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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 38 KB, 900x600, 88891719-A9EB-4CDB-A550-91F2994DE810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15627395 No.15627395 [Reply] [Original]

Hungry hungry skeletons edition

Last >>15606821

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hydrated


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

BMR and TDEE Calculator
>allows you to pick multiple ways of calculating your BMR (the most commonly used one is outdated and inaccurate)
>has options for fasting
>body fat percentage

Ask all your thinspo and weight-related questions here.

Be kind to people and don't just call them a fatass or something (unless they ask for meanspo) - help them change it. It doesn't make you look worse if they also look good.

Feel free to post:
>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you're going for

Also post thinspo pics, your goal bodies (fictional or real), recipes and tips etc. to help and encourage each other.

>> No.15627412

i had 2 meals today

>> No.15627414

do I need physical exercises if I want to go down 13~14% body fat? I'm always losing muscle mass when I lose weight at this body fat %

>> No.15627416

I think I've managed to start fighting back against the stress eating demons whispering in my ears. I've gained a lot this year, from 17.2 to 18.5 BMI.

>> No.15627421

i had in n out for din. double-double and fries, both annie style, w a coke. am now fasting for 2 days, maybe 3 (-:

>> No.15627425

sounds like a good time bro, i had some indian for lunch

>> No.15627426

I have consumed less than 1000 calories in total over the last seven days. Feels fucking great.

>> No.15627429

No, fasting will get you there a lot easier and faster.

>> No.15627436

thanks, anon. I'm gonna try fasting and see how it goes

>> No.15627581

I Literlly have the same weight he has xD

>> No.15627587

>No, fasting will get you there a lot easier and faster.

Ye fastin and fapin..

>> No.15627623

Nice deleted file fagtron

>> No.15627636
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Thinspo spam. Don't forget to supplement B12 guys.

>> No.15627638
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>> No.15627641
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>> No.15627644
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>> No.15627645
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>> No.15627648
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>> No.15627659

God women are truly repulsive

>> No.15627662

As people maybe, but those legs make me wish I was one myself.

>> No.15627663
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>> No.15627666

last one is male btw

>> No.15627671

>make me wish I was one myself.
now why would you want that

>> No.15627672

I know.

>> No.15627904
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>> No.15628185
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She fluctuates a lot but when she’s thin she’s my ultimate thinspo

>> No.15628187 [DELETED] 

Do you think women look better with or without exercise as they lose weight?

>> No.15628190

No they’re not. You’re just gay or coping.

>> No.15628194

I am gay, yes, thank god

>> No.15628202

I want to see more pics like this, from average to actually thin, it’s the best motivation ever but I can’t find enough

>> No.15628206 [DELETED] 

I’m a gay girl so my feelings are the opposite of yours lol, I’ve always thought that it was normal to think that women are just naturally the attractive gender

>> No.15628320
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Hot tip, anon- MPA is full of them, you just go to the gallery section (keyword "before and after")

>> No.15628343
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anyone got any more stuff like this?

>> No.15628449

that's actually a good way to find them, never considered it. thanks anon.

>> No.15628480

Has anyone ever gotten thin eating 1200 calories a day or is that a myth? I want to eat enough to be able to focus on college work while still working on getting skinny

>> No.15628529

are you 12? check tumblr

>> No.15628547

I'm studying mathematics full time on about 800 calories a day (+concerta) no issues. In fact, i feel i study better when restricting harder (500 kcal or so) as my energy levels are more predictable, less of an insulin spike etc. I've noticed i study worse if i don't supplement vitamin d, b-12 and omega-3 complex fish-oil. Cut out sugar, and sweeteners, cut out carbs as much as you can.

>> No.15628552

does anybody have the photo of the young lad with meter-long legs posing in front of a pool?
I need it for long leg inspo

>> No.15628563

>Cut out sugar,
durianrider would like to talk

>> No.15628566

What's your specialisation? I'm an algebraic topologist.

>> No.15628583

Oh neat. I'm doing analytic number theory.

>> No.15628589

Nice! Will you be the one to prove the Rainman hypothesis?

>> No.15628614

I would like to see that too actually

>> No.15628681

Oh I doubt it, I'm not that bright. I just kind of stumbled into it cause I liked pure math so much. But then who knows, maybe it'll take a morons point of view to crack.

>> No.15628685

what do you sirs think of tegmark's mathametical universe model?

>> No.15628698

Restrict enough and channel your hunger into great deeds.

Never heard of that, to be honest.

>> No.15628703

Actually, I have heard of it, and it seems quite silly. I haven't read his own justifications for it, but on the surface level it seems like he is confusing the ability to model stuff mathematically with things being actually mathematical.

>> No.15628732

Yup, wish you luck, anon. And the advice still stands. If you aren't doing study drugs and fish-oil already, start immediately. Also drink so much water your piss goes pale.

>> No.15628734

does water makes you bloated or make you thinner?
s3vrige says not to drink any water,just raw meat and blood

>> No.15628744

... i don't follow

>> No.15628750

just focus on my first sentence

>> No.15628769

Water doesn't make me bloated, no.

>> No.15628794
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Are women actually attracted to skeleton men?

>> No.15628798

if this is you, prove it

>> No.15628803

Who cares what women think?

>> No.15628818

Thanks. The best of luck to you as well!

>> No.15628839


>> No.15628844

I haven't seen the images before but that webm isn't of a girl.

>> No.15628857
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>> No.15628864

Men who want to have sex

>> No.15628878

But having sex with men is the real deal. Be a skinny guy or a skinny girl and find a big guy.

>> No.15628886

Kinda gay bro

>> No.15628889

It's not gay if he has the erect dick.

>> No.15628913


>> No.15628919


>> No.15628920

The top is more gay because he needs to have a hard dick because of another guy.

>> No.15628925

Bottom is gay cuz literally has dick inside him

>> No.15628938

Girls can do that too and it's considered straight. Consequently being a bottom is not gay.

>> No.15628947

Fag in denial

>> No.15628951
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>> No.15628953
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Or maybe I wasn't too serious.


>> No.15628960

Where is the best place to get oversized but still fitting t-shirts? I'm not a proper /far/ guy so I don't know the terms, but they make me look really good. I'm not fat but just really thick/rugby style who strength trains and I liked that I look regular in big shirts.

>> No.15628989

let me just start this off by saying I’m not gay. have you guys ever notice how twinks and femboys are always skinny? I think it’s because they drink semen and something inside semen makes you skinny. I sucked a dick before (not gay was just curious) and I can’t seem to gain any weight. what I’m saying is if you want to be skinny just drink cum.

>> No.15629009

whats ur diet and routine like

>> No.15629104

This pls >>15629009
Also post a pic in a non ridiculous angle
You look hot af

>> No.15629204

Being gay is the final revelation.

>> No.15629230

holy based

>> No.15629242

when i was at my lw and taking fish oil supplements, i started having really bad heart palpitations just fyi. maybe im an outlier, but if you havent taken em before, id proceed with caution

>> No.15629307

I already supplement b 13 and d but can’t find vegetarian omega 3 anywhere and concerta/adderall/etc are all banned where I live.

>> No.15629309

Fembois and traps are kind of worse, when you can be a cute aesthetic twink why the hell would you go and become/imitate women, it’s a tragedy actually
They also like shit like bears and gross muscle men

>> No.15629388

What has this thread become....

>> No.15629417

Unironically eat whatever i want however i dont like cooking meals that take longer to cook than they take to eat so i usually eat nothing cuz too lazy. I actually eat burgers a lot since the foreman grill is fast.
Im also too lazy to exercise so i dont do that.
If i have time, I sleep for a ridiculous amount of time. If i can sleep 12 hours, i will. I lack motivation to do anything so i spend a lot of time in bed doing nothing.
To summarise my "routine", there isnt one.

>> No.15629448

wow this post has a palpable aura of pure depression

>> No.15629484

10/10 would rape

>> No.15629488

maybe it was your low weight and not the oil, i don't see the connection

>> No.15629489

There is no vegetarian omega 3 replacement. Just get the fish oil.

>> No.15629516
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Ye, no you wouldnt

>> No.15629531

10 more pounds to go and i'll be at my goal weight

>> No.15629536

Aw, well the illusion was good while it lasted
Still delicious body

>> No.15629547

Sorry bro but im really tall and would prolly look down at you so... no to that aswell.

>> No.15629553

100% still would <3

>> No.15629557

that's great anon! congrats. How much did you lose overall ?

>> No.15629581

i lost tons of weight and have a saggy butt at a 19 BMI, which you can see through the front of my legs. so it looks like i don't have a thigh gap even though i do without the sag

would losing more weight get rid of the sag there or make it worse? should i stop losing weight for now and build muscle

>> No.15629643

left looks much better

>> No.15629866

> no to that aswell.
do you realize how arrogant do you sound?

>> No.15629924

Lol silly insecure boi
You can be as tall as you want but with that face no one’s going to throw themselves at you believe me

>> No.15629963


>> No.15629966

Also based

>> No.15630051
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I'm so sick of yoyo dieting lads, I used to be good at being /thinspo/ and spent the last few years at 16BMI

recently I decided I wanted to be """healthier""" so I ballooned up like a fat pig and now I can't get back to being /thinspo/ no matter how hard I try, everytime my BMI gets around 21 I just give up for some reason and go back up to 23, it's been like this for 6 months now.

I'm not enjoying life rn

>> No.15630112

Just fast anon, it gets easier and easier

>> No.15630136

I do fasts a lot, and I'm pretty used to it by now
>fast for 48 hours, break fast with some protein powder and bananas, go to the gym and jump straight back into fast
>repeat for a week or two
and then I just think "okay time to give my body a break to load up on vitamins and get ready for another round of fasts", and before I know it I'm eating like 5000kcal every day for a few weeks until I've undone my progress, I've gone through this cycle so many times now... In the past if I went 50kcal above my maintenance I'd freak out and go for a walk or something, but now I just don't care until it's too late, I always end up deluding myself with some rubbish like "embrace satiety hehe don't starve yourself!" while munching on a solid block of fucking cheese

>> No.15630203

Jesus christ anon

>> No.15630251
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I unironically want to kill myself. "recovery" was a fucking meme.

>> No.15630262

Same. Let's kill our fat "healthy" selves instead!

>> No.15630447

you probably feel deprived on some level by restricting now after allowing yourself to eat whatever you want, so you self-sabotage at 21 BMI in order to not have to commit to fasting until 16 BMI because it was so physically and mentally draining before.

IMO eat 3-5 meals a day you cook yourself, plan them out to fit your maintenance calories with cronometer so you know you're getting the nutrition and macros you need for real satiety. if you feel guilty about eating so still sort of restrict and only really allow yourself to eat when you're binging a block of cheese, you're just going to keep binging because your brain sees that cycle as its only way to make you give it food. speaking from experience your brain just needs to be taught food isn't suddenly going to disappear forever again if you start fasting so that it doesn't freak out and stop you

in the past 6 months you could've lost the weight you want to by planning a healthy diet and exercising. why not just lose weight in a way you can actually accomplish? eating disorders are the meme

>> No.15630467

>you probably feel deprived on some level by restricting now after allowing yourself to eat whatever you want, so you self-sabotage at 21 BMI in order to not have to commit to fasting until 16 BMI because it was so physically and mentally draining before.
Yeah this is probably a big part of it, the trip down to 16 BMI was hellishly hard and staying down there was almost as bad.

>in the past 6 months you could've lost the weight you want to by planning a healthy diet and exercising. why not just lose weight in a way you can actually accomplish? eating disorders are the meme
I tried. The problem is I feel unsatisified unless I'm eating unrestricted all day like a retard, I don't know if I'm still suffering from recovery hunger or maybe I have a mental issue but eating maintenance calories for an extended period of time just doesn't satisify anymore and the desire to binge slowly but surely intensifies

Straight water fasting feels only marginally more difficult to do than eating 2000kcal a day, and that's not because water fasting is easy, it's because eating a reasonable amount of calories feels like a diet.

>> No.15630485

just to add to this I'm about to go to bed I can feel hunger gradually creeping back up despite probably eating 5-6000kcal today, it's fucking mind boogling how I can be like this, before this shit started happening if I tried eating over 2500kcal I'd literally involuntarily vomit everywhere and then go into a food coma. This is why I'm not interested in working with my body anymore, it feels like fighting it is the only way to get anywhere because otherwise I'll just keep eating until I'm on TLC.

>> No.15630646

If you acquire any amount of chest at all, this would probably be the ideal physique for attracting women

>> No.15630785

Get a hold of yourself, you are in control. With diets there is only calories in and calories out, it's that fucking simple. Get some self control and stop acting like a child.

>> No.15630808
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Dance the bio mass away!

>> No.15630861

this makes me feel so old...

>> No.15630880

Yep... I've had that saved for 10 years. Still here after all that time and even more. Why are we still here? Just to shitpost?

>> No.15630913
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What are good appetite suppressants? Over the counter, gum, drinks, tips. Gimme a bunch pls. I mostly crave things the most when I’m bored at home or have an empty stomach, so any advice would be appreciated

>> No.15630953

Is running recommended? How much can a daily run even shave off

>> No.15630960

Running is highly recommended. It isn't that hard considering how much energy you're using to move your body so far and so fast. Running 5k is like 300-400 cal depending on your weight, and will only take up about 20-30mins of your day, depending how fast you are.

>> No.15630969


>> No.15630980

But don’t you need to eat more to give you the energy to run

>> No.15631005

nah, i'm like already prone to arrhythmia, but it got much worse then stopped pretty much as soon as i stopped the supplements. episodes down from like a few times a day to maybe once a week. my lw was also only like a bmi of 16, so not all that drastic either.

idk how potentially harmful it actually could be, but its just something to keep in mind if you should start having the same thing happen.


>> No.15631011

Any kind of sweetener will make it worse, so sugarfree sodas, mints, gums etc are just binge bait. Protein kills your appetite and isn't so calorie heavy if you do it right. Snack on cold cuts, turkey and chicken are usually only about 200 kcal a pack. They'll fill you up, and won't make you fat.
That said, there is no magic fix for boredom eating if you have 0 selfcontol. Take this time to practise saying no to yourself. Not only is it a vital skill to have, but without it you won't ever make it. Good luck!

>> No.15631017

imagine being this retarded

>> No.15631024

i might take that question to /fit/, i think most of us here don't have much experience with starting at a high weight like that

>> No.15631023

Damn, anon, well i hope you got better. Thanks for the warning i guess, i've never had any heart issues (touch wood) but i'll keep my eye on it.

>> No.15631227


>> No.15631387
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>not doing pushups
Never gonna make it

>> No.15631439

i think my recent health woes are due to a lack of iron... feel like i’m dying bros

>> No.15631457

Tits are not /fa/

>> No.15631595

nice tits lmao

>> No.15631600
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>just 45kg
am i going to die or what now

>> No.15631605

do you feel weak all the time at this weight?

>> No.15631609

i feel very tired a lot of the time. i also have pretty poor circulation in my hands and feet but i'm not sure if that's caused directly by my weight or is something else entirely

>> No.15631680
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No bulli

>> No.15631716

fasting is shit, eat once a day a and workout.

>> No.15631786

>eat once a day
Like what?
What have you eaten this week?

>> No.15631801


>> No.15631802

gorgeous body... ignore the naysayers

>> No.15631806

jesus. gain a bit of weight and ask someone who cares about you for help. i really hope you make it

>> No.15631837

6' 2"
66kg (145lbs)
I'm ashamed of my body and probably have body dysmorphia. Have a decent/good jawline however my face - from the side - is a bit short, so whenever I try to gain weight so I'm not a literal skelly I kind of lose my jawline. Is there any way to put on body mass and have it leave my fucking face and neck alone? ;_;

>> No.15631882

yes build muscle mass by lean bulking to get rid of skelly mode. after you're happy with your muscle go on a cut to lose any amount of fat you want and your jawline will pop but you'll also look bigger/lean

>> No.15631974
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Dont mean to flex but i eat whatever i want and i dont even exercise

>> No.15632014

And you look pathetic

>> No.15632027

>Dont mean to flex
yeah obviously kek

>> No.15632031

lmao bird boy. you couldn't even fight your way out of a paper bag you scrawny little nerd.

>> No.15632082

Nicotine gum.

>> No.15632140
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Please god one day soon.

>> No.15632180
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how am I doing so far?

>> No.15632266

hjust drink cough syrup you wont be able to taste the food..

>> No.15632356

Why do you guys want to be skellingtons?
I've been down that road, and it sucks. You have constant fatigue, you're sore, and god help you if you ever need to move something heavy. Even just a tiny bit of muscle keeps you from feeling like death, and lets you fill most clothes out better

>> No.15632459

It's not like I want to be one. I just can't live in any other type of body. My mom tried to make me recover, I gained from something like 17.2 to 18.5 BMI and I've felt like a horrible blob of fat ever since. I was close to being in harmony with my mass back then.

>> No.15632464

You're never going to pass.

>> No.15632494

i've romanticized the look of chronic illness ever since i was young kek. thats all part of it for me.

>> No.15632505
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Normally bmi is a pretty crappy indicator of weight compared to %bf, but jumping up 18 is way too much.
It's never too late to start working out, even if you're eating at a caloric deficit you should still exercise. Bike around town, or jog if you don't bike, or get a jump rope if you don't want to go outside. Pushups, pullups, and body squats are better than nothing if you don't like the gym.
Once you get in the regular habit of burning calories it becomes a lot easier to even out your eating habits and control your weight. Also, make sure that you're eating enough protein and fiber, and not sugary junk that only satiates you for an hour.
I believe in you, anon

>> No.15632507

youre a retard

>> No.15632515
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I suppose I am, I forgot that it's verboten to be sincere on this meme ass site

>> No.15632534

going from a bmi of ~17 to ~18 isn't that much of a jump. probably around ten - fifteen lbs. altho, to that anon, i get that it seems like way more than that. but recommending a chronic anorexic to work out, regardless of if theyre eating at a caloric deficit, is irresponsible and potentially harmful. it honestly just sounds like you're advocating for orthorexia or an - b/p (exercise).
stay in your lane and dont be giving health advice to people with an illness that you have no actual idea about.

>> No.15632539
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>going from a bmi of ~17 to ~18
I though they meant going up 18 units, like from 12 to 30
>recommending a chronic anorexic to work out, regardless of if theyre eating at a caloric deficit, is irresponsible and potentially harmful

>> No.15632559

what do you need to have explained about that

>> No.15632567

Jumping roughly 1.3 units. Is my English that broken? I'm not a native speaker.

>> No.15632572

I can't think of a single person where some degree of exercise wouldn't be beneficial to them, barring extreme physical disability.
If an anorexic wants to recover, they're going to need to work out and eat properly if they don't want the gained weight to just get churned into fat.

>> No.15632582

>Is my English that broken?
No, I just read it wrong
1.3 units isn't anything to worry about, especially if some of that's muscle.
Remember, bmi isn't an explicit reflection of how fat you are, there are several bodybuilders with under 10% body fat that would be classified as obese under it

>> No.15632591

look at those hips lmao

>> No.15632593

fucking moronic advice, don't do this

>> No.15632600

You're too well spoken to be arguing on 4chan with some streetshitter who can't read, anon. Makes me sad.

>> No.15632604

No problem, we all do that occasionally. I know it's not that bad, but number itself hurts. Thanks for the support.

>> No.15632611
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right, if an anorexic wants to recover, they should keep focusing on macros and weight and body fat %. like i said, you're retarded and have no clue what you're talking about. like, just look at ganer. the numbers themselves are part of whats so addictive.

also not to mention most anorexics die from heart attacks dude. recommend therapy at least, not a fucking work out regimen.

your english is fine, that person is a legit dumbass.

>> No.15632645

>they should keep focusing on macros and weight and body fat %
Right, the cure for someone who's anorexic is clearly to not focus on healthy eating or exercise at all so they can relapse the second they get a bit of chub.
>most anorexics die from heart attacks dude
What do you think the purpose of cardio is
Therapy is good for working through trauma, but it isn't going to magically remove a lifetime aversion to getting fat. Being minimally conscious of your macros and activity is essential to putting on lean mass.

>> No.15632665

anorexia nervosa is heavily linked to both ocd and asd. for most anorexics, it isn't as simple as 'magically' being able to responsibly monitor their own intake and exercise regimen because, you know, they'd ought to, to recover. therapy isn't only for working through trauma, it's for learning how to cope with the impulses that leave people standing in the grocery store for 4 hours because theyre obsessively going over nutritional labels over and over.

eating disorders are about a whoooole lot more than a fear of being fat. i still dont understand why you insist on handing out advice willy-nilly regarding an illness that you know nothing about. are you just here to backpat yourself for being fitpilled? actually, you don't have to answer. it's pretty obvious.

>> No.15632670

Remember that the numbers are all relative.
An athletic person can carry a bit of fat without it even being noticable, but if you have atrophy then it will be much more visible.
Weight gain isn't inherently bad so long as it's done with the intent of getting healthy. You can still be thin without putting your health in danger.
Also, remember that you're the only one who knows their exact numbers, no person on the street will be able to see the difference between 17 and 18 bmi

>> No.15632693

"Just go to therapy" is just as flippant if not more than "just gain weight". Understanding constructive eating and exercise is vital to recovering.
>an illness that you know nothing about
My cousin is a recovered anorexic.
>it's pretty obvious.
Do tell. It's more than a little suspicious that you're more angry at the person recommending some pushups than the people hurtboxing each other with thinspo.

>> No.15632698
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>1,72 cm, 83 kilos, male 25
>55-60 kilos
>calisthenics with weights only for traps+neck

Im mainly looking for motivation and support,not too long ago I was clinically depressed and i become a fatso during lockdown.My face looks very chubby.i know i could kill my fat cells if I reducd my internet use to only sunday(the Lord's appointed day for rest)
my fitness level is good but too spontaneous,meaning im not consistent with a daily routine

>> No.15632716

yeah, an anorexic person engaging in any sort of strenuous activity like that ought to be getting regular check ups, or at least have some sort of monitoring by a health care professional. and if you're in therapy for an ED, it does involve mindful reintroduction to more healthy food and exercise habits. they go together. but one does come first.

"my cousin is a recovered anorexic" my butthole dude. at least the people 'hurtboxing' each other here aren't being condescending assholes, doling out 'push ups' like miracle cures. as an anorexic person, im upset because i find dickheads like you that think they get it when they dont know shit way more triggering than a pair of skinny legs.

>> No.15632722

>Remember that the numbers are all relative.
Yes but there could always be less kilos.
>An athletic person can carry a bit of fat without it even being noticable, but if you have atrophy then it will be much more visible.
I have atrophy, yeah. I think I'm also heartbroken (physically), so even fast walking makes my heart pump over 9000 BPM.
>Weight gain isn't inherently bad so long as it's done with the intent of getting healthy. You can still be thin without putting your health in danger.
There is a big difference between knowing and understanding. I know I can be objectively thin and so on, but I don't understand it. I know I am risking my physical health, but the other option is to suffer horribly mentally instead. I doubt I will ever understand what I know to be the real truth. Maybe you get what I mean, maybe you don't. I hope you don't.
>Also, remember that you're the only one who knows their exact numbers, no person on the street will be able to see the difference between 17 and 18 bmi
It's not only about others, it's also a literal war with the flesh prison I am inside. I know its defects, I know there is extra fat here and there, I know its tactical information. Even if my neighbours or the other people on the streets don't know how much of a monster my body is, I do. I live inside it. It's like the alcoholic dad who beats his family but no one outside the house sees the bruises.

>> No.15632730

Here is some fitnessinspo I gathered

I used to be a huge fun of super sentai and anime but Im thinking of ditching the habit after I finish all the beyblade burst seasons.
I feel my coming of age is...coming,and I have to brace myself

>> No.15632768

thinspo only works for boys and not for girls. prove me wrong

>> No.15632788
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>at least the people 'hurtboxing' each other here aren't being condescending assholes
I'm not the one pretending like I'm the only one who has any experience with anorexia recovery, to the point of laughing off any any other relationship people have had with anorexics.
>miracle cures
There is no miracle cure, which is why I'm recommending 2 very fucking basic things that can help someone to overcome mental and physical problems. Adequate diet and exercise objectively alleviate mental stress, which is an inherent part of eating disorders. And anorexics still go to doctors just like anyone else. If you know so much about the clinical response to anorexia I'm assuming you've been to a doctor as well, but you seem pretty assured that exercise and clean eating isn't good advice for an anorexic. Exercise doesn't have to be stressful either, if you have atrophy there's plenty of resources on how to work out safely.
>that think they get it
No one gets it, it's psychology. Ask an OCD person to logically explain why they lysol their doorknobs exactly 14 times every day. But when advice is more "triggering" than digital self harm, that closes off every avenue someone has for working through their mental roadblocks.

>> No.15632806


>> No.15632814

>Yes but there could always be less kilos.
If you have a specific attachment to your body metrics, I'd honestly recommend avoiding scales.
>There is a big difference between knowing and understanding. I know I can be objectively thin and so on, but I don't understand it.
Most don't, and I neither do I. There's no easy way to rewire yourself into being totally cool with fat here and there, you can only indirectly change your relationship with your body.

>> No.15632815

I may be mentally ill but I’ll never be a stupid moralfag

>> No.15632823

Or even worse, a wannabe moralfag

>> No.15632834

My bad, forgot site etiquette
You fuckin retard

>> No.15632839

>If you have a specific attachment to your body metrics, I'd honestly recommend avoiding scales.
I'm glad I don't have one and the gym close to my home was closed because of the lockdown and now my membership has expired, so no access to a scale.
>Most don't, and I neither do I. There's no easy way to rewire yourself into being totally cool with fat here and there, you can only indirectly change your relationship with your body.
I'm trying to work on that. Have you had any success on that matter?

>> No.15632848

wasn't me that said that, but i cant help but find everything you say to be disingenuous when you bunnyear the word 'trigger' when its been used as a legitimate psychological term for far longer than it has a sjw buzzword or whatever you were trying to tease at. not to mention your equating your secondhand-at-best experience with a recovered anorexic cousin with that of someone who has it themselves.

i'm not responding anymore because you're either so up your own ass that theres no point, or youre a pretty good troll. also >>15632806

>> No.15632851
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>> No.15632854
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>> No.15632858

>Have you had any success on that matter?
Rock climbing has genuinely changed the way I view mine. You can either view your body as a flesh torture chamber for your mind, or as a vehicle for an enjoyable life. I loved climbing, but I was just too weak to progress early on. Getting better at a sport made me look at food as a necessity rather than as a liability.
I'm not saying that sports work for everyone, but it's important to look at what your body can do, not just what it is.

>> No.15632861
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>> No.15632870

>everything you say to be disingenuous
If that were the case why the hell would I waste my time
Scratch that, I'm starting to wonder myself

>> No.15632880
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>> No.15632883
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>> No.15632896
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what are you sirs(i dont like adressing people as "guy")opinion on the men on this photo?
thinspo? theyre olympic gymnasts,so I consider them "eugenic elite"
but are they TOO muscled to be thinspo?

>> No.15632899

aw fuck me thats so triggering

>> No.15632901

you don't belong here anon, go be a muscle fag in /fit/

>> No.15632904

>what are you sirs(i dont like adressing people as "guy")

What an absolute fucking faggot. DILATE.

>> No.15632912

That sounds pretty nice. It is not only a reason to give the voices in your head a big middle finger but also most likely very rewarding. Do you have to eat a lot to do that? I would imagine it takes quite a lot of energy.

>> No.15632921
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>> No.15632928
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>> No.15632929

I'd fuck chick on the right

>> No.15632931

Adressing people casually is for thugs and vagrants.

>> No.15632940

It's amazing, when you're on a cliff the background noise of modern problems just melts away. It's just you and the rocks.
I do eat a lot. What was more important for me was getting in the habit of eating regularly, and not skipping meals like I used to

>> No.15632943
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>> No.15632974

I've always had bit of respect for climbers of all sorts. For me, even standing on a chair can be enough to make the world spin. Yet there are people like you who climb cliffs, and some people climb on buildings etc. I think it's pretty cool. Try not to fall! Good night.

>> No.15633348


>> No.15633351


>> No.15633353

Traps are cringe
Muscle Chads are based, bears are gay faggots though

>> No.15633396

>what are you sirs(i dont like adressing people as "guy")

>> No.15633440
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>> No.15633466


>> No.15633467

based, but work on your core tho :))

>> No.15633471


>> No.15633472

Comfy pussy

>> No.15633521

Don't be a bitch. Nicotine is top-tier for suppressing appetite.

>> No.15633835

But you're paying money to give yourself a nicotine addiction (with the side effect of having it be a mild to moderate appetite suppressant).
If you just had an ounce of self control and low-restricted (~700-500kcal) w/ high protein meals for a few weeks your stomach would shrink and your appetite would be decimated.
Not only is nicotine-gum expensive in the long run, the sweeteners most gums use will spike your insulin, causing greater cravings for sugar.
If nicotine is the hill you wanna die on, just fucking smoke. Or better yet- just do adderall/concerta/rit.

>> No.15633888

Per meal, right? With, like, six meals per day. RIGHT?

>> No.15633982

nice gyno faggot

>> No.15634013
File: 32 KB, 690x674, Annotation 2020-08-31 214713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mental illness: the thread
skeletons are not attractive, you all have the mindset of a teenage girl
picrelated is what you look like

>> No.15634118

Do obsessed with trans that you see them where there are none.

>> No.15634143
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>> No.15634164

>#male ed
Avoiding binges isn't particularly ED.

>> No.15634193
File: 116 KB, 739x954, september.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/fa/ is gayer than /fit/
Get mogged

>> No.15634213
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>> No.15634214
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some ana-chans dont have issues with binging believe it or not

>> No.15634462

better than being a skeleton, and will be bullied off of /fit/
based enlightened wiry strength anon

>> No.15634573

How do I take the anorexiapill? I want to stop wanting to eat. I want to hate food.

>> No.15634712

Chew and spit

>> No.15634716

but most anorexics love food.

>> No.15634725

I've been craving food all the time the past few months, what do?

>> No.15634854

yeah anorexics are obsessed w food anon... we just hate ourselves more than we like eating kek

>> No.15634910

>not having abs

>> No.15634916


>> No.15634923
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They are hard to come by.

I haven't been in the gym in over 1 year.
Just pushups and dips.

>> No.15634977

whats ur diet like

>> No.15634985
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Really bad.

Maybe 1.5k calories.
I want to eat more but nothing I like. So I just feel hungry all day.
I dont gain weight or lose weight. Been 63kg for 3 years.

>> No.15635090

How do I stop liking sweet things? I mean normally I prefer savory things like meat and cheese, but as soon as I'm done eating the 'main course' It's really hard to resist having a desert, like a twinkie or some chocolate, I feel like I just do it to get the taste of other food out of my mouth because sweets don't seem to linger and leave an aftertaste like most other foods, and It's kind of reinforced that habit of a meal not being complete without dessert.
I hate this.

>> No.15635717

Have fruit instead, anon. It's low cal, sweet and high in fiber which help you feel full with little to no after taste.

>> No.15635752
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how tall are you?

>> No.15635857

The boards are equally gay, but this board is more comfortable with how gay it is.

>> No.15635862
File: 154 KB, 701x2244, 7F1C4B2E-5D33-4AC0-ADBC-435D7CF6D337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posed last thread (im 6 pounds lighter now in this one). The thing is I’m not really trying to be thinspo it’s just incidental

>> No.15636272
File: 2.47 MB, 4032x2272, 20201013_001026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this count as thin here? i really hate the twink energy i have. also what do i do with my hair? i started growing it at the start of corona and i have no idea what to do with it

>> No.15636275

>this board is more comfortable with how gay it is.
That's the problem. /fit/ endeavors to not be so fucking ghey.

>> No.15636733

Still fat and gross but I've lost 40 pounds this year so far!! I think I can be Skinny by this time next year at this rate

>> No.15636808


>> No.15636851

i wanna fuck you, you are a really cute twink

>> No.15636863

Awesome and Based Chad physique

>> No.15636865


>> No.15636874

cute. would sex

>> No.15636996

Based :)

>> No.15637001

Thinspo twink faggots should be raped and used by every gigachad on earth

>> No.15637192

These twinks

>> No.15637253

2/3 of a day fasting and I'm already so fucking hungry

>> No.15637259

Stay strong. It will pass.

>> No.15637280

I will. Thanks, anon

>> No.15637303
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The important thing is to not give up to your carnal lusts. No excuses, only success.

>> No.15637312

No they need to be loved and protected.

>> No.15637328
File: 404 KB, 2020x2175, 1586978980338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right, anon. I'm gonna watch some 'my 600lb life' so I can see what happens when we give up to carnal lusts

>> No.15637331

just lost 10 lbs this week :) starting out fat as fuck but 600 cals a day working for me now

>> No.15637342

i thought flaxseed oil is a good alternative to fish oil?

>> No.15637345

cold brew and sparkling water, the bubbles fill ur stomach

>> No.15637348

>my 600lb life
I don't even want to imagine what that looks like... Anyway, good luck!

>> No.15637362
File: 85 KB, 260x298, 1595045570184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

monthly reminder to pirate and read this book if you don't want to lose your hair and become a skinnyfat blob with a crashed metabolism on the way to /thinspo/

>eat very high protein (125-250g a day depending on LBM and activity)
>don't bother with fats or carbs
>supplement omega-3
>have a high carb low fat meal once a week
>break up the diet with a break every 2-6 weeks depending on how lean you are
>supplent EC stack

>> No.15637368
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remember to eat healthy!!

ALA has a piss poor conversion rate to o3, you have to drink glasses of it in order to get the same benefit as 1g of fish oil, especially if you also eat a lot of o6 (junkfood, vegetable oils, nuts/seeds) which interfers with the conversion process.

>> No.15637385

Has anyone here done any kind of snake juice diet? I can't trust /fast/ clutists about whether or not I should bother adding salt to my water fasts.

>> No.15637408

consuming salt during a fast has been around much longer than Cole and his snake cultists have, I've done week long fasts on water only before because I didn't know any better and I felt like fucking garbo

if you need more motivation, consider this
>electrolyte depletion causes fatigue
>fatigue reduces activity
>reduced activity means lower TDEE
>lowered TDEE means less calories burned

>> No.15637488

For me, adding salt is necessary for any extended fast. If not I feel like complete shit. Extremely tired, nauseous, and hungry.

>> No.15637497

5'6"? give or take an inch.
139~140 pounds.
highest weight is probably 145...
goal weight is 120 pounds.
i want to be small enough to wear whatever i want, and have it look good. girl (xx) btw

>> No.15637499

>extremely hungry

yeah this is a good point
micronutrient defiency induced hunger is usually bullshit but in the cases of iron and salt defiency it is absolutely real and well documented

>> No.15637513

Alright, I appreciate the info.

>> No.15637536

(Look in the very bottom left of pic)

>> No.15637720

tumblr disagrees with you

>> No.15637725

What makes this malespo lol

>> No.15637735

>don't bother with fats
>supplement omega-3
u wot

Also high-protein low-carb makes sense but not getting enough fat in your diet can really fuck you up.

>> No.15638297

broos im getting too bloated how do i stop this?

>> No.15638300

bast beinos

>> No.15638558

does anyone know what bmi hedi slimane male models

>> No.15638588

who are the hedi slimane male models?

>> No.15638601

what is b12 suppose to do for thinspo?

>> No.15638745

What he lays out in that book is a PSMF, which is just a worse way of accomplishing what regular fasts + occasional refeed days will do.

>> No.15638864

saint laurent/celine models

>> No.15639184
File: 21 KB, 128x128, 4 (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every once in a while a come here to look at twinks and seeing these insecure /fit/ schizos living here is just the funniest shit. They literally dream of being skinny and are on defense mechanism all the time. They remine me of the /pol/ tards who shit on trannies for days and end up as a one of thise nazi trannies lol

>> No.15639187

it's just 1g of fat a day

>Also high-protein low-carb makes sense but not getting enough fat in your diet can really fuck you up.
You don't need SFAs/MUFAs and you need a *tiny* amount of PUFAs, 1g of fish oil + naturally occuring o6 will satisfy that requirement

idk, I find a PSMF easier to do long term than straight water fasting

besides, with a PSMF you get the benefits of ketones AND protein, so it's super LBM sparing which is the worst consequence of crash dieting, add in a few refeeds and planned breaks and you won't suffer crashed leptin levels either

>> No.15639194
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some info for my big brain thinspo frens

note: the study used literal sugar water as carbs so take that as you will

>> No.15639413
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>> No.15639421

I’ve been stuck on 113lb for like a week and a half now, doing omad
Any advice?

>> No.15639433
File: 90 KB, 1024x690, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terrible trigger discipline..

>> No.15639434

losing your hair ?

>> No.15639446

I remember when /thinspo/ wasn't a literal faggot thread

>> No.15639456

Why would a straight man be thinspo

>> No.15639479

Probably water weight; when are you weighing yourself and what time is your om?

Embracing your natural physique. It's much more difficult to be a tall thin man than an average manlet.

>> No.15639569

as a femanon with an ED i say YES! very cute

>> No.15639572

yeah people tend to lose hair when losing weight rapidly because they tend to restrict protein hard and as a result don't have enough amino acids to make new hair

there are other factors too but protein restriction is one of them, supplementing biotin is useless unless you're a vegan super anorexic or something

>> No.15639623

I eat at luch time, 1-2pm
Always weigh before eating, sometimes late at night

>> No.15639629

what is a good thinspo weight for a 5’9 male? i’m thinking of going down to 110-120 and then exercising/eating at a surplus to gain a little bit of muscle. currently 135 skinny fat

>> No.15639646
File: 1.51 MB, 828x1028, 1591490924785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is going to sound like retarded fatty cope but after a certain bodyfat% your metabolic rate unironically tanks, look at Chris Bumstead, this giant behemoth of a man was eating 1800kcal and doing a few hours of cardio + weights daily just to keep the scale moving downwards leading up to a bodybuilding show, normally he'd need 4000kcal just to not shrink anymore

so if you're low bodyfat% and you've been dieting for a while, I'd suggest slowly raising your calories and eating high carb (to restore leptin to normal levels) and high protein (to manage any rebound hunger) for a week or two and then going back to dieting

also are you tracking calories?

literally depends on your frame, if you look skinny fat then you need to lose fat and build muscle

>currently 135 skinny fat
start lifting NOW
untrained lifters can put on significant muscle mass in a deficit, also the more you lift now, the stronger you'll be when you start lean bulking and the stronger you are, the more volume (volume = force*TuT*reps*sets) you can do, the more volume -> more muscle gains

>> No.15639658

try two smaller meals, might be a blood sugar thing

>> No.15639733

135 guy here - i’ll take your advice since it seems you know what you’re talking about. I was cutting at 1000 cals (2000tdee) should i lift and cut at 1500 or can i keep eating just 1000 cals if i include a lot of protein? thanks btw

>> No.15639786
File: 303 KB, 584x480, 1577354114963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The less muscle and more fat you have, the quicker you can build muscle in a deficit.

Given that 135lb is a low weight for 5'9, you probably don't actually have much fat on your frame (but having little muscle makes the fat appear worse) meaning that a quick cut would limit the amount of muscle you can build, and losing anymore fat will just limit your ability to build muscle mass further. Given that you're on thinspo I'm guessing you'd rather be really lean than huge, so this isn't that much of an issue, but it's still a factor

Therefore with all these factors taken into account, I would suggest you eat 2000kcal a day and lift with a focus on compound lifts and progressive overload. Some of the calories and protein you eat will be used up to build muscle mass so you'll lose fat and build muscle mass at the same time. After 3 months or so you should see significant improvements in body composition.

Definitely eat high protein, recomposition seems to work better if you go slightly above the 1g/lb of LBM rule, also people at a lower weight seem to benefit from higher protein intakes, but don't go stupidly high with protein.

As for fats and carbs, up to you, some people say that high protein high carb is more anabolic that high protein high fat, but there isn't much good evidence suggesting this as protein (especially animal proteins like whey and beef) contain a lot of the amino acid leucine which is anabolic enough to maximally stimulate muscle synthesis and prevent muscle breakdown, carbs will probably make you stronger in the gym though which will translate into more muscle gains.

If you do decide to eat in a deficit anyway, then target most of your calories around your workouts as your muscles are more insulin sensitive (and therefore sensitive to carbohydrates and protein) during and after lifting.

Most of this is majoring in minors, just lifting for a while will make a world of difference

good luck anon

>> No.15639945

that could explain some of the issues ive been having.
redpill me on what i shoukd take besides increased protein and amino supplements

>> No.15639981

Okay, I forgot which nutrients are important for hair maintenance but I think these are important, maybe I'm wrong but I think choline, zinc, vitamin C, iron, selenium and vitamin A are all important, biotin defiency can defiently cause hair loss but this is really, really rare unless you've been eating a very small range of foods for a long time or do weird stuff like eat raw egg whites with all of your meals. Sometimes just restricting calories really heavily will cause hair loss because your body is trying to spare further weightloss by slowing your metabolism by halting all non essiential functions, also people tend to experience hair loss when they change up their diets massively, I forgot why that is though

>> No.15640092

To get the most accurate weight that you are, weigh yourself JUST WHEN you wake up and RIGHT AFTER you piss in the morning, that’s your most accurate weight.
Sometimes bodies plateau and won’t lose weight for awhile. Either be patient, fast or workout. If you do decide to fast suck down some pedialyte cause that got electrolytes and it will keep you alittle less miserable. Good luck!

>> No.15640507

Deleuze & Guattari - Thousand calorie plateaus

>> No.15640593

The breast is a machine that produces milk, and the mouth i machine coupled to it. The mouth of the anorexic wavers between several functions: its possessor is uncertain as to whether it is an eating-machine, an anal machine, a talking-machine, or a breathing machine (asthma attacks).

>> No.15640741
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god i hate coming back but i looked at myself in the mirror and didn't like what i saw. i'm about to become skinnyfat because of quarantine. i used to take 1-2 hour walks every couple days that'd keep me in check dieting be damned but now, even though restrictions on movement have been lifted where i live, i'm hesitant to go out because killer virus
could you fellas post some non-ana inspo? thx

>> No.15640892
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pic related

also who gives a fuck about this retarded virus that only kills fatties, just supplement vitamin D and don't be hideously overweight and you're gucci

>> No.15640917
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>> No.15641650
File: 136 KB, 814x1328, IDEALBODYTYPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the ideal physique for thinspo in my opinion. Very good muscle definition. Low bf%. Lanky. Really good stuff. Being anorexic is just as gross as having a gamer belly in my opinion. It's they both look wrong because you are missing balance. If you can't see those abs you're doing something wrong. (Written by someone who wants to fuck chickz. aka NON-GAY)

>> No.15641656

Nigga if you look like that I'm gonna assume you take dicks that are 10 hours long.

>> No.15641789

i wonder if you have any sex drive in this state.
my girlfriend in college got to very low body fat she lost her period.

>> No.15641796

lol what's gay about that dude besides his gay face and the little detail that he is reaching for his penis?

>> No.15642424

no, below 12% bodyfat sex drive just tanks

>> No.15642524

Last day of fasting. God I want to eat. Hope I'll not end up binging

>> No.15642795

>my psychiatrist lost a ton of weight in a few months and now she’s one of the skinniest person I've ever meet

this bitch clearly realizes how conscious I am of her body

>> No.15642820

kek, what are you seeing her for?

>> No.15643068

New thread when.

>> No.15643134

That may be the most disgusting thing I've ever seen.

>> No.15643228

This one hasn't hit a bump limit.

>> No.15643250

drink a ton of liquids before you do. It'll make you feel full faster.

>> No.15643397

i havent gotten my period in almost 45 days, whats this mean

>> No.15643399

Should probably talk to a doctor about that and not 4channel.

>> No.15643562

Have you rapidly lost weight, or have you been underweight for a long while? When I lost 72lbs last year (going from mildly obese to borderline underweight) I didn't menstruate for six months. Period came back after maintaining my low weight for a little while, and a physical exam with a blood panel didn't reveal any issues.

>> No.15643718

I rabidly lost weight, but I don’t think I’m what people would consider “underweight”. I def don’t look like it at least. Could just be my retard brain tho, 5’5, 114 lb

>> No.15643728

It's probably the rapid weight loss then. If you feel fine otherwise and you don't have a family history of lady parts cancer, you can probably safely wait it out. Consider what nutritional deficiencies you might have in your diet, or check checked out by a doctor if you're worried.
I wish my period had never come back, so if you're like me, enjoy it while you can.

>> No.15643745

Yeah lol shit I’m enjoying it while I can, it’s just the possibility of something being wrong with my shit. Endometriosis runs in my family but it’s more plausible that it’s the weight loss and calorie intake

>> No.15644226
