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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 369 KB, 1242x601, 2B3F47FF-1394-4009-88A1-C4D9461D2C14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15805376 No.15805376 [Reply] [Original]

Other one near 300

>> No.15805382

we already have a cringe thread

>> No.15805389
File: 3.00 MB, 4032x3024, 4D900701-F927-4B29-8215-034FEAB9EE96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15805396

other one's at like 260 lmao fuck off

>> No.15805510
File: 3.62 MB, 5312x2988, 20201219_183256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15806097
File: 3.13 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20201221_132105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beachball, basketball, weiner dog, skiing down the beach, buying things off the internet.
You really squeezed yourself between those aisles. Looks like a cool fit

>> No.15806133
File: 232 KB, 853x1280, 88597256-E7FB-4BCB-B204-2E70396F73CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry lads I typed up a whole thing of rates in the last thread and refreshed my phone on accident. Not rating is lame

>> No.15806176

shut the fuck up you faggot no one cares

>> No.15806202
File: 1.66 MB, 2084x3380, fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15806226

Rating and replying is cool you goof, if nobody did it the threads would suck

>> No.15806314
File: 589 KB, 884x2769, PXL_20201219_201605324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15806322


>> No.15806324
File: 363 KB, 834x475, might is right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new beanie symbol!!!


>> No.15806383

>rating is important u guiz!!!
>makes a post telling everyone how he didn't rate anyone

>> No.15806459
File: 1.30 MB, 2557x2961, IMG_20201114_180824_176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15806463


>> No.15806609

im a steeel horse riiider

>> No.15806612

It always looks like you’re posting the same pic. Also, how long does it take you to get into the jeans?

>> No.15806614

incel vibe

fat and ugly

weak chin and looks british


ugly and weak

ultimate larp, embarassing to be seen in public

>> No.15806792
File: 1.26 MB, 1200x1500, outgettingribsKingkrule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15806795
File: 217 KB, 960x1792, 440C619E-F4DB-4191-B9D0-AABF7FC8F32E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15806805

It’s not that big a deal cutie, I was just apologizing for anyone (if anyone) that cared
I got only not mean reply. >:)

>> No.15806855
File: 1.95 MB, 2107x2809, 499FEF8A-3746-4FD9-9ABD-6C16E1D97F7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why am i in 7/11
get better fitting pants, also the white tee doesnt look good imo
Button up ur shirt and get a crisper shirt. also i cant see anything it just looks like a blob of black
one if ur weaker fits because im not sure about the gray tone combination but still looks good
get better pants theyre too narrow around the ankle
good fit but very samey as everything else you post
you dress like you live in portland
clean ur mirror

>> No.15806866

heres your (you)

>> No.15806870

nope but, my city is just as pozzed

>> No.15806912

>get better fitting pants, also the white tee doesnt look good imo
Any recommendations? I'm always a little lost when it comes to finding good pants for big dudes. The white tee I found out was a size too large so I did send it back.

>> No.15806933

based nook in RRL

>> No.15806937

Get pants that are looser around the thigh and the ankle, maybe like an 2 inches on the flat hem. pants should also be maybe an inch longer so they sit right on top of the shoe when its wider. A heavy cotton and not denim would be good (cant really tell material in the picture). I don't really have any brand recommendations though.

As for the tee underneath, since you aren't going for all black elsewhere, white doesnt make too much sense. If you're wearing green pants (i can't actually tell if your pants are black or green it could be the hue) look towards darker neutral tones. If you're wearing black pants, then white is probably fine but look for a much thicker tshirt with more structure. You could also pair with something like a brown wool sweater underneath the jacket.

>> No.15806948

>pants should be longer

those pants are already stacking on him what the fuck are you saying

>> No.15806949

holy shit lol. go back to 2009 and stay there you ugly bald faggot
you look like a worse dressed version of a 14 year old british secondary school student. why are you on a fashion board retard?
this filter is gay. your clothes look cheap. this is shite
imagine paying money for those rags and taking photo of it. the shoes look fucking bad
homeless people have better taste. yawn
/fa/ if you were 60. instead you just look like a gay rent boy with a theme
these shoes are dog shit and dont go with the rest. maybe get something from kolor
dirty mirror, garbage clothes. why are you wasting your time on this board when you are this much of a homely slob?
absolute tryhard. very affected and you aren't pulling it off. the pieces look alibaba tier. why spend even 10 minutes on fashion if you are this bad when putting effort?

>> No.15806976

hah thats funny cause i actually have a pair of kolor x adidas shoes en route, good shout anon

>> No.15806985
File: 1.88 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_4582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shia shirt for today
I like this
This is terrible all around
asian mom core

>> No.15806990
File: 1.82 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_4583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also got this jacket today

>> No.15807034

Those are my.home clothes. Post your fit

>> No.15807082


>> No.15807110
File: 367 KB, 962x1400, image0 (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still waiting on snow

like this a lot actually, cool pants/boots combo

what shoes? really neat textures all around

nice, looks real comfy

really cool, neat pieces

>> No.15807158
File: 1.02 MB, 2146x910, ahhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have done similar silhouettes with this jacket but I like to at least pretend my outfits are moderately diverse
I didn't even get a reply :(
shoes are vetements gmo

>> No.15807161

What do your parents say when you walk out of your room dressed like that? Genuinely curious.

>> No.15807188

they really really don't care how I dress

>> No.15807219

That's so nice they told you that but I really really don't believe that to be the truth for one second.

>she will grow out of that phase

>> No.15807241

ok :)

>> No.15807247

I support trans rights :-) Hope I didn't make you feel uncomfortable, it was never my intention. Have a great day.

>> No.15807258

ur hot

>> No.15807268
File: 314 KB, 955x1149, 991A7FAB-91E7-46D1-A92B-745D87B66EC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is cool but needs different pants. the ones you have on now make your shoes look disproportionately large
this is alright

>> No.15807308

nice bait lmao

>> No.15807359

black kid wearing hand me downs, wow incredible, really creative stuff here man really pushing the envelope

>> No.15807364

Dont get me wrong your fits are nice but I'll be damned if you don't post practically the same fucking thing in every thread

>> No.15807385

Why would having a consistent wardrobe be scourned lol

>> No.15807399

theres consistent then theres wearing the same thing every day, no point for guessing which camp you fall into

>> No.15807417

This is sick what shoes are those?

>> No.15807422

Always a great fit from u

>> No.15807426

black chuck 70 boseys

>> No.15807481
File: 1007 KB, 1699x2955, PXL_20201218_060142026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why y'all mfs clown on my vans

looking less hobo today. not okay :(

drain gang

ye ye

so cozy

>> No.15807495

He will never pass

>> No.15807518

Cant make out anything, silhouette looks alright though, nice pooling on the pants, are those prada gats? 5/10
Aids fit 0/10
Good fit, you look a bit twink but the fits good 6/10
Bottom half is alright, the sweater is shit, opt for a white tee or some shit 4/10
Pretty good, though i think a sleeveless variant of that same top would look better 6/10
Alright if youre lazing around the house, good cozy fit 5/10
I hate this style in General 0/10
Meh, pretty generic weeb looking fit 1/10
Comfy fit i guess 5/10
Generic kpop star looking fit 2/10
Crap cluttered fit, nice shia tee shirt though 1/10
Alright jacket
Solid fit desu 8/10
The 2nd fit is sick desu, 8/10 the rest are shit though
Not my favourite fit of yours, nice setting though 4/10
Middle school tier, 0/10

>> No.15807559
File: 475 KB, 1170x2949, IMG_20191203_110709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing I'm not trying to :^)

>> No.15807580

>The 2nd fit is sick desu
>Solid fit desu

I fucking hate it here

>> No.15807585

Then leave

>> No.15808319
File: 690 KB, 456x800, 2020-12-22 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfy unabomber core, i dig it.

>> No.15808673
File: 895 KB, 703x1723, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to the grocery store

Pants look too baggy and im gonna guess the shoes are clunky schoolkid shoes


Whats with the shoes


Nice but the converse look like clown shoes

good if you're 23 or younger and exude a vague sense of criminality

>> No.15809245

why are you posting this on a fashion board?
it’s shit, btw, even for grocery shopping standards.

>> No.15809249
File: 895 KB, 1809x2868, IMG_20201222_153530~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look like you're about to run a 10k

>> No.15809254

id on boots bruv

>> No.15809260
File: 1.55 MB, 3464x4618, IMG_20201109_172236-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

felt horny, might delet l8r
props for the file name, clean fit minus the shoes

nice quirky but also kinda clichéd quirky

dat tee would work better as a wifebeater I guess

>quirky done right
mirin the long coat

>> No.15809263

are you autistic? it very clearly isn't

>> No.15809269

why are you rating ppl?

>> No.15809292

oh my bad, you made two comments about pants, mixed them up

>> No.15809331
File: 1.08 MB, 1080x1500, sportinglifeTheseaandcake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else feel burnt out on fashion? Like there is nothing left to see? I'm so bored of everything right now, can't remember the last time I saw something exciting.


I thought this was quite good but, less for the clothes themselves and more for fujita's philosophy/the presentation. Clothes as they should be worn.


Junya AW2003

>> No.15809357

ys lad stopped following designers, and a lot of clothing stores I liked closed down permanently due to COVID/riots.
as for the fit, i like the slight flare of the pants, but the short coat sleeves arent working for me (figure it was intentional but still)

>> No.15809358

the shoes ruin the fit

>> No.15809369
File: 1.17 MB, 1005x552, suede.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grey suede trucker jacket, rest of the fit is slim fit denim, and some black shoes

>> No.15809378
File: 1.61 MB, 937x874, 1467768900489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going for something a bit avantgard here haha have to staycomfy.
I like this, would use different shoes but gives off a cool vibe
Love this still, except fo rthe vest over a turtle neck cmon. Lovely vibes
Nice colours very casual :)
shit fit, no hair on legs or arms 0/10
Lots of similar fits here, ig its just dark winter vibes, might try it myself, just need a topcoat
off to the shops core, i like
very experimental i like
Very cool gives off ww2 vibes

>> No.15809383

obv bait, but wasnt this the same dude that shaved his head and would jump in every photo

>> No.15809388
File: 730 KB, 341x919, Screenshot from 2020-12-22 17-24-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really like the cut of that blazer, is it also lad musician?
as a pure consumer of fashion, no, but i enjoy even very bland clothing, as long as its well executed and well styled.
Though, I like to look at collections new and old.
Thinking of weird young designers i like, have you seen Blackmerle or Delada? I'd never buy blackmerle but I really like their lookbooks. Delada i'd totally wear, but theres not much on the secondhand market.

>> No.15809412

yeah and it seemed to be a trend even before covid, barney's shut down right? the buys at the department stores near me were much more conservative as well. Nordstrom used to have a space for young and "experimental" designers(at least thats how i remembered it being billed) but they gutted it (at least near me sometime in the last couple of years). that said, none of that should effect me cause i buy everything 2ndhand but, yahoo/mercari/rak are just so unisnpiring at the moment as well. theres still tons of fantastic basics and building blocks for a wardrobe but, nothing truely special is it just a general malaise i'm feeling? or a lack of quality design coming out?

and yeah the sleeves are actually long enough to hit my wrist but, was trying something with the sweater cause it's oversized

i mean sure leather boots/docs would boot work here but, that's boring and expected. beat up shearling sneakers look way cooler

mildly jealous of anyone who can wear lad musician but, not enough to want to trade my height

i have a friend who is a colleague of black merle's designer and he turned me on to them it's fun and very youthful but, the otherside of that is it's often poorly edited design and very juvenile i like the shoes in that lookbook but, where do you wear them? how would you even take of them? i don't think they're even producing them are they?

i like the store mukta sal's brand selection and have a general appreciation for sulvam, doublet, stefan cooke, my beautiful landlet, makesense and shit like that but, they have such small buys, the shops that carry sulvam in canada was well always buy the boring all black shit, nothing fun

>> No.15809429

>thread is waywt
>posts his face
peak narcissism

>> No.15809433

yea, both Maas and Stacks and Need Supply shut down. pretty much the only places I would get non-secondhand clothes. I'm surprised Suspension Point hasn't gone under yet

>> No.15809455

Actually decent but this sub will mock you if you aren't a skinny twink who does bottom.

>> No.15809471
File: 233 KB, 978x977, IMG_1697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this too oversized

>> No.15809474

go away

>> No.15809491

amorphous garbo

>> No.15809498

Not if you want to look like you're wearing my shirt in the morning after spending a hot night with me

>> No.15809513

i literally have no idea how suspension point has stayed in buisness even before shtudowns, they're montreal based which is hard enough for a designer store with a brick and mortar location and then everything on the site is permanently on sale, i can only imagine a very wealthy owner or money laundering

>> No.15809514
File: 2.25 MB, 2988x3067, PXL_20201222_234314374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course not it's like you aren't even trying

>> No.15809613


>> No.15809626
File: 2.79 MB, 1440x1627, Screenshot_20201223-054129~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15809727
File: 310 KB, 853x1280, FC00465F-A3D0-4C1A-9418-BD4971115CC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let’s try this one again
What I can see is cozy lol
Your fit is seriously pretty good but I hope you lose weight my man. You don’t gotta but I think it’ll make you look a lot better.
Eh. Kinda.... idk the button up isn’t helping me
Terrible :3
This would be better with loafers for sure. The cream and grey mix is a little off too, but some solid pieces. Sneaks rlly suck on this context I think, but I get theyre comfy
Chadly fit
Ponce ponce ponce ponce
Canvas shoes with that jacket is kinda a weird one but you look cool
Very cool
Beanie and shoes kinda give me unappealing Tillys stoner vibes
Solid jacket though bruv
Good as usual. I like the shoes especially. That color sfb is cool
U deserve a reply bby
Based office worker core
I’m sorry that hoodie is on you desu
Always nice, though I wish you had shoes
Hefty fella, and not super “fashion-y” but you’d look nice irl
Pretty cool over all. A little “dark edgy” for me personally tho
Clothes are just like a fun thing I’m around at this point. Idk if I’d say burnt out, but it’s not the same
Classic image
Theyre the Austrian meme boots my friend

>> No.15809817
File: 438 KB, 2248x1124, IMG_1734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for your opinions but i do know how to actually dress

>> No.15809823

I thought you said you know how to dress

>> No.15809842


>> No.15809859

g00d b8

>> No.15809882

yall think youre so funny huh

>> No.15809896


>> No.15810173
File: 507 KB, 1400x1714, 20201223_000437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's my tracksuitfags at

>> No.15810187

Looks decent man, I'd advise cutting a few pounds and shaving the head
Do you get bullied a lot?
Cross necklaces are played out but it's a good fit, please get a haircut
Once you've defeated all the wooks at Mushroomfest the final boss comes out and he's wearing your same outfit >>15806459
Absolutely fucking based
Pants look comfy
You look like every guy I've met at concerts who isn't a musician
Aesthetic edit, nice fit
Trying too hard /10
>Literally doesn't post fit pic just posts face without eyes
Delete this post my man
It's a good look, kinda fresh

>> No.15810229
File: 99 KB, 640x1136, IMG_1019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really aint shit, but the popular front sweatshirt made me feel cool
plz no girls

>> No.15810234


>> No.15810288

Who's kelby lol

>> No.15810341


>> No.15810346

do u have gyno?

>> No.15810349

get a smaller shirt retard

>> No.15810351

what are you even doing here whats your problem do you not have like other places to goto or like a boyfriend? fucking weirdo

>> No.15810374
File: 2.81 MB, 3456x3456, 20201222_062803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15810382

I rated fits here
Also, if youre american, dont bother rating me, i dont care about your opinion

>> No.15810436

I feel exactly like this, all major brands just reference old collectio, try checking out new designers from China, Mexico and Africa some offer cool new shit.

>> No.15810440
File: 54 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20201223_012807_241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15810597


>> No.15810627
File: 2.13 MB, 1562x3228, CB2A1A2B-F996-4E7A-B57B-E84B58C1F30A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kent & Curwen jacket
>Polo Ralph Lauren Scarf
>John Smedley jumper
>Crockett & Jones woven belt
>Polo Ralph Lauren jeans
>Pantherella socks
>Crockett & Jones Loafers

>> No.15810628

theres this thing going on called covid and theres a lockdown because of it if you werent aware

>> No.15810654

In other words, every other tryhard arab in London whos not an oil baron

>> No.15810658

Informative, intelligent, detailed post anon, your parents must be proud

>> No.15810673

>t. Loake wearer
A most brutal mogging

>> No.15810711

are you that fag that buys ad space on /mu/

>> No.15810722
File: 628 KB, 457x800, 2020-12-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found the blazer at a thrift store. it's from a brand called neonsign, which i had never heard of since it flies a bit under the radar and is rarely featured in magazines such as men's non-no, fudge etc. (which are basically payed ads). checked out their website and turns out they make some pretty nice stuff.
everything lad put out since 2016 has been reeeeally oversized, take a look at their online store (model is 186cm) or twitter. sweaters tend to be a bit on the shorter side, but for basically everything else a size 46 should fit even if your some kind of massai warrior.
awesome, my fave from you so far. also rest assured i have shoes, just don't wear them inside :)

>> No.15811027

>surprisingly big hands for your physique

nice heroin chic, what kind of camera/presets do you use for these shots?

you look like chloë grace moretz

>> No.15811193

Thanks man glad you like the fit. For my photos I just shoot on a crappy old Nikon d3300 that’s served me really well for the last 5 or so years, but I really have to upgrade. As far as the edits they’re all just slapped together by myself in Lightroom. I’m still trying to figure out this new location I’m in though so sometimes my edits recently kinda blow.

>> No.15811201
File: 1.51 MB, 1080x2246, Screenshot_2020-12-23-17-16-03-094_com.google.android.GoogleCamera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15811259

good to know about lad musician :)

>> No.15811378

weren't you fucking Sam Hyde? or trying to anyway

>> No.15811474

no? i dont like pedos

>> No.15811517

I am a cis male :)
Nah I haven't even been on /mu/ in like 3 or 4 years

>> No.15811578

ngl, pretty decent, just fix your posture and lose some weight and you're golden

>> No.15811756

>surprisingly big hands for your physique
as much as i appreciate the implication, i think it’s just the weird perspective :)
btw, can i get an id on the cardigan please?

>> No.15811870
File: 1.45 MB, 3000x3000, IMG_20201223_230257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15811871

omg hanvt been here for more then a year but regret coming.. such lame fits (imo)

>> No.15811963

>10/10 would invite to the garage to hack darts and drink beer

>> No.15812015

jesus you are so ugly now, im amazed

>> No.15812100

boring clothes but ur hot I would let you step on me

>> No.15812107

lose 20lbs grow 6 inches

i wouldn't wear it but you can pull it off

crocodile dundeecore, i like it.

>> No.15812666
File: 1.56 MB, 3088x2316, 3A146768-AAB4-400A-B344-A91C88892FF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s cold as fuck in California boys

>> No.15812719
File: 1.49 MB, 2313x4674, B4CF9749-AA9D-47D2-B85B-58B95B39B857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking mobile

>> No.15812749

are you bored enough to show us your feet

>> No.15812824
File: 420 KB, 368x937, phit 110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice jacket, nice jeans, boots are a bit too chunky for my liking but you could wear them with baggier pants. Nothing crazy but it's better to have a basic fit done right

last fit was better but i dig ur cut g

it just doesn't work homie

please don't go outside looking like that

I shouldn't but I really like it. Shoes + Pants combo is perfect, the Jacket + hat combo also look great. Jacket is a bit too fresh and gimmicky, makes you look like a rich guy trying to look sick. Unironically a cheaper, tackier jacket will give this outfit more grit (in a good way)

i like your hat and jacket it makes you look like a cop from an 80s christmas movie

certified clown shoes

billy corgan before he lost his hair

if you want attention you should post on instagram

>> No.15812856
File: 308 KB, 1125x1124, IMG_1742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people literally pay for that kind of stuff
i dont need attention

>> No.15812870

Are you robbing that convenience store? If so, 10/10.

This would work with a shirt that has buttons. You want more vertical lines when you're fat. Trust me, I've been there.
Acceptably semi-casual. Would be a good fit for an academic or a teacher or a mortician on his off days.
Don't like the crosses or the dad-wash grey jeans. the rest is fine.
This would be better with low-top tennis shoes. Even meme shoes like common projects
100% sick fit. 10/10
You look like you belong to a UFO cult.
It's cosplay, but it's my kind of cosplay. Use a camping mug next time.
Where I come from, jackets like that aren't fashion, they're just the easiest laziest method of dealing with the 8 months of miserable rain. But it makes no sense because no one going out in that raincoat would be wearing trashed plimsoles.
Mall-tier Canadian. Roots is mostly overbranded garbage.
Jamiroquai / 10. I hope you have a sick bass solo to go with that fit.
This is more or less how I dressed in the 10th grade.
Are you west coast? You seem west coast.
Well done, but I've seen too much of this genre. It all just kind of blends together and looks the same now,.

I would avoid talking to you. Maybe that's the desired effect. That's more or less why I dress the way I do.
Like the overall bagginess of it. Baggy is coming back.
Gross and obnoxious and probably costs too much. Like season 1 breaking bag jesse pinkman tier.
The hippie thing works best when you at least look like you bathe.
I really like this look on a girl... if that's what I'm looking at here.
The only thing that this brings to mind is the formal uniform-dress things that picard and riker wore on next gen
Dull. And not even in a normcore sort of way.
nice boots/slacks. like the coat but not on this fit

>> No.15812877

Do you go outside like that? Do you just not care about flashing people? Serious question

>> No.15812929

>do you go outside like that
Um yeah why wouldn’t I
>do you not care about flashing people
I have shorts on underneath lol

>> No.15812934

I dont think anyone pays you for anything

>> No.15812953

Well yeah I’m no sex worker

>> No.15812969
File: 1.11 MB, 2036x3643, 55ECA4DC-8A12-44CD-B4CD-2753FD05F2A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy comfy

>> No.15812976 [DELETED] 
File: 2.06 MB, 3024x4032, 12141627-F6C3-4BFD-9794-9A3AF9E8984C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15813020

Fit looks okay but get wider pants to balance our ur big ass feet lol

>> No.15813140

Retail Price Nightmare

>> No.15813156
File: 798 KB, 608x680, メリークリトリス2020-12-24 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15813159

i have 2 personalities

>> No.15813168
File: 711 KB, 1372x4096, 3D47A449-4388-4BE3-8F5E-F552F660FC1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas guys

>> No.15813197

love ur style. would rape u also

>> No.15813222

damn this bitch got fat

copping the iced coff when its cold out wtf

>> No.15813352

left is what i wore underneath...

>> No.15813358

Dementia granny with oversized clothes

Generic ninja bad guy from Naruto

>> No.15813485
File: 740 KB, 668x1500, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


junyaxmoncler jacket thats beat to shit


it is a down jacket


>> No.15813498

I like ur Jive Vibes guy

>> No.15813679
File: 2.82 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20201224_1131152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes I do like to wait for the girls to get out of high school in my 85 IROC with a 12 pack of Smirnoff Ice in the passenger seat

>> No.15813762

probably dont want to go around admitting to being a child predator, chief

>> No.15813821

16's legal in my country

>> No.15813853

btw brer, why not swap the sheets/duvet? the dot pattern thing feels v much like a college dorm thing

>> No.15813876

>thinks age of consent is a universal concept

>> No.15813880

ur still a child predator but ok

>> No.15813932

>Are you west coast? You seem west coast.
Never been west of montana. I live in the southeast.

>> No.15813975

Many thanks my chipitos
Infuriating bustas once more

>> No.15813992

All that money to look like a tech industry soi

>> No.15814062


>> No.15814104
File: 2.13 MB, 1151x2923, 20201218_115842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this /fa/shionable

>> No.15814106
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>> No.15814253
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6/10 i really like the color scheme but i thnk the tops should have a looser fit
4/10 too much going on with the colors desu
lose the beanie and get a different coat and it'll be 8/10
cute/10 could use some accessories
this is cool but i think you need a better haircut and shorten your pants and get better /comfy/ shoes
i like the cut on the shirt

>> No.15814284
File: 699 KB, 1176x2790, PXL_20201224_214427831~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shirt print is cute but I don't think the cut works with the pants
in the apocalypse yeah
sleezy af

>> No.15814294

Yeah it was 32 oz of 3/4 Thai iced tea 1/4 black milk tea and my caffeine addiction overrode how cold I was. And in California there’s literally no way to sit inside anywhere due to covid restrictions

>> No.15814296

626 senpai!!!

>> No.15814310

what about the pants, the low cut?

>> No.15814458

Whats your snapchat

>> No.15814532
File: 95 KB, 774x1376, 9ea8bea0-2099-4374-a4f6-cf9819253ae8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any recomendation for shoes? i really dont know what shoes pair well with this fit

>> No.15814582
File: 44 KB, 1024x590, EKUi_k6XYAA6Mw9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

india will be a world super power with its own space program

>> No.15814583

2 tryhard for sleeze core

>> No.15814597

idk we've been living in apocaplyse since 2007, and since the chinkfluenza it's been acceptable to just dress like the world is ending so sometimes its fun to just embrace that

also comfy fit

im still a fashion beginner but maybe converse?

that's fair, i couldn't find a plainer bandana for the mask. how are you liking the clear frames on your glasses? i need to get new frames soon and i've thought about trying clear frames

>> No.15814751 [DELETED] 
File: 841 KB, 490x879, Screenshot_20201224-190556~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the blue shirt is a bit too long :/

>> No.15814768

reddit manbun fat guy

>> No.15814874

you look like a tranny i matched with on tinder

>> No.15815264
File: 655 KB, 458x800, 2020-12-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pants have a flower pattern but barely visible due to lighting. anyway, merry xmas and a tip of the fedora.

>> No.15815317

this looks dope

>> No.15815468

Love it!

>> No.15815498

merry christmas m'lady

>> No.15815555
File: 2.30 MB, 1966x2602, 20201225_114125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sweater too bright for this, but still
Aesthetic, u should post the whole fit with shoes included( unless you walk on the streets with those slippers)
Agree with the other anon, looks like beginner fit, but its good enough. Something on the chunkier side and plain color like worn all white (or cream) mid Air forces? Or asics onitsuka tiger gsm
Doesnt work
Doesnt work
Doesnt work. At all
Nah, something's off
Maybe its decent, but i dont like it

>> No.15815560

Creepy tranny, you will never be a woman and nobody will ever find you attractive

>> No.15815568

agree, somethings not quite working in my fit but whatever i was just shoveling snow, nice trips btw

>> No.15815574

can you make the pic blurrier

>> No.15815948

It was taken on night time

>> No.15815966

doesnt work

>> No.15816034

Well yes and no but we are quite serious

>> No.15816037

Very good vibes

>> No.15816067

I'm a twink silly not a tranny

>> No.15816086
File: 545 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20201225-205710_Video Player.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15816326

I think ripped jeans would make this outfit looks good, but /fa/ dislikes ripped jeans for some reason

>> No.15816354

Oh lord
What filter do you use

>> No.15816365


>> No.15816436

a bit wider jeans i think would look good

>> No.15816499

Me too actually I think these are too skinny, they're levis 501

>> No.15816507
File: 43 KB, 335x936, IMG_1527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really love the cardigan and the entirety of the fit.

That mint is so great

heres something old. happy holidays

>> No.15816604


>> No.15816625

This is critiquing this >>15813156
Say it aint fucking so

>> No.15817165 [DELETED] 

facetasm aw2018
junya aw2003

i am a student, do you have any suggestions?

Merry Christmas

>> No.15817166
File: 190 KB, 640x800, LossleaderCodeine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

facetasm aw2018
junya aw2003

i am a student, do you have any suggestions?

Merry Christmas

>> No.15817345
File: 2.57 MB, 1800x2590, IMG_20201226_114427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will rate once I'm home at desktop, the reply window on mobile covers most pics :(

>> No.15817504

you look like the coolest dude at the party honestly

would stare at you in public, in a good way

maybe some other shoes to match the lower color saturation of the other pieces? otherwise cyberpunk and cool

>> No.15817842

really terrible

>> No.15818137

Based popular front

>> No.15818606
File: 1.21 MB, 1773x3477, 40DE1089-FCA2-4DC1-866C-FC9EED0F4C19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Femboy christmas
Worn with black ankle heels
Cute & comfy looking
Sweater source? Great look desu I want to steal
I want u to be my cool uncle
Also source for this sweater lol
I love all your sweaters
Be my bf no homo

>> No.15818619

Unironically great fit

>> No.15818629
File: 1.69 MB, 3000x3000, IMG_20201226_234930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15818798

>>15815264 gave me the hot tip lad musician changed their sizing in the last few years, theres a lot of cute ones on yahoo now

>> No.15818970
File: 52 KB, 286x875, IMG_2437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I generally like oversized droopy stripe sweaters but i feel like the shoulders are too droopy here? I like the bottom though. is it a skirt or wide pants?

If it helps anyone thinking of getting into Lad Musician with sizing, im about a US M (usually JP 3) and all my lad musician stuff is size 44 and fits pretty well (tops and bottoms). My waist is 31"

>> No.15819086

cute! glad youre posting again, we now have like 4 anons + that kid from reddit who dont dress like complete mongs these days

>> No.15819142

fit is good but your greasy long hair and middle school beanie just ruin the rest of the outfit.

>> No.15819159

I beg to differ.
I think his hair and beanie are what make his otherwise normie fit interesting.

>> No.15819337

eh Id say i just have less financial responsibility rather than a better sense of style.

>> No.15819414

I think that red thing hanging on around your hips is making the outfit work

>> No.15819435

respect for the fly down

>> No.15819526

Harsh, borderline helmut fit


Very blessed

Your best yet

Love the flow here

So positive !

Okay fit but you should trade the Ralph in for the Raf nahmean

This fit moves so well — best in thread


Please date me

>> No.15819881

ur not a femboy, ur a nonpassing tranny
how old are u lmao dress ur age

>> No.15819951
File: 671 KB, 455x800, 2020-12-27 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

felt like wearing this ann d overcoat thing i got in ca. 2010. feels a bit out of place in my current wardrobe though and i don't think it works particularly well here.

>I love all your sweaters
thanks, i like your sweater too, and the whole fit for that matter. fabric and pattern looks like the long scarf you said your grandma made. if she made the sweater too, she should consider starting her own knitwear label :)
as the other anon pointed out, both pieces are lad musician (probably 90 percent of my stuff at this point). The cardigan is from ss16, the black-gray sweater from aw16.
nice. always thought facetasm was pretty interesting, though most stuff seemed very "conceptual" to me and hard to pull off. but the jacket looks great here.
also, for anyone buying stuff from older seasons on auction sites etc., if you know the item number of the piece (printed on the washing instructions label) you can google the measurements. the first two digits will be 22, the third and forth digit indicate the season (e.g. 2219 is 2019) followed by a hyphen and three more digits (not sure what the systematic is here). so that's neat since they have measurements for everything on their site and older stuff seems to be archived.

>> No.15819966
File: 384 KB, 318x424, 312312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is my dress cute? uwu

>> No.15819967


Been back to /fa/ after two years and why are we already infested with disgusting tranners? The fook is this /fa/? We used to kick these fags out

>> No.15819970

/fa/ has always been entirely fags

>> No.15819981
File: 771 KB, 605x800, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the first two digits will be 22
minor correction:
first digit = 2 for 2000 (i think)
second digit = 1 for ss, 2 for fw
third and fourth = year
so 2219 is fw2019. not that anyone cares, lol.

>> No.15820539

This is me

I really like this
maybe even better with some looser cuffing
I like the bottom part, especially the color of the pants. The checkered brown shirt does not work with the solid black knit, imo.
Don't like the v-neck
2013-2015 vibes. Not my style
Not entirely, that this is not a troll outfit. But i unironically like it. Even more so, if the shoes were of a less saturated brown.
Can't see much, but looks alright
Very nice!
I envy the pieces you got. Well executed
Imo cardigan should be longer than the shirt under it. The touch of white on right side is a very pleasing touch.
really good as always
Same as above with the other fit of yours. I can't figure out where that camel colored knit at the bottom of your coat comes from
too much on top half, ditch the gilet or change the turtleneck
dope! left to right would be my ranking from best to worst
that fleece looks so nice

>> No.15820623

I kinda agree about the shoulders being too wide lol
I rly like this outfit too anon!
Ah no the sweater is from allsaints >.>
Where do you get your laf musician stuff? It’s a great look on you
Ugh rude

>> No.15820663
File: 91 KB, 239x177, poopi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe larp, stop watching anime it's fucked up your brain. You're not fashionable for wearing random loose shit from your moms closet. Nobody sees you at publix and thinks oh wow this guy is unique they think you're a mentally ill man child faggot.
san francisco poz core
Sells weed to middle schoolers
literally nothing cool about this bro
not my style, shoes also bad
You look like a mexican dad on a weekend. Bad.
Why post this, nothing special about your clothes.
why post wtf dude
kinda like but not special at all, would be something somebody would put together randomly without thinking of how they look
boring as fuck but i guess the only nice thing so far.
not an outfit, stop lusting for attention lol thats so fucking gross
I take it back, you find middle schoolers attractive.
Jesus christ why do you post so much.
Look like any other brown hipster in college but you look cooler than most of the fags on here so far.
Brain busted off adderall core
If youre that insecure blonde dyed faggot from the past i honestly think you dress better now than before but this is still pretty gross
too overdressed dude
youre too young for this board
Worst ITT.
Cool jacket, shoes are bad and ditch beanie
too tryhard
you basically wear the same thing every post. Neck yourself.
gross tryhard

>> No.15820753

Old enough to fuck your mom

>> No.15820877

bad taste revealed by bad fit praised haha

>> No.15820917

holy fucking shit literally everything about you makes me want to puke

>> No.15821010

dopw fit here :)

yeah id say,facetasm makes weird streetwear stuff which makes it a real pain in the ass to style without looking dumb but, when theyre on man are they on

>> No.15821250

imagine typing all this and having no one care

>> No.15821738
File: 2.06 MB, 1536x2048, 20201225_122139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15822110

Holy fuck how did you change so much so fast

>> No.15822119
File: 647 KB, 1293x3024, 20201228_161012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's ppe, it doesn't have to look good.

>> No.15822160

like these

>> No.15822188

You look like a custom San Andreas Character.
this isn't a terror wave fit.

>> No.15822388


>> No.15822389
File: 1.57 MB, 3000x1996, Tom-Cruise-Most-Handsome-Man-2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15822395


>> No.15822397

feeling it
nice as long as you know that you want the oversized look

>> No.15822404

very cool.

>> No.15822553

the knit at the bottom of the coat is its lining, very unusual choice of material for a coat lining, very dopw and warm

>> No.15823034


>> No.15823410
File: 188 KB, 1536x2048, NewCoat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks great
Rapist core
You look like a crackhead
Cool outfit I really like those pants
Nice shoes and nice stash
not good
Pretty cool, the jacket is a nice fit

>> No.15823422

Lose the cap and improve your footwear.

>> No.15823796

i dont see it

>> No.15824019
File: 393 KB, 388x766, new fit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have overhauled my full wardrobe during lockdown. I am mid 30s and I used to dress like a teenager still. I'm trying a more simple clean and calm aesthetic for older guys. I have been told I look more smart and handsome since my change, but if I am honest, that was by my Mother.

Sorry I haven't commented on other peoples fits. I'm nervous enough posting my own and fear I'll get shit on if I say something negative about other peoples fits so I would have to lie and say they're great which would make my comments non-genuine.

>> No.15824253

This is a fashion board, not a safe haven for “mature balding guys”
you look like you told your mom you want asymmetric bangs and she was like sure, no problem, mommy’s still “hip” you know, you’ll be the envy of the playground. maybe that explains your deer caught in headlights expression idk. as for the fit, there’s no attempt at anything, colors, fabrics or the like, just a dookie colored “shearling” coat over a non-descript grey mallcore sweater. pro tip: the whole i just woke up lol don’t give a shit aesthetic doesn’t work if you actually don’t give a shit.
shame about the hairline and simian physique. would have put you at 40. pants are too tight and too short. the rest is a white t and shoes, not sure what kind of feedback you’re expecting.

My advice to the both of you: exchange contact info, buy plenty of lube and start a self-help disord for the sartorially challenged.

>> No.15824263

Wtf lmao why are your arms longer than your legs. Actual chimp mode.

>> No.15824264


>> No.15824296

What are the boots?

>> No.15824303


>> No.15824326

OK well, I should have expected a negative reply really. I just thought it might be a little more positive.

I'm 38 years old. The hairline isn't so bad, it could be worse.

>not sure what kind of feedback you’re expecting.

That I look clean and smart well dressed and not wearing some clown fit that you see a lot here or teenagers fit?

I have short legs, yes. I'm a short guy. 5 ft 2 and a half. Maybe 5 foot 3 on a good day.

>> No.15824484

this is a good bit, keep it up

>> No.15824716
File: 57 KB, 720x900, IMG_20201221_212809_263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15824752

b8/not a fit/go back 2 soc

>> No.15824754

is this a joke?

>> No.15824758

only good fit in this thread

>> No.15824815

merry clitoris to you too

>> No.15824909

>That I look clean and smart well dressed
Well, you sure ain’t, lol. you’re wearing ill-fitting trousers in a questionable lime color with a t and sneakers. and even t-shirt fits like shit (too small in the shoulders, see creases). if this is a troll post, hats off, good sir. otherwise, considering your appetite for validation, posting pics of yourself on 4chan might not be conducive to building self esteem at this stage in your sartorial journey.

>> No.15825093
File: 248 KB, 1447x3006, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]