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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 66 KB, 541x810, preppyexample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5962980 No.5962980 [Reply] [Original]

why aren't there more people who appreciate the preppy style?

>> No.5962990

hh fcb ngg bttby

>> No.5962985

the chan archive has a prep thread 4 u

>> No.5962995

all i dress is preppy

it's cause most /fa/gs think preppy = dadcore

>> No.5962998

You look like a rich douche.

>> No.5962999
File: 47 KB, 500x750, femalepreppy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean look at the women

>> No.5963000

We got an influx of teens and gothninja wannabes, so anything preppy is "dadcore" and frowned upon. Fuck this place.

>> No.5963002


isn't that teh goal?

>> No.5963011 [DELETED] 

fn ddcr fccb g b t mfa r i wl rck u m(16/2) swr n m mm

>> No.5963013

i don't think so. i think that's what armani, prada, gucci does

>> No.5963014



and most people don't want to post fits because of the DADCORE NIGGER hivemind

ffs for a place that hates r.ebbit so much effay sure acts like them

>> No.5963019


>> No.5963020 [DELETED] 

sy tt t m fc nt nlin c wt apns u ddcr fccb ngr swr dwn

>> No.5963031

prep too easy and really nothing forward *citation needed
just hit up RRL, epaulet, some east coast brand and go sockless

>> No.5963030


no, preppy if done right is a mixture of #vintage and #menswear while still managing to look fresh, logos are nearly absent aside from the left breast mark of the polo shirt, the coat of arms on the buttons of a cardy etc

texture and quality are favored over attention grabbing designs, tho fit is still important, managing to dress "like an old man" while still appearing youthful is a must, and you also p much always have to be a WASP

however if done wrong you look like a rich douche

>> No.5963043 [DELETED] 

dnt unstd wd yr typn m(80000/10000)?????????????????????<wbr>

>> No.5963049

But there are. Just not here, right now, unfortunately.
/fa/ has become a cesspool of teenagers trying too hard to look "rad" and not knowing jack shit about fashion.
In any case, source on pic?

>> No.5963056

> not knowing jack shit
>can't google image search or recognize the obvious brands
this nigguh

>> No.5963064

ya i just used google.

>> No.5963073

what the fuck

no you fucking idiot you cant just walk into fucking target and buy a bunch of shitty polo shirts and OCBDs and sperry boat shoes with chubby shorts and walk like big man on campus HURRHURHR AM I FA YET fucking fat fuck manlet

i was doing prep before you were fucking born you little shit
end your life preferably with a bullet

>> No.5963075

who is this directed towards?

>> No.5963081


in his defense targets polo shirts are p nice (athletic fit anyway)

tho most of my polos are express (god tier fit)

>> No.5963082

sorry sieg this thread is too basic for you

>> No.5963096

ew no. target polos? being preppy isn't about wearing cheap polos. it's a life style that needs certain income to afford. an income that isn't wasted in the glorified walmart that is target

>> No.5963097

You. Are. God.

>> No.5963102

what the fucking shit am i reading on this greasy unpure board

you cant fucking buy nice clothes in a fucking grocery store outlet corporation huge conglomerate to buy food and toddler items i dont fucking give a shit about what a stupid uneducated frat retard like you thinks what fit is "p nice" you stupid uncultured berries for brains chucklefuck
no you fucking poor shit you dont even know what good clothing is

if we ever cross paths in real life i will be sure to draw my weapon and put a bullet in your throat

>> No.5963105


i never said it was

i was saying targets polos aren't horrific


also i buy almost all of my clothes from thrift stores so thats bullshit

you can be poor and look like a prep

>> No.5963108

op here, lol guys look at my book. xmas gift, it's tongue in cheek humor

>> No.5963109 [DELETED] 

gv up lf

>> No.5963112
File: 2.11 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frogot pic

>> No.5963113


>express is bad

please kill yourself now faggot

what next

botany500 is shit
old london fog is shit
stafford executive is shit
old jos a bank is shit
burberry is shit
puritan sportswear is shit
lenox hall is shit

i think you mite actually be retarded

>> No.5963117

ya but you can't be poor and actually be preppy.

>> No.5963121 [DELETED] 

kll r

>> No.5963124


"prep" in that sense doesn't exist anymore

WASPs are dead and have been since ww2

now it's just faggot rich kids, and half of them wear goofnigger and streetwear

>> No.5963129

Ok I was wrong

>> No.5963130

London Fog is shit, Burberry master race for life gothninja fuccboi

>> No.5963127

Please sieg, help us save this damned board from the gothninja and teenager wave.
You're probably one of the only few good tripfags around that actually still shows up.

>> No.5963134


no sieg is a pretentious faggot

denim dan is the only tripfag i actually can tolerate on /fa/

mostly because he doesn't have a shitfit whenever you disagree with him

>> No.5963139

What is tripfag? Newfaggot here sir.

>> No.5963137

prep is still alive, it's not nearly as big but my friends and i all dress like this and can afford to not shop at grocery stores for clothes.

>> No.5963141

express is shit

>> No.5963144


it's not that i can't afford

it's that i don't give a fuck

and i already told you, i don't shop exclusively at target, i basically only thrift so i can actually find old, quality clothes and i don't have to pay some old fat jews shitloads of money for what i can find at goodwill for 5.99

i own one target polo because i couldn't find light pink fucking anywhere

>> No.5963151
File: 397 KB, 468x854, lyl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i haven't noticed anything wrong with these shirts yet

they're old express tho so whatevs

i could b wrong

>> No.5963152

I live in San Francisco Bay Area and all I can find in thrift stores is fucking Morismo target shit

>> No.5963153

But sieg actually has decent opinions.
I know he talks like he wants to burn everyone's face with a flamethrower, but he means well most of the time, and you can actually get some decent advice from him.
Even if I didn't think so, I'd rather have him around than goofninja and teens.

>> No.5963158


i live in arizona which is full of old white people

it depends where you live

>> No.5963161

protip if you want to namedrop actually use good brands you fucking cockmonger teenaged slimeball

youve never even worn burberry you fucking hobo keep asking for handouts at the public park right

fucking frat shit

people like you should be killed in a massacre
maybe some day ill be the cleanser of society

>> No.5963164

>being preppy
>not giving a fuck

choose one. it's okay i don't expect you to be preppy. it's just that dressing preppy and being preppy are not the same thing.

>> No.5963166

lol youre an idiot then i can consistently find apc and n&f at wasteland same with boo polos

>> No.5963167


i actually own a burberry coat, it along with a saks fifth av coat are my winter longcoats

and i doubt u even kno who lenox hall is fgt

>> No.5963169


Burberry is made in china garbage, real sieg makes fun of Burberry all the time

Log off

>> No.5963170


this thread wasn't about being preppy, it was about dressing preppy

ofc i'm not preppy i'm the frontman of a fucking blackened sludge metal band for fucks sake

tho i do play polo

>> No.5963177

better sit your newfag ass down doggy before u get sonned

sieg's been here since day 1

>> No.5963172

lmao this dude, +1

>> No.5963173


is, not was

their old made in england stuff is fine

one more reason to only thrift instead of buying new

>> No.5963174
File: 66 KB, 500x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know what those are...

Tfw your rich dad bought you a Burberry raincoat and a Turnbul and Asser coat just this Christmas. Dat feel

>> No.5963178

I believe the 'preppy' look takes happiness along with style to fully pull off.
I would rock it around the year, but summer is the only time my wardrobe gets 'preppy'.
Seasonal depression is a bitch, but it's cool, love me some streetwear for the winter.

>> No.5963179


I wear plain t-shirts from the Gap/Old Navy and levi 559's (I have normal sized genitals).

I want to into prep.
How do I do this and not be a faggot with logos, but also not broke...

Let's say I have like 1200 to spend on prep shit to last me the entire year. I already own black ankle socks, 4 pairs of nice undies...that's it.

>> No.5963180

how can you even pretend to be prep if you don't know what boo is

>> No.5963182

>namefield says seig heil
>it must be seig


>> No.5963188


youre really fucking smart huh i bet you wear it with your fucking topsiders sperrys and your pink polo shorts

you look like a fucking tryhard you short shit

just nobody has the heart to tell you in your shitty retard ohio small town because they all dress in basketball shorts

fucking dipshit
die in a fire

>> No.5963187

I'm here so obviously I'm trying to know.

How about you be a cool faggot like Freddy mercury and inform me.

>> No.5963189

Yeah if u feel a vintage burberry trench and then a new one you can see how fashion moves

It's like once a house band gets established they let go of the quality and ride the name

Not every house, but a lot

>> No.5963190

post a fit
skinny refers to the tapering on the legs it has nothing to do with it hugging your junk
the fact your junk doesnt bulge when u wear regular fit pants probably just means u have a micropenis

>> No.5963192
File: 55 KB, 531x600, whatiworetoday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


go thrifting

buy old shit, old cardigans, riding jackets, loafers, floral ties like the one in this picture, chinos, match ur belt and shoes, buy some polo shirts, get some ocbds, get some fitting shorts, solid colors for everything etc etc etc

>> No.5963198
File: 61 KB, 425x251, x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've never seen any proof of a fake sieg

>> No.5963207


>> No.5963202


i live in arizona lol

also boat shoes r gross

>> No.5963203

that looks like ass

>> No.5963208


it's not the greatest but at least i have the balls to post a fit and learn from mistakes i make

>> No.5963210

What an unfortunate outfit

>> No.5963212
File: 90 KB, 424x640, 6223829147_0bb63e5df2_z (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a goofninja? Is that what you call anyone with superior taste that doesn't share your dull and cynical view of fashion?

Pic related, beautiful fashunz, not gay preppy fagshit for tasteless queers

Sieg's not real either. He gives shit advice and just looks stuff up on google or styleforum. There are only people impersonating him. Everything "sieg" says usually gets called out for being total bullshit. The only person he could actually help is a poorfag just starting out or something. He has no decent opinions either. Everything he has to say about politics is usually just the most retarded right wing bullshit you can hear from Bill O'Reilly. He has nothing interesting to say about fashion.

/fa/ would be a better place if there were less people like you that have shitty judgment. i bet you want casemods back as well.

>> No.5963213

dressed like the modern flaming homosexual straight out of liberal arts campus
too bad no fucking kids these days hate gay people theyre tolerant from their stupidity

youre dressed like my fucking great grandmother before she croaked

how many infographs have you read before you went to target and the fucking thrift store to buy merona "IM GONNA BE SO /FA/"

>> No.5963219


>> No.5963223
File: 565 KB, 1586x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is the Burberry. It is an original from the 80-90s I think. Came with a camel hair lining.

>> No.5963224
File: 359 KB, 920x2372, cozyasfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


top lel

post a fit :--33333

>> No.5963227


pls use the belt trenchcoats need belts or the silhouette is retarded

>> No.5963228

>not anime cosplay

Fashion is means to look good autist.

>> No.5963229

ahahha oh god these shoulder pads

>> No.5963234

get rid of that thing

>> No.5963235

you guys look like shit

>> No.5963231


it's not a sportscoat faggot

it's a riding jacket and i'm wearing a cardigan underneath it

>> No.5963241

fake sieg is always deleting posts whenever he posts something flagrantly false and a bunch of people call him out on his bullshit.

most of the time he plays it safe and just throws random insults and slurs then retreats. you can only get called out when you try to act knowledgeable in some way.

>> No.5963238

sell it to some poor sucker and use it to buy something better lol

>> No.5963239


what does this have to do with anime?

>> No.5963240

I do when I wear it outside. Currently I'm in OC so the weather is not conducive to thick coats.

>> No.5963242
File: 49 KB, 139x139, 1365797476346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loafers with socks

>> No.5963243
File: 38 KB, 876x744, DSC-294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice fucking shoulder pads janet jackson suck a fat one

>> No.5963250



im never told this in WAYWT threads and I have a 97% fashism approval rating so i think im going to believe the majority of this thread is sieg samefagging

im also a us navy seal w/ 300 confirmed kills

>> No.5963251

Lel try affording better than target, get on my level poorfags

>> No.5963256

i spend more on visvim in a week than u probably have had your daddy buy for you in your life

>> No.5963257

OP here. this is dad core prep. it's going to be summer soon. dress like the guy in my first pic. or jsut go to j crew and say "halp". matching your belt and shoes isn't necessary if you're wearing a pin stripe belt. wear sperry's literally all the time. no socks unless you're wearing long pants and the socks are black or any color that isn't white that transitions from pant color to shoe color well. always button one more down in the summer, like the one in my first pic. make sure your clothes fit FFS. polos are okay, although they can make you look very fratty so i just wear thinner sport shirts and roll the sleeves up. infact jcrew's new irish linen shirts are thin but not see-through so they're perfect and are awesome. just make sure you're colorful, pink isn't a girl color any more. no hot pink because thats actually reserved for gay men. make sure your shorts are 11 inch unless you're in a tropical area than 7 inch are acceptable. get some aviators or whatever. no american eagle unless you wanna look noveau riche. i'll post more when i think of more. here's the shirt. irish linen is like my new cashmere. http://www.jcrew.com/mens_feature/tobedeleted/catalogjcrewcomexclusives/shirts/PRDOVR~12486/99101666602/ENE~1+2+3+22+4294967294+20~~~0~15~all~mode+matchallany~~~~~irish%20linen/12486.jsp

>> No.5963258


you look basic bitch as fuck


>blue jeans


im also wearing a cardigan and a cardigan+jacket respectively

ergo it was cold out

>> No.5963261
File: 51 KB, 300x265, dementor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Becaus eit looks ridiculous.

Its a costume means to explore fashion, not something that looks good and should be worn outside of as runway or nicley planned pictures.

>> No.5963262

I have more in my trust fund than you'll make in ten lifetimes.

>> No.5963267

as the son of a saudi oil tycoon I doubt that

>> No.5963275


A set of clothes in a style typical of a particular country or historical period.

and all clothes look like shit without nicely planned pictures.

>> No.5963277

you dont even fucking know what basic is you retard

you wear fucking dadbob 9 to 5 desk sitting cardigan tie homo bullshit and you couldnt even recognize what fucking brand that denim is jackass

you dont even have half a fucking idea what the fuck youre doing with your shitty thrifted grandma clothes somebody died in

you namedrop but you wear fucking boat shoes with navy socks and floral embroidered ties from the clearance section of grocery outlet
all you look like is a typical fucking degenerate autist treehug liberal arts major

if you came anywhere close to me i would fill you with lead

>> No.5963278

As the son of the CEO of the largest conglomerate I doubt that.

Also, blow yourself up sandnigger haji fagget lel get drone stricken.

>> No.5963279

literally arguing about whose parent has more money

c'mon guys...

>> No.5963281

>coat and dress

What a horribly myopic view of fashion you have.

>> No.5963282



i need some navy socks actually

>> No.5963284
File: 13 KB, 162x310, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, GN needs pics to look alright, outside of the settings it just looks dumb as hell

Pic is the example of the toned down GN that actually looks good.

>> No.5963287


don't expect for this thread to get any better

it's a shining example of why /fa/ is shit

>> No.5963294
File: 90 KB, 1237x1024, Zlxxp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking good

pls go autist

>> No.5963296

yeah thats right fuck you fucking back off right

because you couldnt fucking step up to the criticism

just an everyday shitmonger

if you my gun up to your head youd be crying for your shitty burberry coat to save your life

fuck you

>> No.5963297


yeah same with every other type of clothing. if you take shitty blurry pics in the bathroom mirror with bad lighting, it looks like shit whether youre wearing dope italian menswear, cdg, or balenciaga

>> No.5963291
File: 324 KB, 400x764, 1361758266256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post the high res version

>> No.5963293

>toned down
>comes equipped with a ninja hood


>> No.5963298

As the son of the largest CEO i doubt that conglomerate.

>> No.5963300

kill yourself kike scum
feels good knowing your family's the first target once the dollar collapses

>> No.5963301

And you're contributing faggot.

Drink bleach.

>> No.5963307


yea i should've said that all of my fits are from winter

basically my fits now consist of

>linen shirts
>linen shorts(amazing)
>polo shirts
>skinny jawnz or chinos

i do have some pin strip belts i'd like to experiment with tho

>> No.5963316

balenciaga looks like shit if you're in a professional photo or not

>> No.5963310


i actually posted fits when i was called out

the only thing im doing wrong is tripping and thats cause im 2 lazy 2 take my /mu/ trip off

>> No.5963313 [DELETED] 

U wot m8, u vn k hw 2 rll? Mkng sht p s rl fnny lel

>> No.5963323

there is no need to experiment with those belts. you can wear them with literally anything. LITERALLY ANYTHING DO IT NOW PUT ONE ON NOW.

>> No.5963318


>polo shirts

so how did you first get interested in white autist style?

>> No.5963321

look at this backpedaling bitchass

>> No.5963324


whatever, my point was that no matter what you wear, it looks like shit if you take bad pics.

>> No.5963325


there is nothing wrong with polo shirts you faggot, and i actually play polo so whatevs

and loafers are comfortable and don't look ass retarded like plimsolls or boat shoes

>> No.5963328
File: 202 KB, 1278x1548, picture 35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

polo shirts are shit for the most part
xcept this cool raf polo i own and raf x fred perry polos B)

>> No.5963331

boat shoes are fantastic what's your issue?

>> No.5963332

But GN looks awful IRL, where i live theres a high fashion shop i see alot of them every weekend, They literally look like clowns dressed in black.

Nice hair but the dick dunks look comical IRL.

>> No.5963333

0/10 please stop shitposting

>> No.5963334


here in arizona the only people that wear them are legit autists who wear fedoras and mlp shirts

>> No.5963340

how much stuff do u hav in ur wardrobe its like u nevr post the same item twice

>> No.5963335



throw away your gay loafers

stick with margiela/cp/raf, youll be a little less disgusting that way

>theres nothing wrong with polo shirts

im not even touching this

>> No.5963337


>> No.5963341

That looks horrible.

Just because its raf doesnt mean it good.

Ill take a normal fred perry over that tryhard shit anyday

>> No.5963345


seriously whats wrong with polo shirts

polos and linen shirts are the only shirt you can wear in 120 degree weather, which is what it legit gets here in az during may/june/july/august/september

anything else causes massive sweat accumulation and fatigue

>> No.5963347
File: 238 KB, 1342x980, picture32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks ill take ur opinion into consideration

buncha random stuff mainly raf lmao

>> No.5963349
File: 121 KB, 427x640, waywt037ua2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


whats the name of the shop?

and no ive seen a lot of fits that look great in real life.

>> No.5963351

well, I'm a poorfag AND a newfag but I want those shoes.
would anyone help me by suggesting a brand? I actually live in China and it's difficult to let people understand what you want unless you can refer to an actual brand.

PS will make a thread in 30 minutes or so if nothing comes up

>> No.5963352

well i fell sorry for you because sperry's worn everywhere i've been too and where i live are worn right. also QTgirls+sperrys=keeper

>> No.5963354

get your goffninha shit out of here what the fuck is wrong with you this is clearly about the preppy style and this is literally the polar opposite kill yourself yes i mad no punctuation.

>> No.5963360


>> No.5963357
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>> No.5963359
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>> No.5963370
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>> No.5963363
File: 30 KB, 360x559, 1zleule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5963364

How are you posting from China...?

Brb calling shao lin monks 2 tak ur as in2 custodee

>> No.5963377
File: 19 KB, 547x410, t7ie00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5963378

why are you spamming random pictures we're just discussing something??

>> No.5963373
File: 24 KB, 480x640, mic140xen8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5963375


>> No.5963382

Because it's dadcore.

>> No.5963383
File: 21 KB, 423x564, 5aa7b844182f8ddc284b220ab320ffae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5963384

thats not goth ninja you bitch made faggot.

>> No.5963391
File: 108 KB, 496x750, raf simons ss03 (27).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing is gothninja because gothninja isn't a thing

>> No.5963388

i'd cover my face too if i was wearing that shit.

>> No.5963389

Shut the fuck up fucknigga

You're just parroting something you heard a month ago newfaf

>> No.5963392

Because the vast majority of 'preppy' dressers are faggot frat boys with no money.
Sorry Banana Republic isn't /fa/ in any form.

>> No.5963393
File: 20 KB, 480x640, mic125xme0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just proving the point that gn can look good irl

>> No.5963399
File: 93 KB, 375x500, 2850554388_bc924c23c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5963395

i lol'd

>> No.5963407
File: 175 KB, 300x533, obscurtrashtankraf_14883015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5963409

Uh...all those brands are shit though.

>> No.5963410

the shaolin will just take my tip and report back :P
anyways, it became somewhat more complicated recently..

>> No.5963412
File: 77 KB, 441x669, 2738054707_4eaacdc029_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5963414

monochrome, uses drapes and different silhouettes.

You may not like it but its a useful term.

>> No.5963417

you're doing a terrible job

every single picture looks like shit

>> No.5963418

but like 10% of what you post looks good.

>> No.5963424
File: 20 KB, 333x503, rafsimonsaw98_24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so is 1980s martin margiela gothninja then
is raf simons gothninja

>> No.5963429

anyone have waywt pics from two or three years ago?

were they as bad as hey are now

>> No.5963428

I think there are HEAPS of china based stores that you'd be interested in (ink for example).

Just go to ink and then talk to the sales people they'll prob point shit out to you.

Alternatively familiarise yourself w/ the brands (The Viridi Anne, Sruli Recht, A1923, m.a+ w/e w/e w/e) and look at their stockists page and find local stockists from there. You need dosh though.

>> No.5963430
File: 18 KB, 381x507, 1zouadk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nothing always looks good.


you have bad taste. im not particularly shocked, people on /fa/ often do

>> No.5963434

Why do you even bother w/ that argument. It's hard to alter the perception but I'm sure w/ time people will come around.

>> No.5963435


>> No.5963436

It seems to fall under that term

>> No.5963437
File: 22 KB, 375x500, 2816968739_d26fc31b01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5963440
File: 63 KB, 761x966, 1336735252532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Sieg claims that this is from the very first waywt

>> No.5963442
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>> No.5963445
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>> No.5963449
File: 168 KB, 884x1331, 6N6umZA[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk if you're still here OP, but is this what you were talkin bout w/ the pinstripe belts

and yea my mirror is dirty i don't give af

>> No.5963450

I'm checking out your suggestions maybe internet shopping will be of some help in finding something

>> No.5963458


is there semen on your shirt?

>> No.5963460

lookin like somebody's grandpa

>> No.5963462



>> No.5963467

edocat urslf-->research-->understanding.

Usuallly online stuff is cheaper neway.

>> No.5963483

>Implying prep clothing hasn't always fallen under the label of dadcore
Go back to mfa why don't you.

>> No.5963486
File: 21 KB, 367x451, 1325362767786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dislike something you like
>"you have bad taste"
you are fucking retarded

and you're new to /fa/


>> No.5963489

OP here. yes that belt is perfect but your pants/shorts have the fold thing on the front on the left and right of the zipper is officially old and out of style.

>> No.5963491


the easiest way to tell if someone is a new/fa/ggot is if they act like or think /fa/ will compliment them

>> No.5963495


yea they're pleated sadly

i got em cause they were linen and will be amazing for summer

>> No.5963500

well the dadcore label started existing in 2012 and prep has been around longer than that so i don't think there's much truth to what you're saying!!!

>> No.5963501


its fine if you dislike it, theres nothing wrong with having bad taste. lots of people do, its no prob.

>> No.5963504

please stop. You're making gothninja look worse than it already does. I can't tell if you're trolling or not. I don't even like preppy style but isn't that what this thread was about? you're an autist and an asshole.

>> No.5963510

Dadcore is menswear executed badly.

Prep is a style in itself.


>> No.5963533


i dunno, looks great to me. only active thread on /fa/ so its one of the better places to spam gn pics. even better that its a prep thread

>> No.5963548


I don't have words to describe the hideousness of that outfit. I mean, those boots... And a hat? What was he thinking?


That's such an uncomfortable looking pose. And terrible jeans.

>> No.5963553

'Akward' pose was the word I was looking for.

>> No.5963556

its fine if you're new, theres nothing wrong with being on /fa/ for only a week and wanting to fit in. lots of people do, its no prob.

>> No.5963563

so anyway this was a fun thread even if i do apparently dress horrible

sieg is still a fag tho

>> No.5963575


Your clothes don't fit, your colors are all too dark and don't work together, your fits are overall horrendous and aren't even preppy, this is dadcore, people like you are the reason that everyone on /fa/ looks down on preppy fits

yes I'm mad

>> No.5963591


>colors are too dark and don't work together

winterfits and thats subjective as fuck because i've heard it the other way around too

>your fits are overall horrendous and aren't even preppy

i never even said the first 2 were, i was using one to show off a tie and one to respond to sieg

>this is dadcore


>Your clothes don't fit,

where the fuck did this come from

if it's about the riding jacket i'm going to have an aneurysm because riding jacket =/= sportscoat

>> No.5963610


Personal taste and all that...

But I don't like any of your fits, and I especially think that >>5963449 is horrendous. It looks so nerdy and "George Michael" (Arrested Development).

>> No.5963617


that wasn't even a fit bruh

i was asking op bout the belt

but yeah i respect opinions and all that and expect to get berated whenever i post here but it's at least courteous to tell people what they're doing wrong

>> No.5963619

Oh, and it's the cardigan in >>5963192. It looks too short. >>5963224 is just so grey and dull...

>> No.5963625


wait, cardigans are supposed to go below your waist(???)

i thought that was where they were supposed to end

and my phone is really shitty dude

those shoes are burgundy, the riding jacket is a khaki, black, and purple tweed and those jeans are indigo tinted irl

i need a better camera

>> No.5963626

I've realised that it's not the outfit in >>5963224 that I don't like, it's the shoes. In fact, I very much like the top half of that outfit.

>> No.5963630


Just to clarify, I fully admit to being new to the world of well fitting clothes. So don't take my criticism to seriously.

>> No.5963659
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>> No.5963676


>> No.5963716


>not saving that file as ottermelon.jpg

>> No.5963725
File: 127 KB, 468x475, right in the dick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


YEAH YOU GETIM, nice comeback BRO. I bet you go to fuckin ASU

>> No.5963730
File: 397 KB, 245x138, MAXIMUM LEL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


holy fuck hahahahahaha

>> No.5963735
File: 163 KB, 1000x1000, 1360638698912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can go to a shop and buy clothes