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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 210 KB, 1839x2289, image6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15746669 No.15746669 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15746677

>What am i achieving with this look
Squall Leonhart look or 2000s rock look

>> No.15746681

david blaine core

>> No.15746682

lol fuck, criss angel, my bad.

>> No.15746697
File: 23 KB, 332x326, 1601154715303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me wanting to kiss you

>> No.15746701

lul i forgot about that guy but i can sorta see it, i was thinking about trying more jewelry but i def wanna go for a more refined aesthetic than what he has going on.
i swear every time i post a selfie anywhere a final fantasy reference comes up, i think its time a cut my hair maybe

>> No.15746709
File: 180 KB, 1167x2486, nIWiC60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15746721

you will achieve homosexual intercourse with you in a passive role most definetely.

>> No.15746722

that looks pretty fucking gay. the open shoulders part

>> No.15746723

post bussy pics plz

>> No.15746725

Aren't you gay?
Why are you wearing your jacket like that if you're not?

>> No.15746737

it doesn't have to be gay
ye a bit

>> No.15746741

Can you post your dick on /soc/ and link it here?

>> No.15746749

bro im on here for fashion advice!!!

>> No.15746753

>what is a tank top

>> No.15746768

You kinda dress like Avery Ginsberg. Pretty nice plus you're handsome so you will look better in most things anyways

>> No.15746777

it opens the whole arm, not the shoulder alone

>> No.15746785

How do I get hair like that?

>> No.15746793

Genes, like with any other hair type. Also let it grow?

>> No.15746814

Never heard will check him out now, and thanks for the compliment bro.
i dont do anything besides
dividing fringe and putting it behind ears so it sorta part when its done drying. Other than that just regular champoo everyother day + occasional use of conditioner. As other anon said its prob mainly genes tho i think if you have dense straight hair it will look like mine if you just let it grow.

>> No.15746816

twink RPG protagonist

>> No.15746825

They open the shoulders too retard

>> No.15746842

are you dense? i mean that opening JUST the shoulders is effeminate and gay. if you open the whole arm its not.

>> No.15746870

Oh also check out Roeseph on IG and YouTube. Think you might like his stuff as well

>> No.15746877
File: 531 KB, 3024x4032, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here (not the guy ur arguing with) but CAN CONFIRM tank tops do in fact open ur whole arm, pic related

>> No.15746892
File: 31 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is actually not bad, way less gay than adding a jacket there
i dont know why you insist on long hair though, looks like 2000s emo/posthardcore fashion

>> No.15746900

had any fights with seifer lately?

>> No.15746902

Boyband core

>> No.15746908

Do you have insta op

>> No.15746921

i really like my hair i do get a lot of ppl telling to cut it or leave it as is its pretty split. But as i just said, personally i really like long/medium length hair and its not like i try keeping up with current fashion.

>> No.15746927

Plz don't cut the hair.
do you have ig btw

>> No.15746933

v funny
ye but not for this shit just for dirtbiking tricks, as far as irl goes im mainly in circles that think its v cringe to post selfies like these online/on insta since its wut they use. I was thinking to try it regardles but my pics are low ress so i dont think itd get any traction.

>> No.15746940
File: 292 KB, 504x672, image4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP again i do try different styles that arent that dark and a bit more mature. Here im wearing this vintage armani jacket sadly i didnt rlly fix my hair for this pic but thoughts?

>> No.15746943

don't cut it, it looks good

>> No.15746944

*arent that

>> No.15746948

low res is in. You would get tons of traction from the hoes. Also depends on how tall u are. u look pretty lanky but that's a positive

>> No.15746954

Same vibe as that serial killer who tortured cats online.

>> No.15746956
File: 59 KB, 600x892, sixm6wj5ccjd4ybq3dvxsjwvvix2ijza_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a stretch but reminds me of Teru Mikami from the Death Note manga.

>> No.15746958

This ain't it. You look like an entirely different person.. Like somebody stuck in the mid 2000s. I really like the look you're going for in the first couple of pictures though.

>> No.15746961

im like 183cm and ye ive gotten attention from posting but on IG i assume its much harder than on disc/twitter/4chan which is mainly nerd territory

>> No.15746972
File: 130 KB, 668x593, 0a227929e0ea800869844406873fd05a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no squall leonhart bf

>> No.15746976

sit on my face

>> No.15746977

youtuber commentary channel core

>> No.15746983

hrmmm interesting i dress differently depending on the kinds of people im hanging around, but i suppose overall this might not look as good as first outfit. I was thinking about trying black turtle necks after but ye rn ive been mainly working around with tanktop x jacket combinations i like. Not sure if ive got any more pics on me rn tho.
ye lol i got that vibe as well but i almost always wear hair like first 2 pics so that was just my bed hair .

>> No.15746989

turtlenecks would look worse ngl. rn your fits r gud

>> No.15746992

lucky attractive bastard go get some pussy while you're at it why don't you

>> No.15746995

Op you got anything I can hit you up on?
I think you're really cute, a fellow long haired twink here....

>> No.15746999

its decent i agree but the thing is its not 2000s anymore. anything you put on will make you look like someone from 2000s or like an anime character because japanese hairstyles are stuck in 2000s.
this is more acceptable in current year imo

>> No.15747051

hrrmm do you suggest anything then i should try. Because my wardrobe isnt made up for solely things that pursue the same aesthetic as in first pic, its v limited in that regard id say.
unironically discord (you)#0296 dont judge me but legit for online stuff think its the best app use for now

>> No.15747068

Added you

>> No.15747069

Turtle necks would look good if you put your hair back

>> No.15747075

agree with this. Wearing Turtlenecks with more styled hair (like in the original pic) will look sick on op

>> No.15747079
File: 463 KB, 1420x2087, llll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, since you guys seem to be the only ones giving me real feedback do you mind also telling me what are your thoughts on this one? srry about shitty black square i needed for when i posted it somwhere else i cant find the normal pic now

>> No.15747113

still a bit too scene/emo for my taste, but def better than the look with the button down. I don't know what the people around you are like since they seem to be a big factor on the way you present yourself but I would suggest going for more modern looks (both hair and clothes). Not necessarily Eboy or anything, just less late 2000s/early 2010s if that makes sense?

>> No.15747118

keep the length on the hair though! All a matter of styling

>> No.15747119

i like it. i think overall you have good fits and good feel for colors (black, brown, burgundy etc).
this outfit has ups and downs imo, on the one hand it's the most acceptable in current year (bomber + beanie to kind of mask long hair and avoid the 2000s beatles hair look). on the other, the way it pairs is a bit weird to me - maybe its the chain but it feels a bit clashing. if you just paired it with a button shirt or regulat t shirt (not v neck, no chain), id say it would be a current year outfit.
also i just think you may look trying a little too hard with that "rockstar/chad" look with the chain/v neck t shirt. this asks for a more /fit/ body but you're kind of the opposite of that. its up to you ofc, but with the amount of people telling you you look like an rpg character, maybe its a little too much if you want to look normal.

>> No.15747128

well, you are young and attractive

>> No.15747143

You look like an overly masculine twink larping as a guy from 2002.

>> No.15747157

ur attractive so it works

>> No.15747177

Good looking handsome boy

>> No.15747179

Handsome gay twink.

I wanna fuck your ass and boypussy!

>> No.15747201

real boomer hours in here

it may just be the lighting, but I feel like there isn't enough differentiation between the jacket colour and the shirt underneath. Also not a fan of v-necks in general but that's just quibbling.

>> No.15747204

missed a boomer

>> No.15747222

Dude, just copy Squall's Chad outfits and buy clothes from designer brands

>> No.15747225

2000's Emo Scene Chad Twink JRPG Protagonist energy

>> No.15747228

What music do you listen to?

>> No.15747243

Cute handsome prettyboy e-boy

>> No.15747248

Meant this for you bb

>> No.15747249

Mr. OP. You prettyboy twink. \

Give this other twink some advice


>> No.15747255

2000's Emo Scene eboy Prettyboy Twink Chad JRPG Protagonist

>> No.15747258

2000's Emo Scene eboy Prettyboy Twink Chad JRPG Protagonist

>> No.15747332


>> No.15747415

you must be swimming in pussy why are you attention-whoring here

>> No.15747421
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another anon here, honestly:
I agree, with them, teenager boy band

Agree, op pic looks great


> is not 2000s anymore

anyway..... you don't look bad, oldie /fa/ if you do some tweaks, like teen girls wearing overall in the 90's, you are the front cover of the first demo record of Jon bon jovi

>> No.15747654

lol this
final fantasy core, it just needs more punk jewlery

>> No.15747950
File: 269 KB, 900x1200, kisspng-tekken-5-tekken-6-lee-chaolan-heihachi-mishima-tekken-5acd21154bf8a9.5849168915233927893112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lee Chaolan core

>> No.15747993
File: 126 KB, 1130x1847, image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im working on getting fit just a bit hard cuz gyms keep closing down rn im not in best form in this pic (this summer i was better off) but so you get an idea.
Should i i just try more leather jackets then?

>> No.15747995

I want you to rape me

>> No.15747997


>> No.15748041
File: 915 KB, 1682x3110, 1591927171499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

definitely the most effay self post ive seen in ages keep it up OP

pic related should be ur inspo u pull it of wellll

>> No.15748047

work them traps anon

>> No.15748101

for how long have you been working out?>>15746940 you look a lot skinnier in this pic

>> No.15748109

I want to punch you in the face & maybe give you a slap on the ass

>> No.15748117

only good horny comment ive read so far
im still skinny if u notice my arms are still skinny in both pics, i just have a somewhat well-developed core and thats also a cropped img (second one). Its not gonna be visible through an oversized buttoned shirt and a jacket tho. Been working since start of quaratnie on and off tho i think all my progress can amount to 2 months of going consecutively. I just started going again after like a 1.5 month break cuz they closed down gyms

>> No.15748128
File: 110 KB, 1128x1080, Joe-Dirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15748745

Gay prettyboy twink femboy with a nice boypussy

>> No.15748747

Gay prettyboy twink femboy bottom

>> No.15748831

>Should i just try more leather jackets then?
that's also pretty edgy but whatever you want i guess.
I was just saying that overall your outfit is pretty edgy. You may be able to pull it off if you have twice the muscle mass you have. But regardless, the look you're going for screams 2000s—twink look + chain + black tank top/v-neck is a thing of last decade, and not in a good way. By itself, every component here can be pulled off today, but not together. This style aged very badly. Socially, it's not gonna score you any points—period. In fact, with your more than decent looks, it's probably gonna drag you down.
The rest depends on what you want. If you couldn't care less about being socially acceptable, if you just do it for yourself—you can forget what I said and keep your style. Just don't get surprised when it turns out most people think it looks weird.
If you do want to dress more appropriately for current year, I'd just give up on this style altogether. Start lurking and make something that is 2020. You may still go with long hair, although i'd think about getting an undercut with long hair to be safe. The rest is actually not hard, you already have more than decent looks, so even basic outfits like crew neck + jeans or chinos + ocbd is gonna look good on you.
If you dont want to give up on it entirely, just keep the black but go more basic—lose the v neck and chain, get a dark crew neck tee, mix the "old" stuff with current year stuff like the bomber. If you want something more stylish, go for something Rick Owens-esque or whatever current year "all black"-core is. Vice versa, if you want the twink look, look at whatever twinks wear in 2020 and start from there. And if you want the edgy/macho look, get some mass and consider sexcore.
All in all, drop the 2000s and go 2020. I think you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain, like I said virtually anything is gonna look good on you.

>> No.15748898
File: 24 KB, 256x320, C789125D-EABB-49EF-8803-14D7BF685FD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15749078

ye im well aware i suppose of all this but i can get along with people just fine i do all this mainly for myself. I like sticking to different aesthetics when i go out and usually i have somewhat of an adequate grasp of what i can get away with depending on the kinds of friends im going out with. I appreciate the advice i think i know about how to dress more modern but i rather not unless i find something i really like. I mainly went on here to see if id get any interesting suggestions. Anyways in an ideal world id literally just dress like this guy tbhhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRwI3tgr3mQ&ab_channel=JohnnyDeppSan

>> No.15749113

no hes not gay, if hes wearing all black that means hes bisexual

>> No.15749126

I was about to conquer no nut November you bitchh

>> No.15749161
File: 527 KB, 1603x2929, image1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15749177

fucking shitty shoes. you’d really benefit from leather Cuban heeled boots or drapes jackets and ponchos ngl

>> No.15749185

Ok Obama

>> No.15749186
File: 721 KB, 3024x4032, image0 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tho desu i can do some weird-ass poses with this sweater also >>15748101 so u can see wut i mean im p much just have a somewhat developed core/pecs rn

>> No.15749189

op here agree 100% i mainly shopping for shoes and pants rn i have a very limited wardrobe when it comes to those

>> No.15749190

that’s it, you owe the internet some lewd cloud strife cosplay

>> No.15749203

zzz cosplaying is so tedious taking pics is already annoying enough, there are lewds from me out there if ur willing to look hard enough nothing nude tho.

>> No.15749217

Tfw my face looked that good before I got fat. Time to starve myself

>> No.15749221
File: 525 KB, 640x626, B0869CE7-F215-41A0-9150-B902A058D317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put on the high heels

>> No.15749224

What does it mean if you wear all white then?

>> No.15749233

This whole thread consisting of you posting photos of yourself is creepy as fuck.

>> No.15749239

BPD posters are the staple of /fa/

>> No.15749265

Right, looks pretty good on you. Don't bulk too much if you want to retain your edgy/goth/scene/wahatever aesthetic

>> No.15749267

ye its all me replying to myself nothing to see here move on

>> No.15749277
File: 63 KB, 503x478, E833A08B-94D1-48A6-8996-05442687909C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up or we’ll stop getting delicious pics

>> No.15749284

>blurry far away myspace angle in dim lighting
>covers face in 90% of pictures when not doing myspace angle
pls stop attention whoring

>> No.15749296

lol social media is all about attention whoring what’s your point

My wetness cannot be dried

>> No.15749301

Do you workout op? If so what? just curious.

>> No.15749309

read the thread

>> No.15749317

what’s the thread? thanks for the quick reply

>> No.15749326


>> No.15749329

My bad g

>> No.15749505

That your unable to tell the difference between real life and fiction.

>> No.15749510

Anyone with a fringe after 2006 is fucking cringe.

>> No.15749547

ok i see. i'm glad it works for you with the people you meet. although you can probably see that many people online take it for 2000s JRPG core.
you do what you want then, I'm just not sure why you choose to spend all that potential on fashion that by and large people will consider passé.

>> No.15749616

lmao how’d you come up with such a precise cutoff date for a historically eternal hairstyle

>> No.15749643

> Jacket off the shoulders
kinda gay
nice, but you are not that fit
damn fuck me

>> No.15749830

height and weight?
what's your workout routine?

>> No.15749934

ya i dont claim to be as i said im simply trying to get more fit.
i dont wear my hair like that its bed hair i believe i mention it
182.8 cm and about 63 kg would like to hit 66-68 ideally (mainly gaining some muscle in legs and arms)

Workout routine is fairly standard ectomorphic you basically do weights with low reps but increasing weight each rep. Ive mainly stuck to upper body so now im focusing on lower. However if you want to be more specific add me on disc i dont mind talking about this kind of stuff when i have the time

>> No.15749966

be my girlfriend

>> No.15749970

yeah sure, add me i'm interested in what advice you may have since we're similar in height and bone structure

>> No.15749981
File: 142 KB, 360x346, fuckyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trend follower spotted

>> No.15749986

youre not good looking

>> No.15749992

post face

>> No.15750096
File: 5 KB, 205x245, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>youre not good looking

>> No.15750102

unironically look like white trash teenage boy who's worst crime is buying cigarettes while underage and doesn't excel at anything in particular, and gets girls since they don't know better

>> No.15750124 [DELETED] 

drowning in 8th grade pussy

>> No.15750133

get laid

>> No.15750141

is everyone in this thread gay or something i dont get this fuck boy look

>> No.15750176

apparently, there is a serve lack of good looking self posters on here

>> No.15750260

You look like a good boy trying to look like a ''bad boy''

>> No.15750401

cloud strife got himself a thread thirsting for his boipucci

>> No.15751116

leafyishere core

>> No.15751134 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 748x605, 1007084545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that's a bad thing

>> No.15751142
File: 30 KB, 460x503, 1606419613988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going through your pics, you're very attractive OP. Blessed with good genes and good ethic to work out and sculpt your body in the way you have. Some say it needs more work but I think it's perfect. Women don't really like hulks and it's only men who are really into ridiculous muscles.

10/10, wish I can look like you.

>> No.15751152

You'd have trouble walking after I'm done with you

>> No.15751181

if you had defined face framing pieces, whether wavy or jagged and spiky, your hair would be golden. It’s too much like an overgrown apple/bowl cut and doesn’t come off as stylishly intentional.

>> No.15751204

please pay for his medical bills so I soon can have a turn

>> No.15751226

is it just me or is almost everyone here gay/bi/trans?
i mean its cool idgaf shove whatever you want in your asses but i really am curious bc i feel like gayness is on the rise around here

>> No.15751230

they're just more vocal

>> No.15751247

This board is full of zoomers and zoomers are the gayest generation.
It's also jest, femboys are a meme here.

>> No.15751263
File: 38 KB, 540x357, EO_8OaTWoAIg_y3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like an even gayer Ville Valo

>> No.15751287

OP is a filthy crossposter from /int/
t. filthy crossposter from /int/

>> No.15751299


>> No.15751314

it’s typical straight man jesting whereby one’s masculinity and heterosexuality is “proved” to be secure by upping the homosexual ante act

>> No.15751323

im not so sure this is jesting im p sure these guys are for real...like that other anon was saying theyre more vocal
...(likely do to all the PC things happening) so everyones stepping out of the closet and being "themselves"

>> No.15751358

lol the anon probably forgot this board is gayer than the handsome men board.

>> No.15751930

because its when i stopped liking it.

>> No.15751941

are the people harassing OP girls (female) or fags?

>> No.15751960

I just want to say I would also love to fuck OP I think he'd enjoy my /fa/ black meat very much.

>> No.15751999

what do you think?

>> No.15752306

Anon will you my girlfriend (male)?

>> No.15752331

i would rape the fuck out of you, son
t. bisexual boomer

>> No.15752348


American with no self-awareness core.

>> No.15752423

How wide are your shoulders bro holy shit

>> No.15752497

Im obv flexing if you see other pics you can get a more realisitc grasp. To do this pose you simply slightly are your back and turn it, it looks p good when flexing body.

how so? im spanish btw

>> No.15752504


>> No.15752523

How old are you?

>> No.15752525

emo scene boy band twink

>> No.15752570

The Spanish twink from int

>> No.15752628

>im spanish btw
Are you that spanish femboy "you"?

>> No.15752631


>> No.15752660

ye thats me

>> No.15752664

How old are you?

>> No.15752673

im 18

>> No.15752691


18 Barely Legal Twink

>> No.15752705
File: 1.90 MB, 3024x4032, 1606522758339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember me? Your hair grew up quite nicely desu post tummy

>> No.15752714

wait damn its u merz right? sick body as always bro

>> No.15752725

Ye. How u doing bro

>> No.15752832

shave your head

>> No.15752845

The hair looks like shit. get a crewcut side part , a fringe or a buzzcut

>> No.15752855

wtf I swear I know you
Are you a leaf?

>> No.15752868
File: 1.85 MB, 2592x1458, 1606671323950_226xpvzljt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're just tied up you dumb shit retard

>> No.15752913

you look cute

>> No.15752925

>They're just tied up you dumb shit retard
Yeah it looks way better with your hair let down.

Tied up, you look like an ugly balding nerd with that shitty hiarline

>> No.15752930

They just look like tied hair on a man. My hairline is normal.

>> No.15753180

Hey cute handsome prettyboy Final Fantasy twink, you should make a tripcode on /fa/

We need attractive tripfags on this board

>> No.15753422

twink. ur style is good, you look kinda edgy but it suits you well. baggier clothing can drown out your body shape and make you look homeless mane.

>> No.15753424

I like the swede fur trimmed jacket but I'm not sold on the tank top

>> No.15753429
File: 85 KB, 257x387, Squall_Leonhart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15753431
File: 219 KB, 564x494, 1601979873944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>swede fur

*suede fur-trimmed

swedes don't have fur they are hairless twinks

>> No.15754355

Great leg

>> No.15754471

I could ig since i plan on posting here more. Hopefully next time tho i get more specific advice aside from chanigng it up, ig i shouldve asked for outfit examples and stuff like that which was mainly what i was looking for.

>> No.15754631

nice birthing hips fgt

>> No.15754901


>> No.15755707

w2c everything

>> No.15755726

Style that hair with anything other than the grandma clip.

>> No.15755804

te alisas el pelo? mi pelo tiene un grosor parecido al tuyo pero el mío se ve bastante mas abultado

>> No.15755820

ns exactamente que quieres decir con esto pero para responder a tu pregunta, no me aliso el pelo simplemente lo tengo liso.

>> No.15755865

Every 4-5 months /fa/ gets a new slew of attention fags and name fags and it always ends the same, the name fags get driven away

>> No.15756258

and that's a bad thing because...? This website is anonymous for a reason. If you want to use a name go to reddit

>> No.15756382


you're super duper straight??

>> No.15756396

So many mentally ill faggots on /fa/ with Cluster B Personality Disorders (NPD, BPD, Histrionic HPD, ASPD Sociopath, etc)

>> No.15756910


>> No.15756954
File: 2.30 MB, 336x252, Niles-Rock.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one are you?

>> No.15757172

Resident evil 4 the gay porn parody

>> No.15757176


>> No.15757178

lmfao gay twink parody

>> No.15757181

It's called gay chicken

>> No.15757186

>What am i achieving with this look

>> No.15757243


part of it is probably ironic shitposting but also could just because fashion is pretty gay overall and even if you are straight you can't get far in fashion without understanding and appreciating cute male aesthetics

>> No.15757716

postea tu ig maricón

>> No.15757882

This entire entire thread just faggots lusting after some 6/10 freak with a penchant for TK Maxx-core clothes.


>> No.15757902
File: 1.11 MB, 1189x1499, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be hotter!

>> No.15757920

why so mad?

>> No.15758000

Because the guy is objectively average, maybe even quite ugly, and has shit taste. I don't even know what's happening in this thread. It reads like massive samefagging.

>> No.15758003

post face

>> No.15758023

No matter how good-looking I am, you'll call me ugly, so no. Accept your judgement, faggot.

>> No.15758039

>weak chin
>pug nose
>high forehead hidden by disgusting greasy hair
>round, fetal alcohol syndrome eyes
>weird prepubescent facial hair

>> No.15758245


>> No.15758323

post face

>> No.15758378
File: 56 KB, 1199x852, 98bbe8cbb74b31837cdabd8005cc71fe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here , post face x 3 :)

>> No.15758383
File: 111 KB, 700x765, 4602a9cd17faf8e8af060cdff30fb1f7-imagepng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weak chin
>pug nose
>high forehead hidden by disgusting greasy hair
>round, fetal alcohol syndrome eyes
>weird prepubescent facial hair

>> No.15758395

you look like the bassist of a subpar pop punk band during their most commercial and yet worst era. this era was also when everyone in the band had been forgotten and nobody cared about anyone except the singer. in fact most people cant remember if you were the new guy in the band or if it was the drummer who was replaced. it didnt really matter. you just had a bad haircut and sat in the back of the stage poorly playing 4:4 rhythms and sucking.

>> No.15758403


>> No.15758404

>all this seething
you're all like those white women who get mad at pictures of attractive asian women on facebook

>> No.15758405
File: 27 KB, 583x616, c1hU1Rj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post face

>> No.15758413

d q ciudad eres

>> No.15758444
File: 621 KB, 593x580, 1603770067877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still doesn't

>> No.15758451


>> No.15758457
File: 61 KB, 888x894, IMG_8557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15758468

No, but you're still a pussy

>> No.15758665
File: 19 KB, 300x345, EIyjFZaWkAIbzWV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, but you're still a pussy

>> No.15758985

You are trying to look like those animes
Ok you are trying to be a girl

>> No.15758998

Enjoy it while you still can, I looked like that in my teen years but now I look like one of those Slipknot singers

>> No.15759029


>> No.15759035

Shit. You're achieving shit uggo.

>> No.15759046

>just get a zoomer fade

>> No.15759051
File: 964 KB, 1274x714, Martin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15759983

I don't get why is everyone getting so butthurt now, yes I'm sorry for being good looking and yes you are ugly, no need to project in my thread.Also a couple of geniuses think im tranny/scared of aging im not sure if ur retarded or not so ill explain. Currently i keep a healthy diet, do skin care and have gym routine, i do not do these to look fem but to look good. I am well aware ill get more masc as i age and i look forward to it, changing my aesthetic to match my looks is something i consider fun and appropriate. I plan to look good in my 30s and that has nothing to do with retaining femininity, in fact quite the opposite. At the current moment i am bisexual and look a bit andro thanks to my youth, i simply try to compliment with the aesthetic you find in my pics. (yes ive dated both men and females and plan on having a family when I grow up, mind boggling how I can get away with is isn’t it??) You might not think my current aesthetic or “core” is good and thats fine however this seething is ridiculous. Anyways im replying all in good fun im well aware i most likly mog all fo you from just seeing /fa/ self posts but ig you guys are trying to keep my thread alive so ill help you out.

>> No.15759985

based boy-to-man transformation

>> No.15760009
File: 2.69 MB, 2988x5312, 20201203_114240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to them bro, you're attractive and I will be your pretty boyfriend

>> No.15760019

nice bod

>curly hair

no thanks

>> No.15760022

Don't larp as my cute spanish femboy

>> No.15760460
File: 32 KB, 516x424, soy tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't get why is everyone getting so butthurt now, yes I'm sorry for being good looking and yes you are ugly, no need to project in my thread.Also a couple of geniuses think im tranny/scared of aging im not sure if ur retarded or not so ill explain. Currently i keep a healthy diet, do skin care and have gym routine, i do not do these to look fem but to look good. I am well aware ill get more masc as i age and i look forward to it, changing my aesthetic to match my looks is something i consider fun and appropriate. I plan to look good in my 30s and that has nothing to do with retaining femininity, in fact quite the opposite. At the current moment i am bisexual and look a bit andro thanks to my youth, i simply try to compliment with the aesthetic you find in my pics. (yes ive dated both men and females and plan on having a family when I grow up, mind boggling how I can get away with is isn’t it??) You might not think my current aesthetic or “core” is good and thats fine however this seething is ridiculous. Anyways im replying all in good fun im well aware i most likly mog all fo you from just seeing /fa/ self posts but ig you guys are trying to keep my thread alive so ill help you out.

>> No.15760851

Why do fashion people do this?
They look like aliens.Their faces, their dead expressions, what human is like this?
Imagine getting coffee wearing this with this expression. Imagine going to a job. Imagine changing a flat tire on the road. Imagine going grocery shopping. It looks freakish in all the worst ways.

>> No.15760890
File: 19 KB, 608x342, depositphotos_320695800-stock-video-close-up-male-hairy-leg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

factually wrong, scandis are more hirsute than continentals