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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 273 KB, 2518x1024, D4FD408E-C3E7-4A03-8773-96585751EBFA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15577916 No.15577916[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Uncircumcised cocks are more /fa/ than circumcised. Prove me wrong.

>> No.15577941

Circumcised dicks don’t look like little worms so they’re better.

>> No.15577946

I'm sure you've sucked a lot of both in your time Ismael

>> No.15577951

I'm uncircumcised but my foreskin is short

>> No.15577958

and thats why its a good thing to use razor blades on infants who are too young to receive anesthetics
its a backwards custom and we're too pv to question cutting baby dicks
do you realize that in every hospital they just have a foreskin storage container? filled with mutilated pieces of baby genitalia waiting to be bought by big pharma to be processed and transformed into anti aging creams

>> No.15577967

uncircumcised dicks are really ugly, honestly circumcised dicks are much prettier and hotter.

Though you have more sensations and it's more natural to be uncircumcised, so I guess if you're an alpha /fit/ primal beast uncircumcised is better, otherwise circumcised all the way

>> No.15577976

Abused as a child tries to justify what happened to him with distorted thoughts to fit his narrative , let’s face it, without a foreskin you are basically a cyborg minus the cool technology part

>> No.15577982

I'm uncircumcised, I just said I personnally find circumcised dicks more attractive, got a problem with that ?

>> No.15577993
File: 207 KB, 500x740, 2D6B246D-8B44-41EA-A70C-3FEA5B8C5B84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you find aborted fetuses attractive that’s your personal preference, just don’t expect it to be a rule

>> No.15577996

Will my foreskin grow back if i wash my underpants with minoxidil?

>> No.15577998



"In the overwhelming majority of cases, women prefer circumcised penises"


>> No.15578005

The same surveyors found out that women consider black men having higher IQs

>> No.15578009

Also Turkish and Pakistani incest practices lead to an improved gene pool

>> No.15578012


this place is such a circlejerk nowadays
but yes reassure yourself like you can with the people who agree with you mate

>> No.15578015

"In the overwhelming majority of cases, women prefer consider circumcised penises as friendlier because they look closer to vaginas"

>> No.15578018

>mutilating yourself because roasties prefer it
the move of a cuck
if women referred nose-less men you would cut your nose off too

>> No.15578019

>reassure yourself like you can with the people who agree with you mate
Like scienific scientists from the university of science?

>> No.15578025

>circumcised dicks are much prettier and hotter.
its the opposite for me tbqh
their penis head is all dried out and scarred, and far less sensitive
they hardly feel anything from blowjobs or handjobs, its a pain trying to get them off

I like it when i play with an uncut guy and hes squirming and moaning, its hot af

>> No.15578031


yeah I know some people prefer uncuts, I like both but I prefer circumcised since it's less saggy and feels harder

>> No.15578045
File: 195 KB, 1239x732, foreskin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How else can you smuggle popcorn into the movie theater without foreskin?

>> No.15578074
File: 1.07 MB, 1233x2068, F6269677-F70F-4269-85DF-E8C0CA18D10D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That study is fucked. It’s based off other author’s biased publications. Meet the man and source that was cited in that piece of shit article. A fucking pedo who probably ate your foreskin. Don’t listen to the government you cuck.

>> No.15578083

man i remember when /fa/ used to be about fashion

>> No.15578086


what a jerk, why would you waste your time and power doing propaganda for fucking foreskin removal, this is sick

also I believe child circumcision should be illegal, it's his dick, the most important part of his body with his head, it's disgusting to force something like that.

>> No.15578111
File: 1.60 MB, 498x498, 02FC760B-C9F1-4B58-9E98-AB5325125ADD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The appearance of your penis is /fa/. I thought about an adult circumcision, but I never had a female made fun of my penis for being uncut. In fact, I know a few gays who prefer uncircumcised cocks.

>> No.15578114

What the fuck? If your circumcised you constantly need lubricant to fuck??

>> No.15578116

Why would the Jew's circumcise themselves if they have high IQs and rule the world? This is what I never understood, antisemites would call circumcision slave branding but the Jew's who they say are behind it circumcised themselves for aeons

>> No.15578121 [DELETED] 

I'm circumcised and I don't necessarily need lube, my dick skin is still elastic but lube is better because lotion is better for keeping the dickskin healthy

>> No.15578127

not fashion related. whoever made this thread was so lazy that they didnt even try to disguise it as an underwear thread.

>> No.15578143
File: 455 KB, 1230x498, 25D067A4-4C0A-462D-9F21-BB1D8AE85F79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never allow my children to cut their dicks off

>> No.15578149
File: 339 KB, 2000x822, Snip_cens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15578198

Circumcision is a weird cult. It's medically unnecessary, but somehow we all ended up in this wacko alternate reality where it's normal to chop a piece of your kid's penis off when they're born.
problem is, there's no simple way to go back. people expect penises to be circumcised. uncircumcised is strange and gross to them because they've been immersed and indoctrinated. do you want your kid to miss out n sexual experience because people think his dick is gross? hell no! so just keep doing it. fear and ignorance. this is truly the dark ages for our penises

>> No.15578213

Uncircumcised dicks look dirtier, kinkier, hotter

>> No.15578223

When I do eventually cap myself in the temple the state of my penis is going to be the first mention on the note

>> No.15578265

My male family members were all circumcised at birth in Soviet Union, but me, they didn't circumcise me. My dad wanted, but my mom didn't, so I was left uncircumcised.
I done goofed. When we came to Canada when I was 13, I got brainwashed by the Hasidim and I arranged to get myself circumcised.

>> No.15578268

I wish I could play with my uncircumcised cock right now.

>> No.15578327

>first author is brian j morris, who believes that circumcision should be mandatory, creates pamphlets for women that promote male circumcision, and has linked on his website a number of circumcision fetish sites.
Brian morris is a lunatic fetishist, and nothing written by him should be taken seriously.
If you don't believe me, look him up yourself, and watch this video.

>> No.15578425

My dick is cut, I don't really care that much. I blow a load fast enough as it is, do I really need more feeling? If I ever have a kid and it's a boy I don't think I'd have it done to him, though.

>> No.15578427

Feel you my bro

>> No.15578428
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>> No.15578440

>My male family members were all circumcised at birth in Soviet Union
Gonna press "doubt" on that one. Circumcisions were extremely rare in the USSR.

t. uncut guy born in the Soviet Union

>> No.15578442

He is jewish. He's not russian.

>> No.15578547

A woman isn’t necessarily attracted to this penis or that dick. They want that testosterone manly man who doesn’t care what his dick looks like - it’s a woman’s job to be concerned with looks not the mans....
I dated an uncircumcised dude (who was kinda insecure about it) and never once did I care. I wanted his dick and it had nothing to do with the skin on or not on.
If you’re so concerned with the way genitals look youre not dating the right people.
You need to find the people that stimulate you on a deeper level. That’s when the sex is actually good.

>> No.15578600

lmaoing at guys with dry cocks who can't feel shit during sex defending jewish dick mutilation

>> No.15578670

Lmao, why all penis cutted fags arguments sounds like middleschoolers "looks like worm haha" "its more smelly haha" "you can get infection easily haha"

>> No.15578678

Power to you anon

>> No.15578697

"The emotions connected with circumcision that may surface are very painful; repressing them protects men from this pain. If the feelings become conscious, they can still be suppressed."

>> No.15578780

>caring what women think
Ngl anon, being a simp isn't effay.

>> No.15578791

3/4 Foreskin is peak penis.

>> No.15578840

Uncircumcised is way more fa and women prefer it

>> No.15579038

>caring what women think
Never gonna make it.

>> No.15579115

>Only 1 life to live until I dissolve into oblivion
>They cut off my fucking dick skin
It's fucked. It's not an obsession of mine, but whenever I think about it, I feel pretty depressed. It's like I'll never know how it feels to be complete. I'll never know how sex REALLY feels. I guess my dick could've been bigger even. It's already pretty big, but bigger would be even better. My brain would be all different too, maybe I would've been more directed and got my life together sooner than I did.
At least I'm a 6ft white guy with blue eyes, but still.

>> No.15579131
File: 2.19 MB, 1668x2224, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See this guy talking about how he wants to circumcise your 18 year old son with his mouth? Wat do?

>> No.15579134
File: 179 KB, 407x391, draper happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you put some effort into that

>> No.15579152
File: 981 KB, 3072x4096, EguCZgoWkAIBgQ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this

>> No.15579154

Mommy, where are you? I'm feeling so vulnerable

>> No.15579220

Well men are visual that's why pictures turn us on.

And if it looks like we're about to stick our dick in an old roast beef sandwich leaking ooze it doesn't help us get off

>> No.15579221

Igor dresses pretty well. Dresses a lot better than I do.

But I guess. Gay men need to dress with a lot more thought and precision to attract other men?