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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 488 KB, 1438x1368, Xnip2020-11-29_15-06-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15748213 No.15748213 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Koreans so effay? Is it peer pressure?

>> No.15748228

Counterfit clothing. Don't believe me? Just look into why brands such as Supreme didn't want to open store there, it's that bad.

>> No.15748259

>being /fa/ = trying to look White

back to rëddit

>> No.15748286

consumer programming

>> No.15748326

She looks dead inside

>> No.15748336 [DELETED] 

Most modern women are.

>> No.15748341

NPC culture

>> No.15748343

Most people are these days desu.

>> No.15748345

Isn't Korea a first world country? Aren't Korean's typically well-off? Why do they patronize fakes?

>> No.15748346

yes, the koreans here follow trends from back home closer than any other ethnicity. they all dress exactly the same, but the uniform changes from year to year.

>> No.15748347

culture that adopted physiognomy early, attractive people are only ones that are seen by the western socialmedia storm... leads to fetishization of asians and so much more!

>> No.15748386

They're still just another flavor of gook that won't spend good money on clothes that can be made for nothing in a sweatshop.

>> No.15748387

I'm not Asian but I've read quite a bit about lego vs chinese counterfeits and from what I could understand Asians don't care if something is fake as long as it's well made.

>> No.15748392

I see. Thank you both.

>> No.15748445

why wouldn't they? everyone in korea works in a sweat shop making clothes

>> No.15748456

wang is fucking trash why so people wear it

>> No.15748563


>> No.15748572

b b b b based

>> No.15748574

Wow, slim fitting black jeans, a sweater that doesn't fit, and a bra. So new and cool and effay. How do I dress this effay, effay?

>> No.15748588

Hyper capitalism baby. Thousand years of culture cut down in under a century lmao

>> No.15748597

No one said that. We already know. Fuck off, zoomer.

>> No.15748614


Nigga, California, specifically LA, has so much low quality fufu shit its amazing and people buy it.

>> No.15748639

So you go and buy a fake of the same company you're deriding? Retarded sour grapes logic

>> No.15748649

>California, LA
The discussion was about first world countries, let's keep it to that and let's not make any unfair comparisons.

>> No.15748654

lrn2read faggot

>> No.15748665

learn what a joke is you fucking idiot

>> No.15748752

Plastic Surgery and a society that places a large emphasis on looks and a certain beauty standard

>> No.15748774

A thousand years culture of living in huts and eating rocks isn't any better than plastic faces and kpop.

>> No.15748784

>muh ancestors were so great. that means im automatically great too right guys?

>> No.15748785


kek, fair enough

>> No.15748803


>> No.15748928
File: 146 KB, 911x1108, flood.iv-20201127-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im Asian and i can confirm its white as fuck to care if something is "authentic" lmao if it looks good it looks good. i personally prefer to thrift though, unless im looking for something really specific

>> No.15748964

Buying fakes is not the best cause to support local business because work conditions might not be the most ethical.

>> No.15748982

This is definitive proof that Asians are more intelligent

>> No.15749034

hypocritical and pointless to care about ethics as you benefit from the oppressive capitalist system lol

>> No.15749057

Like that overpriced tat isn't made in some chinese sweatshop most times anyway, like what above anon said someone is getting opressed somewhere along the line.

>> No.15749058

Look at this smart-ass over here, pretty cringe to be mentally 13

>> No.15749073

Speak up faggot i bet this dude sucks cock

>> No.15749082

Holy shit imagine being punked on the internet kill yourself

>> No.15749086



>> No.15749101

Your mom seething on my cock as i plunge inside her asshole

>> No.15749103

> lego vs chinese counterfeits and from what I could understand Asians don't care if something is fake as long as it's well made.

Bad example. Lepin and the other clones are AWFUL. No clutch power whatsoever. You're better off buying Megabloks. I buy bulk LEGO from the thrift store and ebay often. When I receive it I wash and sterilize before tossing away any fake brick that's snuck in there. There's quality chinese clones out there - LEGO itself moved some production there - but there's still an appreciable difference in quality with cases like the latter.

Maybe for our modern culture of hyper disposable hyper consumerist goods there's some validity towards this approach in fashion but I prefer to buy quality if I have to spend money. If I want a deal I find it second hand - if it's quality then it wears well and lasts. Someone has taken care to preserve it because it has value. Only consumables, technology goods (where processing power, compatibility and software performance is relevant) and underwear are things you should be buy new exclusively.

>> No.15749112


Knockoff Legos are trash, megabloks have gotten a bit better tho

>> No.15749147
File: 94 KB, 1364x1656, trans__pilled-20201129-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not like "authentic" American brands don't use sweatshops in Bangladesh anyway? i wasn't really talking about small businesses but those are pretty cool i guess. i was thinking "authentic" as in branded.

>> No.15749149

Fucking pathetic cuck go back to mommy and cry about how you got bullied by the internet fuck you bitch

>> No.15749167

>equates “branded” with “authentic”

I award you with “Dumbest Cumbrian on 4chan”

>> No.15749228

lol ok

>> No.15749465

I bet this is the same retard spewing nonsense about British working class in another thread. Everything about this Anon's tone just screams first year college student.

>> No.15751193

homeless high school dropout, actually

>> No.15751196

please don’t incentivize idiocy

lmao anons can share similar beliefs y u so affected

>> No.15751203

awww u in wuv wiv revolutionary anonchan

>> No.15751514


>Asians don’t care about authenticity

Wow color me surprised

>> No.15751527

Yes. If you like the design of some sweatshop hype shit, but are opposed to buying a fake when it is the exact same thing, you're a cuck.

>> No.15751530
File: 116 KB, 320x371, 1583972750523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15751535


They are a cope culture of unrealistic beauty standards & vast amounts of materialism. K-Pop & Fashion (which are both pushed & created by corporations) is their “culture” now. Women there are injected with plastic at a young age. Nearly all of their existence as a country has been plagued by war & slavery by the Japanese. Even after their liberation from the Japanese in WWII, they are still torn apart & under constant threat from N Korea & China. They use K-Pop & fashion to cope with nuclear threat & their shitty past similar to how the American 1950’s were.

Gf is South Korean

>> No.15751706

>Is it peer pressure?
Peer pressure never creates stylish people.

>> No.15751721

Idk but she needs to lower her pants to show more tummy and belly button

>> No.15751769

They have no actual sense of style and just copy whatever is shown on TV the most.

Because you then saw it on TV you're conditioned to think it's stylish, and then you look at an entire culture of braindead copycatting and spout "effay omg" without a modicum of critical though and clap like a retarded seal.

>> No.15751912

It's your Asian fetish and their rampant consumerism anon

>> No.15752024

Just came back from south korea, this is the winter outfit:
two block haircut, 댄디 (Dandy) 가르마 (Gareuma) 애즈(Aejeu) 가일 (Gail) are common variations
White sweatshirt or gray hoodie
Black overcoat, beige fur coat, padded jacket or vest
Black slacks, length is variable some go down to shoes some go up to ankles
white shoes or converse

koreans are lucky, westerners have to think a little hard about how they can look good, but the average korean can just copy whatever they see on street or tv shoes and it will look good
>t.lived in korea and tried too hard to larp as one

>> No.15752039

>cause to support
its not a cause its a fucking clothing brand you dumb zoomer. Unless you're a Dior couturier just about every clothing factory has the same conditions including the ones in europe
>american libtards

>> No.15752043

this girls got a fat pussy
whats her insta

>> No.15752048

did you really try to get a korean haircut

>> No.15752081

yeah, im mestizo hispanic too
i learned how to speak korean, watched a metric shitton of korean youtube hairstyle videos, fashion channels, spent a shitton of money shopping in myeongdong, hongdae, gangnam, only hung out with koreans etc etc
i thought i could get more handsome by doing it

the only thing i forgot was that in korean culture if you have brown skin u are fucked from the start lol

>> No.15752087


People can share beliefs who would of thought. Fucking retard.

>Everything about this Anon's tone just screams first year college student

This is a tired trope and not true by any stretch of the imagination. i never went to college, worked manual jobs all my life, i know the conditions in which people work and how bad society can be, not all left wingers are college/university types.

>> No.15752093
File: 31 KB, 474x842, two block.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would the two block haircut look on a white person?
I've never seen a white person rocking it before but I kind of want to try it.

>> No.15752107
File: 167 KB, 512x287, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on the style
main reason two block is useful is because there's a ton of different styles you could do with it

what's your face/hair like?
a straight up 댄디 cut like the one in your pic looks kinda weird on most white people, but most could probably pull a 가르마 or 가일 which uses the same haircut
>pic related is 가르마

>> No.15752111

it makes you look like a fag

>> No.15752115

additionally, the main reason koreans get a two block is because they really hate to stand out

bullying is really really common in korean schools and most kids want to just put their head down and blend in so they don't get picked on, in korean culture standing out is not good, two block isn't just an aesthetic choice, so ponder that too

>> No.15752126

I've never met a single Korean that willingly hangs out in Myeongdong, did you live there 25 years ago?

>> No.15752168

because you're only seeing the rich ones

>> No.15752178

i just went there when i didn't know shit about shopping in korea lol

obviously the best places to shop are either hongdae or the various stores/boutiques scattered across seoul, or just buying them online

>> No.15752199

because "looking good" is the main pasttime there. extremely shallow culture. no good art/artists, no one has actual hobbies -- people pour everything into peacocking for others

>> No.15752245

i havent seen enough media about what bullying is like in korea?

could you elaborate

>> No.15752341

many/most koreans take care of their skin and hair and pay attention to trends. the global push of the typical korean beauty standard that kpop and dramas has been a part of also makes you think the look is cool now. plus youre likely only really remember korean people online and irl who stand out in a good way and fit the mold of the effay korean you have in your head. im korean myself and live somewhere with a large korean community and by no means are most of us actually effay.

>> No.15752524

>im korean myself and live somewhere with a large korean community and by no means are most of us actually effay.
by american standards definitely lol, the bar is really low here so koreans look really put together by default
that is until you go to korea and see that it's basically just a hivemind, but whatever lol

>> No.15752530

yeah i see what you mean. i live in pal park which has a huge korena population and its pretty easy to stand out as a good looking guy since most are so average so i just think most of us are not effay at all

>> No.15753608
File: 823 KB, 1617x2048, A70ED033-84B8-4542-A3FC-4305A7F58D95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just take a walk on 32nd st ktown nyc. All the chinks come and flex their fake LV, Gucci, goyard, supreme. The cringiest I’ve seen is this chink couple matching Mickey Mouse Gucci dad shoes lmfao. They cower from the sun because they want to be white so badly. They ironically want to look white and yet still maintain their gooky asthetic

>> No.15753618

The desire to be pale has nothing to do with western whiteness. Thanks for displaying your idiocy and Euro-centrism. Asians historically and presently desire pale complexions as it implies they have no need to work outside, further implying wealth and status.

>> No.15753641

Pseudoscience and conspiracy theorizing

>> No.15753651


>> No.15753654

Pale Asians are based and pretty as fuck

>> No.15753695

You can't even see anything. but yeah whats her ig

>> No.15753710

Asia's always been a huge target for this. Read anyone's opinion on "Japanese Culture" and they'll write entire essays on what some asshole on a tourist visa decided on during their spring break and told them once. (Or they'll be 5 or 6 degrees separated from that guy even) but will preach it as gospel to anyone who will listen.

>> No.15753725

>Braindead freshman autisticslly arguing against eastern collectivism whilst implicitly praising the radical individualism that will cause eventual societal collapse

>> No.15753739

you are 100% a fat girl

>> No.15753744

The desire for light skin was hundreds, if not thousands of years before chinks even knew what a white person was. White people naturally having light skin contributes to why some chinks obsess over white, the chinks don't desire light skin BECAUSE of whites

>> No.15753762

Asians can do it because they have copious amounts of hair.

It just looks wispy and bad when done by most whites because they just simply dont have enough hair.

>> No.15753767


>> No.15754094

they aren't

>> No.15754187

Koreans steal from the west. Just look at KPOP.

>> No.15754208

>thinks culturally created symbols and ideas can ”stolen”

cringe cherrypicked “argument” lacking any nuance

>> No.15754230
File: 25 KB, 702x336, 1E66BF67-0F15-4C41-929D-8FF0FEE1D76A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smort unsubstantiated opinion

>> No.15754233

Did you really stop to take a picture of some strangers anon?

Fucking seethe more faggot. Maybe see the light of day, and you too can be something more than a depressing sight.

>> No.15754235

Well for one thing, being pretty is important in every aspect of life there - you send a profile pic in with your resume. So you would experience real professional/financial returns on investing in your looks.

>> No.15754262

Get fucked commies you'll never be white

>> No.15754265
File: 596 KB, 1242x1320, 2EB1C9F2-B65E-427E-9799-BDAE11495756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>assuming others’ political affiliation and their nonexistent desire to be Caucasian

>> No.15754269

>defending people who unironically use the term 'whiteness'

>> No.15754285
File: 87 KB, 680x709, F8D03616-7F29-4C89-9223-0F8DE28F1AA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15754295

>unironically likes gooks
lol fuck off

>> No.15754343

have you ever been to korea?
they are perhaps some of the prettiest girls ive ever seen
obviously personalities are a different matter

>> No.15754449

Chinky people, especially the korean gooks just want to look like white people. They get plastic surgery to look like white people -double eyelid surgery/blepharoplasty, and rhinoplasty to get a more European nose. Gooks like to wear sunblock and bleach their skin as well like the niggers. Everyone just wants to be white because white people r superior. Anyone saying otherwise is just cope lmao

>> No.15754527

>Chinky people, especially the korean gooks just want to look like white people. They get plastic surgery to look like white people -double eyelid surgery/blepharoplasty, and rhinoplasty to get a more European nose. Gooks like to wear sunblock and bleach their skin as well like the niggers. Everyone just wants to be white because white people r superior. Anyone saying otherwise is just cope lmao

nah white skin has always been treasured in east asian culture, it's not because of white people lol, although american media probably improved the image of whites

>> No.15754540 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 420x418, 1459773248553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Insecure wh*toids lol

>> No.15754579

>가일 (Gail)
I googled this and got pics of Guile from SF

>> No.15754674
File: 5 KB, 297x170, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol 가일머리 or 가일스타일
pic related is most popular example kinda, but 박서준 looks kinda faggy, there's better ways of doing it

>> No.15754866
File: 1.61 MB, 1440x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PSJ is based

>> No.15754908


>> No.15754933

The only point of buying shitty looking luxury brand clothes is to flex. If you get them fake and for cheap then you're just wearing cheap, shitty clothes.

>> No.15754951

there are 2 women in that pic tho?

>> No.15754960

Except if you know where to look, the “real” clothes are the exact same as the cheap “shitters.”

>> No.15754973

awful perspective edit, but nice fits

>> No.15755110

why do korean dudes like the turtleneck with trenchcoat and Chelsea boots look so mcuh

>> No.15755133

because it looks good and it's easy to buy
the look works for like every korean dude, don't really need to think too hard about it

>> No.15755202

Looks good. Difficult to look bad in it. You need to be really ugly or have shit quality and fit clothes to look bad in that combo.

>> No.15755216

Yes, made in the indian sweatshop near the sewage plant instead of the sweatshop next to the landfill.

>> No.15755329

No, you don’t understand. Reps are never like the authentic pieces. Drops are more rare and real than reps.

>> No.15755479


>> No.15755578

well said brotha

>> No.15755643

is seoul worth visiting? everyone tells me it's just turbo normie toyko and that i shouldn't bother but i got into korean films a few years back and have always wanted to check it out ever since

>> No.15755661

Everything is glamorized it media. It’s normie af.

>> No.15755692
File: 74 KB, 640x534, zagone-studios-goosh-pants-640x534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real shit and the fakes are made in the same fucking factories anyway

>> No.15755695


>> No.15755715

Hypebeasts have been culled due to Covid. Hooray.

>> No.15755717

have they?

>> No.15756034

Seoul is cool, but I have to admit that it's kinda mediocre compared to other big asian capitals.

Forbidden City is miles more impressive than Gyeongbokgung or Changdeokgung
Shanghai is way cooler than Gangnam or Myeongdong
and everything else tokyo does better

if you are really into like korean fashion, makeup, food or movies then seoul is worth it, especially if you have good friends there, but if you aren't particularly interested in korea itself then maybe not

>> No.15756062

>Why are korean fashion models so effay?

It's selection bias, you'd probably see just as many slobs walking around in their daily life in South Korea as anywhere else (except Italy, Italians are generally pretty uniformly effay)

>> No.15756065

hahahahahahahaa. it's fucking dogshit. it's literally just malls, building sites and slums

>> No.15756111

Yes korean society is one of the most superficial in the world

>> No.15756119

I’m so tired of this shit perpetuated over and over. There’s a difference in quality and long lasting. Even when it comes to so called super replicas, people who’s been dealing with real stuff can spot the difference because the material has different texture. Real thing has a quality control. Just stop with it.

>> No.15756128

I want to buy a fake Rolex and make fun of people who my real ones

>> No.15756290
File: 370 KB, 679x627, 152D0F18-0CE2-437D-9A4C-02A0ADA5FA9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No sane person has the same autustic hyper vigilance towards discriminating between “real” and “fake” clothes. Delude yourself further by rationalizing a perceived quality difference between equally shitty clothes.

>> No.15756298

I was responding to him talking about factory conditions and ethics and shit. I don't give a flying fuck about brand names. It's all chinkshit anyway

>> No.15757571


>> No.15758510


since you live in my proximity i want to beat the fucking shit out of you for this nasty ass post lol youre so pressed by asians for no reason maggot

>> No.15758786

Cool, like the heroin chic of the late 90s.

>> No.15758849

classless showoff logos arent effay lmao

>> No.15759070

what the fuck would a metropolis be doing if it weren't turbo-normie? think logically you fucking retard.

that being said, it has lots of cafes and you can drink all night long (besides chink flu obviously). there are many lovely urban spots you can walk and feel at ease.

>> No.15759111
File: 11 KB, 236x319, 6d5871ee2ee430ff2b43098cac504732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pale complexions are GOAT.

>> No.15759114

Logos aren’t classless for they distinguish those of a higher social status, pooorss

>> No.15759124


>> No.15759126

I don’t know what gives me a stronger lady-boner, pale royalty or tanned labourers

>> No.15759128

Right, that's why Savile Row tailors hide their logo in the breast pocket.

>> No.15759151

I know, isn't it great? She wouldn't have any annoying opinions about social justice or veganism or whatever.

She just wants material luxuries to satisfy her jaded tastes. Perfect gf material for a comfy transactional relationship.

>> No.15759154

Not the same place

>> No.15759496

being white is out fashion, keep coping chud

>> No.15759584
File: 53 KB, 1980x1036, kbhuhcQl3-HNZX3L6tL5bzsrpibKfF2wMhXNTSn9j8Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying people want to be this

>> No.15759698

How can one man be this based call those gooks out on their fake shit.

>> No.15760605

There are plenty of reasons to hate Americans that arent mentioned here and instead it focuses on racial purity. Absolutely retarded cringe. I bet this was made by some Brit Bong or Chang who live the same brain-dead fat-fuck lifestyle but believe that they are suprior for being "racially pure".

>> No.15760822

>what the fuck would a metropolis be doing if it weren't turbo-normie
well you silly sausage, many big cities have thriving underground art/music/etc. scenes, which normies tend not to know about
what i meant was that people always tell me that seoul is just tokyo but without all the cool shoegaze bands and harsh noise wall acts masturbating in tellytubby costumes

>> No.15760835

>masturbating in tellytubby costumes
>masturbating in tellytubby costumes
>masturbating in tellytubby costumes
Pardon me?

>> No.15762113

there is no world city that does not have those things

even shanghai has "art" crap

>> No.15762138

flyover cope

>> No.15763726
File: 102 KB, 1031x827, best-nba-tunnel-sneakers-week-15-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds pretty based. might take a page off their book and take the ua pill.

>> No.15764088

People crying about fakes but it literally does not matter. I know someone who manages a factory in China making fake Triple S. He has the exact same tooling, materials and workers as the Balenciaga factories. His factory is owned by the same company as the Balenciaga factories!
The people making the legit pieces are also making the fakes. Theres no difference.

>> No.15764113

And nike working conditions are ethical? Lmao.

>> No.15764121

metaphorically speaking
i'm talking about all those weird japanese bands that combine j pop with death metal and 1930s jazz and shoegaze whilst using lsd dream simulator type imagery

>> No.15764136

>peer pressure
Well cultural pressure is more accurate.
Koreans puts a very big emphasis on your public perception.
You need to present your best self to other people.

>> No.15764216

lmao look at how mad this ching Chong bing bong is

>> No.15764255

Look at all the seething slanteyes replying lmfao are you losers enjoying the fact all your women crave the BWC?

>> No.15764321

>I’m Asian
Obviously not Japanese, as there’s a strong craftsman culture there. It’s all the other countries that don’t care desu

>> No.15765052
File: 323 KB, 1589x2560, feeling good burns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anti-depression paste here: https://pastebin.com/XnAyESNt
Aнтидeпpeccивнaя пacтa здecь: https://pastebin.com/2Fff5WkZ
Pasta anty-depresyjna: https://pastebin.com/s2RFh4Xw

>> No.15765062

Sad thing about these gooks is they can be 7+ and they still get their fucking faces chopped up and skull shaved.
Some of them do look pretty fugs before the surgery, not gonna lie. But some of them look hot and interesting and then shitty and uncanny after.