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/fa/ - Fashion

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6025250 No.6025250 [Reply] [Original]

Didn't tinfoil make this?

Went #mainstream

>> No.6025262

that sucks

>> No.6025260

Fuck everything.

>> No.6025272

300 white kids commenting "smh" on it

Well we had our fun, right

>> No.6025279

>yfw earl's itt right now

>> No.6025281

nice shop

>> No.6025278

So I only understand like half of those things:
what's with the :work: thing?
"finna cut right now," does that mean leave?
is cac short for caucasian?
is elderly like lame or something?
Thanks, if anyone ends up answering my questions. Just kind of curious.

>> No.6025283

well fuck guess we need to like something else now.

>yfw earl is on effay

>> No.6025285

The guy that runs that facebook page aint even earl.

>> No.6025288

elderly = old = worn out

>> No.6025295


I think cut refers to cocaine.

>> No.6025307


>> No.6025317

Am i the only one who thinks Earl is better than Tyler? His flow is fucking perfect goddamn

>> No.6025322
File: 98 KB, 540x529, not shopped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idet. It got reposted 4 times on my feed already.

>> No.6025323


Isn't that fucking everyone? Even Tyler called out the fact that everyone dickrides Earl.

>> No.6025328


well yeah but did he mean it or was he joking or being sarcastic?

>> No.6025337


he was totally serious about it

>> No.6025348


well what does he want? he had one of the best reviewed albums of 2010 then just drops off the face of the earth? of course people are going to dickride him when they get blueballed like that.

Everyone wants and exalts what they can't have.

>> No.6025358

wtc /fa/ internet literate friends?

>> No.6025372


tyler's just mad coz he's an average rapper and his music videos are shit

>> No.6025378


tc. duh.

>> No.6025381

>finna cut right now
in weight lifting, cut means shedding fat, to see your abs.

>> No.6025386

They aren't they just follow that fake earl page.

>> No.6025394

>Even Tyler called out the fact that everyone dickrides Earl.
link? video?

>> No.6025405

>yfw earl doesnt have facebook

he said it himself fuccbois

>> No.6025401


i don't know about that. admittedly i know fuck all about rap and hip hop but i think tylers voice is really cool.

>> No.6025412

people still listen to OFWGKTA?

i see middle schoolers wearing odd future hoodies lel

>> No.6025419

tinfoil, what did you do? now all the wiggers will be flocking to /fa/
tinfoil pls.

>> No.6025421
File: 111 KB, 960x480, 8631809943_32f07d689c_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they make bretty good music breh

>middle schoolers also supporting them
why should i care?

>> No.6025423


>wearing golf wang gear

naw, just listen to the music
i like mellowhype and earl

>> No.6025427

Off with its head.

>> No.6025438

their music has always been average b. earl has occasional nice wordplay but he's becoming a one trick pony. he'll sling syllables together to make kids drool but he does the same thing every single song.

doom did the same thing but so much better and with more variety (re: kon karne). no disrespect to of but they're not really worth a listen. i think it's too easy in hip hop to listen to genuinely average music.

>> No.6025439


>> No.6025461

He didn't tweet that picture out.

>> No.6025525


Hodgy is so fucking hot

>> No.6025601

hi earl

>> No.6025614
File: 49 KB, 468x224, tyler_ real hip hop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im only a fan of tyler and earl to be honest. especially tyler.

also i wouldnt classify his music as rap or hip hop. doom is old as fuck and im not in 8th grade anymore so im over him.

im not concerned about his lyrics or if he uses big words or not. im just happy he isnt talking about having bad bitches or popping mollys.

>> No.6025619


he's right doe

>> No.6025641

if dat image is related to your post u fukd up bruh.

there's a reason doom is of's biggest influence, and why people still listen to him. in a few years no one will be bumping goblin, let alone bastard. in one year earl's video got 10mil views and in the year since it's gotten 2.

since we're on a fashion board, of is the equivalent of fast fashion. it's why some rappers have to put out multiple releases a year (why kanye raps over trap music now)

it ain't about listening to "dust shit", it's about real recognisin real. of is fun to listen to but get really tired.

inb4 aesop rock/atmosphere/immortal technique

>> No.6025659
File: 214 KB, 640x960, instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"doom is OFs biggest influence" lol no.

tyler listened to doom but it isnt his biggest influence... N.E.R.D./ pharrell is

i dont know about the rest of the group

>> No.6025673

yeah i don't hear doom in tyler but defo in earl.

a good read if you want: http://passionweiss.com/2012/11/07/earl-sweatshirt-captain-murphy-and-the-enduring-influence-of-the-madvillain/

>> No.6025679

Pretty sure he means DJ, hence why he mentions playing Yeezy. If not, it's probably about leaving.

>> No.6025695

Pharrell is WAY better than Tyler though... Same with Doom.

>> No.6025700

that's what happens when you diffuse musicians like them through ~18 year olds

>> No.6025705
File: 104 KB, 518x626, comme des garcon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill read dat tomoroo T. Hanks

>> No.6025711
File: 128 KB, 1198x672, cam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhh no shit. tyler is 21 and pharrell just turned 40 whats the point of comparing them

shit whats the point of comparing any artists.

shits stupid and pointless

>> No.6025726

>Shits stupid and pointless because Sruli Recht is a clear winner

>> No.6025730


cant believe you had to say that

>> No.6025755


its all KTT slang fam


>> No.6025800


what's wrong with immortal technique

>> No.6025803


objectivity is a good thing

>> No.6025809

in social context maybe(?)
in analysis or critique, no.

You just end up arguing about whether or not waistcoats and jackets are outdated otherwise.

>> No.6025813

It's for 14 year old Caucasian conspiracy theorists who exposed 9/11 and the Boston marathon.

>> No.6025817

he's rapping out of his depth

>> No.6025824

hes like a really shitty poet

thats saying a lot

>> No.6025839

Your autism is showing

>> No.6025843
File: 23 KB, 184x157, predicament.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wtf are you dumb niggas talkin about? finna cut means "i want to leave"

>> No.6025845
File: 986 KB, 500x473, gasp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I literally trolled all of you xDD !!1!oneone!1!one

>> No.6025846
File: 176 KB, 2046x976, 1358657819820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6025856

>implying smoked out loc'd out isn't goat

>> No.6025862

>implying juicy j's solo work isn't better than everything 3 6 has done

>> No.6025867


ARGHHH, white people everywhere love him cause of his "omg 2edgy illuminati NWO dis is wat rap shuld be" lyrics

Immortal Technique is a fuccboi that tries to hard

>> No.6025882
File: 40 KB, 349x642, 4353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6025883

nah b smoked out is impeccable

>> No.6025908


don't care about the first thing

i agree that his tone can be grating at times but i think he's pretty good

>> No.6025913

>in analysis or critique, no.

that's like the MAIN area objectivity is important you fucking lame-o

>> No.6025934


finna cut = find a "cut" from bay area slang "cutty." if something's cutty it's covert, i'm pretty sure it means he just wants to leave like someone said earlier. might be wrong, but given LA's proximity to the bay area wouldnt be surprised if it moved down south.

>> No.6026002

see >>6025843

>> No.6026006


finna is short for 'fixing to', cac

>> No.6026008

but then you won't have any space to critique things if you state objective points.

There isn't space for argument.

All your opinions will always be subjective because how you perceive a 'object' is different to how someone else does.

>> No.6026011

black is objectively better than white though

goth ninja > everything


>> No.6026014

that's not objective though.

you wouldn't pose a question a question if it was objective

>> No.6026021

It was a joke. /fa/ has no sense of humor

>> No.6026025

no tl is irl autistic dude not 4chan meme autistic but like real so he took u serios

is ok tl

>> No.6026028

no pls u sed u wudnt tel ne1 ;(

>> No.6026031

most tripfaggots always have mental problems. it stems from their idea that anyone cares what they say.

>> No.6026032

tbh im surprised i even had 2 tell tht guy he must be new ._.

>> No.6026033

holy mackerel that's mean dude

>> No.6026035


>commiserating with a namefag about tripfags

top lel

>> No.6026036

jks on u fag im nt actuialy artistik !!

get #recht scum bag B)

>> No.6026037

>holy mackerel
geez louise chuck e cheese

>> No.6026039

your not helping your case if your pretending to wear sunglasses and think surli is anything but gimmicky shit

>> No.6026045

damn go the fuck in dude get'em

:inhales thru teeth:

you think this is a freakin game kid???

he stole that meme from me anyway

>> No.6026047


so da nigga likes sum surly rick. wuts it 2 u?? ;x

>> No.6026049

[autism intensifies]

because he keeps pushing the wacklemore version of fashion designers

>> No.6026057

ur jst 2 dum 2 relis hw xpansiv sr is

stay 4evr 21 B)

>> No.6026067

man remember when ppl used to call out actual autism and it wasnt facebook meme status

i liked ur double meme combo tho [intensifies] and autism combined

this nigga said wacklemore ohaHA SHITt

>> No.6026080

>tfw the only tyler track i dug was yonkers and i discoved that from /v/
>tfw tyler was being bumped at school 1 year later
>tfw this comment has been dormant for an hour

>> No.6026238


i don't think you know what objectivity is

>> No.6026390
File: 165 KB, 747x500, lememefa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we lememe now

>> No.6027113



>> No.6027125

lol did this actually him
i did it ma

>> No.6027133

not his real facebook fuccbois

>> No.6027583

cut means leave can't believe some of you niggas talking about cocaine HAHA CACS KTT WE IN HERE