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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 89 KB, 1154x1500, triangle bikini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15576064 No.15576064 [Reply] [Original]

HELP?! Mine is pink with strawberries & i have one with hentai type print on it, they show a lot of under boob. Will he get the wrong idea or Should i go with something more "normal" Be gentle , I'm clueless when it comes to guys.

>> No.15576074

is your penis really small enough to fit in that

>> No.15576079

Are you trying to show off for your boyfriend or for yourself

Like I would wear speedos for my girlfriends party so she can show off my junk but I'd rather just go naked

>> No.15576091

LOL Whaaaat im confused,

im trying to impress a guy but idk if this would be a inappropriate way to do it, i dont want to look like a clown but then again bikinis are all practically the same anyways, I need some fashion experts in here to rescue me!

>> No.15576094

show us a pic and we'll let you know

>> No.15576109

it doesn't matter what you wear, what will make you look the best is something you're comfortable in. it's useless to wear a bikini if you're just going to feel self conscious about it

>> No.15576130

thats true so sweet ty.

i might post a pic after my game ends but probably not 4chan can be pretty mean sometimes x

>> No.15576141

it's full of simps if you're a real girl don't worry

>> No.15576165


>> No.15576166

In the nicest way possible, stop being a fucking retard. If you like the guy sure, show off your under tits and make sure to give him the lion's share of attention. Like, make it fucking obvious you like him. Men are conditioned now to be as oblivious/ignorant of female attention due to the stigmatization of showing attention (being labeled a creep). I don't get why women are always wanting the guy to make the first move when every other guy is accused of being to forceful/rapey. A bit counterproductive no?

>> No.15576168

ok put it on and send him a photo to his phone and ask him what he thinks

>> No.15576170

Not true. I'm a real girl and this site calls me an ugly tranny everytime I post a picture of myself.

>> No.15576169

i think it's because they're attracted to the idea of someone chasing and wanting them more then the person themselves. like when you look at a girl and impose a personality on her instead of getting to know her and find out who she is.

but that's faggot talk lowkey i just wanna get a wife.

>> No.15576171

You will never be a real woman

>> No.15576176
File: 1.48 MB, 2944x2208, 20200918_111641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went out in public like this

Why can't you post a photo online

>> No.15576178

wear what youre comfortable wearing , dont pretend to be someone youre not just to get his attention.

>> No.15576186

Fuck off we don't need another delusional e-personality shitting up this board.

>> No.15576196

hopefully it's a game of chess, dumb thot

>> No.15576204

For me it's because i've heard guys don't like girls who come on to strong, plus im shy, i can barely even speak to order my own food let alone hit on someone i like Llmfao.

I don't see nothing wrong with this

i see this all the time ive never posted pics, i'm to scared of 4chan & already insecure enough lol

>> No.15576265
File: 374 KB, 529x637, true trans 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y r trannies like this

>> No.15576270

I look like a fucking longboarding legolas using his elf eyes to spy the weed store are you blind

Hey I just want to see what the bikini is and how it fits her. I'm hoping she's legit toned with abs for days.

>> No.15576285

I never said Im scared to post myself, I just said people call me an ugly tranny when I'm cis. I have posted my face here before and will again in the future.

>> No.15576289

I look like shit and my chin is nonexistant. If people here are nice to me, do I know how my chin looks bad and how to make it look better, or do I not think anything is wrong and just be ugly?

>> No.15576293

Do it! It might be fun to just enjoy your body

>> No.15576336

He'll think you're a slut if you wear that in public. If he doesn't mind dating luts then wear it, but if he doesn't like sluts don't wear it.

>> No.15576351

as long as you've been on hrt long enough and your dick has shrunk then sure

>> No.15576402
File: 322 KB, 433x332, idk4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS IS WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE oops caps, But idk if the splunging? (idk the word) makes it look ratchet or kinda kawaii & cute. idk!

>> No.15576407
File: 318 KB, 451x385, idk5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15576413


I wouldnt wear the ahegao one unless the guy kinda gets that weeb subculture to a degree, otherwise it would be as cringy as IRL chicks doing an O Face on your clothes. The strawberry one is cute.

Obligatory cooooom

>> No.15576424


Lets see the bottoms to really judge

but the ahego looks visually appealing while the strawberry is weeb culture. weird how that works.

Honestly? the ahego won't make you look fucking underage. strawberry looks like strawberry shortcake, an american girls brand toy

>> No.15576426

Trannies are mentally ill.

If you are woman never dress like a whore in public.

>> No.15576432

1. this is supposed to be a party
2. it's important to show off your physical fitness and maybe OP is gonna lose some more weight before the party or just wants to show off.

>> No.15576434

The strawberry swimsuit is too small. Obviously the hentai swimsuit is a bad idea too (why do you even have that?).
Just wear something normal.

>> No.15576436

See if they'll run a train on you in the ahego one

>> No.15576443


>> No.15576458

uh dude it's memewear it's acceptable

>> No.15576483

kinda trashy


>> No.15576490

I don't know what kind of person the guy you like is, but I wouldn't want my girlfriend wearing hentai clothes, not even as a joke.

>> No.15576499

true true but do you ever take the stick out of your ass?

>> No.15576504

It's an old meme prude

>> No.15576512

They don't fit, and you look like a whore. At least you're smart enough to ask in advance before making a mistake wearing those out in public.

>> No.15576514

Tru, 2/10 would not date

>> No.15576518

this has to be a larp right? i doubt someone could really be that clueless

it's more about if she's cute than 'real'

>> No.15576525

I'm pretty sure most people wouldn't want their girlfriend to be into hentai memes.

>> No.15576537

They're supposed to fit like that for example look @ the model in the original photo , her boobs are just smaller.

>> No.15576544


Id be fine with her being into whatever fucking memes she wants as long as she isnt wearing them. Imagine going to meet your girl and she’s wearing a hoodie of that guy who photoshopped himself into a picture of Moltees shitting on the floor.

>> No.15576549


>> No.15576553

No. Bikinis were invented to be sexual. They sacrifice function and practicality to look sexual. There's no excuse for wearing one in public.

>> No.15576567

oof, i collect a lot of cosplay things, for no reason at all, i have just a boxes of shit laying around with no purpose ,shopping for things i dont need is just a hobby ig.. Thought these would be cute.

i been fasting 24 hours a day, & i walk or hike everyday for 2-3 hours so, im trying. i lose 0.5- 1lb everyday but that could be fluctuating, it is consistent though so take that as you will

okay, because of the mixed reactions, i decided to just wear something more normal. Ima let this thread die now. okay bai

>> No.15576580

I would, weebs are hot

>> No.15576591

See? that's what i meant. This group of friends knows she's fat and she's changing that so even as a conservative republican i say she has the right and imperitive to show it off in this time of moral crisis. America is struck by a plauge of indecency and this woman chose to fight it to attain her mate, and deserves retcognition.

now post a full body pic so we can decide if you're really tranny looking for not. And ass shot. And careful with the fasting i know girls have retardo low calories compared to my 5k kcal a day ass but remember muscle looks better then flab. you should be on a high protein diet not fasting.

>> No.15576598

If it's a biological woman with blonde hair and eyes she's got attractiveness on easy mode

>> No.15576604

Most female weebs don't like hentai apart from yaoi so if a girl wears a hentai hoodie she's just doing it for the memes or for attention and isn't actually a weeb.

>> No.15576605
File: 1003 KB, 404x347, 1561930796852.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15576607

everyone can fall victim to any vice

Donald Trump once told me of how his own brother fell victim to alcohol. The most common and accepted of drugs. Even if she is a natural blonde (the only good hair color) she still could have became fat. still could have wasted her life.

But she's losing weight and responded corrected to being called fat. How many girls can say that?

>> No.15576612

Get a good wrap around your waist and ask him to come swim with you. Take off your jacket and waist wrap for him and jump in the water. It'll be easy. the other guys will either fuck off or be politely told to fuck off

>> No.15576625

i'm only fat bc of quarantine & alcohol but i'm fixing it :DDDDDDD

>> No.15576642


I'm replying to this bait, as a non fashion expert... Bro who gives a fuck.

It's a swimsuit.

There's no swimsuit that can fix a fucked body.

If you're banging, then you'll get him harder than calculus (calculus isn't hard, it's just time consuming).

Wear whatever dude.

>> No.15576648

i genuinely wonder what you mean by thought this would be cute

because cute to me means things to do with small animals and children and not sex

for instance both of those bikinis are too small, i wouldn't call that cute, i would call it sexy

idgaf what you do but i genuinely don't understand female language about things like this

>> No.15576663

i suppose desexualizing clothing?

>> No.15576671

yeahhhhhh i know what you mean. everyone is different , for me being female i am attracted to things like patterns/clothing stuff like that can be cute to me but idk im not a guy so i think differently maybe? or maybe im dumb. BTW what kind of bikini is cute to u from a male perspective?

>> No.15576673

i mean sexy ,like i said i'm stupid right now lmfao

>> No.15576681

post ass in bikinis allready

and it's more about the woman's body. would micheal phelps look better in a red speedo or blue speedo?

that being said, laces that draw attraction to the abs are nice and spandex is always the right answer for support and general fit

>> No.15576684

I'm not posting my ass on 4chan that's weird

>> No.15576731

post your ass on 4chan

first it's important to the fit

also i want to jerk off to it on princible. Like right now i'm working but i want the option to do so.

Furthermore you should be proud of your ass. posting pictures of yourself on 4chan is the final step to letting go of your non anonymous identity and joining the hivemind

>> No.15576749
File: 449 KB, 1080x786, 774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not posting that on 4chan because its weird.

This is the most i can do right now , took it like a week ago or less & it shows my body so you get the point.

>> No.15576754

depends on who you are and what image youre trying to give off.
definitely not tasteful or sophisticated but if you are a party-girl or ditsy teenager who doesnt give a fuck about people thinking of them as such, then sure

>> No.15576763

if the guy im trying to impress, doesn't approach girls & isn't good with them or at talking to them. What do you recommend? just a plain black normal bikini, so that it doesn't look like i'm trying?

>> No.15576772
File: 123 KB, 750x736, angles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another dude with tits
fucking yawn

>> No.15576773


>> No.15576774
File: 11 KB, 225x300, ae6537ce4004d151378a266e1b285f1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get a tasteful one-piece like an adult.
I dont know the guy so its hard to tell. But as a grown man id be put off by a woman wearing either of those. Id shamefully think about it later when im alone. But i would feel more than a little put off.
If the only asset you have to bring to the table is your body then fine. But if not then why advertise yourself as such.

>> No.15576775

lovely mommy, down to earth, inferior, lovely af

>> No.15576778


>> No.15576780

why is 4chan users so obsessed with girls "secretly" being tranny's? lol am i missing something here? Do other girls not post/ or exist here? Because i thought they did. If you don't plan on dating me i don't see why it would matter so much. Please help me to understand better

>> No.15576783

She is like a dude buddy with a pussy I would love to slurp

>> No.15576785

Calling someone a tranny is not constructive whatsoever

>> No.15576788


Shes still cute. You’re that 3/10 would not fuck meme personified.

>> No.15576791


it's inconceivable to the majority male userbase on 4chan that women would ever wander outside of boards like /cgl/. not to mention, women tend to congregate on other sites that are geared more towards their interests

>> No.15576794

This thread ruined my mood fr.
Imagine being so blessed genetically that women with great bodies are interested in you.


>> No.15576799

this too

but also cmon to the wrap and jacket thing. Say you're not showing your bikini until you can go swimming with x

if he doesn't take that hint kiss him and confess

>> No.15576806

If you attack their self esteem enough sometimes they might settle with sleeping with you. Works for me

Bridge troll getting laid tips

Excuse me miss don't you think you're closer to a 3 than a 6/10?

>> No.15576813


gonna give u a legit response because i've had a challenging week and sincerity goes a long way

these are waaaay too small for you and it feels like your boobs have no support from underneath. get something that's going to cup your breasts because that'll give you a slight lift that will accentuate your bust better. you have nice breasts so I can understand wanting to show them off, but wearing bikinis like this that are too small and don't give you support looks kind of childish?

also, i'm wondering how those straps feel when you're wearing them. if they're like what i'm imagining, they're going to be a pain in the neck (literally) the longer you wear them. get something that's going to alleviate any pressure around your neck and shoulders.

>> No.15576816

Idk what cgl is

The guy i like is a 1/10 & looks like a squirrel , everyone calls him a squirrel, I know it sounds like a joke but its not. he's just nice & funny & has a good personality. I personally think he's cute. He's been protective over me in the past around other guys, i think thats what really did it for me. He's mentioned to his friends (around me) that he hasn't gotten laid in like 7 years.

But, honestly watch this man not even like me lmaooooo. im scared & shy. send help. I probably wont even ever approach him in a flirty way because thats just the way i am around guys i like so rip. waste of time being here.

>> No.15576817

>but wearing bikinis like this that are too small and don't give you support looks kind of childish?

you put it into words really well

>> No.15576822

Thank you ill listen to you, you sound like you know what you're doing.

>> No.15576823


also, as an additional note. if you have a large bust and you're concerned that you're going to draw attention to it despite whatever you're wearing, it's always safe to go with a tasteful print. you had the right idea go for graphical print bikinis, but like everyone else has said, these prints make you look rather immature/weebish/retarded

i would suggest something like this:

you get the benefit of having a print on your swimsuit that kind of alleviates the psychological pressure of "they're all looking at my tits" by gaslighting u into thinking "they're all looking at my cute print!"

plus it lets men look at your boobs and having the excuse of your swimsuit having a visually appealing design to it

>> No.15576825


god i hope so. i really want to write about women's clothing so bad but im a troglodyte and its too late for me to go into editorial writing

>> No.15576833

Ok women fuck outta here you are sabotaging everything

>> No.15576835


how does it feel knowing u cant even talk to women on here and i can do it wherever and whenever i want effortlessly

>> No.15576837

Islam is based even though I'm not a fan of muslims

>> No.15576842

Muslims are low IQ but Islam is based

>> No.15576843



>> No.15576844

i actually have a few like this! Never heard of this brand its cute.

You should definitely go for it! I can tell you're a lot more educated then most people here, that's a start & you are v helpful.

>> No.15576855

I can speak a little arabic & I'm learning to speak more.

HMM maybe i should become Muslim. Then i could pull the guy i like. Jokes.

But I'm going to go guys, I'm going to go on my night walk & ill be back after. thanks for all the advice.

>> No.15576859


just make sure they're appropriate to your cup size and you should be fine. if you want, you can even get a bikini with underwire in it for more support.

there's one i found on nordstrom that was cute but the link is megahuge unfortunately

>> No.15576884

Screenie maybe?

>> No.15576890
File: 156 KB, 433x533, surewhynot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15576903

Every subway restaurant I've ever been to was muslim owned and operated what's up with that..even in college one of my acuantinces a chick that owned her own subway franchise. Was a sandnigger with those weird jade eye tones they get

>> No.15576909

>anecdotal evidence
no one cares

>> No.15576911

You don't have to be flirty.
You can be serious.

Just corner him and be like, so....get laid recently?

> No..

Let me help you out, just as friends okay

Sex doesn't need to be complicated and this flirty oh you first anon game.

Just fuck then get over the crush

>> No.15576916

Give me a grant and research stipend and I'll report back in 2 years with a dissertation and study on what percentage of subway restaurants are owned by sand niggers in the united States

>> No.15576926


its a shame ur in academia and not the comedy club circuit

>> No.15576935

I'm not in academia. But I'll be in your 18 year old sisters DMs if you link me her page

>> No.15576942

This is really cute, where's it from again?

>> No.15576945


found it on nordstrom's site. it's available here too: https://www.shopbop.com/lovers-underwire-bikini-top-minkpink/vp/v=1/1599397043.htm


you keep wasting such great material in this thread dude

>> No.15576959

Luv u bb kiss kiss xoxo x

>> No.15576961

Let's meet for COCKtails ;*

>> No.15576968

>thot mating call, ca. 2020

>> No.15576978

The stereotypical tranny build

>> No.15577030
File: 1.48 MB, 230x290, oh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamnit do you newfags not recognize this notorious crossboarding trip tranny?

>> No.15577043


I've only posted on 4chan a few times & I've never posted pictures before. So it's interesting that you "recognize" me. You troll. I'm still confused about what the obsession is with tranny's on here. I'm not trans, but who the fuck cares. Stop obsessing over things that don't bother you, it's weird.

>> No.15577072

post swimsuit bulge, no tucking

>> No.15577074

soo... no penis then?

>> No.15577122

Are we going to date or something why do u all insist on seeing a penis. I hope you find a penis and live happily ever after with it deep inside all your holes.

>> No.15577129

Start posting all your cockadoodledoo's I wanna see them.

>> No.15577155

It's a blue board but dm me I'll send cock to anyone

>> No.15577172

sigh... we know this

>> No.15577176

Ok where

>> No.15577182


>> No.15577357

Most female weebs look like a receptionist in their 30s, they completely neglect their appearance

>> No.15577502
File: 11 KB, 253x253, CE34CD0F-3EE6-43C4-9AE5-3E4B0282CFF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UNDERBOOB LOL i already can tell youre not perky nor skinny. Fuck you and the whole thick trend. You sound desperate.

>> No.15577662

I bet he still looks like uber Chad but because he's 8/10 instead of 10/10 you call him ugly.