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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 399 KB, 1500x1500, 1665686117666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17375540 No.17375540 [Reply] [Original]

/btg/ - NATTY SHELL BOSS Edition

What do I need to care for my boots?
>Old cotton t shirt (one for cleaning, another for applying conditioners)
>Horsehair brush ($10-15)
>Wooden shoe trees ($10-15)
>Light conditioner like Lexol/Bck4
>Heavy conditioner (if you live in terrible snow/rain areas) Sno seal/Obernauf LP
>Don't forget that boots need time to dry properly, rotate them and don't wear them daily for too long

How do I deal with x stain?
>mud: allow it to dry then brush off
>salt: water and cloth as soon as possible
>saturated wet: allow the boot to dry for a full day, stuff with newspaper
>scuffs and scratches: buff vigorously with horsehair brush

>Should I buy turdsdays/soloshits/doc shitans?
No they are filled with synthetic materials aimed at instant comfort but will not hold up to actual use.
>b-b-but muh ecelebs on youtube said they're good
no. you will waste your time and money and still have uncomfortable footwear at the end of the day. spend the extra $100 and get something real.

Manufacturer Red Flags
>Made in Mexico/Chyna


>> No.17375544
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boots in the OP

>> No.17375554
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>> No.17375564
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continuing my question from prev thread... Any recommendations for boots that look like these that do not cost a fortune? To answer the question from the other thread, I can save up for them but they the $550 is quite a price and I wanted to know if there are any others like these before I start putting money aside.

>> No.17375568

any time you try to compromise for money you're taking the enjoyment of the item away. you obviously enjoy the boots, just save up and get them

>> No.17375577
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Any reasons why I shouldn't pull the trigger and get a pair of Danner Mountain Light II's

>> No.17375578

1. they're ugly
2. they're fuck ugly
3. you look like an autist with hiking shoes even leather ones

>> No.17375584

Let me rephrase. Any good reasons why I shouldn't get a pair?

>> No.17375585

>Any good reasons why I shouldn't get a pair?
1. they're ugly
2. they're fuck ugly
3. you look like an autist with hiking shoes even leather ones

>> No.17375586

Hiking boots are not ugly or autistic you're just projecting

>> No.17375587

that's true, lot 2 think about.....

>> No.17375602

beat the fuck down, twice even.

>> No.17375608

Had a pair of Lights fitted in store, half size down, thick wool socks, and after hiking dozens of miles in them to wear them in, they still rub my heel and develop blisters. Wasteful, just get something modern and comfortable.

>> No.17375634

how many months until this general realizes engineer boots look even worse than clown shoes and they're just a shitty fad that grew out of this autistic echo chamber? i guarantee that by this time next year, any anons who admit to owning them are gonna get slammed with hate replies

>> No.17375659

never because nobody can afford them

>> No.17375680

i cringe everytime i see those posted, i only see irl woman using those style of boots

>> No.17375691

Any time you end up paying ridiculous amounts of money for a material thing that is very similar to other material things you fall deeper into the hole of capitalism and marketing and your soul gets smaller and smaller. It’s called becoming a psycho.

>> No.17375696

what timbs are these?

>> No.17375697

I have literally only seen a gay man wearing engineers. He had his pink cotton pants tucked into them.

>> No.17375721

Women only wear plastic shoes

>> No.17375726

Stop living in western nations.

>> No.17375783

Are most posters here teenagers? have you not heard of the legendary Frye engineer boots that were pretty much worn by every fashionable man alive, from marlon brando to paul newman to james dean?

>> No.17375804

wore my timberlands to a festival yesterday i wanted to fucking kill myself by the end of it, massive blisters under both feet right behind the big toe and everything is just sore as hell now.

>> No.17375812
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new to this whole boot thing

thoughts on guidi?

bit expensive for me currently, but i can't find anything at all that looks similar

might just have to save up

>> No.17375821

I've had natural shell boots before they look like shit they look plastic and they don't crease properly

>> No.17375883

got pics?

>> No.17375884

Unless they look “right”, which depends on your luck, Shell cordovan is pure meme material.

>> No.17376004

are my boots too big?
i laced them up tight as shown in the pic, but my feet kept slipping forward.
is the toe crease in the wrong spot?

>> No.17376005
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forgot pic

>> No.17376031
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Does anyone know the ID of these boots? or anything similar?

>> No.17376040

you are amongst uncivilized troglodytes, enjoy your stay

>> No.17376060
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Do multiple day deep dive into buying a pair of boots. Comparing basically all the "service boots" so I will know which one to get. Getting really close to picking a pair and then I realize they're all American made and basically impossible to get in Europe.

Really makes you think. I guess I stick with my sneakers. I guess only Americans are allowed to grow up, become men, and wear big boy shoes.

>> No.17376073

BOOT NOOB need help.

I bought Thursday boots about a year ago (I know theyre a meme, didn't know at the time). It says on their website that you shouldn't use leather conditioner on the "Arizona Adobe" leather, which is the one I have.

Long story short i applied leather conditioner on them yesterday, and am wondering why it says you shouldnt use it. What happens now? Why shouldnt i use leather conditioner on leather.. makes no sense. Did i fuck up? They're noticeably darker now but i think thats normal. I used mink oil.

>> No.17376076

>american boot style is made in america

you don't say

>> No.17376081
File: 248 KB, 1400x1400, TRP_ServiceBoot_PoloBrown_72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Viberg has international shipping and many distributors around the globe.

>> No.17376100

You can pick up Vibergs in Europe for about 650-700€ from a German store called Cultizm, they have 25% off all the time (probably every other weekend).

Is it worth it compared to European makers like Carmina, C&J etc? Probably not, but the style is different

>> No.17376158

Frye is a chink company now, those boots are cemented, and everyone you mentioned was dead by 2008.

If you want to dress like you're from a different century, feel free. But in today's world, engineers are worn by women and faggots and larpers. Which one are you?

>> No.17376160

They are going to explode. Throw them away, quickly.

>> No.17376186
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anybody own this? considering buying but don't know about the quality

Danner light

>> No.17376188

fuck off dannerfag

>> No.17376198

Should I get a shell cordovan belt to match my shell cordovan boots?

>> No.17376201

Logically speaking, no.
But if it makes you feel good, yes.

>> No.17376215

Is there a boot with:
>Norwegian welt
that is also
>lined with fur on the inside

>> No.17376218

>meme lining
>meme upper
>meme insole

>> No.17376231

damn nice

>> No.17376251
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at least two animals died for this

>> No.17376273

They’re amazing

>> No.17376274
File: 55 KB, 600x400, Carmina-950-loden-suede-MTO_846bfa31-02fe-43c1-8374-bc8a007d4204_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions on green suede?

>> No.17376277
File: 254 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20221204-091935_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need black cowboy boots. Budget around 100. Just need to know whats quality. Trying to make it work with Wranglers and belt related. Any recs?

>> No.17376279

If the budgets too low, I could go higher. Its just I have hiking boots already, so these would see mostly casual use

>> No.17376289

Based boots.
Looks good with many casual outfits, comfortable and durable.

>> No.17376308
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>> No.17376310

adobe is their """"nubuck""""" leather right? probably told you not to condition cause it would flatten the appearance of the leather

>> No.17376332


>> No.17376375

is this worth doing? seems like a sure way to fuck up your boots
i hate the factory finish on my color 8
there are tons of tiny air bubbles/bumps and couple small silver metal flakes in the acrylic layer that you just can't brush away
on the other hand in the video he made uneven discolored splotches on the apron of the left boot despite conditioning (6:49) that probably won't ever go away, this would absolutely stand out more and ruin color 8
also clowns on reddit that did this had similar shitty results

>> No.17376455

>seems like a sure way to fuck up your boots
Nope. People do this to Corcorans. Superb result.

>> No.17376492

Alden is the only one that coats their shell but it’s not acrylic like this dude says. It’s a good way to fuck up your shell. There’s a reason shell specific creams don’t have any solvents in them like veg tanned leather products.

>> No.17376494

This shit is for people who consoomed so much that they can't feel anything anymore and need something ugly to get their fix.

>> No.17376517
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This is why I don’t trust people who cry about their Aldens “falling” apart. They go and do dumb shit like this, or soak their boots on water, and force stupid patinas. Then they completely forgo any sort of care like conditioning/polishing and bitch about Alden being trash because they ruined them.

>> No.17376521

Wait, so a lot of leathers are coated with that shit like how shearlings are coated with the same stuff to give it a ‘leather surface’? Fucking hell, you’ll have to make everything by yourself to avoid this chemical coating garbage.

>> No.17376540
File: 136 KB, 1215x1001, G&G Length.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gaziano saw this extra length in a bespoke shoe and said "nope, you need a little more length"

>> No.17376542


Alden’s coating on shell is not the same as patent leather or fake leather coatings (eg acrylic). It’s a shellac coating that’s supposed to improve water resistance but it also wears off over time.

>> No.17376554

Why are you afraid of a little extra space?

>> No.17376558

I didn't say he is wrong

>> No.17376568
File: 185 KB, 1841x1066, G&G Perfect Length.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am watching the second video now

This is what he described as perfect length

>> No.17376572
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a lot of brands (especially dress shoes) add a layer of acrylic/glaze to offer a small bit of protection from scratches and water. you can try it but there is certainly a risk of overdoing it


>> No.17376581
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You can get yourself a high quality jacket to go with those high quality boots when you order from Thursdays

>> No.17376589
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the worst shell meme is definitely sunfading color 8
people think it will lighten them up and make it into color 6 or 4
the result is always a disaster
it is never even or subtle, it's always one part that is faded and the rest stays the same

this fat brown idiot demonstrates this, even if this is tame in comarison to some others, it still looks horrible

this is so much worse than just wearing and neglecting your shoes, it just damages the leather

pic is someone on reddit stripping their shell with acetone and sunfading
they started out looking normal
the left is the result- massive cracking on the broguing, leather completely disintegrating
right is his retarded attempt to recolor them with fucking light brown, since that is the color he was aiming for with sunfading

>> No.17376588

yuck, no thanks

>> No.17376600

What the fuck
I've seen shell that's 20 years old and it still looks good, it takes a lot of effort to destroy it like that

>> No.17376607
File: 275 KB, 916x1010, A9E464C0-CB04-4247-A392-55D89DEA3DC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God all that looks awful. The leather on the jackets looks paper thin and those fucking wingtip boots look like trash. How do you fuck up the proportions of a wing tip boot this bad?

>> No.17376622

>started out looking normal
>the left is the result
One must be beyond retarded to believe that.

>> No.17376641
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thursdays huh?

>> No.17376642

kek, also whats up with that (fake) dainite + vibram sole

>> No.17376653
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Ideal for when a cockroach is hiding in a tight corner and you really need to step on it

>> No.17376655
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The stuff you find on reddit sometimes

>> No.17376664
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its silly but i like how strange denim boots are

>> No.17376669
File: 465 KB, 1280x1166, maison-koly-brand-new-maison-koly-x-enzo-bonafe-solinta-crocodile-denim-navy-ilcea-museum-pre-order-50percent-deposit__45624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen a denim apron before

>> No.17376671
File: 178 KB, 1280x853, maison-koly-brand-new-maison-koly-x-enzo-bonafe-mont-royal-boots-quilted-denim-and-khaki-museum-pre-order-50percent-deposit__89265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And well... this.

>> No.17376672

that is certainly one of the boots of all time

>> No.17376674

are you 12? literally you´re the one using the boots, you should be the only one to know

>> No.17376675

one of the
other ?

>> No.17376682
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It happens.

>> No.17376685
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>Mr. Enzo Bonafe receiving orders to make these

>> No.17376707
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i expect the quality to be on par with their boots

>> No.17376949
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>> No.17376984

how the hell this nigga get fresh scuffs at the tippy top of the shaft


>> No.17377002

he wears them like this>>17375540

>> No.17377145

Look at Ariat, they're decent quality for the price

>> No.17377166

>recommending chinkshit

>> No.17377351

>he wears them like this>>17375540
While biking in snow and ice?

>> No.17377479

Go down to the weird store on the southeast side of town behind the muffler shop, Jesus will hook u up ese. He no hablo ingles, but he got the shit mang.

>> No.17377616
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man I really don't like the shape of their lasts. Also I really think they cheat with the pictures on their site. A couple years ago I fell for the marketing trap and bought a pair of captains, which I managed to sell earlier this year. While I don't have anything bad to say about the construction itself for the price, I feel like their shape from the last was different from the promo pictures, especially the top view. The boots I got were much more that poor guy's pair- a shapeless last that looks like a sausage. While one the site there's a more accentuated taper in the mid. Also while they have a somewhat tapered tip, the sides of the boot have this bulging, round shape that also makes them look like a sausage.

tldr thursdays are sausages.

>> No.17377619
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I made a shitty visual aid to explain myself better

>> No.17377632
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Just import - that's what i did
Either that or check out Red Wing, William lennon, cheaney, etc

>> No.17377762

I'm pretty sure they're either jumping between factories or sourcing from multiple factories that don't meet spec

sure why not

>> No.17377782

Then fucking rec me some nice brands you donkey OP, my friend tried to sell me his unused Martens and I ended up here. Budget is 300€. Scandinavian weather.

>> No.17377784


>> No.17377788

Nicks Boots

>> No.17377790

Which one of you is memeing?

>> No.17377795


>> No.17377798

Are these even higher quality than solovairs? Or is it just the brands drivng up the prices?

>> No.17377800

Engineer boots is the equivalent of unironically wearing a black crisp motorcycle jacket with no motorcycle. It looks retarded, and is a borderline larp

>> No.17377805
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boot newfag here

what is a vibram sole, is it good or bad?
might cop these if I can find them 2nd hand for under retail

>> No.17377807

Yes. Made in Spain, which is probably the lowest pricing for best quality you can go as far as western europe goes.

>> No.17377812

Vibram is a brand
Like Dainite
It's well known and used in high quality shoes

>> No.17377814

Oh alright! Would you recommend a model?

>> No.17377815

Honestly not terrible. Obviously pretty wild by today's sensibilities, but these look like the kind of casual shoes you see in 30s apparel arts illustrations. I'd buy them if plus fours came back in fashion.

>> No.17377819

thanks my nigga

>> No.17377865

Nah some of them are made by spics, those are ok

>> No.17377869

do they ever restock or is it a "we make one run of x model and when they're sold out that's it they're gone forever"?

>> No.17377910
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do any of you actually wear gloves when you clean/condition your boots?

>> No.17377915

Yes I do, I have a box of plastic gloves, wasn't that expensive.
This stuff is meant to penetrate and affect leather, and my hands also happen to made of leather.

Honestly it's probably fine to touch renovateur and wax, but I bet shoe polish stains and leather dye is nasty shit, I'd wear special gloves if I was to ever touch that.

>> No.17377920

The nigs guy

>> No.17377922

Your hands have been dried and tanned? How did that work?

>> No.17377923
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>my hands also happen to made of leather.

>> No.17377924

Smith's goes right up to the line of telling you to just rub that shit on your hands as a moisturizer so I dont but I do use a cloth

>> No.17377926

I've said too much already
I apologize

>> No.17377965
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>my hands also happen to made of leather

>> No.17377972
File: 44 KB, 1280x720, D70B98AD-476B-495F-819E-C7F997D337B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my hands also happen to made of leather.

>> No.17377980

Actually, go check out Skolyx and Berwick first, just buy whatever fit your taste.

>> No.17378000

nigs are a joke

>> No.17378008
File: 26 KB, 272x274, 1561309001079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have wide feet
>buy normal shoes
>uncomfortable but look good with minimum creasing
>buy wide shoes
>comfortable but crease like shit because of extra space on the vamp

>> No.17378012

solution: buy proper lasts

>> No.17378018
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>my hands also happen to made of leather.

>> No.17378023

the nigs faggot, but WHITES aren't really attainable easily in Europe anyway.

>> No.17378027

Impressive, very nice

>> No.17378042

>Scandinavian weather
Does that mean snow?

Anyway Skoaktiebolaget in Sweden has their own brand (made in Spain) they're like 350€ and you can go and try them out. They go on sale sometimes too.
Is it worth it when at like 450€ you can get stuff from proper brands like Carmina? Probably not
Skolyx in Sweden stocks service boots made in Spain from Yanko at like 300€ with Horween CXL. Are they any good? No clue
They also stock service and moc toe boots from an Indonesian brand at around 500€ but then you get solidly into Carmina/TLB/C&J/Trickers territory

>> No.17378044

>my hands also happen to be made of leather.
I-I thought I was the only one... Brother?

>> No.17378060

>Are they any good?
Yanko are great.
>Trickers territory
You can get insane deals on trickersoutlet, especially when there is an extra sale. during the black friday sale you could get a pair of Tricker's Stow for like 300.

>> No.17378061

>muh creases
just get non cow leather lol

>> No.17378082

Newfag here
Nick's or Whites?

>> No.17378092

Nick's if you want to pay leather prices for rubber boots

Whites if you want a proper handwelted for a very reasonable price

>> No.17378099

Frank's is supposed to be decent too and offers the hand welt apparently for an extra charge

>> No.17378108
File: 29 KB, 1251x102, whites fags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whites fags right on schedule
nicks if you want american owned, american made boots
whites if you want japanese owned, american made boots

>> No.17378110

White's all the way, nigs shills are insufferable.

>> No.17378111
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This is what has happened to me and my 7EE left foot and 7EEE right foot

>> No.17378118
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whites shills

>> No.17378133
File: 258 KB, 1801x2600, 76cdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any decent quality chelsea boot in europe that isn't super narrow/pointed like in most suggested brands (ex carmina) but neither too round and clownish like a blundstone?

I'd like to spend less than 200euro. I don't care for gyw, I'm definitely not going to use them a lot. I can go for blake (but that cost more than 200) or good quality cemented. I just want something that has the toe shape similar to pic related but better construction quality; theirs was so shit I could hear the midsole of the right boot squeaking because it wasn't glued properly to the outsole. Got my 70 euro refunded

>> No.17378139

disgusting feet

>> No.17378142

Name a SINGLE nigs shill

>> No.17378144

>serial killer
Boot fags are the weirdest people

>> No.17378146
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>I'd like to spend less than 200euro

>> No.17378147

kys animefag, you'll die a virgin in your clown whites

>> No.17378148

Whitefags on suicide watch

>> No.17378149

you wearing nail polish anon?

>> No.17378191

your feet are so stupid, stupid silly retarded feet, they are so dumb

>> No.17378214
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Cry me a river.

>> No.17378220


>> No.17378301
File: 107 KB, 272x279, 1641669532701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come to anime imageboard
>wtf why is there anime images here
back to r*ddit

>> No.17378311
File: 146 KB, 1024x768, 1183B848_001_SR_RT_GLB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been on the fence about these for a while, might get them for myself for Christmas.

>> No.17378318


>> No.17378319

Onitsuka Tiger HMR Peak Trainer

>> No.17378330

Copped thanks

>> No.17378331


>> No.17378338

Is this /a/ or /fa/?

>> No.17378389

despite your attempts at revisionism 4chan always has been and always will be an anime imageboard

>> No.17378407

>he this there is 1 board on 4chan
You must be pretending to be stupid

>> No.17378409


>> No.17378414
File: 79 KB, 1024x1024, 1663243546003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An imageboard is a type of Internet forum that focuses on the posting of images, often alongside text and discussion. The first imageboards were created in Japan as an extension of the textboard concept.

>> No.17378419

Every board on 4chan is an image board.
There is no one 4chan image board, it doesn’t exist.
Each one has a different topic.
Anime is it’s own board.

>> No.17378427
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>> No.17378433
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>> No.17378445

Forgot the part where it says >different boards are dedicated to different topics

>> No.17378599

That is not my feet, I just got them from a search. It's close to what I have but my feet are prettier

>> No.17378617

>4chan is a image board

>> No.17378623

It’s really more of a collection of image boards since there is no default board let alone one image board.

>> No.17378639

I unironically already own a pair of Meermin suede chelsea and I kinda regret the purchase. The size is right, but they are kinda uncomfortable, and the hiro last shape looks better in pictures. They are quite pointy and weird irl

>> No.17378679

it's right there in plain text, you have no leg to stand on.

>> No.17378694

Ok so is the topic of this board fashion or is the topic of this board anime?

>> No.17378697 [DELETED] 

kys animefag, nobody likes you

>> No.17378706

The anime poster ITT is cringe as fuck. How old are you?

>> No.17378745
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Allen Edmonds, huh?

>> No.17378753

I use gloves if I'm going to do a whole treatment, but just use a cloth if I'm just moisturizing. I have nitrile gloves for hobby stuff.

>> No.17378770
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I wish they'd reissue these

>> No.17378785
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It took my brain a second to parse this image

>> No.17378789

>>17378419 so much this! It's just like subreddits, why can't people understand this?

>> No.17378791

>wanting anything from chink nu-doc

>> No.17378796

Yeah yeha I know, I've got a few chink-u doc-us and they're fine really

>> No.17378811

>division road X crockett and jones
good looking boot, you buying these anon?

>> No.17378883
File: 21 KB, 600x705, eternalsadnessofthespottymind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw the only last your annoying feet fit into comfortably is the alden trubalance
but it's so ugly and inelegant! albeit comfortable

>> No.17378887

elegance requires pain, anon. Force yourself into some european almond toes. Do it for fashion

>> No.17378889

the prettiest lasts are the least comfortable

>> No.17378890

Rip your toenails off. It will make your feet narrower.

>> No.17378970

Take or MTM or Bespokepill.

>> No.17379028

Corcoran Jump Boots live up to 81 year legacy?

>> No.17379053

What's the verdict on the Kommandostore Waxi boots?

>> No.17379065

>Waxi boots

>> No.17379098

I am not aware of Division Road but these look good and kinda like my Carminas (except in color) but I think you will regret not having speedhooks eventually.

>> No.17379103

speedhooks are terible

>> No.17379111

i agree. eyelets all day, once i put my boots on i dont take them off until way latet

>> No.17379122

>but I think you will regret not having speedhooks eventually.
why? I don't mind speedhooks but i also don't mind only having eyelets, especially for looks eyelets are way superior.

>> No.17379140

Speedhooks are faster and make it easier to take them off
I don't see any downsides

>> No.17379146

they catch on the inside of your pant leg

>> No.17379184

What's the equivalent of Doc Martin's for straight men? They're clearly for girls and they suck. I just want some normal guy black boots.

>> No.17379190

Austrian military surplus, British and German are good choices as well. It has to be resolable to qualify.

>> No.17379194

Thank you for your actual reply, you've prevented more Doc Shittos from hitting the streets. You've done a good deed.

>> No.17379236
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Doc Martin x Rick Owens pentagram boots

>> No.17379275
File: 112 KB, 1000x752, 3078875lpw-3079519-mes-chaussettes-rouges-gammarelli-jpg_3399468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered thick wool socks from Mes Chaussettes Rouges and they came in a perfumed red cloth bag including a handwritten note thanking me for buying from their shop for the first time.
That's pretty cute.

They are 87% wool and although they feel kinda heavy they do not seem that thick, even though they are marked as thickest on their website. They just feel really dense.

I will wear them tomorrow and let you know if their reputation is deserved.

>> No.17379307

>they came in a perfumed red cloth bag including a handwritten note thanking me
pretty cute

>> No.17379348

Should I buy boots in a bigger/smaller size than sneakers?

>> No.17379352


>> No.17379362

it depends

>> No.17379368

Whether it's bigger or smaller than sneakers is irrelevant, it should be a good fit and ideally a good fit in thicker socks that you are likely to wear in winter time.
Heavy boots also work better with thicker socks for comfort.

>> No.17379372

Thinking I might go half a size up due to this, thanks

>> No.17379398
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Want get these for winter, what you think?

>> No.17379401

you shouldn't though, sizing can be extremely different from manufacturer to manufacturer or even from the same manufacturer due to last differences. Check their sizing guides first. Also i never bought boots at the same size as my sneakers and never sized up from sneaker size.

>> No.17379527
File: 3.75 MB, 2938x4435, boots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone ID these boots?

>> No.17379535

no because they are cemented trash

>> No.17379540

They're probably good for cold, wet forests. Just a bit out of place in the town.

>> No.17379566

should they be snug against the sides of my feet before i break them in?

>> No.17379569

>snug against the sides
its ogre

>> No.17379578

if they're real leather and aren't bottom of the barrel in quality, then you want to aim for a firm handshake. not tight, but not loose.
this doent apply to length though. if they're too short, then they'll always be too short.

>> No.17379605

anybody use obenauf oil on their boots?

>> No.17379607


>> No.17379626

how long did it take to dry/absorb fully? what boots leather if i may ask

>> No.17379647

I use it on a variety of leathers from cow to water buffalo to horsehide, the absorption depends on how thirsty the leather is, but typically 15-30 mins and then wipe off excess with an old t shirt.

When applying the oil i push the dauber across the lip of the bottle so that its not dripping wet but rather just impregnated when i apply it to the leather. the point is to leave a film of oil rather than fully saturating

>> No.17379671

thank you

>> No.17379721

honestly the LP in the paste form is much easier to manage

>> No.17379730
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it's actually a feature to have different coloured boots

>> No.17379738

one looks like nubuck

>> No.17379760
File: 95 KB, 560x1416, spencer-badu-black-upcycled-jeans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone ID these Chelseas?
will post more pics

>> No.17379770

NVM found it

apologies for my autism

>> No.17379771
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>> No.17379772

now play with his hair

>> No.17379781

Show me a worse collection, not just the selection, but also the state these boots are in

>> No.17379785
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>somewhere the shoe tree autist screeches in pain

>> No.17379806

I have a pair and I actually kind of hate them. Although they are pretty fucking durable hiking boots, they still give me blisters on my back heel on long hikes despite me getting the correct fit. On top of that, they are ugly as fuck and generally look terrible with any pair of pants.

>> No.17379808

>they're ugly
That's your opinion, man.

>> No.17379818
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> they still give me blisters on my back heel
i really don't know what you were expecting from a boot with a relatively straight back

>> No.17379821
File: 549 KB, 463x640, 1656052631107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at the proper curvature here

>> No.17379825

Yeah, I'm going to sell them. I pretty much just wear my trail running shoes for hiking anyways.

>> No.17379827

good to know that these are trash

>> No.17379833
File: 1.44 MB, 1068x661, 1667037475962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this straight back shit

>> No.17379835

woah cool hiking boot

>> No.17379837

Don't act dumb. Chukkas are a casual boot BECAUSE they're a loose fit.

>> No.17379840
File: 2.12 MB, 1106x754, 1643268963630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm talking about boots in general with a straight back, its a red flag

>> No.17379860
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Last month I ordered my first pair of Vibergs in the 310 last. I slipped them on and they were immediately the most comfortable boots I've ever worn. These guys really do pay a lot of attention to detail, especially with the stitching

>> No.17379861
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>> No.17379864
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>that sprung toe

>> No.17379865

That's a lot of Oak Streets. Never heard of that brand.

>> No.17379871

the 310 takes the big toebox meme so far its cool again

>> No.17379876
File: 162 KB, 639x599, 439587309485703294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the autists in this thread are going to surround me like white blood cells, but the boxy toe is the only 6" boot shape I really prefer. Narrow toes look too classy and feminine, but boxy toes in my opinion have a more classic work boot look that also offers versatility as something you can easily wear as a dress boot.

>> No.17379883
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i've seen pics of it but i never realized how big the curvature is

>> No.17379893

Yeah, its honestly quite aesthetically pleasing. How people react to a curvy toe is a lot like how people react to dudes with an upward curve in their penis. At first, there's all the monkey politics, teasing and giggling when a girl fucks a dude with an upward curved dick and tells all her girlfriends, but deep down everybody knows that there's a repressed fetishization of a curved dick and the rep of having one only increases your exclusivity and sexual market value.

>> No.17379902

>but boxy toes in my opinion have a more classic work boot look that also offers versatility as something you can easily wear as a dress boot.

I always know workbootfags have no taste.

>> No.17379917

I got a lot of milage out if Nicks back when I worked wildland firefighting. Half this board probably hadn't been born yet back then, so I don't know if the quality has kept up. Currently I would recommend Wesco or Viberg.

>> No.17379920

What year did you start wearing them?

>> No.17379929

You seem like you have a superior patrician taste. Please inform me on what boots are the most BASED

>> No.17379935

I've heard that Frank's is closest to classic Nick's these days since Nick's is cost cutting and simplifying things

>> No.17379936


>> No.17379940

I have not worn a pair of Nicks, but a lot of people here say they are cheap niggers that sold out the second it became profitable. What does this mean? Are they cutting corners with their bootmaking? How so specifically?

>> No.17379959

leather from seidel

>> No.17379963

They stopped offering hand welting even as an option, they stopped doing real custom boots and will only give you a few options to pick on the website, they literally told people not to post about issues with their boots on their facebook page even if the issue was resolved to the customers satisfaction, apparently they don't stich the outsole anymore, they do a fake cap toe. They're just moving towards pumping out as many boots as possible and away from the origins of the company.

>> No.17379964

What's wrong with Seidel? Every work boots manufacturers use them.

>> No.17379967

blue leather only

>> No.17379973

WDYM by that?

>> No.17379974

show me a blue cow. it's fake

>> No.17379979

They don’t do custom lasts for boots anymore, and they don’t do any hand sewn boots anymore, and most recently they don’t do a Blake rapid stitch on the insole connecting to the midsole.
They claim they stopped doing the Blake rapid stitch on the insole for comfort.

>> No.17379980

Wow, I heard that their customer service became shit, but I didn't know it was THAT pathetic. Whats even worse is that they haven't even lowered their prices below the price of Whites to reflect the actual updated quality and reduced labor put into the boot making, while at the same time operating within the same city as their main competitor.

>> No.17379983

What about Trumans? Are they okay PNW boots?

>> No.17379987

You have problem with dyed leather? What schitzo shit is this?

>> No.17379989

You mean Blake stitch? Blake and Rapid stitch are 2 different things.

>> No.17379993
File: 111 KB, 681x1024, seidel_leather35-681x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you know you know. You are welcome to visit them to find out more.

>> No.17379995

Idk anon, probably just a Blake stitch.
It isn’t stitched at all anymore to the midsole.
Pretty sure it’s glued now,

>> No.17379999

Ah okay, you mean Chrome tanned? Nothing is wrong with that, weston.

>> No.17380000

So is Wesco and Viberg and Truman (no longer doing stitchdown though) and Danners.

>> No.17380001

>there is literally nothing wrong with using cheapo mass production methods that result in soft leather

>> No.17380002

Idk anon.

>> No.17380003

All of those are fashion boots, not for working men.

>> No.17380009

Don’t think Chrome tanning is bad just because muh rose anvil king of skinny faggots told you so.

Chrome is superior when it comes to water and heat resistance (which is why all logger boots leather is chrome). Stiffness can be set during the finishing process so even Chrome tan can be stiff if you request so. Beside, temper (soft or stiff) is not a reliable gauge of quality. Be more scientific instead regurgitating memetalks mkay?

>> No.17380010


FWIW, the glue only lining is indeed a weak point. I saw on reddit once it became unglued during resoling. But, your cobbler has to be a complete retard to not know how to simply glue it back down. Not something to fuzz over.

>> No.17380011
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>> No.17380013

Corked is good.

>> No.17380014

Oh boy here we go

>> No.17380016

Absolutely wrong. If anything, use blown rubber or simply leather as a cavity filler. With most GYW shoes having gemming, the solution would be simply to revert to handwelting. However, most companies are literal parasitic jew bastards, and are deserving of dissolution and punishment for continually adding garbage and selling it as what it originally was several years ago.

>> No.17380026

>the solution would be simply to revert to handwelting
Wow so simple.

>> No.17380029

Yet, no major bespoke houses or operations put leaduh in as filler. Curious, huh?

>> No.17380033

Filler is filler, dummy.

>> No.17380035

Yes, agree sir that's why cork is good.

>> No.17380036

Very good sirs, excellent boot

>> No.17380037

Yes sir, let us all just enjoy boots as is.

>> No.17380042
File: 32 KB, 791x296, leather soles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While we're being retarded, this is my favorite boot review. I love this man.

>> No.17380043

are they even PNW boots?

>> No.17380044

>Wood soles
I love it

>> No.17380045

They are made in Oregon.

>> No.17380046

What about Grant Stones? Are they okay PNW boots?

>> No.17380047
File: 625 KB, 1071x640, yasser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I raise

>> No.17380049

kinda. They're made there now but are originally from pennslyvania. It's fine.

>> No.17380053

They are not PNW. The styling is more smart casual like Viberg or Beckman flat toe.

>> No.17380128

>made in chyna

>> No.17380140

And I'm okay with that so I can get Alden quality for half the price.

>> No.17380147

Some comments say he should use shoe trees, but is it sensible to own 30+ pairs of trees? At a certain point you are just a consoomer.

>> No.17380183

Solovairs? They're the real Doc Martins, and they have the shiny black leather while losing the yellow stitching and ugly yellow sole.

>> No.17380184

Cringe and conformist
Based and critical

>> No.17380192
File: 47 KB, 720x720, S8-551-WH-PT-GWhitePatent8EyeDerbyBoot_2_720x[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think you could rock these? I really love how they look, but I can't imagine how they will age.

>> No.17380242

>proper curvature
lmao that doesn't mean anything. 100% of hiking boots have a straight back and they don't give blisters. I used lowa zephyr mid hiking for more than 10 years and didn't have a single issue. White shills really need to fuck off with their retarded advice

The problem is either with that specific pair or with anon fucking up his sizing and fitting

>> No.17380248

>White shills really need to fuck off
preach anon

>> No.17380261

>no major bespoke houses or operations put leaduh in as filler
There are absolutely those that do. But most bespoke shoes aren't meant to be hardy.

>> No.17380262

>John doe
he would have had to ask for leather soles though?

>> No.17380270

Yes every pair should have shoe trees and you should have a few spares. I’ve had a a woodlore and Allen Edmonds (probably made by woodlore) crack on the heel pieces.

>> No.17380277

PNWestoids go here >>>/out/

>> No.17380279

>There are absolutely those that do
like who?
> But most bespoke shoes aren't meant to be hardy
They are the presentation of traditional, high skilled, well made shoemaking. There are also casual, riding, hunting bespoke shoes and boots out there. Did you think bespoke shoes are just pretty dainty shoes?

>> No.17380282

>Did you think bespoke shoes are just pretty dainty shoes?
Most of them, yes.

>> No.17380289

Then you don't have a clue about the tradition of bespoke hard wearing footwear in France, Germany, the Alpine region, Hungary. Existing along of the finely made dainty bespoke British shoes are the tough bespoke country boots and riding boots too.
Widen your horizon.

>> No.17380291

>hard wearing
Less so than if they used leather.

>> No.17380295

You would be surprised how hard wearing leather actually. Also, depends on the styling/ usage, some are outfitted with extra steel brads / hobnails.
In fact, true cowboys who owned bespoke cowboy boots that go around 2K to 4K have leather sole, and they do work in those leather sole.
Such a big world out there huh?

>> No.17380296

Pretty sure we're not talking about the same thing anymore.

>> No.17380297

And don't be under the impression that all bespoke footwears have leather sole. They are bespoke, one can ask for rubber sole or whatever they want.

>> No.17380298

>don't be under the impression that all bespoke footwears have leather sole
Nobody did this.

>> No.17380299

What you mean then?

>> No.17380300

That there are bespoke shoemakers who use leather as filler instead of cork.
And that most bespoke shoes are dainty.

>> No.17380301

Like who? Do you have anything to back up your claim?

>> No.17380308

real cork hours

>> No.17380339

I wish all corkfags receive delightful fallen arches.

>> No.17380348

You're right bro, there are exactly zero (0) bespoke shoemakers who use leather fillers instead of cork. You got me.

>> No.17380356

You're welcome. Consider yourself educated.

>> No.17380365

Cork isn’t bad desu

>> No.17380366

yeah neither is poron

>> No.17380370

Nobody's saying it's bad, just that leather is beather.

>> No.17380425
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>> No.17380426

For filler, not practically so.

>> No.17380429

Absolutely for filler.

>> No.17380442


Actual top shoemakers know what they are doing.

>> No.17380445

Them knowing what they're doing doesn't make cork any more hardy.

>> No.17380451

Yet bespoke shoes last a lifetime. What nonsense specs sperging.
Best shoes and boots out there still have cork in as filler (like White Kloud), and no leather filler, despite some wishful (ignorant) thinking.

>> No.17380454

>Yet bespoke shoes last a lifetime.
No, they require resoling.

>> No.17380455

I know an old western bootmaker guy who goes out of his way to avoid cork, but he does not use leather as substitute.

>> No.17380457

Like all resolable shoes. Yes. Would not change even if leaduh is used as a filler.

>> No.17380458

>Shoes require resoling means they don't last
This dude being obtuse or retarded on purpose or something?

>> No.17380464

>Would not change even if leaduh is used as a filler.
Of course it will. Cork turns bad a lot sooner than leather, which is why leather midsoles, insoles, heel stacks, fillers, ... don't need to be replaced for at least the first few resoles.

The part of bespoke shoes that lasts a lifetime definitely isn't the cork.

>> No.17380467

exactly. anon is either a bot or a dumbfuck

>> No.17380471

Saying "cork is strong because bespoke shoes last forever" is a retarded thing to say when the cork gets replaced with literally every resole.

>> No.17380473

The sole get worn out, which require resoling, most of the time, regardless of filler choice, the filler is also replaced, which does not harm the shoes in any way. Bespoke shoes out there can last and lasted a life time, without your wishful leaduh filler.

Keep in mind they use leather for most everything else, most importantly the insole (has to), but not the filler, for a reason. They are pro, they know what they are doing, not some spec sperg in a cambodian fish-monging forum.

Again and again, no major bespoke ops use leather filler, not even any PNW brands, as you seem to be alluding to. Leather filler exist nowhere at all aside from your wishful spec sperging. Cork continues to be used and fare just fine for generations.

>> No.17380475

The cork will likely go bad long before the sole will.

>> No.17380477

>cork is strong because bespoke shoes last forever
I never said or implied this.
How bad is your reading comprehension?

>> No.17380479

Reality is different from your delusion.
Reality is, if leather makes a good filler, bespoke shoemaker would use them already.

>> No.17380481

>The part of bespoke shoes that lasts a lifetime definitely isn't the cork.
What part of the word "filler" don't you understand.
This is like saying steel is better than leather because leather sole is not as hardy.

>> No.17380484

Literally no one resole because cork is worn.
This dude acts like cork is a self destruct button.
Did cork molested you as a child or something, wut?

>> No.17380494

How much is Big Cork paying you?

>> No.17380501

>I never said or implied this.
You literally said "Yet bespoke shoes last a lifetime" in response to me saying bespoke makers don't make cork more hardy.

>Literally no one resole because cork is worn.
Very true, they only resole when the sole wears out; which is often long after the cork has worn out.

>Reality is, if leather makes a good filler, bespoke shoemaker would use them already.
Bespoke shoes typically don't get used very hard, especially in wet outdoors conditions.

Steel doesn't bend like you need for a sole, obviously.

>> No.17380503

How much did BBCork diddle you?

>> No.17380518

>You literally said "Yet bespoke shoes last a lifetime" in response to me saying bespoke makers don't make cork more hardy.

Despite cork being intrinsically not a hard material, they make fine filler which don't affect the longevity of the shoes, evidently by the bespoke shoes who have them in it, which lasted a life time

You have very bad reading comprehension of logic processing ability. I will try to be as plain as possible like talking to children on the sprectrum.

>Very true, they only resole when the sole wears out; which is often long after the cork has worn out.
I saw the inside of a White Kloud resole (blog post) and the cork looks fine. They flatten out as if any filler would. I really don't understand this insistence that cork can vaporize, despite being a non issue on even cheapo goodyear welt footwear, much less handwelt bespoke pair that use even thinner layer of cork.
Many bespoke shoes don't even put filler in (the mountain type). Hypothetically speaking, let say whatever filler they put in vaporize, it wouldn't affect longevity the slightest.
>Bespoke shoes typically don't get used very hard, especially in wet outdoors conditions.
Untrue as there are outdoor bespoke footwears.
>Steel doesn't bend like you need for a sole, obviously.
So I take that you understand the concept of "a material intrinsic character doesn't necessary makes it better when they part of a whole sum"

>> No.17380520

Also, Londoners who owned bespoke pairs put their shoes to london wet gloomy pavements a lot.

>> No.17380524

They were very comfy >>17379275
Now I hope they last

>> No.17380527

>fine filler which don't affect the longevity of the shoes
How the fuck would cork affect the longevity of the upper?

>I saw the inside of a White Kloud resole (blog post) and the cork looks fine. They flatten out as if any filler would. I really don't understand this insistence that cork can vaporize
Cork crumbles, and in wet environments it turns to mush.
While leather fares a lot better, obviously.

>> No.17380533

>How the fuck would cork affect the longevity of the upper?

How would filler affect anything. Exactly! You are getting there, good job!

>Cork crumbles, and in wet environments it turns to mush.
While leather fares a lot better, obviously.

> I really don't understand this insistence that cork can vaporize, despite being a non issue on even cheapo goodyear welt footwear, much less handwelt bespoke pair that use even thinner layer of cork.

Furthermore, cork is hydrophobic.

Your whole stand boils down to paranoia.
Bespoke shoemakers wouldn't put cork in if its mushification is an actual problem.
No one put leather in as a filler shows that collective knowledge and experience point to that leather is not ideal, despite your spec sperging.

>> No.17380537

I am convinced shoe fans are just plain autistic

>> No.17380550

i will make the new thread




>> No.17380551

>How would filler affect anything
The filler affects the sole, obviously.

Jesus christ you're demented.

>> No.17380553

And you have nothing to prove it.

This whole thing is bunk since there are no filler shoes out there.

Nothing but delusion and paranoia. Self-wrought nonsense.

>> No.17380558

You're saying the longevity of the upper isn't affected cork in the sole.
Which is just a pants on head retarded thing to say.

>> No.17380560

Please do autistically explain how does the filler somehow affect the upper.

>> No.17380562

>seething europoor hours

>> No.17380563

The point is that it's retarded to think the filler will affect the upper.
You're like an onion of stupidity, layer upon layer of dumbass.

>> No.17380564

I acknowledge your arguments and I appreciate your enthusiasm
please move to the new thread


>> No.17380568

>You're saying the longevity of the upper isn't affected cork in the sole.

So you think it does
>The point is that it's retarded to think the filler will affect the upper.

So now you think it don't?

Sorry, I don't have much experience dealing with actual schitzo.

>> No.17380569
File: 679 KB, 3018x3500, if_SS20_0427206953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not a poorfag and my Guidi's arrive in the mail today

>> No.17380573

>So you think it does
No, I'm literally saying that's a "pants on head retarded thing to say" you moron.

>> No.17380580

So you see now that your leaduh filler autistic pinning is nonsense down to the core?
I'm trying really hard to talk to someone on the spectrum here.

>> No.17380583

>I'm retarded, that means you lose

>> No.17380585

I'm just trying really hard for you to see how retarded your logic is, buddy.
Apply the thing you say in 3rd person and you will glimpse it hopefully.

>> No.17380588

I never said cork affects the longevity of the upper.

>> No.17380590

And I never said they do. Filler don't affect the longevity of any part, period. See how spergy you look?

>> No.17380595

>And I never said they do
Oh yes you did, you said bespoke shoes last a lifetime.
The soles (where the cork lives) sure don't.

>> No.17380600

>Bespoke shoes last a lifetime
>Somehow that must mean that is thanked to the filler

Buddy, are you okay?

>Sole worn down. That must mean shoes don't last

Still no progress huh. It's okay. Some minds are slower than the others.

>> No.17380602

>talk about how cork doesn't last very long
>"but the upper lasts a lifetime"

>> No.17380604

>Filler don't matter in the grand sense of a shoes lifetime

Take it easy and read slowly, that will help, buddy, I know it is hard for you.

>> No.17380606

>>Filler don't matter in the grand sense of a shoes lifetime
Filler doesn't affect the upper, no.

>> No.17380607

Things filler do not affect longevity:
- anything on the shoes at all

Things filler do affect:
- your mental health

>> No.17380611

Which, also with the insole, matters most. Any filler sperging is nonsense when considering those.
>But muh sole
Paranoia and delusion. No proofs

>> No.17380614

Buddy, you can probably see that where it matters the most, filler is a non factor.
Where in your head, you think it matters, it still does not, no proofs at all.
Even as as right now, you do not own a single pair of boots that have leather as filler to vouch for.
Your argument is delusional illness based.
Do you still have hairs, buddy?

>> No.17380678

>samefagging this hard

>> No.17380709

>I have no argument the post.

>> No.17380757

From the horse's mouth: they do made-to-order. If you know the exact model, last and size, you can have it done - for basically almost the same price, too.

>> No.17380770

Cork is in the soles, where it affects the soles.

>> No.17381069

>equivalent of Doc Martin's for straight men