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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.94 MB, 1545x2747, 20230808_121609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17778471 No.17778471 [Reply] [Original]

OCBD Edition








Not being updated anymore



Quick guide to prep: https://www.mreero.com/journal/how-to-dress-like-a-prep
Gentleman's Gazzete info on /TIP/: https://pastebin.com/QrNDDG60
The Preppy Handbook: https://issuu.com/fiyero109/docs/toph
Nautical clothing guide: https://epochs.co/features/epochs-guide-to-nautical-clothing?p=nauticalpost
Boat shoe lacing guide: http://web.archive.org/web/20200926215557/https://blog.sperry.com/stories/style/lacing-guide/
Waxing Barbours: https://www.saltwaternewengland.com/2019/09/waxing-barbour.html
80s Inspo compilation: http://www.ivy-style.com/heres-to-a-preptastic-year-the-1982-prep-for-all-seasons-calendar.html
Inspo albums: https://imgur.com/a/SRKjs, https://imgur.com/a/eEw6B and https://imgur.com/a/XZuwA

Where to find clothing

Spier and Mackey
Polo Ralph Lauren
Mr. Porter
Brooks Brothers
J. press
Jamiesons Shetland
L.L. Bean
Eastland Shoe
Russell Moccasin Co
Oak Street Bootmakers
Bill's Khakis

>> No.17778472
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>> No.17778534

Guys will dress like this then dedicate their life to chasing pieces of ass, debauchery, wine and dines and sixty nine. Guys like me, that is

>> No.17778552

You can’t be serious with this shit

>> No.17778571

That picture is not "prep/ivy", it's just 1980s virgin.

>> No.17778572

>this is the guy that gets mad pussy i was telling you about.

>> No.17778581


>> No.17778639

kys doug

>> No.17778727
File: 660 KB, 2069x5310, baldpedofaggot0825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17778799

off to a great start so far

>> No.17778863

I love it

>> No.17778901
File: 141 KB, 570x1139, il_570xn-752715899_4bqa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitty bait pic that doesnt even relate to the "edition"
>still didnt update any of the general text
Fucking moron, if you were trying to stain the thread from the start you did a good job.

Speaking of the general, Put This On is a very good source for beginner info, should be on the list.

>> No.17778906
File: 249 KB, 1080x1512, s7-1262991_lifestyle[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as i can find there is no rule 34 of the Ralph Lauren polo bear. Take that as a challenge if you want.

>> No.17778911

This guy can coordinate clothes well but he really needs to pick up an iron once in awhile.

>> No.17778993

There's a fine line between casually rumpled and wrinkly. This crosses it.

>> No.17778996


>> No.17779000

It's kind of sad how the site is today. They used to have thoughtful articles and information but lately it's become a collection of eBay sales and cartoons.

>> No.17779011
File: 113 KB, 750x700, CC005DB7-B7D0-4BC3-AB55-E94CF9522DE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1920s prep

>> No.17779059

Any rules/recommendations regarding suspenders? Should they be made from silk or can they be cotton/wool/nylon? Does colour of the leather on buttonholes matter?

>> No.17779168

Decided to trash most of my wardrobe and start fresh.
>Gitman Vintage oxfords in blue, white, university stripe
>blackwatch plaid Portuguese Flannel shirt
>vintage Brooks Brothers madras shirt
>Bonobos Italian chinos in tan, olive, navy

I know I'll catch shit for Bonobos, but otherwise how'd I do?

>> No.17779177

You're going to need to post the actual items. Not even a fit but maybe a the outfits laid out for us to see how they look. In theory it sounds nice but they may or may not fit well.

>> No.17779212
File: 121 KB, 1226x660, 66ED2CFC-B3B4-40AA-9AB9-57AE41C1AA80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one is better?

>> No.17779240

Yeah i havent checked it much recently because they havent put out much insightful. But the old articles are still up.

>> No.17779257

is Formula 1 tip?

>> No.17779268
File: 1.80 MB, 1080x2220, 1660373410654518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself Doug you unemployed balding pedophile piece of shit

>> No.17779305
File: 213 KB, 1365x2048, jV5gKnC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine for a start. What shoes? Any jackets?
Next pants i'd buy would be ivory chinos and grey flannel slacks. And next shirt would be a more interesting oxford like green striped or pink.
Navy chinos aren't really that common in ivy fashion. Probably because they don't go with a navy blazer. And they make me think of a navy suit, while not belonging to one, which is unappealing. Maybe thats just me. A well-fitting pair of indigo jeans is a more ivy/preppy choice, believe it or not.

>> No.17779358
File: 164 KB, 934x1123, 65B891C6-3B18-42FC-AD66-EC5CC273FDBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New fits
I feel its far better with denim and those boots

>> No.17779383

>these long-ass sleeves
What's wrong with you?

>> No.17779386
File: 678 KB, 3899x2900, 20230827_135111_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linen, tropical wool, cotton

>> No.17779390

Left is better but it looks like a 3/2 that someone forced into a 3 button. You could probably get it back to normal with some ironing though. Wouldn't purchase right at all.
ID on sneakers?
You may want the Waywt. This is the tip thread.

>> No.17779454

There's a whole lot going on here. Switching to regular stone chinos would take this outfit up a level.

>> No.17779458

of course you'll ask about the worst part of the whole outfit

>> No.17779467

cool shirt, w2c?

>> No.17779471

Slater? based

>> No.17779494


The Decadents were all dandies, yes.

>> No.17779496
File: 45 KB, 680x479, 1665336653365717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


knew posting my pic as the OP would spurn this exact response

>> No.17779497

There is a discount on EU version of Charles Tyrwhitt, you can get 3 shirts for 120 eur (there is no upper limit, if you go beyond that you get 40e/shirt)

Worth buying at that price?

>> No.17779500

Yes, especially if you want to experiment with some different patterns, colours or fabrics without investing too much. CT are a bit of a meme, but the quality is fairly good for the price, and shirts are probably the last basic garment that you want to start investing too much money into since they just get wrecked so easily.

>> No.17779525
File: 1.34 MB, 1620x859, mad men.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you guys think of this outfit?

>> No.17779529

Ok I'm done with this general. Doug has ruined it for everyone. Good bye. I'm never posting here again.

>> No.17779565

>Doug has ruined it for everyone.
>I'm never posting here again.

>> No.17779582

We'll sorely miss all your awesome posts and fits, anonymous. It won't be the same without good ol anon.

>> No.17779585

Same, between Doug and various racebait spammers, the general has fallen

>> No.17779599

Your balls will get cold unless you put some trousers on

>> No.17779636

columbia anon and final home anon carried these threads

>> No.17779657
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>> No.17779670

lol pretty sure i have that shirt. BB?

>> No.17779672

Final home anon was a complete sperg who dressed like shit and would have an autism fit when people made fun of him.

>> No.17779684


>> No.17779686

I like left and want a cord jacket but can’t find any in 36R
nice bro , I like it a lot. Cool Barbour . ID on jeans?

>> No.17779707

Is land's end any good? I see that they offer free hemming/cuffing. They also have pleated pants with an adjustable waist in case I get fat.

>> No.17779709

Its 46it
Still dont know if I should buy it.
Its a little bit overpriced for used blazer and I have 100 dollars rule…
If you really interested I can give you link tho

>> No.17779715

not my pic, just something from the inspo folder

shirt is a denim fun shirt... too bad "fun shirt" is so hard to google. just check brooks rl j press etc for what fun shirts they have in stock.

>> No.17779717

I have a pair of ivory chinos from them. Pretty comfy if nothing else.

>> No.17779723

Does it come in 36R?

>> No.17779740

euro sizes are US sizes + 10

>> No.17779755


>> No.17779761

link ? do they ship to US?

>> No.17779784

Not really. He wore the same shoes with every fit and sperged constantly.

>> No.17779846

Both had a few inspo tier fits. I miss drawing anon too

>> No.17779861
File: 1.49 MB, 2195x3304, 1684952903673697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why lie?

>> No.17779883

that bowtie looks a bit gay and uncool

>> No.17779895

Anyone that contributes frequently triggers autists in these threads to sperg. Look at what happened to baldie. He left and schizo anon has such an enormous hard on for him that he keeps stalking him on Reddit and posting fits here. Baldies initial fits were shit, now the stalker posts pics that look decent and I guess I'm supposed to be triggered by them somehow?
There is nothing to gain from contributing , I'd say there's a strong argument for leaving as the best option if you want to improve your style.

>> No.17779904

Samefag? Regardless, it's a shame that only cancer like doug sticks around in this general

>> No.17779936
File: 95 KB, 1059x445, notsamefag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the same, just convergent thought processes reaching similar conclusions apparently.

I lack the capability to properly discuss just how much I hate Doug. It takes a special kind of failure to be universally reviled, announce you understand why you're hated and agree with it so you're leaving, then come back and cry like a bitch when people remind you that you said you were leaving. Where's your pride Doug? Mercifully I've never had to deal with a wild lolcow before, it's funny at first but then it's mentally exhausting trying to reason with someone who refuses to learn.

I would rather have daily posts from final home and baldie combining their sperg powers to form a blazer clad Voltron of autism than to have to see a Doug blogpost ever again.

>> No.17779951
File: 1.69 MB, 423x234, 1666559734706802.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only lolcow here is you
and by the way, you failed the first rule of lolcow-watching:
No A-Logging. Don't get so absurdly mad you become a laughing stock yourself. Come on, this is first-grade lolcow 101 shit.

>I lack the capability to properly discuss just how much I hate Doug.
that's probably because you are mentally ill and he sets you off in a way that gives you all the symptoms of rabies.
the worst thing about doug was never his fits, never his posts, but the fact that fucking faggots like you could not resist but to make a fucking mountain out of a molehill on what was already the molehill of a thread on a board completely abandoned by god. Doug maybe the bite, but its a puppy-toothed one. the real sting comes from you, the venom.

>it's funny at first but then it's mentally exhausting trying to reason with someone who refuses to learn.
nobody was twisting your arm to reply to literally every one of his posts
notice how people still post and discuss /tip/ products and brands and how none of those people care to comment on you or doug?
its like for every 1 person trying to just talk about their interest in tip clothing there's 10 anonymous faggots beating the "tip is dead" drum because of some nanoscopic e-celeb soap opera only they give a rats ass about.
Doug is a troll. he's made that abundantly clear. Hell, he even made this OP. Did that stop any /tip/ discussion? No.
Like a troll, he will only go away if you stop feeding him. I'm almost inclined to believe you ARE doug, seeing as he is clearly the type to samefag his own posts with winding rants to feign infamy and astroturf his reputation.
Either way, fuck the shut up, and stop posting, you colossal retard.

>> No.17779997
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>I'm almost inclined to believe you ARE doug, seeing as he is clearly the type to samefag his own posts with winding rants to feign infamy and astroturf his reputation.

It appears my superiority has led to some controversy.

>> No.17780248

Yes, they ship to us

>> No.17780277

stop saying "doug"

>> No.17780346



>> No.17780350

Stop saying d-word

>> No.17780385

Lol? The guy was an insufferable fag who spent tons of money to look like he had a developmental disability.

>> No.17780461

Any sandals that would work with this sort of look?

>> No.17780473

Why not tuck in your collar?

>> No.17780481

Closest match I can find is nb 417 but that's probably not it, I'd really want to know too

>> No.17780496


>> No.17780497

thanks :)

>> No.17780523
File: 2.39 MB, 3024x4032, 1673649864032892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have more?

>> No.17780566

Doug literally ruins everything it touches. God damn imagine being hated even on 4chan among fellow 'spergs'. You are just a shit person Doug, kill yourself. No wonder you have no friends, no girlfriend, no job, no money

>> No.17780576

Cut your hair, shave and put on some proper shoes.
Not a fan of barbours with denim/sneakers but that's just me
Otherwise love the shirt, jeans and glasses

>> No.17780578

Not tip but I like most of the fit
Hate the boots though

>> No.17780579

Jacket is too long and the pants should be plain as the other Anon said.

>> No.17780594

Comfortable boomerwear. You can get pretty much anything there and it will hold up to a lot of abuse.
What are lolcows?
Digging the fit. I'd wear different shoes but it looks good overall.

>> No.17780741


>> No.17780897

Not me, unfortunately another poster who has fled this board

>> No.17780917

The bowtie is terrible, get rid of it.
I like the rest of the fit, although there’s something cheap-looking about the shirt.

>> No.17780952

haha yea bro, fuck yeah

>> No.17781148

now we've gotta see a fit of yours with the same shirt

>> No.17781166

As always: you look like dressed up in a costume. Hit the gym.

>> No.17781192

sorry who do you think you're talking to?

>> No.17781204

for some reason this board is incapable of processing context clues to understand when a picture is a repost

>> No.17781223

Am I a prep rookie for saying that this looks like shit? No socks, cuff is too informal, the shirt looks cheap and not ironed and the tie is way too gaudy. Plus woven belts look tacky as shit. Or are these outfits supposed to look like you just walked out of an 8th grade dance?

>> No.17781248

What is your opinion on the quality of Todd Snyder?

>> No.17781250

I ask because I'm looking for linen and seersucker

>> No.17781251

I think its barely okay, definitely not great.
Cuffs are the ivy way but they're supposed to be stitched cuffs, not just rolling up the bottom.
Braided belts are a prep staple.
You don't need (visible) socks with loafers or boat shoes. It's summer.
The problem with the shirt is that the collar is too small.
Not my style of tie but i could seeing it work in an outfit with more similar tones so it doesnt stand out as much.

>> No.17781273

Like shit? I wouldn't go that far. There's definitely things to improve and the pose is odd but it doesn't look great.

>> No.17781306

its not shit but could be better, I hope he just wore it for work.

>> No.17781362

no, i'm fat and i don't post pics of myself on the internet

>> No.17781375

Dont be shy Sieg we seen your fatness before

>> No.17781386

is TIP strictly darker sport coats and lighter pants? any good examples of dark pants and light sport coats?

>> No.17781401

Camel sportjackets (and any other khaki jacket really) go well with darker blue jeans or navy trousers.

>> No.17781406
File: 344 KB, 2000x1333, IMG_4331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s just easier to stick with darker jackets and lighter pants generally but something like an oatmeal or mid grey jacket is pretty versatile. It’s just that if you buy lots of tailored dark trousers it’ll be hard to wear them with a dark jacket, and most guys start with a navy blazer.

>> No.17781480

Belt looks a little loose

>> No.17781482

Get the jeans hemmed to a no break and change the sneakers for some loafers

>> No.17781483

The creases on these pants look off, like they aren't roomy enough

>> No.17781484

Both are horrendous

>> No.17781486

Hell no

>> No.17781488

Great pants

>> No.17781513

whats wrong with it?

>> No.17781518
File: 89 KB, 465x627, DoW1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pants louder than sport coat
do the opposite

>> No.17781525

GTH trousers are as /tip/ as it gets, you got a lot to learn

>> No.17781552

Looks like a costume, something a magician might wear on stage

>> No.17781554

>GTH trousers
not even once, don't care if it's historically accurate

>> No.17781556

The pants are fine... I, personally, would get rid of the bowtie (just becuase I don't like them, no real reason) and change the socks to something more muted

>> No.17781557

stuffy prude

>> No.17781558

Can someone spam where to find tasteful GTH pants?

>> No.17781571

so lose the waistcoat and wear a tie bar instead of a tie pin?

>> No.17781577

Doug is inevitable. Loved his first appearances in the /sprezz threads, laughed at him, with him, at the people who despise him.

>> No.17781617
File: 575 KB, 1280x1881, d0d1cf32af9987587025cff41103c2cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf are you guys talking about? Grey flannel pants and a lighter jacket are an essential and easy combo. Donegal or Harris tweed jackets in browns and greens go with some darker grey flannel pants so easily, and you want to be aiming for darker colours for your winter clothing anyway.

Yes, patterns for jackets and solids for trousers as a rule.

GTH trousers are for people who have mastered the basics of dressing and have a solid wardrobe. People in these threads probably want pieces that they can all easily pair together.

>> No.17781623

>"go to hell" pants
But really, anywhere that sells good preppy clothes should carry some. RL and O'Connell have them.

>> No.17782016
File: 1.75 MB, 898x1176, Screenshot 2023-08-29 at 16.45.26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a jacket.

>> No.17782020

Andreas is one fucking handsome motherfucker but I just can't with male models making "faces". I would just tell him "cheer up sweetie, why the long face?"

>> No.17782042

where is it? because that seems like a shirt

>> No.17782086

Those are not loud enough to be gth pants. The pattern is subtle enough to look like it was an attempt at matching it. Everything besides the pants is good though.

>> No.17782088

where's a good place to get grey flannel pants?

>> No.17782102

Too loud

>> No.17782109

I don’t know if you’re autistic or what, it’s a basic rule of thumb for people who don’t know what they’re doing.

>> No.17782111

This >>17782016 looks much better and more natural than 90% of fits posted by posters in this thread.

>> No.17782114

Nah, its zoomer shit that will look dated in 6 months. Gaudy crap

>> No.17782119

Yeah, that really is a terribly loud jacket... That print would look better on a pair of pants to be honest.

>> No.17782152

Should I get a less slim fit of chino if my legs are already pretty thin?

>> No.17782157
File: 35 KB, 700x700, T2QsuQXXxbXXXXXXXX_!!294668115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I normally wear button-down shirts with patterns. I went to start mixing it up with solid whites and maybe some light blues but I'm thinking about also wearing a vest.
I normally wear Dockers. So I'm wondering how casual can I make a vest. Do I need to invest in some actual slacks or can I keep wearing my Dockers?

>> No.17782181
File: 48 KB, 474x742, d6361d8b18263b2f2ac3fdba41a125c6--daniel-craig-suit-daniel-craig-style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17782201

vest alone is cringe as fuck, buy patterned sportjackets instead

>> No.17782203

yeah vests alone are librarian core or customer service core

>> No.17782231


>> No.17782264

I was also looking it at the recent NMWA sale. I think it is great (but not /TIP/). Ignore the replies. They just couldn't pull it off for their dear lives.

>> No.17782270
File: 67 KB, 625x931, shaggydawg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any anons have comparison pics of JPress Shaggy dog classic vs trim fit? I'm guessing trim fit is still pretty relaxed but I've never seen a direct comparison.

>> No.17782280

unironically like this

>> No.17782307

Looks too stiff, clothing should look relaxed and effortless...

>> No.17782309
File: 152 KB, 940x940, 1652321903103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are some hair inspo you guys like? I will post a few, Im 29 and starting to dislike fades and undercuts so will post a few

>> No.17782311
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>> No.17782312
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>> No.17782315
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>> No.17782316
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far left

>> No.17782317
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>> No.17782318
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>> No.17782319
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>> No.17782332

I'm more of a short & choppy kind of guy. Tiny bit of pomade for volume.

>> No.17782366

What is the best type of cotton weave for a smarter trouser?

>> No.17782381

Spier & Mackay are the best option for all entry level trousers

>> No.17782390
File: 927 KB, 1200x1533, 98ad30ad-86bf-4dec-be95-c6eeb2863393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a higher res pic of >>17782315

>> No.17782415

hedi did the pysch look so much better

>> No.17782496

its called prep. trad is looser and more classic fitting and relaxed

>> No.17782501

Think you may have your concepts mixed up.

>> No.17782515

i think you may be projecting

>> No.17782672

"Traditional fit" is more "baggy" and loose, the less traditional and more modern the more skinny/slim

>> No.17782760

Itt: Yes your clothes are well made, fit properly and follow the conventions of the style but *I* don't personally like it so you're a big stupid faggot who's wrong wrong wrong and I got triggered so hard I piss shit and came all over myself.

>> No.17782777


>> No.17782812

God I want to suck his fat fucking cock uwu I'd like to be Malcom in the middle of Hal and Walter White if you catch my drift

>> No.17782872

Please recommend various tip approved sneakers

>> No.17782960


>> No.17782972
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>> No.17782974

Recs for good fair isle/norwegian sweaters? I dont wanna go to fucking LL Bean

>> No.17782992
File: 80 KB, 590x738, daniel-craig-james-bond-no-time-to-die-set-2051960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17783016
File: 508 KB, 712x700, AAE4ADE4-0FCF-476D-BCCC-62FD406DA290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely not

>> No.17783036
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>> No.17783223
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>> No.17783365


>> No.17783412

Whats the best material to look for in jacket lining?

>> No.17783615

aside from the more traditional fit, what's wrong with vintage LL Bean sweaters?

>> No.17784022

Other than the OPH and Take Ivy are there any other particularly good books that serve as visual references for tip or similar "timeless" menswear?

>> No.17784031

the fuck dude

>> No.17784419

Bit of a smudge on your shoe, m8.

>> No.17784494
File: 2.35 MB, 4032x3024, camelblazer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts? My shoes were dark brown TLB Artista Adelaide Oxfords.

>> No.17784495 [DELETED] 
File: 1.19 MB, 2500x1875, camelblazer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed the pic.

>> No.17784497
File: 1.19 MB, 2500x1875, camelblazer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate itoys.

>> No.17784505

pants don't work
i'd go for mid-grey

>> No.17784519

Really? I have worn it with my grey flannels as well but I wanted to pair the navy corduroys with the tie.

>> No.17784644

Are these trousers navy or charcoal? Can't tell from the pic.

>> No.17784649

They are navy "baby" corduroys.

>> No.17784653

I think it looks alright. For my taste, I think corduroys are way less formal than the jacket and I would pair them with more casual attires. Strongly recommending linen stuff and boat shoes.

>> No.17784690
File: 808 KB, 1780x4929, baldpedofaggot830B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you miss me? Don't worry /tip/, I'll never leave you. Here to deliver my reminder that you're all larping faggots desperately clinging to a past you weren't part of and didn't have a hand in creating, and this is what you look like.

>> No.17784692 [DELETED] 
File: 668 KB, 2299x5231, baldpedofaggot830A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you didn't grow up in the upper class, if you didn't go to a good school and if you don't have a job making six figures, you don't have a sense of style, you have a costume. You are impersonating your betters, and you look like a clown like this middle age fat ass bald unwed sodomite.

>> No.17784696

>homosexuality is normal
>Homosexuals are not mental

>> No.17784704

Lol when I call you people faggots I meant it as an insult but not a literal one, thanks for helping to prove I'm always right though.
WTF happened to you all? I used to be able to post baldie fits and you'd climb all over each other to talk shit about how bad he looks, you aren't being fun anymore.
I'm going to go spam his "fits" in WAYWT, hopefully they'll be more fun to rile up.

>> No.17784708

I don't think a camelhair blazer is super formal but alright. You do however think linen with boatshoes is more formal than cords and oxfords?

>> No.17784785

I dont think the sleeves should wrinkle that much with your arm at your side. When moving your arms, sure, but with a heavy material like camel they should be smooth at rest.

>> No.17784789

And ignore the other poster, if he means linen and boat shoes with a camel jacket hes insane.

>> No.17784816

I agree with you, it does look odd. They are the right length as I had them altered. The fabric is also 100% baby camelhair from Piacenza.
Yes, he proposed an odd combination.

>> No.17784818

Either tie or pocketsquare but not both. But if you're set on doing both, maybe have the pocket square be a bit more muted... everything here looks good but it also feels like a lot due to it...

>> No.17784849

Fair, I can see a darker square made of wool rather than silk pairing well. I do like wearing both a tie and pocket square.

>> No.17784851

My bad, I wanted to imply that corduroy pants with linen and boat shoes would be a better combination.

>> No.17784855

No wonder everyone actually interested in clothing leaves /fa/ lmaoo

>> No.17784919

>Get stalked by obsessed shitskins
>Make zero growth because no one knows what the fuck they're talking about
Turns out the only winning play was to never come here in the first place.

>> No.17784964

Recommend me Fall footwear.

>> No.17784988

Depends on the weather of the location you're at. I like bean boots and but tend to wear loafers and slip on vans year round.

>> No.17784992

Camp mocs
Chocolate brown loafers

>> No.17785178

Ralph/lacoste/etc sneakers are shit quality,dont bother

>> No.17785265
File: 865 KB, 2544x4000, laughingmycahonesoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looks like a costume, something a magician might wear on stage

>> No.17785329

What are some /tip/ approved glasses?

>> No.17785331

Where do I buy a blazer? I'm attending a wedding soon. I bought a suit from men's wearhouse before and it was chink trash. Where do I go?

>> No.17785352

What’s your budget? If you’re clueless and it sounds like you are you should buy something in person where there is an in-house tailor so you don’t fuck up. Alternatively go get your measurements taken and order something online then bring it to a tailor but this is more risky.

>> No.17785408

Budget and where do you live?
If your budget is really tight (below 200 bucks, take your measurments and look for a vintage one online or at fleamarkets & garage sales, then have it altered by a tailor.
If it's a bit higher (200-600), look for a somewhat high end vintage store, they often have nice ones for a reasonable price. Also take that one to a tailor.
Even higher (600+) you can buy new. Ralph Lauren is the only brand that's really international that I would trust. More local brands exist. If you want to spend a bit more and have the time, you could also go to a tailor and have one made.

>> No.17785428

Budget is $3-500. Just looking for a black and a navy jacket. Don't mind paying a little more for quality. Live in Vegas.

>> No.17785429
File: 305 KB, 1045x699, sperry-and-the-siped-sole-early-sperry-shoes-ads-from-1941-images-via-sneaker-freaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vans is a boat shoe

>> No.17785460
File: 79 KB, 500x720, 8B31978C-2F67-4AAC-A332-4E7673147AC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he /tip?

>> No.17785461
File: 60 KB, 564x832, 95E8F4A8-B2EF-4144-81C2-CCEEA9872DA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17785463
File: 224 KB, 261x388, Official-Preppy-Handbook-Cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17785465

Not with that shirt collar

>> No.17785479
File: 23 KB, 720x298, E9E3E8DB-4B7F-49A6-A75F-F278AB5BDDE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is wrong with it?

>> No.17785492

not the guy you're bantering with, but that pic: the guy has that nouveau /tip/ look
effeminate, weak, slim-fit clothes and yea that collar looks kinda fucked--someone with sartorial knowledge should be able to explain the technical details to you

>> No.17785506

Don’t know who this is but the collar is too small and the sunglasses don’t fit his face, make him look like an alien.
Looks slightly better but lapels too narrow for my taste.

>> No.17785529

In the original pic I think the problem is the neck looks too long. The lapels look weird, possibly due to lighting, and the shoulders look too big. I'd say he kind of looks like a giraffe or horse. Bigger lapels would cover up the neck a little more and make it feel more clothed.

>> No.17785530
File: 96 KB, 640x794, 1676875785587123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an okay fit i guess. But /tip/ (trad ivy prep) specifically? Not really. In this style you pretty much always want a button-down shirt with good collar roll. That creates a pleasing bell shape that leads the eye to the face and works really well with a v-neck, and is also more casual than a regular point or spread collar. Also it'd look better with a lower button stance or 2 buttons undone, to look more casual and loose and harmonize with the v neck. Some people insist crew neck is the only ivy style of sweater but that's not true, v-necks are classic and flattering. I like the color of the sweater but it looks paper thin. In this style thicker sweaters are generally preferred because it just makes sense seasonally. You wear a sweater only when the weather actually requires it, so your outfit will be in harmony with the season. Also sweaters with texture provide more visual interest than smooth merino or cotton.
It may all sound like little details but all together it can create a very different vibe. I dont really like the closed-off vibe of menswear like this, i want to come off as youthful and approachable but also respectable.

>> No.17785534
File: 1.46 MB, 1333x613, 2023-08-31 18_53_36-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf at brooks fall "lookbook" lel. They greenscreened everyone in the same pose into the same generic background, you can't expand or zoom in on the pictures, there's no written context given to anything, and no links to the specific pieces in the photos. How lazy can they be? This could've been put together by an AI for all i know.

And drawstring camo shorts in the winter...

>> No.17785536
File: 892 KB, 720x960, 2023sep_0822_flyouts_m_img1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the J Crew fall lookbook. Still not a fan of the quality of most their clothes but with the new guy at the wheel they can at least create appealing looks and seem to be going after the right market.

>> No.17785539
File: 794 KB, 1440x1780, 2023sept_0815_m_lookbook_img3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also have some very heavy 70s fits. Not my style but it's interesting to see.

>> No.17785540

They are propped up solely by clueless boomers at this point who don’t know what a lookbook is.

>> No.17785545
File: 169 KB, 1200x900, 1200x[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

J Press pennant label. Appealing pieces, good photography, good write ups. Pennant sells for a bit less because it's not made in the USA. I'd prefer to just save a bit more for the mainline and be guaranteed good quality. But it's good they havent overly modernized and diluted the look.

>> No.17785555
File: 110 KB, 900x1188, 0822_m_polo_heritage_icons_lp_c34_img[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PRL 23. As expected, we're treated to insanely busy concept pieces. It's not a fit they expect you to wear, it's more to show off as many pieces they can at once and what the possibilities are. I like the colorful plaids.

>> No.17785563
File: 1.39 MB, 1254x1550, 2023sept_0815_m_lookbook_img21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet another pic from J Crew because i want to reference the quality. Look at the collar! This is their new OCBD that theyre advertising as a return to form. How do they not fucking get that the collar roll is THE most important aspect of an OCBD? Nobody who knows anything about the style would buy their's over the other options out there. Even cheap ass LL Bean has way better looking collars.

>> No.17785596
File: 872 KB, 1027x1137, Screenshot 2023-08-31 220717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a new pair of glasses, anyone recommend something similar to pic related? I like the shape of the moscot lemtosh but the frames are a bit too thick imo. what's the best /tip/ glasses

>> No.17785638

based lookbook poster

>> No.17785641

that's pretty crazy. putting this together is a job so many talented people would be after and this is the product they choose to put out there

>> No.17785649

Oliver Peoples

>> No.17785672

they call him tyrone twojackets

>> No.17785907


>> No.17786353

Recommend any frames from them?

>> No.17786456

vneck is prep, crew neck is trad

>> No.17786619

Shall I spell this out? This poster and ill-fit leddit man are the same person. This is a blatant, multi-platform subversion/demoralization effort.

/tip/ frightens the (((angry))) and (((middleaged)))

>> No.17786653

Darts are trad but they are still not allowed itt

>> No.17786712

can someone recommend me some good belts for trad/biz-cas? ideally i'd like to buy from an actual leather goods company - i honestly like the few Brooks Brothers belts i bought a couple years back but i feel like i should branch out

>> No.17786717

As an add-on question, any opinions on type of leather for a belt? I've heard chromexcel isn't great for belts, but what about shell? Specifically when you want to match shoes made of the same

>> No.17786775 [DELETED] 

I want to start dressing more appropriately. Can you guys shill me a nice setup? Not looking to wear suits every day, maybe more along the lines of a sport coat and khakis or something that suits my life a little better than shorts and costco shorts and golf polos? The part that feels weird is that no one I know IRL dresses nice, and I don’t want to stick out like a reviewbrah autismo.
>32, 6’0 190 lbs
>married, 2 kids, homeowner in professional career making $250k
>live innadesert

>> No.17786783
File: 67 KB, 500x570, IMG_6824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to start dressing more appropriately. Can you guys shill me a nice setup? Not looking to wear suits every day, maybe more along the lines of a sport coat and khakis or something that suits my life a little better than golf shorts and polos? The part that feels weird is that no one I know IRL dresses nice, and I don’t want to stick out like a reviewbrah autismo.
>32, 6’0 190 lbs
>married, 2 kids, homeowner in professional career making $250k
>live innadesert
>started taking bateman pill, have a Rolex and the bateman glasses now

>> No.17786790

Lose some weight first

>> No.17786793

Nah, I like my build. I lift daily. Don’t want to go twink mode. Just want to dress a little better.

>> No.17786794

chinos, ocbd

>> No.17786806
File: 1.28 MB, 2730x4096, necktie salvage F2Fa2s9WUAAMUJC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Popular shirt huh.

>> No.17787061

Thank you for posting, this one in particular is nice.

By the way, I typically wear jeans and chinos in a size 30 waist and 30-32 inseam (32 is probably a bit long for me). If I'm looking to buy a pair of used cords online, 30x30 should be fine, right?

>> No.17787088

What do euro niggas wear for their prep equivalent? Do their styles have names?

>> No.17787109

please stop dressing like this

>> No.17787245


>> No.17787314

Its just a different weave, as long as the rise is similar to your usual pants it should fit the same.
Brits used to have "sloane ranger". I've read rumors of a "French Ivy". The germans had a preppy variant but i forget the name. The Italians have sprezzatura, different look but some similar ethos.

>> No.17787340

Washed chino + jumper + shirt sticking out the top has to be the equivalent of tshirt + jeans + hoodie for non-sentient mfa NPCs

>> No.17787388

Why do you ask?

>> No.17787582

I am 5’9
Should I go for regular or short jackets?
Is it different for modern and vintage jackets?

>> No.17787670

You like your dad bod? Ok

>> No.17787729

Thanks. I might just have to buy a new pair of cords anyway because 30x30 ones in dark brown are surprisingly sparse on eBay. I would have thought dark brown would be the dominant color but it seems that it isn't.

I'm also thinking of having a custom embroidered heather grey sweatshirt with the name of my college on it. It's not a great school but I like it enough, and the sweatshirts they sell out of the school store are really ugly and expensive. Anyway, I think dark brown cords + light grey sweatshirt is a nice casual outfit.

>> No.17787745

What shoes? I have dark brown cords and this sounds like a good fit

>> No.17787759

My go-to is a pair of dark brown Clark's chukka boots, I don't have a lot of money and these fit my budget well. I kind of want a pair of white CVOs, though, and those seem to sell for pretty low prices.

Where'd you get your cords from? If I have to buy new instead of secondhand I'd like to know which places sell decent ones at a decent price.

>> No.17787763
File: 398 KB, 884x663, 20210826_001242(1)3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17787822


>> No.17787830

Second hand, a guy from a fashion forum was selling them, I paid him via Paypal and he just shipped em. They're honestly a bit too low of a rise for me and too slim for my taste, I've literally never worn them outside.

>> No.17787842
File: 39 KB, 427x717, images (27).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>French Ivy
You're probably thinking of BCBG - bon chic bon genre
It's most analogous to the Sloan ranger style, since it's the moneyed French upper class dressing in a staid, subdued style with plenty of French brands like paraboot.
That said, American Ivy is leagues ahead as a coherent aesthetic compared to all your examples, hence why people from Japan and Korea will cosplay as new England students from half a century ago

>> No.17787849

>tagging the OP of a general thread with a photo of you flexing sans comment or attempt to be relevant
pretty based tbqh

>> No.17788260

Sadly whenever I search anything about BCBG I get results about some shitter fashion brand named that

>> No.17788264

this is not for yoy
One might think simply understanding the words, “bon chic, bon genre,” would be sufficient. It most certainly is not. BCBG is defined as those who: have a classic and elegant style, with an excellent éducation (that means impeccable manners in French), emanating from a long, long line – the longer, the better – of aristocratic or haute bourgeoisie ancestors.

>> No.17788689

I'm a manlet and like the untucked oxford and shorts look when it's warmer out. Is there any shorter length shirts other than J Crew or am I stuck hemming shirts

>> No.17788858


>> No.17788865

That's what I was hoping but all their different fits are similar length to the J Press Trim Fit I have

>> No.17788885

How tall?

>> No.17788905


>> No.17788920

Kamakura aren't short, why does this keep getting perpetuated. My size 15.5 shirts have at least 32" length

>> No.17788946

just check, measured from boc:
kamakura 15: 29"
kamakra vintage medium: 30.5"
T&A 15.5: 32"

>> No.17788965

Which fit is the shirt? They've got like 5+ varieties

>> No.17789160

That's average height in U.S. for males, not a manlet get off the interwebs brother

>> No.17789400
File: 258 KB, 2000x3050, 20230903_162126_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting summer vibes in while there's time.

>> No.17789449


>> No.17789488
File: 27 KB, 1083x363, vi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kamakura Vintage Ivy size 15.5 is 32" length, 15 is 31.5" length. Not sure where you're getting those numbers

>> No.17789907 [DELETED] 
File: 813 KB, 1332x2483, IMG_5380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not very /TIP/ today

>> No.17789918
File: 813 KB, 1332x2483, IMG_5380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not very /TIP/ today

>> No.17790072

Nice pants, ID?

>> No.17790092

While i agree not all fits need a belt, this one certainly does.

>> No.17790100

I like their flannels. Like the other guy said its just sensible boomer shit

>> No.17790130

hate to admit that I actually like it but it's a very casual fit

>> No.17790524
File: 3.11 MB, 2268x4032, 20230904_140404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure where they get theirs

>> No.17790529

slim, cropped pants with chunky sole ruins it for me

>> No.17790548

How old is your shirt? Their retired vintage ivy length for size 15 is 29.5", which still isn't consistent with your shirt but definitely shorter than the new vintage ivy shirts where the size 15 is 31.5".
If yours isn't an older version, maybe it's shrunk?

>> No.17790580
File: 442 KB, 667x1000, eng_pl_Blue-Houndstooth-Alfred-Trousers-8086_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are beltless trousers with pleats. But perhaps you're right that I should've adjusted them on the sides more
This is their roomiest fit. Pic related is how it looks on a skinnier model. Sadly, I still have to find someone producing proper roomy pleats. My roomiest trousers are Tangier from Casa Atlantica and ghurkas from Rota but they're still far away from being roomy on me. Pretty much inline with what you see here. I'm happy to take any brands reccs (shipping to the EU) if anyone knows better. However, I'm not going to buy second-hand, sorry. I don't have a belly and I'm 6'4, so it's extra tricky.

>> No.17790612

Spier & Mackay "casual oxford".

>> No.17790698

still for sale. regardless all four of my kamakura shirts have just about fallen out of my rotation. they're not bad shirts, they just don't work if you're over 6'

>> No.17790709

Sounds like yours just shrunk, they should be 31.5" length, which is typically fine for >6'. Have you put them in the dryer?

>> No.17790724

lmao weird shilling. hand wash cold, air dried

>> No.17790757
File: 1.34 MB, 2952x2214, 20230905_002227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Berg & berg Antonio fit (pic related) seems straighter than Poszetka Alfred, though not as roomy as casaatlantic tanger. Sizing up was a must, seat (butt) would be way too tight otherwise

>> No.17790762
File: 833 KB, 1683x2992, IMG_4971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own a pair of Berg&Berg Antonio pleats and it’s the same story. It fits like a slim fit as well on me. Here’s a pic.

>> No.17790784

>seat (butt)

>> No.17790790
File: 2.37 MB, 2502x4028, IMG_5463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took them both out. Both are size 52 (that’s my my exact size in waist). Berg&Berg’s Antonio is 1cm wider than Alfred up to thighs. It’s not making any real difference in how slim looking both pairs. Are you sizing your trousers 2-3 sizes up and then praying that your tailor won’t mess up alterations? Afaik it’s not a that easy alteration to size down the waist and don’t make trousers look like a “balloon” on your hips. I’m happy to listen to any advice or other brands recommendations though. I feel like I have tried too many brands and always end up with a slim look. I might just consider going bespoke at this point.

>> No.17790851

these look fine in the thighs

>> No.17790867

>most of my OCBDs were Polo because they were fairly decent quality or an okay price
>had them for years
>something leaked or spilled or something in my laundry and ruined them all
>need to buy all new ones
I looked at Polo's website to see the exact ones I had and they like 130 bucks now, which is insane
Any brands that do similar quality or better for cheap?
What are the "good" brands without getting into really expensive territory. 100 a shirt is too much as I'm trying to replace at least 4 or so shirts

>> No.17790918
File: 139 KB, 1594x956, Screenshot 2023-09-04 at 8.39.56 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somethin' ain't right here. Seems long to me

>> No.17790919

I see them all the time in thrift stores for under $10 if you really want RL

>> No.17790936

I just have their sizing locked down. I know their L fits me perfectly, I am hesitant to gamble on the sizing of another brand

>> No.17790951

doubt it, there's no way you'd get those measurements otherwise

>> No.17790954

Move on, shill

>> No.17790956

I already shilled them above, but Spier & Mackay. Actually much better collar roll than PRL. Good variety of colors. Only reason i dont buy from them is they rarely have my size in stock.

>> No.17790961
File: 29 KB, 730x206, Screenshot 2023-09-04 at 9.18.38 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it, what am I shilling? I'm not advertising some other shirt. I wish they were shorter so I could try one

>> No.17790964
File: 7 KB, 641x140, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two different people. You're trying to deceive others about the length, not sure why

>> No.17790971

saddest part is they do it for free

>> No.17790975

Making corrections about shirt lengths isn't shilling newfags

>> No.17791011

>Big OCBD has infiltrated my /tip/ threads

>> No.17791012

good boy

>> No.17791013

Too bad about their skelly fits. Even their contemporary fit is every other brand's slim fit

>> No.17791029

just trying to help OP

>> No.17791081

I didn't know j press was owned by a Japanese conglomerate wtf bros.

>> No.17791086

Better fate than Brooks Bros.
What correction? Posting the size chart doesn't prove anything

>> No.17791089
File: 3.29 MB, 6464x4781, 9Q6m3FV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be desu i trust the japanese way more than anyone else. They love ivy fashion, even to this day. And j press still makes clothes in america.

>> No.17791092

Is the pennant label stuff worth buying? I threw in a couple of the shorts in my order cause I'm really short on shorts and the mainline stuff was all sold out in my size.

>> No.17791100

I realize this isn't strictly tip, but can anyone tell me what the deal with the corduroy jacket here is? The pockets are really weird, but i think it's neat.

>> No.17791104

not everything J.press makes is MiUSA. desu most of their offerings are subpar now, their tailoring sucks. stick to flap pocket ocbds, shaggys dogs, and ties
no experience with it but diffusion lines tend to have poorer quality

>> No.17791105

generic western shit from what i can make out. looks like something wythe might stock

>> No.17791142

What are the european /tip/ brands?

>> No.17791197

>this thread made it to 300 posts with the fucking doug OP image

>> No.17791532

what am I gonna do, go out of my way to create my own thread out of spite? You can't tell me it's not at least a little funny lol

>> No.17791568

man Doug is a pathetic little worm

>> No.17791782

Hold on on a new thread, im cooking.

>> No.17792039

why do you stand like such a faggot? should have been bullied

>> No.17792042

again, needs bullying

>> No.17792047

do zoomers and other low T males really not see what is wrong with standing in this "please fuck my ass please" kind of pose?

>> No.17792051

jesus christ now i scroll to the bottom and its no wonder. america and the whole western world must be destroyed so we can start again.

>> No.17792196

nothing wrong, they want their ass fucked

>> No.17792409

Don't know where you're getting generic from, I've never seen pockets like that before.

>> No.17792427

Can't see shit

>> No.17792436

You might need glasses, anon

>> No.17792446

Post a screenshot of whatever you're talking about or you're a stupid faggot