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/fa/ - Fashion

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17567760 No.17567760 [Reply] [Original]

Why does nobody care about fashion? Seriously, I went outside for the first time in months and like 95% of millenials or older and 85% of young people I saw dressed in the most godawful boring or ugliest shit I've ever seen in my life

>> No.17567781

>I am so detached from the world that I haven't been outside in months
everyone else is afflicted by the same malaise, they just don't have the means or inclination to go hikkimode

>> No.17567790

Clothes cost too much money. Anything halfway decent is $75+ per piece.

>> No.17567809

you're really in no position to judge if you don't leave the house in months lmao

>> No.17567875

Because they’re succeeding well enough without it and its not their hobby or they don’t think it’ll help them

Most people you see out don’t give a shit they just want to hide their nudity and be comfortable while they’re doing the errands or whatever

>> No.17568008

Because why should they be? That's such a strange question to ask
Fashion, as in actually being into fashion, keeping up with designers, assembling particular outfits, etc. is essential an interest, a hobby. You might as well ask "Why does nobody care about stamp collecting?" Sure, fashion isn't as niche, but you get my point. Most people don't care because they're not interested beyond just covering themselves up based on the weather conditions and that's it.
Genuine question, are you autistic? Your strange question and you not leaving the house in months kind of suggests you might be...

>> No.17568051

Stop being American

>> No.17568644

Thats kind of true, but you cant deny the standards of clothing have declined for average people even since the 00s. To piggyback on the stamps analogy, its like if they werent just uninterested in stamp collecting, but they glued random scraps of paper to their letters instead of taking the time to buy actual stamps.

>> No.17568654

cause dressing flashy gets you mugged or stabbed?
why would I dress out to go to work in fucking april

>> No.17568731

Not everybody lives in a shithole
And wtf does april have to do with anything

>> No.17568811

>cause dressing flashy gets you mugged or stabbed?
at least you have tasty ethnic food.

>> No.17568908

This is a tough pill to swallow, but dressing like /fa/ anywhere that regularly has people over the age of thirty will usually make you look like a retarded teenager or a wigger, which are usually the same thing these days. Especially if you don't actually have the rest of the socioeconomic status to back up your "eclectic style". Dressing like a rich asshole without being rich is literally nigger behavior, even if you're wearing different brands.

>> No.17569217

Posts like this are why /fa/ is a shithole.

>> No.17569243

There are so many explanations and reasonings that it's genuinely an absurd question. The best point to be at in fashion is actually being blissfully unaware. These days when I get dressed on a day off I'm in the mirror countless times trying to construct an outfit that looks good, hopefully with a combo I haven't done before, and something that genuinely excites me, and at this point its getting a bit ridiculous and exhausting. I look back on the days when I had four shirts that I cycled through without a care for fashion at all.
Art as a whole is pretty meaningless from the perspective of objectives, so objectively why would someone go out of their way to partake in an artform that's expensive that they also aren't even interested in?
Generally people just want to be presentable enough to not raise eyebrows or catch a nudity charge, so some khaki shorts and a white tee shirt is enough for them to get on with their day. It genuinely doesn't cross a normal person's mind unless there's a stain on their clothing, because other than that it doesn't actually matter.

>> No.17569435

Fashion is kinda gay

>> No.17570882

The same reason nobody cares about art, or interior decorating.
its part of everyones lives, but not everyone has an active primary interest in the subject.
So they choose a pair of new shoes based on color, comfort, and price, not fashion theory.

>> No.17571026

Is owning a car a hobby? Nigger? Wearing clothes is a part of life just like driving that demands attention. You don't have to be a wigger ricer in a WRX to not buy a piece of shit car and get something cool or at least acceptable. It's one of many things that creates your outside perception, and not paying attention to it is for slobs and retards. If you're at work you're allowed to look like shit, go ahead and drywall in a batman shirt. But if you're going about your day or on a date etc you have literally no excuse to look like shit. If you don't have money make it, or thrift. When I see grown men out and about in McNigga shoes and sweatpants, I know with complete certainty that I am better than them, simply because I care and put in effort. Dressing like shit is no different to being fat, and they're both for manchildren and sad sacks of shit who will never command any respect. Big brrr

>> No.17571595

>Is owning a car a hobby?
For some people, yes, just like fashion. Regular people don't really give a shit about their car, just like they don't give a shit about fashion. It's just a tool to get around. The only reason why they might pay it more attention is because cars are a big investment. It's like what >>17570882 said.
Sorry if you don't like it, but that's just how it is.

>> No.17572169

I'm saying not giving a shit makes you demonstrably worse than me or anyone who cares. You don't have to be car obsessed to not buy a FWD SUV w 20% apr, you just have to not be retarded. Same with clothes. I don't expect everyone to spend 30min in the morning in front of a mirror, but if you wear a zip front hoodie and graphic tees when you could just wear a button down and khakis/chinos/ jeans even for the same price, you are inferior. You don't have to be a sartorial faggot to not look like shit. It's kinda like hygiene, I don't demand everyone have the skincare routine of a 59 y/o washed up roastie clinging onto youth, but everyone should be brushing their teeth. Dressing like shit is the equivalent of not brushing your teeth or being obese.

>> No.17572204

You sound autistic and incapable of understanding that most people just don't care, which is why you see people in zip front hoodies driving fwd SUVs.

>> No.17572604

It's true though. The common man should be adopting a subtle military-like fit to match the tumultuous times we're in right now.

>> No.17573208

the majority of people just want to be normal, they're happy with just a shirt and some pants. its easy for them to get up, get dressed and do the shit they need to do for that day. People like that are needed in a society, it helps everyone else who wants to be well dressed/stand out achieve what they want to achieve. for a lot of people its a chore and they dont really care, the same way people dont care about what beer they drink, what temperature their steak is or how much hp their car is pushing. they just dont get the dopamine release they want from putting outfits together

>> No.17573219
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>subtle apocalypse core poster

>> No.17573226

/fa/ggots hated him for he spoke the truth

>> No.17573228

if you keep looking and can't find it you're in the wrong city. dress down or move out

>> No.17573278

was in the same boat as you
unironically, start making your own clothes. it takes the whole process of getting dressed to another level. ive found that once you learn to diy your own stuff youll become content with a small rotation. honestly way more rewarding and fulfilling than having to rely on whatever shit fashion houses are pushing nowadays