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File: 150 KB, 899x899, 123508361_207292867504174_7673555118408671013_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15710513 No.15710513 [Reply] [Original]

When is it too much?

>> No.15710515


>> No.15710517


>> No.15710525


>> No.15710529

After 1, yes

>> No.15710698

millenials and zoomers are gonna be the weirdest seniors ever...face tats, listening to rap and techno, taking selfies.....baka i hope i die before im forced to see all that

>> No.15710762

literally this, full body tats looks hot af

>> No.15710766

any is too much, they look like shit most of the time. anyone with full body tattoos or excessive tattoos in general probably has an underlying mental health problem

>> No.15711719

getting a meaningful tattoo, like the name of your kid, the symbol of an organization youve been involved with for years, or something to do with youe spituality is cool. Tattooing something on your body just because "it looks cool" is peak cringe

>> No.15711727

People who do all of that dont usually live long

>> No.15711734

getting a 'meaningful' tattoo is even more cringe. you're probably hispanic lmao.

>> No.15711741

Still would desu

>> No.15711757

Whiter than you, mr "ohoo this tattoo of a tree will make me look deep and sophisticated, I cant wait to get it and post it on r/tattoos"

>> No.15711759


this. i've never seen a tattoo make someone look better. it always looks like a shitstain.

>> No.15711776

man she would have to have a very interesting personality to justify all of that flair
whenever i see tryhard images like this i imagine that theyre just another dull person like me who sits with bad posture while watching shitty movies. except she is covered in dumb tats

>> No.15711831

Most tattoos are gay because they just represent consoomerism

>heh i paid money for somebody to put this cool design on me

just seems lame compared to if you actually have a tattoo for a legitimate and storied cultural reason. and of course, unblemished skin is a cultural statement of its own.

>> No.15712008

the duality of man

>> No.15712013

Wish and you shall receive

>> No.15712030
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>symbol of an organization youve been involved with for years

>> No.15712044
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Obligatory post

>> No.15712582

Those must be the marks of her master. Only slaves have tattoos.

>> No.15712584
File: 149 KB, 834x960, FABC7ECD-E6E1-4644-BE89-520506022DC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ho, Ho, ho

>> No.15712589
File: 44 KB, 200x200, 6E9B6E01-3F86-462C-BF11-335E999C04D7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 tattoo is too much

>> No.15713214

Honestly weird to see how much people online are anti tattoo. Most people I know are into them. Maybe it's location and confirmation bias. any case I typically aint into face ink. fuck me are the people with those something else. drunkest ive ever been was when this chick with face tattoos was literally pouring shots down my throat. makes a good warning sign for too much trouble by half. past that though, go fucking in. inked up chicks are cool. I get positive attention from my stuff. you do it right and it's cool art on your body. who wouldnt want that shit?

>> No.15713216

lol if unblemished is a statement it's the tree falling in the forest sort.

>> No.15713285

I find tattoos sexy on women, in moderation.

>> No.15713318

why do i get the urge to beat her violently with a bat

>> No.15713410

Youre right. Im getting an AT&T tattoo right away

>> No.15713432

Yikes, can't wait for degens to start tattooing white ink over full black inked bodies.

>> No.15713681

Yeah I am going to die because I listen to Aphex Twin.

>> No.15713868

that's too much. Somewhere between there and none is too much.

>> No.15713888

hands, face and neck are my limit
however I don't count those dots some girls tattoo above their fingernails as real hand tattoos

>> No.15713959

Tattoo ink nano particles spread inside your organs, and if you are tattooed head to toe, they give you cancer.

>> No.15714033

I personally hate tattoos on principle but they look better when you go full freakshow and do what OP pic does/ get a full sleeve/ large swaths that "frame" the body.
Just one tattoo looks fucking retarded and like one little doodle on a big-ass blank sheet of paper.

>> No.15714474

i've always found that one of the weirdest things about this site, there's a huge portion of people who hate tattoos. i've never met anyone who hates them irl

>> No.15715811
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the only time I thought tats looked good and it's fake for a film

>> No.15716150

Its cause people on 4chan don't go outside. Also I would never be so open about hating tattoos irl. People will just think you're a prude.

>> No.15716507

It's because we keep our lips pretty zipped instead of randomly shitting on people.
Tattoos are also a matter that touches class, race, region, and religion so it's kind of impolite to discuss.

>> No.15716555

Exactly it’s not like people are just gonna say how dumb your tats are to your face considering they’re (mostly) permanent. We’re just being polite :)
I mean it’s not a deal breaker and I have tons of friends with dumb shit that looks stoooopid. I don’t judge. I just know they made a mistake trying to be cool or look tough or be counterculture or something idfk.
Idc what you do with your body. I’m just sooo glad I didn’t get any when I was 18 and wanted them (but didn’t get any bc my dad would’ve put a bullet in my brain)

>> No.15716686
File: 1.13 MB, 2500x823, Aleksandra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's l*terally a billboard for a tattoo parlor.

>> No.15716715


man ppl view themselves as higher beings for saying shit in anonymity on 4chan since they would never dare to say it irl, but at the end of the day its just a site where narrow minded people are patting each other on the back for being toxic.

>> No.15716764

Been thinking of getting a tattoo for the last 6 months but cause of covid and artists being fully booked i've not got round to it yet. Any anons got any advice on what to do and what not to do?

>> No.15716787

I don't tell most of my friends I think (their) tattoos are super ugly. In reality I know maybe three people that look good with tattoos, the rest just looks like trailer trash because of them. My one friend was a guinea pig for a starting tattoo guy and boy do his tats look like shit. We laugh about it, but jesus.

>> No.15716820

My pc wallpaper changes every minute, if i had a tatoo i would get bored of it and mad at it fading and fucking claw it out like all those ingrown hairs that i just can't leave alone.
Not for me.
But this bitch, i would fuck anything not fat and obviously diseased, ink or no ink.

>> No.15716829

What do these people do when they run out of space and are clearly addicted?

>> No.15716840

>to do
not getting the totto
>not to do
getting the tatto

>> No.15716857

no bb
its called being civilized
people lie to each other on a daily basis to remain well mannered

>> No.15717510

>When is it too much?
When you have one.

>> No.15717533

Kinda difficult to shit on tactfully when god knows how many people in the room have one. Hell, my gf doesn’t know my thoughts on them fully, other than I just don’t like them, and she has no desire to get one ever.

>> No.15717580

When you decide it. Don't be a fool anon, let people enjoy things.

>> No.15717811

No limit as long as the tattoos are kept below the neck imo

>> No.15717832

>the state of western women in 2020
many such cases. Sad!

>> No.15717847

They get another layer

>> No.15717849

he means like a gang
or a military unit

thats not adventurous but its better than roses or koi fish

>> No.15718048

I’ve noticed a lot of otherwise clean cut looking sooner girls getting a massive thigh tattoo. Fucking ruins it for me.

>> No.15718081

Exactly this. If you're gonna do it, do it properly and go all in.

>> No.15718088

But there's only so much skin. There is a limit.

>> No.15718096

spbp came here to post this

>> No.15718126
File: 218 KB, 1080x1232, 125179840_394424578273173_4818109315775367465_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I struggle to understand why people want to cover every inch of themselves in ink. Especially, mainly black ink.

>> No.15718128
File: 360 KB, 1080x1349, 120842370_357113312081078_3196877414596569538_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tattooing ones eyeballs is the most ridiculous things a person can do. It looks stupid and damages your eyesight.

>> No.15718132

2019 me vs 2020 me

>> No.15718148
File: 154 KB, 872x720, 61435337_001_b523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Julia Bond before and after.
From beautiful to ridiculous.

>> No.15718171

It's because most of faggs who post here are underage so their parents don't let them have tattoos.

>> No.15718187


>> No.15718195

Don't even know who she is but she looks like shit in both pictures.

>> No.15718204

She takes cock for a living.

>> No.15718246

I figured as much

>> No.15719052

One. Makes you seem unrestricted and histrionic.

>> No.15719153

Depends on how they are done. I see some people with a lot of tattoos and think they look good. I see other people with only a few and think it looks shit.

Rarely do I see a person with one tattoo and think much of anything unless it's exceptionally shit or exceptionally good.

>> No.15719185

her eyebrows are so bad you notice them even though the tattoo situation is dire

>> No.15719415

the piece of metal in her face was too much already

>> No.15719425

Even one is too much. White trash af.

>> No.15719447
File: 4 KB, 225x225, IMG_4263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder, this is you

>> No.15719472


>> No.15719630
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>> No.15719650

Any. Tattoos have 0 return on investment and can only bring you shame. Even people who like them don't give a single shit. You've effectively paid to have a chance at looking like an asshole to someone.

>> No.15719676

ive been here since 2010. i have a full sleeve and a couple neck tats. a lot of people dont like them and thats fine. dont go full autist trying to explain "WHY DONT YOU LIKE WHAT I LIKE"

>> No.15720170

you aren't going to die from listening to Aphex Twin, you're going to die from AIDS cuz u gay

>> No.15720374

One should never have a tattoo.

>> No.15720399

What about a scarification of my name into my gf's body?

>> No.15721018

its bc nobody in real life listens or cares about or is even aware of the opinions of 4chan’s incel horde

>> No.15721023

wow she went from redneck trash to a public-toilet-stall-wall, so nice

>> No.15721028

when everyone is anonymous their true feelings are revealed

tatts are ugly
if i like you, i'd like you even more if you didnt have scribbles all over your body

>> No.15721676

I think they're mostly ugly but I don't say it to anyone IRL because it's not like they can undo them. It would just be rude.

>> No.15721682

>I struggle to understand why people want to cover every inch of themselves in ink.
At least it's the impression I get. Cover yourself up in a bunch of shit so that you can look in the mirror and see someone else, hopefully someone you don't hate as much.

>> No.15721710
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People on 4chan have morals?

>> No.15721738

Tattoos are for retards and if you're drawn to tats you are a retard. If you're trying to draw tat-drawn retards to you by getting tats, then you are the biggest of tatted retards.

>> No.15721742

my girlfriend has tattoos and I regularly tell her that she needs to get that shit lasted off

>> No.15721832

I bet Jamal likes them though, bet that's why she's keeping them.

>> No.15721850

Wot now?

>> No.15721877
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>> No.15721902

Jesus where the hell do you people even find these things
And why?

>> No.15721920

I know, right? It's gross.

>> No.15722005

commitment or boredom?

>> No.15722066

if ur a woman and have any tattoos youre a whore, if ur a man only military chads can pull it off otherwise degenerate

>> No.15722084

fuck of to reddit u tripfaggot tranny
why are u newfriends even talking to trips?

>> No.15722106

good research on the artist and what they are good at
>not do
cheap out

>> No.15722109

my dumb ass quoted the wrong guy

>> No.15722136
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>> No.15722140
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>"hey man, what's up? anyway, i was thinking maybe you should get that permanent ink lasered off because it looks fucking stupid and nobody cares when your dog/grandma/parents died."

>> No.15722190

I like tattoos if they are not some sort of a basic trash bitch crap or poorly made. You can always tell the difference once you've seen more tattoos. On the other hand I think pretty women shouldn't get ink on their skin. They must preserve themselves as clean as possible. This doesn't apply to men, men with good tats are always hotter than men without. As an ugly woman I have a full sleeve and 8 more tattoos on my body. The only good thing about being an unattractive female is that you can do whatever you want, it doesn't matter. So I pretty much enjoy this sort of art on me. Ugliness is freedom.

>> No.15723057

A woman who I would consider sharing my life with would have no tattoos. I do think some people can pull them off well though.

>> No.15723065

thankfully you'll be saving your virginity forever

>> No.15723138

names & dates are the most cringe you can possibly get.
really any tattoo you've put thought into, done by a decent artist, without tons of shading, is fine. once you get like 4+ it gets to be too much though.

>> No.15723159

Why do conservatives keeping coming here to make threads crying about tattoos?

>> No.15723166
File: 473 KB, 680x486, 0f8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i keep seeing this thread get bumped and it keeps not being a pic of an inked out qt

>> No.15723333
File: 411 KB, 1170x1755, pppppk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look no further

>> No.15723335
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>> No.15723349
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>> No.15723350

I wish, if I could I would take my virginity back.

>> No.15723354
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>> No.15723393

I hate electric blue colour tattoos and I hate paw prints going across an area of a girl
Is there anything more basic and hideous than paw print tattoos?
God they just fucking DISGUST me

>> No.15724112

i've seen these already and they don't show much of her skin, but she's still qt and thanks for the effort. also, nice QUADS

>> No.15724540
File: 52 KB, 750x687, dd2299332a040b2e7b129a551575110c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I started dating my girlfriend she has gotten 3 tattoos, they are the dumbest shittiest most unoriginal things i've ever seen. I hate it bros and she's too emotionally unstable for me to tell her.

pic sort of related

>> No.15724716
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>> No.15725089

That is literally the opposite of based, you know that word means something it’s not just applicable to everything you like which is shit btw

>> No.15725091

Oh god you’re right that might as well say “I have schizophrenia”, don’t just dump her prevent her from ruining the next poor fella by dealing with it now

>> No.15725097

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA FUCKING BEAUTIFUL that’s good, okay where’s the real picture?

>> No.15725103

Because I would shoot the one on the right for being so ugly and I would break the other one in half for being less ugly

>> No.15725108

Yes because that’s ridiculous getting something cool on yourself earning than making up some larping horseshit meaning, you’re prolly one of those faggots that thinks like all the good parts of art come from the “meaning” or “background”

>> No.15725170


>> No.15725174

When u use these holder knob things on your phone

>> No.15725634

urbanites are mentally diseased

>> No.15725791

t. urbanite

>> No.15725794

Huge patches of pure black is retarded

>> No.15725855

i remember cooming to her years ago

>> No.15725882

Fpbp, only fags are afraid of getting inked
>muh beautiful bare body
Bitch you are a hairless ape, there is nothing beautiful about any of us

>> No.15725888

Enough said. The truth is that incel horde in here is too cowardly to speak up, the “politeness” is just an excuse because it’s also not polite to speak behind someones back. Maybe they’re deluding themselves into believing that they’re actually good people, while in fact, they are not.

>> No.15725893

The only reason they hate people with tattoos is because they irrationally fear them, having tattoos makes you look more alpha and intimidating and people get the impression of an asshole from those two characteristics. Getting a tattoo takes commitment. To get a tattoo, you need to make a permanent choice and most people are afraid of that.

>> No.15725904

I think it's more that tattoos represent that abstract "They're out and enjoying life and I'm not" that they hate but want so badly.

They even convince themselves they don't want tattoos because it would feel phony and fake to get something that only THOSE people who succeed and enjoy life get. "This is too good for me."

>> No.15725911

this one is definitely the weirdest reply, you are assuming so much about me here. more than everyone else is. here since 2009 btw if that means anything

i don't have any tattoos but i don't dislike them

>> No.15725919

Nobody said they were afraid LOL do you seriously think you're some brave tough guy because you got tattoos!? People don't like them because they're ugly and scream a lack of personality

>> No.15725922
File: 117 KB, 1100x825, 59b6998f16da603c0d8b4777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lack of personality? A lot of famous people/celebs have tattoos though.

>> No.15725932
File: 60 KB, 1297x846, Reich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it always gets me that celebrities have all of this money and prestige available, enough to pull off a walk-in or accelerated appointment at pretty much any studio they want, and so many of them get TRASH tattoos that any self-respecting, decent artist would be like "Hey, man, it's your skin, but this is gonna look shit".

Take footballers for example. "I want a shitload of ink very quickly, I'll just get some vague words across my chest in font the size of a bowling ball"

>> No.15725939
File: 39 KB, 600x360, jrsmith_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, that is true though. Agree.

>> No.15725946


>> No.15725960

Having tattoo's is definitely not a lack of personality, quite on the contrary, having no tattoo's is more likely to scream having no personality than a person with no tattoo's.

>> No.15725979

Just quick comparison of Beckham and a random stock photo.
Person with good tattoo's is a level up from your average person.
>Tattoo's scream lack of personality.
Try again

>> No.15725982
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>> No.15725985

>extra nostril

>> No.15725993


>> No.15726012

Left. Landslide victory.

>> No.15727244

whenever I see someone with a tatto I instantly disregard them as a serious human being and consider them not even worthy to breathe the same air, same goes with women in general but inked up freaks are even a bigger joke. Every mcdonalds clerk has something on his forarm, same goes with beards, you will never see a self made succsesful man that has a beard, atleast if he had a normal father that thought him how to behave

>> No.15727260

this is fucking incredible

>> No.15727274


this is irony, right?

>> No.15727441

I’ve never been intimidated by a tatted person
Also I’ve enjoyed my life to excess

Tats are just a counterculture thing and somehow make their life more fulfilling
(Kind of how doing drugs does for other I suppose)

>> No.15727447

im not assuming anything retard, learn to reading comp. all i said was that i have a lot of tattoos but dont get bothered because people dont like them

>> No.15727452
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>> No.15727540

No. Irrational hatred of something so harmless can only be explained by fear of the said thing.

>> No.15727725

i go to dental school and not a single person has had anything positive to say about tattoos. you are a faggot.

>> No.15727792
File: 43 KB, 800x450, pepelaughz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meaningful tattoo
>symbol of an organization youve been involved with for years
Do boomers really?

>> No.15728449

>more likely to scream
how do i know you are from reddit

>> No.15728502

LMAO wtf are you talking about?
teenagers dress all weird
young adults get tats
not bc they have personality

>> No.15728529

tattoos are literally based

>> No.15728538

When you've got a lot of your tatts are bad
Also tatts generally look bad on women

>> No.15728605

Tattoo looks like a skin disease
Fucking disgusting

>> No.15728651

It can cover everywhere except your face. Thats too far

>> No.15728670

sounds like your in flyover coast

>> No.15728729

>Name of your kid

Now that's peak cringe right there

>> No.15728779
File: 85 KB, 749x1024, clark-gable-pencil-mustache-749x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psychfag here. I'll try to keep this as brief and easy to understand as possible, but here are my observations.

There is without a doubt a proportional correlation between Cluster B personality disorders and the number of tattoos a person has. Largley, narcissism and histrionic behavior. This is without a doubt far more applicable to women than men but still applies to both at about a 2:1 ratio.

Cluster B personality disorders are often interpreted by onlookers as "louder personalities" upon initial interaction, but as you interact with these people more frequently and analyze their behavior; it becomes quickly apparent they're extremely self centered and have very little perspective outside of their own bubble and desires. Their behavior is centered around attention and they're extremely sensitive to criticism of any kind. They're without a doubt the most difficult people to treat because they're virtually incapable taking responsibility or genuinley listening to anything others have to say.

In regards to people without any tattoos. While they are more likley to fall into Cluster C disorders (anxiety and OCD); the correlation is nowhere near as strong as that of tattooed people suffering Group B.

I'll add that the correlation of Cluster B disorders and heavily tattooed people has existed long since the 20th century. But until recently, it was heavily marked by the more dangerous Group B traits of antisocial and borderline disorders. This is where the stigma of tattoos=criminal comes from. As tattoos have become more commonplace and less stigmatized, they no doubt still attract B Clusters but no longer predominantly those on the antisocial side of the spectrum.

Also... there's a proportional Cluster B connection between things like the amount jewellery someone wears or even emphasis they put on "name" brand clothing. Keep an eye on these people. You'll note their narsisitcic behavior often bests tattooed peoples.

>> No.15728793

What does psychfag mean? Are you working in the field giving personality tests/working statistical data and whatnot?

>> No.15728799

You should know

>> No.15728808

I’m asking if maybe you just read shit on the internet about personalities?
Idfk the definition of every xfag
And desu you said some things that put up a few flags for me

>> No.15728810

For starters you really as a person that works with people (esp w mental or environmental problems) you really can’t classify everyone into 4 categories

>> No.15729126
File: 323 KB, 1589x2560, feeling good burns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anti-depression paste here: https://pastebin.com/XnAyESNt
Aнтидeпpeccивнaя пacтa здecь: https://pastebin.com/2Fff5WkZ
Pasta anty-depresyjna: https://pastebin.com/s2RFh4Xw

>> No.15729128
File: 148 KB, 500x500, 8qe6ISi[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, Jordan

>> No.15729136

I was responding to the dude who mentioned that tattoo's ''scream'' a lack of personality. >>15725919

Stop being a brainlet.

>> No.15729138

>Likes tattoos
>obviously has an identity crisis
kys retard

>> No.15729142

Obviously he is LARPing, pay no attention to him

>> No.15729155

There are only two rules:

1. Don't be a tasteless cunt.
2. Never ever go for a face. Even neck-tats are possible to pull off sometimes, but never touch your fucking face unless it's fucked up.

>> No.15729279


this chick literally cut her belly button and ate it

>> No.15729397

defending a tripfag

>> No.15729583

Ok I kind of figured.

Fuck off and filter me pls
You’re the true problem around here - not me ...If I had a dollar for every person bitching and moaning about trips yet contribute nothing - I’d have more dollars

>> No.15729644

Why do tattoo threads bring out the biggest faggots on both sides of the thread

>> No.15729690


>> No.15729695
File: 116 KB, 272x204, iu23n4t234t.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the COPE
I can only imagine the deformed, colored hands that typed this post!

>> No.15729698

>lack of personality
>famous people/celebrities
Bro, are you retarded? Many, many celebrities have 0 personality, you are proving his point.

>> No.15729700

Look at the stuff Cecil and the rest does. Can you blame us?

>> No.15729703

If I scroll down to hide the face, right pic unironically looks better.

>> No.15729722

Defacing your body - the only time I wanted to do that was when I was a teen and trying to figure who the fuck I was
This is a dumb thing (mostly) young people do - like piercing their faces
Sorry I’m just saying
If you’re happy with your body why not get a fucking t-shirt with whatever picture/art you like and weAr that everyday

I’m not judging people I’m saying there’s a psychological aspect - just like there is with everything - and I’m not an expert - but if you for real get a bunch of random tats and your whole arm is black - there’s a much deeper thing going on besides “I like tats”

>> No.15729803

Yeah, she somehow manages to still be kinda cute but it's totally ruined when you realize how much better looking she would have been if she hadn't done all this shit to herself.

>> No.15730526


>> No.15730631

>she's too emotionally unstable for me to tell her.
Bro do yourself a favor and move on. You deserve better for yourself. I wasted 7 years on an emotionally unstable girl and it kills me looking back. There’s always an underlying issue and it only gets worse. There are plenty of other girls out there.

>> No.15730646

This... is not a thing.
Do or do not. There is no try.

>> No.15730650

haha underrated

>> No.15730653

>Attention whore on an anonymous board
>Be surprised when people call you out

I mean... I'm not even that guy, but you asked for this.

>> No.15730657

I like art and I think that tattoos can be art but I only want to look at a piece of art sometimes, if that makes sense. I can hang a painting in a room of my house and go look at it when I feel like it but there are some people I can't interact with without having to look at their tattoos.

>> No.15730683

Do you have her before photos? Can’t find anything for comparison.

>> No.15730720
File: 96 KB, 836x970, 317ABC7A-E9FE-4B97-B10F-199C146643A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long it can be hidden by a suit, it’s acceptable.

>> No.15730721


>> No.15730869

I’m whiter than you, amerimutt.

>> No.15730873

Because you can’t wear anything else under a shirt, while tattoos add an extra sprinkle of cool when combined with uninteresting tshirts.

>> No.15730896

Before then

>> No.15730919

Source on the gif?

>> No.15730969


>> No.15731036

What kino? this thread is fag.

>> No.15731400

Beckham has such ugly fucking tattoos but he pulls them off so well I have no idea how he does it

>> No.15731474


Ran (1985)_

>> No.15731484

tattoos sans context are for lames and tryhards.

>> No.15731487

and /Thread

>> No.15731489

Never too much if done well..I guess it’s /fa/ to be ‘clean’ now..all that canvass and no creation..how very tedious

>> No.15731491

Looks like he suffers from blacne and uneven skin anyway.
I mean, was he going to become a fucking investment banker or a senator if he didn't have those tattoos?

>> No.15731493

>her dad's in her armpit

>> No.15732772

>Since I started dating my girlfriend she has gotten 3 tattoos

Should have left her after the first tattoo.
I do not mind hooking up with tattooed girls but I would never date one.

>> No.15732777

Lol I was like this also. I never told my friends how shit their tattoos look until I got my one tattoo removed. I was also a guinea pig for a friend learning to tattoo as a teen. Then I got mine removed for free by someone learning to remove them lol. When my friends found out I had to break the news that their tattoos fucking suck.