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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 201 KB, 990x736, negro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5969197 No.5969197 [Reply] [Original]

what are the best exercises for cheeks?

has anyone been doing them and are there any progress?

pic not related but dem facial aesthetics.

>> No.5969202
File: 125 KB, 1067x1600, 0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kegel workout for your mouth.

u can use a cock or a dildo

>> No.5969210
File: 79 KB, 500x659, lolnoteventrying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't eat.

>> No.5969218

Suck cock obviously. Have you ever seen a pornstar with chubby cheeks?

>> No.5969217
File: 90 KB, 480x640, sweeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been chewing gum for months, not for chin exercise but I noticed it help.

>> No.5969239
File: 97 KB, 500x375, aidenandrewsjohanneslinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No homo but suck on things.

>> No.5969241


>> No.5969260

I've been sucking in my cheeks for the past month and I barely noticed and improvement. maybe there is but I didn't notice it because it's not much.

is blowing your air inside mouth good exercise? I read that it helps but I feel like my cheeks will be more stretched and therefore looser.

>> No.5969271

chew gum man. I did it for the sake of the minty taste and in the past 5 months straight iv been noticing definition.

>> No.5969287

There are a few exercises that people claim help. They're generally pretty quick to do and you do them daily. You have to remember to stay very hydrated because they can lead to wrinkles on the face. That's obviously a bad thing if you don't have a healthy diet and are no longer youthful.

I myself have been doing chin and jaw exercises for a little over a month almost daily and have noticed results, but that may just be because I've also changed diets and began exercising. Don't go and be a retard and fuck with your mouth all day everyday until it gets sore and you develop wrinkles.

>> No.5969288


>> No.5969296

what a load of shit ahhahahhahahahhahhahahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahah

>> No.5969303

> exercises for cheeks
What the fuck? Does /fa/ into anatomy?

In order to get pronounced cheekbones the only option is to have low bf%, this will seek in your cheeks and accentuate your cheekbone. There's no amount of exercise you can do that will workout your actual bones, let alone muscles in your face.

Straight up it's all genetics and low bf%
Stupid shit like jaw excercises are about as effective as other fad workouts like jequels.

>> No.5969305

you guys are unbelievably retarded

there is literally no exercises that will 'increase definition' jesus christ

it comes down to weight and genetics, thats it. nothing else will help apart from surgery.

>> No.5969310

maybe this?

http://www livestrong com/article/77518-build-muscle-face/

>> No.5969333
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I can't stand my gfs Fashion sense.

>> No.5969337

expand, I want to hear

>> No.5969341

>tfw carnival in town
>tfw no fa qtp2t to take

>> No.5969343

you dont decide where to lose fat from. just work out. it might help your face, it might not. either way you should work out regularly.

>> No.5969348



>> No.5969350

I have 13% body fat (maybe less, that was winter's count) and chubby cheeks.

Where's your science now
Where is it

>> No.5969351

Could playing sax help?

>> No.5969364

>it might help your face, it might not
Actually thats incorrect. You store bf all over your body, with your face being one of the most notable places. Thus when you lose bf, it's impossible for it to stay retained in the face and not anywhere else.

If you have high bf% and you start cutting then you will, undoubtedly have a more pronounced jaw structure and slimmer face.

>> No.5969368

>Implying this is low?

>> No.5969370

I have even less, I eat twice a day and drink water mostly. if i'm snacking it's usually fruit.

>> No.5969373

Uh, it is.

>> No.5969375

Are you cheeks plump?

>> No.5969388

yeah, no shit, some people have naturally fat faces. I promise you that if you were to jump up to 20% bf your face would become even fatter.
The point I'm making is that while hitting a lower bf% will slim down your face guaranteed, the final result is dependant on a few different factors, but mainly bone structure. It'll help for sure, but then it's dependant on how pronounced your cheekbones already are.

fyi if you hit a lower bf% you'll still lose face fat.

>> No.5969398
File: 35 KB, 640x480, 625661_10200991073165519_1098943145_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are they?

>> No.5969402

ITT: Retards not understanding genetics and facial structure

>> No.5969405

Yes fat-ass. Go get a decent haircut queerlord

>> No.5969423

1st reply is an insult.


>> No.5969424

how long have you been on /fa/?

>> No.5969425

you have shit genetics mate

>> No.5969432

Go thanks your fat mom and fat dad

>> No.5969447

I know, it's 4chan, but still there are people who give polite constructive criticism instead of insults.

>> No.5969453

Hahahahahaah fucking fag.

>> No.5969464

tfw my dad has good face definition, mom not so much though. she was still pretty when she was younger. my older brother has good jaw and cheekbones too.

maybe there's still hope for me ;_;

>> No.5969501

Get this into your head: Your facial structure will not change.

>> No.5969525

why not?

dont bones in males grow until 25? doesn't your face get defined the older you get? don't you lose some baby fat the older you get? a proper beard hasnt started growing on either.

maybe my genes are too shit but isn't that a general knowledge? I like my face structure, I just want to get it a little more defined.

>> No.5969530

Please try to refrain from being so vocal with your autism

>> No.5969543

are you retarded?

>> No.5969562


I wouldn't expect anything too dramatic, but my face has definitely changed from 19-25. I wouldn't expect miracles though.

>> No.5969571

i'll be 20 in may. I still look like a kid so i'm hoping to see some change. I must look older.

>> No.5969598

You look about 16

>> No.5969613


>> No.5969625

i read this shit in a japanese magazine about sucking yogurt through a thin straw

>> No.5969628

like a coffee stirrer

>> No.5969631

Am I the only person who doesn't find this attractive at all

>> No.5969636

Yes pleb

>> No.5969656

why yogurt?

>> No.5969659

its thick and hard to suck

sort of like you w/ ur dads cock lmao

>> No.5969664

haha lel

>> No.5969671

because its thick, i'm assuming...didnt read it all, thought it was dumb.

>> No.5969690

thats not a measurement of time.

>> No.5969698

around 2 years.

>> No.5972197

There are only 2 things that actually work:

Working out and not eating a bunch of fatty food.

Or option #2, starve yourself. I would recommend the first one though. It can also have alot to do with age, some guys just get more manly features earlier than others.