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18054763 No.18054763 [Reply] [Original]

Post and discuss neofolk.
I’the guy from the last general who made some feldgrau trousers. Currently putting the finishing touches on a shirt which I intend to post once here once it’s done.

>> No.18054767

What is this? A nazi for ANTS?

>> No.18055309
File: 55 KB, 598x799, 154-3.-neofolk-fans (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18055311

when people say "folk" do they just mean "volk"? why beat around the bush like this?

>> No.18055314

folk is a regular english word you fucking kartoffel

>> No.18055316

Wouldnt folk imply influence of traditional cultural clothing? Not WW2 larp.

>> No.18055383

do "regular english" people run around dressed like they shopped at the nazi surplus store?

>> No.18055625

incel/autism thread

>> No.18056114

this neofolk stuff stopped being cool after 2021
everyone was exposed to cooler parts of the world
and now they find this shit cringe
the white birthrate is going down
whites are a thing of the past

>> No.18056118

Good luck with that.

>> No.18057086
File: 1.60 MB, 2279x3297, dsrgsef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring about cool
>cooler parts of the world
What sort of twisted thought process is this?
You either like it or not.

Now post pictures or leave.

>> No.18057422

Hitler would kill himself a second time if he saw what retarded brit/american teens have made of his legacy.

>> No.18057425

>Camo military jacket with dress shirt and trousers
I'm killing myself.

>> No.18057644

> I am a warrior

>> No.18057651

looks like shit
some mossad kike is gonna kill you in your sleep

>> No.18058580

What's with the LARP?
They both fail the green line test. Neofolk is filled to the brim with weak homosexuals
WW2 larp is traditional though
Homosexual rates in autism confirm this

>> No.18058682

Not larping and here’s the finished trousers as proof. In the middle of making an improved pair with less mistakes in between sewing the button holes on a shirt because sewing button holes can get somewhat tedious when doing it by hand. If you thought I was trying to LARP as Knoch I only posted the pic with him because it’s a more recognisable neofolk fit. I though that would be clear.

>> No.18058684
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>> No.18058694
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Is this tarp poncho neofolk?

>> No.18058743 [DELETED] 

kanye is the antithesis of neofolk

and a nigger

>> No.18058770

Poltards are desperate to maintain plausible denial as they are ashamed of their beliefs and shitty attempts at influence peddling.

>> No.18058816

Somewhat but as >>18058743
says Kanye isn’t neofolk.

>> No.18058830

pol is the anthithesis of neofolk

they are just shizos with no actual beliefs

>> No.18059207

that's not nice

>> No.18059235

What fabric did you use? Did you make it with a pattern or just winged it? Honestly really cool pants either way I have been thinking of making some pants myself. Neofolk seems like a cool style to get into.

>> No.18059279

fuck off

>> No.18059571

Poser who has never heard of Death in June

>> No.18059621

Is neo-folk exlusively for white people emulating early 20th century regional countryside/militia clothing or is it for anyone trying to replicate what their great-grandfathers wore in the 1930s?

>> No.18059629

It's nazi larp by skinnyfat incels

>> No.18059734
File: 635 KB, 2728x2124, b56a84d3ade1593818d38adc0870a963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's so cool bros

>> No.18059819

how could you go out like this not knowing how out of place and retarded you look

>> No.18059820

Get crushed, rightard insect https://youtu.be/clZ5pdrc_X8?si=Fevsf9Pfywuq8PJ1

>> No.18059846

out of place and bad = autist
out of place and good = attractive autist

>> No.18059848
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Yeah that's like part of the point of most fashion subcultures. If you don't want to look out of place wear jeans and a black t shirt.

>> No.18059923

He looks great. Go back to your nigger infested flyover state.

>> No.18059968

Why so toxic and hateful? Its just a Jacket.

>> No.18059982

>why so toxic he says in a thread of someone trying (poorly) to imitate nazi aesthetics

>> No.18060001

it looks bad, you look bad

>> No.18060063

>what fabric
Feldgrau because it’s very cheap for wool/wool-viscose (£17.50 a metre) and I didn’t know if I was going to mess up the project or not. If I get really good I might start using tweed (but that’s like £40-£60 a metre so I’d want to be skilled first). With what I’ve made so far my wardrobe is starting to look like a cross between that of a hobbit and a hilfswillige which I suppose makes it neofolk.
The casual/work trousers pattern from reconstructing history. The modern patterns I could find were slim fit. That and having a pattern that uses braces rather than a belt means they don’t slip down when I’m gardening.
>thinking of making some pants myself
It was a bit of a learning curve but they came out alright in the end. Currently in the middle of sewing an improved pair with brown canvas (this one will have a back belt and the front won’t be skewed). They’re hand sewn so they take a while. The main stitches you need to learn are the backstitch and the overlock stitch. There’s tutorials for these on YouTube. Remember to prewash your fabric to avoid shrinkage.
>just winged it?
I cut the pattern too small so the waistband was too short. Hence the extension of it that you can see. I also cut the pattern piece for the front of the leg wrong so I winged it with the amount of fabric to leave for the front going over the fly hence the skewed front (doesn’t look to bad when I’m wearing it though). I’ve resolved this for the pair I’m working on rn though. The canvas is even cheaper than the feldgrau so it actually works out about half the price of a decent pair of canvas trousers bought online.

>> No.18060069

>neofolk seems to be a cool style to get into
This style and the philosophy behind it is a large part of the reason I started making my own clothes.

>> No.18060112

is canvas even neofolk

>> No.18060119

>Remember to prewash your fabric to avoid shrinkage.
You better not have 'prewashed' that repro wool fabric lmao

>> No.18060717

I didn’t. When they are washed it is always on a low temperature.
Plain brown canvas seems neofolk. I think as long as the materials are natural and it fits the aesthetic then it’s neofolk (as long as it isn’t something too exotic by European standards). E.g. Linkola wore lots of cotton shirts and I’d say he was pretty neofolk. Also European workmen used to have their work clothes made out of old canvas sails because it was cheap.

>> No.18060719

This is on cotton projects like the canvas trousers I’m making at the moment.

>> No.18061219

it's still a garbage pakistani mad repro. NOT neofolk

>> No.18062522

Thanks for the advice I think I will start on the process of getting the stuff together. Also is there a main reason you chose handsewn over machine sewn?

>> No.18062527

>>18060069 I have been thinking about making my own clothes for awhile I’m pretty peculiar about the fabric, fit, cut, color, and feel of my clothing. Iv already been throwing ideas around in my head and neofolk has the rural earth tone, Utilitarian but still nice look I’m going for. Granted I don’t know much about Neofolk much outside some images on google.

>> No.18062529

you sound extremely autistic

>> No.18062817
File: 667 KB, 2095x1894, 20240326_165249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro today i was in the store and look what i saw

>> No.18062823

>>1806252 yes you would be correct about that.

>> No.18062879


du, nicht der typ im Foto

>> No.18063053

Go for it anon
I am OP and I am also extremely autistic. It is a requirement to pull off the fits in this thread.
I tried using a machine in my first project when I was still in school which failed abysmally. I was trying to make a shirt out of an old bedsheet as practice before buying actual materials. I found that:
1. The machine kept failing and was very temperamental when it was working.
2. The foot pedal didn’t give me as much control as I’d like (electric machine so it doesn’t operate as an extension of the self the way hand operated tools and machines do; I’ve spoken to some other people who have similar complaints). Hand sewing offers a great deal of control and let’s you take your time.
3. The machine was my mother’s and took up a lot of room. I’d have to ask my mother whenever I wanted to get it out and then I could only use the kitchen table for so long before dinner (it made quite a racket and would disturb people if used after dinner). If I’m hand sewing I can just sew wherever and whenever. This is helped by having my own tools without needing to spend an arm and a leg. I can just leave my project by my desk or even take it to uni and sew between lectures and seminars.
4. Idk if this is just cope from hand sewing but I think it allows for a greater deal of craftsmanship and leaning into the “folk” aspect of neofolk. A lot of people in previous generals say that American workwear and old west clothes are not neofolk and you can see why when they were often mass produced and make use of techniques that make American workwear easier to make on sewing machines such as box cuts.

There is no downside as far as quality is concerned. I have had several acquaintances be surprised to find out I’m wearing something that is hand sewn. There is not a noticeable difference in quality.

>> No.18063073


I might try using a hand operated machine like an old singer (I’m English and there’s tons of them here available relatively cheaply) and maybe sew things to sell if I can sew quick enough and with good enough quality using a machine. I’m a hoppean so I’m not concerned about minimum wage but there is a point at which something simply isn’t worth doing. I’d have to price it at like £80 to £100 a shirt though for it to be worth doing because (amongst other reasons) I get charged import tariffs for the Portuguese linen I use. I could use Irish linen to get around tariffs but idk how the costs would work out. People buy universal works shirts though and they cost around £110 each so I don’t think it’s unreasonable.

>> No.18063077


>> No.18063326

Yes I definitely can relate to the sewing machine issues although I was able to overcome that somewhat. Control is difficult though. I like hand sewing but outside of small repairs Iv never had good luck. My medieval surcoat I made began falling apart and I had to redo it with a machine. Right now I am working on a wool medieval hood I’ll try working on some of those different stitches you mentioned on that project. In regards in your sewing business operation I personally and I am sure some others agree that it is better to pay more for a high quality good with craftsmanship then Chinese thrown together garbage. If you do go down that route wish the best to you.

>> No.18063673

Thanks. Best of luck with the stitches.

>> No.18063908

Gonna be real with you anono, thats the gayest fit i've seen on 4chan. That pin is the most embarassing thing i've ever seen.

>> No.18063979

more like neocringe

kys my man

>> No.18064029

Hahahaha you are brown

>> No.18064343

lol his gaiters are the in the wrong feet

>> No.18064359
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thats weird why would he do that