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File: 591 KB, 1079x1314, Screenshot_20210212-150323_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15950200 No.15950200 [Reply] [Original]

Why do all zoomer girls look like this?

>> No.15950204

I don't know but i can remember girls dressing like that 15-17 years ago

>> No.15950205

It's a reflection of their thrill seeking dopamine addicted personalities.

>> No.15950211

zoomers are hot I want to sex most of them
the age appropriate ones ofc

>> No.15950222

The result of an internet monoculture that allows access to the superficial reality of other cultures but yet they're not a part of them

>> No.15950227

Because Y2K style is back babyyyyyeeeee

>> No.15950238

Never liked it, then i again i was a teenage punk who dressed like i was from the 1980s

>> No.15950243
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Combine with brand loyalty-based "social status" and we have a never ending supply of these cute lil consumerists <3
what a time to be alive

>> No.15950251

ok boomer

>> No.15950252

kinda based

>> No.15950260

we can't all get off from losing money on GME and crypto and posting slurs online

>> No.15950266

You’re here instead of reddit with username accountability and a upvote system so you do love the anonymous thrill

>> No.15950272

Thread number 204749201718 of millennials complaining about gen z like the next boomers they are

>> No.15950277
File: 404 KB, 1280x1601, p1lq9wp0aG1v9a37ho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do all boomer guys look like this?

>> No.15950288

you mean edgy/woke zoomers larping as millennials complaining about zoomers

>> No.15950295

i actually really like the early 2000s/bratz dolls look

>> No.15950305
File: 28 KB, 320x480, 1609280139655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why do all edgy/woke zoomers larping as millennials complaining about zoomer girls look like this?

>> No.15950351

thank your for the fap material

>> No.15950626


>> No.15950692

because its hot

>> No.15950699

Because zoomer girls are a hive mind connected via cell phone tower.

>> No.15951431

That bitch smells like shit

>> No.15951451 [DELETED] 
File: 326 KB, 937x1237, 661BCD83-6511-420E-AF98-85E77F5E5059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugly hoe

>> No.15951454

is that clairo

>> No.15951690

they dress that 'way'(ironic y2k/90s fashion) to compensate for their lack of personality

>> No.15951699

you out of touch fuckin millenials are honestly pathetic and jealous your fuckin entire generation did nothing cool and you’re mad at us for having access to everything and not being maligned for self expression and you can’t stand it fuckin just die or get off the internet already lol

>> No.15951733

your generation is a pathetic caricature whose severely indoctrinated to the point that they believe there are more than two genders as well as being castrated of any character redeeming qualities because being cool on the internet is the only thing that matters to zoomers

>> No.15951738

>two genders
two sexes, why are you using terms coined by a pedophile yid you hive-mind fuckhead

>> No.15951750

was it coined by a pedophile? do i give a fuck? the message is still the same you faggot autist

>> No.15951755

no it's not, gender doesn't exist, it's a made up term you indoctrinated spastic

>> No.15951770

its rooted from latin and you want to tell me the sky is brown? nigga you're full retard.

>> No.15951773

>having access to everything
Seems like being raised by the internet really skewed with your view on reality you dumb zoomer. All of you are socially awkward and lack any personality. All the internet did was enable your generation to be degenerate faggots online and it turn created this subculture of clowns and online whores

>> No.15951778 [DELETED] 

I don't understand what's wrong with my generation at all. I don't understand the desire to post about yourself and your day online. I don't understand why nobody talks like a human and they just talk like internet people all day in real life. I don't understand why so many of us mumble and don't speak with our chests. I don't understand why any of us think any of the failed counter cultures from the last 50 years is cool. I don't understand why zoomers put so much stake into the appearance of having passions and interests and being accepting but then shame you if you have hobbies they don't like. I don't understand why my generation is so destructive instead of constructive. I don't understand why my generation keeps bringing up old philosophers in place of a personality. I don't understand why my generation watches streamers. I don't understand. I don't.

>> No.15951782

>hurr durr it's rooted in latin
which has nothing to do with the word today, and the past sixty odd years, dickhead

>> No.15951792

holy shit you’re still fixated on this? i can’t help but lol at your mental issues because any sane person would have argued with what i originally said rather than a single word. take care anon, thank you for the laughs!

it’s not your fault, the odds were against you just like the rest of the generations but it gets worse as time goes on

>> No.15951797

>i have a million and one grievances
>and not a single one is meaningful!
gosh shut the fuccccck up. could you be any more boring and unoriginal? may as well say
>why do people eat unhealthy food!
>why do people speed!
like let's ask every dumbass meaningless question that does nothing to separate you from anyone else. holy fucking shit

>> No.15951798

Our generation is basically counterproductive, we rely on the internet to tell us what to do with our time. I’ve also noticed how severely unfunny we really are without shitty memes as a crutch.

I apologize in advance for the phoneposting

>> No.15951805

>would have argued with what i originally said
what, the boomer tier takes on zoomers? seethe at the youngins harder you old sunken cunt

>> No.15951810

you faggot we built the shit you’re reeeing on right now. i thought we had it settled that we’d handle the boomers while you get started on gen X? chop chop! your dad’s wearing lululemon and your mom is drunk at noon again

>> No.15951820

Lmao these zoomers seem to lash out at anyone who proves them wrong rather than accept that they were wrong

>> No.15951834

For some reason all zoomers are trying very hard to find a distinct personality or subculture based upon which they can build their entire aesthetic and personality on. I think it's something that was inevitable due to instagram. This isn't really a problem as it's something that happens irl too but to a lesser degree. The problem is that everyone is trying to get attention, extremely hard. So they try to post something "funny" or "serious". As a result you have an entire generation trying to be ironic about everything. I mean look at pic rel, she thinks the pose and the facial expression is in some way quirky, funny and ironic, it shows how funny she is. But it's not funny, it's a poor attempt at trying to distinguish yourselves from the sea of copies of you which do the same poses for the same purpose. Attention and distincion at the cost of real personality. Sad, many such cases.

>> No.15951845

It's not like us Gen Y people are much better. It's all been one big piece of shit rolling down hill since the Greatest Generation.

>> No.15951871

I love being a millennial. I would have not had enough capital or experience to make bank off crypto and fuck fresh zoomer pussy on the regular. All while not having the vices that come with being a boomer or a zoomer.

>> No.15951885

>not having the vices
your generation will forever be remembered as pussy hat wearing trannies

>> No.15951886

excellent take and formulation

>> No.15951889

there is no difference between millennials, gen z and late gen x

>> No.15951894

>your fuckin entire generation did nothing cool
We birthed you guys. Guess that means you're not cool? Oh well.

>> No.15951896

like i give a shit? i’m an opportunist if you couldn’t tell, stay poor incel faggot.

>> No.15951906

>stay poor
post balance

>> No.15951907

t. zoomer

>> No.15951912

>t. zoomer
t. zoomer

>> No.15951922
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>> No.15952072

bro that was not millennials if anything it was middle-aged women and their zoomer daughters

>> No.15952103

I'm an early zoomer and you are so wrong. Our generation sucks, millennial were more original and had more fan. Literally every zoomer is a copy paste of the same three personalities, due to social media addiction.

>> No.15952151

we legitimately are just getting started and have already successfully proliferated online spaces and fully utilized the connectivity of the internet. Our culture is based on the internet, you say that’s a pastiche but you’re also involved with it, the difference is now it’s the norm and not seen as a cringe hobby and you can’t fucking deal with it, all the shit you were chastised for is shit that we can openly express and have other people to talk to about it without the societal taboo being a factor anymore

We’re also not a bunch of safe space pussy hat wearing fags who are afraid to fight and terrified of guns

our involvement turned online content creation into a pillar of the world economy within less than a generation and you call that clown shit? You motherfuckers had a pre pandemic world to do everything and you still fucked everything up for us

we’re globally in the process of finding a new cultural generation in the middle of a pandemic and all you fuckin millenials can do is outright shit on us, piggy back off our success or try to play catch up with the new shit we make end up making it fucking lame

we’re just getting our foot in the world and trying to carve something out in a fuckin situation way worse than you faggots ever had it fuck you

>> No.15952162

What are you talking about? WE WE WE WE... You didn't do shit, no one does shit. No one is building anything. Everyone is trying to build their own culture and identity based off of Instagram and social media. As was stated before there are just clones of around 3 most dominant subcultures walking around. Retarded zoomers just adopt everything that goes with that style, even their behavior. There is literally 0 individualist thinking. You also seem to think that having your identity and culure shaped by online space is in some way a good thing and that zoomers have done it. Literally every zoomer is depressed and completely burned out, they are just the end-consumers of a tech boom, anyone in their position would've become the same abomination.

>> No.15952166

imagine being this retarded lol.

>> No.15952174

it's a fucking synonym to sex in every non idiot language in the world, but here comes the americans. there's two genders, two sexes. debate the rest all you want but the gender vs sex debate is idiotic for any sane non american.

>> No.15952179

Well, i must say, as a fellow zoomer, you're an absolute retard my friend
>We’re also not a bunch of safe space pussy hat wearing fags who are afraid to fight and terrified of guns
Have you been paying attention to the literature or have you only been consooming 4chan these past 5 years ? Our generation popularized some of the worst concepts ever. Microaggressions, triggers, safe spaces.
American zoomers are partly responsible for normalizing transgenderism, promiscuity and lack of decency on social platforms like Tik Tok, Twitter and Instagram

Whether you want it or not the current state of zoomers in western society is a bunch of sensitive retards indulging in all sorts of deviant shit for the sake of muh emancipation and muh e-fame, fuck off

>> No.15952180

shut up faggot

>> No.15952183


>> No.15952184

>transgenderism, promiscuity and lack of decency

you’re just some fucking sanctimonious normal fag get fucked pussy

>> No.15952189

that's a good thing about zoomer girls, they know how to make themselves fuckable and maximize their looks, we have to give credit for that at least lol

>> No.15952191

ITT: Millennials become boomers and low iq fellow zoomies have an identity crisis

In every generation there is like 80% of unwashed plebs that follow the 20% of trendsetters

Answering OP: another 2000’s/Y2K revival through Tik Tok, shit will die in a year or two just like E-Girl/Boy core

T. 19 yo zoom zoom

>> No.15952194

But I gotta agree with >>15952179 that ones in the UK and US + other anglo countries are a bunch of retards brainwashed into a lot of shit. I expected more from them when I moved to the UK for uni

>> No.15952195

Way to show you're a brainwashed progressist faggot who thinks living an hedonistic lifestyle will fill the void inside caused by the absence of anything of substance in your life
People like you will be the reason western society collapses

>> No.15952309

Holy fuck shut up lmao. Reactionaries have dedicated the past 40 years to total debasement of everything for the market in the name of 'freedom'.

>> No.15952310

They think liking Billie Eilish makes up for a lack of personality

>> No.15952860


>> No.15952987

Based. Fuck Millenials.

>> No.15952993

post more zoomers so I can revel in my disgust for them you shits

>> No.15953003

>All of you are socially awkward and lack any personality. All the internet did was enable your generation to be degenerate faggots online
Lmao this applies to literally anyone on 4chan as much as it does to Zoomers, yourself included.

>> No.15953007

Unlike you, who thinks hating Billie Eilish makes up for a lack of personality. I bet you hate Justin Bieber and The Beatles too like every other predictable contrarian.

>> No.15953010

it doesnt though

>> No.15953011

stopid basic bitch, I hope she tripped on those stupid pool slippers and broke her mouth (which resembles a chicken's anus)

>> No.15953020

cause they're literal teenagers you spastics

>> No.15953030


>> No.15953080

Ew old man

>> No.15953087

I’m friends with zoomers and millennials they’re all cool to me :)

>> No.15953097


>> No.15953100

is it just the algorithm, or are zoomer girls all sexy? i very rarely see uggos like most of the millennial girls i went to school with

>> No.15953126

idk from anecdotal experience zoomer women tend to care less about their health and general well-being than past women
if they don't look like shit now, expect them to looks like flat tires in 5-10 yrs

>> No.15953159

i hate these faggots who made this term a thing and ruined perception of early 00s
zoomers are recycling old shit and looking like retards by taking things entirely out of context, making it tryhard. millennials at least had last subculture, you can hate hipsters but at least they did something more original than zoomies looking at paris hilton and tumblr ran by trannies

>> No.15953192

The only made up thing is the idea that sex and gender are 2 different things.

>> No.15953201

here's a hot take: fuck millenials AND zoomers
how bout that?

>> No.15953237

>Reactionaries have dedicated the past 40 years to total debasement of everything for the market
you've got no clue what a reactionary is you fucking tard

>> No.15953239

>if you dislike popular things it means you've got no popularity
i've just got good taste nigga lol

>> No.15953242

Millennials took fashion cues from the 80s and 90s you troglodyte.

>> No.15953248

they did, but they didn't looked like larping retards like zoomies who are so badly trying to recreate scene and early 00s fashion making it extremely ugly

>> No.15953266

they literally grew up on the internet. they're experts at taking great photos - lighting, angles, filters, make-up that only looks good in still images, etc. Irl I find most less attractive than the girls I went to school with/peers.

>> No.15953281

Cues, just like every generation did with ones prior, but they didn't full-on copy down to every last detail. You absolute retard. Nothing that came before the 00's looked EXACTLY like scene/emocore, nor the pink bimbo Paris Hilton fashion that was everywhere, or hipsterdom or Tumblr twee, or mallgoth nu-metal/skate shit etc. What have zoomies got that would look completely out of place if they were transported back to any previous decade?
(I'm not saying 00s fashion was good - it was horrible, some of the worst. Nevertheless, it was very distinct)

>> No.15953288

holy based

>> No.15953299

I have many friends!!!!!!!

>> No.15953313


>> No.15953333

digits says anon is gay

>> No.15953337

anon has been real quiet since this dropped

>> No.15953341

wants to follow too many trends, but doesn't want to invest into any one trend too majorly.
doesn't do it for me, looks autistic and drips with insincerity

>> No.15953347


>> No.15953370

yo could you expand further on this cause i kind of like it as a critique of post post post post modern aesthetics or whatever

>> No.15953434

How many miles of cock do you need to get verified on tinder?

>> No.15953438

*do you need to take

>> No.15953631

You tell us, cock-gobbler

>> No.15953639

shes fat bro.

>> No.15953642

why are his pants down? Is he going to a red dit butt pirate party?

>> No.15953648

>zoomers are teens

>> No.15953649
File: 373 KB, 657x705, orcs4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do all orcs look like this?

>> No.15953699

>they believe there are more than two genders

that is schizo shit right there. Anyone that seriously thinks that, take your meds (its what the NPCs say)

>> No.15953701

>gender doesn't exist, it's a made up term you indoctrinated spastic

wrong immigration is a made up term that doesn't exist. Its just trying to sell you on the foreign invasion.

>> No.15953707

trump lost

>> No.15953748
File: 53 KB, 565x375, skaven17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


easy on the anti-skavenism there bro

>> No.15953756

>and the past sixty odd years
faggos and the undead did not really exist 60 years ago

>> No.15953758

can you spell millennial? No one says Gen Y. The only reason there are letters is because Gen X was so bland and boring the only way to describe that generation was will an algebraic letter

>> No.15953761

>I love being a millennial.

the 90s were the peak of the west. Its all skaven shit and orcs after that. New Years 1999 was pretty cool.

>> No.15953763
File: 44 KB, 1148x768, 1997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being born in the late 60s, experiencing the 90s would have been amazing. I was born in 94 and never got to

>> No.15953765

>imagine being this retarded lol.

you mean he believes cutting your genitals changes gender or he believes in magic ballots in the middle of the night.

>> No.15953770
File: 123 KB, 1200x998, undead4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you like the undead?

>> No.15953773

so you believe in magic ballots? Biden didn't even win the primaries

>> No.15953828
File: 20 KB, 500x313, 4859489380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the internet is much much worse now that it's normie friendly. having everyone be on the same half dozen social media sites is fucking bland and boring. capitalism pushed its tendrils into everything organic and real. internet was so much better in the wild west days, but you were too young to see this for yourself. you don't realize this because of your lack of experience. you really don't know what you're talking about here because you don't know what you don't know.

>> No.15953831

We need to talk about this

>the internet is much much worse now
> internet was so much better in the wild west days
Absolutely agreed.

>> No.15953832

>fully utilized the connectivity of the internet

No you were all brainwashed by propaganda on the internet from birth and because of it none of you even have a concept of what propaganda even is.

Oh yeah dont forget to dilate

>> No.15953858

>the internet is much much worse now that it's normie friendly. having everyone be on the same half dozen social media sites is fucking bland and boring. capitalism pushed its tendrils into everything organic and real. internet was so much better in the wild west days, but you were too young to see this for yourself. you don't realize this because of your lack of experience. you really don't know what you're talking about here because you don't know what you don't know.

I miss myspace. I miss the fandom sites. I hate the corporate sites.

>> No.15953867

we grew up on the old internet you fucking idiot why do you think we all have horrible mental health problems

>> No.15953871

He’s the President deal with it you backed the wrong side

>> No.15953902

no you didnt the older internet was 95-2001

>> No.15953907
File: 97 KB, 828x234, CA0FF788-51C8-4181-8E3A-8E8175BD3EE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>children are incapable of getting on the internet

>> No.15953921

I can't fucking believe that I become 20 years old this year and that our generation has reached a period when they can be legally sexualized by people online
Jesus Christ I'm an adult now and I still haven't even started doing shit for my life

>> No.15953924

>i don't care if there is a dictator used election fraud. So long as I think I have won a victory through no effort of my own.

Deal with living in China 2.0 bro

>> No.15953931
File: 177 KB, 628x497, zoomers twitch streamers donation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you certainly helped create new commercial opportunities for retards, that's for sure

>> No.15953932

>I still haven't even started doing shit for my life
nor will you ever. The scamflu will never end. Apply for gubberment gibs and go NEET but tell all the boomers its just earlier retirement.

>> No.15953944

>gubberment gibs
what exactly is that? I'm not finding anything proper when looking it up

>> No.15953956

It only seems like that because you aren't seeing pictures of the unattractive ones. Go on Tinder and you'll see some true 1/10 zoomer girls

>> No.15953975

gubberment is a slur to reference to the goverment and the beloved authority figures of the establishment. I was a little sarcastic when I said beloved if you didn't catch that.

Gibs is a slur for gives. Basically goverment handouts to the non-productive members of society financed by stealing from the productive members of society. Like taking 60% of a farmer's produce and giving it to orcs would be a good example of gubberment gibs. Naturally, they use taxes and food stamps to make it as indirect as possible.

>> No.15953980

the autism tho

>> No.15953988

lmao I live in fucking Eastern Europe, there's no such thing here as free money or handouts
I could try to move to Germany but if I manage to succeed and manage to go there I would start a job and all that productive stuff

>> No.15954002

weird having to listen to some generation pride rant from cunts that whine about being born in the wrong one all the time

>> No.15954014

I was born in the wrong generation, I wish I could have been born in 1830 so I could grow up and be allowed to discriminate women and beat up lunatics

>> No.15954017

Why? Doing it when its allowed is easy, doing it now is way more respectable. Imagine the stories you have for your grandchildren

>> No.15954027

yeah but now simpciety and simpolice stops you, plus it's harder to do
Moreover back then you could act like that even to the most wonderful woman, while today only the daddy issue used up crack addicts take this kind of abuse

>> No.15954034

Again, wouldnt that make it more fun? You have to avoid getting caught, that makes it more challenging, only the more capable ones are able to do it etc

>> No.15954040

there’s absolutely no way you could beat up a girl

>> No.15954059

bad bait and completely missing the point with lowlevel projection

>> No.15954060


This has become a slur for anything that doesn't fall within the clown cult. The clown cult itself is clearly on the spectrum, but that doesn't stop them from projecting that to the non-believers

>> No.15954063

>lmao I live in fucking Eastern Europe, there's no such thing here as free money or handouts

if there are foreign invaders in your country; there is free money. Thats the deep dark secret. Not only have traitors opened the gates to invaders; they are giving them money to invade.

>> No.15954068

>there’s absolutely no way you could beat up a girl

are you retarded? Women lack all strength and coordination. They are ridiculously easy to beat up. As soon as they have an opponent that fights back they usually curl up and surrender.

>> No.15954129

you are limp wristed pussies and I’m saying you personally couldn’t beat up a girl

>> No.15954136

Why do they all do that weird squatting thing?

>> No.15954142


>> No.15954158

well your wrong cuck boi. Where do you live? Maybe we could meet up and show you how great in a fight we are?

>> No.15954168

can it gramps

>> No.15955364

By the time I turned 20, I was a sergeant in the Army, and survived a full combat tour intact. My generation was sexualized in Jr. High school and thoroughly corrupted by sex, drugs, rock-n-roll, and hip-hop/rap culture. We started developing early and getting our shit done because we had to.

>> No.15955368

Don't forget all the gibs that corporate 'Murika gets. That's just as bad.

>> No.15955395


>> No.15955762

why would you go from paradise eastern europe to germany ? are you dense ?

>> No.15955766

when i was 17, i was already a medical doctor and doing my phd in physics, yeah we had to grow up quick

>> No.15955978

dey uggly

>> No.15955984

is he going to shit in the chimney?

>> No.15956076

holy fuck, there really isn't anything current that would look idiosyncratic in another decade. what happened to newness?

>> No.15956081

I would always match with girls that dress like this and act "quirky" but I literally had no idea how to interact with them

>> No.15956228

i think it would be better if humans didn't have toes, also this girl is ugly

>> No.15956546

just be yourself nigga.

seriously, they really arent that special, they are humans too.

>> No.15956580

Would you suck her toe though?

>> No.15956598

reminder that zoomer women were BRED for BMC (Big Millennial Cock)
while you're watching your favourite streamer a 20 year old girl is getting her pussy torn in two by a 28 year old

>> No.15956716

not at all lmao. millennial "men" are too busy crying into their soi lattes.

>> No.15956719
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>> No.15956722

yes, they probably sweaty and smelly too since zoomer girls don't into hygiene

>> No.15956792

You're a virgin

>> No.15956832

>admitting Millenial women are such garbage that Millenial men are willing to get fucked and humiliated by actual children who are using them for content

wow what an alpha generation

>> No.15956840

women over 23 are all fucking trash, men have always wanted younger women, when zoomer girls are 26 zoomer guys will fuck younger women

>> No.15957068


>> No.15957074

And women of all ages have always wanted men. But millennial "men" aren't men, so I guess y'all are just getting skipped right over lmao

>> No.15957095

men have been dating younger women of all ages


>> No.15957200

This, so much this. 4chan was honestly one of the pinnacles of creativity and insanity back in the day. Now it’s a hollow shell of how to many boring normal people suck the life out of a space meant for cool, eccentric and downright weird personalities. Because I’m that space at the time we had all the ingredients to be as risky as we wanted with no self imposed limitations from the real world.

>> No.15957201

sorry that im such a boring piece of shit. im too boring to even be normal. i just stare at a wall all day and think of killing myself

>> No.15957207

God I hate sliders. I know they're all the rage but they just look so shit on everyone.

>> No.15957211

>everything should serve to entertain me and if it doesnt then like just ugh

>> No.15957227

See but the creativity in your potential suicide wasn’t confined to how your going to post a video about it online to your corporate platform of choice. You rolled the dice and asked the thread how and when you wanted to kill yourself all while conversing about how you got to that point and really seeing the nihilistic nature in people who wanted to save you or just be entertained.

Everything is so sanitized now that sarcastic remarks like what you posted just come off pretty lame friend. Honestly just stop being so try hard about being so patronizing. It’s not funny anymore.

>> No.15957237

its all a facade, just talk to them and be disappointed when you find out theyre just as normal and uninteresting as anyone else.

>> No.15957240

actually i am seeing some rehabilitation on some of the boards here

/mu/ is starting to shift towards a better discussion based posts, similar to what i was seeing in the past.

>> No.15957561

Honestly, I think Donald Trump's presidential campaign and subsequent election is what ruined this website. Before 2016 people were just autistic, edgy and retarded because that's simply how they were, their isolationism from the mainstream wasn't in service of any greater political ideal. The term "alt-right" was the final nail in the coffin because it gave normies a reductive category with which to disregard all dissenting opinions. All the complexity and eccentricity that once populated the internet has been completely disavowed from the conversation, under the guise of protecting "tolerant" discourse. miserable times, desu.

>> No.15957595

Well it does though

>> No.15957598

>complexity and eccentricity
>literally just white people mad they can’t say nigger with impunity anymore
Wow what a fuckin loss all that nuanced creativity is completely gone

>> No.15957605

Damn, you just made me realize how much it must sucks to be a kid using the internet now. Believe it or not it was much better before everything became so centralized.

>> No.15957613

you’re looking at the past with rose colored glasses, the internet was a horrible shithole then where people would kill themselves on stream and kids were getting groomed en masse in chat rooms and stickam and racism was endorsed and tolerated everywhere, people would dox and harass and post revenge porn of each other without legal consequences yea wow what a great time

>> No.15957615

have you forgotten to drink your soilent?

>> No.15957620

suck my whole cock you fuckin pussy

>> No.15957622

i'll never get used to the y2k revival. it just looks trashy and dirty in the worst way possible. It's just ugly and unpleasant to look at

>> No.15957624

come up with something better or shut the fuck up then

>> No.15957625

call me after you've gotten your clit enlargement done bb

>> No.15957626


>> No.15957629

literally every single sub/youth culture or fashion style that came before this was better. Yes even mustard yellow sweater and mom jeans art hoes.

>> No.15957630

your school bus is almost at the stop. you won't want to miss it would you?

>> No.15957631

post hairline

>> No.15957640

dangerously based

>> No.15957731

this, expect age appropriate

>> No.15957737

dumb fucking whore

>> No.15958165

That's called confidence you weak chin adult virgin

>> No.15958191

your generation is the least innovative

>> No.15958264

Wounded pride lmao

>> No.15958267

The griminess/lawlessness is what gave it personality. Almost like NYC before the 90s.Idk how you could advocate the internet is better now. It has become monopolized by consumerism like everything Americans touch.

>> No.15958276

fuck off irrelevant nation America invented the internet

>> No.15958284

All of this fucking infighting was for nothing. I just really love too watch when all generations yell at one another. It’s funny as hell.

>> No.15958365 [DELETED] 

Then act on your worse impulses then kid.

>> No.15958431


>> No.15958458

stop using that word

>> No.15958545

You're over exaggerating how bad it was. Most online communities were small sites that contained maybe a couple of hundred users, of which maybe 40 were regularly active. Each one had its own memes and sense of humor, and if some retard started fucking up the forums they'd be banned.

People didn't use their real names and rarely had photos of themselves online back then.

If you got into trouble on the internet back then (e.g. Jess Slaughter) its because you were a retard who antagonized the wrong people.

>> No.15958577

The point is no one wants millennial males. You're the most undesirable generation in recent history. Any Zoomer or millennial girls that do want older guys are just gonna skip you for Xoomers and Boomers.

>> No.15958578

small focused communities existed but everything else that anon wrote still happened

>> No.15958601

>everything else that anon wrote still happened
Yes, and anon is overstating its prevalence

>> No.15959179


>> No.15959280
File: 42 KB, 600x600, dont let the dream die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's weird watching there be a metaphorical space race between zoomers and milennials striving to be the generation with the most deep rooted psychosocialsexual issues.

Has to be something related to the introduction of the Internet, no doubt.

>> No.15959310

because it makes my middle aged dick hard

>> No.15959492


>> No.15959572

typical passive-aggressive millennial ""male"" cope lmao

>> No.15959574

get some standards

>> No.15959575

what are you talking about?

>> No.15959602

you bugmen crack me up

>> No.15959618

Is it true girls that work at Abercrombie and Fitch have to wear flip flops?

>> No.15959632

Gulf war?

>> No.15959636

whtas a bugmen what are you saying

>> No.15959642

Zoomers going full suburban casual core is fine with me. The Millenials and their oversexed virgin setups and logowear would be weird by today's standards.

>> No.15959651

based analysis and checked

>> No.15959737

>their oversexed virgin setups and logowear would be weird by today's standards.

>> No.15959872

You realize the freedom to call you a nigger isn’t so much derogatory, but reactionary? It’s no different than getting into a real fight be it verbal possibly leading to something physical, people either mince words or put a front. The real issue is thin skin morons who have no business sharing space with more dynamic and out going personalities. 4chan was an organized clusterfuck that wasn’t afraid to shit talk it’s neighboring boards in friendly banter. Emphasizing how our different interest were separate yet a click away from one board raid to remind its siblings there’s was more to the website than your preferred autism.

>> No.15959884

I would have agreed with you if I had never visited this place before trump, but that narrative involving diversity and tolerance has been in the works since 2010. The powers that be have just pulled off harmonizing all these seperate issues beginning with occupy Wall Street and broken them down to affect the simple common man and it’s less fortunate neighbors.

>> No.15959920

While I agree with most of those situations playing out your forgetting that the internet was not easily accessible as it is today so look back realistically instead of playing it up like our grandparents are today rotting their brains quicker then when they scolded us for mindlessly staring at the tv all day. And yes it was a great time to be alive your never going to experience that online activity unless you dig deep in hidden forums away from morons who want everything spoon fed to them.

>> No.15959938

>>mom jean art hoes

Dude get better taste, these basic bitches even back in the beginning of the high waisted pant style were seen as NPC’s. Just because the face wearing the outfit is something that makes your dick twitch doesn’t make it good or accessible.

>> No.15959944

Wtf are you talking about, young bitches are always going to be complete whores for old dick. It’s about what you can offer at the moment and what they can take advantage of. Have you ever fucked a girl or persuaded one? There hivemind herd mentality is not going to change unless some new alien species breeds with our woman.

>> No.15959947

What do you mean? All your saying is their hypersexualized like all young people have been from the dawn of time.

>> No.15959948

take your meds

>> No.15959980

Have sex you obviously have never seen real pussy, loser.

>> No.15959982

>zoomers on here shit talking the core demographic of the board that was on here when they were literally in early elementary school


>> No.15960014

your dog doesn't count, schizo

>> No.15960015


>> No.15960047

Ah that’s all you could come up with please keep spazzing you whinny bitch.

>> No.15960051

Why do you impulsive retards always say the dumbest shit with no value.

>> No.15960053

>relationship of 3 years
I have sex every day bro try again you fuckin fag

>> No.15960113

Your hand doesn’t count boy. If you weren’t so autistic you would stfu and move on with being a bitch.

>> No.15960271

lol truth hurts, don't it?

>> No.15960368

most rational guy in this thread

>> No.15960385

Because of Shlomo.

>> No.15960491

Yeah my ego is apparently as fragile as yours. Please continue.

>> No.15960529

Zoomers have been raised at the mercy of big corporations and social media, where everything is a meaningless slogan with hyperbole turned up to the max.

Its like an army of zombie consumers with pavlovian conditioning when they hear things like "THIS. CHANGES. EVERYTHING" and "HE. SHUTDOWN. THE INTERNET!"

>> No.15960531

>millenials truly believe this
Fuckin retarded

>> No.15960537

>millenials believe they aren't in the same boat

>> No.15961729

everyone's addicted to quick dopamine hits now and it shows and it's hot

>> No.15962035

Y2K shit. Zoomers have the same values from that era; flashy plastic hyperconsumerism.

>> No.15962045

zoomers on suicide watch

>> No.15962048

You actually had me until here. Unironic 9/10 trolling, almost a 10. Good job.

>> No.15962078

Why does this cunt think she's hot when she's clearly not?

>> No.15962125
File: 804 KB, 344x1024, 1613182057756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the most anti-individualist hyper-consumerist generation yet. You grew up on a centralized internet where you were exposed to carefully-tailored and pre-packaged messages and art. Your thoughts and tastes are not your own. Again, they were carefully crafted and sold to you by mega-centralized entities in order to profit off you, financially and politically.

You grew up playing in a heavily-supervised sandbox. You're not allowed to explore anything outside of it. You've been conditioned to avoid any and everything not inside of this sandbox. The grass is lava. The forest is lava. The sandbox is safe. Stay in the sandbox. Play with this, Timmy. No, don't play with that. That isn't approved in the sandbox. Why isn't it approved, you ask? It's not important why. Let me just get rid of it for you. There there, Timmy. Now you're safe. Here's a newly-approved toy, Timmy. Play with this. Good Timmy. Good boy.

>> No.15962150

>Y2K style is making a comeback
>everything that actually made Y2K great isn't
fucking hell

>> No.15962201

words have meanings, learn them before you use them or you don't make any sense

>> No.15962261

probably bc its trendy? honestly you guys are all retarded. people always dressed similar, may it be victorian england or your holy 80s. you guys are all fucking stupid

>> No.15962291

>Brought to you by reddit

>> No.15962312

>grow up watching BDSM porn and snuff videos by 8
>learning to code and steal people’s personal information by 13
>doing every drug you can buy off silk road by 15
>having sugar daddies and access to thousands of dollars by 16 even if you weren’t born rich
What supervision? We used the internet to get what lever wanted before we even hit puberty. You’re just making shit up because you don’t actually know anything about the new generation.

>> No.15962352

If were confused by the meaning, couldn't you have googled it? I thought you grew up with the internet?

>> No.15962358

Maybe you should’ve googled it because it doesn’t make sense in that giant fucking pointless diatribe

>> No.15962390

Those things are not typical of the generation. But what is typical is the lack of originality.

>> No.15962396

those things are typical of the generation, if you grew up in it you would know that but you obviously didn’t and don’t know any people from gen z firsthand to tell you this

You’re loud and ignorant and sound stupid and bitter

>> No.15962402

>You’re loud and ignorant and sound stupid and bitter
Holy fucking cringe, kys

>> No.15962411

you get completely obliterated and that’s the best comeback you got? Get fucked pussyboi

>> No.15962412

did you grow up in a crack house?

>> No.15962422

>completely obliterated
I don't think you understand what this means. You need to take a break from this thread. Go make a tikok meme or shoot your nerf gun or whatever.

>> No.15962526

I guess you've taught us that this generation is nothing more than mindless consumer whores.

In your case, literally whoring yourself out so you can buy things.

Still... I bet that new iPhone of yours is pretty sweet and all it cost you was your dignity.

>> No.15962612

>If you aren't a shitlib you must be a corporate TPUSA cuckservative

>> No.15962626

millennials are old and gross jfl if you’re here and not a zoomer
go raise a family or something oldcel

>> No.15964336

Children are not hot.

>> No.15964365


>> No.15964581


>> No.15964583

i hate zoomers so much, i hate women more though

>> No.15964625
File: 100 KB, 700x1050, easy-90s-outfits-259064-1527621760113-image.700x0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Reminder that zoomers live in an uncreative era rushing in all kinds of crisis. All todays fashion was done before.

Name me one great innovation today that revolutionise our society... Internet, consoles, PC, music-styles was created back then and only kept and pushing again and again.

>> No.15965350

God, y2k zoomer girls make my boomer dick hard as fuck.

>> No.15965354

All I want to do is run up and kick this bitch right in her smelly cunt

>> No.15965695

not everyone in 4chan is "le schizo anon pathetic loser". You should go back to r*ddit or, better yet, instagr*m, where you belong.

Now screencap this and let your retarded followers comment "anon is bitter because blablabla". Nobody gives a shit.

>> No.15966048

I was born in 1999. So I'm a zoomer. But for some reason the first zoomers from like 97-99 are just normal people. Why is it that zoomers born in 2000 and after became total fucking weirdos?

>> No.15966071

same here but we had influence from millennials, were almost in the middle of the two
mature zoomers

>> No.15966134

Yeah like. I "get" all the irony stuff but not to the point where i want to walk around as an actual fucking clown like everyone born post-9/11 does

>> No.15966164

kill yourself

>> No.15966393

>Us zoomers? Tch. You wouldn't want to mess with us. We watched porn on the internet and even saw a Mexican cartel video. And all of us zoomer women are whores. Scared yet pal?

>> No.15966403 [DELETED] 

nigger you’re a rounding error from 2000

>> No.15966541

Because they're still really young. Millennials, Gen X, Boomers, every single generation had a stick up it's ass about being cool when they were young. Every single human being on Earth wants to feel special when they're young and figuring out who they are.

The grown ass adults who are getting angry about zoomers on the internet are the pathetic ones. You should be mature enough by 26+ to realize when kids are just being kids.

>> No.15966569

Zoomer is 2000-
You aren't one of us, millenial nigger

>> No.15966604

Zoomer us 97-
T. 01

>> No.15967235


>> No.15967265

So a 22 year old isn't a zoomer but a 20 year old is?
This is retarded

>> No.15967272
File: 593 KB, 1080x1822, Screenshot_20210217-233659_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this ugly and thinking you're hot?

>> No.15967446

I don’t have a dog in this fight/not mad but why do zoomers have an insatiable hunger for 80’s/90’s subculture/pop culture if millenials etc. did “nothing cool?” I’m always overhearing them brag about paying $92 for faded worn out t-shirts because they’re 20 years old, I mean vintage I guess. I don’t know. I’m genuinely asking.

>> No.15967451

Yes? Why is that weird to you? Generations have always been completely arbitrary.

>> No.15967461

millenials didn’t make 80s or 90s subculture that was gen x

The only substantial subculture that millenials made was emo

>> No.15967529
File: 12 KB, 123x76, bottom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>our involvement turned online content creation into a pillar of the world economy within less than a generation
Mate, millenials and weird Gen Xers did this shit. Not zoomers. Who do you think created all of those platforms where zoomers share their content? Gen Xers and millenials. Who do you think created the formula, tried new shit, and figured out how to become successful online as a socialmedia content creator? Millenials and a few Gen Xers did that too. We all chiseled it out for you and you're saying you created it. The reason your generation have become so successful online so quickly is because we spent two decades trying different things and figuring it all out for you.

I honestly wouldn't want to "own" creating the modern internet, but millenials are 100% responsible for the internet turning into the absolute brainrot it is today, and shifting the blame to zoomers is irresponsible and morally fucked. The normalfags of our generation killed the internet, not zoomzooms.

t. 32 year old who saw the rise and fall of the internet.

>> No.15967777

I would let her y2k glitter strawberry lipgloss-filled lips suck my boomer dick.

>> No.15967779

That's why millennial culture was a mistake.

>> No.15967781

Oh yeah, and I'd cum gallons on her y2k rhinestone rose-tinted glasses, no pun intended.

>> No.15967784


>> No.15967788

Fucking this. Used to feel like an infinite series of rabbit holes, now everyone uses the same dozen sites. Fucking dull as all fuck.

>> No.15967808

There were a few factors that all kicked in around 2010.
Rise of social media
Smart devices
Businesses adopting it as an advertising platform

Once businesses came along it quickly turned into a race to the bottom.

I miss the days when content was created for the sake of it. Not just shoveling out as much shit as fast and often as possible with click bait titles.

Its not really zoomers fault, but they were heavily targeted and it seems to have fucked them up.

>> No.15967818

she can get a new chad every day of the week
how many matches do you get on tinder ?

>> No.15967835

I’m a millennial and this is based

>> No.15968160

She looks like a middle schooler...

>> No.15968162

Repulsive. Imma go suck cock instead

>> No.15968605

You mean you wouldn't fuck one?

>> No.15968721


>> No.15968724

Entirely this

>> No.15968725

Not that one

>> No.15968827
File: 46 KB, 500x500, bug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else notice that zoomer girls have that certain look to them?
You can't discern their race and they all kinda look the same: brown skin, big lips, straight hair, flat body.
White girls, latinas, asians, black; they all seem to turn into this corporate soulless look

>> No.15968836
File: 216 KB, 960x716, EB47B54E-AE42-4AE2-A772-FAF1E399420A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as opposed to what, looking like this?

Talk shit post fit

>> No.15968858

whoa, same shit different ass.
basic brown alt girl vs basic white girl

>> No.15968902

Man, I'm so glad girls don't look like that anymore... Well, supposed to, anyway, because they still look like that in my area. Millennial culture was a mistake.

>> No.15968913

More for me then. Hey vayjayjay might taste like a glitter-filled strawberry lollipop.

>> No.15968944

>but shes a whore!
wow, impressive

>> No.15968948

you keep using that word like it matters to anyone but virgins

>> No.15969016

agree. it's such a sloppy look. i didn't like it when it was in style, either. the 90s haircuts are coming back for guys, too, and i'm not a fan.

this is a much better look

genericity core

>> No.15969114

>this is a much better look
Too vanilla.

>genericity core
At least I can agree.

>> No.15969269

Why does this picture make me angry?

>> No.15969347

get with the times grandpa

>> No.15969624

Sorry friend, but that has nothing to do with your newer generation. Your just a greedy whore who learned how to manipulate and use those around you for financial gain. Trust me you ain’t special. I had a sugar daddy at 16 and did escorting till I was tired of rich old dick.

>> No.15969647

What no she can’t, she’s not even hot. She just has a pussy.

>> No.15969730

She just has a pussy and dresses y2k. I'd gladly be her pimp.

>> No.15970109

Yeah we can see how that’s working out

>> No.15970349

That doesn’t mean you’d simp for her you dumbass or that your a chad.

>> No.15970575

I'm just hungry for y2k pussy.

>> No.15970675


>> No.15970687

Yeah, what about it?