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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 15 KB, 300x300, hm-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17063100 No.17063100 [Reply] [Original]

What's the catch?

>> No.17063163

Bad fabric/materials.

>> No.17063316

you wash it once and it looks like shit

>> No.17063735

it shrinks?

>> No.17063868

no it fades and the plastic fibers start falling out

>> No.17063957
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>hyperexploitation of the global south
>environmental devastation
>material quality (heavy use of synthetic blends that pill badly)
>ripping off infinitely more talented fashion designers and driving trends into the ground
I hate H&M

>> No.17063966

>ripping off infinitely more talented fashion designers and driving trends into the ground

That's not exclusive to them and it happens in every single lucrative market. Trends are always followed, become normal, then discarded.

>> No.17063976
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>thats not exlusive to H&M
irrelevant, they are one of the biggest corporations doing it and are one of the most impactful
>it happens in every lucrative market
trends are not run into the ground at the pace of the fashion industry in literally any other market you ignorant fag
fuck off and kill yourself

>> No.17063984

sacrifices everything to lower cost, shirt was made by slaves, out of plastic, will fall apart if u sneeze on it

>> No.17063992

>varg reaction pic
>caring this much about trends and sperging out

I already know everything I need to know about you.

>> No.17064005

>this meme again
touch grass

>> No.17064023

couldn't respond to the substance of what I said because you don't have the knowledge required to contradict me but your ego wouldn't let you not reply huh
>caring this much about trends
the low trend lifespan and the subsequent shopping habits it has created has a real impact on people and the planet you ignorant dipshit. do me a favor and don't tell me what to care about when you have literally spent no time whatsoever researching the issue
>and sperging out
if you think namecalling and telling people to kill themselves is "sperging out" you're an idiot newfag. stick to lurking. you'll probably never belong no matter how far downhill the site goes
>I already know everything I need to know about you.
you aren't fooling anyone, least of all yourself
you should be fucking ashamed of yourself.
>touch grass
you're defending a multinational corporation online by casting doubt on a well established phenomenon that no sane person would try and argue against. that's being a loser to the highest degree if you're not getting paid. I have 3 sweatshirts from H&M from several years ago. I don't think they've faded much but the pilling is pretty bad

>> No.17064052

you literally said it yourself, you utter fucking moron
>I have 3 sweatshirts from H&M from several years ago
sweatshirts that last several years doesn't sound like they fell aPaRt AfTer oNe wAsH to me

>> No.17064110

>sweatshirts that last several years doesn't sound like they fell aPaRt AfTer oNe wAsH to me
no one said they fell apart after one wash so not sure what you're trying to prove with this post

>> No.17064114

i hear this all the time but ive been wearing a pair of pants i got from h&m for like 5 years now and theyre still good

>> No.17064116

lol keep simping for corporations retard

>> No.17064131

the material performance is highly dependent on the type of garment. if I had to guess, the guy you're replying to had tshirts in mind. if the pants you're talking about are made of denim its no wonder they held up better as durability is one of the few things denim is good for. I'm pretty sure H&M do have some 100% cotton stuff to their credit, so its also possible you got something without their typical synethetics
zoom zoom

>> No.17064132
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>> No.17064165
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>> No.17064252

refer to the posts that I was actually quoting, you absolute fucking mong. you're the one that got all red in the face and jumped in to reply to a post that wasn't even aimed at you. you're actually a retard, I hope you realize that
lol only if you keep simping for your responsibly sourced cruelty-free r*ddit meme brands, mega faggot.

>> No.17064297
File: 100 KB, 600x600, u must be the stupidest nigga alive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>refer to the posts that I was actually quoting
I did. They said the following:
>you wash it once and it looks like shit
true, pilling looks like shit. he could have also been referring to stiffer garments losing their structure or fading like the other guy but either way it doesn't contradict my anecdote like you implied above
>no it fades and the plastic fibers start falling out
he's clearly referring to pilling and not the garment falling apart. yet again completely agreeing with my sweatshirts story.
let's review your reply to me again
>sweatshirts that last several years doesn't sound like they fell aPaRt AfTer oNe wAsH to me
if you filter the autism from your reply you get this statement:
>because your sweatshirts did not literally fall apart and you still have the pilling pieces of shit in your wardrobe, you are proving my point that H&M quality concerns are just a "meme"
as mentioned above, nobody claimed that your H&M clothes would degrade to the point of literal unwearability which is what you are implying they said. they just quickly start looking like shit which encourages you to throw them away and buy more shitty garments from H&M, which is terrible for the planet.
>you're the one that got all red in the face and jumped in to reply to a post that wasn't even aimed at you
replying to people in the middle of arguments with others is considered the norm on 4chan
>you're actually a retard
as I demonstrated, you are unable to perform basic tasks of reading comprehension before replying
you're socially and intellectually inferior to me and you should curb your ego. you could learn a lot from me if you dropped the condescension.
>I hope you realize that
just you know, ending your sentence with "I hope you realize that" is a common autistic trait and you're broadcasting to everybody that you're autistic when you do that in real life.

>> No.17064340
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>lol only if you keep simping for your responsibly sourced cruelty-free r*ddit meme brands, mega faggot.
"responsibly sourced" sounds like flexible corporate weasel language designed to evade responsibility
you mean "sustainably sourced" and "ethical".

if you think sustainability doesn't matter you're a short-sighted dipshit. not even selfish, because it isn't in your own self interest to support those who would ruin the planet on which you live.
if you think that the working conditions of the third world don't matter because they're far away and brown, you're a despicable person and I want you to die.

the guy you're replying to hasn't even mentioned a single brand so this response talking about brand simping makes no sense whatsoever. autistic people do love mimicking the sentence structure of the person to which they are replying, to a fault.
since he didn't mention any brands I guess I can list a few whose items I have saved in my shopping folder
Veja - the OG ethical sneaker brand
KOTN - 100% cotton basics, specializing in loungewear
Earth - footwear brand, mostly formal styles, I really like this one slip-on boot
Opera Campi - innovative 100% hemp fabrics, mostly more formal looks. I like their buttonless polos
Nae - jack of all trades vegan footwear brand, best Af1 and chuck lookalikes

when you finally grow up and decide to start making better purchasing decisions, you can check brands you're interested in buying from and find new sustainable and ethical brands at goodonyou.eco

>> No.17064354

>that entire post
didnt read, too autistic

>> No.17064360

seethe, megacorps like H&M will continue to massively outsell your meme green brands for decades to come and theres nothing you can do about it.
be honest with me anon, are you a thirdie? cuz it sure sounds like you're a thirdie

>> No.17064364

You're getting less than what you pay for. Similar brands at the same price point offer better products if you simply wait for sales. Even going thrifting will net far and away better value. I'm not a climate change activist by any means, but it's incredibly wasteful to buy clothing that won't even last a year of good use before falling apart. It's garbage clothing not worth anyone's time. You should grow out of this stuff by the time you reach your twenties, unless you want to be that eternal tween.

>> No.17064367

>t-t-t-they sell more
the margins are garbage and many of these companies are going under because their business models are wholly unsustainable. I don't get why you would call other people third worlders when you're dressing exactly like they do. It's a copy of a copy, it's so far down the totem pole of fashion that it's no better than wearing clothes from Wal-Mart.
I really can't wait for summer to be over so you guys can go back to school

>> No.17064368

disposable clothing is actually better for the environment than all the washing and drying that it takes to keep something well made clean.

since fashion changes so quickly now and we get bored so easily, it is just smarter to make cheap clothing that we can throw away when it gets dirty

>> No.17064379

>clothing made of non-natural materials that will be tossed within a season is better than washing your clothes, drying your clothes
Do you seriously think clothes are not washed and dyed before you buy them? Over twenty percent of wastewater right now is from dyeing alone. Not to mention the amount of water alone to even grow cotton is insane.

>> No.17064408

>the margins are garbage and many of these companies are going under because their business models are wholly unsustainable.
literally the biggest cope ive heard in a very long time, I'm not even gonna bother reading the rest of your post lmao

>> No.17064419

>hyperexploitation of the global south
what a meme
without those jobs these people would starve

>> No.17064809
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>> No.17065416

not baiting. you're just a woman if you care this much about buying from ""sustainable"" brands.

>> No.17065660

It's just a mass produced quality stuff, but at least in my area they have more things I like than other mall brands. If I had to buy a last minute shirt or jacket that's probably where I'd find it.