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File: 194 KB, 1005x960, Hunter Biden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15659026 No.15659026[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that a 20 year old dipshit in a Hawaiian shirt isn't sleaze, you have to live it till it comes out of your pores.

>> No.15659065

Based. Cocaine isn't effay, its pretentious and expensive. Crack is the real man's cocaine.

>> No.15659075


>> No.15659093

This guy fucks for certain. Biden must have way better genes than trump.

>> No.15659346
File: 225 KB, 500x800, milk 299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hail to the king baby

>> No.15659383

i highly doubt biden is his biological father

>> No.15659388

Oh is that not Hunter biden?

>> No.15659393

sure thats his name...but biden comes off cuck as fuck

>> No.15659396

They look exactly alike...

>> No.15659400

Hunter biden the sleaze chad

>> No.15659409

are you blind?

and obv this >>15659393
was for >>15659388

>> No.15659419
File: 412 KB, 829x322, bidenWeakAF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15659426

what hunter needs to do is admit his senile father into a retirement home facility before he tarnishes the biden name beyond repair. its hard to watch.

>> No.15659429
File: 46 KB, 480x496, 6B3FCBF9-306F-41A8-9797-2863E032C064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biden wouldn’t of given a washed up hag like you a second glance

>> No.15659441

look at young senator biden 30s/40s. ofc he looks different now because demented old man

>> No.15659442

dont forget he's a lawyer, so he can bullshit the shit out of you

>> No.15659446

lawyer and investment advisor
doesn't get much sleazier

>> No.15659452
File: 91 KB, 635x523, ddsdsdsds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if you're acting retarded on purpose or completely face blind, but his son is the spit of him.

>> No.15659456

thats not him...i just saw in some thread that your nose grows forever (rather disturbing news) and old biden has a smaller nose
and his ears looks totally different and seriously bares no resemblance overall

>> No.15659461

did either of the Bidens serve in military?

>> No.15659462
File: 372 KB, 576x375, trumpsons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's so fucking hot

fatty inbred trump kids could never

>> No.15659467

he was kicked out for smoking crack. Based.


>> No.15659470
File: 70 KB, 1200x899, biden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok well yes those pics do have a likeness
my apologies idfk what biden looked like 80 years ago...im just used to the Alzheimer's granpa version

>> No.15659482

biden is a dumbass with brain retardation who will die within two months of taking oath giving the office to black hillary.

They should just give executive office to hunter when he dies. We need a president who smokes that CRACK

>> No.15659494

I just fucked an older Filipina woman and then told her that I love dick. I was very naughty
I will be eating her old minge regularly

>> No.15659517


>> No.15659549

Not only are you ugly, you’re actually retarded

>> No.15659663

how do I get a comfy job at some ukrainian oil company so I can have money for crack too bros?

>> No.15659684

yes and yes
and unfortunately you somehow ended up in the same shitty place as me...what does that say about you?

>> No.15659699

no man. you sucked asian cock. that was a dude. you are an ugly, old faggot.

>> No.15659713

Just stfu filthy whore

>> No.15659724

This is /fa/ no /pol/. If you wanna discuss politics, go there.

>> No.15659900

Fucking his dead brother's wife is max sleeze

>> No.15660064
File: 387 KB, 1818x1818, 45AE7D8B-473D-4977-B3A8-5603239EF8BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Bidencore becomes a fashion statement Twitter can’t delete it

>> No.15660122

looks pretty cringe on you.

>> No.15660139
File: 169 KB, 288x513, 85EA54A3-03CE-4337-BFFB-F890C225FDBC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just need to hit the meth pipe more

>> No.15660226

conservatives are fucking retarded

>> No.15660235


>> No.15660246


>The 49-year old lawyer

>Hunter Biden fathered child with woman while dating brother's widow, DNA test reveals

>Hunter took his rental car to Arizona, where Hertz workers called the cops after finding a crack pipe and a baggie containing a “white powdery substance,” along with a Secret Service business card, Hunter’s driver’s license and a badge from Beau’s time as Delaware attorney general inside.

Does it hurt to be that alpha?

>> No.15660263


>Hunter Biden sent 'thousands of dollars to women with ties to Eastern European prostitution and sex trafficking rings' while father Joe was overseeing US policy in Ukraine

>Hunter Biden’s ‘baby mama’ Lunden Roberts was stripper at club he frequented

I'd probably vote for Chad I mean hunter biden if he ran

>> No.15660324

is the chopped?

>> No.15660344

pol pls go

>> No.15660459

I hate that this liberal dynasty elite politician seems so based

>> No.15660460

all the shit hunter biden has done sounds like a fraction of what trump does

>> No.15660475
File: 1.60 MB, 1920x800, aaAAaAaAaa.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that side profile

>> No.15660705

they literally look like the same person, retard

>> No.15660709

is that hunter?

>> No.15660788

Lmao that shapeless hairless pale ass 'torso'

>> No.15660913

if you worked out a bit (chest and back to widen your shoulders) this would look better

>> No.15660921

im not coservative though...by far
leftists have become psycho mode - and the BEST person dems could pick was biden??
i mean thats not saying much bc republicans picked trump....
whatever dont pigeonhole me.

>> No.15660938

You look like his submissive boyfriend.

>> No.15661087


Young Biden handsome as fuck.

>> No.15661158

>ywn be hunter biden's submissive boyfriend
why even live ?!