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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 146 KB, 1066x715, bp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18052662 No.18052662 [Reply] [Original]

Questions that don't deserve their own fuccboi.

Use the respective generals for sneakers, etc.

Previous thread: >>18026168

>> No.18052687
File: 18 KB, 575x250, Vans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*chafes your heels*
Am I supposed to wear special socks with those? They rub my heels like a motherfucker.

>> No.18052757

How good would it feel to rip a huge fart in that car?

>> No.18052775

sounds like theyre too small? you could buy heel inserts or try a different size or brand... loafers made me realize my actual size was a half size lower but wide, all my life i was buying oversized shoes for a proper toebox fit and compensating the rest with the laces

>> No.18052776

*sounds like theyre too big

>> No.18052883
File: 1.09 MB, 3132x3132, Uzumaki 'The Scar' Sweater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on weeb shit? I know "wow Junji, how basic bitch" but can it be pulled off? Or is it deemed to always be cringe, like vidya merch?

>> No.18052897

At this point anything anime has been so overdone to death it's just pitiful. Looks and feels like omething out of the cheapest Chinese discount bins. Something only the most laggard pajeets wear

>> No.18052899
File: 94 KB, 550x550, guardian-eagle-sukajan-jacket-back_550x750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would girls find me creepy if I wear this? Also, I'm a midget, standing at 5'10. Nowadays, girls are almost my height, if not taller, especially with heels on.

>> No.18052927

Women find it creepy when you care about their perception of you

>> No.18053048
File: 89 KB, 800x800, IMG_3814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a non shit quality/poor version of this?

>> No.18053054

yohji jil sander lanvin lemaire the row

>> No.18053065

Can anyone recommend an olive green chino or pant? None I find are ever a good shade of green

>> No.18053069


>> No.18053075
File: 828 KB, 561x815, dorohedorojacket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

painted this, is it fa. should I paint more of these?

>> No.18053076
File: 164 KB, 836x559, casual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't really use buzzwords like "casual" anymore without really specifying further, what it is, that you're looking for

well im looking for a well dressed casual style, picrel.

i like a somewhat classic style, but i dont want it to look like a costume and wear a top hat or bowler hat. Classic, but not dated

>> No.18053080
File: 108 KB, 736x739, jfk01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic Menswear, Sprezzatura, and Nautical are the key or buzzwords that come to my mind looking at your collage. Are you aware of our /tip/ Trad Ivy Prep general thread?
Here's a link to a great article on Nautical Fashion: https://epochs.co/features/epochs-guide-to-nautical-clothing

>> No.18053082

Damn, looks pretty cool

>> No.18053084

no i am not aware of it, i will give it a visit

>> No.18053086
File: 171 KB, 1209x763, Screenshot 2024-03-19 105418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone got a better name for this hairstyle? Dunno what to call it, so used AI to struggle to get a pic of the idea, but basically the inverse of a half updo,
top and sides loose with the lower sections tied

>> No.18053089


>> No.18053096

I feel like you didn't really read the post, friend

>> No.18053097

i love dorohedoro i need to get a tattoo the art is perfect for one
the painting is great anon

>> No.18053111
File: 115 KB, 1080x1081, Porlstable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things like this?
Reflective? When you take a picture with a flash it becomes really bright because it reflects, it very nice, please help

>> No.18053219

cos is pretty shit quality desu
dead general, you'll hate it there
thats a manbun
tons of stuff comes up if u search reflective jacket

>> No.18053250

I blistered my heel and now the inside of my shoe has a nasty red-brown blood stain. What do?

>> No.18053254

cold water, toothpaste and an old toothbrush, gently clean

>> No.18053369
File: 117 KB, 236x334, 1689444269786115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one should i go for?

>> No.18053370

how do i choose bottoms? is always dark and light? if its a dark bottom then a lighter shirt and tshirt, if its a darker tee then a lighter color bottom?

>> No.18053372
File: 74 KB, 960x398, hanna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to dress up as a skinhead for a costume party, anyone know a good site I can order a bomber jacket off? Last one I got was a green plastic bag with a zipper and it was so bad I sent it back.

>> No.18053378

Why not both, a little variety will help you put together fits.
You don't necessarily need contrast.

>> No.18053413
File: 313 KB, 2048x2733, 17961661_43839249_2048 copy 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cop or not these AMI pants? 100% virgin wool

>> No.18053414

short on cash and i need money for the date as well

>> No.18053431

Can anyone read what it says?

Bottom says something ''made in ????''

>> No.18053433
File: 159 KB, 488x203, Screenshot 2024-03-19 20.00.13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18053470
File: 509 KB, 1600x1600, iu-lee-jong-suk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone identify this white sweater, or tell me what the gold thing on it is at least?
Thank you.

>> No.18053472

Tiffany Bird on a Rock Brooch, Citrine(?)

>> No.18053556

Red, then.

>> No.18053573

its supposed to be brown lol

>> No.18053576


>> No.18053587

Oh wow. Thank you.
What about the white sweater itself? Do you know what I should even search if I wanted to find it?

>> No.18053716
File: 203 KB, 784x680, A2A93F8E-BCE5-462D-96DA-9D879B1661A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the frick do you get a bottom layer to stay where you want it? is there any secret to maintaining pic related other than having layers perfectly fit for whatever drape your outer layer has? how are they staging this on the model, is it bobby pins inside or something? pic related

>> No.18053720
File: 607 KB, 2316x1032, IMG_8116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this shirt ill fitted? It seems to be pulling a bit at the shoulders with those wrinkles. Ignore the vertical creases at the nipple longitude, it’s fresh out the package.

>> No.18053721

How hard is it to pierce my own ear? Ibe just got a sewing needle. No earring yet. I can soak it in 90% alcohol and hold it up to a lighter is that good enough?
I want to do ear lobes.

>> No.18053783
File: 1.93 MB, 4032x2268, 20220323_160616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hollister had some kewl ones actually, and they fit me well because I'm a yung twink

You can't tell how bright they are in the pic, the horizontal lines are not the jacket pattern, it's the camera sensor being overloaded and fucked up

>> No.18053785

I need to buy a quarter-zip for work so I can hide my scrawny arms, and I really don't want to buy a North Face or a Patagonia. Any good alternatives?

>> No.18053789
File: 49 KB, 516x640, 00104962512366____1__516x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk if this is more of an /adv/ question but all my life ive been trying to dress down and act like i did not care about my looks (often actually not caring about them at all) and basically conditioned myself to think of clothes as different types of ways to dress down, either looking grunge or just average or whatever else

now i want to dress better but whenever i get a nice buttoned shirt or some decent pants or sweater, i feel like im in a costume, that its not me, that im some kind of impostor

and even though i do feel like im not being treated badly whenever i dress "up" (not really dressing formal even) i still instinctively gravitate towards more Street Casual type clothing even tho thats not really what i want at this point in life

how do i overcome this feeling of inadequacy in more adult, lets say "non-street" clothing ?
something like picrel

>> No.18053790

Cac___ Le___
Made in Italy

>> No.18053797

Good art but this jacket looks terrible. Well if it's your style it's your style. I personally can't think of many styles where incorporating a sleeveless jean jacket with well made but admittedly gaudy overall art on the back. Take a much more comparatively classy item like a leather bomber jacket with war time art on the back. A cohesive look is made. There's really nothing cohesive at all with your jacket, it just has good art on it. Maybe next time do a smaller art, or something on the front, brass tacks; more experimentation is needed

>> No.18053802

How do you do this kind of stuff?

>> No.18053887

Going back to this, can anyone tell me what this kind of sweater is called? The white one

>> No.18053896

Sure, especially if you are rich or they are discounted

>> No.18053897

Do you not have 20 dollars to get your ear pierced?

>> No.18053916

where did you cop this mock neck t shirt? I'm trying to get one too and this one looks like decent quality.

plus the size fit looks fine.

>> No.18053917


>> No.18053918

Genuine Leather
Made in Italy

>> No.18053945

the brand is los angeles apparel, i forget the exact model but you should be able to find it from the neckline. some dude on ebay was selling like 30 for $120 see if he has some left.

>> No.18053975

It's a catalogue photo shoot, just like you said, staged and draped - not pinned, but just for the moment. No need to be this meticulous in street wear irl.
You need one size bigger, or a different shirt, this is a relaxed fit cut, and you are wearing it as regular cut.
It's not a mock neck, just a solid hem that sits this tight because the shirt is too small.

>> No.18053988
File: 66 KB, 900x1000, IMG_2798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What mid layer should I wear with a black leather jacket and a grey/black jeans?
And would this jacket go with selvedge denim jeans as well ?

>> No.18054062
File: 259 KB, 1080x1080, 424984725_703362955316904_3371264296972395951_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you feel, it's not you, then that's where it's at. You can fake it, till you make it, if you really want to be that guy, or you can revise your idea of what you want to be and who you are. Go shopping offline, try different items, to rule out it's not an issue of clothing items you just don't like or that don't suit you. Have a look in a full size mirror, have someone accompany you.
No. Just no. The ear is pretty sturdy, and you probably won't get through with a sewing needle.
If you fangirl a bit over this guy with a search engine, you should find some blog or instagram featuring the outfits with ID.
I'd say it's a bit different style than selvedge denim, bit too sleek. Color of the tee/ shirt makes of different effects for you to choose.

>> No.18054191

>be me
>only have work shoes
>some oxfords
>only casual shoes are chucks and meme rangers

what other kind of shoe should i get reee

>> No.18054367

>you won't get through with a sewing needle

>> No.18054375
File: 200 KB, 1080x1350, 20230130_110451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id on everything but the gun and sneakers? other threads failed me

>> No.18054552

what kind of shit do i wear in the cold if im rustymaxxing? vest + waffle knit + button up + thick jacket is good enough, but itd be nice to have some variety in the future. wearing sweatshirts or knit jumpers just doesnt seem right

>> No.18054554
File: 166 KB, 750x750, rust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the pic ffs

>> No.18054860

What is up with all these teen and early 20s girls wearing all the same kind of tight and high waist pants with large/baggy ankle? I see it everywhere in Rome but half of the people aren't even Italian. Where did this trend start? I never realized girls had ass until I saw this, I mean... it's like this trend was simply made to show ass without showing it, am I wrong?

>> No.18054866

That is a woman's low bun but on a man

>> No.18054868

How to look Viking without being a cringe d&d loser?

>> No.18055138
File: 73 KB, 900x1125, 171090274776410853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the current year equivalent of common projects?

When they were popular, I couldnt afford them. Now I have the money but now I don’t know what’s in.
I also heard the quality dropped massively and the price only went up, so they are not worth getting on their own merit anymore

>> No.18055174

>wearing sweatshirts or knit jumpers just doesnt seem right
You could not be more right about that. I don't exactly know how to put it, but this kind of man is the opposite of fancy pants. He does not meet up for cocktails or spend time on a smartphone. He goes to work, and when he's at home, he's looking for something to work, chopping wood, repairing an old car or motorcylce. His clothing will always reflect that, there won't be any items that could get in the way of getting the work done, like a hoodie. Warm clothing would be rather of layers than thick and clumsy. Probably something military, with an inner, detachable vest to the jacket. But basically, this is a man who keeps himself warm by working. Sorry, that I don't have concrete recs, but if you go from there, you can't go wrong.

>> No.18055387
File: 148 KB, 1333x622, IMG_23132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one to keep?
left or right?
and why?

>> No.18055397

I've had 3 pairs since 2015 and the build quality has always been questionable. They're probably the most comfortable shoe I've ever worn once broken in but I wear through the rubber soles quite quickly. Still haven't found a clone that has the same toe box, they all look like stan smiths. I'd just get them, dollar for dollar they're overpriced but they are exactly what I want in a white leather sneaker so going for the second best is just burning money.

>> No.18055439

Left are forgettable, always loved the right ones, they're almost timeless, and right now, in, even. They point to the elegant side without being fruity.

>> No.18055552

Looks like its a M
Made in mexico?

>> No.18055628

Genuine leather
Made in Italy

>> No.18055663
File: 1.48 MB, 2000x3045, 22548c50-3a8d-4a6d-a04e-bfb37bbe61ea_1.69f59104189e2192c7d61cbac63c5052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to wear short sleeve shirts and not look like a wagie npc?

>> No.18055672
File: 318 KB, 1024x700, The-Basic-Roll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no that's impossible.
just buy normal long arm shirts and roll up the sleeves.
looks 10 times better than the abomination that you posted.

>> No.18055685

pants are Crye G3s, in black. Bomber looks like generic merch for whatever company he reps (do you have source for the image?). Gloves are PIG Alphas in ranger green. Fanny pack is throwing me off, looks like a Spiritus Fanny Sack but it's in what looks like BW Flecktarn, might be a knockoff/limited release. Balaclava is probably an Arcteryx LEAF assault balaclava worn backwards.

>> No.18055693
File: 45 KB, 545x362, 171046420439219747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>common projects

>> No.18055717

thanks a lot anon, i don't have the source unfortunately. it's been sitting in my folders for a long while and i kind of got enamored with it, if you take out all the military gear it looks like a really nice fit. but even with them on i think it looks good

>> No.18055739

ikr, someone brought up geobaskets irl the other day and i had to hold my tongue about how long that had been a meme on /fa/

>> No.18055747

How strange would it be to wear geta as a man in America? Is it a bad idea

>> No.18056239
File: 1.33 MB, 2392x3123, IMG_3696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting my hair cut tomorrow and want to go short / medium, what should I ask for?

>> No.18056316

Anyone? >>18054860
I'm baffled. Really, I swear I got no clue what's going on with girls fashion these days. They all look so damn cute... or maybe I've become just too horny? I don't see ugly girls anymore.

>> No.18056342

Yeah, puberty is difficult

>> No.18056352

Giuliva Romeo sweater

>> No.18056382

It'd be like the 3rd time I'm hitting puberty.

>> No.18056389
File: 576 KB, 2560x1707, volvo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is Volvo fa? also i need round sunglasses like some ozzy osbourne shit but in a more summery color

>> No.18056439

meh I'd rather something like this:

>> No.18056450
File: 1.33 MB, 1310x743, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18056499

effay but v70r/s70r/850r/etc are maintanence money pit nightmare cars. passed on owning them a few times over the years.
i like volvos, actually was thinking about getting a red block wagon as my next daily shitbox.

>> No.18056508 [DELETED] 
File: 1.19 MB, 3024x4032, 1689025141045750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't see ugly girls anymore.
come to america friend

only acceptable in a very tropical environment

>how the frick do you get a bottom layer to stay where you want it?
fitting the pants right.
but you can use this model staging trick: wear another pair of pants under the pants to thicken the waist. totally wearable on the street fall winter.
hidden shoe-string belt under the actual belt helps stop any sag from happening. and just having the fit right. any pants that fit you properly should stay put without a belt.

>> No.18056916

for those who deal with small bedroom size, how do you deal with storage?

>> No.18057311
File: 74 KB, 620x479, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are some aliexpress purchases you would recommend related to clothing? for now im getting boxes to organize my wardrove plus a shoehorn

>> No.18057456

JJJound Sambas

>> No.18057555

9 times out of 10 brands are faking tops on the model and the actual garment is cut unflatteringly long because they dont want anyone to return it for being too short

>> No.18057556

real working class flyovers constantly wear hoodies
t. knower

>> No.18057608
File: 42 KB, 840x840, 171038039708428459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>250 dollaridoos for a dead meme shoe with a different text

>> No.18057778
File: 560 KB, 553x490, Screenshot 2024-03-23 13.24.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what shoe brand this is?

>> No.18057803

>dead meme shoe
thank god you retards dont leave the house much

>> No.18057823

The only people I have seen wearing them were middle aged women and incels

>> No.18057967

Scissor Sisters

>> No.18058009
File: 69 KB, 349x299, Screenshot 2024-03-23 162146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


w2c these kind of shades/what are they called

Mid 00s style

>> No.18058012
File: 70 KB, 369x1279, 61j13tJK40L._AC_SX522_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the right board to talk about lets say mens dessous or body positive club outfits? Or is that nsfw?

>> No.18058076
File: 1.44 MB, 1920x768, Screenshot 2024-03-23 at 18-43-40 fallenangelsheader.jpg (WEBP Image 1920 × 768 pixels) — Scaled (66%).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c a good honeycomb undershirt?

>> No.18058661

Haha I appreciate this criticism, I definitely agree. the project was an experiment for sure, just using a throw away jacket and choosing an image to paint that challenged me. definitely a cobbled together project. Will put more thought into "content and form" on my next project!

>> No.18058663

Painted the back of the jacket white with fabric paint - made an appropriately sided simple stencil of the art - carbon transferred the basic outline of everything onto back of jacket - then painted in all the details etc while looking at og image. Took a while lol. Fabric paint is super fun!

>> No.18058665
File: 3.57 MB, 1912x1060, 1706677698258735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's just a normal waffle knit tank top/wifebeater

>> No.18059240
File: 126 KB, 1024x1024, 1697605127770378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only ever worn jeans or work pants my entire life.

Can anyone recommend me any sort of dress/more casual pants, mainly want to pair them up with boots and overcoat. I'm genuinely clueless on this. Any information on brands, material, colour matches will help, thanks.

>> No.18059242

Going to spend the next 6 months in a very hot (90F/32c) dry climate.

Can you fashion pros recommended 3 shirts and 3 pants to get? I don't want to carry a ton of stuff there because this will might be temporary and I live in a cold climate yearly.

>> No.18059259

dont have any exact recs but make sure to buy cotton or linen for breathability

>> No.18059376

Chinos, corduroys, 5-pockets. 5 pockets are just any fabric thats not denim cut in the same design as jeans. So you can find them in chino fabric, corduroy, canvas, moleskin, etc. I prefer wearing the dress pant cut but if youre more casual they could add variety.
For color matching, just look up the color wheel man, thats up to you. I will say khaki is the most versatile color but it can be a bit boring and drone tier, so i typically gravitate to ecru/ivory pants. Theyre also really versatile but feel a bit more stylish and elegant.
Tropical wool/fresco is more breathable than any cotton.

>> No.18059418

Who sells a good blank thick white t-shirt for men? I am so tired of brands being so thin I can see my nipples through the fabric. Prefer one that is 100% cotton.

>> No.18059483

>be me
>spend 4 years in the gym
>spend 3 years of rent for my own apartment
>spend 4 monthly salaries on clothes
>18 first dates
>zero second dates
>zero anything else
I know clothes was a minor expense but I still feel betrayed. I could have been wearing sweatpants and $20 sneakers the whole time.

>> No.18059749

nice blog fag
good reccs
a noose
less clothes, buy nicer things
not if it looks like that

>> No.18059856
File: 2.30 MB, 1798x960, ryo_fashion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically asking, but what kind of style or fashion does Ryo wears ?

>> No.18059885

Kill yourself

>> No.18059898
File: 119 KB, 580x725, 171103042952095849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The jacket, cop or not?

>> No.18059902 [DELETED] 
File: 258 KB, 607x1819, eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what you dress like when you have hundreds of millions of dollars but aren't a billionaire yet.

>> No.18059916
File: 97 KB, 750x919, proxy-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes pretty /fa/ ngl, i really dig the first pic specially
i dont think she falls into any specific category, its just that japs have a better sensibility for fashion and style than say, the avg american or chinaman

>> No.18059985

They don't give a shit unless you wear solething really cringe or ugly, wear what you like and go make some bank

>> No.18059988

reverse image search on taobao is your only bet

>> No.18059996

They find you creepy because you have no confidence

>> No.18059998

regular upper middle class nip with some extra masculine clothing

if you dress like this you will look male by the way

>> No.18060088

They're the cheapest shittiest shoes you can buy, what did you expext?

>> No.18060153
File: 79 KB, 750x1000, 171076903343840363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had asked about pic related shoe in an older thread, and ended up buying it. I tried it on with baggy linen pants and a white shirt and it looked great. However that’s a summer outfit when it’s hot outside

Any recs what to wear with a bright suede loafer in 5-15 degree weather? Anything I tried on just looked weird

>> No.18060312

if youre black

>> No.18060319

are there any good sneakers that look like converse / palladium but don't use shoelaces? i'm too lazy to tie my shoelaces when i'm using sneakers

>> No.18060320

I am not :(

>> No.18060354
File: 175 KB, 1077x1080, 1711384908860714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best shoes to go with blue jeans? Not very knowledgeable of /fa/ stuff, especially shoes. Thinking of getting some today because I only have sneakers and boots. All I know is I live in the country so I don't want to wear white when they're just gonna be walking through grass and down gravel roads a decent bit

>> No.18060369

Full dark grey fit, loafers as contrast.

>> No.18060410

>Full dark grey fit
Would work better with white shoes

>> No.18060486

What's the minimum amount of clothes you'd consider having before it becomes too little?

I have so much crap over the years in clothes, its become a burden.

>> No.18060514

If I'm 6'3" and my inseam is ~30 inches with no break, are my proportions fucked? Is this why I hate how I look when I tuck my shirt?

>> No.18060528
File: 73 KB, 640x922, 347ec53716859e139cf05ee030a813a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good low to mid brand for a simple black turtleneck/mockneck? I'm basic and a pussy. I just and to test run to see if I pull it off before I get something better

>> No.18060549

Search Submariner sweater, like Nautical Company

>> No.18060579
File: 1.18 MB, 4096x1592, 20240325_175347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't want to shit up the catalog with this, but am I balding? Will post several images.

Image 1: Hairline from front, relaxed

>> No.18060581
File: 963 KB, 2930x2005, 20240325_175359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image 2: Hairline from side, pulled back

>> No.18060582

Light wash jeans could work since theyre warmer but match the shade
Then a pastel cotton sweater like a powder blue
I dunno, some things you just have to wait for the right season for even if you want to wear them noe

>> No.18060586
File: 1.52 MB, 2883x3137, 20240325_175535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image 3: Top of head, brushed back to hide suspected balding

>> No.18060588

How did you find your style? I just have no idea what sort of image I want to present.

>> No.18060590
File: 1.96 MB, 3072x3123, 20240325_175249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image 4: Top of head, parted to reveal suspected balding

>> No.18060779

you're not balding, now stop examining your hair, you'll drive yourself nuts.

>> No.18061116

If you are under 40 you have above average hairline
If under 25 you have average hairline

Thats not a balding top
This guy is balding from the top:

>> No.18061125
File: 998 KB, 564x1002, 1701236171911690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i tuck a relaxed fit Tshirt to cover my belt perfectly? i mean there has to be a method other than just inserting the Tshirt and pulling it out right?

>> No.18061139
File: 292 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20240326_133105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it normal for a blazer to restrict movement this much or do I need a bigger size?
Shoulders rise a lot if I raise my arms and the arm length becomes too short If I do the motion of pointing forward

>> No.18061157
File: 180 KB, 1125x1414, 171125125387290067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this shirt too tacky?

>> No.18061183

What's the right backpack for college?

>> No.18061311

Entirely depends on what you are carrying. Do you have a laptop, do you have carry textbooks, how many notes you take etc
But really nobody cares about your backpack

>> No.18061433
File: 269 KB, 1125x1585, 171058594881277450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, this will be a very stupid question but how legit are discounted luxury items?

I mean every site on lyst.com, coggles, end etc. I have bought a bunch of clothes from these places, shoes that were supposedly 800 euros discounted to 300 or 350 hoodies discounted to 80 etc, stuff I’d never buy for full price. Or even medium-luxury brands from aboutyou with similar 70% discounts. But I always have a bad feeling about them
They are probably not fake, since most sites look legit and do collabs with designers and shit, but the math doesnt add up for me. Are they willing to take a loss just to get rid of old stock? Were these clothes never actually mainline pieces, but cheap, terrible clothes nobody would want, made specificaly for the outlets - that they just sell for cheap and pretend they are supposed to be expensive?

>> No.18061439

Does regular non-luxury clothes have 80% discounts? If so, why wouldn't luxury brands have 80% discounts sometimes?
If I were a luxury brand, I'd buy back all unsold items and destroy them as to not devalue the brand with discounts. But if they don't, it's much better for them to sell at a 50% loss than keep the item indefinitely at 100% loss + expenses for keeping it in stock.

>> No.18061447

I would say yes, a little, only because of the metallic yellow, it has a tendency to look cheap, although the design on the shirt is nice! I'm just not a fan of metallic on black.

>> No.18061457

Hate to do it, but bumping my question.

>> No.18061461
File: 132 KB, 829x1144, 171078453080673739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other colorway looks too plain to me. I am not paying Bally prices for a white tee with a basic black print, especially since I’d wear it to parties
The gold one would be perfect if it didnt have the brand name plastered all over it. Oh well, guess it can’t be helped

>> No.18061465

Where can I get reasonably priced, 100% cotton waffle henleys?

>> No.18061469

Go through everything you own and sell/donate/ throw out stuff you dont like or dont fit you anymore.
>I might like it later!
>I will lose weight and it will fit me again!
Speaking from personal experience, it wont happen

Minimum amount is also relative, depends if you live in a college dorm with three other people, have a walk in closet, or you sre one of those fashion guys whose entire apartment is filled with clothes racks

>> No.18061476

Yeah I guess that makes sense. Thanks

>> No.18061504

Hi lads, any1 know where can I buy real fur by yard or something like that? Wanted to commission a coat for my wife for her birthday but can't seem to find any sellers.

>> No.18061690

in the market for new luggage, carry-on plane sized. any /fa/ recommendations to get started?

>> No.18061753

What cut of Iron Heart/Naked and Famous would fit me best if Wrangler cowboy cut jeans fit me well? I'm 33/32, 165 lbs, and muscular.

>> No.18061782

Svensson is a good equivalent for less money if you just like the look.

>> No.18061857
File: 1.38 MB, 2000x1270, Popped_Collars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rips for pulling off two popped collars at the same time?

I'm considering wearing two popped collars at the same time for easter. Planning on having a patterned (stripes, plaid etc) underneath anf monocolor on top.

>> No.18061998

lol why buy something if you cant figure out how to style it
alden lhs in shell8
cringe 2013 scandi shit
depends. dumb question
john smedley
tuck it and go about your day, shirt will come out as you move. your pic looks like shit btw
disgustingly poor
lmao bally really jumped the shark

>> No.18062054

Have massive douchebag energy. Also that pic has no popped collars.

>> No.18062088

>tuck it and go about your day, shirt will come out as you move. your pic looks like shit btw
i have seen some people use some kind of rope to secure it in place, its some random tucked in shirt from pintrest but i dig the color combination

>> No.18062093

Stretching my arms up usually does the trick for me.

>> No.18062105
File: 98 KB, 960x1280, 306bf375700b488207e3de835ba9a04d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see pic related pants in a lot of fits, what are they called?
Are they just regular suit pants?

>> No.18062114

Pleated pants, look kinda baggy maybe relaxed fit.

>> No.18062122


>> No.18062124
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a male version of this jacket from sicario that Emily Blunt was wearing?

>> No.18062132

rider jacket

>> No.18062148

What shirt colors would go well under a grey sweater and with tan pants?

>> No.18062153

arent these chinos? maybe pleated chino toursers?

>> No.18062163 [DELETED] 

its just the seasonal stuff that got over produced didn't sell at the end of the season

>> No.18062166

its just the seasonal stuff that got over produced didn't sell at the end of the season.
you want to take a close eye and make sure its not something goofy that didn't sell for a reason, or maybe its a trend driven item and the trend's over. other than that you can't really go wrong. if you stick to more timeless pieces you're basically just getting a fat discount to wait a year to wear your new jacket you bought at the end of winter.

>> No.18062168

that would work, so would tucking your shirt into your underwear (not suggested if american diet.)
look up how to blouse a pair of boots its basically the same idea.

>> No.18062212

Who knows? Chinos are just pants made of cotton twill, I dunno if you can tell just from the picture.

>> No.18062256

i am so fucking dumb i always thought chinos meant formals in some latin ass language or something, it never crossed my mind that its the material

>> No.18062265

If anything it's the opposite, chinos tend to be cut more casually than dress pants.

>> No.18062294

Are there any nicer quality travel sewing kits on the market? Everything I see is the same clear and red chinese plastic shit with like a yard of thread

>> No.18062976

how often should one shower to keep his hair and skin healthy? i heard washing too often depletes your body's natural oils, so should showering be reserved to when you actually sweat or smell ?

>> No.18062983

where else does one cop a longer pea coat for a reasonable price? The one from varusteleka I knew of is now discontinued

>> No.18063042

Are there any "tips and tricks" to find clothes online? I pretty much just go to the sites of chain stores I see in real life lol

>> No.18063206
File: 166 KB, 1478x749, Peacoat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18063353

Oh shit you're right. Somehow always saw that pic as popped collars in my mind. Shoot, gotta decide if I commit to being a d-bag on easter then

>> No.18063356
File: 354 KB, 1100x1375, 171088257283170258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude if you wanna be kanye you have to dress like this now

>> No.18063376

what style do you like? if you only buy from mall brands you probably havent developed a style
try finding people that look cool on instagram and looking into what clothes they wear, and finding blogs that talk about styles you find interesting

>> No.18063429
File: 793 KB, 1518x2025, joggers2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the hell are Joggers (sweatpants) impossible to find in Earthy Tones? My mom bought me a pair of Beige joggers from Forever 21 about 7 years ago and to this day they are still in pristine condition and my favorite pair of joggers. I literally cannot find any other joggers that match the quality, style and color(s).

They need to have zipper pockets.
Preferably long draw-strings.
Ribbed upper thigh.

Picrel are my 7 year old Joggers from Forever 21.

I also cannot find a decent Tee Shirt brand that offers an athletic fit with Earthy Tones.
Earth Tones as in: Beige, Bone, Forest Green, Mud Brown etc..

I'm about to just make my own damn clothing brand at this point.

Any recs?

>> No.18063434
File: 838 KB, 1991x1071, Sweatpants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found these on Amazon.

>> No.18063435

>earth tones
Both are extremely popular nowadays.


>> No.18063446
File: 883 KB, 581x774, kenzaki kazuma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's this kind of fashion and hairdo called and how do i emulate it

>> No.18063451
File: 147 KB, 800x1204, Josh_Wilson_005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where i can find some cool black leather suspenders?

>> No.18063475

Hairdo: 2010s Japanese host club cut
Fashion: Fake outdoorsy
Also keep in mind there is a filter on that picture

>> No.18063477
File: 139 KB, 549x337, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look too faggy for a guy to wear? Chuddy answers only please

>> No.18063481

Depends on your fit

>> No.18063639

do boxier button ups exist? i was thinking about making a fit around one where I keep it tucked so the bulkier proportions of a boxy fit come out but i don't think i've seen a button up in that style

>> No.18063641
File: 749 KB, 634x843, 1684643237359131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have an ID on this coat?

>> No.18063870

Brooks Brothers traditional fit and Mercer & Sons
are insanely baggy in the chest

>> No.18063907
File: 81 KB, 640x798, 1690812127454919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the ID on this hoodie?

>> No.18063930
File: 1.07 MB, 2656x3984, 171121653792483899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s the point of MM6 margiela?

Like imagine spending 300 bucks on a shirt or 500 on a pair of pants only to look like a poorfag

>> No.18063948

The real point is that people see the brand logo and know you paid 500 for a pair of pants. The "distressed" homeless look is so you look unpretentious or whatever it doesn't really matter.

>> No.18064141
File: 132 KB, 984x1312, 171149545517017398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this wool turtleneck on sale for 180 euros on sale but decided not to get it, despite liking ami because turtlenecks look pretentious. Should have I copped it?

>> No.18064177

A million names for them, pleated trousers is probably the most broad though. Suit pants tend to be wool, chinos are cotton, but you can get either material in that style and they'll work.

>> No.18064181

I want to get a pair of alden suede loafers, what are the best color/style of theirs for spring/summer fits? Lots of linen, would like to wear with and without socks so I'm guessing I want the unlined version? Thanks

>> No.18064186

I have my eyes on the 6244F Unlined Leisure Handsewn Penny Loafer LHS (Tan Suede) am considering the version with tassels to fully lean into my inner old mediterranean man.

>> No.18064188
File: 202 KB, 960x1200, Lazyman_whitetan_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W2c graphic tees with this sort of 80s cartoon-ish charm

>> No.18064195
File: 250 KB, 1100x1044, 171098523970372410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never mind, I couldnt resist the temptation and ordered it.
(I really need an abusive gf that controls my finances)

>> No.18064250
File: 470 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20240328_195419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would you react to your boyfriend's closet being like this?
what would you add or remove from this closet?

>> No.18064253

Just leave the poor guy alone

>> No.18064255

you mean like poor as in deserving of pity or poor as in lacking money

>> No.18064261

Poor as in has to suffer a gf that complains about him

>> No.18064264

Idk doesn't look great. See what you like on him and make him feel good for wearing it, and then slowly you can suggest other stuff he might like. If you treat him like too much of a project he's probably going to murder you (justifiably) so please just stick to positive reinforcement if you're going to try.

>> No.18064265

hey im just making an hypothethical here, and who says the guy has a gf?

>> No.18064287

He must be an aristocrat what with using coat hangers. I just shove all my clothes into a big pile straight from the dryer.

>> No.18064382

Based and Laundry-ball-pilled

>> No.18064432

Is there any /fa/ discord i can join?

>> No.18064443

I'm a dude with a big ass and wide hips. How screwed am I at ever looking /fa/?

>> No.18064477
File: 157 KB, 1500x844, kitano3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I get good white button downs that aren't quasi-transparent? I mostly shop on a vintage resell site and most of those shirts are very glossy and thin.

>> No.18064503

Is matching up my shoe color with my shirt/jacket a good idea?

>> No.18064687

You should try to have it so everything you wear matches or is complementary to at least one other item in your outfit.

>> No.18064728

Recommended underwear? I've been wearing Calvin Klein for years mostly because thats what I had been gifted but I don't want to support them as a business either.
I need something with testicular support too, my balls are too heavy.

>> No.18064744
File: 33 KB, 600x510, 171089936745879644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am in the same shoes

The trick is to only take photos of yourself from forward and never from the side, while you go on a diet and do cardio. Work out a lot, especially chest, back and shoulders so your wide hips will look less wide compared to your wide shoulders. I am still fat after 6 months, but no longer look like pic related

You cannot be /fa/ if you are fat

>> No.18064751

I'm not fat. I have a big ass because of sports

>> No.18064773

Vetements X Canada Goose Oversized fur-trimmed parka

>> No.18064774

Post proof, as in low angle minishort photos

>> No.18064777

anon underwear doesn't matter just find a fit that is comfortable for you. It is probably boxer briefs.

>> No.18064780
File: 58 KB, 740x960, Meinsuperherooutfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's me in my neighborhood watch uniform.

>> No.18064793

Does this fit? Found the same shirt on marketplace cheap, but its a medium which im worried is to big for me, went and tried it on in the shop and cant decide.
Its a linen knit shirt, so its meant to be relaxed and baggy, but im worried its too much. Cheers

>> No.18064850
File: 774 KB, 1080x2400, Spot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is therea anything that can be done about this? Or should I just accept it?

>> No.18064857

You are not balding, you are just combing your hair weird

>> No.18064901 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 915x1073, spot2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it wasn't there 2 months ago.

>> No.18064912
File: 336 KB, 1600x1200, blue suede shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can I wear these with? They're really blue

>> No.18064914

wig, red nose, clown make-up

>> No.18064919
File: 125 KB, 844x412, sizee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might some a little stupid but what does the L and R mean?

these are sizes for jeans, I know the W is obviously waist.

>> No.18064927

Never seen that, normally pants have two sets of measurements like 32W 32L that means 32 inch waist and 32 inch inseam. I assume they're replacing the inseam measurements here with just "Regular" and "Long"? Just a guess. Check if whatever site you're buying from has a size guide.

>> No.18064928
File: 207 KB, 1080x1523, IMG_1866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I look for if I want suit shoes that are a little more casual? Kinda like pic related but less clownish

>> No.18064931

Derby shoes.

>> No.18064933

Loafers maybe

Your pic is a woman’s shoe. Men shouldnt wear chunky shoes like that

>> No.18064940

I was thinking about those, but it feels difficult to pull them off without looking too preppy in a gay way

>> No.18064942

>preppy in a gay way
Thats the point of fashion, any man that cares about it will come off a little gay

>> No.18064954

Fair enough

>> No.18064983

White, light blue, and grey. And you could do something out there like yellow or green in dark or pale tones.

>> No.18064988

Also curious about this

>> No.18065021

what summer shoes are hip this year ? no birks boston, santiags or adrian loafers

>> No.18065074

Thank you so much, Anon!

>> No.18065138

how the fuck do I find out what the best colors for my skin color are

>> No.18065150

Just look at what colors catalog models with your complexion wear. It's their job to look best in clothes, so you can just copy them.

>> No.18065282

Thoughts on Mavi jeans?

>> No.18065293

is there any /fa/ guide for wardrobe basics?
for example
>clothes that must be hanged, clothes where hanging is optional, clothes that its recommended NOT to hang
>organizing a wardrobe in other ways
>tips for washing and organizing underwear
>basic explanation of different fabrics and their properties

>> No.18065303

Pretty happy with mine.

>> No.18065360 [DELETED] 


>> No.18065394
File: 53 KB, 436x501, 433739533_1351715695461576_8828328230205723757_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ID on headphones?

>> No.18065397

Where do you find inspo outside of instagram?

>> No.18065430
File: 77 KB, 600x910, 171080583671996198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>designer jewellery
>hundreds of dollars
Why are they like this? Sterling silver is dirt cheap, they are only making themselves look bad

>> No.18065447

if you were able to make hundreds of dollars off something, would you want your investment to be dirt cheap or very dirt cheap

>> No.18065458

There's a /hpg/ head phone general on /g/.

>> No.18065493

I recently got a bunch of dress shirts I really love, but they’re a little too big for me. Can you pull off wearing a kinda oversized dress shirt without looking stupid?

>> No.18065507

If you are attractive and go full streetwear
Otherwise no

>> No.18065522

Find a bunch of pictures of people dressing like you want to, put ‘em in an album, and take it with you while you go shopping. J. Crew would be a good place to start. The best way to get over the feeling of being uncomfortable in your outfit is to keep wearing similar things until you get used to it.

There’s really no shortcut to developing your eye.

>> No.18065529

Short sleeve button down collars are for dads and lesbians. If it needs to be a short sleeve shirt get a spread collar and leave at least the top two buttons open. Otherwise just roll up your sleeves

>> No.18065530

She not really cute she just got big pants and tiny shirt

>> No.18065532

Bro you want Common Projects

>> No.18065535

Can’t buy a personality, I’m afraid

>> No.18065542

Just bought basics (Jeans, Casual Shirts) then started buying stuff I thought was cool until I learned how to wear it without looking like a spastic. It’s really trial and error, it helps to find outfits you like, figure out why you like them, then try recreating it with what you have

>> No.18065550

When getting a bespoke shirt made the store will also give you the choice of very thin cotton or something fatter. It'll be expensive but have you thought about buying an off the rack shirt from somewhere that makes shirts from a "branded" fabric? One such brand is Albini

>> No.18065554
File: 49 KB, 590x550, 1500596958673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I think that my hair looks good down and somewhat messy and that I look like shit when it's tied back and brushed, does that I'm just ugly since I don't wear it well in both situations or does it mean something else?

>> No.18065739

is wearing wool socks layered on top of cotton socks a good strat to avoid washing the wool socks too often? i live in a cold climate so its no biggy for me

>> No.18065919

I lived in Norway for a few years and did this. It just makes sense.

>> No.18065926

Do I go for this? Suede Lambskin for $500? I feel like the price is good but these guys don't do exchanges, they only give store credit.

>> No.18065927
File: 1.23 MB, 829x967, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18066108
File: 34 KB, 512x1181, cropped4ch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to post picture, does this fit?

>> No.18066122

i would cop. great color for a suede jacket.
good strat. its common for hikers to wear thin polyester or silk liner socks under their wool socks to reduce friction = blisters.
i used to do performative -cores and such but now that i'm a bit older my personal style's just kind of downstream from my lifestyle and who i am.
its acceptable if you live in a tropical jungle i guess.
if they fit in the shoulder and sleeve length get them tailored to a classic or slightly trim fit and it will look good.
if they don't fit in the shoulder or sleeve length its too involved to be worth fixing.
you should get your metal goods from small time makers not fashion designer brands. the prices are a lot more fair the quality is better it tends to be made more locally and the designs always have more sovl and personal touch.
always fold heavy sweaters hanging them will stretch the shoulders under their own weight.
i have some blue suede sneakers that are similarly obnoxious and they look really good with that blueberry indigo hue brand new wranglers come with.
the way the torso's cut isn't doing you favors.

>> No.18066152

Yeah its a shame about the torso cut, I have been thinking of adding buttons to it so I can do it up?

>> No.18066175

Can anyone give me their thoughts on this? Wanting it for when I go camping and want to stay toasty. Nothing too cold, 0 degrees celsius and up.


>> No.18066187
File: 833 KB, 1212x4031, DB39F983-0356-4E62-B58F-4022C6879253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not sure where to post this since there isn’t a thread to post your ootds so here

>> No.18066293
File: 258 KB, 713x1211, McTAVISH_SP22_MENS_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no opinion on the parka specifically, but all the clothes on that site look so depressing.

>> No.18066366
File: 49 KB, 1080x607, takumi hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's this hair called

>> No.18066394

What do you mean? Why do you think that they are depressing? I find theri stuff generally is quite practical but idk
Also, so no thoughts on the parka?

>> No.18066413
File: 89 KB, 1044x1296, 171116962687670883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it okay to wear loafers like this as a man?

>> No.18066421

If I were doing crimes and wanted to look completely unremarkable so witnesses can't describe me, I'd wear those clothes. Everything on that site says
>please don't direct any attention toward me, I'm just a miserable nobody

>> No.18066427

Take your meds

>> No.18066433

Fine, wear your dirt colored wool. Meanwhile I'll be enjoying the texture of an inside of a vagina.

>> No.18066438

Fingering your unclit doesnt count

>> No.18066558


>> No.18066702
File: 92 KB, 1024x629, temp-camber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any thoughts on Camber USA? Is it bad for a slim fit? I usually get Colorful Standard which is made in Portugal

>> No.18066733

What socks should I wear with penny loafers? I know you’re not supposed to, but I see many people do it and it just looks better imo

>> No.18066738

But I am a manlet, I need that inch

>> No.18066740
File: 39 KB, 500x500, 171131809893781123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever color fits the outfit

>no sock
True no sock is fucking disgusting. Wear pic rel like a civilized human

>> No.18067131
File: 288 KB, 400x431, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the BUKE-pill

>> No.18067341
File: 1013 KB, 1871x986, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will cop the jacket if it comes back in L. don't want to risk it with size m.

t. 181cm, 74kg, wide shoulders, broad chest, athletic

>> No.18067448

Gains and don't dress like a larping faggot

>> No.18067839

Can anyone who is not a schizo help me please?

>> No.18068754

Wifebeater and unbutton the shirt

>> No.18068761

you can find women everywhere

>> No.18068811
File: 801 KB, 1600x2000, 171183350493679649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I get pic rel for 60% off?

100% cotton, Represent text on the sleeves

>> No.18068875

Is an eyepatch the most /fa way to cover up a black eye? I would consider doing makeup but the eye is completely swollen shut this morning.

>> No.18068891

Leave him sister

>> No.18068894

I’m a guy… i also slipped getting in the shower last night and hit my eye off the faucet

>> No.18068902

Kek, it’s probably not that bad. No use in covering it if it’s not completely revolting

>> No.18068903

It is…

>> No.18068908

Prove it…

>> No.18068923
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>> No.18068935

Mine looks way worse than that

>> No.18068936
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kys schizo

>> No.18068950

Fetish poster BTFOd

>> No.18069025

Well, ended up ordering it. Will just send it back if it looks bad

>> No.18069028

You need like a 22-20gauge hypodermic
Get them at tractor supply.

>> No.18069033


>> No.18069035

You forgot to work out your personality.
Get some hobbies.

>> No.18069038

I assure you, these are Walmart elastic suspenders

>> No.18069208

Better to be a manlet in nice shoes than a manlet lying about his height in ugly kicks

Cool jacket

>> No.18069567

All natural fiber swimwear options for men? I am not above wearing a fundoshi but I don't necessarily want to make a scene. I've been on a "natural fibers only" thing because I hate microplastics.

>> No.18069622

new fuccboi general please, one of the only redeeming threads on this board

>> No.18069870
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What's the best jeans for a guy with big quads, big glutes and pretty big calves?
What are good relaxed tapered fit options? Any opinions on
>Levis 550
>Wrangler Spencer fit
>Any others worth trying?

It doesn't help when online shops use chicken leg models

>> No.18070074
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Is this effay?

>> No.18070207

most relaxed tapered jeans look bad and make you look topheavy/carrot legs because they have far too high of a taper ratio and try to take a large thigh measurement down to way too small of a knee and leg opening. my suggestion is to look for relaxed tapers that have a bit larger of a leg opening than most (but less than a straight cut obviously) or to just look for a relaxed cut that has a slight taper to it.

>> No.18070225

if you hate microplastics you should probably be aware "100% cotton" on a tag doesn't have to include the thread and its almost always polyester unless specifically stated otherwise. cotton thread is a premium thing you only find on high end stuff these days. also be aware it falls apart a lot easier so learn to sew if you get into actual 100% cotton clothes.

thats the right call. worst thing you can do with a leather jacket is size too small. leather jackets look and work best a bit relaxed so you can layer with them.

bpcall on taobao is the best. bronson is good. bob dong is good.
uniqlo supima is good (their other tees aren't)
highest end:
merz b schwanen (europe) loopwheeler (japan) and all the various brands they produce for. almost all jap denim brands sell good cotton tees, loopwheeler makes a lot of them, some are made in house.
for basic plain heavy weight tees. there's other good high end options for less basic stuff too.

all these except uniqlo will be 150%+ as thick as a "ultra heavy weight" tee you're used to from brands like gildan and shit, unless you buy an undershirt. and they won't be all rough and shitty feeling like cheap heavy weight tees either. they're softer and also more durable, and hold up to repeated washings better especially the collars on all these tees.
a lot of them will be reproductions of ww2 and prior military stuff, so masculine chad cuts. look to the japanese denimbro brands if you want slimmer cuts, loopwheeler produces most of them and you can get deals on 2/3 packs if you proxy buy.
you can not really get good tees from any non internet autism brands esp if american.

>> No.18070237
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i can make it effay

>> No.18070241

see >>18070153

>> No.18070258


>> No.18070922

>"100% cotton" on a tag doesn't have to include the thread and its almost always polyester unless specifically stated otherwise

>> No.18071180
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W2C a similar jacket? It has a cinchable waist too which I like.

>> No.18071558

Koss ksc75

>> No.18071667 [DELETED] 
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As an adhd autist how do I keep wasting my money on dumb shit? Any time I have 5 seconds of free time I immediately start browsing for sales. I almost bought this ugly piece of shit in pic rel for 500 because it was a “good deal”, and I also caught myself looking at 1000 dollar Rick Owens footwear atrocities, trying to convince myself that I can totaly pull off a cuban boot with transparent high heels
I spend easily 300-600 euros a month on clothes and I dont even wear 90% of the shit I buy