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File: 49 KB, 343x519, 23A2BCF1-831C-4AF2-A2B0-0ED873995003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17740491 No.17740491 [Reply] [Original]

Are facial scars cool? I was planning on making a scar across the right side of my face.

>> No.17740513

scars are only cool if there's a story behind them.
slicing yourself up recreationally is not a story.

>> No.17740658

>slicing yourself up recreationally is not a story.

funny cause that's how dude in the OP got his scars

>> No.17740665

burschenschaften are cringe af

>> No.17740750

Dueling isn't the same as a zoomie taking a razor to their face for tiktok likes.

>> No.17740753

Burschenschaften are EXACTLY the same as tiktok zoomer shit

you're not 'dueling', you do it for cred in the fraternity

>> No.17740847


>> No.17740849

Nah, they still fought with swords, even if it was exhibition duels. A zoomer just taking a razor blade to their face alone in their bathroom is not even close to the same thing.

>> No.17740977

lmao you know nothing about Fechten or Mensur

sage you zoomer nigger

>> No.17741518

Bro, are you seriously considering permanently damaging your body for "aesthetics"? What are you, a transsexual?

>> No.17741745

You are a fucking retard.

>> No.17741777

Are you this nigger >>17739702
Definitely scar yourself, you will do society a favor by showing everyone upfront that you are an attention seeking freak

>> No.17741789

I have a few facial scars, mostly from fights and accidents. Most are really faded nowadays so they're hard to see, but back when they were more prominent bitches would literally throw themselves at me. It's a bad boy look

>> No.17741978

I have a scar in my eyebrow from when i bashed my head on a wooden step as a toddler

>> No.17741995

No Ivan this won't influence people to support nazis either.

>> No.17742104

Taking a razor to your zoomie face for deliberate scars is indeed a hobby to demonstrate your bravery, the scars from which definitely mark courage and risk-taking

>> No.17742191

I have one close to my eye and while not that prominent it's still a good talking point, also you can figure out easily if a girl is into you.

>> No.17742199

>a hobby to demonstrate your bravery,

That's not what mensur is lmao

>> No.17742228

Yes it is.
t. Corpo

>> No.17742230

hahah du opfer


>> No.17742545

kanne du phritte

>> No.17742559

absolutely. it's a sane thing to do, just like tattoos. only well adjusted individuals have self-inflicted permanent markings on their body.

>> No.17742592
File: 20 KB, 650x650, us-s-140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're not dueling with one of these then you're not fucking dueling

Fencing is gay as fuck

>> No.17742597

Meinhard, Germania Wien.
Ehemalige Drachenschanze, 19 Uhr, 26. Februar 2024.
Sei da.

>> No.17742632

du lässt dich doch von Rainer bumsen

>> No.17742689

du peynliche schülerbuxe

>> No.17742776

The point wasn't to get scars though.

>> No.17743028

darf man da zuschauen?

Geht das überhaupt? Ich meine, wirklich groß war er ja nicht, trotz der benisbumbe

>> No.17743045

yeah and it's retarded.

they didn't fight. they twirled the blade overhead until somebody got a lame scar.

>> No.17743103


mensur is not a sword 'fight'

>> No.17743555

>be zoomer
>cut yourself for a cool facial scar
>"man thats bleeding so much, I should go to the ER"
>make up some story at the ER so the doctor doesn't call you a retard for cutting yourself
>doctor stitches you up
>modern stitching is designed to reduce scarring
>scar goes away almost entirely within 3 months
what then? cut yourself again?

>> No.17743599

yes they're pretty interesting and unique (not everyone has them) you should def get them, I mean, If people are getting tattoos and piercing, why souldn't you get some cool scars?

>> No.17743618

I just got into a motorbike accident and have scars across my face, probably won’t be permanent tho

>> No.17743619

Dont cut yourself unless you're a depressed 15 year old girl you fucking retard

>> No.17744125

most sane /fa/ggot

>> No.17744146

a dog bit my face when i was kid and it left a scar, doesn't look cool because it wasn't that big

>> No.17744189
File: 136 KB, 1920x1080, 1667133421505717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a prominent facial scar similar to Ellie from The Last of Us. Just a gash on my eyebrow, acquired naturally from running amok and doing stupid shit as a toddler no big deal desu

Not since I was a teenager has anyone actually pointed it out and asked me about it but I feel like it kind of "completes" my face and probably attracts a decent bit of attention. It looks fucking cool imo and I'm actually glad I was a dipshit as a baby even though the story behind it isn't anything special

>> No.17744740

why do scar faggots keep coming up. go back poltards you won't look like Rommel or whoever you larp as

>> No.17744760
File: 92 KB, 749x934, 9DF5CABE-D65D-4950-BB08-01650751ED19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try scar tattoos on a different area first

Look up scar tattoos

>> No.17744765
File: 19 KB, 240x320, 571D4687-98E2-4E58-865E-D4B3C0DE8A32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave our website, ew

>> No.17744781

Not if you need to ask

>> No.17744808

tripfag go back. no one will be converted by your gay ramblings on scars

>> No.17744864

Every scar in an obvious place except for obvious selfharm scars will have people asking nonstop what happened, or staring at them until you feel forced to tell them.
If there is no good story behind it (as in, you literally did it yourself like Joker's dad or something) it will be ridiculous and you'll feel selfconcious.

I have 1 scar straight across my eyebrow from falling over as a baby (parents put cushioning all over the floor when I was learning to walk, yet my dumb ass still found a counter to bash my head against).

>> No.17744886

This is cringe af. Scars are not deliberately planned, they either happen in accidents, real unregulated fights or an aggravated Mensur, like a Pro Patria Suite where you actively represent your fraternity with your blade.

>> No.17745011
File: 71 KB, 500x524, 516F60EF-2CCA-44BC-8E8E-F0E399A58B84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren’t my people.

>> No.17745543
File: 444 KB, 300x186, this.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

germans got those scars from sword fighting. you were trying to be cool. you will look back on your facial scar in years to come and regret it, because you will know it is a farce.

>> No.17746720
File: 86 KB, 800x764, 1669653759821428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post pics if your not a fag and go through with it OP

>> No.17746893

this is the worst comment on this thread. As if getting a tattoo of a retarded thing somehow makes it less retarded. A simulation of a simulation. Fucking moron.

>> No.17746895
File: 17 KB, 258x245, 1665352098309503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cutting yourself to get a scar so you look "cooler"
you are mentally a 13 year old you have bigger problems than not having a scar OP

>> No.17746905

This, mine are from being mauled by a dog as a kid so the story makes me seek tough.

>> No.17746954
File: 334 KB, 1680x840, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>germans got those scars from sword fighting.
it wasn't a fight. they just stood there and twiddled blades in eachothers faces until on or both drunk assholes got cut.
mensur isn't cool.

>> No.17746956
File: 24 KB, 680x382, EkAny2gWkAAUu_P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, they aren't. People will think you're a freak and nobodies going to stick around long enough to hear your "stories" of how you got the scars in the first place. Unless there's an active war that your country is involved in and your of combat age, you should not have scars on your face like some faggy wehraboo larper.

>> No.17747040

Yes. Insanely attractive. Also a good conversation starter and makes you stand out.

>> No.17747043

Must be 18 to post

>> No.17747437

Germans were and always will be orchs

>> No.17747480

they got them as a fashion statement because they were trying to look like experienced sword fighters

>> No.17747722

Give up
You will never go down in history
You will be forgotten

>> No.17747728

>"Nouu ples validate my autistic obsession!!1!"

>> No.17747959 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 433x270, D2B0DE86-DB08-4403-A364-BC1CAF8C9934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is autismite land. Regardless of how much garbage you spam.

You are not welcome in my community.
We don’t appreciate you.

>> No.17749249

Just... just make up a story. Meet a Jewish girl: "Yeah, I got this fighting Nazis." Meet a white girl: "Yeah, I got this fighting white guys." They'll go nuts for it.

>> No.17749250

This thread must have been a bad omen because I got fucked up pretty bad In a street fight and the scar isn’t even that cool.

>> No.17749447

Great idea.
You should carve "REATRD" on your forehead, so everyone knows who they meet with.

>> No.17749519

Man I had the same thought a year back but instead of giving my self one I just started mma I have gotten a few nice ones since then