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/fa/ - Fashion

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5935381 No.5935381 [Reply] [Original]

ITT things we learned the hard way

>never buy from zara
>if the item is £10 or under it WILL be shit (unless sits on sale of course)
>never buy Holloway road from river island
>you will hate most of your wardrobe in 6 months time

>> No.5935387

do the opposite of /fa/

>> No.5935385

>never goofninja

>> No.5935389

>you will hate most of your wardrobe in 6 months time
you need to learn how to buy smarter then

>> No.5935399

>you will hate most of your wardrobe in 6 months time

>> No.5935394

>don't buy anything before you've been on /fa/ for at least 3 months

>> No.5935426

>you WILL have too many pairs of shoes
>only use inspiration pictures as guides, never try to find the exact same item.
>quality not quantity
>never buy more than one similar items within 2 months, you will have a favorite and stick to that
>actually wear your expensive shit
>nothing looks fashionable until you get a good haircuts
>hats never look good

>> No.5935431

>>only use inspiration pictures as guides, never try to find the exact same item.
>>never buy more than one similar items within 2 months, you will have a favorite and stick to that
>>actually wear your expensive shit

>> No.5935434

>hats never look good

say that to my fedora not online see what happens

>> No.5935433

>hats never look good
muh streetwear

>> No.5935435

>buy quality
>develop a personal aesthetic, Dont just copy inspo pics
>dress for yourself not for others
>dont dress just to fuck chicks that's /fit/ level faggotry
>4g of coke lasts longer than /fa/ said it would

>> No.5935438

>Never copy anyones style or you WILL get bored of it
>Never buy something you're not 100% sure off for example if it is a size too big

>> No.5935439

what's wrong with zara?

>> No.5935447


If you have to ask you're already fucked. Its cheap shit that won't last you a mobth

>> No.5935452
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fedoras are the one exception. they are always /fa/

>> No.5935455

just buy shit from qlo if you want cheap shit

>> No.5935457

you're getting what you pay for, it's cheap and easy to get but not meant to last

>> No.5935481

how long do you expect clothes to last?
i throw mine out after it's worn once

but really I've only had one coat from zara fall apart

>> No.5935483

don't buy shit on sale just because it's cheap
don't think about it too much; no one really cares

>> No.5935520

Don't take the tag off an item till you wear it

>> No.5935527

>don't buy shit on sale just because it's cheap
i'm so guilty of this

>> No.5935522
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>never buy more than one similar items within 2 months, you will have a favorite and stick to that

Oh god, THIS, a thousand times this.

>> No.5935523

this is something your mom should have taught you

>> No.5935545

>if you can't decide just don't think about it too much because as soon as you get the item you will love it anyways just because it's new

>> No.5935544

>you will hate most of your wardrobe in 6 months time
youre doing it wrong

>> No.5935562

>don't mail things to America if no one reliable is checking your mail
>don't trust your housekeeper to know what needs to be dry cleaned and what doesn't
>treat all stains right away
>invest in basics, save on trendy pieces

>> No.5935601

>always, no metter what, dress in clothes thats are in your actual size

>> No.5935662

>develop taste
>no more money

>> No.5935678

fuck ive fallen for this so many times
also have a rule when im shopping:
if its doesnt looks stunning on you when you try it you probably won't end up using it. this way you also build a wardrobe of only the best stuff.

>> No.5936032

Other way round for me, most of the time if i have doubts i constantly think about them and start to like it less.

>> No.5936029
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>all that money you wasted when you were a pleb

>> No.5936045

What's wrong with Holloway Road?

>> No.5936046

>guaranteed replies

>> No.5936048

Holy shit yes. I probably spent around $2500-3000 on clothes last year, and I wear 10% of that shit now. And I'm broke as fuck ;_;

>> No.5936053

>mfw look at old clothes I bought around age 16
jesus fuck why would I even

>> No.5936057

Same. The best purchases are the ones I consider for a long time

>> No.5936056

I remember this one time a summer ago i spent £200 on nikes (not the good ones) because my pleb friends encouraged me to.

I wore the shoes like 3 times and hated them.

Just sold them for £30.

i dont even talk to them anymore.

>> No.5936068

>buy shoes from Zara
>pretty cheap, look nice
>fit nicely
>walk into a shop about a month later
>that alarm thingy goes off as I enter
>have to take off my clothes and leave keys, phone etc to see what is making the sensors go off
>nothing changes
>girl who works in the shop goes "wait, did get those shoes from Zara?"
>oh, ok, they pretty much always leave some shit beneath the sole which makes shop alarms go off

hasn't happened in any other shop though

>> No.5936075

>Having to strip down because an alarm goes off
>Having to due such thing when entering a shop

Nigga, do you own any dignity?

>> No.5936081

They asked me to, I didn't really mind.

>> No.5936083
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>Red chinos

>> No.5936098

So you're a whore huh?

>> No.5937852


Wore them one day early in high school...everyone was hating...Didn't feel comfortable in them because not a bright clothes person.

>tfw now can into bright clothes and have short hair

>> No.5937898

>4g of coke lasts longer than /fa/ said it would

>> No.5937920

How long did 4g of coke last?

>> No.5937989

Idk. ten minutes?

>> No.5938050

too fucking bad. stop wasting your money.

>> No.5938046

>never buy from Zara

But they're the only high street store that routinely stock my size

>> No.5938072

But I have pairs from there that have lasted me 3-4 years at this stage with no sign of coming apart?

>> No.5938078
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>tfw there'll always be clothes that I wore last year or even half a year ago but aren't now

>> No.5938113

>invest in basics, save on trendy pieces
This so much, ugh.

>> No.5938137

Think in outfits, not pieces.
I've found some cool pieces that I can't find a way to incorporate into an actually decent outfit, so it just sits in my closet.

>never buy more than one similar items within 2 months, you will have a favorite and stick to that

Damn it, this.

>> No.5938195
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>invest much monies on clothing
>not buying cheap second hand cloth

>> No.5938209

>tfw the things you own own you
>tfw main source of satisfaction in life by far is acquiring shit i dont need

>> No.5938230

>tfw the only thing that is owning me is my laptop. but its owning me more than anything else
i need to do something about thta

>> No.5938259
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>buying clothes
>not stealing clothes from lost and founds

>> No.5938299

>enjoying prison for a pleb crime like stealing clothes like a faggot

>> No.5938302

>For shoplifting

Stay puss batty boy

>> No.5938308
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>tfw you hate your entire wardrobe except the things you just bought

The cycle never ends.

>> No.5938324

>look at me im stealing clothes like a faggot, im so gangster

>> No.5938341

>not being to able to steal things and remain unnoticed like a true ninja

>> No.5938343

pants make or break a fit
everything else is forgivable if the pants are on point

>> No.5938387

>stealing clothes like a faggot while pretending to be a ninja

>> No.5938394

>pretending to be a ninja

>> No.5938415

>denying being a ninja pretending neckbeard weaboo

>> No.5938439

Damn. Glad I decided against those F1 Puma shoes then. Something I got from the experience is to only buy clothes when they can impress me twice: the first time I try them, and the second time after coming back into the store to try them one more time.

I find if I still like an item after coming back to the store later in the day, I'll still like it after I buy it.

>> No.5938449

Dont buy two identical pocketwatches set to different timezones without labeling them.

>> No.5938456

lol I feel like this is a Seinfeld reference even though I don't know it

>> No.5938473

Nah. I reject wristwatches and carry a number of pocketwatches set to many different timezones for several cities all over the world

>> No.5938477

>don't half-cop. if there's a piece that you want, get that piece, not the piece that's similar and cheaper.
>don't identify with any fashion subcategories, like dadcore, streetwear, etc because it just boxes you in
>never buy into hype

>> No.5938480

>1k's are no good for dancing in

>> No.5938483
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I wear this especially in Spring and Summer. I dont but into any damn hype.

>> No.5938486

*buy, sorry.

>> No.5938503

Are you fucking blind or something?

>> No.5938510

This makes me want to buy new pants.

>> No.5938517

Find a problem with my choice of wear bruv?

>> No.5938524

>smoking cigarettes is cool at first, smoke 1 or 2 a day, then you end up getting addicted, out of breath if walking more rigorously (hiking etc)

thanks /fa/

>> No.5938539

you knew that was gonna happen though

its your fault

>> No.5938540

Cigars, 1 a month or two. thats my rule. No cancer yet.

>> No.5938542

i-i just wanted to fit in

>> No.5938870

cigars wont do shit unless you inhale or smoke a fuck tonne of them and get mouth cancer, which is actually the easiest cancer to treat

>> No.5940865
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>you can thrift everything you need
>don't buy shoes online
>if you do buy online try it on in-store so you don't get a shit fit
>well fitting basics always looks better than trying and failing to be edgy
>if plebs call you a hipster you are doing it right

>> No.5941062

>>don't buy shoes online
Why not?

Some aren't available in store

>> No.5941404

Why don't we buy from Zara? // new to /fa/

>> No.5941586

aww shit, i live near Holloway road, north London

>> No.5941606


because you can't get a good fit unless you send shit back a bunch of times

>> No.5941625
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It's watered down designer rip-offs, made out of polyester by 14 year old slave children in windowless Brazillian factories. It will pill, fall apart in a season and looks like shit up close.

The entire business model should be illegal. How can any upstart designer compete with roving squads of camera laden cool-hunting corporate assistants who can get a garment from sketch to store in as little as two weeks?

It's bad for fashion, it's bad for workers and it's bad for the planet. Even if you don't care about these things, know that the garments themselves are largely garbage.




>> No.5941632

Agree with you on the business model,quality and everything else, but the windowless factory thing is actually not true, they rank pretty high on the not-being-a-shitty-workplace scale.

>> No.5941663


What the hell do you guys do to your clothes? I have bought cheap as shit clothing from places far far cheaper than zara, and they still last me years.
In fact the only time I have ever had an item of clothing fall apart from bad workmanship was a pair of £4 pants bought from a market stall.

>> No.5941661
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You're right - it's really their contractors that are at fault. But I kind of feel like they have a hand in it all the same, by consistently hiring the lowest bidders and taking the shortest cheapest route from point A to point B.

I think the real crime of fast fashion is that it's widening the gap between quality and shit by virtue of its business model, and all the while it's been outsourcing jobs that used to pay a living wage.

>in the 1960s, the United States made 98 percent of its shoes. It now imports more than 90 percent of its footwear.


>> No.5941662

Aside from shirts, shoes, jackets, ties, women's clothing and hats, I've found a few of their products to be of a decent quality for the price. They're good for basic t shirts and basic jeans, if you're on a budget. Don't buy anything expensive from Zara though, in all likelihood it'll not be worth the postage costs.

>> No.5941668

Biggest thing i've learned.

>never commit to one style.

>> No.5941679
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Beyond the realm of issues like fall-apart, there's the simple pleasure of having something well made on your body. Inspecting it and seeing how the fabric was cut just right and the stitching is done care and pride.

I mean, shit, a Toyota Corolla will get you from point a to point b just as well as a Maybach, but the ride won't be as pleasurable, you dig?

>> No.5941715
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i like my clothes to have a little bit of meat to them, conceptually
and i like them to look good as they fall apart
the difference between cheap dye and good dye is that the former fades and the latter patinas

>> No.5941727

>pic related

>> No.5941744
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Pic is usually related somehow.

But not always.

>> No.5941765

>Boots with socks sticking out a little
Why does this arouse me?