140153

oops damn that was my bad
......responding to myself....time to go sleep too

>> No.6140157
File: 13 KB, 488x57, Screen shot 2013-05-12 at 1.38.33 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


its real try it

>> No.6140161

does this mean i need go through trouble of making random email too. i hate computershit but dont like thought of u knowing real name :) ur still cool tho

>> No.6140163

ha i wont say anything but make a fake if you want

>> No.6140169

ya making fake cuz im a paranoidassninja.....thought of life destroyed by 4chan - rather just kill myself w ratpoison

>> No.6140174

the more i see the OP picture the angrier it's making me i dont know why

>> No.6140176

Tell your cell phone and IDE hard drive to gop back to the 90's from whence they came

>> No.6140182

check the other pics i have other cellphones.
that phone is a complete piece of shit though.
i fucking hate it.

>> No.6140202

mfw im retarder than u people bc take 420
percocet hrs to set up dummy email

>> No.6140210

who the fuck is toom

>> No.6140212

People give me shit about the hoodie I bought for $130.

>> No.6140217

In US most malls have shit for $40
most stores it's like "buy a pair of jeans for $30 get a shirt for free"

>> No.6140433

she posts on /fa/...

>> No.6140469

>hey nice cardigan bro what brand is that?
>thanks m8 its oliver spencer
>what? lol never heard of it how much it looks rad
>oh h-haha.. i-its $270
>holy shit.. (smriking intensifies)
>(whispers to another bro; both now guffawing)
>me standing there with my arms on my pockets looking back and forth at their mirthful faces
>me dying inside
>me known as the short kid compensating shortness and ugliness on overpriced clothing

welp back on that obey and vans then

>> No.6141873


>> No.6141900
File: 104 KB, 500x669, facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


go away, go back to /cgl/, i bet you really expected people to talk about you, do you want attention that much? I'm so glad no one mentioned you, lmao.

i mean i was actually starting to like Todd because he never bought /cgl/ bullshit here but now you're here..

Leave now. Please.

>> No.6141950

backstory on this pic?

>> No.6141955

Some nasty nigga got his Raf Semon on his shirt m8.

>> No.6141962

I made my mum cry once

>> No.6142194

if not overweight i'd bang

>> No.6142294

lel, I've lurked here for a while, I dunno why they used my pic for the OP. Apparently Todd posted it here after I sent it to him

>> No.6142480

post a pic of you please

>> No.6142494

y did u cum on ruf shirt? ;_;

>> No.6142503

>friends asking me what my clothes cost

>> No.6142509



>> No.6142514

you're a fucking qt if that is you, just thought i'd let you know
would cuddle with

>> No.6142552

I wonder if Prodigy woke up yet or if shes dead of alcohol poisoning.

>> No.6142792

so much narcissism and waste in this thread

>> No.6142890


>> No.6142950

I've only received shit for my suits and shoes from a couple of my friends when they decided to look up how much they cost. They said I could get the same thing much cheaper at stores like Brothers, J.Lindeberg etc. but I know it's not true, so whatever.

>> No.6143915

No one asks me how much I spend on clothes. Besides shoes, I think.

I've had people flip out on me about other hobbies I spend money on: records, comics, headphones/speakers, etc.

>> No.6143988

I had my friends tell me my $350 suit was too expensive.

>> No.6144015

420chan will blow your mind

fucking highschooler

>> No.6144053

funny bc im done w college.
also funny bc iv never hung out with str8edge freaks and NOBODY i know...i mean NOBODY even knows what chan is...you live in a diff planet lil man.


>> No.6144048

Actually had a discussion today how hilarious it would be to have dropcrotch in highschool.

"pull up your pants sir" "nigga what" "oh.. uh.. oh... THATS NOT APPROPRIATE, TOO MUCH CLOTHING"

Anyway, OT friend was disgusted I paid 90$ on april 77 when he said I should of just got levis

>> No.6144060

you're pretty fat

and ugly af

>> No.6144069
File: 2.97 MB, 280x186, laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not fat

>> No.6144077

go to /soc/ you attention whore

>> No.6144074

coming from someone i wouldnt touch w a 10ft pole even if apocolypse and last man left on earth

>> No.6144081

When I was in my last highschool year I bought a coach messenger bag for 190 and my friend got mad
because she said it was too much for a bag.

>> No.6144083

if only you'd know

>> No.6144087

stop pretending to be PRODIGY faggot

>> No.6144093

no you homos are funner to fuck with always so emotion gullible n shit....plus you need someone around here who actually knows how to pull a look together....youre welcome that i grace your fucking presence

>> No.6144115


>> No.6144130

I had friends who used to get mad at shit like that.

They stopped talking to me and now I have new friends who don't care about how much money I spend on clothes.

>> No.6144141

So like, we've got those 2 anons sharing pictures of tthere medicaments acting like they are hardass motherfuckers?

What the fuck? Ritalin?

>2 nerds who needed it for their "ADHD"

>> No.6144153

i think it was just one but ok

>> No.6144160

Well there was this prodigy dude+anon.

>> No.6144236

from what I gathered PRODIGYs a fem whose addicted to downers...while other dude social anxiety/adhd as fuck

>> No.6144679

naw it wasnt ritalin.
it was an assortment of god tier amphetamines and downers.
someone else had social anxiety, but the other guy posting the macbook pics was just a dealer and user.

from what i could tell.

also i think prodigy sexted with him because she stopped posting once she emailed him.

One of the best threads in a long time.

>> No.6144848

>adderall is most /fa/

no, vyvanse is

>> No.6144866
File: 21 KB, 230x275, FgQvPqw7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6145042


this. jesus fucking christ i love having a script for this shit.

>> No.6145143

no because i dont waste $1200 on a piece of clothing when i can get a similar alternative for 1/20 of the price. you guys are beyond stupid for spending so much on clothes. I manage to look /fa/ without having to spend a third of my monthly income.

go fuck yourself, /fa/.

>> No.6145167

whats wrong with you man? calm the fuck down #1.
then come to terms with the fact that you're poor compared to these people #2
and #3 while yes you can look good regardless budget no need to act so ignorant.

>> No.6145174

>less potential for abuse

choose 1

>> No.6145183 [DELETED] 

it's tm

>> No.6145252

My mum got livid when she saw a receipt for 80 dollars on a pair of pants.

>> No.6145326

mayb u shuld stop spending ur parents money