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File: 808 KB, 4096x2730, Acne_share.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17694562 No.17694562 [Reply] [Original]

my acne looks like picrel but a LOT worse, also painful, also comes and goes away. 23m btw

i have done 3 rounds of accutane, all sorts of antiobiotics, cut out meat, dairy, cheese, EVERYTHING. all sorts of different shit it has been like this for years. tried lotsa shit ive found on skincare general and /fa/

still getting it. wtf do i do? do i just throw my hands in the air to genetics? (dad and older sister have scars but my mom and other sisters are clear as can be)

what do i do

>> No.17694566

See a dermatologist

>> No.17694569


where tf you think i got accutane from? lmao

>> No.17694576

If that didn’t work then why would you try here? Lmao

>> No.17694580

My acne was nowhere near that bad but properly washing my face + retinol cream every night cured me.

>> No.17694682
File: 2.85 MB, 4032x3024, 20230703_164011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use this after you've washed your face

>> No.17694726
File: 29 KB, 474x595, 1339023508086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quit smoking and alcohol. also no proccessed foods. no diary helps too. only have chocolate with 80% plus cocoa

>> No.17694730

>do i just throw my hands in the air to genetics
Yes. People will tell you to cut out all this shit but I've worked with so many fat slobs with perfectly clear skin. Can you grow facial hair?

>> No.17694753

what i would recommend is just to stick to a milder retinoid like adapalene for a long time and have a very basic skincare routine + spf. i would also recommend putting a clean towel every night on your pillow that's washed with marseille soap detergent (no fabric softener)

my brother would have acne for his entire life (while I have had clear skin my entire life) and now has some scars on his face, but the clean towel did miracles for him.

i know it's a shot in the dark but there's nothing to lose

>> No.17694790

start injecting estrogen.

>> No.17695898

you probably have something in your environment that you're allergic to. a pet, your pillow stuffing, something in your diet, etc. even the worst acne still exists for a reason. get more sunlight, go swimming in high chlorine water frequently, dont pick at your face obviously, etc