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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 82 KB, 640x640, white pants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15573007 No.15573007 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for the well dressed man and those seeking to improve their dress by exploring colors, patterns, textures and other styles while appearing more mature, elegant and refined.
>What is “sprezzatura”?
Required viewing: [YouTube] The Truth About Sprezzatura (embed) [Embed]
Required reading: https://parisiangentleman.co.uk/2017/02/24/how-obsession-with-sprezzatura-can-kill-the-sprezzatura/
>Do I have to be European to wear this style?
Absolutely not. Anyone can wear this as long as they are confident and don’t care what people think. You should be dressing for yourself, not for others. Is this style more common in Italy and other Mediterranean countries? Absolutely. But you could wear this wherever you are.
>How is this different than Trad/Ivy/Prep?
Whereas the /TIP/ threads favor classic styles and tailoring, wider fits and more drape, Mediterranean and modern menswear favors slimmer cuts, tailored closer to the body to accentuate and flatter your body. Slim fit is allowed and in many cases encouraged.
>Where should I start?
Start with sport coats and mix and match with trousers. Experiment with colors and patterns. Don’t be afraid of color. This isn’t business style, where bland conformity is the norm. We want to be colorful, and experiment with fabrics. Wear linen, wool, cotton, anything you want.
>Where can I find good inspo to draw from?

Previous: >>15563942

>> No.15573015


>> No.15573043
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Reminder that you will look good in clothing like this only if your face is very good-looking, that is all.

>> No.15573054
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Reminder that it doesn't matter how good you look, all that matters is how good you feel inside your heart

>> No.15573062
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You're right in the sense that a handsome person dressed badly will still look better than a well dressed ugly person. However a well dressed ugly person looks miles better in will fitting quality clothes than the same ugly person wearing crap.

>> No.15573078
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Trousers project day 15
Finished all the buttons holes and the belt loops. Now I'd value your input on the length issue. It's dark here already, so I changed the brightness and contrast so that the drape can be seen more easily in the image.
The left length is what the pattern calls for originally, the right length is how I shortened and actually prefer it.
With the left version I would also have the option to roll the hem up and get a 4cm cuff without looking like a clown, on the right version I can only roll it up 2cm or descend into fashion victim territory. What do you think about it? Of course I could also go the middle ground an shorten it not so much, or add the cuffs permanently.

Time spent:
0.75h - button holes
0.75h - sewing on buttons and remaining 2 belt loops, removing some of the marking threads in the fabric
0.5h - basting the hems, fitting.

>> No.15573079

The guy isn't even ugly, just average and chubby actually.

>> No.15573081

>the right length is how I shortened and actually prefer it.
Seems you have the answer already.
If your pants are perfectly tailored you don't need to cuff them.

>> No.15573084

Looks like Sir Topham Hatt from Thomas the tankengine

>> No.15573107


>> No.15573113


wow op looking like a dainty fag there

>> No.15573114

hideous shoes

>> No.15573117

LOL thats a really funny reference but also correct

>> No.15573149

If you spend your free time on 4channel complaining about anyone saying niggers you don't belong here either, but it is how it is

>> No.15573157 [DELETED] 

I'd say sorry for invading your racist shitlord safespace, but I'm not actually sorry and you can go choke on BBC

>> No.15573210

Does it actually take 2 weeks to make pants from cloth? What equipment are you working with?

>> No.15573275

It depends: Did my shorts that are mostly machine sewn and without so much care for the details in roughly 3 days.
The total time is 43 hours for this one at the moment, which includes about 5 hours of corrections that could have been avoided and another 2 hours that were just bad planning on my part.
You can also save time in using shortcuts, such as not adding lining or making the waistband from one piece.
I am using a sewing machine, but I also do a lot of hand stitching.

According to SartorialTalks a full suit takes 60 hours, so you see that I am quite slow.

>> No.15573277 [DELETED] 

Name one (1) argument for racism being a bad ting

>> No.15573317 [DELETED] 

The misery felt by victims of racism is not balanced out by the happiness gained by the perpetrators of such a crime.

>> No.15573324 [DELETED] 

Since humans are naturally more affected by that which makes them sad as opposed to that which makes them happy, the overall happiness (or utility) in the world decreases.

>> No.15573335 [DELETED] 

>the overall happiness (or utility) in the world decreases
read better books, midwit

>> No.15573394

I know you've probably answered this a million times but I'm new here and find the topic on making ones own clothes interesting.
But I want to know,
Is it hard to come across quality material at an affordable price? Do you think it's possible with enough skill to be able to make decent clothes for oneself perfectly tailored and of whatever design you like?
Whether it's trousers, or shirts, or socks, or even jackets. I assume shoes are a totally different animal

>> No.15573403

Oh also I wanted to ask, are they any forums or books on this topic or have you learned it from a school or something? How did you get into this kind of thing?

>> No.15573598

Not that guy but I looked into it for various clothing crafts. Generally speaking you will save money tailoring and making minor alterations (hemming pants, making a shirt slimmer, putting a patch on something casual), you lose a lot of time/money taking cloth or leather and turning it into something. Money wise it might seem worth it, but your time is worth money too. Unless you're making something that looks like it came from the ancient world like a Noragi, a poncho, or robe of some kind.

I have read an article about Scottish wool not selling well and there's a ton waiting to be sold, and it's probably still true.

>> No.15573733

I figured it would certainly not be worth the time to do if you were doing it purely to save money

But I think if you were to compare it to bespoke tailoring, it may actually be worth it, assuming you also enjoy it.
Benefiting from a hobby.

I've done ultra basic things like hemming pants and sewing buttons before, maybe I will look into making other common fixex/alterations and see if that leads towards DIY clothing

>> No.15573892

Is it actually possible to rock a blazer one size too large?

>> No.15573946
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Looking for a European black loafer. I have somewhat wide feet. What do you think?

>> No.15573949
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>> No.15573961
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>> No.15573973

>borderline sexcore image

>> No.15574005

dangerously based

>> No.15574172

Accidentally posted that there without without checking.
Forgot to add I bought my clothes about 2-4 inches to big since covid,other than hot water is there anything else I should do to shrink them?

>> No.15574328

>shrink them
No, nothing guaranteed. Will most likely wreck your clothes.
>Is this expensive to get into?
Thrift or buy one item at a time to start. Fit is the most important. Simple things like a nice shirt and pants that fit you well go a long way. As for price you can really cheap out but in the long run it may not be worth it. Try to find a balance between price and quality. And building a wardrobe overnight is a bad idea. One or two pieces at a time.

>> No.15574346

You can just have them tailored, depending on how bad it is.
Answering the question: potentially yes. If you want to get a nice jacket, pair of trousers and shoes, it will cost you at least a grand. You can and should start small, by buying good quality shirts and trousers and slowly moving on from there, as you likely will have to start from scratch once you learn the characteristics of good clothes.. Nowadays with online mtm you can get pretty great shirts and trousers for $100-ish on propercloth, luxire, indochino or shirtnomy.
If you wear linen/wool trousers and a good fitting cotton shirt with interesting colors as a fit man you will instantly be above 90% of the population.

>> No.15574582

>it will cost you at least a grand


>> No.15574612

theres an easy solution to this: thrift. i built my wardrobe largely on the dole, courtesy of the UKs current policy of state mandated unemployment for anyone who had the gall to be self-employed.

>> No.15574635

This anon here sums it up: >>15573598

>Is it hard to come across quality material at an affordable price?
Prices are usually 5 EUR/m for synthetic fabrics and low quality natural fabrics, 10-15 EUR/m for decent quality plant-based fabrics, 25 EUR/m for wool. High quality costs usually double of that, but at least for the linen I could not see a big difference. For wool, yes, higher quality means a lot, but there are also some mills who make a fine cotton cloth and sell it in the cheaper price range. You can also see things such as Italian 100% wool for 60 EUR/m and from the same mill 97% wool 3% spandex for 80 EUR/m, which is really mind boggling to me.
Usually I go to a local store, because I can see the fabric and take it. However, they usually have fabrics only in the 10-20 EUR price range and less wool and linen fabric, more synthetic blends. In online shops you have more variety, but you need some experience to judge whether the fabric looks as you imagine it, and it is a good idea to order a sample first (they do it for free or a really low cost).

>Do you think it's possible with enough skill to be able to make decent clothes for oneself perfectly tailored and of whatever design you like?
Yes, because obviously tailors do it this way. "Perfectly tailored" takes years of experience, obviously. Your first garments will usually look worse than something you buy from the store, though. "Whatever design you like": Partially. You'll be able to judge what is doable, but it's usually worth reading how design X is constructed before you do it. For example, some guy mentioned one-piece collars for shirts and posted some examples in the last thread. I never heard of that before, but I did sew some shirts and I am confident that I could create such a shirt, too.

>Whether it's trousers, or shirts, or socks, or even jackets.
Yes. No idea about socks, I'd buy those.

>> No.15574645

Post got too long...

Did some shirts myself, but for an ordinary dress shirt I'd just buy them, because a lot of work goes into them and you will need to make a lot of them. This makes more sense if you want something extraordinary.

>I assume shoes are a totally different animal
Most certainly. You need different tools entirely. Something ancient such as moccasins is easy, but for a modern shoe you need some more tools and preferably a craftsman who shows you how to do it. Learning this by yourself will waste a lot of money and time before you get a result that looks somewhat wearable and it will still look worse than a 30EUR shoe from a discounter store.

>> No.15574685

>300-400 for shoes e.g. Alden Allen Edmonds, Crockett and Jones
>100-200 trousers e.g brooks, yeossal
>300-400 for jacket e.g Spier and Mackay

>> No.15574687

notice the difference between the tan, the clear clothes and the shit some people wear here, totally miss the point

>> No.15574695

The op's pic is veering dangerously close to sexcore.

Anyway everyone knows now that sprezz is really menswear general.

>> No.15574777

>Oh also I wanted to ask, are they any forums or books on this topic or have you learned it from a school or something?
There are lots of forums and books on the topic. For sewing in general there are lots of tutorials that can teach you the basic hand stitches and so forth.
A good starting point may be a sewing class in your area, although I never took one. The most important parts are: understanding a pattern and the order in which to sew things together. Once you have applied this to sew something, even a t-shirt, it will be a lot easier to understand all the other stuff.
For menswear specifically I recommend the "bespoke cutter and tailor" forum. For clothing in general I can recommend "atelier saison" on youtube, they don't talk say anything, but they show everything step by step.
You can also find public domain books in English on the internet archive, even historical ones.
As a start I also recommend sewing with any commercial RTW pattern from the McCalls, Vogue or Burda, just to get a hang for it, but be aware that this particular thing is likely to fit you badly and you do it just for the experience. It is worth investing into a pattern drafting book though, because it is hard to work this out entirely by yourself.

>How did you get into this kind of thing?
Into sewing I got for my reenactment hobby that I stopped pursuing several years ago, but the interest in menswear started last year. Basically I wanted to dress better, but I noticed that many RTW brands sell expensive items or I am looking for something specific and they don't sell it in this exact configuration. Another factor is that I rarely wear expensive items because I want to preserve their value, i.e. I cannot easily replace them.
As the anon pointed out, it does not save money to sew these things yourself, but I know that I can "easily" recreate the item or repair it in some way. The entire process is also enjoyable and addictive.

>> No.15574812

Btw, does he use his tie as a scarf or what is that under his shirt?

>> No.15574944

Thanks for providing lots of good info, I'll look into the things you mentioned

How long do you have left on the trousers?

>> No.15574947

Just need to do the hem and iron them.

>> No.15575172

Actually moccasins are a little harder than you think, even if they are easier than other shoes.

>> No.15575197
File: 115 KB, 1387x2048, IMG-20200918-WA0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about this fit ?

>> No.15575209

The pants are a bit wrinkly, the hat is a nice touch. Not sure about the tie, maybe something in dark red fits better.

>> No.15575211

The jacket is too tight

>> No.15575218

I'll try with something dark red then.

I need to shorten the Trousers, to make them less wrinkly

>> No.15575224

By all means, that thing about the tie is just a guess. Yeah, try it on and see what you like better

>> No.15575243

It's linen, you can't do shit about that

>> No.15575247

I mean the fact that they are bunching up at the bottom because they are too long.

>> No.15575250
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Ackchually, there's this thing called an iron...

>> No.15575436
File: 771 KB, 1380x2000, htam18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trousers project day 16
It's done! Finished the hem and ironed it. Today I am in a hurry, I'll post the summary on Monday.

Time spent:
0.5h - basting the hem, adding bar tacks to the pockets (they opened to wide)
1h - sewing the hem
0.5h - removing any remaining threads, ironing

Time spent in total: 45h, which is a lot for trousers

>> No.15575437

They look great, even more so when you know they are homemade. Well done anon.
Please post more on future projects when you do them.

>> No.15575461

looks like summer SEXcore

>> No.15575465

The waistband looks off and the crest marks could be more defined, but it is good overall.

>> No.15575561

Can you show us what other things you've made yourself?
Must be really satisfying to wear clothes you made yourself

>> No.15575597

note to self: search for a good tailor on grindr

>> No.15575636

Thanks! I will, just no daily updates if it's pants again.

Yes, another anon had the same problem and reported that increasing the rise fixed it for him. This is a recurring issue with all of my pants and I can't tell if it's my gut pushing them down or the waistband being too loose. In these the rise is about 3cm higher than on my jeans for example. Actually I was worried that they would turn out worse, but once they were hemmed most of the issues resolved themselves.

Sure, on Monday or some old pic that I have on my phone.

>> No.15575684

>and reported that increasing the rise fixed it for him
I think so as well. Having some extra 10cm of rise would also improve it, but this is usually a matter of personal preference. It is usually impossible to increase the rise of trousers unless they have excess fabric stitched in.

>> No.15575718
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It’s called an ascot

>> No.15575726

he would look better without the mascara and perm in his hair

>> No.15575825

this isnt really on topic but todays the first day i really noticed i now feel comfortable in a button up shirt. small things i suppose.

the trousers look good, but you look rather tired anon.


>> No.15575976

Actually, yes, I was tired. The guy talking about grindr is a troll.

Next project is high rise pleated linen trousers, but I'll begin it next week only, after some other stuff that I need to do.

>> No.15575984
File: 360 KB, 1581x1138, IMG_20200822_083714_1~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, my first ever jacket. Commercial pattern with slim lapels, couldn't tell that they would turn out like this when I started it. The button holes are still hideous on this one, I can provide a comparison next time.

>> No.15576088

Wow now I really want to get into this, I'm guessing the jacket took you like 100 hours?

You say you worked with a pre-existing pattern and didn't notice the lapel size until it was all put together? Is that a result of patterns being difficult to visualise what they will look like when put together or was it a dumb mistake?
Is it possible to make personal modifications to preexisting patterns to make the suit more to your liking without having to totally change the entire thing?

>> No.15576248
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Shoes for Today

>> No.15576357


yea but all men of roman descent have god-like bone structure. so they just need to not be fat.

It's why this style is not for americans or those of german descent

>> No.15576472

Jacket hugging your body too closely

>> No.15576474

Shoulda went with da bob

>> No.15576482

They look great!

>> No.15576695
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>> No.15576789

Any EU stores where you can cop sportcoats for 300 euros or less, aside from Suitsupply?

>> No.15577264

First of all I didn't have any idea when a lapel is considered slim or wide, so I just followed the pattern as it is. These things can easily be corrected to your liking. They usually have 5 sizes and a size chart in their pattern and tell you how to modify it if your measurements fit one size for the chest and another size for the hips for example. So, this is what the MTM online companies would do with their patterns.

This jacket was actually a lot faster. It has no canvas and no inner pockets on the lining. Also, it takes all the shortcuts that they can give to people who want to sew on the machine only. This resulted in something that looks very homemade actually, because these shortcuts create all the issues that make it look like that in the first place. Why no canvas? Because they tell you to use a fusible to do it. Their target audience, however, are people who don't want to get into proper tailoring techniques but create something on the machine comfortably and without too much effort.
Ironically, it had a waterfall shoulder and I did my best to remove that, because I did not know that tailors do this on purpose.
The second one took me a little longer, but I did a test with cheap fabric beforehand to make my adjustments, added canvas and constructed the side in a different manner. That turned out a lot better already and so forth.
You just need some practice, as with everything in life. After the next pants project I'll do another jacket and I expect it to take significantly longer than the first one.

>> No.15577405
File: 162 KB, 480x896, 1348_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probs the closest related general- what color for babby's first linen suit? Neutral skin tone with dark brown/black hair

I know that a light-medium brown is probs the most versatile, but I kinda want to be an asshole and get this off white blend or a burgundy.

>> No.15577443

This one looks great

>> No.15577473

I think so too but I can't remember the last time I've ever seen someone actually wearing a white linen suit outside of great gatsby cosplay and cringey pinterest shit

>> No.15577612

It has enough texture to not be pure white and give it some character. you'll do fine in it

>> No.15577631

my summer wardrobe consists of a tan pair of chinos, an off-white pair, a seersucker shirt, and not much else. what should i try and thrift over winter while prices are low?

>> No.15577634

Linen shirts and a pair of linen trousers.

>> No.15577702


for a suit? tobacco linen. A light coloured linen sportcoat would do, but a whole suit? idk.

where to cop linen shirts? I'm unironically struggling to find a good source.

>> No.15577723

Are you kidding me
Even fast fashion like uniqlo has linen

>> No.15577733

Maker's Kamakura
If you're in the US they are having a massive sale right now, would be a great time to snag a ton of stuff from them.

>> No.15577770

any common brands i can look out for?

>> No.15577812

Taper/hem the pants at the bottom
Jacket too tight
You look like a bioshock: infinite character

>> No.15578066

I made the mistake of copping a uniqlo linen on sale. Even for 3 dollars I thought it was a rip-off

>> No.15578070

Not sure about pants. Maybe Pini Parma

>> No.15578248

0 results on ebay :/

>> No.15578263

Great combination! Not sure what else to say.

>> No.15578274

Having a grey herringbone jacket similar to this tailored right now. A couple shades darker, closer to mid-gray. Recommendations for trousers? Thinking gray flannel

>> No.15578373

So, did you do some research already?

>> No.15578554

>question? sorry, no clue
>where do i find this thing that is incredibly easy to find
watch some more alpha, pajeet

>> No.15578676

No sorry I've been busy retrofitting new carpets in my house all day, haven't even touched my computer till right now

>> No.15578943
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Got a suit. I think the trousers are too slimfit for my taste.

>> No.15578945
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>> No.15578949
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And from the side. Thoughts?

>> No.15578971
File: 2.03 MB, 1111x2048, Screenshot_20200919-233953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15578983

Wtf your shoelaces are massive

>> No.15578995

>Not wanting enormous bows in your laces.

Bro do you even sprezz.

>> No.15579003

W2c that suit?

>> No.15579069

nah dude, i mean if you like wearing that then do it. But it just looks like you're going for a job interview and looks pretentious or weird if you're not. Also get collar stays.

>> No.15579102

I think the pants are perfect.

>> No.15579207

Well it's for work. I wouldn't wear it casually.
Cool thanks
Drakes. Will cost a pretty penny tho. I got it for 320 bong dollars on sale. Thank God. I was seriously considering suit supply at the time.

>> No.15579258

It's an ascot he's wearing untied, so he can show off his chest at the same time for extra dago points.

>> No.15579275

They're not that slim. Technically it's on point but you look more TIP and a school teacher as opposed to some guy who just put on whatever was available.

>> No.15579298

>caring about being overdressed in a world where there is such a thing as "smart jeans"
Give it 5 more years and wearing anything more than a tanktop and track bottoms will be considered to be overdressed, hell it's already happened in the womens clothes world
Reject modernity

>> No.15579361

Looks great man, the fit is spot on.

>> No.15579389

Good but could be more daring. Also, the pocket on the shirt looks pretty ugly.

>> No.15579394

White would look great. Brown can be decent and so the obvious black.

>> No.15579406

White isn't my style. Thinking more charcoal or possibly navy. Brown cords.

>> No.15579486

lol are you serious dude? yes, I'm aware of basic mall brands. You can assume if someone's posting in a niche tailoring general they're probably talking about something like Albini.

speaking of, I see that Luxire supplies, for eg., Albini, but the colours and patterns are all over the place. This is why I've been finding it hard to make some linen shirt acquisitions - stock always seems to be all over the place, wherever I look. Shitty colours, or lame patterns. I just want some classic awning stripes in dark blues, turquoise and maybe red.

Cordone 1956 had a sale recently but their sizing is weird. Sleeves were far too short.

I love Kamakura, but their sizing doesn't work for me. I got some NY Classic broadcloth shirts, and while the quality is amazing for what I paid, they fit like mall-tier slim fit shirts. Definitely a shame, because I'm aware they have a good line of linen.

>> No.15579512

Their linen shirts are wider and more blousy, but to each their own.

>> No.15580071

Can you replicate this picture but with cuffed shirt and a belt?

>> No.15580128

What do you mean by cuffed shirt? Rolled up?

>> No.15580271

>but you look more TIP and a school teacher
Good because I'm both lol.

>> No.15580274

>Good but could be more daring
Thanks but what do you mean by more daring? In terms of shirt and tie?
Thanks bud

>> No.15580549

Everything looks drab and sort of mixes together because their shades aren’t different enough. I would add in a white shirt and a rather bright tie to make it more lively. I have seen an orange animal print hermes tie the other day that would look great there.
As a side note, I recommend lifting for your buff natural shoulders to show through that jacket. You sort of look pear shaped on that fit. (I am fighting the same issue right now with unstructureds)

>> No.15580618

>recommend lifting
Thanks for the advice. Bright orange Hermes tie is a bit too much for me though. I wish I could lift but the gyms are just not practical for me. My old 24 hour gym closed and now operates only until 8 which is impossible for me. Are there any shoulder exercises I could do without needing the gym?

>> No.15580632

looks like the professor that doesnt care from a 90s movie

>> No.15580696

He is bald = automatically ugly unless greek good body.

>> No.15580729

For what purpose?

>> No.15580903
File: 663 KB, 1690x2338, P6050_4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm deciding between two *cloths* to make a sportcoat in.
First is this brown PoW in wool/silk/linen which I could probably wear year round because I overheat easily. The PoW check is not very loud but as a 177 cm manlet, I'm still not sure about the its. scale

>> No.15580910
File: 434 KB, 1690x2338, C1274_105[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My second option is this oatmeal-colored wool which is nice and muted, almost Boring Baldie-tier (pbuh). It is also cheaper, since it's pure wool.
Seeing as it weighs 330 gsm, I could probably wear it from fall to mid-spring.

>> No.15580929

I much prefer this. The beige thing reminds me of dapper threads.

>> No.15580937

I just don't understand the appeal of houndstooth

>> No.15580944

Are you trying to make it yourself or made by a tailor? Depending on your sewing experience I recommend a fabric without patterns over the very complex checkered patterns.

>> No.15580953

I have been doing calisthenics and they are fairly effective. Look up on YouTube for good full body and shoulder specific exercises. The best one seems to be the stand up push up, but it is fairly advanced and I’m only now getting to it.
If you are willing to expend some money, it is fairly easy and effective to train your shoulders with dumbbells.

>> No.15580968

Yeah I think I'll go this route.

>> No.15581806

I agree with the other guy, tobacco is the way to go. It's extremely versatile for a warm-weather suit.

>> No.15583000

what sort of colours should i go for to achieve a softer sort of aesthetic as a guy?

>> No.15583061

Pastels and neutrals, make sure that they are not overly bright or saturated, because it comes off more aggressive. Avoid dark colours, too.

>> No.15583078
File: 84 KB, 526x586, 1590511577445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i ask what exactly you mean by neutrals at all? im kind of tempted to copy this outfit at some point

>> No.15583125

Neutral, for me, is anything on the scale fr black to whites. Technically it's not a colour. The suggestion you posted is a nice and solid fit and can work on men, too.

>> No.15583128

While I like fits such as this, most of them are taken in a certain context. Of course that is almost always the countryside or rural areas. This fit in the middle of a city makes it totally different.

>> No.15583194

aah, i get you. i kinda wanna avoid those sorts of things, theyve got little character to them.

well, im going to look moderately out of place no matter where i am given current trends in how people dress, but im quite fine with that. think it would be okish in city environments?

>> No.15583206

While a sprezz fit can look dressed for some formal occasion to a lot of people, it's not that out of place in a city or most places. The country look somewhat is.

I think the key is to add some more formal pieces such as a shirt with the jacket instead of a wool sweater with the jacket to take it more city/urban than country.

>> No.15583229

im unlikely to buy any of this over winter anyway due to high demand for winter items, and in winter ime you can more or less get away with anything warm looking.

im thinking for summer i should buy a linen suit of some sort though. got any advice for a thrifty first time linen shopper? i asked earlier but didnt get much advice.

also random question, but thoughts on linen sweaters? didnt know they were a thing til earlier.

>> No.15583235

Pike pushups

>> No.15583239

Linen suits are going to command a slightly higher price, but nothing stupid used. It's about luck for the most part. Only a handful are sold used but then only a handful of people search for them.

There are other options often found cheaply too, like a linen/silk mixed jacket.

Obviously you have the creasing issues with full linen. As for a sweater, it's going to be a bit less soft than other materials, not sure I would like that.

>> No.15583244

Sorta related: do ticks like woolen pants, e.g. because they mistake them for fur? I'd like to go fishing sometimes and I don't want to hear up in camo, just some nice classy trousers and jacket. Yes, I know they will get dirty, wet and smell, they'd be used for outdoor activities only

>> No.15583262

hmm, how about separates? i really have no idea about anything when it comes to linen desu, i wouldnt be sure how to spot a good buy, or even what colours to look for. if it helps, my hair is brown and my eyes a dark green.

>> No.15583270

Most will be cream/light brown. You won't have that many choices lol for the most part.

I don't see an issue with separates, linen "suits" are not traditional suits and are fine in casual daily settings. Just make sure they are actually 100% linen and without polyester linings which kinda defeats the object of linen being breathable.

>> No.15583299

can you have a lining cut out at all?

any tips for buying at all, or is linen linen? i see a lot of marks and spencer linen items up for sale.

>> No.15583308

You can cut it out, but I would at least keep the front lining and you may have to secure the edges on the vents, depends on how the manufacturer finished them.

>> No.15583312

is it easy enough for a tailor to do without altering the garment too much?

>> No.15583313

I don't see why you couldn't take the lining out but you'd really need to know what you're doing as it will all fray apart and look messy inside if not. Most shouldn't have a lining anyway.

Well linen will come with differing qualities, but if you're looking at used, brands such as marks and spencer should be fine. Sure, they are "high street" but at the top end of high street in most cases.

>> No.15583338

i always thought marks and spencer were supposed to be terrible. is there really nothing else i should keep in mind beyond general signs of good design like button placement, good fit, etc?

i should also probably look up how to deal with suit measurements online and make sure i get a good fit.

colour wise, is a brown jacket with cream pants a good call with my brown hair? im guessing buying similar colours would be a mistake as itll have the mismatched suit items look.

>> No.15583361

They are way better than the usual burtons, zara, asos etc.

Button placement should be like most of the similar items you might have, just not too high up. Of course fit is key. You need to know your basic measurements, too long arms on the jacket will throw it totally out.

Brown is a pretty versatile hair color, so yeah. The item colors do not have to be totally different as the suit isn't so formal in itself. So for instance if someone had brown chinos on and a cream shirt, they would be similar in color and yet still be fine because they are not formal like a suit. It's when you clearly have something such as a grey suit jacket and pair it with an off color grey pants that it looks mismatched and you tried hard to match.

Personally I would prefer light navy linen pants with a cream colored jacket but navy is a harder color to find used.

>> No.15583405
File: 1.51 MB, 2100x2800, IMG_20200921_174756243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sister thrifted this for me today. Its 95% wool and 5% kashmire. The tie is silk. I need to crop the blazer sleeves. What do you think?

>> No.15583409

Looks good, although I am wary of "tailored fits" which in most cases means slim but I suspect it fits you so shouldn't be an issue, at least on the body.

>> No.15583432

Its a little bit to big. I need to visit a tailor anyway since I lost weight durning this summer. I will post fit when its done.

>> No.15583456

Wow tanned hands

>> No.15583518

Ok guys after years of being a poor student and subsisting off of gap sale clothes I can finally afford nicer clothes since I've graduated and found a good job. Does anyone know where to cop some good chinos? I'm hearing a lot of spier and mckay from my research. Is Polo Ralph Lauren any good? My friend recommended RRL but that's a bit expensive for me

>> No.15583562

i feel like i much prefer lighter coloured pants vs tops myself, so i would be tempted by that sort of combination. if i wanted to look for stuff a step up from M&S or two, do you have any suggestions?

>> No.15583563

as long as it doesnt have that fucking godawful tommy hilfiger logo on the outside it looks pretty nice id say.

>> No.15583747

Yes, really easy

>> No.15584165

Where is SA guy actually? Looks as if his "rona fit" wasn't a joke at all.

>> No.15584168

With that qt nurse

>> No.15584201

Does anyone have any experience with buying bespoke suits abroad, specifically in Thailand? I'm (hopefully) going to Koh Lanta at the start of the new year and would love to get my first proper suit for cheap. However as I have started to frequent these threads lately I've grown more doubtful that it's even worth the money. Are there any signs I should look out for at tailors to get a clue of their skill and quality?

>> No.15584215

id take a look at the /tip/ sticky. thrift irl or on ebay if you wanna save cash, stuff tends to go way below MSRP even BNWT.

>> No.15584459


>> No.15584554

Reporting back. /Tip/ seems nice so far. Will read the sticky and digest from there

>> No.15584622

Any good websites you recommend to shop from?

>> No.15584870

Looking good. But for God's sake, adjust your posture.

>> No.15584964

Posture is unironically the #1 issue for the posters in this general, or at least for their fit pics.

>> No.15585130

This is a TIP fit you tool.

>> No.15585138

Let's be honest. This is menswear general too. And /yip/ is toxic so I can see why someone would go here instead

>> No.15585225

What does Koh Lanta have to do with it? You’re not buying it there are you? It has nothing there lmao. But it’s one of my favourite places on Thailand and on Earth. Don’t miss the Emerald Cave tour

>> No.15585234

Please folow

To see tje video click on link


>> No.15585428

I've been looking for nice cashmere/merino sweaters and came across mahogany-cashmere co uk. Do you guys know if they actually are good or if it's just overpriced HM shit. Seeing as I've never heard about them here or on /tip/ makes me cautious. If trash, where should I look for Good quality sweaters? Bonuspoints if yuro friendly

>> No.15585679

/tip/ is dead from lack of constructive posters

>> No.15586109

New Boring Baldie article:

>> No.15586235
File: 1.24 MB, 1500x2000, buttonholes1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons requested more homemade stuff. This time: difference between button holes.

These are the first button holes that I made, the biggest mistake was a thread that is too thick and rigid.

>> No.15586241
File: 1.63 MB, 1500x2000, buttonholes2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different jacket, changed the thread and was more consistent with the stitches due to practice.
Can you notice further differences? The next trousers will be from the same linen fabric and I just noticed that I'll have about another 2m of it left after I am done, what should I do with these? A third jacket in the same color is really useless, but on the other hand I could make a quick unlined jacket with patch pockets, as a prototype for the blue jacket. Any other suggestions?

>> No.15586483

False. It's all about you wearing the clothes, not the opposite. If you don't own it, you're gonna emit insecurity from your pores.

>> No.15587431

>I just noticed that I'll have about another 2m of it left after I am done, what should I do with these?
A spare pair of trousers if the shape of the leftover bit permits, since trousers wear faster than coats. Make both pairs at the same time for speed.

Otherwise, make a waistcoat to fit with the rest, turn it into a tite three-piece. Linen waistcoats are good both as odd pieces and as a substitute for the coat in very hot weather, too.

>> No.15587840

Makes sense. With this amount of fabric I could fix some issues that I had with the first pair of trousers posted earlier and still make a waistcoat.
Both at the same time is risky, because I never tried high rise trousers before.

>> No.15588834

cringe thread

>> No.15588891
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Good thread.

Do people see facial hair as pretty adaptable to this, or is the focus on clean shaven / stubble?

>> No.15588907

Adaptable so long as it is cut well and suits your image. No slop, no neckbeards.

>> No.15589194

Trousers guy again, next project is on, the parts are cut

>> No.15589502
File: 1.82 MB, 6034x3183, POWERSUIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm back.

Thrifted this jacket today. Made in 1988. Full canvas, functional cuffs, 4x2 DB. ~10 EUR.

Also copped a new lens so I can shoot at night for you guys.

>> No.15589579

Good fit for a thrifted jacked. Or is that tailored already?

>> No.15589604

Completely unaltered. But it is a fully handmade jacket from an old parisian tailor, so not surprising to see it so well contoured.

>> No.15589622

Iron them while a bit damp. That should help a bit. And yes, a bit shorter.

>> No.15590243

How shit are Uniqlo lambswool or merino sweaters?

>> No.15590251
File: 293 KB, 720x523, 5BDE96A8-4342-4F9F-ABAD-776CAA431974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also where to find a sweater with folded cuffs like this?

>> No.15590375

Wow. Incredible. How are you finding canvassed items? I doubt it's on ebay? I either find if it is listed as canvassed the seller knows about clothes and the price is somewhat high, if they don't have a clue about them it will not be listed.

So I suspect the best place is irl thrifting in which you find out yourself.

>> No.15590717

Looks awesome.

>> No.15590784

Tip is quite fine now actually you must be that bad attitude guy who keeps trolling our thread saying it’s shit and this and that. This is your containment thread stay here goodbye

>> No.15591000

Was IRL in person on a whim.

I think the DB configuration plus trim size stopped anyone from buying it. I don't think anyone even knows what canvassing is down here anyway.

>> No.15591011

Why? I get that most people associate DB with prohibition era mafia and think it's outdated. Are the guys who buy suits in your area usually overweight?

>> No.15591020

I haven't seen a tie on another man in months. Even suits are maybe once or twice a week. Only the most basic stuff gets worn, pulling off DB like this is unthinkable to most.

For the sizing, it's very trimly cut. Most of the male population has the amorphous blob bodytype here so wouldn't fit into it.

>> No.15591044

take pics outside of your room it really makes it bad. Also the suit does not fit you very well. Go for a solid colour tie.

>> No.15591158

i have a black gloverall peacoat that just does not fit me in any measure. its also rather tatty on the button sewing, and theres one brass button missing. should i bother attempting to sell it, should i harvest the buttons, or should i just go ahead and take it into my local charity shop?

>> No.15591163

Fit is everything, and you can probably get nicer buttons than those on that coat. Charity it.

>> No.15591166

not even worth flogging on ebay i take it?

>> No.15591178

No idea. How much are you going to get, and how much time is it going to take? Generally not worth it for one item.

>> No.15591182

im thinking mostly because of how tatty it is ill struggle to get enough to cover its postage.

>> No.15591196
File: 41 KB, 700x525, kunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I tell that a jacket is canvassed? The ol' "pull apart the layers of fabric in the chest" is not helpful since I can't tell apart fusible and canvas that way.
I do have a jacket that allows you to peek directly at the chest canvas but that's an exception.

>> No.15591206

In a canvassed jacket you should be able to slide the outer fabric over the canvas to some extent. In a fused jacket the fabric would be fixed.
Also you can look for stitching under the lapel.

>> No.15591258

Feel the thickness of the front fabric vs the thickness of the sleeve (without the lining between).

If they're the same, then your jacket isn't fused.

>> No.15591313

Yeah I mean on my fused jacket I can't even pick up the outer fabric.

>> No.15591529

Reee why does nobody make chinos with a 12" rise or more in the UK? Literally all low/mid rubbish. Luxire/propercloth and similar have massive duties and shipping fees and I can't even send them a decent fitting pair to copy as I can't get one in the first place. Scavini are too slim fitting in the leg. Fuck these fat men who can't put down the fork to fit a proper pair of trousers over their waits

>> No.15591651

whats the closest you found?
also natalino?

>> No.15591714

Some kent and curwen trousers off ebay that I'm getting slimmed slightly, nice rise and fabric (cotton/linen blend in olive green, good for spring/summer/early autumn). Construction is 'ok' - the odd loose thread but we'll see how they hold up once I've had them altered.

Natalino looks pretty good - ideally I was going flat front no pleat as it's more casual (eg tee + cardigan, untucked flannel shirt) but coming to the realisation that pleats lend themselves better to higher rise for drape and that the long creases can be ironed out to step it down a touch

>> No.15591876

Check therake.com

>> No.15591941
File: 1.41 MB, 2000x1500, hrpt1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Progress is going fast on these. Basic preparation of the fly parts and added the front pleats.

>> No.15593019

are printed long sleeve dress shirts inherently lesser quality?

>> No.15593021
File: 123 KB, 1200x800, 9CC35E35-BAE6-4550-8C63-9E12BCD2C41E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15593034

Not fitted well to your body

>> No.15593042

*tips fedora*

>> No.15593493


>> No.15593733

Looks good. Ignore the haters. Not everything has to be slim fit. i prefer a more conservative cut myself and you pretty much nailed it.

>> No.15594146

milsurp pants anon here. ive got pilling on the back of my thighs already, right on the inside of them. is this a quality thing, or just something thats going to happen if youre carrying a bit extra? im a bit overweight but im not exactly carrying around a tyre or anything, and theyre 60/40 wool poly and have been machine washed.

>> No.15594158

At what temperature did you wash them? Soap + wool + high temperature + friction makes felt, and the fabric may be quite old already, so it may also be a quality/age thing

>> No.15594236

delicates i think, ill wash on a wool cycle next time

>> No.15594534

I think the rpm of the tumbler is more important. Pick a lower setting there?
Basically: turn the pants inside out before you wash them, try to prevent them from chafing with other clothes in the machine, e.g. by putting them in a mesh bag (rolled up for even less contact/movement)

>> No.15594609

In-seam pockets gave me a headache today, but made further progress, the button holes on the fly are all finished.

>> No.15595161

>tfw don't want to pay more than 800 on a jacket
>Armoury drops a kino animated lookbook
https://thearmoury.. com/journal/the-armoury-fall-winter-2020

>> No.15596170

Imo, the jacket is too big and bulky around the waist area. The colours look really good though. I'd go brown belt and brown shoes but I am gay af.

>> No.15596232

Peter Christian.

>> No.15596324

would a black sportscoat with contrasting buttons make a reasonable enough substitute for a navy blazer?

>> No.15596334

jetted pockets on a casual jacket, yay or nay?

>> No.15596341

Nope. They’re the most formal. Go patch or if you have to flap.

>> No.15596402

i fucking hate patch pockets, they look utterly useless to me. at least flaps have something to guard against things falling out

>> No.15596502
File: 1.82 MB, 1109x2436, EC8A3226-9703-451B-B4AF-937ED7980418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this fit salvageable or should I go back to jeans and printed tees

>> No.15596516

Good fit, just stop standing like a faggot

>> No.15596518
File: 44 KB, 640x486, s-l640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is a plain leather bag /sprezz/ or can I do better?

you look pretty good imo, but your shoes have kind of a bulky sole

>> No.15596548

The turtleneck is fucked and the coat needs ironing, but otherwise it is a good fit. Your feet look tiny, so you may want to look into that.

>> No.15596550

Safari jackets that aren't 100% cotton:

>> No.15596655

I like it. The shoes I could take or leave. Try buttoning the middle button on your jacket and stand like a man

>> No.15596656
File: 2.68 MB, 4032x3024, E06FAA26-07CC-42DC-9B8E-1313FF887D84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning Sprezz. Threadly reminder to shine your shoes. There’s nothing like the smell of wax in the morning

>> No.15596705

How does one stands like a man ?

>> No.15596707

w2c everything

>> No.15596710

Don’t do the head tilt, you’re not an Instagram thot

>> No.15597001

reposting from /tip/

ive got a pair of brooks brothers pants up for sale in a size too large for me, with outward facing pleats. ive had trouble selling them in spite of them being brand new and at a fraction of the MSRP. out of curiosity, would a tailor be able to reduce them by a size for me, and change the pleats to inward facing ones? if so, would i be paying out the arse for it or would it be viable? i got the pants pretty cheap all in all, and if getting them in a wearable state is cheap enough i might just bite the bullet and send them to the tailor for alterations.

>> No.15597062

based and Alan from The Armoury pilled

>> No.15597067


>> No.15597072

As I've said, Alan See from The Armoury (a menswear store with Hong King and NYC locations) usually gets his sportcoats with jetted pockets because he likes the clean look.
Nibba mentions it in nearly every WIWT video on his IG.

>> No.15597075

i have never heard of him desu

>> No.15597131
File: 576 KB, 1121x3693, IMG_6095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse dirty mirror, shit light and stuff lying around. rate fit plz

>> No.15597142

jesus man that looks bad, and i dont think its just the pose distorting your shape.

>> No.15597153

Doing anything with pleats will require open heart surgery. Sell them and buy something else.

>> No.15597160

man ive been trying but apparently £30 is too much for brand new brooks brothers.

>> No.15597200
File: 2.11 MB, 4032x3024, hanging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15597256

What compels a man to wear shit blue jeans with a double breasted jacket.

>> No.15597348

how do you rotate the clothes you wear? at the moment i wear a pair of pants for a few days in a row, then rotate to another pair, but i get the feeling im doing it wrong.

>> No.15597645

>even the image quality is bad

>> No.15597651

Lads!! DEEBLY CONCERNED.. Where is SA anon? He appeared to get the china flu and if he was off work sick or whatever, you'd think he would post but maybe it fucked it him up so bad he can't even post.

He isn't fat and he's young. Not gonna lie, getting worried here..

>> No.15597971

What backpack style do you suggest?

>> No.15597985

Car-coat/Mac : Hilfiger
Turtleneck and trousers : De Fursac
Socks : grandma
Derbies : Paraboot Chambord

>> No.15598066

You could go for the hunting jacket look and get patch pockets with buttoned flaps

>> No.15598468

i bit the bullet and got a flap pocket navy blazer cheap. only down side is its a linen mix with a cotton lining, not sure what i make of that but for £8 it cant be that bad of an addition to my wardrobe. hopefully itll be good enough for summer wear with whatever other bits of linen i acquire over winter. some more button ups and slightly more breathable trousers would be a welcome addition for summer outings.

the one thing that ive currently no idea how to solve is the problem of walking shoes. i like long walks out, but i dont like pairing hiking boots with anything other than cords or jeans.

>> No.15598472

Starting from the top:
>shit haircut, get a trim
>black shirt, possibly short sleeved
>lapels too damn wide
>shirt sleeves too short (see above) or jacket sleeves too long
>jacket too short
>jacket seems to really add on the hips
>jeans in general with a double breasted jacket, these jeans in particular
>brown shoes with a black (?) jacket/shirt

Overall: What the fuck.
Put on grey slacks, a lighter coloured shirt and clean your mirror.

>> No.15598474


>> No.15598492

>>What is “sprezzatura”?
>Required viewing: [YouTube] The Truth About Sprezzatura (embed) [Embed]
What happened to the URL?

>> No.15598576

Parisien ?


>> No.15598629

bump on this question

>> No.15598711

does anyone have any advice for customising buttons on a blazer? assuming it all fits i am going to replace the buttons on my new blazer with antiqued brass or silver ones, likely something relatively cheap from ebay. its a 2 button single breasted jacket with 4 buttons on each sleeve.

>> No.15598881

Are hats forever dead?

>> No.15598902

Whoever copied it had 4chanX so it turned the url into the title, and they forgot to change it back.

>> No.15598964

Very un-sprezzatura of the OP.

>> No.15598969

I mean that is the bad part about corona. The virus itself is not that bad, but if you do get any complications then your chances of survival drop immensely. In all honesty he is probably just taking a break because he's sick. I had wuflu back in February and it was a very rough time. I was not in any condition to browse the 'Ch0n

>> No.15599043

I thought this post was him: >>15589502

>> No.15599079
File: 645 KB, 1062x1018, Screenshot_20200927-184352~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, I get it now. Why not, but I am not SRS

>> No.15599210

hats are acceptable in cold weather if you have very short hair. a hat however needs to be functional and not too dressy, or you run the risk of looking larpy. either that or you need to acquire tits.

>> No.15599217

Take Brian Sacawa for example, even though many of his outfits look quite good, some are disputable, but the ones where he is wearing a hat look really out of place for me

>> No.15599227

because nobody wears hats anymore. theyre just one of those things that fell out of fashion, with the ever greater casualisation of mens clothing. exceptions include things like tweed caps though, and more functional styles of hat. if you arent wearing a hat to stay warm though you will look a tit.

>> No.15599243

I own a hat myself, still I think that his hat outfits look weird

>> No.15599253

post hat

>> No.15599266
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>> No.15599604

i mean with fit

>> No.15599623

Yeah, those probably look even worse than the ones I am criticizing, but I like that hat anyway

>> No.15599645

The point of sprezzatura is being mad stylish without seemingly or effectively putting any effort into it and yet there's a thread full of spergos going autist mode on the topic lel.

>> No.15599725

>throw on joggies
>put on yesterdays tshirt with stains on
>you are now sprezz

>> No.15599755

can I dress like this if I am hispanic?

I tried dressing prep before but I just look like I am larping as a white person.

>> No.15599767

>more med genetics than anglo
>can i dress like im from the med?
sure, just make accomodations to make it fit in more locally. if your local area calls for avoiding certain things, take that into account. if your local area lets you get away with something, go for it. keep shit practical and justifiable with a short explanation. linen is your best bud in warm climates for example. steer clear of flashy things when you start, pick a good, comfortable, practical pair of shoes, then add a button up and then a good pair of pants with them. better to start conservative than become an accidental med equivalent of reviewbrah.

just some protips from someone who made a tit of themselves trying to get into tip stuff

>> No.15599834

Bros I am lost in a cyclone of confusion and ebay pages. Can anyone tell me the difference between these brands?
Lauren Ralph Lauren
Ralph Lauren green
Ralph Lauren
Polo university club? Is one better than the others? Still looking for corduroy sport coats but they are all under wacky diffusion lines that I'm not sure about.

>> No.15599838

They are all different product lines from top end to low.

Check this out for a summary:


>> No.15599890

Thanks. Ebay is a madhouse sometimes but you can find good shit for cheap. I'll keep looking

>> No.15599909

It's just luck really. Purple label is pretty rare but people who sell it tend to know its value and those searching for it also do. Often the best is auctions that end at odd times as most work them out to end at like say 7pm Saturday evening when everyone is online.

>> No.15599912

So was it a bad cold? :S

I don't think? I thought that guy was French. Still it's weird, we have high figures of symptoms s at all then we have people here dropping like flies.

>> No.15599922

Yeah pretty much. I'm 26 and in decent shape (could stand to drop 15 or 20 pounds though) and I felt pretty bad. I can see how it would kill an old person/fatty/someone with comorbidities.

>> No.15599929

I don't mind feeling a bit shit but it's the not being able to breathe part. Must be terrifying.

>> No.15599957

Yeah there was only one point where I thought I was dying. When I finally fell asleep I felt a lot better the next day. Also is a corduroy jacket even worth it? I love how they look but I'm also a second grade teacher. I mostly wear some sort of polo/ocbd with a cardigan. I've been wanting a jacket but with less structure than a blazer. Any recs? I trust your opinion.

>> No.15600028
File: 2.31 MB, 1357x894, cord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a cord jacket fits that look, I actually kinda like them. I think the color has a big impact like browns having the older dated vibe if not done right.

Someone posted this pic recently and I think cord in this color looks great.

>> No.15600590

You're severely missing the point where it's about looking ELEGANT and STYLISH while seeming like it's just something you threw on. Sprezzatura would be rolling out of bed and throwing on wool trousers and a nice shirt, even if you're just going to be relaxing. "Sharp but not stuffy" is the best way to describe it.

>> No.15600860

Camp/Ranger Mocs

>> No.15600865

I dun goofed

>> No.15600869

Flat cap

>> No.15600931

Ah, hard to tell actually, both usually post just up to their chin and it looks similar, but I wondered why the prices were in EUR.

Anyway, I too would be glad if the SA guy reported back.

>> No.15601007

Don't worry, though, I have the text copypastad

>> No.15601144

i honestly have my doubts about them being any good for long distance stuff, especially if it gets muddy at any point.

>> No.15601148

They are fine as walking shoes. I've taken mine to the beach, tidepools, forest trails, cities, etc. For long walks, which is what you specifically stated, they are fine. Mud isn't good for any shoes but those designed to withstand water and treacherous conditions.
If you are talking about hiking then you need hiking shoes. If you mean walking then the ones I mentioned will do fine. To me at least 'walking' does not conjure up visions of muddy slopes and unstable terrain. 'Hiking' does.
Also if you need hiking shoes then don't even worry about fashion. People who strive to be /fa/ and /out/ always fail at one and usually both.

>> No.15601165

sort of half and half, theres a lot of areas near me where clearly 0 fucks have been given to pedestrians as basically everyone drives, and you wind up walking on a sloped bit of dirt to the side of the road. i have hiking boots but honestly theyre kinda shit, on my daily couple mile walk they have a habit of giving me blisters or hurting my toes because they just dont fit right, and i darent take these bastards on my old 10 mile route because of it. i figured it might be worth looking into other options than just whatevers on the shelf in my local sports direct for a change.

>> No.15601167

should also mention that 10 mile route is a cliffside walk

>> No.15601171

Get hiking boots that fit. You will be happier in the long run. Don't worry about fashion when hiking - comfort, durability and support are the only concerns. That said Danner Mountain lights are good all around and look great as well.
The Mocs will work for walks on paths and maintained forest trails. I would be hesitant to take them off-road or on extended uphill ventures.

>> No.15601176

got any advice for solid brands? i have a wider foot but sizing up typically results in slipping which over distance results in blisters. i would also probably prefer a shoe, given they have less actual fabric which has to conform to the shape of my heel, therefore less room for a poor fit.

>> No.15601190

I have wide feet too and have trouble finding good brands. From my experience brand matters less than each individual model. You'll have to go somewhere and try a few on. Wear your usual hiking socks and walk around the store a bit. They should fit well from the start. Some break in may be necessary but pinching and excessive tightness are signs of a poor fit.

>> No.15601248

desu anon, these felt fine in store. its only when i took them out that i started noticing they are not any good up and downhill, and theres just enough heel slippage, toe banging, and crushing of the sides of my feet over the course of an hour that i dread to think what they would be like on a longer walk.

>> No.15601311

>likely something relatively cheap from ebay
Buttons themselves are really not that expensive anyways. In your place I'd also check a local shop or manufacturer website.

>> No.15601390

I'm more of a trail runner guy because I don't need the ankle support where I go, but usually when getting hiking shoes/boots you ignore the rules about things like goodyear welts. Inov-8 is the one I'm using now, it has some wider shoes.

>> No.15601474

New Thread >>15601471
>New Thread >>15601471
New Thread >>15601471
>New Thread >>15601471
New Thread >>15601471
>New Thread >>15601471

>> No.15601502

That was pretty clear

>> No.15601595
File: 2.59 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20200921_190744975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I use Saphir Renouvatour on my watch crocodile leather strap? It feels stiff and dry. Is it safe?

>> No.15601598

Works great on shoes, don't see why not. Read up on croc leather to be safe