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File: 1.13 MB, 1872x1338, fur farm animal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15691493 No.15691493[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Die in a fucking fire if you've ever bought real fur.

>> No.15691497
File: 234 KB, 1895x690, heidegger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay mad faggot

God I want to impregnate my wife while she wears a beautiful white fox fur that's lined with silk

>> No.15691500

Fur farms are what sparked my hate for chinamen.
I however respect furs that hunters (DECENTLY) got themselves.

>> No.15691504

there is no alternative to real leather

>> No.15691508

>Fur is bad if it is farmed
>Fur is good if it is 1000% free range organic certified branded
Why does China inspire such fear in these people?

>> No.15691526 [DELETED] 

Anti-depression paste here: https://pastebin.com/XnAyESNt

>> No.15691527 [DELETED] 

Anti-depression paste here: https://pastebin.com/XnAyESNt

>> No.15691540

rip 17 million minks being killed in denmark today

>> No.15691546


>> No.15691554

buy vintage. cheaper and better quality usually too

>> No.15691641

my nigga you could have posted that yourself

>> No.15691648

I bought some by accident. Be careful if you're looking for clothes on foreign websites you can't quite read :(

>> No.15691648,1 [INTERNAL] 

What about vermin fur? It'd be a shame to waste all that possum and wallabie fur (yes I'm Australian) possums and wallabies are vermin, and its in the best interest of both us and the ecosystem to treat them as such
its daft environmentalist cunts like you who will try and stop trees from being cut down only to act fucking surprised when your entire city goes up in flames, because those trees were supposed to be cut down specifically to stop that from happening

>> No.15691979

We got the same kink. I’d love to be rich and have a hot chick walk naked under a fur coat and heels.

>> No.15691985


Back to plebbit.

>> No.15691997

my rabbit fur hoodie insert says fuck off.

>> No.15692058

He said hunters not brand or company. There's a difference between a hunter killing one animal which then has to go through a whole manual process of being skinned and tanned, at the same time providing the village with food, leather and fur. The whole process not only takes time and uses up every little bit or resource the animal has to offer but is consequently just following the natural order. Now compare that to humans making machines of mass extinction, controlling the breeding of the animal and discarding it after hastily butchering it just to sell its fur for some hundred dollars less than it's competitors.

>> No.15692075

if i wasnt a poorfag i would have at some point so fuck off peta >>>/reddit/

>> No.15692101

Was this done on purpose to make animal think there is eternal winter and grow better fur?

>> No.15692103

Leather is byproduct of food production there is different from fur.

>> No.15692118
File: 217 KB, 1080x1080, kendall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe harder redditor. There is no alternative to real fur. Nothing matches its texture, warmth or luxurious beauty.

>> No.15692122
File: 130 KB, 720x1080, Michael Kors Otoño Invierno 2017-2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patrician. I've always liked it as a material but one of my exes got me into this a few years ago. Ever since her I started paying attention and I can safely conclude girls that wear it are more interesting as people and fuck better than retards that wear faux.

>> No.15692128

My mom has literally over 20 of them in the basement, in storage, mink, rabbit, fox, raccoon almost any animal you can name. I asked her why she doesn't sell them and its because she likes them is just worried people will throw blood at her, and she wants to be buried in one. I love my mom but she is fucking crazy I wouldn't be shocked if one of them was made of dalmatians.

>> No.15692161

What about shearling things?

>> No.15692173
File: 57 KB, 381x750, v321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why it is imperative that we just kill vegans outright, they cannot exist in a sophisticated way. I feel for her.

>> No.15692269
File: 3.50 MB, 272x450, 1603355364466.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Michael Kors

>> No.15692328

If I met some cunt wearing real fur I'd probably spit in their face and call them a piece of shit.

At the very least I'd give them an angry glare.

Or maybe I'd just think about it.

>> No.15692461

at least I'll die with actual style.
not like some faux fur faggot.
real fur is superior.

>> No.15692547


>> No.15692558

>If I met some cunt wearing real fur I'd probably spit in their face and call them a piece of shit.
>At the very least I'd give them an angry glare.
Ah yes, the vegan

>> No.15692569
File: 176 KB, 916x1024, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come say that to my face faggot

>> No.15692810

I totally support natives such as Eskimos and their need for furs. At the same time my utmost disgusts goes to Westerners that buy fur.
I'm a National Socialist.

>> No.15693049
File: 239 KB, 1015x1587, white39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As antiquated and flawed as NS may be you certainly are making it look a lot gayer than it is, Coping faggot.

>> No.15693067

>buy vintage.
vintage dead animals but not modern dead animals?

Is it ok to wear an extinct species as well?

>> No.15693253
File: 13 KB, 500x500, 1537296404557.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's a difference between a gatherer picking one fruit which then has to go through a whole manual process of finding a non-poisonous fruit/plant and inspecting it for defects. The whole process not only takes time and uses up every little bit or resource nature has to offer but is consequently just following the natural order. Now compare that to humans making machines of mass extinction, controlling the breeding of the plants and discarding it after hastily butchering it just to sell its fruits or roots for some hundred dollars less than it's competitors.

big yikes if you don't live a nomadic lifestyle in Mongolia eating only what you hunt

>> No.15693261

what if a native white new yorker was to wear fur? is that ok?
what if an eskimo moved to new york? would they still be allowed to wear fur?

>> No.15693262
File: 39 KB, 499x615, 1589804020464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you didn't write it in the name field i'd know you were a fucking retard

>> No.15693263

I haven't because I can¨t afford it. I'm just going to assume you and your anti-fur friends are coping because of lower class rage.

>> No.15693290
File: 368 KB, 830x466, pretty girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting about the murder of people for what they wear on a fashion board is political, you little dweeb.

>> No.15693302

fur coats are for grandmothers, real chads and stacies wear fur lined coats

>> No.15693308
File: 180 KB, 1000x800, 1597982568491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its ethical, dumbass

>> No.15693310

fuck minks all my homies hate minks. if you're a chicken farmer you know what's up.

>> No.15693312
File: 608 KB, 1831x1831, cam-ron-lede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hold on, I'm calling the based department

>> No.15693313

bro, ain't nothing beats real fur. i'm lucky to live where i do because there's tons of native americans who ethically make and sell real fur products - and no part is wasted during the process.

>> No.15693314

why even trip for this what's the point

>> No.15693317

It's Political ethics, you butt nut.

I could say it's ethical to not let savages across the border but it would still be political. When you engage in dehumanizing people for something, wanting them dead, you don't just become ethical, you become an activist. A political activist.

>> No.15693318

>hurr only turn your trip on for certain posts
>hurr i don't understand the purpose of a trip durr

Another dope head! Sad!

>> No.15693320

i understand full well, but that was your first trip of the thread and you outed yourself as a huge faggot right from the get go

>> No.15693321

It has nothing to do with the politics of a nation, it has to do with the cultivation of goods, it's not political. and your trip isn't required in this thread for any purpose

>> No.15693336

Obviously too new to have got my joke reference :o)

Might I suggest that you... lurk moar? :0)

> politics of a nation

Lol you don't know what politics means.

>> No.15693341

please never leave

>> No.15693347

yes, it's already extinct so there is no point in arguing whether or not I'm allowed to wear them.

>> No.15693349

I'd look gangster as fuck in a fur coat.
I'm ethical enough that I'd only buy one secondhand though (as with most pieces).

>> No.15693350

stay poor and angry faggot

>> No.15693361
File: 18 KB, 740x189, aaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15693561
File: 55 KB, 627x505, letmethelpyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


your protein starved mind missed a bit there friend

>> No.15693637

leather alternatives are incredibly bad for the environment, so buying vintage animal products is better in a million different ways. also providing a market for vintage resellers, vs whatever megacorp who sources their stuff from whichever evil who knows where farm

>> No.15693640

Ideology Imposition lol

>> No.15693977

This niggerish aesthetics certainly suits you, my friend. Do you pair your fur coat with gator boots and obnoxious gold chains?

>> No.15694037

why should i care about a thing that will never be able to reciprocate a social contract with me?
skin them alive for all i care

>> No.15694063

none of that helps you here

>> No.15694070

hvent bought any animal products since 2008. I don't need no fucking leather, fur or other shit, thats just nasty af