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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 372 KB, 1400x969, A29DFFCF-8E85-49AF-AB57-54543CEBB586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17044134 No.17044134 [Reply] [Original]

Is /fa/ the place to talk interior design?

>> No.17044137

You can try, but most kids on here can barely affort trifting cloths, let alone having the means for interiour design.

>> No.17044139

>most kids on here can barely
>trifting cloths
>let alone having the means for
>interiour design
go back to school, kid

>> No.17044147

I think that’s proper cockney.

>> No.17044152

Kek, I'm a german oldfuck. Thanks, just couldnt be bothered to look up proper spelling.

>> No.17044171

Okay, pretend you’re not an illiterate kraut. Even if you can’t afford to have good taste at your old age. LARP like you do. What’s your bachelor pad aesthetic?

>> No.17044182

We're currently buying a house in west-germany, if you know anything about housing prices here you understand that money isn't a concern for me. Below is my pinterest for the new house. Enjoy. https://www.pinterest.de/xanthopanm/wohnung/

>> No.17044192

I mean, at least you have an aesthetic, but….
Are you a grandma?
Just out of politeness, I wouldn’t set foot in your home.
Literally everything begs to be stained and broken.

>> No.17044201
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we need our own board

>> No.17044202
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>> No.17044203
File: 1.12 MB, 2000x2380, wohnung alt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I am. I like the georgian/ biedermeier/ neo classical aesthetic. I also collect Fürstenberg china and lead crystal glasses so you're pretty on point about that.
Pic related how it started out on the last days of my uni flat couple years back. Single room flat,with basically no storage. Basicaly a hobbit hole.

>> No.17044205
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>> No.17044207
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>> No.17044210
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Picrel is an antique bed which I unironicaly bought from a castle estate sale. Neds a bit of love and new curtains as well as maybe a upholstered head but will be the center piece of the bedroom.

>> No.17044214

Keep owning it. I feel sorry for your grandkids, but have a cookie. You get a medal.

>> No.17044218

My kids can be kids, that's what small child safety locks are for. Works till now and if something gets broken, well life is suffering. Nothing which can't be restored or bought new.

>> No.17044235

Yea. Im pretty experienced in interior. Ask my something

>> No.17044241

You remind me of my old Irish grandma (RIP) she even had weird blackface statues and everything.
Have a fist bump. You are legend.

>> No.17044247

What’s a good strategy for anti-fragility?
I really want rogue cigarette butts and Cobb webs to compliment my aesthetic.

>> No.17044253

Stop being a clumsy zoomer.

>> No.17044261

This looks nice until your pool is unusable because everything's clogged with leaves

>> No.17044272

Never! Fuck yo couch, nigga!

>> No.17044513

I am actually looking for a nice negro in red pants statue for the bathroom giving out handtowels and such kek. Your granny sounds like a soulmate.

>> No.17044776

Well, doesn't seem like there's another board for it, so...

>> No.17044782

Right, because people don't have outdoor pools.
If you're poor (which if you can afford that place you aren't) just spend ten minutes a day with a leaf skimmer.
If you're rich (which if you can afford that place you are) then just install a leaf catching pump.

>> No.17044814

Or you gift your wife a pool boy.

>> No.17045165


>> No.17045364

Better start talking or the thread will get archived.

>> No.17045632
File: 1016 KB, 1036x1255, 4F9CFD07-DBC6-4B4A-8AA2-C0AEBC00FDC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody know what this sort of chandelier is called?

>> No.17045653

I think you could go more brown with the seating and couches, a tan would work really nicely and can be seen in some of the images.
This anon gets it, I think it has a cozy grandparents vibe which could be your thing, but the furniture is begging to be ruined. It's more like an elite status symbol to have white furniture (see the kardashian mansion) rather than the old-money look you're going for.

>> No.17045966


>> No.17046017

Sputnik light usually. As it looks like the Soviet era satellite.

>> No.17046020

Sputnik chandelier.

>> No.17046025
File: 143 KB, 736x1104, e0f41b304eb6346410b4908c65b953f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the meantime I got myself an antique 12 seater mahagoni Hepplewhite chair and 3m extendable table similar to pic related as well as french napoleonic wood framed and upholstered chairs to frame the sofa. Both give off dark and medium brown. Tan can be additionally found in textiles like cushions and blankets. As I said, the pic was made at a point where nearly everything has been packed away, just as a last reminder before moving out.

Wait, where are you from that you consider light coloured sofas "old money"? That's literally the default colour around here. Plus mines are light beige and the cover can be put through the washing machine. The Reading one can't but still has not a single stain or anything after like 10 years and with an infant around and two adults which aren't excessivly cleaning or mindfull. I mean after most people here also have white duvet and pillow covers and they stain much easier.

>> No.17046090


>> No.17046526

Imagine being high as fuck on acid and walking into your bedroom and everything looks wavy except your dresser which now looks normal

>> No.17046607
File: 625 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20220530-114650_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um wtf is this

>> No.17046610

Ok Jessica

>> No.17046615

Absolutely gorgeous

>> No.17046618

All you have to do is net out and vacuum the pool consistently

>> No.17046633

Too cluttered with trinkets. The cow pillow and rug are blech

>> No.17046804

What would be a better place to collect moodboard inspiration and share it with others, Zoomie?

>> No.17047175


>> No.17047377

You’re using it wrong.
I agree. But I still dig the aesthetic. You’re really just pointing out what doesn’t mix with it.
Also hate all the cactuses between the arm of the couch and the lamp. Just imagine stumbling around in the dark to turn it on.
There’s also a stool with a plant, blocking the couch.
This room gets a 3-10 in functionality. 1 being a Chernobyl squat.

>> No.17047634

A gilded elk skull.

>> No.17047965

Yes, I love the colors and leather sofa and wood as well as the second sofa and curtains

>> No.17047969

Id get rid of all the pillows and plants

>> No.17048034

Yup, 5 year couch surfing champion here.
You can have up to two throw pillows on a couch at a time. After that, it’s just trash you have to deal with.

Plants should only be in corners, that won’t get knocked over. The worst is when you knock over a plant after watering it.

>> No.17048073 [DELETED] 

Not that anon, but Ijust can'tunderstand how one could be so clumpsy after the age of reason. This whole "no light couches", minimal decor and plants really is hard to understand for a non-zoomer. Like, aren't you able t compute where your limbs are and what they do?

>> No.17048444
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>> No.17048468

How are you supposed to see the titles?

>> No.17048476
File: 146 KB, 800x1200, Spring-Decorating-Ideas-for-your-Living-Room-Design_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like the sixties and bohemian things they're trying to mix with the traditional pieces. The couches are so beautiful, though. Leather doesn't need pillows.

>> No.17048477

I need an arts and crafts design room

>> No.17048482
File: 326 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20220531-092210_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wanting something like this only for summer.

>> No.17048495

Social media users did nothing wrong. Bitch deserved a tar and feather treatmnt.

>> No.17049606

I like mid century modern, but can’t live with fragility. I go straight to the back deck of houses like the one you posted.

I like the dark industrial/bohemian style, because it’s easy and quiet to clean and can wear mug rings and Cobb webs like a boss.

>> No.17050330


>> No.17050371


>> No.17051389
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>> No.17051618

>How are you supposed to see the titles?
you memorize them, your bedroom bookshelf is not a public library kek

>> No.17051623

>women can’t have autism

>> No.17051645
File: 35 KB, 206x273, 1643446313363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost 32
>working 40 hours a week
>can't even afford 1 bedroom flat

>> No.17051744
File: 3.65 MB, 4570x2996, PANO_20190518_140654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My place circa 2019,I've since massively cut down on the clutter, pretty happy with it

>> No.17051915

Tell me how I know you have like a single shelf of books.

>> No.17051989

Don’t know how you can sleep in a room with all that loud and noisy bullshit.
The masks are a good touch tho. Maybe start from there, to pick a motif.

>> No.17052005

just wait for the collapse

>> No.17052277

I remember you

>> No.17052304

Kind of still miss that moldy hole.

>> No.17052606

I think the guitars only make noise when they are played

>> No.17052626

Didn't we had a general for interiors years ago?

>> No.17053631

things are as they shud be

>> No.17053655

What a dump.

>> No.17053677
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>> No.17053679
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>> No.17053681
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>> No.17053738

I like it

>> No.17053749


>> No.17053753

>books stacked on floor
>crappy low quality art on wall
>poor layout
>poor taste in furniture
>random shit/knick knacks everywhere
the natural lighting is excellent, but what could be a great room is ruined by some leftist trying to be 'bohemian' because he thinks hes too cool to have his room in order. unfortunately because 99% of /fa/ are this type of person, this is what most interior inspo threads consist of. and i dont have anything against messy rooms, but there are two kinds: rooms that are messy by happenstance, for example a writers room, which is full of books, notes, art, inspiration, evidence of hours of work, and then theres the second kind of messy, which is in this pic, just a useless waste of space who tried to make it look messy on purpose, a fake, a fraud, never taken any risks in life, never done anything interesting, just wants to fit in with the local college dropouts. the worst kind of person in the world

>> No.17054222
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>> No.17054223
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Spiderman tear down this thread.

>> No.17054229
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>> No.17054293
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I like Colonial

>> No.17054385
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>> No.17054396

God damn this is an eyesore
This however, is not

>> No.17054411

i have an oven like this in my house
they are great
huge field to cook with different heating zones can even directly cook over fire
there is an oven inside for bread and shit and hot water
it takes more affort but sometimes espcially in winter when i heat with wood i cook on this oven

>> No.17054502

Yeah i used to have an aga growing up and it was terrible for cooking food unless you are roasting stuff but it was great in the winter to warm up by and dry off clothes

>> No.17056186


>> No.17056222
File: 180 KB, 1080x719, fa_interior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>horns, cages, trophies
that's not interior design

>> No.17056231
File: 742 KB, 254x190, poops on you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no offense intended
just my opinion

>> No.17056348

I have family pic from the early 90s with that look, only difference is da was wearing boxershorts (thank god).

>> No.17056365
File: 385 KB, 2000x1587, dechirico-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do we still think modrun is degen?

>> No.17056405
File: 524 KB, 1280x893, budenzauber-charm-of-the-attic-room-jakob-tuggener-with-friends-1935-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17056408
File: 226 KB, 989x800, 989px-A_busy_stacking_room_in_the_opium_factory_at_Patna,_India._L_Wellcome_V0019154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17056440

Holy fucking grandma Moses core.

>> No.17056455

Thank you, Bette Davis. Totally agree.

>> No.17056770
File: 25 KB, 561x730, jw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you lads think about art reproductions? I wanted to try out a few prints and then order a replica for the one I like the most

>> No.17056792

Useless-clutter-core. Money can't buy taste

>> No.17056814

Imagine the tasty mold that builds up in that carpet due to the constant humidity in that small ass room

>> No.17056929

If you consider antique paintings and other forms of art as well as literature clutter your opinion doesn't even matter. Not that I would care for what pathological minimalists born out of monetary necessity think about inheritance and cultural rooting. Show your matress-on-the-floor habitat.

If done well and not a replica of Mona Lisa-tier stuff, it's a good way to bring beauty into ones homes. But I would stick to few and supplement with maybe trifted or auctioned real paintings. Also check out local artist, many sell their art cheap and are willing to do orders. Oftntimes those are even cheaper than reproductions.

>> No.17056946
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>> No.17056947
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>> No.17057124
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>antique paintings
Yeah these are always tacky
>other forms of art
Not necessarily, but the ones you have shown, I consider more to be clutter than art.
>literature clutter
Perfectly worded. What is the point of having a book after reading it? Chances are youre not going to use it, not even to look at or admire, therefore, clutter. E-books for me, zoom zoom.
>born out of monetary necessity
Bit of a stretch buddy. I make enough, its just that i spent my money on things that have at least some sort of function. In fact, I'd say most of the poorer people I've met, including from my family had much more clutter such as the ones you presented, than higher income individuals. Not a fact, just what I've experienced.
>inheritance and cultural rooting
This is usually a cope for people who can't think for themselves and instead follow "tradition". You can follow it, but make it your own instead of adopting every single policy to the T.
>matress-on-the-floor habitat
I will not show my room, but you are correct, i do sleep on a mattress on the floor. There is simply no need for a bedframe, another clutter.

Though not perfect, i quite like Rick Rubin's Shangri La

>> No.17057150

retard poorfag cope

>> No.17057193

Nope, again, I make plenty. Sorry not everything aligns with your warped world view :p

>> No.17057264
File: 103 KB, 699x893, 1601350839864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is the point of having a book after reading it?
Quoting, rereading in a new context years down the road, lending it to friends and family and after a long live giving the important ones on to your children. Last but not least if you can't enjoy the smell and aesthetic alone of antiquarian books, I feel bad for you.
Many of mine will never get digitalized and unlik your ebooks mine can't just be "discontinued", they never run out of batteries and are much superiour for long time reading, bookmarking and quoting, which helps to make a long term conection in your brain.
>I make enough, its just that i spent my money on things that have at least some sort of function.
Even if everything I said would not be an argument, beauty in of itself is a function. A very important one even for human mental health, similar to having a part of nature at home.
To widen your horizont: https://vimeo.com/128428182
>This is usually a cope for people who can't think for themselves and instead follow "tradition".
Tradition is the essence of what your forefathers learned through the scarifice of blood, given on to you as a gift to be able to use your mental capabilities on more important tasks while also not falling for their mistakes.
>but you are correct, i do sleep on a mattress on the floor.
Like pottery.
A bedframe exists to air out a sweaty matress and prevent back pain as you get older. You clearly never bought even a worthwhile matress, or you would know that. At least if traditional homecare instructions would have been given to you.

And your example are, to say it nicely, soulless builder grade lacking any personality at all. No wonder you like your garden to basically be fenched in grass.
We will not find a common ground, as your living circumstances have made to fall for what you think you will be unable to escape.

>> No.17057329

I fucking hate bathroom carpet

>> No.17058576


>> No.17059123


>> No.17059415
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>> No.17059606 [DELETED] 


>> No.17059611
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>> No.17059813
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Any resources on starting out?
I recently bought a house but need to furnish/decorate it. Picrel current setup

>> No.17059938 [DELETED] 

you literally live with that furniture in your home right now?

>> No.17060913

youre nuts

>> No.17060921
File: 1.24 MB, 1360x1601, 57E384EB-BEF9-4F2F-B4DD-598EF2EF49AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like electricity and plumbing.

>> No.17060930

Why that?

>> No.17060953

eh.. you presented it like something eclectic, but theres literally nothing there. it looks 100% like someone threw all their junk in an airbnb to make a rental machine

>> No.17060954
File: 158 KB, 552x440, Pucci-Home-1stdibs-Italy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17060955

your plants must be plastic to survive in the dark

buying the backpacker/tourist size of rug just makes you seem poor

>> No.17060983
File: 16 KB, 367x388, 1449917835722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothig there
>day before moving out
Did you somehow overlook the fact that there are like 40 moving boxes and me stating that it was the last day in my uni flat? Nowhere did I make it seem eclectic, anon asked for a pic of my style at currently living in a building site that was the best I could provide besides the pinterest.

>> No.17061008

Nice, this guy lives in a terrarium!

>> No.17061026

where is this?

>> No.17061051
File: 85 KB, 539x640, 37180500e7aeff20f01b64ceceed7e73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice !
I like painted ceilings

>> No.17061061

Probably some mongolian tourist place

>> No.17061067

This is lovely until you have to water all that shit.

>> No.17061080

Im not even handy, but I think I could wire up something automatic. although obviously if you have that place you can pay for a professional installation or hire help

>> No.17061163


>> No.17061165

Mine was better

>> No.17061539


thats the kind of setup where you really only get something like that if you have someone on staff to maintain it for you

>> No.17061826

Fancy but utterly impractical.

>> No.17061885
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>> No.17062135

I dig longboats, so cool

>> No.17062141

dank, if you will

>> No.17062188
File: 1.44 MB, 2000x1335, 950175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17062573

Interior, anon.

>> No.17062578


>> No.17062634

carpet in bathroom? you realize that is covered in piss and all sorts of stuff

>> No.17062635

what is that thing in the very top right on the wall? an AC unit?

>> No.17062656
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>> No.17062771
File: 445 KB, 1600x1267, 90s-GettyImages-520312694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks quite contemporary. I'd for 90s vintage, complete with a little röhrenfernseher.

>> No.17062783
File: 69 KB, 563x848, 8201a5dcee0a7bc00007450b4f086821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean the pint? You have to scrool quite a bit down. The last entries are focussed on smaller details like trim, colour schemes etc, less on the whole picture. Pic rel is how I currently plan to upholster my antique canopy bed and make the bedroom feel.

I still remember when the Röhren became bigger and bigger and people cutting holes in their walls to make them look "flat" till they suddenly became flat per default and all those super expansive door or aquarium sized Röhren became a burden to get rid off. I had my Desktop Röhre till 2009, unfathomable retrospectivly.

>> No.17062814

I can think of a lot of things that could take up that mental space which are way more awesome than books facing the wrong way

>> No.17063184

>5 year couch surfing champion here
>You can have up to two throw pillows on a couch at a time
Homeless leechers don't dictate the terms
>After that, it’s just trash you have to deal with
Takes trash to know trash
>Plants should only be in corners, that won’t get knocked over. The worst is when you knock over a plant after watering it
Or when that homeless cunt who sleeps on the couch knocks them over while drunk again

>> No.17063400

/fa/ is for inferior design only
elden ring looks good in 4k
only demolition charges could fix this
hi grandma
>bathroom carpet
>carpeted floor anywhere
>I've since massively cut down on the clutter
I fucking hope so
tackiest mishmash of the thread
not disgusting aside from the curtains
>arched window
>looks like a hotel room
>stove/fireplace is too fucking round and close to the bed
not disgusting but there's better in that style
I'd like to congratulate in person whoever made this by emptying a beer stein on their stupid head

>> No.17063740

not any of the people you are replying to but you should kill yourself desu

>> No.17064538
File: 1.93 MB, 1122x1494, 1626188148812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17065514

Microsoft word

>> No.17065772

imagine the smell

>> No.17065812

the worst possible style of room decor, every single part of it

>> No.17065841

This looks like a crack pipe chandelier or one of those seen on tv water droppers that add just enough water each day to your plant

>> No.17065844

Beautiful love the table and chandelier nice pic anon. I’m buying a home early next year and the first thing I will do is buy a long dinner table to go along with it for my family to eat at along with a chandelier similar for that. Great pic

>> No.17065924

My walls, ceiling and furniture are completely white, i have dark grey floortiles
Everytime i try to decorate the room with e.g: a plant or painting it looks out of place
What do i do? (it's a rental, i can't paint anything)

>> No.17066088

Get more colour into your home. Paint the walls at least off whiite, Add some beiges and browns and maybe some smaller green accesoires. All white furniture is trash tier to begin with.

>> No.17066198 [DELETED] 
File: 234 KB, 800x816, 1653656959211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the name of the chair in the background?


>> No.17066200

what is the name of the chair in the background?


>> No.17066209

Honestly, if you have a family and love to entertain friends a big dinning table is one of the best investments. You will spend every day there, depending if its formal or not, your kids will do their homework on it, you can play boardgames with them when they are older or make a hideout under with with some sheets. This and a massive family bed (to share with the small ones till they are old enought) are the pillars of a comfy home. I hope you find the home of your dreams.

The chandeliier, I think, is knowns as a french one but usually only sold with real candles, I think 18th cnentury. But a two tier dutch chandelier does also work wonderfully in laquered brass.

>> No.17066504

god damn im jelly of those rich man furnitures

>> No.17066542

You don't need to be rich if you're able to upholster and repair minor details. I got mine (mahagony 12 seater) for 250€. With transport and upholstery fabric as well as a new coat od laquer after sanding I paid around 350€ for it all. You woud be hard pressed to find particle board tables at ikea for that price. I also got >>17044210 for 300€, made by hand locally in massive oak and when I'm ready with 60m of fabric it will look similar to that >>17062783. Again hard to find a Hemnes at that price.

If you're willing to put in the work you ca rescue great stuff from actally rich boomers and their heirs.

>> No.17066683
File: 175 KB, 736x920, d1d39de869ba49351d3e9bad687a70f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the mosquitos
You should get a proper book shelf behind ur bed our somewhere it would instantly look much better. Room needs a bit more work tho.
This room perfectly catches the vibe its going for, I agree a lot of people fuck it up but this room is perfect. Thats why its been reposted literally everywhere.
I love the lantern to the right, works really well
I like it, would be a nice airbnb but I'd hate it if I had to see it every single day

>> No.17066684
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>> No.17066688
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>> No.17067696
File: 729 KB, 2896x2896, 20220609_175540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently bought my first house. It's a small 1946 brick cape. All my furniture is hand-me-down or inherited from dead relatives. The house has charm but is incredibly beige and grey. What would you guys do with the paint or furniture in the house to make it more futuristic/modern. I was thinking red walls in the living room, but that would emphasize how boring the rest of the house is.

>> No.17067809
File: 91 KB, 500x750, ead0e81bd9c86cb4a2670fc2f08f9b97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All red would probably be an eye sore, try an accent wall. You can put up pictures and decor to really bring it together. Choose a red that goes well with the carpet, walls, woden accent and any furniture you plan to keep.

Some plants would also make the place pretty comfy too. Lighting can also instantly change room. I'm not sure what you're night time situation looks like but play with the lights a bit if yiu need too

>> No.17067845

Accent walls are disgusting memeadvice and the interior equivalent of tshirts over longsleeves. To not make it look like a random collection of trash furiture anon needs too stay within the earth palette and implement bolt dark brown, some black and greens. That way everything still matches but it has some deept.
Get some curtains, maybe laquer your kitchen to remov the yellowness, get colour coordinated cshions, someartt as well and plants.

>> No.17067901

Well it much better than painting a room red. And there's a couple red accents in each room wouldn't be bad if there was something bold red to bring everything together but I do agree with the curtains, lacquer ect. That'll help a lot
Also if u wanna try the accent wall but ur not sure buy plain red removable wall paper. Cheaper an u won't have to paint over if u hate it

>> No.17067948

No, red is the most aggressive colour and should be with no exception never be used in ones hoe or at least anywheer you spend time in. Never. Burgundy? Brown? Rust? That's another topid but the red you recommended screams edgy teenw hich has no idea about interior design or colour schemes.

Plus walls are not the place for colour matching. That's what pillows, art, carpets and decor are for. Maybe even frniture. Accet walls are never a sign of good taste and need to finally die.

>> No.17068013

indeed. i wish i could haul all these nice tables and sofas i find in the second hand store because i live 6 stairs up in a narrow apartment.

>> No.17068094
File: 117 KB, 735x918, asf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, we paint everything once or twice a year and swap out furniture all the time. the advantage of living in a euro shoebox apartment

>> No.17068105
File: 1.41 MB, 1253x735, cobb-hobbit-house.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else #hedgehogmode?

>> No.17068209
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>> No.17068231

ah, the late self-realization boomer style
>I think I used to like art, and I have money now!

>> No.17068251

any place where to SELL antique vintage furniture in euroland?

>> No.17068253

milennials have no taste holy shit

>> No.17068273

I hope you didn't mean that as an example how red works, because, anon, I...

>> No.17068276

Check out TROC, at least in germany they are nice but you will have to pay up. Might as well just privately sell through ebay or such.

>> No.17068344
File: 47 KB, 600x600, luna-rossa-prada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a /fa/ equivalent of a Navy Seal pasta?

>> No.17068372
File: 226 KB, 1084x1101, a3d222804bdccfd1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>owning a home has to be a pasta

>> No.17068437

Damn what cultivar is that fiddlehead fig? The leaves are massive

>> No.17068459


>> No.17068475
File: 3.19 MB, 4032x3024, C44AAFF1-6E28-4D25-B60F-74EE9F53766A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s my room in a shared rental apartment.
*The floor isn’t dirty, just 70 years old and not in great shape.

I’m still trying to find how to make my room better. I like minimalism because it easy to clean and because I move on average every 2 years so it easy to move.
Ideas are welcomed

>> No.17068535
File: 1.56 MB, 692x870, 1632297931411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17069682
File: 169 KB, 840x1260, 22c7c2232dcf29f406f308bc55589ba4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never recommend a specific red, I said "choose a red that matches with everything else" the picture was simply an example of a accent wall.
There are no rules in interior design only what looks good and if u can make a red accent wall look amazing its a win to me. Its true that its aggressive but sometimes thats the look u want, its all depends. This whole fecking room is red, but still manages to look classy.
Sorry anon but it looks terrible

>> No.17069721
File: 7 KB, 235x210, 17499497_10154617953356785_8427820246187448928_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks classy
That room looks passing at best despite the red wall and everything red in it. And only because it's all expansive and matching. A luxury handmedown-furniture anon sure as shi can't affort. His furniture screams "random cheap assortement" and only redeming quality is that it's all neutrally coloured with earth tones. If said anon doesn't want to pay out of his ass, his only option is to stay withing natural colours, with mabe some blues and greens, which are both cheap (plants, view outside) to match to each other and also relaxing in nature. Because the pic you attached is most likely some modern opium deen not something you actually spend any time in at all.
Last but not least, his red carpet isn't really red but more rusty brown, which again plays with the earthy theme.

If redish is what he wants, again, he can implement browns and burgundies ( as he did with that pillow, just without fucking words on it, the footrest and red thing on the table) but the walls should stay neutral. Nofuckingbody wants red walls above the mental age of 14. To set off the creme couch, choclate, rust and beige pillows and throws would go well. He should get rid off those metallic shelfs and tv stands or at least paint it, maybe some relly dark choclate colour, even black would work as a neutral. Get some curtains ceiling to floor (!) in white will do and still lt light in. Ieally maybe even some wooden white blinds behind those curtains.

Similarly he should work with the other rooms. Those colour schemes should be al around his place. Maybe some burgundy/brown artworks in the bedwoom or sheets. Chairs in the workspace burgundy/brown upholstered and in the kitchen, honestly, ideally stain the wood chocolate dark or get it spray painted pls clear coated. You want a uniform schemes everywhere.

And sure as fck no red walls.

>> No.17069750
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>> No.17069779
File: 1.23 MB, 960x882, 1572427820169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By all means, paint all your walls red. Just don't give out interior design advice.

>> No.17069989

Can you imagine how many bugs and mosquitos?

>> No.17069992
File: 116 KB, 800x699, braxton-and-yancey-tim-burton-inspired-home-dcor-in-3_e8872e3012209a29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17070024
File: 59 KB, 1024x768, 1600683323210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man-made horrors beyond human comprehension.

>> No.17070054

Bams place, huh?
This is just attempted social control masked as advice. Narrow minded, unknowledgable, uninspired and long outdated perspective. Obviously no authority on aesthetics.

>> No.17070063

any comfy interior youtube channels?

>> No.17070088
File: 17 KB, 452x363, 1478886553626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>narrow minded
>social control
You have to go back to your pod, upboater.

>> No.17070098

Just my two cents. Do yourself a favor and order a few: https://www.apartamentomagazine.com/category/magazines/

>> No.17070138
File: 2.34 MB, 2789x860, auschwitz core.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sorry, but do you really expect to be taken seriously when you propagate such eye sores? Like, be my guest and enjoy your degenerated interor but check yourself before expecting sane people to share it,

>> No.17070149


Where'd you get the veiled virgin?

>> No.17070163

Didnt you just try to reject the social control aspect?
If the full extent of your aesthetic interest is just trying not to offend aunty margareth you desperately need a shot of something remotely interesting. Genuinely trying to help

>> No.17070172

It's a spanish reproduction which they kindly shipped to germany. I wanted something like that since I first have seen some Belini sculptures back as a kid. And without exception every visitor is glued to it, walking around tying to figure out the trick of a marble veil. And it suits a homemaker.

>> No.17070176

>Didnt you just try to reject the social control aspect?
No. I said, people claiming thatcalling things by its name is "social control" belong to a certain other area of the internet. Just as I said that calling them "outdated" when those things are universal in favor of fucking millenial accent wall. What's next, gonna recommend some sponge painting technique? You must be a zoomer if you thing that accent walls or gorish red walls at all look good, let alone will look good in poor anons first home. If you wan to help, better stay quite as the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

>> No.17070187
File: 149 KB, 1156x867, IMG_3177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck, I see you on /v/ and /g/ every single time

>> No.17071584

Is this art deco or jugendstil?

>> No.17071616

modern design is just whatever knicknacks people buy from Goodwill or wayfair, like >>17044137 said people can barely afford nicer clothing let alone furniture that matches.

>> No.17072555


>> No.17073096

I agree with an interior design board

>> No.17073142

cool concept but would be dominated by losers posting RGB PCs with multi monitor displays

>> No.17073304

You don't need an entire board for that. This site isn't pinterest or something, demand is not that high.

>> No.17073314

these threads usually dont even get responses. theres like two anons who posted OC in this two week old thread and the rest is mostly awful magazine photos aimed at moms, of badly done 15 year old trends that are probably just now making their way to america

>> No.17073447
File: 91 KB, 850x326, Floor-plans-and-spatial-zones-within-the-house.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One very important aspect of a house is the physical separation of the spaces you do different activities in.
For instance keeping where you work separate from where you sleep, which you keep separate from the living area, etc.
This is because your brain automatically makes the association and will promote the mental and emotional state for the activity that you tend to do in a space just by being in it, even if you're doing something else entirely.
This is especially important for the room you sleep in, since you want your brain to only be in a "sleeping mode" when you're trying to sleep, for obvious reasons.
Now, different architectural/design styles will also induce different mental and emotional states. Some are relaxing, some are fun, some are exciting, some are more serious, etc.
It would make sense to have each room be in a different style that complements its purpose, both for putting you in the right mood when you use it for its purpose, but also to facilitate the aforementioned mental separation.
The question is: how do you make it work?
Do you just use doorways as "portals" that separate the environments?
Do you use a common theme that each room's style is a variation of?
Do you reduce the differences between the rooms so they all feel like one aesthetic, but with elements that induce the different moods more subtly (and less effectively)?

>> No.17073748

Who the hell puts a bathroom in the kitchen?

>> No.17073873

you'll be thankful after a big dinner

>> No.17075232

Nothings beats taking a shit and cooking pasta at the same time

>> No.17076084
File: 761 KB, 798x595, 4811223450523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on my new setup?

>> No.17076085


>> No.17076718

House shopping now
I hate grey so much it's unreal bros

>> No.17076752


>> No.17076891

it really is so fucking bad

>> No.17077669

>funko pop collection
Gay as fuck.

>> No.17078286

Vienna Secession

>> No.17079665
File: 463 KB, 3128x1714, v62ujrujodi51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only /fa/ way to live.

>> No.17079700
File: 127 KB, 1200x630, picture-dragon-house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17079781

What do you think wagie's are for?

>> No.17079788

>you know, we could...
>that means we absolutely should!

>> No.17079792

Thought that was a buttplug collection from the thumbnail.

>> No.17079796

my books are stacked on the floor our ot practicality, because im an unironic starving artist "bohemian" who cannot afford more space and shelving.

>> No.17079815
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>> No.17080126

Interior design would be too niche as a board, but there should be some kind of general art or design board that includes things like interior design, architecture, product design, etc

>> No.17080351

You will never be a man

>> No.17080365
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>> No.17080385

Is there any poorfag interior inspo?

People making the most of their shitty one-colour drywall prisons.

>> No.17080412

this is all bullshit

>> No.17080771
File: 383 KB, 828x1078, 854FE990-7364-4E77-8D85-A1498D1E8E73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is nice
I like this but not my cup of tea
Daily reminder that Italians aren’t white. This is Saracen architecture.
This is nice. The subtle midwestern decor reminds me of skycabin dude
Very nice
This has nice things in it but it doesn’t look like a place you live. It looks like a show room.
I need to get a box spring for my bed but I like the clean neutral design of my new bedroom.
Shame I’m always traveling for work and I only see it a few weeks a year.

>> No.17080888
File: 2.41 MB, 4032x3024, 1654875888304~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get rid of circled things
Get a bamboo carpet
Nice bench and side table

>> No.17080897

peak autism

>> No.17080906

Where did you get the bench? Is this in Europe?

>> No.17080926
File: 233 KB, 1044x1280, 90kq52yqsBj1thm879451awq7h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your doorways are "portals" bro

>> No.17081189

Can I suck your cock anon?

>> No.17081194

Frage da ich mich wunder. Gehörst du zu einem Adelsgeschlecht oder kommst du einfach aus einem ordinär aber wohlhabend bürgerlichen Haus?

>> No.17081220 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17081226

Post tits

>> No.17081241
File: 120 KB, 563x988, fa2aceba53c47f8c5acbc6a0f43632fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weder noch, ich gehör höchstens dem Tugendadel an und komm aus bitterarmen quasi Waisen-Verhältnissen, wo sich die Großeltern jedes Buch und manch eine meiner Mahlzeiten vom Mund abgespart haben, wortwörtlich. Aber Bildung war ihre Priorität, daher ist viel Kultur hängen geblieben sowie einiges an Handwerksfähigkeiten, was sich jetzt in meinen historischen Einrichtungsvorlieben widerspiegelt. Bis auf die Büste und den Ohrensessel ist aber alles in der alten Butze günstig gebraucht ergattert. Die 4m Bibliothek bei "zu verschenken" zu finden gehört aber immer noch zu meinen Glanzstunden. :)

>> No.17081507

Just admit you're a neo nazi

>> No.17081508

>that'll be $3500 please

>> No.17081523
File: 464 KB, 1920x1080, ss_451942e22f51e851f10e531635e458c3e1b5b296.1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17081524
File: 178 KB, 606x1024, 1531816783287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cleanliness, order, a love of history and a premium on knowledge are the hallmarks of national socialism

>> No.17081527
File: 460 KB, 1920x1080, 0f8678f2da1122d3b287824d8ffff44ef3e0_1920xt1080_S1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17081575

pussy repelant

>> No.17082214


>> No.17082225
File: 656 KB, 2880x1694, EPytagLWAAAx0aJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17082245

the cross on the wall kek

>> No.17082509
File: 2.77 MB, 7168x2788, 1655404215-afbd2aa4400114624c901a9365a60782-65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17082559


>> No.17082585

This is what happens to anons that didn't have strength to leave this place.
Not that being 9-5 wage slave is any better outcome.

>> No.17082592

>what you considered to be a high window in a cellar room is actually just artifical lighting in a windowless hole
Big ooof. Pretty sure the elites would have multiple orgasms dreaming about this becoming the standard pod living for the plebs. You can store them underground, Metropolis style. Out of sight, out of mind. Finally they can enjoy earth like they once did without the masses and their dreams, as the later work undeground for their masters till they cease being productive enought and automatically euthanized to make room for a new prisoner.

>> No.17082985

You wish to have a rundown childs bedroom?

>> No.17083406

American colonial?

>> No.17083528

Slav Punk aesthetic.

>> No.17083554
File: 345 KB, 1294x1080, 1294px-William_Hogarth_-_O_the_Roast_Beef_of_Old_England_('The_Gate_of_Calais')_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17084371

Turner looks so autistic, I love him

>> No.17084491

mod name?

>> No.17084502
File: 144 KB, 828x798, mizjppfs21d51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where will /fa/gs spend the zombie apocalypse?

>> No.17084507

Did you do the sashiko art piece on the wall yourselves?
Or where could I cop one?

>> No.17084785

Imagine the plumbing

>> No.17084836

This is fucking dope

>> No.17084938

woman moment

>> No.17085236

shit i really thought i could get some tips to make my neet den at my parents house a little better

>> No.17085245


>> No.17085251

You can, I mean there is a handfull of anons which actually posted OC, but dont set up your expectations too high.

>> No.17085252


>> No.17085258

>somebody hasn't posted the interior of uncle ted's cabin yet

>> No.17085449
File: 116 KB, 444x440, jes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Floor carpet
>Carpet on a carpet
Absolutely disgusting. What's up with ameriburgers and their obsession with carpets, this would've been comfy as fuck otherwise.

>> No.17085524

what about carpet on a wall?

>> No.17085928
File: 167 KB, 500x500, 1636787334227.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This made me feel something. I like it :)
You guys know fake plants exist right? You can avoid all the extra expenses and troubles by just buying a ton of fake vines and leaves.

>> No.17085938

fake plants are beyond soulless
are you american?

>> No.17085947
File: 87 KB, 889x592, Mountain-Cloud-Cabins-Wiki-World-15-889x592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17086969
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>> No.17087463
File: 991 KB, 2048x1536, 1652715365994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17087473

kek and I remember you and your weeb chair from all those years back

>> No.17087786
File: 76 KB, 1200x798, basic small space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17087790
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>> No.17087800
File: 327 KB, 1200x794, lr 33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17087865

benis :DD

>> No.17087935

Plz graduate from Kindergarden

>> No.17087937

Love Zen design

>> No.17087940

Actually everyone is into wood flooring now in my country (America). Personally, I like carpets.

>> No.17087945

Yes, I love it.

>> No.17087973

Another grandma on this board.

>> No.17087997

>cheap ass Audio Technica AT-LP 60
Immediate red flag unless it was a gift. A better looking, sounding, and longer lasting vintage turntable can be found for the same price

>> No.17088260

19 year old alt girl first year alone in the city core

>> No.17088265

Look's like a fat girl's dorm

>> No.17088271
File: 11 KB, 251x242, 1483283566513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wanted to find something nice to say, but ther really isnt anything outside of nature on your balcony. Nothing at all matches, not the colours, not the style, its not even possibe to tell ifyour a fat dyke or a sissy dude. And dont get me started on th chaos. If you have no storage, dont decorate and sure as hell not with fucking blankets, if youre not russian in siberia. Get a bookshelf, rip off those hideous blanket and masks, get some similarly colorued bedwear and couch(cover), a chair which doesnt look like you fished it out of the trash and paint or getanother bed entirely if youre a dude.

And you better be one, considering how there is a facemask and fucking pink plush handcuffs on the bed.

>> No.17088784


>> No.17089499
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>> No.17089503
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>> No.17089506
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>> No.17090082
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>> No.17090226

these are comedy posts, right?

>> No.17090283

No unless you have bad taste

>> No.17090291

You all have terrible taste, but over all, good bread.

>> No.17090350

Not him, but flag cushions anf carpets are some top tier white trash items and absolutely tasteless. Plus arent you mutts forbiden from degrading your own flag like that?

>> No.17090511


>> No.17090697

Leshen skull

>> No.17090718

Ebay used to be the gold standard and probably still is for krautlabd and toothpaste land. Check German furniture groups on fb even if u aren't German, since they are the only ppl to buy antiques atm

>> No.17090727

Paint cupboards in a white, gray or slightly gray white color. Change hooks for black ones. Get rid of the microwave

>> No.17090730

Tard. Europe doesn't have carpets only rugs

>> No.17090732

Based 5k stove?

>> No.17090735

Are u in Europe???? Bro the artwork market is down you can get good shit from hoarders or old retired collectors for pennies just like in the days of the collapse of socialism. Nice classic paintings for 150 eur with frame lmao. Where are you from? Any anon in Slovenia needs some paintings?

>> No.17090821

I'm all ears, but from Germany. Willing to pay import. Can you hook me up with some classical realism, pastoral landscapes, gardens, Forrest scenes. If so,essage me. I'm always looking for good cheap stuff.

>> No.17091178


>> No.17091666


>> No.17091865

nail on the fucking head. who knew we had so many single moms in their 50s browsing this site

>> No.17092048
File: 56 KB, 569x400, main-qimg-71dc8a22dbdc9656d7549546054afb40-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plus arent you mutts forbiden from degrading your own flag like that?
It's against the flag code, yeah. But that generally isn't enforced, largely because of the first amendment.

>> No.17092310

Still seems stupid, to proudly show of your flag in a way which is degrading. Classic american move.

>> No.17092330
File: 233 KB, 1668x933, Tokyo lens Okazaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17092337


>> No.17092414

Mental illness - the country.

>> No.17092433

>desk hobbies
>anything outdoors
Not everyone is a fat burger that needs a massive TV and sectional for his single life

>> No.17092570

Despite the funds I have never owned a TV, my main board is /lit/, /out/ and /ck/. Its simply that thoe pods are not even practical. The oly reaso theyexist is because they are cheap and asians accept being cake farmed like chickens. You have no room to prepare an actual meal outside of hot cups, no place to have any hobbies outside of standing and "blankly looking out" -into the prison cell of some other poor oul- nor to do anything else. Tell me where you want to store your books or hiking equipment.

Her comments are just speaking for themselves. iny houses are one thing, living in a shoebox without the privacy or any usefull space is being a battery.

>> No.17092973

I guess Karens gotta post somewhere anonymously.

>> No.17093183
File: 31 KB, 474x317, malcolm wells underground home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like the troll aesthetic, but I've always been a fan of Malcolm Wells.

>> No.17093267

It’s very common for students to live in studio apartments or even in a shared room with other people. I think your own tiny studio is better than a room.

>> No.17093276
File: 118 KB, 1668x929, Tokyo lens Okazaki 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17093338

Thats not a studio. Thats a closet. Or what we would call "living toilet".

>> No.17093388

Personally, I would still prefer that to a room in a shared house.

>> No.17093432

the bathtub guy is based