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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 149 KB, 864x606, pitti-864x606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15693751 No.15693751 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts about those empty shells of men who basically cosplay as someone interesting and important. They call it "Sprezzatura" but i think it's pathetic.
Here's an example of what i mean: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tdm0ovPV88s

>> No.15693753
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>> No.15693756
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>> No.15693757
File: 137 KB, 1200x800, sprezzatura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15693761

>a certain nonchalance, so as to conceal all art and make whatever one does or says appear to be without effort and almost without any thought about it.
Looks like these faggots put way too much thought and effort into it. Truly awful.

>> No.15693841

Nothing wrong with dressing well. Getting Surgeon's cuffs just so you can leave one open is retarded.

>> No.15693859
File: 1009 KB, 571x615, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you try as hard as these clowns it just becomes larping
the key to fashion is that you need to pull it off casually and naturally otherwise it just becomes embarrassing roleplay

>> No.15693963

I think of fashion as an accessoire to life. To make it more beautiful. But if it is all you have in your life, it becomes meaningless.

>> No.15693974

Seems pretty harmless to me, at least they're keeping some of the color and creativity of classic men's wear alive
The shorts are retarded though

>> No.15694244

>sprezza : having your basics and style down so well that you don't even need to try, it just comes naturally because you know your pieces well enough to coordinate them on the spot
>these tryhards : calculating everything to the point of outfits being singular pieces and their components not being flexible at all

>> No.15694256

>itt mad jealousy

Hey! We're going to need more workers here! We have a large SALT MINE!

>> No.15694303

hi trad-fag

>> No.15694387

I don't know what to say other than: I wholeheartedly agree, funny thing is that Sprezzatura is probably the biggest thread on /fa/, so imagine how many people are doing it. The thought of simpletons in bright colored suits for which they had to save their 4month salary is making me feel better, at least I hadn't fallen this low.

>> No.15694428

>sprezza : having your basics and style down so well that you don't even need to try

"practice in all things a certain nonchalance (sprezzatura) which conceals all artistry and makes whatever one says or does seem uncontrived and effortless"
Sprezzatura is the facade of effortlessness, not a genuine lack of effort.

>> No.15694465

Which of these pics looks effortless?



>> No.15694473

I'll agree that none of those idiots have sprezz, but that is hardly the fault of sprezzatura as a concept.

>> No.15694474

>/TIP/ still absolutely seething all these months later
Grow up

>> No.15694480

You don't need to be a businessman to dress well. I like Sprezzatura but it's pretty easy to fall into cringe; it's very hard to pull it off and requires a lot of thoughtful consideration when choosing what to wear or buy.

>> No.15694481

Post some actual sprezzatura then pls

>> No.15694547
File: 335 KB, 1000x1000, congo dandies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the virgin sprezzatura vs the Chad Congolese dandies

>> No.15694640

it is pretty interesting to see better advancements in almost every aspect of ancient civilizations than you get in some of those places today.
i mean, i'm as racist as the next anon, but i can't help but feel like something needs to be done over there to help.

>> No.15694696

>50% niggers and poo in loos
>2010 era hipster with man bun, beard, and spacers
>mirror shades
>phones at the breakfast table

Americans were a mistake

>> No.15694721
File: 567 KB, 1515x1026, thats-what-i-call-authentic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a fag club

>> No.15694725

many of the sapeurs are involved with government and embezzle money lmao

>> No.15694953
File: 16 KB, 892x97, 1590435139245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15695814

>something needs to be done over there to help
yes bomb them out of existence and use the land for its resources

>> No.15695817

Sex tourism from white countries is the best option. Men who wouldn't normally find white women going over there to raise the average IQ with their mutt children. You raise the average IQ, you give them a future.

>> No.15695824

Thats what all fashion is to some degree. Fashion is larping and anti-authentic.

>> No.15695826

holy fucking based. Euros should learn a bit of not giving a shit from these guys

>> No.15695931

To be honest, the left suit is absolute garbage in terms of cut.
Everything is too slim and narrowly cut, the choice of colours is as boring as it gets, the lapels are poking out so high it looks like a joke.

>> No.15695935

Today's Sprezzas are like all the tryhard trying to revive dandyism except they're focused on Italy instead of England.

>> No.15695948

look at that 2nd right guy's leg, those are fag stance lmao

>> No.15695971

true, it's like a SEXcore version of a suit

>> No.15695979

I dunno man, I dress like a sea captain even though Im not one.
I do work as Dockmaster at my island's ferry service though. So it's not too big of a larp.

>> No.15696065

>all those beards
Emo - Hipster - Sprezzatura
What will be next?

>> No.15696163

This shit is like gothic lolita but for grown ass men

>> No.15696549

>you need to pull it off casually and naturally
This is literally what sprezzatura means, but it's been co-opted by the peacocking Pitti Uomo goers that are actually the antithesis of sprezzatura, Ironic.

>> No.15696588

don’t call me out like that

>> No.15697021

this is the only one which is passable, the rest is so fuking cringe, literal cosplayers.
anon they all are american.
No one in italy is in fashion clubs, people with suits here actually have a job which involves/requires dressing elegantly, and not like clowns

>> No.15697030


>> No.15697036
File: 20 KB, 249x249, 1604459801359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god he's right.

>> No.15697220

why would they use the fucking frankenstein song lol

>> No.15697227

What a lot of causal people don't understand is that Pitti Uomo is a tradeshow for the menswear industry. Everyone gets dressed up and goes all out and over the top to get attention, to get people asking about their brand and company, to promote their social medias, etc. They are peacocking, and they're doing in on purpose.
But people who aren't in the industry or don't know about Pitti just see a bunch of people dressed up as over the top as possible. They don't understand the purpose of it.

>> No.15697228

Cope harder. They're happy, wearing what they enjoy, and you're posting about it on an anonymous Japanese anime image board in your bedroom

>> No.15697231

Most of the people that go to Pitti are Europeans, mostly Italians and French. A lot of Asians go as menswear is huge in Japan and Hong Kong. Dubai has a huge menswear scene which I always found strange as it's a literal desert, but whatever.
Very few Americans go there

>> No.15697564

>that video
Imagine dressing up and spending your morning with people solely because they dress in the same style. This is like high school jocks/nerds/preps/punks all over again

>> No.15697574

You're talking as if that phenomenon died off. People always were like that.

>> No.15697577

Yes I am, and I'm also doing what I enjoy. Your point?

>> No.15697594

Children and man-children

>> No.15698062

Yeah, Italy doesn't need to have jack shit revived, the tasteless chinks are and will be pumping that place full of cash for decades to come.
The place that truly deserves it is Scotland.

>> No.15698084

kill yourself

>> No.15699146

>Sprezzatura is the facade of effortlessness, not a genuine lack of effort.
This. Even in the book that coined it, the author talks about deliberate, studied contrivances to make yourself look a bit careless. It's all about *fake* nonchalance.

>> No.15699152

That pic but unironically. Reviewbrah is dressed well in a decent suit, the faggot on the left is wearing a skintight spandex imitation of a suit and his pleb gap is abysmal, enough to banish his entire bloodline to tolling the soil for five generations.

>> No.15699243

People that think sprezzatura is not trying are misinformed and retarded. It's about trying hard but making it appear you didn't. People obviously are meticulate in their appearance but the unbottoned cuffs, or the long ties, etc. make it appear that they don't care or didn't try. It's a trick

>> No.15699355

>unbottoned cuffs
Never understood this. Why would cuffs be unbuttoned in the first place? Leaving them unbuttoned is evidence of trying.

>> No.15699357

...what's a pleb gap?
Yeah, you found the pleb, but still.

>> No.15699359

It's a way to show off that you have a nice suit. Off the rack and cheap suits typically don't have functional cuffs, so unbuttoning them and rolling them a bit is a way for people in the know to show off that their suit is bespoke or at least well made.
It's one of those things that you wouldn't know if you weren't part of that crowd

>> No.15699411

hahaha you know I expected to agree this is pathetic but they look like they're genuinely having fun just being out with the boys dressed up and I can't hate that

>> No.15699412

That's literally what it is. People in this scene do it for the creative aspect and fun of dressing up and looking good.
People like OP hating them when they're probably fat as fuck and don't even fit into a suit are the really sad ones

>> No.15699418

“Authentic” fashion doesn’t exist. It’s always roleplay and there is nothing wrong with pretending you are someone cool and important.

>> No.15699435

Based reply
Just let people dress how they want and have fun If they're happy and it's not hurting you, why do you care?

>> No.15699437

>It’s always roleplay
It's not, a lot of the clothes most people wear are because of their job or social group, which is why people get called posers.
Cloths can send an intentional message, and there's a lot of choices people can make about what they wear (we're on /fa/ after all), it's not all larp.

>> No.15699474

The barrier to producing suits is much higher than making a streetwear brand. No way all those dudes at Pitti have their own companies. I know it's a trade show but it's also a well known place to peacock so it's obviously gonna attract plenty of 'afficionados' who are only tangentially in the industry.

>> No.15699519

"people in the know" wouldn't unbutton their cuffs in the first place.
"people in the know" don't need to see a surgeon's cuff to know if a suit is well-made.
"people in the know" can tell by the cut and fabric and how it fits and moves.
You don't know because despite all your efforts you aren't 'part of that crowd'.
Bonus: every retard thinks the way you do and as such functional buttons on cuffs are now found on all sorts of suits, including OTR and poorly made ones. Cheap manufacturers intentionally spend the extra shekel or yuan to make functional cuffs because fools just like you see an unbuttoned cuff and think "Function Cuff = Good".
Stop aping what some Italian guy did 30 years ago. It looks bad and is no different than new money chinks wearing overly branded clothes.

>> No.15699521

More and more it is for bloggers to pat each other on the back and attempt to weasel their way in with actual tailors.

>> No.15699522

Why are you so threatened? Relax dude, they're not going to hurt you. You are so fucking mad that people like to dress up and unbutton their cuffs, it's ridiculous.
How do these people affect you? How are you personally affected by them to be getting as mad as you currently are on an anonymous Japanese anime image board? Nigga, just close the tab. Cyberbullying isn't real.

>> No.15699525

A lot of menswear bloggers and writers go there for obvious reasons. For a lot, it's just a place to see the latest trends and styles.
I got a suit made by my local menswear store and I've seen footage of them there a bunch of times. They go to show off their new pieces and see others.
For others who are designers and trying to grow a business it's a place to wear your stuff and market it and have people ask questions and then you can market your brand. A lot of people trying to become "influencers" will go and get photographed and then expand their fanbase.

The amount of people who are so clueless about Pitti Uomo and are legit scared and threatened by it like this faggot>>15699519 is quite funny actually. The thought of a guy in a suit enjoying himself is terrifying to them

>> No.15699528

>lol umad
Unbuttoned jacket cuffs are a sign of intentional effort, i.e. caring so much about your appearance you go out of your way to signal it. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that the opposite of the concept of sprezzatura?
How can unbuttoned jacket cuffs be nonchalance? In what situation would you unbutton a jacket cuff outside of a surgeon performing surgery in a jacket for some reason?

>> No.15699531

You are taking this "sprezzatura" thing way too seriously. No one is waking up going "hmm yes, sprezzatura, I should unbutton my cuffs".
I was the original OP of the /sprezz/ threads and I picked that name as a joke mostly, as a play on the menswear industry.
It wasn't meant to taken seriously, but faggots like you are having a meltdown over a made up Italian word from the 1500s. The Pitti Uomo dudes don't give a shit about sprezzatura. They do everything they do on purpose. They probably spend hours in front of the mirror getting things perfect. They don't care that some sperg on 4chan takes the definition of "sprezzatura" literally and writes angry posts about it.
Let it go dude, damn. No one cares. Stop taking it so seriously. If you don't like it, just hide the thread and get on with your life

>> No.15699532

>In what situation would you unbutton a jacket cuff outside of a surgeon performing surgery in a jacket for some reason?
If it's fucking hot outside and you find yourself wearing a suit for whatever reason. What kind of retarded question is this? Use your brain before you post

>> No.15699540

Compare the tone of my posts with yours. Who seems angry?
As far as I'm aware every suit from SuitSupply has functional cuffs. Therefore, according to you, people in the know can show off a SuitSupply suit as "bespoke or at least well made".
There is no practical reason to leave a surgeon's cuff undone. Due to the proliferation of surgeon's cuffs on suits and jackets it no longer denotes well made, so what is the point of it again?
If it is that hot undoing a cuff button would make little difference. Smart people would take off their jacket, which somehow escaped you.

>> No.15699541

Tell me why this bothers you so much. I'm genuinely curious why people wearing suits bothers you this much. Just let it go

>> No.15699542

Found an interesting article about surgeon's cuffs on a suit:https://blacklapel.com/thecompass/ask-a-black-lapel-stylist-surgeons-cuffs-and-kissing-buttons/
Basically, it's just a fun way of showing off you have a handmade suit. It's not meant to be functional

>> No.15699578

All of the sprezzatura fits fail to make it even look fake. They are tryharding so much there is nothing nonchalant about them, not even an illusion.

>> No.15699582

Of course they are having fun, they are all dressed as clowns

>> No.15699592


>> No.15699606


>> No.15699703

The pleb gap or "collar gap" if you're boring is the gap between the shirt collar and the jacket collar that shows up in an exceptionally ill-fitting suit.

If the suit's properly fitted, when you're doing normal shit like sitting and standing, the collar of the jacket should be resting on the shirt collar. That guy on the left in the pic has a gap big enough to drive a truck through.

>> No.15699711

>anon they all are american.

Gee i guess Pitti Uomo is an american thing

>> No.15699713

nothing like a casual meltdown over faggots misinterpreting a term

>> No.15699714

>why do you talk about fashion on a fashion board
off yourself

>> No.15699811

thought the middle guy was carrying a long ass bolt action rifle

>> No.15701398

>why people wearing suits bothers you this much
I've never said that or anything like it. You are shifting the goalposts. I wear suits occasionally though usually slacks and sports coats and have no problem with men who do.
My argument is simple: unbuttoning functional cuffs serves no purpose. Your counterargument is entirely based on it being
>a way to show off that you have a nice suit
>a way for people in the know to show off that their suit is bespoke or at least well made.
This is not true. It may have been 20 years ago but is not now. Unless you'd like to claim that SuitSupply suits are 'bespoke or well made'. You could probably go to Macy's and find functional cuffs.
Functional cuffs serve no practical purpose. They do not indicate a well made suit any more because so many manufacturers do them precisely because of that concept.
Furthermore needing to show off your well made suit is in poor taste. A truly great suit does not need to open a cuff. The fit and cut, the drape, the lapels and stitching and collar and pockets and a dozen other details do that already. 'People in the know' know whether a suit is good or not without even looking at the cuffs.
Unbuttoning your cuff is like a rapper wearing a gold chain to signal wealth to others. May or may not be true but is utterly tacky and a sign of low class.

>> No.15701406

Who cares? Let it go dude

>> No.15701414

You care enough to keep replying and say 'let it go'.
You were wrong about functional cuffs meaning a well made suit. It is OK to admit that. It is also OK to admit you do it solely to peacock, even though it does not signal what you think it does.
Unbuttoned cuff = SuitSupply

>> No.15701796

Susu is honestly fine if you go with the custom made program and tell them to not do the slimshit stuff with high button stance.
For a bit more you can of course find others as well that are better though.

>> No.15702122
File: 168 KB, 960x540, Italian-garment-manufacturer-opens-factory-in-Ethiopia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

build some clothes factories there to create jobs for the locals

>> No.15702126

He looks like he's wearing his grandpa's suit. Shit is like two sizes too big.

>> No.15702514

Holy based

>> No.15702766

I care

>> No.15703053

totally based

>> No.15703251

Post your Lighthouse-core fits anon