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17250754 No.17250754 [Reply] [Original]

New Mommy Bernadette

>> No.17250768

>censored feet
Into the trash it goes

>> No.17251388

post the ankle pics

>> No.17251431

>wearing shoes is “censoring feet”
Get help

>> No.17251439

She cute

>> No.17251449

Bernadette was the cringiest character on TBBT

>> No.17251882

What's her story? She gives me lesbian asexual Autism vibes.

Rich NYC finance heiress who gets to live in her Victorian playworld?

>> No.17251911

OK so I was basically right.

Identifies as asexual. From a rich Jewish real estate family in NYC. Used to go by Erica. Went to NYU. Put-on (fake, affected) personality and speaking style and mannerisms, pretends not to know what Christmas is, etc.

When people have these super put-on personalities and manners of behaving, it just screams trauma, trying to put on a fake identity either due to hating one's true self or not knowing onself due to being empty inside.

Her manner of speaking and acting in videos is also pretty narcissistic.

t. actual shrink

>> No.17251919

So she's just another rich jew co-opting white interests and a bad actress in her videos.

>> No.17251931
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>> No.17251935

Does she actually pretend to not know what Christmas is?
>ashkenazi jews aren't white

>> No.17252003

She's jewish so she's taking the piss on christmas and yes jews are not white

>> No.17252028

I don't think this random jewish lady wants to antagonize christmas

>> No.17252031

you're appealing to your common sense, developed by living around gentiles, rather than experience of jewish people.

>> No.17252032

Based fuck this bitch

>> No.17252033

I live in new york city and I have been acquainted with all manner of jewish fellows.

>> No.17252035
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>> No.17252036

What did she do? Why are you hating on her?

>> No.17252092

As someone who watches her videos, she hits me as someone who's just disabled enough to not be able to hold down a job, but capable enough to turn out a youtube video of decent quality every so often.

She's pretty, but if you watch her videos on corsets, her spine is really really messed up. She fled NYC during the summer of love and moved to London. What's weird is her content has gotten progessively hit or miss since the move; she seemed to have a firm sense of direction, but now this flitting around with experimenting on Onlyfans and random costumes. She wrote a book, so maybe that threw her off, but it just seems like her content keeps wandering in random directions.

I could always tell there was something odd about her speech pattern, and I can atest to her claims about "growing up as a witch" and "not knowing" about Christmas.

>> No.17252291

And do you know what Christmas is? The repurposed Saturnalia and Sol Invicuts celebrations where nowhere in the 66 books written by jews (known as the christian bible) mention december 25th? You know what's worse than Jews larping as white people? White people larping as Jews.

>> No.17252321

She actually censored her bare feet in that one for lulz

>> No.17252330
File: 654 KB, 2220x1080, Fucking tease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.17252363

>What's weird is her content has gotten progessively hit or miss since the move; she seemed to have a firm sense of direction, but now this flitting around
Sadly true, if had that impression too.

> "growing up as a witch" and "not knowing" about Christmas.
Huh always took those as non serious statements to go ham on ber role

>repurposed saturnalia and sol invictus festival
>Dies Natalis Solis Invicti
>instituted in 247 ad
There's a reason why the germanic pagan term yule is still used for christmas and why many traditions are connected.

>> No.17252657

>actually shrink posting on 4chan to shit on some fashion YouTuber
Sure ya are.

>> No.17252691

noone cares about dreidels
big red cola man and presents will always be better

>> No.17252695

>All those women in the comment section
I don't know why, but I find that to be very adorable.

>> No.17252700

Indeed. In the end, it's an amalgalm of European winter solstice festivities. Half of christians even use another date in January, because reasons.
Take your meds.

>> No.17252740

Jews are inherently better than you goys.

>> No.17252746

>one's true self
Bruh, there's a whole field about the definition of the 'true self' (which, in one conlcusion, may not even exist).

>> No.17252757
File: 219 KB, 1251x1415, 1652718355443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jews are inherently better than you goys

>Great revolt: 1,356,460 civilians and militia killed
>Kitos War: 200,000 killed[4] Annihilation of Jewish communities in Cyprus, Cyrenaica and Alexandria
>Bar Kokhba revolt: 580,000a killed,[5] 985 Jewish strongholds and villages destroyeda

>> No.17252779

>tfw no asexual jewish autist trad european fashion worshipping cunt gf

>> No.17252912

Yall are so fucking retarded.

>> No.17252942

real women are really cute and she got that dominant alpha female aura. If I could have her in my life I would. And I would give her 5 children.

>> No.17253074

>experimenting on Onlyfans

>> No.17253105

Brought to you by NordVPN

>> No.17253225

My mental state decayed to the point where I cant watch female youtubers, I immediately feel bitter for not having a gf

>> No.17253284

You know exactly what he means by that you obtuse fuck

>> No.17253412

I hate women so much it's unreal.

>> No.17253413

new kink unlocked

>> No.17253600

it was just some sassy le funny ankle pics

>> No.17253622

You think a part of her wishes she can seriously post on there?

>> No.17253834

Honestly, watching her Onlyfans video did seem like there was a bit of envy. And honestly, I got the same feeling; she posted ankle pics as a gag/experiement, had the content set to "free to view" but allowed tips... And she made bank for line, 20 pics of just her taking nice (fully clothed) pictures of herself.
It made me start to wonder if Onlyfans could be used as an art gallery site.

>> No.17254674

she could probably only make it work with an extensive historic lingerie collection
just flipping the switch to bare naked ethot would make her less money in the long run

>> No.17254900

I know what he means, but he's wrong in believing that such a self exists.
Id est: there is not such thing as a 'true' self because a person is not grown in a vacuum.

>> No.17255353

>Id est instead of i.e.
/lit/ tier pseudery ngl

>> No.17256485

Americans are so easily triggered.