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File: 137 KB, 740x760, fqygustmdia61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15857751 No.15857751 [Reply] [Original]

Beards are cool, deal with it beardlets

>> No.15857757

Beards are awesome for the following reasons;

>makes most men look 10x more attractive
>makes most men look 10x more manly
>looks cool
>a lot of women are attracted to beards
>beards are a sign of high testosterone
>beards can make babyfaced guys look older
>beards make men look wiser and more interesting

And if you properly shower and groom yourself they're not that hard to take care of. Beards > beardlet basedbooise

Stay mad yall!

>> No.15857758

Fucking disgusting. I wouldn't date any of those men.

>> No.15857759
File: 768 KB, 1107x540, beard boi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are when done right and not some uggo soi with a huge stupid beard pulling an equally dumb face.

>> No.15857761
File: 53 KB, 660x716, 1571186267994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if i like my babyface?

>> No.15857763

Then put on your diaper and enjoy being a wittle baby

>> No.15857764

Keep the smooth clean baby face.

>> No.15857765

I had a large one.
I wore it to keep the sun and wind off my face as I work outdoors.
I hated the attention it brought. The jokes were ok (Muslim jokes etc) but the absolute worst was the admiration from other men, and they were always Manlet men. Made me feel like a gay idol.
I shaved it off a year ago and have never felt better.

>> No.15857769

This is true. I am a babyface, not bad looking but still a soft boy babyface. I can grow a thick beard with good coverage though and I did it. I did the squint pose with my eyes to look all masculine and aggressive too.

My online dating shit has easily increased many times over from women. I even got some 47 year old model type slutty milf talking to me. My babyface never got that. Ever.

I work out too and have a good body, so of course you should do that too.

>> No.15857770

>not fistbumping the big bearded boys at the gym
>not talking to them and telling them you wanna be friends
>not fucking in the showers

>> No.15857774

Stubble looks good, a well groomed beard can look good on many men (some do look better with light stubble or shaved though) overall it depends on the person but beards can be cool, I'm thinking of joining a biker gang t b q h

>> No.15857782
File: 67 KB, 640x640, beard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stubble looks good but my babyface means baby chin somewhat so stubble doesn't look as good. I have a beard exactly like pic related now. I think these type look 100% different (and better) than those huge wispy ones fat dudes have, especially when they have a thin moustache too like the middle guy in OPs pic. Those are the awful beards.

>> No.15857788

lucky genes huh

>> No.15857795

Not on the jaw lol but facial hair good. Although under the lip wasn't as thick and I used minox for a few months and it worked. Also beard waxes to straighten and style can also thicken the hair. It's annoying at times like sleeping and it gets in the way but clean shaven I look like a light bulb head. I do have a jaw, just a much larger head at the top oh god why.

>> No.15857796

I fucking wish mine grew this voluminous above/below the lips. Everywhere else has good coverage but right below my lips looks like a fucking bald patch and my moustache is basically a handful of long, thick white whiskers.

>> No.15857797
File: 84 KB, 2076x1450, b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a pointy van dyke, though I don't know if I'll ever twirl the stache.

>> No.15857818

Growing a beard made me go from sleeping with average looking women to very hot women in very short women. What’s amazing is that I was actually kinda fat (27BMI mostly from fat) when I was bearded. I used to look like a 15 year old femboy twink with Leo DiCaprio syndrome into a fairly rugged look comparatively. My old exes told me it looked awful and when I shaved the new women said they preferred with a beard. I rock 10mm short beard length now and I still look boyish but masculinely so.

Anyone else have any bald patches in their beard pattern? I have it so that the middle of the chin and the area surrounding the mustache are empty. Overall it’s still like 90% coverage though and looks good when growing.

>> No.15857859

This. Stubble/5 o'clock shadow, beard growth, and full voluminous beards can all look hot, but they need care, shaping and grooming. Type of face and type of beard need to match.

>> No.15857896

face w timestamp or larp more

>> No.15857960

This really the image you gonna pick to defend beards? Lmao

>> No.15858060
File: 49 KB, 479x693, 8D35BF8C-F2B4-4BBA-87CA-9C719C385169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Capuchins are unique for a Catholic religious order in that the growing of natural, untrimmed beards features as part of its first Constitution, which states as the reason, the beard is “manly, austere, natural, an imitation of Christ and the saints of our Order, and despised”.

>> No.15858098

most women i've talked to say beards are gross, maybe they are just saying that because i don't have a beard.

>> No.15858129

I have a shitty ass beard that's thin and scruffy, I look ugly with or without, but at least my small jawline isn't as noticeable with it.

I've been told by multiple women to shave it or trim it back, but I'm not gonna because I like looking like a bum desu

>> No.15858133
File: 183 KB, 500x281, C882DADF-84F9-46B0-9A5E-9D6D1F4FE499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of cope one will go through because they lack a jawline is astounding

>> No.15858136

They are all Fucking Disgusting. All fucking Disgusting

>> No.15858148

Women style their hair to change the silhouette of their face all the time, don't know why guys growing a beard for that reason is all that bad. Guys who won't admit it and pull some shit about "muh viking epic lol reddit shit manly man" garbage out of their ass Is super gay. >>15858060
Kind of like this dude. Just say you like the way it looks.

>> No.15858154

I don’t grow a beard because I don’t need to lol. I don’t know why beard copers play it up as if it’s some sort of genetic feat to grow one. Even shitty third worlders can all grow a beard with ease. Let’s say for the sake of the argument I couldn’t tho, I could easily hop on fin+minox and grow one. What about you? Can you take a bunch of pills and grow a jawline lmao

>> No.15858181

Yeah, I hate it when some stranger with a beard fawns over my beard like it's some kind of deep bond we share. It's especially bad these days when everyone is wearing masks anyway. The polite way to respond is to say, "thanks, you too" but I don't give a fuck about your beard. I didn't grow a beard to be part of a club.

>> No.15858190
File: 40 KB, 700x700, rs_600x600-200206174101-600.robert-pattinson.ct.020620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think full beards are fucking disgusting, it always seems like dudes can't clean them properly.

Short trimmed or clean shaven is optimal.

>> No.15858195
File: 126 KB, 1200x803, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope. Women go wild and wet for this look.

>> No.15858199
File: 115 KB, 2000x1000, henry-cavill-witcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try, but if you look at any male celebrity women fawn over they never have full beards, even the hypermasculine ones.

source. am woman

>> No.15858207

>my anecdotal taste is confirmation everything things the same way I do
fuck why am I even responding to a self-identifying hole

>> No.15858209

Simply because Hollywood roles do not call for them. Outside of that like tv series such as vikings or whatever women are crazy for them. You're either a man with a beard or a woman. There is nothing else.

>> No.15858210
File: 328 KB, 1200x1632, 1200px-e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't women super into this guy?

>> No.15858213

Yeah and she is probably about 18 too. Just a dumb silly hoe.

>> No.15858215
File: 119 KB, 1080x1289, jake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also fawn even more when the guy has a beard. Here Jake looks so much better.

>> No.15858219

Beards are the biggest cope ever

T. moustache haver

>> No.15858230
File: 56 KB, 634x616, 05907218-174B-4498-8D33-332ECE32D615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT jawlets trying to convince themselves that beards are the sexiest thing to cope with not having a good face and jaw

>> No.15858260

What do people mean with "personality?"
Anything that might be part of one is renounced as a cope for not having a personality, I don't understand

How do I acquire character?

>> No.15858267

It's like you're proving yourself wrong. He looks so much better with the beard. So he has to shave it off, because? Do you tell girls to wipe off all their makeup? Do you tell guys they can't have a hair transplant? Do you tell people styling their hair is a cope? What about people that workout and get fitted clothing to look better?

I don't even understand the thought process of people like you. It's totally natural, to shave your face is like saying shave your head. And if you look a lot better with a beard, then it is more sexy than how you do without a beard.

You're fucking weird mate.

>> No.15858277

Keep coping jawlet

>> No.15858283

You sound like a seething incel lol. Are you just mad you thought you had 1 up on these guys and now they look better than you and there is too much male competition now?

You have to keep them guys down, right? Lmao holy shit. What an incel. Imagine thinking you can rely on your jaw to get you women and you are deserving of them because of that. You sound like Elliot Rodger. Incel freak.

>> No.15858293

cope harder chinlet

>> No.15858305
File: 9 KB, 236x228, 1520816794885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't have a personality and i got no clue how to get one

>> No.15858312
File: 2.04 MB, 1868x1518, Screenshot 2021-01-11 at 11.47.50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A beard is sometimes a second wind for post-wall 4/10 men

>> No.15858314

>w-women don’t like jawlines!!! They like baby faced men with cope pubes on their face!!!
Holy cope lmao

>> No.15858322

American women maybe

>> No.15858327

I get itchy under my beard. It's a pain to take care of. Fuck beards

>> No.15858328

Was posting a picture that looks like a counter to your argument part of you plan? I'm confused, he looks way better with the beard and beanie.

>> No.15858336

You don't pursue a personality, you just have one. Everyone has one regardless. Your personality is always bound to what you do. People that shit on other people for setting their personalities on things they do should look to themselves, because they're doing exactly the same.

>> No.15858338
File: 490 KB, 1000x1000, Apollo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bullshit kike, never tried of having a beard and it's larpy as fuck, only clean shave. Also the "chad" beard is to hide your fucked up jaw and your incel look.

>> No.15858344

My argument is that beards are just a cope

>> No.15858346

Isn't that what all fashion is? If you were one sculpted motherfuggin god's gift to earth you'd walk around nude

>> No.15858352

Soz you'd rather have an incel looking guy not hide it and look like shit? Sounds dumb

>> No.15858360

so how do i grow one bros

>> No.15858365

Lol so your a jaw let and a skinny fat loser? Lmaoooooo

>> No.15858375

if you look good without a beard you will also look BETTER without a beard. people who look better with a beard look ugly without one.

>> No.15858385

Fucking autism

>> No.15858409

I know its a meme and everything but I genuinely didn't think I would get so much female attention just from growing a beard, though I'm one of the lucky ones since it came in thick and full almost straight away. I used to be majorly awkward around women, but now that they've started to approach me its really built up my confidence. And plus, if I ever want to take 5 years off my face, my youth is just a shave away.

>> No.15858413
File: 79 KB, 640x800, Pillar3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish i could pull off cap price look

>> No.15858415

Romans shaved because they wanted to look like women to entice other men.

>> No.15858421

Based and Dugin-pilled

>> No.15858437

Basically the same thing as the modern LGBT movement. Instead of using a knife to cut off the penis they cut off other masculine traits.

>> No.15858471

I.. is this true??? Gawd damn.

He's a pretty based

>> No.15858487

Now that’s what I call based

>> No.15858591

>it's larpy as fuck
>has saved pictures of roman busts on his computer

>> No.15858606
File: 1.20 MB, 996x710, 43879435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big full garden gnome beards are cringe and have been tainted by the søys for the next 2 decades

a short trimmed beard or full stubble is where it's at (in terms of attractiveness)

>> No.15858610

Luke is a 10/10

>> No.15858655
File: 229 KB, 548x699, beardo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15858656
File: 1.67 MB, 1559x575, beards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The beard on the left is great, worlds apart from the soi hipster shit on the right.

>> No.15858677

it's literally just slightly shorter, not "world's apart"
only difference is that the guy is more attractive

>> No.15858680

woman don't know what they want. And when they do, they won't admit to it. That's a pro tip to you

>> No.15858683

What about kissing a women or going down on them with a beard. Itchy and scratchy is not pleasant

>> No.15858685

he looks pozzed either way

>> No.15858691

I have a super short trimmed beard mostly because I don't get any acne if its covering my face

>> No.15858704

What's a good trimming tool to maintain a short beard?
Have been rocking a mustache since my gf broke up with me figure I might as well grow a full beard just don't want a long lumberjack looking do.

>> No.15858711 [DELETED] 

They are styled so different, that's the point. The right styling changes a lot.


You end up with a fishy beard, pretty based, like a free cologne. I did it once and you could smell the fish 3 weeks later still. 10/10.

Who, me? Not pozzed. I only have a handful of genital warts and anal herpes. No African virus.

>> No.15858715

They are styled so different, that's the point. The right styling changes a lot.


You end up with a fishy beard, pretty based, like a free cologne. I did it once and you could smell the fish 3 weeks later still. 10/10.

Who, me? Not pozzed. I only have a handful of genital warts and anal herpes. No African virus.

>> No.15858750

I've a strong jawline and now a thick. multi-tonal beard and I've never received more compliments in my life from women 30+

>> No.15858756

Yeah I have a beard and a jaw line as do many people. Coplets who can't grow a beard just justify it by believing every beard guy has some non-existent jaw which is simply not true.

>> No.15858759
File: 21 KB, 600x384, 1554852265439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he does and he can also still look good clean shaven

it's not fucking fair desu

>> No.15858763

>compliments women 30+

that's completely pointless tho, unless you're into milfs

>> No.15858764

It's incredibly immasculating not being able to grow a beard, or a too-patchy one. My favourite is when women tease their husbands infront of me for not being able to grow 'a proper one'.

>> No.15858765

Uhh zoomers man...

Not that poster but I am 34. We're not all 17 here.

>> No.15858767

it is world's apart in their style and intent, and especially in what either guy represents -- the left being a fuckboy and the right being soiboys, regardless of looks (the second from the left is fairly handsome but is an obvious cringy numale hipster)

>> No.15858770

Women's sex drive (and ability) peak in their mid-30s. Of course I'm into fucking milfs.

>> No.15858771

>women like guys with no beards because a lot of hollywood celebs are clean shaven

Yeah because they look like total ass with their weak patchy beards


That's why they;re clean shaven.

>> No.15858784

I'm actually 30 and women my age look like they might as well be my aunts

I really only fish in the 18-25 pond and I'm not even into "young women" as a rule, it's just an attractiveness and health that women seem to lose in their late 20s, as if their life force extinguishes and they become old hags over night, it's very sad

>> No.15858790

to add to this, I also get a lot of compliments from older women and it really grosses & weirds me out, feels very very inappropriate to me for some late 30s / 40s / 50a woman to have these thoughts about me, I'm like you should be a mother or a grandmother, not wanting to suck dick

>> No.15858792

Ehh I tend to think women look shit after 30 but then after 40 a lot pick up again, like they realize they are getting old and start taking care of themselves. Then again I do like my gilfs..

>> No.15858793

Journalists are the fucking worst. Half of the facial hair on display looks great, she just doesn't personally like it. Chris Evans's moustache for example, seems pretty much perfect to me. Not patchy, weak or poorly trimmed. She just doesn't like what he's going for, same with a bunch of others.

>> No.15858797

Nah I get you. I'm a 24 year old woman and I find myself attracted to guys in the 20-23 age range because 30+ year old men tend to be fat, have disgusting beards or are balding (or some combination of the three). I literally ghost guys when I find out they have a kid and baby mama (I don't want to even set foot in that mess).

>> No.15858820
File: 363 KB, 834x475, might is right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about me, you cheeky lil girl. Would you have a roll around in the sack with me?

If you're a lucky girl, you'll find out why they call me the nibbler ;o)

>> No.15858831

Hell no. Cya.

>> No.15858844
File: 111 KB, 100x108, licky lick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, yeah. You know I got the sweet candy, baby girl.

>> No.15858868

this is reddit pasta rigth?

>> No.15858873

it's only natural

a big part of the attraction for women to older guys usually boils down to station in life (money & power & social standing) whereas organic attraction in terms of health indicators and physical attractiveness always reverts back to youth

>> No.15858888
File: 2.30 MB, 3088x2316, 700BC69E-2339-4BF4-9E3C-712AC54EADEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never can decide this is with

>> No.15858911
File: 1.11 MB, 2036x3643, 317FBCDA-7818-4048-8BC6-801E25EB47EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And without

>> No.15858916

Protip: women hate facial hair.

...you will however, get endless compliments from dudes and might want to save up for rotator cuff surgery from all the hi-fives you'll be getting.

And no, a fucking hobo beard never looks good.

>> No.15858955

makeup for men

>> No.15858980

What are you even trying to say?

>> No.15858986

Neither poo poo

>> No.15858991

Woman hate facial hair on guys they don't like

>> No.15858993

Epic comeback

>> No.15859015

It wasnt a comeback it was a statement. Go drown yourself in the ganges

>> No.15859020

They hate it in general. You will never walk down the street and have random thots go 'nice beard!' ...oh but you will have guys do that like 24/7

>> No.15859027

It's not the beard they don't like, it's you

>> No.15859044 [DELETED] 

the point of facial hair or lack thereof -- and any fashion style for that matter -- is to make you look better, so it doesn't matter if "women like this or that" because it doesn't work in those absolutes

if you're a slackjawed pudding faced low T softboy then you don't really have a choice -- then you NEED facial hair, whereas if you're a sharpjawed Chad your choice in facial hair will just make you slightly less or slightly more attractive than you already are

if you don't care about attractiveness or social conformity than there's nothing to really discuss because then you can wear whatever you want and be cool with it, so it all depends on what you're striving for

>> No.15859085

Epic meme bro

>> No.15859139

OK, and? You say that as if coping with a problem is a bad thing.

>> No.15859149

Me and everyone else.

>> No.15859272

>gets uncomfortable at the idea of older women finding him attractive
>does the same thing to younger women

>> No.15859287

Because that's not the kind of thing women will usually compliment out of the blue. They compliment clothing or something. I'm a bartender and I've had so many women compliment my beard but it's usually because they're out with a girlfriend and we're all chatting. I doubt those same women would bring it up in another context.

>> No.15859311

Well no shit, of course they will compliment you if they want something from you.

>> No.15859320

They're at a bar. They're gonna buy drinks from me anyway. It's a place of business where money is exchanged for goods. If they want free shit at a bar they'll start talking to the guys at the table next to them.

>> No.15859337

nice 8s but the beard looks kinda shit might be the lighting but looks patchy and scraggly.
Much nicer without.

>> No.15859338

You trying to say complementary drinks are not a thing anon? Also they might be after attention but don't wanna deal with other guys, you're the safe zone. Almost everyone tries to make friends with the bartender, thats like bar hopping 101.

>> No.15859350

There's more to it then just that, the biggest difference beard wise between the two is just length. The overall shape is the same, the reason why left looks good is everything else, a nice shirt/jacket, well groomed hair, NO GLASSES, no whore nose piercing, no cap to hide the fact that right is totally balding in the middle. The ginger guy wouldn't look so bad either if he lost the homo looking earrings and did his hair a bit more masculine.

>> No.15859353

Sure but the door swings both ways. I'm using them for tips and you can get big tips from conversation alone. You gotta hold the free drink card in the vault as something to be earned. If you just give away free drinks to every woman at a bar it's no longer special and you're likely to get yourself fired for wasting money.

>> No.15859367

Better without, but you could try different trimming styles and see if any suit you. Something like a goatee might work

>> No.15859431

No the media just wants women to be

>> No.15859483
File: 1.46 MB, 3840x2160, D06D707F-152E-4B27-85CC-21E02BCB97E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll go with this

>> No.15859488

well that's the point, it's not the beard it's that redditfags need to "be interesting" and add more shit to it and lose the masculine simplicity of just looking good

>> No.15859490

Don't think this compliments your lip structure well at all but it could just be the photo

>> No.15859512
File: 2.46 MB, 2316x3088, 57FE266D-34FB-4DAA-9537-289FEA75499C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s the hitler stache I made some fun pics while shaving like this cholo stache

>> No.15859566
File: 25 KB, 400x300, 2A6BE8BA-03B8-4E70-B8D3-6480DC3FEFE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of beard owning jawlet cope In this thread is hilarious. It’s like they have to lie to themselves and delude themselves into thinking beards are the best thing.
>oh yeah dude I get so much pussy with my beard
>I practically get showered in compliments every day bro
>bro when I have sex they rub their pussies on my beard bro
>women on the daily just rip their clothes off for me bro
Like this would be more believable if you posted normal success stories

>> No.15859574

are you south american or a paki?

>> No.15859580

Yeah I feel you guys, I'm 23 and only date women aged 16-25, fuck them old hags.

>> No.15859583

I mean, it's happened to me, but you do you.

>> No.15859587

Sure it did.

>> No.15859609

South American

>> No.15859701

Fucking great facial hair genetics. Jesus Christ I’m jelly.

>> No.15859881

I agree.

>> No.15860303
File: 53 KB, 700x394, clean shaven vs beard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clean shaven > stubble > beard
I wish my facial hair did not grow back so fast

>> No.15860316

Why are bearded bootfags so fucking cringe?
>hurr durr this boot's heel stiffener is 0.005mm thicker than another brands, this is definitely a better work boot
>hurr durr they use Japanese thread folded x1000 in the toe cap, this is a much better boot
>"what, a fiberglass shank?? only unicorn dust encrusted steel shanks are worth it?
What is it about boots that inspires such faggotry from men who wear them to the office? Raw denim people are the same way when it comes to their pants.

>> No.15860330
File: 158 KB, 900x659, richelieu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. The most based man in history wore his beard like that, so it must be a good style.

>> No.15860803

Definitely with. You look much more mature and trustworthy.

Also checking repeating digits.

>> No.15860806

Beards are absolute cringe, just shut the fuck up already and stop coping. It looks like complete shit. If you have to hide your features to look good then, newsflash, you don't fucking look good. Accept it, find some modicum of peace inside your miserable husk, and deal with it.

>> No.15860931

My wife gets absolutely pissed when I shave off my beard. Same goes for body hair. She wants a big, sweaty, hairy animal of a man in the bedroom, not a little boy.

>> No.15861865

I asked grill last time I did and she said it was weird at first but then she got used to it

>> No.15861951

>my EYEBROW is my personality starter pack

>> No.15862026

no beard advocates just coping for being low t that unable to grow one, or just simps that heard some women say they don't like beards and their entire self esteem derived from what women think

>> No.15862071

>Anyone who hates on beards cannot grow one
Why the fuck would I choose to look like every other cunt?
Not having a beard has served me very well my entire life, I'm not gonna choose to have one now just because "it's cool" and everyone else has one.

If every other man had a dick up their arse, would you follow suit?

>> No.15862081

The beard itself is not odious, but 95% of people with beards are obnoxious manchildren for some unexplainable reason
And you know, having a beard really isn't a personality trait

>> No.15862084
File: 880 KB, 751x1200, self2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2021 is the year of the mustache
You heard it here first faggots

>> No.15862097

I fucking knew I'd find it in this thread. I made this 3 years ago

>> No.15862104

Nice projection lol it’s because I don’t have a reason to hide my face

>> No.15862108

beards are great but, they allow low test weak chins to hide themselves

>> No.15862110

I would have more respect for them if they just said “I have a beard because I like how they look”. Instead they have to attach a whole ideology behind it and it always involves their fragile masculinity like >>15860931
>I have to be MANLY bro. I cannot have any ounce of femininity at all. I have to be tough and MASCULINE bro. You totally cannot see my insecurity I’m trying to cover up

>> No.15862306

I like how manly beards look.

>> No.15862328

>still have to wear masks

>> No.15862335

you know what's more rare than being able to grow a beard? excellent facial structure
you know what attractive men don't hide? their face a.k.a. their greatest asset
stubble is cool, full beards are not unless you're 40+ years old
ugly cope

>> No.15862337

this is the baitest thread i've ever seen

>> No.15862338

Lol sad that beard fags look like the most unmasculine bitch boys without them. Talk about irony

>> No.15862361
File: 37 KB, 560x407, rtg0q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't that the whole point of fashion though? To accentuate features or show off desired traits. I don't really see the difference between a guy growing a beard to look more masculine and a woman putting makeup on to look more feminine.

>> No.15862370

>he posted the cope response
Beards don’t accentuate anything. They cover them up. An example of accentuating is a stubble on a handsome face or minimalist makeup on a pretty face. Getting a beard to cover your weak chin or make up to cover you ugly face completely is not accentuating.

>> No.15862373

>a woman putting makeup on to look more feminine.
who said that's not bad
fuck women who try to make themselves not ugly unironically, just accept it cuz valuable men see right through it

a man growing a beard to compensate for his lack of masculinity is faggotry

>> No.15862389
File: 64 KB, 474x582, 1610494880099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beards are cool

>> No.15862444

Fair enough, the other use is exactly that then, covering a weak chin, just another use of fashion to hide or distract from flaws.

What's the alternative then? Excluding surgery.

>> No.15862465
File: 243 KB, 680x709, Yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so you want to look better?

>> No.15862537

>What's the alternative then? Excluding surgery.
there's no alternative
your face reveals your genetic quality and important information about you to all other human beings, it is what it is

>> No.15862554

It’s not a fashion tho. It’s as fashionable as a fat woman wearing a green or vertical line dress to appear slimmer. It does not showcase anything, it exists solely to cover up something

>> No.15862556

I'd say with, you look kinda sus without. Though honestly without is a pretty good look on its own, i could see some people preferring that

>> No.15862563
File: 83 KB, 998x642, ECDD5F71-5F24-4AE1-93FE-B91BECC90819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol stop acting like your on some self improvement journey. You’re hiding your true self behind a masquerade and acting like your something you know you arent

>> No.15862572

I hope you feel better about yourself one day, anon.
Everyone deserves to be happy <:^)

>> No.15862583

How could I not be happy with my jawline anon? Projecting much?

>> No.15862589

love you, boo.
Jus the way you are :^]

>> No.15862594
File: 5 KB, 261x193, 04B61805-5F1C-47DA-AA26-182ED73BE313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same hope you can fix your condition one day and be able to show your true self to the world

>> No.15862802

>fix your condition
>show your true self

>> No.15862935

Good thing they're probably not homosexual

>> No.15863149

COD movie with Mel Gibson as Price and Tom Hardy as Soap

>> No.15863155

>rden gnome beards are cringe and have
It's the neck, prove me right.

>> No.15863163

what are you even trying to say

>> No.15863175

that they would look less faggy if their neck hadn't stoped growing after 6th grade.

>> No.15863222

Nah, Beards look non hygienic, are for people with ugly jawline and they make you look either like a fucking hipster or a metalhead.

>> No.15863376

do you use balm or whatever? My shit never wants to point downwards

>> No.15863457

Working out isn't an equivalent to the rest of those, because you can't fake working out. The results of exercise are earned, the rest aren't. If something genetically determined can only be attractive by covering it up, it is unattractive.

>> No.15863691

Why are they looking in the camera like this?

>> No.15863705

how else would they look at it?

>> No.15863707
File: 2.96 MB, 640x360, Conor Mcgregor vs Cowboy full fight.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15864346

definitely reads like one

>> No.15864455

If you're going to speak about genetic quality, it has to be said that growing a beard is clearly a popular secondary sex characteristic, and wouldn't have been selected for through evolution if women didn't find it attractive. Trying to explain it (like >>15862554 claiming it exists to cover something up) inevitably falls into inductive fallacy territory at best and phrenology at worst. Put down the calipers boys, there's less outdated means of beardlet cope.

>> No.15864480

Beards are cool when you don't give a shit but if you think your beard is your personality your a fucking loser.

Every single person in your pic OP is a basedface hiding behind facial hair, one shave and any power you think you have is gone, that's weakness.

>> No.15864487


chinlets/jawlets/hairlets coping is pathetic

>> No.15864491

Fuck you doxxed me

>> No.15864528

milennials' beards are cringe numale shit, especially when paired with an undercut/fade


>> No.15864544
File: 41 KB, 691x628, Screenshot_2021-01-13 most attractive facial hair - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15864585

What's this meme with drawing ancient Romans as modern day meds? Look at the physical descriptions of Roman emperors they all had blonde hair blue eyes or close variations

>> No.15864608

that guy in particular was more swarthy which is why they always trot him out

>> No.15865365

Based and the correct answer

>> No.15865371

Based femcels killing beard fags itt

>> No.15865405

Are you stupid? When was the last tame you talked with a woman? Mommy does not count

>> No.15865419

>25 to 34

Anyway, another study I saw rated long stubble above short stubble.

A big issue with guys with beards not being attractive to women is because a large number of scruffy dudes, metal heads, hipsters etc. have them. An actual buff dude in a suit with a beard is a different fish altogether.

>> No.15865426

beardfag cope
liftmong cope

we get it; you're a fat, bearish, millennial metrosexual

>> No.15865437

I'm a 35 year old 6'4" 260lbs bodybuilder who dresses in menswear yes. What are you? An 18 year old skinny nerd? Lol.

>> No.15865448

you a top or a bottom?

>> No.15865456

Hahah creepy little incel. Get a life.

>> No.15865485

Nice coat

>> No.15865642

who is bottom right on the left there

>> No.15865742

with fasho. looks mature and sharp.

>> No.15866252

People should not bitch about beards or clean shaven. Lets people have more choices when it comes to how they want to look. No need to limit it.

>> No.15866260

everyone should be forced to shave their head and wear a uniform jump suit
no more coping, uggos

>> No.15866265

Except the reason why we hate beard fags is because they won’t shut up about it. Not because they simply like it

>> No.15866287

this is a fashion board. You are posting in a thread about beards. It doesn't take a huge amount of effort on your part to avoid or filter it if it makes you feel insecure. Why are you here if you don't want to hear about it?

>> No.15866296

Checked. You look like ice cube's indian son with. Definitely with

>> No.15866307

Shut yo bitch ass up jawlet

>> No.15866766

Nobody in this thread has a beard

>> No.15866796

If you can grow a beard you will likely go bald...

>> No.15866805

Shhh, don’t hurt the soi copers.

>> No.15866853
File: 80 KB, 500x380, 1609963271143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note that threads that are a waste of time don't get raided.

>> No.15866854

absolutely based more men should have this

>> No.15866856

Looking good

>> No.15866858

I can't grow a beard simply because my jaw is shaped in such a way that the groeing hairs poke my skin so bad that the itching makes me lose sleep. I once tried to groe it out and quit after being unable to fall asleep due to the itching torment on my face.

>> No.15866870
File: 1.53 MB, 1280x727, 1280px-Siege_of_La_Rochelle_1881_Henri_Motte.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, in the most roundabout way, you helped me find a painting I've been looking for forever and couldn't come up with a description for. Thank you so much! It was bugging me for so long. Pic related.

>> No.15866948
File: 155 KB, 652x784, 1435078028857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15866995
File: 968 KB, 1536x2048, F185D5ED-B3C5-44B1-BC54-81EA0DE922D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea I think I’ll let it grow back

>> No.15867003


>> No.15867009

Budweiser is pretty bad tho

>> No.15867010

I'll accept beards for baldies and chinlets, but even then it should never protrude from your face in length.

>> No.15867035

why do they all do that gay eyebrow thing? is this just another version of the open mouth expression that s o y faggots do?

>> No.15867037
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>> No.15867038
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>> No.15867082

either Alain Delon, or Phil Fish

>> No.15867136

That thing they do with their eyebrows is 10x worse than the beards

>> No.15867138

>hangs over mouth

>> No.15867206

I do

>> No.15867256

God, that would be a dream

>> No.15867827

I can grow a beard but don't have the patience to see how full it gets. Ever since the military I never feel comfortable anymore with facial hair.

Shaved looks very orderly and proper. Not everyone likes beards, contrary to what beardfags like to think. Just bee yourself.

>> No.15867984

But my jawline is my one good feature.. why would I wanna cover it

>> No.15868124
File: 687 KB, 1422x2223, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15868146

I can't grow a really good looking beard, it's just too thin on the cheeks. But the area of the van-dyke is so thick it's actually a pain in the ass to shave. I'll actually sit there and choke a trimmer for 10 minutes if I leave it for more than a week. Life just wants me to have one.

>> No.15868266

It's definitely "Suck My Dick, Choke On It" Phil Fish

>> No.15868274

Those things on their own aren't so bad.

>> No.15869056

How do fellow beardfags keep it clean? Do you use any special shampoo or conditioner or do you just use the same stuff you use on the rest of your face or hair? And do you apply oils or balms afterwards to replenish any oils that get stripped after washing it?

>> No.15869087

Why would your beard be dirty... Mine never is. I just use the same stuff I do on my hair in the shower. I use a beard balm after because it nourishes the beard, and it also acts like a styling wax (but not as strong) to keep any loose hairs down and make it neat.

I don't do any of the other hipster shit or whatever. That's my full routine.

>> No.15869589

What kind of beard balm do you use?

>> No.15869925

I wouldn’t use shampoo for your head hair on your face, it will dry out your skin. best to find a beard shampoo, they’re usually more sensitive and nourishing to the skin underneath. Also use a little bit of beard balm or oil, people might say it’s soi but it’s no different than applying product to your hair, makes it soft and smell good.

>> No.15870040
File: 1.82 MB, 3024x4032, 756C7C98-DC54-4583-B904-06023735F9CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me rice Cube then

>> No.15870058

> poo in the loo
> beard
> trustworthy.

>> No.15870088

most onions or fedora niggas glorify beards, they do look kinda cringe i mean, look at those "men" and the goddman expression on their face, looks so cringe.

>> No.15870093

Eh, I'm a beardlet but don't really have an opinion on beards. Sometimes they look good and sometimes they don't. I'm straight so why would I give a shit what other dudes look like? This was a pointless thread so a bunch of faggots could have a pointless argument.

>> No.15870112

Well actually I’m half German half Latino but I guess it doesn’t fit your epic meme

>> No.15870113

beards are part of your face, why you want to hide it? probably because -> >>15862026

>> No.15870565

Sort of related but dick van dykes great niece gave me head

>> No.15870581

Hate it hate it hate it hate it

I’ve put up with beards bc I liked the person more than just their face but god why. And you expect women to shave their whole bodies? When you won’t even trim a bit of your face? Fuck this world is so unfair

>> No.15870596
File: 9 KB, 225x225, C71414B6-AD70-457C-9583-AA50455B7387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch shut the fuck up

>> No.15870613

you sound like a dumbfuck blonde

>> No.15870622

Women have no right to speak about their superiors.

>> No.15870820

>You end up with a fishy beard, pretty based, like a free cologne. I did it once and you could smell the fish 3 weeks later still. 10/10.
I feel so terrible after reading that. i hope you are happy that my day is now ruined

>> No.15870823

Kek. At least when I go down on men, people jus assume the dick smell on my face is due to being a dude

>> No.15870920
File: 378 KB, 506x496, balm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. It does what it says (apart from "accelerating" growth)

It's pretty cheap and stops the frizz and makes it a bit more heavy/thick to look better.

>> No.15870927
File: 756 KB, 600x735, the horse shit sniffer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bahha "me" detected

>> No.15871375

Is "training" your beard/stache a thing? Like if I use balm on it while it's really short will it eventually prefer to grow out a certain way?

>> No.15871447

I tried it myself, with the "no trim" method of growing a moustache. Self-explanatory, you just don't trim it. Instead, as you're letting it grow out, you just keep combing it to the sides, away from your mouth. Eventually it does work, much like "training" a part in the hair on your head. It takes a while, but it can certainly be done. Helps to have straighter hair too. Extra curly hair may need products of some sort.

>> No.15871551
File: 2.92 MB, 1920x2560, Polish_20210115_140008083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips? First beard, it's a bit long right now but it shows my growth pattern I think.

>> No.15872149

I actually just want mine to go downwards, cowboy style. As is it points more outward than downward.

>> No.15872386

>And you expect women to shave their whole bodies?
I don't, I love a hairy woman, too bad women expect other women to shave so they do it any way.

>> No.15872387

just my opinion but going off of previous pics i think you look equally good if not better clean shaven, your face has the right structure for it

>> No.15872826

hold up isn't this the exact post from that one whitetrash girl.

>> No.15872861

>any tips?
yes, lose some weight you fat fucking cow

>> No.15872973

kek guess she’s a copy pasta now

>> No.15873277

It's part of the "haha I am very sexily weird cuz I have beard"

>> No.15873423

trimming it is probably a good idea anon, keep it looking tidy

>> No.15873430

emperor Caracalla was syrian anon he would have likely been dark haired

human hair isn't monolithic either even nordic nations have natives with dark hair and eyes

>> No.15873433

anon if the only thing stopping you from being called a little boy is body hair and a beard I think you have a problem

>> No.15873442

cardinal richelieu was so based

>> No.15873453

it's funny because he looks better in that one pic with only stubble

>> No.15873667

with, nice digits.

>> No.15873681

>Fuck this world is so unfair

not really, there is no rule or law in place that prevents you from going after what you want and not settling for what you don't

you can just reject every bearded man and only go for clean shaven male-models, that is entirely your pejorative

similarly, an incel can hold out for a 10/10 babe and no one could stop him

>> No.15873690

>you expect women to shave their whole bodies?
No, I don't expect them to shave, they do it because of their own internalised misogyny. I don't have to tell them to do anything. Hating women is the default position of everyone, even women.

>> No.15873892

I literally haven't shaved/trimmed (or drank alcohol) since April of last year when the lockdowns began and I have a huge beard. I'm kind of sick of it but no barber shops are open to get it shaped up. I could very easily just delete it from my face right now but I feel too much of a weird spiritual/sense of accomplishment with this giant homeless beard on my face. what do, /fa/?

>> No.15874163

stubble is the supreme look because it shows you are fully capable of growing a beard, but don't feel the need to hide your lack of jaw or compensate for you lack of personality.

>> No.15874501

>/threading your own post
cringe and cringe opinion

>> No.15874506

dangerously based

>> No.15874510


>> No.15874513
File: 741 KB, 1920x1200, gandalf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salty dogs and gandalfs are the only good beards

>> No.15874519

>Men go wild and wet for his look

>> No.15874521


>> No.15874526

Go on..

>> No.15874528
File: 92 KB, 614x420, 05EBF567-D2AC-46BA-B23A-3980601677CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15874532

i have god tier hair and beard genetics and i still stay clean shaved and buzzed at all times simply because i hate waiting for my hair/beard to dry after taking a shower. if your hair is an important part of identity you should seriously just transition or off yourself because you arent going to make it.

>> No.15875947

god why is she still alive

>> No.15876043


Momoa is a niche, he is tall, buff, unique eye area, hobo style.

The average guy or even Chadlite who tries to pull this will look stupid.

The rule are:
1)If you have an ok facial structure and could be considered handsome -> clean shaven or stubble
2)If above is not true AND you can grow a thick beard -> well groomed beard

Everything else (goatee, mustache, huge beard) is niche

>> No.15876053


Trying trimming your beard shorter

>> No.15876062

this is pasta btw.

>> No.15876085

You know shaving is just a culturally accepted form of male castration right?ironically you’re closer to transitioning than the people you’re criticising.

>> No.15876231

stubble is the way to go for you, but i would recommend not trimming such a sharp line on your cheeks

>> No.15876265

>starter pack
>9 pictures of guys with beards
You only need one beard to be that guy. You can only have one beard at a time anyway, why would you have 9 beards to start being a “beard guy.”

>> No.15876268

autustic bitch

>> No.15876273

It literally destroys your facial antennae rendering you powerless to the Jew

>> No.15876286

Beards are not cool for the following reasons:
>bearded guys THINK they look mature, wise, manly, attractive, cool, interesting, etc. but their personality betrays them
>food and dirt and even fecal matter end up in the beard
>being known for your face pubic hair is the cringiest way to be remembered

>> No.15876292

business man vs gay art student
neither might get you women, but the first pic you are at least serious looking

>> No.15876297

Keep the facial hair but style your hair like >>15858911

>> No.15876834
File: 336 KB, 1031x1250, 1610074442243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already told you once.

>> No.15878204
File: 11 KB, 261x193, Final Form.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>show your true self to the world

>> No.15878265
File: 570 KB, 500x888, 8d74faee272dd6e99157f9af28c3adf2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey dad, it's me, um
Oh, I'm Tyler, I think I be your son
Sorry, I called you the wrong name, see, my brain's splitting
Dad isn't your name, see faggot's a little more fitting
Mom was only twenty when you ain't have any fucks to spare
You Nigerian fuck, now I'm stuck with this shitty facial hair

>> No.15878681
File: 68 KB, 850x400, 1610939099731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had to bring this from the lit thread

>> No.15878706
File: 69 KB, 976x549, _98116757_19ed66f5-d6e1-4bd4-a787-f5c8c96a04d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did these two beardlets become some of the most iconic beards in history?

>> No.15878812

Based but didn't this dude rock bushy side whiskers?

>> No.15879072


>> No.15879131

I haven't seen anyone like this since 2013 anon

>> No.15879172

I fucking wish I could grow a beard. Not like the faggots in the OP but just a nice beard.
I'm blonde and my beard is practically fucking red and super patchy.
depressing desu

>> No.15879211

Beards are amazing but those mustaches are fucking retarded. Trim it for fucks sake how the hell are you even supposed to eat with your mustache covering your mouth like that.

>> No.15880426

>beard with short mustache
literal onions

>> No.15880532

I literally look that statue and it's scary

>> No.15880551

Have to agree. A beard with a thin or shaven mustache looks absolute fucking soi.

The mustache doesn't have to be in or over your mouth, like here:


That's how it should be done.

>> No.15880571
File: 327 KB, 1280x720, 61e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15880590

this was already posted on this thread

>> No.15880633

yep. beards are for people coping with inferior jawlines

>> No.15880796

>pierced ears and a hard part
That dude's a fag and so are you for thinking it's cool

>> No.15880805

post urself lol that's what i thought lol

owned lol cry @ ya mamma harder

>> No.15880818

if you have a chin, you don't need a beard

>> No.15881212

As if a hipster would criticise music of the downtrodden PoC.

>> No.15881215
File: 109 KB, 835x1024, 1587989034145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on my mo?

>> No.15882387

colby keller glasses are still a thing in 2021?
filenames, sweetie, filenames