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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 75 KB, 710x707, D_ED5L4WsAEpVmU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15751864 No.15751864 [Reply] [Original]

How do I wear a cross to signify my faith in God without coming across as eboy scum?

>> No.15751876

Why would you need to signify it? Do you need the rest of the world to validate it? Did Jesus give any meaning to this? Did God instruct you to do this? If anything, Jesus was against religious symbols and idiols.

>> No.15751879

get some tats instead, big cross on your forehead and "PIOUS" and "LYFE" under each of your eyes

>> No.15751880

If you do it subtly then its not eboy per se. Just avoid cross chain necklaces and youre good.
>faith in god
>god created 4chan

even if he was real I wouldn't have faith in them.

>> No.15751882

The term Christian symbol is an oxymoron because there can be no such thing as a Christian symbol. Any sort of religious symbol or iconography will inevitably become an idol, an object worshipped as if it bestows some sort of power upon you

>> No.15751889

he's probably one of the /pol/lacks who treat it as a way to #own #libs, because religion is just a part of identity politics to them

>> No.15751890

Get a big gold one on a thick golden chain. Wear it on your hairy manly chest, just like I do. No one will ever assume that you’re an egoy

>> No.15751907
File: 210 KB, 1280x854, uybmz66ctt161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic unrelated

If you're acting in good faith, just wear it. If other people associate you with eboys, so be it, though I doubt they will unless you commit to the full look. If that association matters to you, then you're not wearing it for faith - you're wearing it for aesthetics. Which is ok, just be honest about it

weak theodicy

>> No.15751911

Leather cord, wooden cross.

>> No.15752002
File: 73 KB, 512x128, Widepeeposad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related: both of us when it turns out the muslims are right

>> No.15752008

Be extremely fucking ripped

>> No.15752014

Wow, so benevolent of god.

>> No.15752025

if you think about a cross necklace and relate it to being an eboy you’re a retard.

>> No.15752552


>> No.15752563

Listen to an ash wednesday sermon anon

>> No.15753432
File: 621 KB, 593x580, 1603770067877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proving the meme right

>> No.15753480

No single faith nor religion has a monopoly over the truth.

>> No.15753486

All is one, love is all

>> No.15753553
File: 113 KB, 1024x1024, 63C61701-9B66-4D55-A608-A1287E2C2D7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get a virgen de guadalupe necklace la

>> No.15753562

That’s one hella photoshopped chest

>> No.15753584


>> No.15753591

I didn’t even notice kek

>> No.15753652

why do you feel the need to signify your religion?
genuinely serious why you cant just feel your spirituality inside?
wearing a cross isnt gonna give you a free pass to "heaven" or whatever you believe

and yes now religious symbols are constants on criminals and zoomer eboy dangly earrings and shit

>> No.15753683

Just wear the cross. Why would it look like an eboy.

>> No.15754104

imagine making demands

>> No.15754107

>How do I wear a cross to signify my faith in God
don't, no-one gives half a shit about your spiritual beliefs

>> No.15754135

based lol

>> No.15754144

Exodus 20:4

>> No.15754184


>> No.15754188

Wear a gold cross on a gold necklace.

>> No.15754277


>> No.15755114
File: 63 KB, 720x718, Screenshot_20201201-115657_Amazon Shopping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canvas or leather loop and avoid any that come to a point at the edges or are super thin (pic related)

>> No.15755361

>Be god
>Decide if any of my creations don't unquestioningly worship me, and follow weird specific rules, they'll be tortured for eternity
>Be me, a creation
>Observe that this ultimatum doesn't seem very nice, or benevolent
>4chan zoomers LARPing as trad can't conceive my thought process
Lmao I hate the world now.

>> No.15755389

OP's pic is never gonna happen, we are slighty evolved animals nothing else, religion was created to ease the fear of someday dying, we won't know when we are, enjoy life to the maximum while you can, don't be scared of what some fictional being thinks of you.

>> No.15755403

cringe and relativist

>> No.15755411

>Lmao I hate this world now

that was already evident

im a modernist btw

>> No.15755431

cringe and absolutist

>> No.15755464

Hell (Gehenna) being eternal isn't in the bible, so there's a few different views on it.

>> No.15755629
File: 164 KB, 1280x1250, IMG_20200326_013155_247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I not surprised that /fa/ doesn't know shit about christian doctrine and history

>> No.15755642

Bc does it matter?
Hell - if all that hullabaloo is even half right - I’ll find out when I die when Jesus (or whoever supposed to) greet me At the gates of whatever I’ll just smile and nod. Even though cmon guys do you really believe this shit?

TLDR- don’t need to keep up with bible shit just nod and smile if you run into them at the gates

>> No.15755644

Trump lost. Get over it, snowflake!

>> No.15755658

I don't even think I should give you a proper answer because that was very stupid and probably bait. Funny one, though.

>> No.15755669

Poorfag lacking in morals. Whether it’s Zionism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Catholicism, CockWorshipism, you still lack a brain to comprehend anything of importance, poorfag.

>> No.15755680

Bc I have a mind of my own and am not brainwashed? I know common sense isn’t very common but holy hell you don’t need to subscribe to a cult to be a good and spiritual person

>> No.15755688

fuck off communist, this is zoomer-era 4chan
Christianity is the one true religion because it's the one I was born into.
no more proof is necessary.

>> No.15755722

I mean yeah, I'm pretty sure the whole western idea of the afterlife in general is not really a part of original Christianity, but I don't even bother getting into it, because we're dealing with retards like this >>15755688

>> No.15756255

>Why am I not surprised that /fa/ doesn't know shit about christian doctrine and history
Because even cursory knowledge will tell you it was just some random shit made up by neo platonists? It's trash tier philosophy even for ancient times. It only survived by favor of other retards. You're proud of memorizing musings of retards. Congratulations, this is your eternal reward, retardation.

>> No.15757487

this but unironically

>> No.15757489

Signify your Faith by building a reputation on honesty and hard work. If the world ignores or hates you, know that it ignored and hated Jesus Christ before it ever met you, and be glad that you shall not endure Hell as our Lord did for 3 days.

>> No.15757498


>> No.15757595

there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet