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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 66 KB, 960x637, 524223_504679142913238_379251287_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5958931 No.5958931 [Reply] [Original]

w2c hat? idk the brand

>> No.5958937

it says apc...

>> No.5958942

god fucking dammit you're stupid

>> No.5958946

are they a "good" brand?

>> No.5958957

lol fucking idiot/10

>> No.5958977

I like em they alright

but its like a hat, it dont matter that much

i like the look of the logo on it its alright

cahartt is another one people get

>> No.5958989

nah idk about carharrt. i see too many "hipsters" wearing them and i don't want to be a pleb

are APC a good brand in the sense that are they already rinsed out by hipsters yet or are they still relatively unknown but still good?

>> No.5959016

I saw cahartt hat in a movie trailer, I forgot who was wearing it it was like marky mark or something, so its pretty normal already, but whatever.

Idk ur worries are nonsensicle, and dumb to me. Just get APC and live your life, what are you afraid of someone calling you a hipster.

>> No.5959032

hipster doesnt even mean anything

I was called a hipster by a girl and I asked how am I a hipster. She replied "because you dress well". I had a jacket white t and jeans on

>> No.5959056
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>what are you afraid of someone calling you a hipster.

>> No.5959065
File: 308 KB, 560x746, lookbook_l_b8a86e3a87ab11af8258844cd2e4e7ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

carhartt is fucking great man

>> No.5959087

I explained in pt.2


>> No.5959120


You realize that APC and Carhartt collaborated for the hat, right?

>> No.5959127

but thank you

>> No.5959133


So you don't want to wear a Carhartt hat because of "hipsters wearing them" but you're totally fine with an overpriced Carhartt hat?

>> No.5959164

but this hat is APC .. not carharrt

>> No.5959186


It is a Carhartt hat with an APC logo slapped on it and a $50 increase in price. Either way, it's been sold out for a while and you won't be able to find one at that price.

>> No.5959233

aw fuck
so when i said w2c i meant where to cop not what brand it is.. jesus christ you guys

>> No.5959261

ur the one that couldnt tell the brand when its on the hat LOL

dont jesus christ us

>> No.5959270

wtf? how could i tell it was such a shitty pic
and what the fuck does w2c mean to you? i already knew the name of the brand i just wanted to know where to cop

>> No.5959295

u said u didnt know the name wtf lol

ur contradicting urself plz go

and I read it from the pic

>> No.5959304

what the fuck no i didn't..
and yeah i read it from the pic too but i could only see the AP, not the C

>> No.5959344

>idk the brand

that was in the op
now you tell me you know it?

>> No.5959365

what the fuck? how does that quote have to do with anything??

this is getting ridiculous. can you just link me the website?

>> No.5959373

no why would I

>> No.5959390

why not? you could have done it 10 times by now..

>> No.5959401


It's sold out on every fucking website like >>5959186 said. God damn how can people find their way to 4chan but be this bad at finding things on the internet?

>> No.5959449

omg are you fucking retarded?
then find a link where it isn't sold out ..
what the fuck does "where 2 cop" mean to you?

>"in the entire internet, where can one purchase this hat?"

>> No.5959475



>> No.5959523

i thought it was APC??

>> No.5959606

Get the fuck off /fa/. I don't know what board you came from but you don't belong here.

>> No.5959662

what the fuck? i'm just asking for a link to the fucking hat

get the fuck out of my thread you fucking shit if you're not gonna help you little scumbag fuck

what kind of fucking board is this? you're all pretentious little fucks, i would fuck you up in real life if you spoke to me like this you fucking get some respect you cunt fucking shit i will legit fuck your mom if you don't

>> No.5959674
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>getting this rectum ravaged over not understanding what "sold out" means

>> No.5959686
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>> No.5959692

Haven't participated in this thread, but rest assured I'd shoot you where you stood and leave you.

You came to a fashion board and are surprised over elitism? Just quit

>> No.5959701

are you guys just one big retarded troll or just trying to get rid of "le hurr durr newfags x)"

sold out just means it's sold out, i want a fucking link to buy the god damn hat why is this so fucking hard to realise?

how the fuck can there not be a shop selling this hat? IT OBVIOUSLY EXISTS AND IS NOT A ONE OFF SO IT HAS TO BE SOMEWHERE..


>> No.5959710

>I'd shoot you where you stood and leave you.

you and what army you little fuck shit? can you stop shitting up this thread? if the next post in this thread isn't a link for the hat i'm deleting this shit right now

you guys are something else

>> No.5959717

>how the fuck can there not be a shop selling this hat?

idk it might be because theyre sold out

>> No.5959734

Do you want to know why people wont help you?

>> No.5959730

Delete the thread, bitch. You won't.

I'm also a one man army, and no one would try to find out who had killed you - rest assured.

>> No.5959735

how the fuck can it be sold out?????????????????????

>> No.5959746

i thinnk like when a store has a certain amount of something and then everyone buys it until theres none left then its called sold out

idk tho that could be totally wrong

>> No.5959743

Because people buy them. It's actually pretty simple.

>> No.5959762
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>> No.5959767

ok so if everyone has bought them then where can i get one? if they got one, then why can't i?
what the fuck is so hard to understand??

>> No.5959774

Is that matt?

>> No.5959776

Thinking we don't actually understand

>> No.5959781
File: 37 KB, 376x490, 50-cent1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r u slow nigga?

>> No.5959785

OP, you're a moron. What's wrong with you?

>> No.5959787

here you go op, guess those other guys were lying

>> No.5959805


>> No.5959801

thank you

>> No.5959816

wait wtf
the website is down for me, i even tried it with firefox and in cognito

>> No.5959809
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>> No.5959832
File: 133 KB, 516x390, 1289875749_ugliest-woman-in-the-world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahahhaha oh my fucking god

this thread

>> No.5959835
File: 24 KB, 210x200, huehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehue.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5959837

Guys i think OP is legit retarded.

>> No.5959844

>wait wtf
>the website is down for me, i even tried it with firefox and in cognito

Please refer to this >>5959785

>> No.5959851

op i have one of these send me 100$ on paypal and ill mail it to you i promise

>> No.5959852


fuck this board

>> No.5959869

make sure you send it as a gift ok op??? otherwise payapl will charge you

give me your email and ill send you my paypal and you can give me your shipping info

>> No.5959884
File: 172 KB, 820x853, lelamericano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No actually I know where to get them, OP.
Give me a minute to find it.

>> No.5959883


at least post a pic??

>> No.5959889

yeah here i am wearing it, its in perfect condition, i can do 75$ if you want

>> No.5959892
File: 61 KB, 500x369, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5959905

i could have bought one of these brand new for £25

im so pissed i didnt, wtf was i thinking

>> No.5959935

but thats not the same..

i want the snapback like in the picture i posted

>> No.5959945

no its the same

>> No.5959951
File: 25 KB, 654x680, 1364764910710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg lol

ops face when this entire thread

>> No.5959960

>mfw people legit believed i was this retarded

you lot are so easy to troll btw

it's me from le thinking face/haha time for a modelfu thread/zomby threads fame

you mad, /fa/?

keep an eye out for my threads ;) i'm the GOAT

>> No.5959963
File: 682 KB, 1786x760, 1365282836628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5959964

i was finna scam u if u were actually retard


>> No.5959973

You were too stupid to be believable, OP. Asking for a snapback when it's clearly a beanie.

>> No.5959972

holy shit lmao

what thread is that from

>> No.5959977

I'm spreading this around the other boards. It's too good to be kept just here in /fa/

>> No.5959981

I made it todaywhile putting off revision lol

>> No.5959982

its been done already just w/ cartoon face

>> No.5959984

lol, please do

>> No.5959987

I know, but his smile just makes it so much better

>> No.5959993

I still think my hats.com comment was pretty funny either way

>> No.5960061

lmfao, OP is a total moron...thanks for the good laugh

>> No.5960072

>that pic
my sides

>> No.5960597
File: 997 KB, 343x300, 1365854365347.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe this thread. Too much autism to be true...