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/fa/ - Fashion

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15769748 No.15769748 [Reply] [Original]

Basically when one looks like a British historian?

I went to a wedding recently and wore a brown tweed blazer, docker khakis, brown belt + shoes, blue button up, green sweater, purple tie (Catholic wedding), and a grey Boston scally cap

Looked better than most people in unfitting suits and got hit on by a few cute girls.

I work construction so I unfortunately don't get many chances a year to wear a blazer and tie, but I'm wondering what this style is?

>> No.15769757

Timeless.. timeless style is what its called anon.

Good work

>> No.15769758

Business casual

>> No.15769764
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I think so too. I really wish people still dressed like this! I felt good in it

This was my outfit

>> No.15769767


Thanks, anon

I always thought business casual was solely a shirt and tie. Still new to fashion

>> No.15769946

looks much better than your description led me to believe. nicely done

>> No.15769973

Essentially trad. Wouldn't know it from /tip/, because /tip/ is horrible, but this is simply trad. British and American trad vary slightly but the basic elements are the same.
inb4 GG, it's a good place to start for basic info

>> No.15771039

Looks really good anon

>> No.15771530

yeah its called watching shemale porn, hating your wife and your job but having money while being a bitter know it all asshole style. of course you got hit on by a few girls because you look like you own a business in that outfit. if it works for you go for it though

>> No.15771550
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Ever watched Buffy? Rupert Giles core

>> No.15771592


>> No.15771722
File: 350 KB, 326x600, ad93e6eaaffe00e8c39d0ddcc132b770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Historic British gentleman style? Basically it's the stuff that the better class would have worn, especially the tweed coats for all their outdoor shooting, while the rest of it is peak formal/businesswear.

>> No.15771754


That was a wild post from beginning to end


Thank you, King!




Based, seethe harder


Based and Anglopilled

>> No.15772092

if you work in construction, why are you wearing this? you are literally larping and most girls and people are going to be put off by it when you tell them. not different from /tip/ fags who never even went to a private NE school or ivy.

>> No.15772166


>you're larping

As what? A well dressed gentleman at a wedding? Should I have worn my welding hood and ripped jeans?

>> No.15772197
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As, like you said yourself, a British historian, or a basic /tip/ librarian/academic/professor. nothing about your life actually reflects that. You could have gone for more rugged formal wear to actually match who you are. Derbies / dress boots instead of brown dress boots. Or honestly just go with a typical well fitted suit which is pretty ubiquitous and has little connotations besides being what any man wears for formal events. As you said yourself, you will stand out because the other guys there were in ill fitting suits like most guys are, and in this case you wouldn't be larping either. pic unrelated

>> No.15772248

>nothing about your life actually reflects that
>t. his job defines him
The Bergs and Steins really did a number on you
OP if you dress that way in your time off it looks great and garners more respect than whatever this faggot is jawing about. Your work is irrelevant. As it turns out you can do manual labor and enjoy reading and classical music in your free time.

>> No.15772874
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Out-grown. Confident men were comfortable clothes.

>> No.15772884 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15772897
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The lifestyle of british aristocrats is fascinating. Is there any good resource (book/blog/documentary/ig) to see more of it?

>> No.15773005
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>> No.15773119

There might be some buried in one of these. Probably not about modern aristocracy but traditional and historical going up to the mid/late 20th century

>> No.15773876

You will always be second-fiddle to people who actually work in what they love doing. Sure you can be a typical wagie that does a job like construction and goes home and has hobbies of reading or listening to classical music, but you will not compare to the effayness of an actual historian or professor who does both in his professional and personal life. the latter person intrinsically has more character than a mere hobbyist.

>> No.15775202

Good goy, you are nothing more than what you do for a living.
>intrinsically has more character
define these so I can chuckle

>> No.15775249

>people who actually work in what they love doing
god that sounds awful, why would i want to monetize my passions? i’ll happily fuck off at 5pm every weekday to go do what i want, funded by doing mindless bullshit all day.

>> No.15775485

This is probably 90% of people. They get a typical job in an office or corporation they find bearable though they don't have any interest in it. Yes, the person who works a job they love doesn't even consider their job work at all, but most people can't find their true jobs in life. It's just life I guess, most people are mediocore and don't amount to anything really, including myself.

>> No.15776511


I went to school for History if that matters to the fashion rabbi

>> No.15776513


I didn't go into academia because I would've been around incompetent people such as yourself

Now I make 60 an hour to build mechanical rooms

>> No.15776540

It's called "country clothing" and comes from the more casual and harder wearing garments used for hunting, riding, and generally living in the rural English countryside.

>> No.15776541
File: 288 KB, 1200x716, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

relevant: Connery as Bond in an English hacking jacket.

>> No.15777207

It's called wearing a jacket that's too small

>> No.15777296
File: 1.35 MB, 664x919, tip vibe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm attempting to dress like this. Got some tip vibes going on lol.

>> No.15779119

"Dean Venture"

>> No.15779366

Actually pretty solid, and the jacket, shirt, and sweater all look like they fit you well. I would have tied a smaller knot on the tie (probably a half-windsor tied tightly so that you still get a triangle shape) and worn nicer shoes (color is fine, but they look like work boots). The pants you have work, but ideally they'd be a bit higher wasted, wouldn't have so many breaks at the ankle, and be slightly less tapered. A tailor can take care of the length by hemming them slightly higher, but I'd also consider just investing a a decent pair of wool trousers.

Really those are small criticisms and you're doing really well anon. Just offering some areas to look at if you care to; you're already doing better than 90%+ of people though so it is up to you.

>> No.15779651

rooty-tooty british-snooty

>> No.15780322

>that buckling in the sleeves
Is this lad anorexic?

>> No.15780357

underages need to be gassed out of this website