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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 291 KB, 721x653, IMG_20210306_194635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16017274 No.16017274 [Reply] [Original]

am i effay

>> No.16017276

yo who fucked ur hair up luv

>> No.16017277

>nose ring

..... Look, I'm not against it because of "degeneracy" or any dumb shit like that

I'm against it because ask yourself.... purely aesetically.... do you fucking thing that looks good?

>> No.16017279

yeah i think it looks good

>> No.16017282

Your cute. I’d like to see your natural hair color too.

I’m curious what’s your nationality / background?

>> No.16017285

effay tee maybe

>> No.16017286

>whore bangs
>nose piercing
>wu tang shirt
Im thinking no

>> No.16017296

its a nirvana shirt

>> No.16017311

Are you European?

>> No.16017320


>> No.16017327

It doesn't

>> No.16017328

I'd let you suck the shit off my dick after destroying your asshole, if you know what I'm saying.

>> No.16017354


>> No.16017355
File: 64 KB, 451x680, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u cute
>here's your daily dose of dopamine, fren

>> No.16017362

The real question is how long will it take for cecil to crawl from his cesspit and start hitting on the girl

>> No.16017365

as soon as he's done with his stolen valor larp in the other thread

>> No.16017372

wait what who is cecil

>> No.16017377


>> No.16017396


>> No.16017398
File: 25 KB, 310x604, proxy-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

effing a*****

>> No.16017404

A lila bit

>> No.16017405


>> No.16017420

ugly bitch

>> No.16017422

>this girl gets called cute
>I get called a pie faced piglet

>> No.16017436

post a fit

>> No.16017437

What’s your natural hair color?

>> No.16017438

Bros I fucking hate women so much. Why are they such conformists? This bitch looks like soooooooo many other girls. Same hair. Same stupid look on her face. Same nose ring. I see 5 identical girls every time I go through tinder. Do you think it's like that for guys? Where all guys look the same? I guess. I always see zoomies with that curly on top short on sides Jesus and Mary chain hair.

>> No.16017443

light brown

>> No.16017467

No, maybe with some maturity, personal aesthetic development maybe but you're female so chances are that you develop a personality are slim

>> No.16017473

Don’t do the Jesus And Mary Chain like that

>> No.16017476


>> No.16017485

>Curly on top short on sides Jesus and Mary chain hair.
FUCKKK I hate zoomers for that, I had actually nice curly hair that I was proud of and I would rock that hairstyle and get tons of compliments but now every white and other zoomer goes to a salon, gets a perm then gets that same fucking haircut. I now get less girls wanting to touch my hair and less compliments but I know how to actually take care of my hair so it looks better most of the times.

>> No.16017488

You look very basic. Are you on SSRIs?

>> No.16017491


>> No.16017494

You look like you would be popular on twitter on the "funny ironic le meme" side. A tweet from you would be as following: "is the office even good? LOL?" and it would get 80,000 likes because you and your fans are so different.

>> No.16017495

Fluoride stare

>> No.16017499

Hold old r u? Don’t worry I’m technically a zoomer too I just don’t identify with the super young generation.

>> No.16017506

How old*

>> No.16017519

yeah lol

>> No.16017533

Why tho

>> No.16017544

because im depressed?

>> No.16017569

Kill yourself. It will never get better. Their is something fundamentally wrong with your brain. It's like a defect and no amount of medication or working out or therapy will ever get the chemicals in your brain to work right. The only way out is death. Trust me, its not worth living through.

>> No.16017573


>> No.16017578

I could tell from your dead eyed stare.

>> No.16017583

If you don't now, you will eventually. I'm a youth support worker. Many such cases..

>> No.16017588


>> No.16017589

Yeah a lot of young people are depressed nowadays with technology making it worse. Most people including me have had our ups and downs this past year but I think I’m finally coming out of it a bit. I mean you’re really pretty so I’m sure you’ll have a bright future ahead of you. Things take time and as things move on and change those negative emotions fade eventually. Finding a passion / career can really change that. It did for me atleast. As I get older the picture becomes clearer.

>> No.16017591

Dude screw off not everyone kills themselves after being depressed. A real youth support worker would know people can still pull through.

>> No.16017604

only a fraction commits suicide, none recover from it however. It´s an illness that stays with you forever. At best you can enjoy lengthy periods in which it´s not too intense.

>> No.16017613

It's true. It's a chemical imbalance that can never be fixed.

>> No.16017621

if u stopped doing xanax and started drinking water youd be cute and datable maybe :)

>> No.16017625

omg youre so cool and unique with your one word replies

>> No.16017627


>> No.16017628

nice niggernose whore

>> No.16017632


>> No.16017635

Yeah but cmon man what “youth support worker” goes online and tells other youths to just kill themselves. And yeah human emotion in general is unstable people will always feel ups and downs some just worse than others.

>> No.16017639

Age? Do you have any actual outfit pics that are effay?

>> No.16017647

even worse

>> No.16017651

Can you fuck off with your attentionwhore threads?
You look like you have BPD and you definitely have a bodycount over 10
In short: wouldn't date, wouldn't fuck, would swipe left

>> No.16017656

Well that's just your opinion

>> No.16017676

I mean I’d nut on your face

>> No.16017677

You got insta?

>> No.16017687

it's so arbitrary at this point it really just melts down as to whether or not you fulfill your aesthetic. how am i supposed to know?

>> No.16017704

this. post the fit, not the face.

>> No.16017717

Someone trying to get it out of their system probably. I'd do the same in their job, so many people bitching about stupid shit I'd probably snap and go to the homes and put them down myself

>> No.16017740

Nose rings were literally made for cattle so we could drag them around without exerting much pressure. Ironically, it's usually the big livestock that get these rings

>> No.16017756

That's a face, not an outfit anon. Nothing too wrong with your face, but a nose ring and 5% of a nirvana shirt isn't much to go off of

>> No.16017757

xanax makes people lose weight anon, probably not that. I agree she needs to be drinking water, the depressed gaunt look does not look high fashion or attractive on her.

>> No.16017882

lol no

>> No.16017905

u look cool what brings you here dude

>> No.16017921

> Xanax makes people lose weight anon
No it dosent you will have random munchie attacks and eat everything , im sober for only 8 months now

>> No.16017968

Wow really pointless thread, shouldn't "roast me" posts go on /soc/? Especially if you only showed your face on a fashion board? For all we know you're wearing neon leggings, clown shoes and a skirt made out of packing paper.

>> No.16018053

Post more photos plsss either that or if you have social media or something.

>> No.16018155


>> No.16018173
File: 12 KB, 250x250, E9E28385-3739-44BF-BE4B-7FED52E68ABE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please let me love you

>> No.16018174

You kidding? She looks like no fun at all

>> No.16018229

Why are you wall eyed?

>> No.16018236

i am very lonely

>> No.16018253

That would make it worse

>> No.16018317

Maybe funny to take drugs together

>> No.16018330

Really? Moaning about depression and having missionary sex in total silence?

>> No.16018339
File: 14 KB, 235x235, 1569521427227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn take narcotics with a depressed retard girl and then fuck her

>> No.16018345

You look decently cute, lost my v-card to same type black bangs bisexual lil peep girl that was bit more hot tho

>> No.16018358

You're an ugly whore should you should kys

>> No.16018369

nah you look like you stink

>> No.16018386

Maddy from twin peaks if she was alcoholic

>> No.16018387
File: 127 KB, 750x734, 1606350834392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl. >mfw thinking of you hurting

>> No.16018397

you’re cute but not effay, change your hair and remove your nose ring if you want to be /fa/.

>> No.16018402

lose weight
your face is fat

>> No.16018432

i'd need to see feet to make a correct assumption of that, pal

>> No.16018619

Dressing like the pretty "goth girls" only brings attention to your flaws, if you had a unique style, you'd at least, visually, separate yourself from all the hotter girls.
You're essentially what guys will settle for when they can't fuck the girls whose style you're trying to replicate.
Also, your nose is wide and the nose ring only draws more attention to it, so ditch the nose ring, get a lip piercing or something if you really want to keep this shitty overdone look that every girl whose listened to the "Top 5 Alternative Rock Albums of All Time" puts on.

>> No.16018699

you're fat and your nose is too big

>> No.16018713

As long as you like it thats all that matters bb

>> No.16018723

I keep thinking you're the fat version of the chick from that shia labeouf movie nymphomaniac

>> No.16018747

whats fun to you ?

>> No.16018769


>> No.16018804


>> No.16018806

Your responses ITT tell me that you're trying to be more aloof than you actually are. Try being threateningly lucid instead; you'll get better results.

>> No.16018848





>> No.16018853

Which is to say none at all. But yeah that'll be slightly less cringe than pretending to idgaf

>> No.16018858

I miss being 13 on 4chan

>> No.16018863

I remember one of the girls did post nudes when asked and everyone just kinda shit up because they didn't know what to do with said tits

>> No.16018866

Don't follow me into this thread, Sieg. Fucking scary

>> No.16018891

I fucking miss 4chan

what we got here is the antechamber of twitter it's fucking gay

>> No.16018894

All that's changed on 4chan, really, is the gen Xers left 10 years ago. Also, the new rules are pretty wack, and if I was a janny reading this post, I would definitely ignore it for a laugh haha even though jannies deserve AIDS

>> No.16018936

If you must wear a nosering, at least get one that doesn't look as if you attached a stapler to your septum. Get something with a little more girth or size for you big nose since the one in your picture looks more like a bugger at first glance.

>> No.16018947

Simp city

>> No.16018952

I would be lucky to be given the chance to sacrifice one of my balls using an elastrator until it fell off if it guaranteed I'd get to know you and hold you and kiss you all over your body, I don't need both my balls let alone just one
Have you ever tried lsd? We could watch an anime together and listen to deep house music

>> No.16018955

>Literally offering to emasculate yourself to watch anime with a girl
Never gonna make it

>> No.16019025

don't write shit like that

>> No.16019032

Fuck you, retard

>> No.16019035

Easy chief, why don't you practice what you preach already?

>> No.16019037

why don’t you kill yourself so nobody has to read what a stupid fag you are

>> No.16019040

I'm not the guy you were talking to. I just called you a retard because you're simping for virtue. You took some shit seriously and now you're trying to be the hero, but it's fucking 4chan and we're all shitposting.

>> No.16019041

Comb your hair and have it done, it's a bit messy.
Noserings are a fucking turnoff for almost any man. You're a girl, not some fucking cattle.
But most importantly... SMILE!

You're not ugly at all but you should work on your appearance.

>> No.16019049

Go run a mile, your jeans seem to squeeze you.

>> No.16019050

>you're simping for virtue
And you're talking like a fag for based points

>> No.16019053

Disregard this
he sucks cocks

>> No.16019057

U wot?

>> No.16019064

so effay, please marry me!!!! you look unique and interesting, like your head is filled with so many worthwhile and engaging ideas

>> No.16019074

You look like every other bitch

>> No.16019078

It's admirable you still care about wearing eyeliner. Where I am we are in the middle of the third wave of this shitty pandemic and I just don't care anymore.
Same with nail polish and a proper hairdo :(

>> No.16019088

you know when you're sitting with your legs tightly together and you fart, and the fart goes up your vagina and you get that warm tickle? That fart is more important than your entire post

>> No.16019101

this is not how anatomy works
go meet actual people

>> No.16019109

attention whore thread, report sage and hide
also rape and kill all women fuck niggers lmao bottom text

>> No.16019122

you appear to have no taste or unique characteristics whatsoever, how can we rate you?

>> No.16019144

haha cool

>> No.16019357

Hey, that's my insult, I did that.
But yeah, she's fat too.
but notice how she's framed her fat fucking face to trick people- you do that and you'll be on easy street.
Of course your first order of business will probably be to see if they sell donuts on easy street, but-

>> No.16019389

you look like a guy

>> No.16019404

you look like what i imagine i'd look like if i were female

>> No.16019433

can you transition? I'd love you forever

>> No.16019434
File: 55 KB, 292x292, basketball2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

single image of a female
130 fucking simp replies

>> No.16019438

The asian guy that made a thread mocking it didn't get any replies lmao

>> No.16019446
File: 29 KB, 753x707, 1593574775889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im very lonely bro

>> No.16019449

fuck off

>> No.16019464

Shocker, huh?

That an ugly girl is posted and the simps go mad creating one of the most popular threads.


No surprise an actually cute girl gets thousands and thousands of guys interested and expects some rich tall model chad because the simps create this scenario. They are too dumb to understand their very own simping pushes them further and further away from girls.

>> No.16019476

Ruh-roh, Cecil discovered the thread, now there will be a competition of attention seeking between Cecil and OP

>> No.16019489

Awooo!! As a true SIGMA I sniffed out the beta simps itt.

heh, nothing personal, kid, but the BIG BOIS are here now.

>> No.16019497

Gonna need to try better than that Ces, the OP presumably has a vagina, baiting anons isn't going to compete with that

>> No.16019506

My mere presence in a thread terrifies the simps.

I do not even want the attention. But attention is a consequence of being an incredible sigma like myself.

>> No.16019526

any tips on becoming a smegma male, based cecil?

>> No.16019541 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 480x680, lgbt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be come a complete smeg head male, you must always walk up to the ladies, say HEYYY!!! Turn around, and walk away.

It's true alpha behavior that shows you've still got it.

>> No.16019544
File: 52 KB, 480x680, lgbt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To become a complete smeg head male, you must always walk up to the ladies, say HEYYY!!! Turn around, and walk away.

It's true alpha behavior that shows you've still got it.

>> No.16019562

ty based cecil, true smegga male move, replying twice

>> No.16019585

>He deleted it
Absolute smegger

>> No.16019672

lady you need a good fuck so you feel more alive. show more pics

>> No.16019681
File: 13 KB, 235x354, 6852e15115e26dfaeeb186dc8505ba98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thousand yard stare

>> No.16019865


>> No.16019885

thousand yard cock?

>> No.16019927


>> No.16019967
File: 2.51 MB, 540x960, 1613428824455.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously bros, what do we do about the simp problem? I know some replies that I marked are ironic, but this should not be behavior that is socially acceptable. None of my other home boards have this issue, but on effay some mediocre at best basic bitch can post her face and get a million replies when threads about fashion go unnoticed on the fashion board of all places. Some people itt were based, but on any other board she would have been btfo completely for posting lazy uninspired garbage shitting up the board. How do we get all the beta numales itt to man up? I think guys here put pussy on a pedestal because they can't get any, what can we do to get some of these simps laid? I'm tired of having betas always bumping threads that aren't fashion related to the top.

>> No.16019998

>I think guys here put pussy on a pedestal because they can't get any, what can we do to get some of these simps laid? I'm tired of having betas always bumping threads that aren't fashion related to the top.

I've no doubt 99% of this board are male teenagers in their rooms who have never even kissed a girl. They will never get laid, the more they put pussy on a pedestal, the harder it gets for them to attain.

It's why when I point these things out, they go on the attack, they feel comfy and safe in their rooms simping online.

These type would totally sperg out if they were ever face to face with a girl in real life. They are a lost cause. .

>> No.16020003

I meant thousand cock stare- but that's funny.

>> No.16020022

its too late to do anything now, simps will worship women and you cant stop it. But normal people are now chads so its not all bad.

>> No.16020029

>But normal people are now chads so its not all bad.
Do you realize you're simping for other straight men now?

>> No.16020048

chad behavior

>> No.16020051

what? i'm saying its easier then ever to be a chad nowadays, how is that simping?

>> No.16020062


The chad bar rises because women are used to hundreds of simps, they won't differentiate between a simp and a normal guy. They are simply used to men obsessing over them so only the chadest of chads will now stand out.

Try and be a normal guy on tinder or whatever, because the average girl has been told a thousand times a day how perfect she is, she no longer sees herself as average and does not want an average normal guy.

This of course pushes simps even further back in the queue. It's why simps are absolutely fucking toxic.