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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 491 KB, 1027x1541, F9BB3D65-0482-442B-85D4-CB76CAC21F78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17158967 No.17158967 [Reply] [Original]

I look 45, don't I? I'm 21

>> No.17158969
File: 318 KB, 960x1792, AFB44CC5-2869-4EEC-9584-A1DD1B5F6715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one

>> No.17158974
File: 517 KB, 1206x2208, AD674372-B5F9-4895-9576-208199130556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One from the club for good measure? What ought to be done about the hair and glasses from first glance?

>> No.17158975

You look about your age. Maybe a few years older, but I wouldn’t even say that you look 30 let alone 45.

>> No.17158977

This is a massive relief, you have no idea.

>> No.17158983

The formal wear looks good but ages you, I'm sure if you wore more tendy/casual styles you would look more your age. 21 year olds usually just dont dress so well, I know I dont

>> No.17159001

You look like a Serious Man in the OP and like Armenian Daredevil in the second pic. You look normal in the club pic tho.

>> No.17159013

What does an Armenian Daredevil look like? Curious.

>> No.17159027
File: 144 KB, 2000x1331, charlie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this but Armenian instead of normally.

>> No.17159052

Why do men age so fucking horrifcally?

>> No.17159053

You should wear sock garters.

>> No.17159056

Noticed this in the first pic. Faux pas, but what the hell. Got compliments and clout anyways.

>> No.17159059

Why's this guy look so good and mature but I'm his senior and I look so fucked up like a homeless kid

>> No.17159071

You mean your style or something genetic?

>> No.17159072

If you want to salvage the hair you need to get on finasteride and save up for a hair transplant

You pull off the hairline recession weirdly well but it still hurts your attractiveness considerably, especially for being only 21

>> No.17159085
File: 151 KB, 807x807, 116889924_146869777051134_5631809342359102794_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you look like a mossad agent who kills arabs and travels around france

>> No.17159092

im 30 and look 18, wish i looked older

>> No.17159097
File: 410 KB, 960x1280, 9B9CB8FC-25B2-4ED1-B035-0D59A778ADA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17159100

You look like you were born into an upper class family of a certain decent. Definetly see what you can do about your balding.`

>> No.17159180

You have the physiognomy of a Big 3 consultant or an investment banker. It's a good thing.

But get finasteride +minoxidil ASAP

>> No.17159231



>> No.17159243

You look like someone who looks 45 when he's in his twenties

>> No.17159260

Yes, because of hairline and way you dress, but you're honestly handsome.

>> No.17159265

You look like a balding version of Andrew Garfield

>> No.17159269
File: 236 KB, 600x991, 1657888624732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17159271

Ofc hairline and high-class fashion. But I think what truly shines out is your Jewish blood. The features just make everyone look older. Not really much you can do about that though.

>> No.17159274

You are liar, it’s obvious you put effort to look young and you posted a picture of yourself because you are digging for compliments. You look like 30 year old butch lesbian that’s wishes she was femme or whatever you queers call it.
You give off vibes a 45 year old due to their clothes, but yes you do look a little older than 21 and it’s not a bad thing.22wag

>> No.17159327

hairline and that there is utterly nothing youthful about your appearance, no joy no nonchalance no bravado, no struggle no hope for the future no hands in the dirt, no learning no discovery no naivete no nothing. corporate funded dude core. likely headed for divorce. rinse repeat. fail up. dont learn. never mattered on this earth.

>> No.17159443

I'm on fin and I also do prp treatments. I'm fighting the recession.

>> No.17159447

You should help your dad oil the wood on your step dads boat instead of being a teenage girl taking pictures of yourself.

>> No.17159449

Lol you are fighting the hair recession when you should be preparing for the hair depression.

>> No.17159453

You do look 30 years old, but 30 years old lesbian.

>> No.17159471

The recession is fine, but the thinning is what I’m really fighting

>> No.17159487

David Wallace looking mofo

>> No.17159622

I think he has a better hairline.

>> No.17159639

Your not bad looking and you have some fine pussy my man, all the twink and femboy bullshit on here is a meme, only gays like that shit.

>> No.17159650

Those are some skinny lapels.

>> No.17159746

Buy nicer shoes, take the label off your sleeve

>> No.17159784

This is what’s confusing me here. Being old and looking young or young and looking old. Everyone’s got their own preference here but most like young fags.

>> No.17159785


You are so semitic looking... after years of browsing /pol/ it's impossible for me not to hate you. Seriously, when I look at your heavily Jewish countenance, I feel hatred and revulsion - you could be the nicest guy in the world but your sad eyebrows, olive looking skin, tilted eyes with heavy eyelids, gap tooth smile would make me scowl when I am within sight of you.

I want you to know it's not a personal attack I just really really really hate jews man.

>> No.17159794

you look older than you are, maybe early 30s, but you look good in a suit, got an impressive nose and decent chin, and a pretty girl on your arm (if that's your girlfriend?)

i wouldn't worry about how old your look or your hair

>> No.17159797

Don’t ask /pol/ for fashion advice, got it. Also, where the fuck do you see gap teeth?

>> No.17159809

That's okay, you're a handsome dude. Some Rogaine couldn't hurt though

>> No.17159823

Using fin and prp

>> No.17159843
File: 267 KB, 750x1334, FE7C5E2B-AD06-42D9-9D07-480097D79E09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic from when I was 18 for reference

>> No.17159863


>> No.17159894

If you care at all about your hair you need to get on finasteride and save for a hair transplant

For some reason you actually somewhat pull off the receded hair, but it’s still hurting your attractiveness substantially - especially at 21

Best of luck, you’re not ugly at least even if it could be better

>> No.17159897

kek i thought same

>> No.17159924
File: 31 KB, 300x295, 1635014592479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Armenian Daredevil

>> No.17160117

wash your hair you dirty fuck

>> No.17160231


>> No.17160262


>> No.17160264

you dont look 21 but you look like a successful jewish banker so thats something

>> No.17160394

Not Mossad?

>> No.17160418

hair transplant, you look like you could afford one. don't go to turkey either

>> No.17160421

Fin is actually tranny poison, DHT isn't just something that fucks up your hairline if your scalp is sensitive to it, it's important for many other things in a male.

>> No.17160481

Lol okay then enjoy going bald

No reason not for someone to try fin if they’re going bald and bothered by it, if they get sides then they’ll just stop taking it

Absurd to not try it and go bald just because a tiny minority get fucked up by it

>> No.17160536

What's the difference?
Jesuits vs. Jews?
They're all Italian after all.

>> No.17160570

you sound poor

>> No.17160671

my corpse will have more hair than you will ever grow in a lifetime

>> No.17161405

I'm 45 and probably look younger than you
I'm not as sharply dressed as you are though

>> No.17161479

I think those are scratches on a mirror, not dandruff

>> No.17161528

you look your age, why do looksmaxxing people always look so uncanny ?
prp is snakeoil, just do the big 3:
finasteride, minoxidil, dermapen

>> No.17161567

not him, but I had a transplant 7 years ago and have retained all of my hair without any drugs. my donor area just wasn't suspectible to dht sensitivity, it's honestly best to go bald before messing with important male hormones

>> No.17161571

how do you scratch a mirror?
scraping lines of coke?

>> No.17161575

you look 30 even there, your hairstyle significantly adds to your age

>> No.17161580

Do you mean the receding hairline?

>> No.17162030

That’s weirdly specific!

>> No.17162243

>green lines
oh no no no...

>> No.17162255

harsh even by 4chins standards

repent sinner

>> No.17162289

cool, most people will lose hair after transplant if they don't take fin

>> No.17162776
File: 205 KB, 1707x2048, eat my box, Germanic goy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mossad is everywhere

>> No.17162786

Mossad in Russian means Moscow garden
мoc. caд

>> No.17162792

That's sad

>> No.17164254

Kek, I see it too

>> No.17164799

Perfect description