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File: 767 KB, 1536x2048, 43F4A6E8-CEDF-4451-B1BE-0F64984617E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15812644 No.15812644 [Reply] [Original]

On fin for 3 months now. Pic related. How bad is it? Any experience with fin?

>> No.15812646
File: 2.41 MB, 3088x2316, E383E041-B7BC-4628-B2AD-6802971CA5BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is me currently. Should I just keep shaving?

>> No.15813368

yes looks better shaved like this
also do you have pictures before fin?

>> No.15813576

Too early to tell, evaluate at six months and again at one year.

>> No.15813584

is this nw2?
looks like a fine hairline to have depending on your age.

>> No.15813632


>> No.15814689
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>> No.15814816
File: 451 KB, 1536x2048, 5729AB74-9CBC-43D7-BBB7-CB728BBE8AE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s me in June. Don’t know how long my hair was growing from this pic but I remember I had 2-3 times where my hair started falling out like crazy

>> No.15815053

how old are you?

>> No.15815056

i started fin the moment i hit 18
no regrets
my hair never even started thinning i just don't give a fuck

>> No.15815059

Let your pharmacy prepare a topical fin/minox solution, do dermastamping and let your hair grow out.

>> No.15815530

Yes, bald fits you

>> No.15815541

Keep going anon, I am on 1mg fin daily and only noticed a difference after around 6 months when my hair stopped shedding like crazy every time I took a shower.

>> No.15815558

>part of hormone therapy for transgender women
lmao you got memed you bald faggot. Imagine being a bald tranoid

>> No.15816432

incredibly based. i was scared off fin by the horror stories but got on it as my hairline started going to shit.

i regret not taking it preemptively given I knew my family balds heavily.

>> No.15817238

Before fin and after fin comparison pics?
Any side effects anons? I've heard that some have experienced sexual side-effects and sleep disturbances / nightmares.

>> No.15817245

it sucks when my dad has a nw1 and my uncles and brothers have nw0 and I am balding but hopped on finasteride real fast once i noticed

>> No.15817246

justin timberlake vibes its not half bad friend

>> No.15817408

my father:
>lifelong sportsman, only vice was cigarettes and coffee, stopped both over two decades ago. still exercises despite coming close to 70
>went bald at 40

my uncle:
>alcoholic for the last 15 years, died two months ago
>died two months ago with an NW0

>vegetarian for nearly a decade, exercise three times a week, mostly cardio and bodyweight
>only smoked weed and drunk during my teen years
>hairline starts receding at 23

fuck genetics

>> No.15817751

mothers side grandfather?

>> No.15818677
File: 427 KB, 1713x2560, robert-zdar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>incredibly based
>taking tranny pills to keep a femmine hairline

>> No.15819029

Do you shave completely or do you just do a really short buzzcut? Either way, it looks good.

>> No.15819049

>t. bald copelet who missed out on taking fin

>> No.15819325

Is it cope that I'm bald and I think every guy over 18 with hair is a tranny faggot taking fin and can't satisfy his girlfriend? They still seem to pick these guys with hair over me, even though they're taking tranny pills, wtf?

>> No.15819956

post body gynokid

>> No.15819963

>risking gyno, depression, ED by sacrificing an important male sexual hormone because of a probably maturing hairline isn't cope

>> No.15819972

>risking gyno, depression, ED
I had all of these years before I went on fin. I actually had surgery for the gyno when I was in my teens.

>> No.15819989

damn, life can be cruel. Sorry mate, i guess that you need hair more then everybody else.

>> No.15819998

It's been shown that finasteride at a dosage as low as .25 mg is effective for treating male pattern baldness. Almost no one should be getting ED and gyno at anywhere near that dosage. Keep in mind that 5mg is the standard dosage for patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia.

>> No.15820007

>Almost no one should be getting ED and gyno at anywhere near that dosage
1/3% it's pretty high. Also, those studies have quite disappointing methods and control.

>> No.15820081

I got on finasteride 5 years ago when I first started noticing a lot of shedding and some slight recession starting at my hair line. My hair has stated the same over the last 5 years if not a little thicker than when I started.

I have no regrets.