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File: 700 KB, 1079x1476, Screenshot_20201021-185858_Tinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15659845 No.15659845 [Reply] [Original]

On a 29 year old, is this style based or cringe?

>> No.15659848

I would suck that tongue with pleasure

>> No.15659852

unbelievably cringe 23 is the limit for this look

>> No.15659862

if she was wearing no makeup and doing something cool or punk id be into it but shes trying way too hard to "pull it off" so its a hard no for me

this is the kind of girl who shit talks you behind your back btw

>> No.15659863

looks like this person has a triple digit body count

>> No.15659901

gross slut

>> No.15659908

I would have her piss in my mouth

>> No.15659916

I would slurp delicious creampie from her holes.

>> No.15659920

Old millennials desperately trying to remain young and hip is not only cringe, but really sad.

>> No.15659928

After she's done sucking my dick I would tell her to not swallow but kiss me with my cum

>> No.15659933

Kissing and swap my cum from her mouth into mine

>> No.15659937
File: 38 KB, 650x376, ystg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro just look at that jacket she's wearing don't paY attention to her hair

fucking ew

>> No.15659941
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>> No.15659980

Is that bumble

>> No.15659985

Doja's real name is Kimberly?

>> No.15660001
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>> No.15660004


>> No.15660036

These women look like they smell like BO and stale farts. I swear, like 1/4 women on Tinder literally just LOOK like they stink.

>> No.15660043

Cringe as fuck

>> No.15660044
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>> No.15660048


>> No.15660117
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>> No.15660704
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>> No.15660717

if she looks like that why not

>> No.15660729

I would drag my nuts back and forth across her forehead while she fingers my asshole.

>> No.15660737

Literally me.
My fits are fine for my age, but my manner of speaking is zoomer tier.

>> No.15660763

This. Millennials act like boomers when they hate on us but they sure do love to dress and act like us

>> No.15660764

why the fuck are kikes such perverts?

>> No.15661335


I bet she's into cock and ball torture

>> No.15661348

your are a pale imitation of milennial high culture, we all wanted to have curly hair but none of us would debase ourselves enough to actually get a perm

>> No.15661349

it's cringe no matter your age

>> No.15661372

most women start being cringe decor around their mid and late 20's
she's not an exception

>> No.15661450

dios mio.....

>> No.15661466

Mom stop trying to be billie eillish

>> No.15661510
File: 58 KB, 661x641, 0F68D2FE-302E-45FE-BFCA-774E64D1DFB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fucking grease on her face

I am vomit.

>> No.15661556

Agreed coming from a young millennial. I'm 25 and I feel way too old to keep up with tiktok trends. I didn't like Vine 7 years ago either.

>> No.15661570

you are sofucking new dude

>> No.15661585

damn she looks really cool and edgy, she looks like she's above all the silly boys trying to get some of THAT HOTNESS

>> No.15661686
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>> No.15661728

Your just mad your no longer the youth culture lol. I don't need some guy pushing 30 telling me what it's like to be young

>> No.15662010

>youth culture

>> No.15662087

How are you 29 trying to look like a 17 year old? Go pay off your mortgage or sum

>> No.15662159
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, how do you do.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dyed hair
>older than 22
Millennial women are about to start looking like the female version of this guy

>> No.15662160


>> No.15662180

its cringe af. even on a 20 year old


its cringe no matter what. you can still be up to date. but not bad like this.

>> No.15662181


>> No.15662187
File: 1.13 MB, 500x288, red_flag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On a 29 year old, is this style based or cringe?

>> No.15662194

to her defense.

maybe she did it during quarantine and shes bored.

or her friend is a hair person. so she said "fuck it" and let him/her do it to them.

some people just really don't give a fuck and have friends.

>> No.15662202
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, DKR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah agree, but zoomer fashion is pretty cringe honestly. Not a fan of the fade+streetwear look. I would rather millenial aesthetics evolve/mature and for the musicians that I like to still be relevant. It's all cringe rap shit now. Thom Yorke is old as hell now. There's not a lot of newer shit I like, and that's been the same since I graduated highschool in the early 2010s.

>> No.15662218

If she still looks young at that age then it's fine

Its cringe no matter the age really but she's still young compared to a 20 year old landwhale which is the majority of her peers

>> No.15662238

Tbh that's true. I grew a curleh moustache ffs so I cant judge lol

>> No.15662248

>she hasn't responded to my edgy opener because I guessed she would like dark humor because she looks alt. Fucking ugly bitch, I'll show her, I'm going to get the internet to talk bad about her. I'm not taking this personally, I'm perfectly cool.

>> No.15662249
File: 332 KB, 828x629, 451BD8A7-71F1-4215-A7F8-08F7E3FDB0DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15662311

what age does it become weird as a guy to try and pick up 18-20 year olds? I'm 23 right now

>> No.15662313

Under 20?
Over 20? Prob 40ish but depends on a lot of things.

>> No.15662317

I'm going to be a third year in university at age 24(I didn't go to uni after HS). Should I go after the 18-20 year olds? Zoomers in college right now, how would you judge me?

>> No.15662324

I think as long as it's a genuine part of their character, it works.
Eg. I was at a tech industry expo recently and this ~40-45 year old CEO who we spoke to was 110% 80s surfer. He thought our product was wicked deadly, dude.

It probably doesn't apply to most millennials because they've always been ingenuine in the first place.

>> No.15662330

Depends on how old and creepy you look. I'd say don't actively go for them, let them come to you. Usually group work/projects/lab is great for this. I've seen girls gush for dudes that were older and going to school on the GI bill. Hit the gym, be around be present, but don't try to force anything I guess. Also use Tinder.

>> No.15662342

you fool, no matter how old you may look or be, you never, ever, pursue women like some horny dog. Always let them come to you, women will always perceive you going after them as being "desperate and creepy" or any other generic term they use to describe undesirable men. Of course most of it also has to do with how charismatic and handsome you are. When I was in high school, there was this 16 year old girl I knew who willingly had sex with a 32 year old man she met on whisper, so I imagine age isn't really an issue for most women out there.

>> No.15662387


>> No.15662392

hey you're the old man not me

>> No.15662394

>back in my day
millennials are the next boomers I'm calling it right now. imagine thinking tiktok represents gen z as a generation. that's like how when boomers make fun of millennials for using smartphones and shit.

>> No.15662398

youth culture is created and manufactured by people in their 30s and 40s and then sold to the thousands of dumb teens everywhere through social media shilling, your entire lives are literally built around what boomers and millennials sell to zoomers and you idiots fall for it every single time, but you can continue coping, it's cute.

>> No.15662413

>30 year old man telling someone who barely hit 20 that he's actually the one in charge of the youth culture
a little soon for that mid life crisis no?

>> No.15662422

guess the truth hit a little too close to home

>> No.15662429

Here's your dating pool, bro.

>> No.15662430
File: 1.02 MB, 762x1112, Screen Shot 2020-07-11 at 12.36.41 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sure about that

>> No.15662433
File: 1.13 MB, 750x1019, Screen Shot 2020-09-03 at 6.10.29 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15662437

not really. you can spout whatever boomer nonsense you want. I'm young you're not. simple as.

>> No.15662440

Yeah I just got drunk and my friend did me a mohican. I am 20 tho

>> No.15662441


>> No.15662445
File: 2.49 MB, 400x400, 0F4598F0-E47B-4986-9722-50DE921DAF94.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M...........*heavy breathing*.........Milkies

>> No.15662447


>> No.15662452

It's downright pathetic

>> No.15662468

>I'm young you're not
considering the fact that you sound incredibly insecure I'll give you two years tops before you start complaining about how you feel old and out of place in life. Oh and keep coping, boomers and millennials run your life and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

>> No.15662472

lol you're literally like the photo in OP i feel so bad for you millennials and your peter pan syndrome.

>> No.15662473

you're running out of arguments, leave now before you embarrass yourself any further.

>> No.15662477
File: 175 KB, 1360x868, 8F743284-04A4-4267-B86F-77A8773B834B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok but ur still old

>> No.15662478

I'm 23

>> No.15662491

>the cut off age for the youngest millennials is 24
sure bud

>> No.15662497

oof, I pity whoever has to deal with your insecure attitude two years from now.

>> No.15662499

This. Though I also did hate Vine, I think Vine and TikTok is more about the person than the age. Tumblr shit never appealed to me either even when I was in that age group.

>> No.15662502

imagine projecting this hard lol ill still be well early into my twenties unlike you who's probably wasted their entire life on 4chan lol

>> No.15662513

I'm not projecting, people like you who like to flaunt and brag about their youth and how they "still got it" tend to crash and burn the hardest once they reach 22 and/or 23, I've seen it happen to numerous people, enjoying having a midlife crisis early on life loser.

>> No.15662514

>those darn young people you're gonna be old and pathetic like me one day just you wait.
let me guess you thought every girl who didn't pay attention to you in high school was a slut also?

>> No.15662515

now who's projecting?

>> No.15662519

the one wishing others to crash and burn because of his lost youth lol

>> No.15662520

jesus if i were her 7th grader or w/e id prob be expelled for repeatedly pullin the toobin in class

>> No.15662523

You’re both idiots arguing on 4Chan. You’ve both already lost.

>> No.15662525

>people younger than thirty acting like they are old men
America must be nuked

>> No.15662526

When did I say I was wishing it? and what lost youth? I'm still young and vibrant. I'm just saying that for people like you, it's inevitable, you type like a loser who has nothing else going for him expect for being young, stay mad.

>> No.15662533

wtf is this idea that people who turn 22-24 are old, honestly what the fuck this has never been a sentiment in human history. Modern generation are completely delusional and brainwashing by this weird extreme youth cult. You're barely out of high school and college at that age

>> No.15662534

Based Peter Pan syndrome

>> No.15662549

people in this thread aren't shitting on you because you're young and they aren't, they're shitting on you because you're a retard

>> No.15662552

you mean all these millennials are coming out of the woodwork and seething because of a reality check thread.

>> No.15662568

danger danger danger

>> No.15662570

yup, he's retarded. I'm 22. You have no identity. You are whatever boomers have decided you to be. Enjoy yourself for the next couple of years before you get your designated cane and social security checks

>> No.15662573

The answer is 50.

>> No.15662575

Americans and brits (because for some reason brits really want like americans for some reason) are really fucking neurotic these days, who gives a shit if you're 29 and have dyed hair? If you like it that's all that matters, start worrying about this crap once you reach your 40s or whatever.

>> No.15662586

>Im a zoomer hating on other zoomers
Yeah okay man. Honestly it is kind of sad when your generation has been the known as the youth generation for 30+ years and then one day your just not young anymore and you don’t know what to be but young. At least you guys can be an example for us of what not to be

>> No.15662608

>zoomer hating on other zoomers
>he still thinks this is about age
no nigger, for the second time nobody is shitting on you because of age, they're doing it because you're a complete annoying retard. Exactly why I'm 22 and want you to hang yourself. Straight up I actually hope you're lying that you're 20 and that you're actually like 16 because a 20 year old still speaking and acting like you is not a good sign. You sound like an adolescent with zero perspective and understanding of anything but 90 iq targeted memes aimed at middle class teenagers

>> No.15662613

Post ID old man

>> No.15662645

>Honestly it is kind of sad when your generation has been the known as the youth generation for 30+ years and then one day your just not young anymore and you don’t know what to be but young
this is exactly what will happen to zoomers a decade from now, literally what else are you idiots known for? when people think of gen z they think of teens dancing on tik tok, e-boys/e-girls, spamming memes all over the internet, jerking off too anime, etc. once all of you zoomers reach your early 30s you're going to look equally as pathetic and embarrassing as the millennials did in the current year, I can only hope the next generation takes it easy on you young wipper snappers.

>> No.15662649
File: 1.59 MB, 980x1176, 48721F18-FF0A-48A5-909B-2907A7F2B15D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TikToks and e boys
I swear millennials are one step away from making boomer comics when it comes to being out of touch with the younger generation.

>> No.15663124
File: 311 KB, 710x935, 1596385339432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A tale old as civilization

>> No.15663867

You're all absolute faggots. Filthy Frank made a video about y'all, "born in the wrong generation". It doesn't matter if you're young or old, you're just fucking morons. Now, stop arguing here, insecure little bitches.

>> No.15663874

hot if she's not a tranny

>> No.15663897


>> No.15663903

I don't see a problem with her hair or age but it's a remarkably bad photo. Someone seeing that photo and choosing to put it on their dating profile would be a hard no.

>> No.15663921

ITT: hoes mad

>> No.15663928

>almost 30
>acting/dressing as a teenager
I should not judge since most of this board is barely over 18, after pussy induced brainfog clears you see that's just a pathetic millenial

>> No.15664011

As long as this isn't a tranny I would dick her down.

Tinder is for fucking. Who cares what her mental age is

>> No.15664064
File: 37 KB, 285x298, 1431752417043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of my fellow millenials are sad.
what i'm going to say goes mostly to the men, though i imagine it can apply in a pinch to women as well. only teenagers can dress like teenagers, likewise teenagers CAN ONLY dress like teenagers, they're always obviously teenagers. here's the simplest example: you put a teenager in a suit, you don't see a businessman, you see a kid in a suit.

the tide for millenials changed from one day to the next. i swear, it was like someone just turned off a light. one day we were the subculture, the youth culture, advertisement was directed at us – and then one day it wasn't anymore. and things change quickly today: one day we were the zeitgeist and what felt like a week later we were totally out of loop. that's where the "28 year old boomer" meme comes from, it's a description of our behavior, the absolute whiplash that we felt when one day we woke up and realized we were no longer at the center of the spotlight.

millienials, accept your age, your bodies, and your positions in the world. when as an 18 year old i tried on a pair of 501s they looked like twin circus tents around my legs. i'm a grown man now, my body is full and proportional: the pants fit right.

likewise, i look at home in them. i don't look like i'm larping: not anymore. there are a handful of archetypes for teenagers; there are endless archetypes for adults. embrace it.

millenials, just fucking grow up. you have no other choice.
t. 28 year old boomer

>> No.15664085

loool what a faggot

>> No.15664121

>110% 80s surfer
>in the year of the lord two-thousand-and-twenty
unfathomably based

>> No.15664129

>I would rather millenial aesthetics evolve/mature and for the musicians that I like to still be relevant.
this is kind of the kicker. millenial culture didn't get to evolve, it just fucking disappeared.

>> No.15664162

horrible fucking taste in both clothing and music, avoid

>> No.15664399

>imagine thinking tiktok represents gen z as a generation
Sorry, tiktok and twitch. Happy now

>> No.15664528

kids literally have zero power, free will, or independent thought, I dont know why it is idolized. They are pathetic, always have been. I don't consider people under 23-25 to be human

>> No.15664533

99% of zoom trash spend most of their day on tik tok, twitch, instagram, and youtube
t. zoom trash

>> No.15664537


>> No.15664556

hotter if she is

>> No.15664642

I don't know how mumble rap and xanax can be genuinely part of someone's personality

>> No.15664660

It doesn't matter how old you are, if you look both young and attractive enough, you can pretty much wear anything and it'll look good.