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/fa/ - Fashion

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6034084 No.6034084[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do a lot of the posters here type and talk like they're uneducated black folk?

>inb4 we're not fuccboi

It's like I'm in 10th grade again reading some of these posts

>> No.6034113

A lot of the posters are in the 10th grade now.

>> No.6034146

wot u talkin bout m8

>> No.6034174

i ot to smack ya gobber m9

>> No.6034211


>> No.6034242



>> No.6034276

lmao bruh bru wat u talkn abt? elderly foo is wut u r lol

>> No.6034308

bcuz we can nigga

>> No.6034317


>> No.6034427


p.much this

it's a subconscious decision brought upon because fedora wearing neckbeards attempt and fail to sound verbose

there's also the fact that trying to sound all srs bzns makes you just seem like a pompous ass who takes himself too seriously

>> No.6034432

>not knowing we're subliminally making fun of black people

stupid ass fuccboi

>> No.6034441

It's a combination of Australian shitposters (all due respect to Dr. Komme) and people who are obsessed with hip-hop culture.

>> No.6034449


why are australians the cancer of every site?

they are like the brazilians of the anglosphere

>> No.6034447

nah we aint about dat. swerve u fat piece of shit

>> No.6034454

Only thing I can think of is that most of their ancestors were felons.

>> No.6034484


yea basically

it just shows ur not making an effort cus being a tryhard on the internet is for autists

>> No.6034479

>being sincere
modern generation can't stand anything that takes itself too seriously, so we ironically act like retards

>> No.6034493


>> No.6034509

There's a difference between being a pompous ass and demonstrating basic grammar skills, you know.

>> No.6034518
File: 197 KB, 1024x768, GOLzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can thank the KTT cross posters

>> No.6034519

All your reasons seem like excuses for being lazy. You can use proper grammar and sophisticated speech to express ideas without sounding like some posh brit.

>> No.6034529

lel look at dis fukin nerd

>> No.6034538

stfu nurd

>> No.6034537

proper grammar is boring doe

>> No.6034541
File: 33 KB, 340x364, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're doing it too. No capitalization, poor punctuation, and you said "fake as fuck".

>> No.6034533
File: 16 KB, 379x245, 1349403458473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they do it to seem relevant, some namefags started it, see uuuuuuh or twerk it, then others followed.

but you can easily see that the real relevant people here, like mamma for example, write just fine.

these anons just happen to be fake as fuck, they are also the same ones with the generic ass tumblrs and shit.

>> No.6034540

What is KTT, anyway?

>> No.6034543

i am lazy, what the fuck are you gonna do about it

>> No.6034552


no need to go to the other extreme though, that would put me in your position aka the nerd stance, so i'm fine like this.

>> No.6034554

At least he's intelligible.

>> No.6034546

you couldn't be more of an autist even if you tried

>> No.6034549


Nothing, Just know that you are a degenerate.

>> No.6034561

>nerd stance
Are you in high school, by any chance?

>> No.6034570


no, you're just a nerd for caring for this petty internet shit.

>> No.6034576

i am a degenerate and you are a buttmad sperglord getting bothered about the grammar of people on a internet fashion forum on a weeaboo imageboard

"Why are the gentleman in 4chinz so uneducated!??!?!"

>> No.6034574

retaliation against pseudo-intellectualism

>> No.6034581


>speaking a language the way it was meant to be spoken is wrong and bad
>having a proper education is wrong and bad

Has it always been like this? I don't wanna be gay and say "hurr i was born in the wrong generation." but I can't believe people think like this.

>> No.6034584


lol get over it fagette grammar is for degenerates

level headed niggas like me type normal

>> No.6034591

it didnt start on /fa/ at all you dummy
honestly ive been seeing it on social sites since 2011
like someone else above said websites like leddit got filled up with a bunch of 15 year olds who think being cool is saying "you sir are a gentleman and a scholar" and its so painful to read because no one on the internet wants to be seen as taking everything seriously
>way it was meant to be spoken
>there isn't thousands of dialects in the english language
>"im so smart i only speak in modern american english that my public school education barely scratched the surface on!!!!1!"

>> No.6034610

People have been typing badly on the internet since... well, the internet was invented.

>> No.6034614

but doing it ironically (and then it becoming the cultural norm) didnt happen until recently

>> No.6034620

dis fuccboi dun't understand u can use correct grammar while writing like dis. Get wrekt.

>> No.6034626

*type normally

we're not in the us pls use adverbs

>> No.6034629

becuz im an easy going nigga and i like people who can joke around

>> No.6034634

Because anti-intellectualism.

>> No.6034631

Shorthand text speak has been the cultural norm for a decade.

>> No.6034637
File: 47 KB, 499x619, Hipster-tiger-tat-guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I deserve a round of applause gentlemen. You've all been part of an elaborate ruse. I have successfully derailed /fa/ by posting 2 off-topic threads and having them stay on the front page. Enjoy the rest of your day, mates.

>> No.6034636




>> No.6034638
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Yeah, because it's impossible to make a joke with correct grammar.

>> No.6034647


its cool bro its a rly nice thread

it makes the retards come out 2 defend grammar

see: >>6034634

>> No.6034653

Yo nigga you soooo herby #basicbitch fuccnigga.

Why aint u wit it nigga srly. #smh

>> No.6034660
File: 13 KB, 564x676, 1363127259961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6034661

Do you honestly think that we converse like this in real life?

Occasionally we may use some some slang like this in real life, but, not usually.

You're on 4chan, we're just trolling and making fun of niggers subliminally.

Calm down fuccboi.

>> No.6034666


Are you making fun of them when you dress like them?

>> No.6034670



actually blax r the most /fa/ subculture imo

nobody rocks baggy clothes correct like them

>> No.6034668


>> No.6034681

Yeah it's pretty terrible. Only thing to do is write properly and win them over.

>> No.6034680

Japs are way more /fa/, anway.

>> No.6034687


nah japs just r brandwhore and throw on a lot of crazy clothes

blax just wear mad elegant big clothes that just drape like balla tribesmen and shit

>> No.6034688

Okay dad.

>> No.6034685

I think /fa/ just finally discovered hipster runoff.

>> No.6034691
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it makes people



>> No.6034699


man you made me feel some 2008 vibes hard with your post

>you will never be an altbro riding the 09's chillwave again

damn, do i miss those days

>> No.6034706

I don't dress like a Negroid though kind sir.

Last time I checked modern day African-American style was stolen off white people anyways.

>Skinny jeans
>Fitting t-shirts

We've been rocking them before the late 2000's unlike nigs.

I don't wear snapbacks or the latest pair of Jordans.

White people designed the best Jordans anyways.

Stay mad, fuccboi.

>> No.6034709

Damn, 09 really was a great year for fashion.


Fuck, I miss that shit man.

>> No.6034715

wow that level of ignorance and conceit

>> No.6034724

What was ignorant in my post?


>> No.6034717

>baggy clothes
>lel what

nigga we're in 2013

not 2003

>> No.6034731

your concept of black fashion

also your general racist attidude

>> No.6034726

>making an effort to look like you're not making an effort

>> No.6034744

>Concept of black fashion

There's hardly a difference between how white and black people dress in 2013.

It's 2013, not 2003.

Niggas aren't rocking jeans shorts, fitteds, tall tees, baggy ass Jeans, etc in 2013.

Their modern day style was basically copying white people's style to a certain extent.

The only thing original in blacks style currently would be them rocking snapbacks or Jordans (which aren't even as popular amongst blacks as they used to be) other than that?

Nope, nothing original.

You're forgetting that we designed these clothes they rock in the first place.

>> No.6034759
File: 234 KB, 462x562, 1366920457394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fa or not fa?
can't find questions thread so i post here

>> No.6034763

it's easier than typing with proper grammar.
also kinda funny.

y dnt u like it doe?

>> No.6034768

absolutely horrendous

>> No.6034769

use the catalog

>> No.6034771

you think black people are all the same

>> No.6034770

ummmm, no

why would you rock those types of jeans?

>> No.6034782

Where did I say black people were all the same?

I was responding to the other guys stereotypes of how black males dress.

I didn't say they all dressed like that, generally they do though.

The implication that black males don't rock snapbacks or Jordans is honestly stupid.

I never said all blacks dress like that, a lot do though.

If you think white people didn't influence modern day blacks styles, well, then you're an idiot because it's clear as daylight in terms of influence.

>> No.6034784

ctop/lewcrew invented it and you guys played it out in like late 2011 great job m8s

>> No.6034796

i like dem

the shoes fuck it up doe

>> No.6034848


just shut up already you're fucking retarded

if you wanna get butthurt about racism fuck off to /mu/

>> No.6034862

>I was responding to the other guys stereotypes of how black males dress.

>The implication that black males don't rock snapbacks or Jordans is honestly stupid.
trashy white kids do this too, and I hope you don't think they started it

>If you think white people didn't influence modern day blacks styles, well, then you're an idiot because it's clear as daylight in terms of influence.
Of course I can understand that. I also understand taht it works in vice-versa.

And I also understand that it does not that black and white fashion is a dichotomy.
There are black people that dress a certain way, there are other who dress in another way etc. same goes for whites

you talk about modern day fashion yet seem to be ignorant to that fact that the world is becoming exponentially diversified. If you think black people arent touching on all the different facets that the fashion industry offers, then you're ignorant

>> No.6034877

i'm don't care about him ahving any racist thoughts, i don't care about him at all

but this is a fashion board so that's why he and i were talking about fashion

no one invited you into our conversation

>> No.6034931

Where did I say white kids started it?

I'm saying that black males generally rock shit like that all the time.

>Works vice-versa

Hardly, white people influenced blacks more heavily in modern day style.

I'm speaking generally here, not with a few rare exceptions.

Stop being a little faggot who's getting upset at this shit.

I'm not even being racist.

You sound like a little suburban white kid who's never been around blacks in his life.

Keep getting offended at how I'm stating blacks generally dress.

I bet talking about blacks have higher crime rates than white people offends your little faggot suburban ass too.

>> No.6034992

I'm not mad, and i'm not a white suburban kid

>I bet talking about blacks have higher crime rates than white people offends your little faggot suburban ass too.
no, because that doesnt concern me. Fashion concerns me because it is an interest of mine, i like to pay attention to trends.

You keep think i'm mad or upset, why would i? i don't even know you, i was challenging what you said because it was unfounded and ignorant

>> No.6035004

There was nothing even ignorant in my posts, the influence on white people on blacks in modern day style is evident.

If you really got offended at that, well, you sound like a complete bitch.

I don't really need to say anything else.

>> No.6035125

i'm not offended, i already told you
i have too many things going on in my life to really care what anyone does on here

i just like talking

>> No.6035255

Well this is a conversation about generalizations. So if it makes you feel better amend his post to say "the dominant mainstream trends amongst african americans ages 18-32" instead of just black people.

The general black fashion is now more similar to the general white fashion than it was 10 years ago. Do you agree or disagree with that regardless of our raging unchecked privilege