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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 102 KB, 599x291, dnr_mask.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15900668 No.15900668 [Reply] [Original]

Over the last year, masks have become a regular accessory that many people around the world are now rocking on a daily basis.

Rather than continue as a strictly utilitarian accessory, they're now available in a myriad of designs and styles, not unlike graphic tees.

What kind of mask are you wearing, or what styles have you found to be comfortable as well as fashionable?

I wore a plain black one for months, but recently picked up this "Do Not Revive" mask, which I found to be funny. Now passersby can be aware of my wry sense of humor.

>> No.15900690 [DELETED] 

Holy shit, if they mandated you wearing straight jackets you'd soon be purchasing your own straight jacket in a some fancy pattern

Wtf is wrong with you people?

Stop embracing this restrictive, freedom abolishing and totalitarian environment for a fucking virus that is 99.9% safe for the vast majority of people.

We always talk about the black death as though everything else was fine apart form that until now, there have been many things in our past so much worse than this, smallpox killed millions with a 30% risk of death for all ages.

Stop embracing this bullshit to make companies profit from your silly mask wearing.

It's almost 1 year on, we should be at the ends of mask wearing, not the beginning, so easily fucking conditioned to impose this shit on yourself by convincing yourself it's "fashionable"

>> No.15900699

its literally the law dude

>> No.15900700 [DELETED] 

Holy shit, if they mandated you wearing straight jackets you'd soon be purchasing your own straight jacket in some fancy pattern

Wtf is wrong with you people?

Stop embracing this restrictive, freedom abolishing and totalitarian environment for a fucking virus that is 99.9% safe for the vast majority of people.

We always talk about the black death as though everything else was fine apart from that until now, there have been many things in our past so much worse than this, smallpox killed millions with a 30% risk of death for all ages.

Stop embracing this bullshit to make companies profit from your silly mask wearing.

It's almost 1 year on, we should be at the end of mask wearing, not the beginning, so easily fucking conditioned to impose this shit on yourself by convincing yourself it's "fashionable"

>> No.15900705

Maybe in some oppressive shit hole. And even then, wear something basic and plain. Masks do not even work, especially thin cotton ones.

Stop paying money for edgy slogans. Wear plain and fight for the day you can have some fucking freedom back.

I have never worn a mask and I never will.

>> No.15900715
File: 247 KB, 544x372, mask_for_dipshits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did a mask kill and rape your family or something? Might wanna talk to a therapist, bro.

But hey, since I'm such a nice guy, I went ahead and found a spiffy mask for you! I bet this one's right up your alley.

>> No.15900722

What an uneducated and ignorant take

>> No.15900726

No bro, I am just passionate about freedom for everyone.

I can't believe in the past older people would just go along with shit and the youth would fight against it.

Now the youth actively embraces anything to restrict their freedom and make them dogs.

That mask is better than the do not revive but still, I'm not wearing one.

I'm a nice guy too. An incredibly nice guy. Which is why I fight against this shit and call it out. Pro tip: If you sit back and do NOTHING, you're not a nice guy. You're a coward.

>> No.15900728

Okay fag. Wear a mask until the day you die. There's other viruses than COVID and you wouldn't want to be spreading any of them after all.

>> No.15900729

Statements without reason are garbage, brainlet.

What's coming next? "Like urgh, go educate yourself"

Always spoken by the least educated of all.

>> No.15900732

So heated lol. I’ve had too many people I know die from COVID, I’ll wear one as long as it’s needed. Have fun larping as a brave freedom fighter by not wearing one. Stay safe

>> No.15900737

>I’ve had too many people I know die from COVID

We know this isn't true. It's just an appeal to your unverified anecdotal evidence.

Well, guess what bro?

I've had no people die from it.

So check and mate. My anecdotal evidence is as valid as yours.

>> No.15900739

just wear those blue ones you can throw away

>> No.15900744

>I’ll wear one as long as it’s needed. Have fun larping as a brave freedom fighter by not wearing one

>just do it anyway
>just let them listen to your phone calls
>it's for your own safety
>so what if they can check your bank
>keeping you safe
>so what if the gov doesn't want us to go out after 8pm
>we are keeping each other safe
>i'll just do it anyway
>have fun larping for your freedom
>that very freedom won via the death and struggle of our ancestors
>they were just larping though
>just do it anyway

If ever "good times create weak men" was more apt than right now. I can smell the 100% soi beta through the monitor. Fucking wow.

>> No.15900748

Bro if you're just going to REEEEEE for the entire thread, go to /pol/ instead. This thread is about mask fashion, not debating whether or not you think masks are effective/warranted.

>> No.15900751

I just like wearing masks personally, I either wear those blue ones you can throw away or the black version of those. The black is the best because it goes with almost everything, along with a white one similar to the throwable ones

>> No.15900754

What in the fuck has pol got to do with this? Not wearing a mask is a politically incorrect thing now? Are you OK? lack of oxygen to your brain because of excessive mask wearing?

>anything someone does not agree with me about has to go to pol


>> No.15900760

>muh government says i have to wear handcuffs all day
>this thread is about handcuff fashion

They go hand in hand and masks are not items of fashion, you would never have thought that or have worn one up until now. Anything your government tells you to do no matter how oppressive you are just going to call it "fashion" and go about your day?

Maybe we can get a KKK robe thread going and disregard every poster who mentions racism and just call it fashion? Maybe we can wear it in public and say it is fashion?

The absolute state of posters on here.

>> No.15900761

>thread asks what kind of masks you like to wear
>you make up over half of the replies to the thread bitching and moaning about FREEDOM and SOI and WAKE UP SHEEPLE bullshit
You entered a thread on /fa/ about mask fashion and went on a tirade about your perspective that everyone around you is a sheep and you're a freedom fighter. You came to /fa/ and posted /pol/.

You need to calm down, go to /pol/, and make a thread about the most effective way to burn a bunch of masks in a bonfire so you can have an outlet for all this rage.

>> No.15900763

hes trolling just disengage

>> No.15900768

Certain items have certain connotations to them which can't be magically erased by calling it fashion. I'm allowed an opinion of the oppressive mask wearing and how it is not fashion but lining the pockets of people for overpriced garbage proven not to work with edgy slogans all so you can feel special.

Perhaps it is you who needs to take your edgy slogan "I'm unique lol" nonsense to redd.it. I don't see the thread filling up with suggestions.

>> No.15900769

>pathetic attempt by the most hated tripfag in existence to get people to like her

Many such sad cases with this girl.

>> No.15900773

You can have whatever dipshit opinions you want. Just don't be surprised when everybody treats you like a sperglord with rage issues when the thread is 40 minutes old and you have posted 10 times.

>> No.15900776

Outside of the liberal hell scape cities no one wears masks
feel bad for people still stuck in NYC or California

>> No.15900778

>Just don't be surprised when everybody treats you like a sperglord

You're projecting. That's how you are being treated.


>> No.15900780

You're projecting. Everyone in this thread cringes at how obsessively you respond to everyone. It's sad.

>> No.15900785

>looks around for your edgy mask support and those that agree

Oh yeah. It's not there. This is a board for high IQ fashion enthusiasts and not brainless sheep who wear cotton masks that are proven not to work. Lol..

>> No.15900787


>> No.15900789

Are you a wolf among the sheep?

>> No.15900790

>but recently picked up this "Do Not Revive" mask, which I found to be funny. Now passersby can be aware of my wry sense of humor.

this board is for over 18 only.

>> No.15900792

>when you get btfo

I'm a bear among the chickens

>> No.15900793

Seethe =)

>> No.15900795


>> No.15900796


>> No.15900983

Hmm why is it that every person with a degree in virology disagrees with you? Also why do you defend lowering the age of consent to 13 knowing full well someone that age can't consent to sex, thus making you an advocate for child rape. Questions questions

>> No.15901004 [DELETED] 

>Hmm why is it that every person with a degree in virology disagrees with you?

Firstly, you're making an appeal to authority rather than looking in all areas and making an informed decision because what you're saying absolutely is not true.

I bet it would also surprise you to know that the flu vaccine is mainly garbage too and how the mortality rate has increased with the usage of flu shots but it''s pressed every Winter as some success. The flu vaccines of 2007/2008 actually made the flu more severe for people in 2009.

Let me also guess you think the covid vaccine somehow makes you immune to covid? Nope. It was never designed to, the trials never proved that nor claimed that. You can still catch it, spread it and die from it. It is simply supposed to lessen the severity of symptoms but no trials were conducted on the over 70s group it is mainly aimed at so it could have zero impact on them and do nothing.

I also spend hours on the BMJ which is as good as it gets and peer reviewed.


How about you? LOL.

>Also why do you defend lowering the age of consent to 13

I don't? I simply advocate once someone has gone through puberty they are technically an adult and it does not meet the definition of paedophilia to find them attractive.

>> No.15901006

>Hmm why is it that every person with a degree in virology disagrees with you?

Firstly, you're making an appeal to authority rather than looking in all areas and making an informed decision because what you're saying absolutely is not true.

I bet it would also surprise you to know that the flu vaccine is mainly garbage too and how the mortality rate has increased with the usage of flu shots but it''s pressed every Winter as some success. The flu vaccines of 2007/2008 actually made the flu more severe for people in 2009.

Let me also guess you think the covid vaccine somehow makes you immune to covid? Nope. It was never designed to, the trials never proved that nor claimed that. You can still catch it, spread it and die from it. It is simply supposed to lessen the severity of symptoms but no trials were conducted on the over 70s group it is mainly aimed at so it could have zero impact on them and do nothing.

I also spend hours on the BMJ which is as good as it gets and peer reviewed.


How about you? LOL.

>Also why do you defend lowering the age of consent to 13

I don't? I simply advocate once someone has gone through puberty they are technically an adult and it does not meet the definition of pedophilia to find them attractive.

>> No.15901019
File: 66 KB, 486x691, flu vaccines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a few things reported from those grand old flu vaccines that SAVE LIVES lol.. be sure to wear your mask and get your covid shots by the first ever approved mRNA vaccine in history because those great scientists on the payroll said so from some virus you have a 99.9% chance of surviving from...

>> No.15901041

i wear the same black cloth one I got in march of last year, haven't washed it once since then. I leave my nose exposed and take it off the second I walk outside a store

>> No.15901053


>> No.15901082

He would be based if he wasn’t a pedophile

>> No.15901090

>never said girls pre-puberty are attractive
>never advocated for girls pre-puberty to ever be legal
>never advocated for much older men to date girls post puberty
>have said a 16 year old can look hot
>share the same opinion pretty much every great civilization such as Rome had

At least have something not made up to throw at me bro, it just makes it pointless when you outright lie.

>> No.15901176

>you're making an appeal to authority rather than looking in all areas and making an informed decision
Yeah no I'm going to go with the people who actually understand how a complicated fast spreading disease works, not just quick search a PDF to try to validate my preconceptions. The fact you look down on that disgusts me and shows how fucking arrogant you are

>> No.15901207


>> No.15901231

But you're not doing that. You are looking to government officials, people who work for the pharmaceutical companies and those involved in the whole process.

There are many people not connected to any of that who are just as educated and say the opposite. Your'e simply in an echo chamber.

>how a complicated fast spreading disease works

It's really not that complicated.

>not just quick search a PDF to try to validate my preconceptions

I just explained how I read hours from one of the best medical journals out there which is peer reviewed. Do you know what that even means? Probably not. There is no bias or validation here.

Let me guess what you do, watch a 5 minute news segment?


>> No.15901256

>medical journals
>peer reviewed
>There is no bias or validation here.
>Peer reviewed medical journals have no bias
cringe cecil

>> No.15901263

Do you even know what you're saying?

A bunch of different people from all over not connected review them. It's like people looking at some linux distro source code for bad and hidden shit.

Meanwhile listening to a gov scientist team is like listening to Microsoft when they tell your their OS is all good and safe

I do not even understand what you people are trying to say. Cotton face masks are no good. They haven't halted viral spread. 99.9% of people will survive and a vaccine of this type used for the first time in history is fucking dangerous as there is such limited data.

>> No.15901264
File: 163 KB, 900x1200, 9F984EC1-00EF-42E1-8D6A-E3E316E225AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm going to go with the people who actually understand how a complicated fast spreading disease works

>> No.15901277

>Cotton face masks are no good.
Properly worn masks keep droplets from spreading. Some masks are no good.

>They haven't halted viral spread.
Masks alone won’t completely halt the spread.

>99.9% of people will survive
Generally, only the immunodeficient have had adverse effects. But it’s not 00.1%.

>and a vaccine of this type used for the first time in history is fucking dangerous as there is such limited data.

>> No.15901282

I mean these are the retarded public..

>have a covid passport, can't enter a building without it

But that's based on the FALSE LIE that the vaccine somehow makes you immune and that is not what it claims to do. You can get infected and spread the virus if you have had a vaccine so the passport would be pointless.

>if you have had the virus, your antibodies run out in 3 months so you must get the vaccine

Uhh no, that's what happens but your memory cells remember how to create antibodies and if you get infected ir rapidly reproduces them

Even people infected with the original sars can still do that and are still immune all these years later

99% of people haven't a f-king clue what they're talking about and say DA SCIENTISTS ON TV SAID! When they never said any of the above

>> No.15901291

>Properly worn masks keep droplets from spreading

Large droplets that are not the main factor in viral spread.

> Some masks are no good.

Almost all unless high medical grade.

Mandatory mask and lockdown has not had a significant difference in viral spread compared to areas that do not have that in force. Made worse by people putting their confidence in the masks.

>Generally, only the immunodeficient have had adverse effects. But it’s not 00.1%.

And if you're not old and in relatively good health it's safer than not taking a vaccine into the unknown

The studies into vitamin d have given excellent outcomes of mortality with this virus but that will not turn a profit

>> No.15901293

based. tons of research in peer reviewed papers have been found to contain falsified data and shit. Not sure about papers on Covid though

>> No.15901308

It's still better than non-peer reviewed and by a team of 2-3 government scientists on the same team

>> No.15901314


>> No.15901323

>being this uneducated and not knowing what to say so fall back on your cope



>> No.15901367

Nobody thinks your cool Cecil. At least Me is level headed and knows how to do drugs.

>> No.15901371



>At least Me is level headed

Is that another word for slow and stupid?

>and knows how to do drugs

Implying this isn't the most fucking based video you have ever seen of me...


>> No.15901372

Seek help

>> No.15901382

I used to think you were just some typical onboxious tripfag, Cecil, but now I can see you and I are more alike in our thoughts then I initially thought

>> No.15901391

>typical onboxious tripfag

Lol that's just my front to make sure the people who I know don't have the capacity to listen, let alone understand drop off at the first interaction with me. The same idiots who honestly believe I cruise around the homeless looking for teenage girls to prey on.

>> No.15901423

>Covid 19 is not a serious pandemic. [“… the corona virus is (so far) one of the least deadly pandemics the world has experience [sic] over the last 2000 years…” “The corona pandemic is different. It does not constitute an existential threat.” p. 247]

>COVID-19: The Great Reset
>Klaus Schwab

Even the worlds elite call it nothing but OMG give up everything!! The 6pm news said you gotta save them lives!

>> No.15901437

The idea that masks are now not only a staple accessory but one which people are styling is ind of disgusting to me. Gives me Boring Dystopia vibes.

>> No.15901441

This slippery slope is just one retarded inductive leap to another. it's a pretty strong indication of persecutory delusions and possibly undiagnosed schizophrenia. seek help.

>> No.15901619

That's not a slippery slope, dumbass. Things are monitored for your own safety, governments want cell phones to be unlocked if need for safety against terrorism and there have been curfews during this pandemic. They are all things that have happened or already have been said.

Freedoms taken away that would not have been allowed in the past.

Take your meds.

>> No.15901647

>Things are monitored for your own safety, governments want cell phones to be unlocked if need for safety against terrorism
Which has absolutely nothing to do with the issue of masks apart from some retarded symbolic grievance of "they're oppressing my right to breathe!!!!". You'd be retarded NOT to expect some authoritarian control during a pandemic, but what you're doing is trying to boil down the ineffable complexity of the world into a form that low digit IQW tards such as yourself can make sense of. Sorry buddy, but you're analysing current events like a high schooler who describes everything is "Orwellian".

>> No.15901657

I never said it had anything to do with masks, you autist lol. They were examples of people blindly following and giving up rights.

>You'd be retarded NOT to expect some authoritarian control during a pandemic

Why should I expect authoritarian control over what is essentially a flu and with an excellent survival rate, huh?

And if a vaccine fails due to fast mutations, then what? Forever lockdown? Think you'll get your freedom back now the government has a taste for taking it away? Are you a teenager?

Authoritarian control that has led to mass job losses, small business failure, increased suicides, missed hospital appointments and a ticking time bomb for cancer that would have been caught? While at the same time increasing the wealth of the super rich.

How does one even converse with someone that functions on such a low level of intellect and swallows everything some people on tv tell him? Shocking.

>low digit IQW

My IQ is 152. Debate me regarding the pandemic and freedom for my channel if you want on camera. As you're so smart, it should be easy, right? Oh wait. No. You know you'll get BTFO lol.

>> No.15901660

i'm a vivid antimasker and i suffer from chronic trauma encephalopathy

>> No.15901664
File: 260 KB, 776x453, trips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of fingers I have showing is your IQ

>> No.15901668

I just wear the plain blue medical masks that I take from the lab at my work. They're less /fa/, but more effective than the cloth ones, and I'd rather not get sick/get anyone else sick.

This is the first winter that I haven't had so much as a runny nose, so I hope masks stick around for the long haul like they have in asian countries.

>> No.15901678

>I never said it had anything to do with masks, you autist lol.
Yes you did you absolute moron, your post here >>15900744 follows the slippery slope structure, from mask wearing to increasingly more oppressive mechanisms of control. You can cry and gibber all you like, but I'm responding to the form YOU chose to write in. Don't try and weasle out of it, you pathetic worm.

>Why should I expect authoritarian control over what is essentially a flu and with an excellent survival rate, huh?
Because the issue is not with the lethality of the virus but its rate of infection and the risk of it overloading the healthcare system. That's the real danger, not the risk posed by the virus itself. That's why Ebola was a nothingburger and this isn't, despite Ebola being the more lethal virus.

if hospitals become overloaded, then people are going to miss out on essential surgeries or treatments in even greater numbers than what is happening now.

>My IQ is 152
Lmao. Demonstrate that through your argumentation, because right now you're doing a piss poor job at it.

>> No.15901708

No a slippery slope means things that have not happened yet and they are on the slope, so to speak. Something already in action can't be part of a slippery slope LOL.

>to increasingly more oppressive mechanisms of control

They are examples of how people have given up control, not increasing control that has not happened because it already has. Your reading comprehension is shit lol.

>Because the issue is not with the lethality of the virus but its rate of infection and the risk of it overloading the healthcare system

Holy shit, that NPC core parroting what they heard on the news hahahaha. It's Winter in a lot of places in the West, healthcare is already overloaded each Winter, no different from now. Yet the flu has magically gone. People simply need to increase vitamin D intake.

>if hospitals become overloaded, then people are going to miss out on essential surgeries or treatments in even greater numbers than what is happening now.

They already are and the non-covid wards are half empty!

>Lmao. Demonstrate that through your argumentation, because right now you're doing a piss poor job at it.

You're a borderline retard. I can even tell by your language and words you've been watching the BBC news. You are just repeating to the exact what you heard.

Do you even know who the fuck Klaus Schwab is and the very top people admit this is nothing hahahaha. Please actually educate yourself before regurgitating the words of Matt Hancock who isn't even qualified for his role hahahaha.

>> No.15901717

>Yet the flu has magically gone.
Having zero critical thinking skills is not /fa/.

>> No.15901731
File: 16 KB, 766x159, vaccine lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "vaccine" trials do not even monitor if there is a prevention of transmission after the vaccine is taken so for now we musty consider those who have had the vaccine just as susceptible to infection and to transit the virus at rates those who have had no vaccine would do.


10 year lockdown?

Take your head out of your ass from the BBC with its dumbed-down script and actually read medical journals ffs and these are the posters that claim to be high IQ...


>> No.15901739

>cotton masks proven to not reduce infection rates from covid
>durr it's the mask wearing that has stopped all the flu
>speaks of critical thinking

Do you have a notepad with lines in that you randomly post to sound like you have a brain? It's not working lol.

>be in uk
>covid deaths count as any death that had a positive test for covid within 28 days
>day 1 you have a positive test for covid
>day 20 you are fully over it
>day 27 you die in a car crash
>it goes down as a covid death


>> No.15901744

Also interesting to note that hospitals and care homes can count any death as "covid" simply for the fact they're wearing PPE.
Had a heart attack, botched surgery, cancer etc?
Too bad, it's coronavirus

>> No.15901750

>this is the guy talking shit to you on 4chan
You should be euthanized.

>> No.15901757

Yeah factor in all those things, then the fact flu has gone and then it's Winter peak when hospitals are busy anyway.

But sports stars are still allowed to fly on plane around the world to play a game and celebs are still going on vacation.

But lets blame every death on covid and be afraid to walk out of our front door for fear of being fined by the cops. It's total bullshit.

Sure, don't visit your 90 year old relative, but if you're a 30 year old couple with a little kid, your life has to go on as normal and there is little to no chance of this doing anything to you but your job loss will impact much greater and the kids out of schools.

>> No.15901764
File: 1.54 MB, 1355x812, handsome dude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh I wasn't aware I had to look a certain way to be able to have an opinion. How much of an absolute beta must you be if you cower down and cry because someone is better looking than you talks to you hahahah fucking hell.

These are the type of donuts that listen to every word a politician says even though most are ugly as fuck but if some guy is not a 10/10 model they are not allowed to speak lmao.

All I can say is yo momma never rejected me bro.

>> No.15901771

based. just based

>> No.15901795

Fucking retard. Nothing screams No family or friends or girlfriend to protect like proudly saying “I don’t wear a mask.” You must live in the middle of fucking no where, what do you even care about fashion for? To go to the grocery store 30 min away once a month? Fuck you, this pandemic is supposed to kill the un-empathetic, happy to see it will get you soon.

>> No.15901797

>You came to /fa/ and posted /pol/.
Lmao questioning masks isn't far right pol shit. Everyone, on every side of the political spectrum needs to question whats going on.


Correct, it will always be seen as a form of coercive control to the average person who has some degree of ability to question.

>> No.15901798
File: 455 KB, 680x681, 1604560115514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15901802

Have you ever worn handcuffs? Have you ever been bound? You choose victimization because you have a soft, boring, nothing of a life. Your ancestors fought and died in wars, for freedom, for thousands of years; all so you could type about how wearing a mask hurts your feelings. No one will care when you die, so you argue why delay it anyway, disguised as muh rights

>> No.15901807

Why the fuck would I have a 90 year old girlfriend lol

To protect them from what? A flu like virus? How long for. 5 years? 10 years? Forever?

The vaccine doesn't stop infection or transmission so I guess it;s forever?

The absolute state of this poster.

>> No.15901814

>Have you ever worn handcuffs? Have you ever been bound? You choose victimization because you have a soft, boring, nothing of a life.



>Your ancestors fought and died in wars, for freedom

So did I you fucking simp. Just less of the dying so far.

>all so you could type about how wearing a mask hurts your feelings.

Hurr durr if you are not being stabbed or killed you can't complain about any restrictions to your freedom durr!!

I guess depression in a 1st world country is not really depression compared to a third world one, huh? That's what you're saying. Moron.

>> No.15901849

Literally the only remotely schizophrenic thing happening in this thread is your incessant posting about your weird mask paranoia. Quit acting like you’re brave for disobeying mask requirements at Target. You’re as embarrassing as the hundreds of thousands of 40-year-old potbellied rednecks who share Facebook memes about Nancy Pelosi being a socialist

>> No.15901862

Nothing he said is weird, just questioning what is going on. .

>> No.15901864

>weird mask paranoia


>> No.15901872

Handcuffs make you think of porn? I meant been arrested, like actually had your physical rights taken away, what a virgin. You are 17 arn’t you, this board is for adults. Spoiled little sad baby can’t take it any longer wearing a mask. Rope. Post your face, to show what the world sees instead of cotton, you attention whore daddies issues closeted faggot. Anyone can fleet hurt and damaged by a pandemic, you have no one to protect, and can only think of yourself. Narcism, go back to dah war you “fought” in.

>> No.15901873

Until it’s safe, yeah, there’s been hundreds of pandemics throughout human history. Do you think at each one there was pitiless faggots like you saying “no I don’t care about the plague it’s not bad.” Anyone can get sick, anyone can be damaged. We’ll be taking the corona vaccine, like the flu shot, every year for 30 years, just accept you have no control

>> No.15901880

>No family or friends or girlfriend to protect
>masktards literally believe they protect people by wearing a cloth mask
read this https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/epidemiology-and-infection/article/face-masks-to-prevent-transmission-of-influenza-virus-a-systematic-review/64D368496EBDE0AFCC6639CCC9D8BC05
Don't stop at the introduction that claims that there is slight evidence to defend the use of facemask because the only study saying so only tests wether coughing 5 times into a petri dish while wearing a facemask results in influenza in the petri dish.
We also know that covid spreads very similarily to influenza and therefore it's studies on the use of facemask are valid.
at best we can conclude that the use of facemask shows no or slight improvement, it's therefore absurd to force everyone regardless of conditions to wear a facemask when there's so little evidence defending it's use. not to mention that covid is a meme illness not more dangerous than the common cold.
>but muh hospital collapse
hospitals collapse every winter

>> No.15901881
File: 363 KB, 834x475, might is right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal newfag or literal retard?

I had over 50 cops arrest me and a SWAT team. I'm in my 40s. I'm a military veteran.

You're rambling. Pic is me. Your turn.

>> No.15901886

>I'm angry over other people's opinion so much so I'll personally attack someone who fought for my country under the guise of free speech that he fought for.

>> No.15901891
File: 41 KB, 1417x360, vaccines work lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Until it’s safe, yeah

HAHAHAH. So never. The vaccine means you still get infected and pass it on so you;ll be in perpetual lockdown.

>“no I don’t care about the plague it’s not bad

Such fucking hyperbole. This isn't the plague, idiot! It's nothing. The lightest "pandemic" ever.

>muh can just keep taking vaccines

>> No.15901894

You're a homo if you wear a mask with anything on it. A shitty disposable mask or a black mask are the only acceptable ones

>> No.15901895

holy fuck thats some cringe

>> No.15901909

>this pandemic is supposed to kill the un-empathetic

Ahh the classic showing your high empathy by wishing people were dead who won't abide by your draconian rules


Perhaps a little gassy camp for those who will not fall in line, eh? Throw in a little dehumanization by branding them "un-empathetic" and you're good to go.

>> No.15901975

Don't forget the striped pyjamas, seriously disturbing attitude people are getting these days.

>> No.15901985

Yes. Those without a "covid passport" can have some nice fancy stand out pyjamas so they can easily be identified. It's the "empathetic" thing to do..

>i have empathy
>the ability to understand and share the feelings of another
>i hope people who feel a different way to me die

Lol as empathetic as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is democratic.

>> No.15901994

I'd like the freedom to go to a bar again, but you can't just play by the rules like every other adult, and they just keep re-half-opening them.
Eat shit, faggot. You're playing a team game.
Don't wanna help everyone else? Move to a fucking island where you don't benifit from any of our help

>> No.15902000

What pisses me off is when they say shit like ''well if you want to kill granddad'' like you are some sort of serial killer and they are morally righteous, to them fear has become a virtue. Old people are getting fucking fed up of the draconian laws too, they don't want to see there children and grandchildren live in totalitarian states.

The worst are the 20 year olds who are certain it's going to kill them and wipe them out, this isn't the bubonic plague, it's not even comparable to the spanish flu. Very view healthy yound people have died.

>> No.15902003
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oh, bye

>> No.15902005

>I'd like the freedom to go to a bar again, but you can't just play by the rules like every other adult, and they just keep re-half-opening them.

There won't be any bars or anything else left if these ridiculous lockdowns what are not working keep going on, and people won't be able to afford it because everyone will be unemployed. You are short sighted as fuck.

The old need to be shielded if they wish to and young people need to gain some immunity, not be locked up where they cannot do such a thing as a result.

>> No.15902006
File: 50 KB, 626x626, 500055_a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What kind of mask are you wearing, or what styles have you found to be comfortable as well as fashionable?

Pic related - Airinum mask with replaceable KN95 filters.

I didn't necessarily want this reflective design model but their regular model was sold out for months.

It's comfortable, the filters come with a piece of foam for your nose bridge and is a lot more useful than using a shitty blue disposable mask.

>> No.15902016

You're not helping anyone though, that is where your failure falls. You're certainly not helping the bar in which many are closing down each week with many job losses.

Elderly at not at bars on a Saturday night, and certainly not at a nightclub. If they are not seeing r living with anyone old, they should continue as normal.

Yeah and meanwhile there are masses of old people in care facilities, many with dementia and totally confused and giving up on life because they are isolated and alone and can't see their family. It's fucking cruel.

What if some 75 year old lives alone and is isolating and wants to visit her 95 year old Mother who she hasn't seen in almost a year. Just wrong.

20 year olds are eating it up like it;s the worse thing ever when most of them do not even know anyone with it.

You have a crush on me.

>> No.15902024


The under 25's have been hit by mass unemployment too, the very group you would usually see hitting the clubs and bars so even if they did re-open nobody will be able to afford them. Then the properties will have to be sold cheap to the super rich getting richer who will just convert them into some soulless apartment building and the young people will have nothing to do on the weekends and resort to hanging out in the streets with boredom and trouble.

Teens living with mommy and daddy are all for this because they can't see peoples livelihoods and life destroyed that have worked hard years for this. The local store destroyed because nobody could go out so had to use the big online companies and they wealth expanded like never before during this time.

>> No.15902025

>No bro, I am just passionate about freedom for everyone
I bet you are also against laws about being clothed? Do you run around naked in your daily life? Why can the government tell you to wear pants but not a mask?

>> No.15902036

>hurr why can the government tell you not to fuck babies why can't you fuck babies!!

Because I abide by basic rules of a functioning and free society that holds it together. Having something covering half your face in which you can barely breathe that has no function nor purpose is not part of that. Imagine thinking comparing clothing that protects and keeps people warm and has for thousands of years to oppressive mandated mask wearing was some kind of gotcha. Just sad.

>> No.15902051

Imagine not understanding societies build their own ethics and morals that allows them to cooperate, live and function together to something that was forced upon them which is alien to them and their society overnight. There truly are some super autistic people here.

>> No.15902060

Yeah, the biggest supporters of this lockdown are the middle class who can work from home and the rich who it doesn't effect and even benefit from it, The working class as usual is getting royally fucked.


Cos they only care about defeating a virus, nothing else matters, pure tunnel vision which is destroying society, Some of the videos i have seen of really erderly people wanting to see there families is heartbreaking.

>> No.15902063

I was talking to my friend who lives in country hick town and his live is pretty much the same. Meanwhile I live in cool hip la with some of the strictest laws yet has some of the highest deaths. Really makes one think.

>> No.15902072

Yeah while those classes rant at them, abuse them, call them uneducated and stupid while at the same time talking about how they want to help and support them. Same old story really.

>Cos they only care about defeating a virus,

It just shows they are the dumb ones who can't understand the devastating consequences of their actions.

>of really erderly people wanting to see there families is heartbreaking

Many places if they pass, they are not even allowed to view them at the funeral home if they tested positive for covid and many people need that for closure, especially if their kids haven't seen them in a year.

It's one thing being a teen and having netflix, tik tok and online all day chilling out, meanwhile some old people just get to stare at a tv screen with repeat stories about the virus all day, all alone with no visits ever.

But they're the "good guys" who want all that... yeah right..

>> No.15902083

>Many places if they pass, they are not even allowed to view them at the funeral home if they tested positive for covid and many people need that for closure, especially if their kids haven't seen them in a year

That is disgraceful.

>> No.15902759

This is why the world laughs at Americans

>> No.15902774

haha i posted it last time not this anon you're replying to. i love that everyone knows you're an ugly shit dressed homeless looking pedo now.

>> No.15902782

lol the virus is fake anyways i love how these exact people who called me schizo for talking about it in december 2019 when it was unknown and might actually be a happening are now the loudest ones soapboxing about an obvious fake pandemic. i swear half of the faggots in seattle would jump off a bridge to their deaths if the law school dropout on their preferred local news channel told them to.

>> No.15902794

covid fake flu is obviously planned and organized between the chinese government, dnc, and faggots like bill gates/bezos for a few super obvious reasons:

>kill small business
>orange man bad/easy mail in election fraud
>chinese economy passes up usa's 10 years earlier than predicted
>medical companies get handouts and can sell a new vaccine that their ceo's won't take every 8 months
>depopulation possibly (via later rounds of vaccines)

>> No.15902796
File: 20 KB, 112x112, 3x (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans are so hilarious

>> No.15902797

my dad almost died in the hospital, went in for a surgery with 8% survival (won the dice roll) and they wouldn't even let me in the fucking waiting room.
if he died in there i probably would have gone school shooter on the place.

>> No.15902800


It's okay to be suspicious, but you're pretty taking this "alternative narrative" in most face value, unquestioning way ever, like your a meme

>> No.15902803

>>depopulation possibly (via later rounds of vaccines)

>> No.15902986


>> No.15903061


>> No.15903093

I wear an N95 and nothing more. I'm not going to dress it up, same idea as prisoners who refuse to dress up their jail cell. It's not permanent.

What's with the black masks anyway? I see grannies wearing that shit. It's more NPC than just wearing the N95 or surgical shit.

You wearing your face shield bro? Make sure you wear it with your double masks.

>> No.15903144

so does anyone know any cool masks then