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/fa/ - Fashion

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15993363 No.15993363 [Reply] [Original]

Does it make you more /fa/?

>> No.15993367
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>> No.15993374
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no it makes you an addict usually

>> No.15993376

It makes you more attractive to some people, unattractive to others. Dumb vice to pick up cause it makes you age like shit and kills you, but if you're gonna blow your brains out in your 30's then it doesn't really matter.

>> No.15993381

Picking up cigarettes was the worst thing I've ever done in my life. It's been over a year I stopped smoking and I still can't laugh hard without getting into a coughing fit.

>> No.15993427

makes your fingertips smell like an unwashed homeless person

>> No.15993439

It does, and i love it.
It also kills you so i stopped.
I miss my Davidoffs gold like you couldnt believe tho.

>> No.15993440

If you're already aesthetic, it looks nice visually.
In reality it makes you stink, age faster, unhealthier and wastes money

>> No.15993443

sounds like you should ask for a rescue inhaler that would help your breathing

>> No.15993463

But you looked cool, right?

>> No.15993480

I have 2 inhalers and they do fuck all.

>> No.15993484

No, because they make you weak and they also made my hair start thinning. It got better after I quit.

>> No.15993493

Yes but it's not worth picking it up. The short term benifit of looking cool does just not outweight ANYTHING else smoking may cause.
Do you like shitty cardio, smelling bad, looking sickly?

>> No.15993519
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Will I be able to get that jawline and look like him?

>> No.15993522
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>> No.15993524
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>> No.15993528

Unironically lift weights. You're not gonna get big unless you try and face gains are a real thing.

>> No.15993530
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>> No.15993532

no, it makes you smell bad

>> No.15993660


>> No.15993911

That can happen?

>> No.15993934

I've been using a rescue inhaler and a daily steroid inhaler for 22 years, and my hair is thick and I'm healthy and strong. Don't listen to him.

>> No.15994070


You should probably see a doctor. Thats not normal my guy.

>> No.15994078

I love my ayylmao wife even more now I know she smokes.
We have so much in common.

>> No.15994147

Monkeys smoking will never not be funny

>> No.15994156

smoke joints instead of ciggies there problem solved

>> No.15994287

Yes but like heroin and coke make you more /fa/. The side effects are not worthy, and really smoking isn't cool as it was a decade ago.
Smoking sucks. It tastes horribly, the first cig you inhale will probably make you sick, it smells like shit, it cripples your sense of taste and smelling, etc.
BUT you will light another one, even if you don't want to smoke at that particular moment but you'll light up one and won't enjoy in any way and you will regret, but you will light another one.
As a psychological addiction is pretty nasty, I have been able to quit but it was quite a struggle and had to transition with vaping. Never smoke, kids

>> No.15994313

Coke and heroin definitely do not make you more /fa/. Heroin especially is gross, nobody wants to see some guy lighting up a spoon and injecting themselves with needles, makes you think of a disgusting homeless drug addict. Coke can only be /fa/ if you look and dress like a sleezy 80s Miami business owner, otherwise you again look like a disgusting homeless drug addict. Smoking definitely looks /fa/, someone smoking almost always looks cooler, as long as you put some amount of effort in your appearence to look like a normal person at least. Of course, doing any of these just to look more /fa/ is very retarded

>> No.15994349

I have this same problem because of my mother’s second hand smoking. Hold in there, it’s gotten noticeably better, at least for me.

>> No.15994356


>> No.15994361

>He doesn't know about Heroin Chic in the '90s
>It basically defined the new borderline anorexic female model aesthetic, basically today's models are washed up Heroin Chic and still reverberates in popular fashion with "thinspo" and "pro-ana" movements
I'm not saying you should do heroin you baka, but denying it had its role in fashion along with cocaine is just denying reality.
You just have to realize that the fashion industry is the grand palace of degeneration of all kinds and they don't give a fuck about ppl's health as long they can set a trend.
Don't smoke, don't do drugs, don't starve yourself don't take roids and don't do any other stupid shit to appear "cool" other than be healthy, exercise and dress nicely.

>> No.15994463
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what is the most effay brand?

>> No.15994477

Damn this monkee is sick. I should pick up smoking

>> No.15994481
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>Don't smoke, don't do drugs, don't starve yourself don't take roids and don't do any other stupid shit to appear "cool" other than be healthy, exercise and dress nicely.

>> No.15994507


>> No.15994511

I smoke Gauloises because I get those here, no Gitanes. Is that comparable or am I gay?

>> No.15994545
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both are try hard
i smoke camel lights because i have a big cut penis

>> No.15994548

I think I want to be a little bit tryhard desu
Might try Camels some time though, I like the camel

>> No.15994583

roll your own

>> No.15994641
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>Does it make you more /fa/?
It gives you something to do which makes you seem busy which is less creepy than you just being there awkwardly with nothing to do.
(Smoking was replaced by phones in this regard.)
Smoking smelled clean in an era when people reeked of body odor and feces because showers weren't invented yet and bathtubs were rare.
Smoking was believed to kill germs and disinfect an area with the smoke and heat of the flame.
Smoking was said to soothe a sore throat and to increase I.Q. as measured by tests. (Caffeine was found to be the culprit for the increased intelligence.)
Smoking was once a guilty pleasure of elite society.
When it became mainstream, it lost much of its mystique.

Oldfag here who dated a smoker in the '80s: I still miss the smell and the taste of a kiss.
I don't miss the burns on my clothing and furniture or the endless overflowing ashtrays!

>> No.15994699
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not really
if you're cool you're cool
me too
what brand do you think she smokes
i'm guessing american spirit yellows

>> No.15994712
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Every fucking middle school or highschooler thinks smoking makes them look cool and mature when really it just shows your age and immaturity. Do yourself a favor and don't even bother starting or "trying to fit in" or "look cool". Only lamebrains start smoking. There really is no good reason to do it. It damages your health and after you develop an addiction you keep it up. Sure, $10 for a pack is still cheap (even though it used to be $5). But let me tell you, 10, 20 years goes by real quick. I've been smoking for 6 or 7 years. All the chump change I've wasted over the years... damaging my lungs, getting one step closer to throat/mouth/lung cancer with everyday I take. Feeling like death every now and then having trouble breathing. Annoying cough, dry throat. Waking up every morning thinking to myself "ugh, my esophagus feels weird" or "my throat is super dry" "I never want to smoke another cigarette again." An hour later, I'm on my way to work taking another drag. Making my way over to the gas station to buy another pack after saying "never again." I end up "quitting" which is really taking long breaks, vaping thinking I've stopped when I really just switched habits. Going back and forth. Killing my taste buds. Aging more rapidly. Everyday I think to myself "Man, life could be just a little better if I had a lit cig in my hand right now." Taking another slow drag and inhaling that delicious puff that takes me to paradise for just a few seconds before I exhale. Dont even bother smoking unless your a brain dead moron or just don't give a fuck. Do yourself a favor and save the money for some nice vinyl records or a sweet vhs collection or something.

>> No.15994717
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>smoothbrain seethes for being easily addicted

>> No.15994725

Don't listen to the retard telling you he's healthy after smoking for 22 years. Yes it's a common side effect that hair starts to thin from smoking

>> No.15994737

>Smoking definitely looks /fa/, someone smoking almost always looks cooler,
Any time I see someone smoke I think less of them.

>> No.15994741

I didn't develop an addiction for years. I just did it because of friends and peer pressure. It was fun and cool and I felt mature. Slowly the tables turned and my thoughts started shifting to getting another pack or thinking "this would be a good time to light one up" just because, not because I felt like I had to. For some addiction takes time to develop, for others it can be a quick process. I'm just being honest. Don't do it, there's no point. You arguing that people should just proves that your most likely an immature zoomer or a mentally and emotionally stunted child in an adults body.

>> No.15994746
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>> No.15994753
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I was kinda surprised that she smokes but who cares? You can’t go wrong with Anya.

>> No.15995061

absolutly fucking disgusting. watch me blow hot air into the sky hehe xd im retarded. Imagine dating someone who smokes and knowing when they are 30 you can't come close within 1 meter because they smell like an unlceaned gargabe can. Oh, but no problem she'll probably die soon anyway. Cancer is a bitch why do you have to go full speed at it damn. could never understand the culture behind smoking

>> No.15995076

Double masks, drinking a sugary drink and smoking a cigarette. Actors deserve cancer

>> No.15995147

i quit smoking you know vaping really helped me cut down then i quit vaping too was easier then expected but it took time

>> No.15995150

Why do people keep saying 30? Is it over by then?

>> No.15995156

The smell alone is very not /fa/

>> No.15995166

no but its older than being younger is all

>> No.15995169

Obviously not, the filter of her cigs are white.

>> No.15995172

This is probably the worst part of smoking desu. I smoked for 10 years and the smell of my fingers made me sick. Quit 4 years ago and I'm considering starting again though.

>> No.15995185

OP of post refered. I only mean that you'll fuck yourself up by smoking 10-15 years. You still have plenty of opportunity with 30 but the effects of smoking will definitely start setting in

>> No.15995307

menthol smokers are subhuman

>> No.15995416

This is the opposite of fa, it’s low class and disgusting

>> No.15995428

have you tried pipe smoking? its comfy too

>> No.15995434

Yes, only severe incels are strict non-smokers.

>> No.15995452

n o t g o n n a m a k e i t

>> No.15995456

Snoop Dogg and other rappers

>> No.15995469

every bohemian to ever live would like to have a word with you

unless your definition of /fa/ is larping with your dad's credit card

>> No.15995916

But is it /fa/?

>> No.15996380

No, it makes you look like a rasta man.

>> No.15996855
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Found it.

>> No.15996857
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>> No.15996861
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>> No.15996979

Almost everybody who started smoking regrets it. It costs a fortune (in Canada, at least), causes cancer (among other things) and makes you stink/taste gross.

Seems like there is very little upside to it, unless I'm missing something?

>> No.15997170
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its all simulacrum to me

>> No.15997291

The only people who think smoking is attractive are 20 somethings thinking about other 20 somethings. When you are 40, have smoked for 20 years, have respiratory issues, and have this nasty hack that will stay with you for life, it sucks

>> No.15997370

best emotional equalizer available

>> No.15997430

Wtf what's the numbers on 20 a day? Is this shit real?
One fag ffs. I just need a treat, I don't even drink anymore FUUUUUUUUUUUU

>> No.15997991

looking at >>15996855 don't marlboro golds come with a white filter despite not being menthol
keep in mind i'm retarded and know nothing about marlboro, just going off what i've seen
/fa/ teens will think your cool for being so bohemian and artsy
also >>15997370

>> No.15998094

it's looks and feels cool as fuck, but yeah, i quit 10 years ago after smoking for five. i still think about it quite frequently though. if i'm ever diagnosed with a terminal illness or society collapses absolutely and life falls apart, i'm starting back up

>> No.15998123

Yes it does but dont smoke it in your everyday life cause thats a fast track to addiction. Smoke cigs when you're going out with friends for a night don't do them when you're bored at home and you'll be fine.

>> No.15998408

I'm glad I don't have an addictive personality and it was easy for me to quit. it was just a stupid compulsion something to keep you busy when you're not doing anything

>> No.15998411

it makes you look cool but it’s not worth it

you legitimately don’t need them at all and once you’re addicted it’s at least as hard to quit as heroin

>> No.15998431

it was an ice breaker social lubricant
it's how hookers intially met johns

>> No.15998433

Only if you smoke cock.

>> No.15998569
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>> No.15999378

She looks skinnier

>> No.15999389
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>> No.15999401
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>> No.15999417

yes smoking does cause hair thinning. idk if ill ever stop smoking but there are things you can do to counteract it. my advice is if youre gonna smoke, you have to go on runs or to the gym, and shower/brush your teeth regularly and thoroughly. other than that theyre really not as bad for you as people say, and yes they are fun and cool

>> No.15999461

Idk man I smoked for the 5 years I was in the military and hair is still full as ever. I quit when I got out though.

>> No.15999463

Thinning doesn't mean not having a full head of hair. It just means you would have less hair per square cm.

>> No.15999466

>theyre really not as bad for you as people say, and yes they are fun and cool
I want to beat the shit out of you. Don't tell people this shit isn't that bad. It's fucking awful.

>> No.15999467

Did you get pussy

>> No.15999481
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>I smoke Gauloises

me too

>> No.15999490


same, I smoked for like 4 years in college, I never was addicted though. Started smoking on vacation again when I was in Vietnam because it was so cheap then I stopped when I got home. I like a cigarette once in a while. Havent had in 4 years though now

>> No.15999494

>watch me blow hot air

you know, this is actually funny. In thailand when I would see people smoking on the beach I would think "it's 40 degrees, I can't think of anything more disgusting than smoking a cigarette on the beach in this heat".

Honestly though, Smoking is a hassle now, why bother? Cold in the winter and you have to go outside, plus a pack is like $25. Smoking is just not worth it.

>> No.15999496

oh my god, I remember once being drunk and asking someone for a cigarette, and they didn't tell me it was a menthol. Made me so sick.

>> No.15999499

Yeah, I remember looking at the cigarette and thinking,"what the fuck are you doing?" and I stopped. My friends mom can't quit though, shes been reading the same how to quit smokingbook for 10 years.

>> No.15999501

>Seems like there is very little upside to it

To have a casual cigarette, is a nice head rush but not when they're the price they are in Canada.

>> No.15999505


No wonder France is how it is.

>> No.15999515
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>> No.15999786
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>> No.16000537


>> No.16000565
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>> No.16000572
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>> No.16000580

also their turkish golds are good
parliments are also effay

>> No.16000604

aren't parliments longer?

>> No.16000626

Do lunglets really?

>> No.16000642

It's rebellious, makes you feel good, suppresses your appetite, makes you skinnier, indicates inner turmoil

Everything about it is /fa/ but it's still not worth it to me. Only sometimes as a treat at most

>> No.16000644

>they also made my hair start thinning. It got better after I quit.
That's nit from tbe cigs m'lord or at least not to any noticable amount, I've never heard of this online or irl.

>> No.16000649

I love it when guys have nicotine flavoured kisses personally

>> No.16000670

personally my partner gags when i smoke around her, refuses to kiss me until I've drank or eaten something to wash the nic away.

>> No.16000738

What about it is rebellious? It is a widely established addiction

>> No.16000753
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>> No.16000935
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Smoking isn't but pic related is about as effay as you can get with tobacco that isnt an obnoxious douche flute

>> No.16000974

Thanks for the story, old timer :)

>> No.16000991

Smoking won't make you /fa/ but all /fa/ people smoke.

>> No.16001114
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>dipping is effay
maybe if you're inbred

>> No.16001150

Is this recent or edited to look old?

>> No.16002201


>> No.16002213

You're just ignorant then. It's widely known.

>> No.16002216
File: 201 KB, 828x353, 2E8859ED-1EB6-4B2E-9F8F-DA3C4FFD65FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cigarettes cause hair loss

>> No.16002221

They do so by increasing testosterone which metabolizes to DHT which thickens skin which impairs blood flow.

>> No.16002227


Carbon Monoxide and vasoconstriction cause less blood to flow to the head and the blood that is flowing isn’t carrying enough oxygen and nutrients to the follicles

>> No.16002332


Don’t even think about going back man. 10 years of sobriety from that shiet is prob amazing.

>> No.16002411

all it takes is having one with a cup of coffee in the morning a few times and you’re addicted

>> No.16002528

I loved smoking when I did it but it is a retard-tier habit that has way more cons than pros and makes you smell like shit and gets brown gunk on your hands etc. it is however way cooler than vaping or smoking weed

>> No.16002651

You can tell this board is full of virgins when a thread about smoking cigarettes reads like a heroin addict recovery group. You’re all such fucking babies. Smoking isn’t good for you, everyone knows that. It is cool, though. It’s a trade-off, make your own decision and don’t listen to the pedantic faggots on here.

>> No.16002669

>he thinks smoking doesn’t get you laid
Well you don’t live in reality so there’s no reason to argue

>> No.16002703
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Cigars and pipes only.

>> No.16002707
File: 2.00 MB, 1543x1483, 9196C9DB-3AE5-47DC-9172-EA1F09A43120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no reading comprehension
>straw man

>> No.16002711


>> No.16002712


>can’t read

>> No.16002716

the fuckin cope stop samefagging

>> No.16002734

I want to taste Anya's Marlboro gold kisses.

I'll do anything.

>> No.16002762
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yeah but it looks cool

>> No.16002766


>> No.16002769
File: 153 KB, 590x393, rolling girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I went to the US, I realized that smoking is not cool at all in NA anymore. That really, really doesn't apply to Europe and Asia tho. And honestly, I'm rather a /thinpo/ European that does sport everyday, eats healthy and drinks and smokes in moderation than a fat burger.

I smoke rollies, it's deadly and might kill me but it's sure as hell effay. Art hoes love it, even non-smoking ones. I can roll a cig while walking, cycling or driving my car (manual, of course) Smoking rates among the European youth are still like 30+% Ironically working class poor fags here smoke a pack a day while the college kids smoke rollies and have their smoke under control - like just a few cigs per day.

>> No.16002789

It looks cool in images/media by association with what you already find "cool" or admirable. Take a look at the usual fat greaseball smoking on the street and you'll see it for what it really is - a weak person inhaling toxic fumes, tricked by a billion dollar industry into killing himself. He was tricked the same way you were tricked.

>> No.16003500

>It looks cool in images/media by association with what you already find "cool" or admirable
That's how everything that's considered cool works

>> No.16003504

>smoking is not cool at all in NA anymore
This is objectively false. Where did you go in the US?

>> No.16003510

The hood

>> No.16003515


>> No.16003520

you’re 100% lying then because everyone smokes in hood neighborhoods

>> No.16003584


>> No.16003640

Depends on what hood you’re in

>> No.16003665

no it makes you cough up nasty shit after a while and it doesn't take a lot to get there

>> No.16003717

>Coke makes you look like a homeless drug addict
>Smoking so cool!!
clueless and underaged

>> No.16003784

>he doesn’t know about heroin chic

>> No.16004302

ok keith

>> No.16004503

Red docs?

>> No.16004596

Even if smoking affected bone structure it definitely wouldn't be for the better

>> No.16004638

Surgery then?

>> No.16004778

No, The short term benifits aren't worth the lifetime deformity after whatever the "doctors" did wear off.
Not to mention what could go wrong. But hey do whatever you feel is right man

>> No.16005967

Is larping as me
I was at the West Coast, Cali, NV, Arizona
Was just my impression. Obviously I didnt go the hood, I wasn't planning to get shoot. I was also not talking about some blue collar fags obviously

Here at my college maybe 20% smoke daily but easily 50% smoke drunk or on occasion. Friend of mine went to an Ivy League college for exchange and he literally was the only person smoking at all, so he quitted

>> No.16005985

It takes about 15 years for lungs to fully recover if you were a heavy smoker for years. There should be big difference in the first five years, just hang in there.

>> No.16005989


>> No.16005994

That's not true. That's the stastical average, not a medical fact. Smoking is basically just gambling. You can die from lung cancer at 55 or smoke until you're 90. You can quit (like my dad) after heavy smoking for 20 years and have 20 years later literally no damage left at all. But you can also light smoke for 10 years and still have a smoker's cough 20 years later (like my mom)

>> No.16005996

you might as well complain she has long hair
she's a woman. if you don't like these aspects you want a man

>> No.16006004

except the average man on old effay also had iphone docs and cigarettes

>> No.16006011

i mean iphone definitely, what the fuck are you gonna do, use an android? lol

>> No.16006020
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>no-oooo, everyone normal persons drinks starbucks 2000 kalorie drinks, has an $1000 iPhone and smoke marlboros

the ultimate state of burgers

>> No.16006031

smoking is more popular in europe among young people, and if you use an android phone you are just a weird incel

>> No.16006055
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>android make you a weird incel

overpopulation on earth just got solved since 75% of the global population are incels including my ex-gf I guess

I said marlboros not smoking

>> No.16006058

no one said anything about starbucks, I drink moka or espresso and if you don't you're an uncivilized subhuman.
iphone it's a no brainer because bb is dead. android? might as well not have a phone DESU
docs mono were ok years ago
smoking is effay but you should quit if you intend on living past 30
t. yuro

>> No.16006169

What’s the problem?

>> No.16006227
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>He was tricked the same way you were tricked
i simply do not care

>> No.16006279

instagrampseudoarthoe-tier cringe

>> No.16006858

>irrelevant country has an opinion

>> No.16006869

Unironically yes but it also makes you feel like shit when you actually get hooked. Not as hard to quit as people say though.

Probably better to not pick it up. Nice at parties/while drinking though.

>> No.16006883

I agree.
I used to smoke just to up my buzz.
Other than that it’s just dumb. Might as well smoke weed tbqh

>> No.16006886

It all makes sense now...

>> No.16006889


>> No.16007372

This. But it was obvious from the start.

>> No.16007385

>Not as hard to quit as people say thoug
maybe? it took me three or four attempts cold turkey to drop it for good

>> No.16007427


>> No.16007437

Fuck you
Fuck you
And also definitely fuck you

>> No.16007445

I’d love to, my goddess!

>> No.16007612
File: 65 KB, 1000x1000, st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.u3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16007618

Why do smokers do cold turkeys? Like at least cook the raw thing lest you get Sam ‘n Ella bringing you to the hospital

>> No.16007629

ur just like churchil wow

>> No.16007671


>> No.16007676
File: 15 KB, 233x258, 1607646293450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16007707
File: 1.41 MB, 1000x1000, 81ACFDD6-C159-4D72-8171-E2F063D70FD0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please fuck me with your unrivalled beauty and intelligence

>> No.16008423

seethe moar rawr sexy mommy indre

>> No.16008821

visually sure, interpersonally no

>> No.16008826

fkn ferrari

>> No.16008837

I heard from cecil that her pussy was leather, he said fucking her was like fucking a leather jacket from goodwill

>> No.16008972

How does he know?

>> No.16009143

it makes you more disgusting, trash

>> No.16009148
File: 67 KB, 640x640, B5B52ED9-A360-4454-873F-B3347BA7777C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They fucked. Basic /fa/ lore

>> No.16009153

also from cannabis?

>> No.16009189

nice cock that

>> No.16010056

who’s that on bottom right?

>> No.16010293

it’s the fat slampig trip I’m cooooming

>> No.16010616

exactly this

>> No.16010636

na, im almost 40 and got the hairline of a 13 year old

>> No.16010757

>chainsmokers still at norwood 1
nah it must be the darts not your fucked genes

>> No.16010824
File: 43 KB, 570x855, Pregnant_woman_smoking_outside_a_London_hospital.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a teenager it seemed cool to me even though I didn't smoke. As I got older the image of the cool smoker created by the media and advertisement started to fade.
It smells really bad and is an instant turnoff for me, I don't want to kiss an ashtray.
People who still smoke after their early twenties look like losers to most people, where they have a shitty life that forces them to cope with their stress. Similar to someone with a pale skin that cannot get a tan. Pic related is how most smokers look like, even if they imagine themselves to look like John Wayne.

Smoking has been out for the upper and middle classes in the US for almost ten years now, only people from the lower/working class still do it.

>> No.16010932

fa confirmed

>> No.16010937

She is the Queen of /fa/.

>> No.16010980

if you're good looking yes smoking makes you look cool. Except when you hit 40 and look like a leather handbag.

>> No.16010994


>> No.16011553 [DELETED] 

Me !1n6WugqKa6
>gets caught

>> No.16011782

American spirits

>> No.16012026


>> No.16012261
File: 10 KB, 225x225, fake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fake news

>> No.16013799


>> No.16013845

It does look cool, but not when it becomes wearing an addiction on your sleeve. The person not carrying the crutch looks cooler. Can't smoke anymore anyways, but I still do when I go out. Makes my ears hurt. I hear static and it freaks me out. It's not looking good for the longterm effects of nicotine salts which I also quit either.

>> No.16014219

who is this?

>> No.16014225 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 248x400, TheChad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it makes you more /fa/. Especially if you have Chad facial aesthetics.

>> No.16014233
File: 18 KB, 248x400, TheChad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smoking makes you more /fa/. Especially if you have Chad facial aesthetics.

>> No.16014267

it makes you more prone to having life-altering chronic disease

>> No.16014309

roll your owns

>> No.16014313

It makes girls' pussies taste sour and nasty. I ate the same girl multiple times before and after she quit, and the difference was night and day. It actually tasted kind of sweet a couple months after she quit

>> No.16014329


>> No.16014461


>> No.16014626

does your daily inhaler affect your voice?
whenever I use them, my voice becomes very weak and soft, to the point that it is difficult to speak

>> No.16014741
File: 161 KB, 1536x1024, dunhills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taste of a kiss
The unironically most underrated part of smoking. What sticks out in my mind the most.

dunhills, total bitch to find though.

>> No.16015156

ahhhhh im goooona smoooooook

>> No.16015192

>College kids smoke rollies
Calling fucking bullshit here, barely any college student knows how to roll a fag. It's a working class thing you absolute mongoloid.

>> No.16016012

yes smoke a lot it makes you awesome. start now.

>> No.16016143

smoking that reefer does hahahah

just gotta ounce of that Girl Scout

>> No.16016206


>> No.16016818

Yukio mishima