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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2.56 MB, 4000x6000, ideal moodboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15752846 No.15752846 [Reply] [Original]

Post ideals and rate others!

continued from last thread >>15728421

>> No.15752847
File: 214 KB, 4000x6000, 1605958180036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15752888
File: 3.03 MB, 2730x4096, 07AA2899-A9FF-43DF-8077-A5C0AE1FD8B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sorta gave me like a gay vibe 8/10

>> No.15752914

checked, but stop larping as girl

>> No.15752920

True, girls don’t exist online

>> No.15752954
File: 2.22 MB, 2160x3260, 268933BB-9256-4000-A2EF-47770C31B73D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Middle American with yellow fever
Liberal arts major that smells like vinegar and cigarettes

>> No.15752973 [DELETED] 
File: 1.58 MB, 1580x2400, fa_ideals_212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huge respect for the ascetic lifestyle based around balance and self mastery, I feel you would be interested in reading Doctrine of Awakening
1980's Japanese synth pop nationalism
h'ell yeah bruthur, based as usual

>> No.15752983
File: 3.92 MB, 4000x6000, chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gathered some new material and redid my chart from scratch on a different app. prolly a better representation
Very Nice body goals. Nice style. home and lifestyle are fine. not so sure about hair
Very cute and love the hair
I dig the whole rancher vibe

>> No.15752985
File: 3.80 MB, 1400x2132, fa_ideals_214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>15752846 (OP)
huge respect for the ascetic lifestyle built around balance and self mastery, I feel you would be interested in reading Doctrine of Awakening
1980's Japanese synth pop nationalism
based as usual bruthur

>> No.15752991 [DELETED] 

holy shit I posted this by mistake. this was from many months ago. enjoy the cringe

>> No.15753039
File: 1.09 MB, 4000x6000, sharingan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine. IM LONELY af. Quarantine got me all fucked up. I just want to hold hands, cuddle and meet friends. This is all so tiresome.

I like this alot. 8/10

GOD i wish you were a troon. i like your ideals tho.

/fit/ girls are hot af


9/10 based colonizer

>> No.15753053

>This is all so tiresome
hang in there brother, we're all going to get through this.

>> No.15753071

japanese 80s obsession, probably takes psychedelics often and bicurious, overall a cool lifestyle

nice hair goals, traditionally masculine values which overlaps with taste of women, strong affinity for the great outdoors

pretty male aesthetic, i like the blazers worn casually, fun and social lifestyle

a bit all over the place, hard to describe

you're probably a well dressed korean, minimalism/cozy fits, wholesome values and enjoys artistic occupation of some sort

>> No.15753075
File: 3.11 MB, 1831x2762, IDEALfull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ultimate Asian
諏訪根自子 - 諏訪根自子の芸術
Musicians' Accord / Christine Schadeberg - The Great Works for Voice
lol ArabianIliad
Remember Fun - Train Journeys

>> No.15753133

holy shit nice trips and great ideal

>> No.15753337
File: 2.85 MB, 1200x1564, 1606373039786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6/10 this is like a less thought out version of the last OP's abaolute masterpiece of a grid.
7/10 i dig everything but the lifestyle
0/10 Rated you last time still dont like
8/10 closeted gay dj
6/10 you and op should be friends
0/10 elliot i thought you were dead

>> No.15753382
File: 1.20 MB, 2160x3265, newone_jxp3jajz1o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good body, decent style. Home and lifestyle are so generic as to be depressing.
Nice digits. Cool grid, but its the kind of look and lifestyle that only works for a few years before you realize you've passed the prime of your life, you're all alone, and you've gained nothing from years of partying that'll be of benefit in adulthood.
Hope you find the wheyfu of your dreams bro
Very /fa/ and very cohesive.
Based colonizer
Rich asian exchange student-core
As usual: eat more.
Based taste in women. Fuck emotional dependency.

>> No.15753532
File: 2.68 MB, 2315x3782, fa_meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>15752846 You've got some balls posting that shit after the last OP's masterpiece, it gives me self-help YouTube vibes, pretty shit 2/10

>>15752954 Excellent taste in style, it's inline with your lifestyle but also tastefully embellished, I agree with the Brandon Frasier whole heartedly, you should move to Idaho or Montana based off your lifestyle, very nice 8/10

>>15752983 The women and the lifestyle are quite insect like but the fashion is great, the orange and coffee is very very based though and I like how you changed the color of the text on the grid to green 6.5/10

>>15752985 bleached. Not my style with the women but I can appreciate it for what it's worth. Everything else is in good taste. 7/10

>>15753039 It's weird because I get the feeling that I'd either really like you or despise you. I truly cannot tell. I think the missing piece of information here is what music you listen to. I'm going to say 7/10

>>15753075 Any admiration of soviet block architecture is unacceptable, I simply do not understand how you could have decent taste in lifestyle and fashion and admire soviet block like that. 1/10

>>15753337 As in the last thread, 10/10. Excellent taste in all categories except wanting your girl to be emotionally independent.

>>15753382 I'm about halfway into CCR since downloading it after seeing you in the last thread, very good stuff indeed. The buzz cut and grey suit combo goes incredibly hard as well 8/10

>> No.15753610


Glad to see an /out/ /fa/ over lap. Not much representation on how to be effay outdoors.

>> No.15753660
File: 2.77 MB, 4000x4096, 686868686868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

style choices are immaculate
>you give me a gay vibe
>pretends to be a woman
very consistent, I like it
this has a very "depressed DJ" sort of feel that I'm digging
Feels a little plain, though good taste in women and dogs
Do you want to live in a bombed out country? Not digging that, though I guess if that floats your boat live your dream man
love this, stripped down and confident. Good luck finding a woman with those qualities. Most girls I've dated are like that the first month then become extremely dependent.
I don't really understand how some of this translates into a practical life but it does seem effay

>> No.15754785


>> No.15755268
File: 3.84 MB, 4000x6000, ideals (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice, I like everything except the home. Good luck on your self-improvement, anon!
Based digits! Cute hair, great style and fun lifestyle! Good vibes again, what more to say :)
Based cowboy again, I like this. Girl is goals too!
Love your style! Yeah, camo is difficult to style (I've never even attempted to, so I'm no help) but the fits in your pics are really nice! Home and lifestyle would be too heavy for me though!
Nice materials for your style! I like it! Girl is not my cup of tea, but I still respect it! Extra points for piano!
It'll all be okay, anon! Keep being who you are and aspiring to be a better person! Your grid is really good, I like your style and home especially! You'll have no problem finding your one and enjoying your lifestyle again in the future! Hang in there!
Nice as usual, anon! In some ways we're probably the opposite of eachother but I feel we'd have a lot in common too!
>absolute masterpiece of a grid
Thank you anon :) I like your grid! I'd love to be a mercenary in 50's/60's Congo with you lol
I like the shoes in your style! Lifestyle is a bit too basic and home not really my style, but it's still a great grid!
>last op's masterpiece
Thanks to you too, anon :) I really like your grid! Nice hair and style! Girl is also similar to my taste, artistic girls are the way to go! Lifestyle is a dream too!
Same opinion as last time really, not a fan of the hair! Lifestyle is a bit too basic for me! Rest is great tho!

>> No.15756274

>I'm about halfway into CCR since downloading it after seeing you in the last thread, very good stuff indeed.
I'm glad you're enjoying it. I haven't gone through it myself, but I put it up as more of a reference of the kind of work I'd like to do eventually. What sorts of topics/areas do you find most interesting so far? I might be able to point you in the direction of more journal articles and whatnot on those themes since I did a lot of conflict resolution/political violence shit for my MA, and I think I still have all of the syllabi and a ton of the readings saved.
Very interesting grid by the way. Each aspect is good on its own, and as eccentric as it seems, it all clicks.

>> No.15757414 [DELETED] 
File: 2.18 MB, 4000x4392, 0F33CD4C-F7A2-4415-B5B7-A2B0D1FC0604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure larp
Gay immigrant that ran away from his tribe and fled to northern europe
Pretty nice set of ideals, just a bit insane
Very nice, clean and attainable, best itt
Nice but schizo
Run of the mill 2020 faggotry
As much as you try, you will always be a chink and a white incel will be worth more than you
Would be cool, but nigerinas make it a troll post :)
Pretty cool, but nothing special
This just reeks of larping and of you being some söyboy that studies comp sci
Would fuck the shit out of you if you are not fat

>> No.15757415
File: 2.18 MB, 4000x4392, 1F0F0A48-D1B5-470F-9B6E-A2CAAF32EFE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure larp
Gay immigrant that ran away from his tribe and fled to northern europe
Pretty nice set of ideals, just a bit insane
Very nice, clean and attainable, best itt
Nice but schizo
Run of the mill 2020 faggotry
As much as you try, you will always be a chink and a white incel will be worth more than you
Would be cool, but nigerinas make it a troll post :)
Pretty cool, but nothing special
This just reeks of larping and of you being some söyboy that studies comp sci
Would fuck the shit out of you if you are not fat

>> No.15757429
File: 593 KB, 1000x1008, ideals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like 8/10
nice 8/10
nice 7/10
very nice 8/10
not a fan of the manbun but everything else is dope 8/10
7/10 not bad
nice girls 6/10
very dope 8/10
based 9/10
4/10 i am not a fan
vey very nice 9/10

>> No.15757688

Doughy physique 15-20% BF most likely prematurely balding judging by the hairstyle.

>> No.15757746

Absolutely disgusting

>> No.15757799

Can smell the onions from here

>> No.15757808
File: 1.37 MB, 4000x6000, 1606325437285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look like you would like Focault, 4/10
You seem french to me, 8/10
I feel like I know you from somewhere, 9/10.

>> No.15757809
File: 3.58 MB, 1400x2100, six panel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10, i hope you find your thicc pale gf
9/10, -1 because you seem insufferable irl
very basic but good taste in women 7/10
this is viscerally repulsive, but i am forgiving 6/10
9/10 great except fits are shit
6/10 crypto fascist with good interior design inspo
always a 10/10 for me, love the buildings, derrida and hair
8/10 cute, nice girls, shit home
somewhat average, cute girls, stop watching world peace 7/10
7/10: +hair, +body, +girls, +fits, -home, -lifestyle
7/10 shit homes
9/10 your panels got a lot better, +hair, +body, +fits, -partners, +homes
6/10, youre lucky im too gay to dislike those women

>> No.15757847


good shit


i was never sure if you were trolling. Luka, go back to /pol/




never wanted to be white. Its pretty comforting to know your kind will be extinct soon.

>> No.15758223
File: 1.70 MB, 4000x2250, 20201201_202930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was at some vacation in 2010 in Greece with my skinny pale scrawny body, few clothes, after 2 years of playing computer games at uni. I got somehow motivated or something and literally next 7 years I spent going for my (((((ideals))))). I lifted 3 times a week consistently for all these years. Got new clothes, haircut. I got with a girl for 2 years in 2013, who I knew before but would treat me as a non existent nerd. In 2018 I got so tired and overwhelmed of it that I completely quit the gym, started playing computer games again, wearing glasses instead of contacts, spend my money on pc parts rather than clothes. I'm almost back to scrawny skinny and pale now. Not sure what to make of it. Was it me? Is this me? Do I go for it again? Just to have it overwhelm me again? Or maybe I take the best of both worlds, resume my gym, get some nice clothes that I like again, start wearing contacts and going out more, while also playing some computer games on the side. Oh fucking wait I have a stupid office job that leaves me with pretty much only 2 free hours every day.

>> No.15758289

fix your life mate. don't be miserable, you have a choice. being overwhelmed is partly good. act as if you're the designer of your life. get to fucking work mate.

>> No.15758309

never before in my life have I seen more obvious bait, holy shit at least invest a tiny bit of effort if you want to achieve anything

>> No.15758318


why not both, you said it yourself. Enjoy yourself dont overthink.

>> No.15758381

not trolling, just a buzarre person
find out what you actually want then singlemindedly go for it. it sounds like you decided it wasnt worth it or something idk

>> No.15758502


>crypto fascist
Most of mine are levantine people or mizrahi jews. Surprised anyone called me out. You seem fun to talk to.

>> No.15758535
File: 95 KB, 615x798, 1606918501024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15759937

(You) seem to cope hard

>> No.15759946

I cant understand how can you find computer games fun past the age of 18, I have a lot of friends in their mid 20s who are addicted to PC, not console games. At a point in life where you should be starting something in life and making connections.
Fuck, jew mind control is strong

>> No.15759948

go to the chubby section of handsome men

>> No.15759959

It's a game like any other. Chess, stocks, studying physics or reading books, it's just for fun. My dad is 60, very successful businessman and plays computer games everyday since I can remember.

>> No.15759963

>I cant understand
There you have it kek

>> No.15759993
File: 589 KB, 1151x894, AED800A8-2653-4F63-B350-9DB9791937C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chink who spent too much time on ghost of tsushima and r/asianmasculinity and now thinks he is a boy.
Buy a biker jacket and send us a pic!

>> No.15759996

you want to be a gay bear kek

>> No.15760077


>> No.15760086

dayum you make my mandong go uwwayeeahs

>> No.15760107

based overcompensating homosexual vibes

>> No.15760171

Hahahahah (you)

>> No.15760332

Still no physique posted, why am I not suprised?

>> No.15760649
File: 50 KB, 550x640, we-wuz-vikangz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cracker spends too much time on r/mfa and now thinks hes a boy.

buy a skinny jean and send us a pic! /fa/ggot

>> No.15760664
File: 1.10 MB, 1463x1264, 043753F2-B18E-48EA-81A5-D22A423B5BC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting personal stuff to prove a point to seething chink

>> No.15760727
File: 1.10 MB, 220x166, 1603209002900.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> closeted faggot posting "feminized chinks" to prove hes not it

>> No.15760767

Not Asian but try again fat boy LMAO

>> No.15761315

Who is the greek here? Based frogman posting btw.

>> No.15761496

it's dopamine addiction. i've played thousands of hours of pc games and recently decided i'd stop. it's fucking hard. everyone creates bullshit excuses saying playing video games is okay, but it's bs. the shit will take over your life.

>> No.15761500

why are two random internet strangers bickering lol. what is your reward for "winning" the shit talking lol

>> No.15761632

You will never be considered worthy here in the west, go back to your kingdoms of mud

>> No.15761718
File: 53 KB, 1980x1036, 1606977017419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> kek look at this dude, i mean /fa/ggot

>> No.15761987
File: 3.90 MB, 3000x4500, idealgrid13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excellent taste in women
good all around
nice as always
nice home and cute bun
based mullet
kinda basic but good
saved for based style

>> No.15762114
File: 296 KB, 1500x1536, dbvw1lj-665eed79-02fe-422a-93e4-0d50ead4392b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be considered worthy here in the west, go back to your kingdoms of mud
t. fat American labourer projecting his larping fantasies on others.

>> No.15762795

Mohammad Li getting real angry here in his eastern ghetto no white people ever entered

>> No.15763207
File: 616 KB, 244x156, 1606943605744.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> mad

>> No.15763330

bald old man core

>> No.15764830


>> No.15765731

Sad state of nonwhites who will never be accepted in a white world

>> No.15766086

triggered ugly baldie

>> No.15766852


>> No.15768253

Not bald, nowhere near fat, cope harder gay immigrant

>> No.15768270


okay baldie

>> No.15768401

Nigger mad

>> No.15768768
File: 2.71 MB, 4000x6000, bazowane copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really good taste maybe except partner choices, thats just my opinion though

extraordinarily based

>> No.15768787
File: 2.69 MB, 3000x4500, whateverthefuckthisis2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need to shit ill rate in a min

>> No.15769564

he's not coming back, is he?

>> No.15769638

porco rosso and strong mommy

>> No.15770113

That’s a long shit lmao

>> No.15770124

shrimp dick crackers always got the most to say

>> No.15770165
File: 444 KB, 1080x1035, Screenshot_20201207-073443_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From like 2015

>> No.15770206


>> No.15771813

Yeah you are a butthurt nigger
Go away to reddi t

>> No.15772399

if you have yellow fever kill yourself

>> No.15772732

Based anon

>> No.15772860
File: 957 KB, 1536x2304, 31CDFC8B-B9DE-4D06-9E2D-679E4BE5DAC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool. Boring girls

Really like the hair; reminds me of Abby from The Deuce

Based warrior queen

Pretty cool. Would party with

Really great

You’re probably not even 20 yet. You still have time

Good girl



>> No.15772961

you know what /fit/fags and tranners have in common? They love being emotionally abused, or they wouldn’t keep posting

>> No.15774779

you weren't the only one to do it, but putting 'interesting' in partner description is kind of redundant. that's not a trait. maybe list traits you find interesting instead. still, solid grid
turbobased if that's sofia coppola. top waifu