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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 52 KB, 640x789, 1568721314772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15503950 No.15503950 [Reply] [Original]

GIRLS, what sort of style do you prefer on men and what sort of mens style do you cringe at?

>> No.15503959
File: 116 KB, 801x981, peak fashion16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SEXcore > rest

>> No.15503965

this + a fit muscular body

guys should honestly try to dress more sexier

>> No.15503980

Men in well tailored suits and anything on ASOS men's is good.

>> No.15503982

Black cowboy boots

>> No.15503983

Okay I take that ASOS thing back (hate the sweats and hoodies. Hate the see through/mesh clothing on men. and douchebag necklines on shirts)

>> No.15504003
File: 236 KB, 1200x1400, 1560725597350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm a fag, and I'm best friends with a couple girls.

Women love that border between sexcore and normcore. Nice fitting shirts, some cologne, a bracelet or a ring, something a little bit flashy but nothing gaudy, ripped jeans, basically last years styles. Slim fitting, tight clothing on nice physique is what they're looking for. This is objectively what women desire most. Won't be posting proof but just take my word for it.

Oh and obviously it only works if you're confident, or you can fake being confident. Big pp energy boys. At that point, I've even seen them go for guys 5'7 and under.

>> No.15504005

>douchebag necklines on shirts
shit. post an example plz

>> No.15504009
File: 149 KB, 600x902, 1564892522781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Henley's and baseball tees for some reason also.

>> No.15504012
File: 957 KB, 574x715, 1586724898210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This would be an extreme example, but you get the idea.

To reiterate, this is an example of what REPULSES females, not attracts. REPULSES, not attracts.

>> No.15504013

this, any other answer is a cope. some weird alt girls like alt-chads though.

>> No.15504024

That image made my day lmao

>> No.15504028

ìmagine dressing for women lmao

>> No.15504034

afaik women just like the male version of what males like on women. e.g., expensive-looking, tidy, well-fitting clothes on an attractive body that are stylish but not too tryhard

i just dont know what the male equivalent of a dress/skirt is

>> No.15504036

incel cope

>> No.15504045

>ìmagine dressing for women lmao
Many women do it for us - wearing flattering clothing, makeup and so on..
So whats so about doing it as a guy lol?

>> No.15504047

100% chance this lad is from the UK

>> No.15504065

Women say that they're doing it for themselves. I don't care if they're saying the truth or not though. Fuck that shit, wear what feels right, I don't want to walk around looking like a H&M mannequin or the next trending shit on some shitty GQ magazine.

>> No.15504081
File: 188 KB, 756x1008, 2145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is gooood?
I basically only have fitting shit

>> No.15504096

Yeah you're doing good.

>> No.15504105

and why do you think it "feels right" you fucking dumbass? because you're projecting the image you want to others, i.e. women.

>> No.15504124

I probably come off as a tryhard/weirdo to people but I don't wanna look like a normie either

>> No.15504128

>Big pp energy boys.

I like your comment but please stop watching Pewdiepie

>> No.15504131

yes this is good

>> No.15504134

>Women say that they're doing it for themselves.

that's actually a lie. you know why they do it? In order to outperform or outplay some other competing female to garner more male attention. I don't believe the lie of "I only dress for myself and that's it." from anybody. Not even from fellow guys. The psychological component about this is just too prevalent. Clothing is a medium for socializing better. It's not only like that but that's a big part of it.

>> No.15504139

hey, great physique, dude.
looking good.

>> No.15504140
File: 30 KB, 960x960, 1583559129846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't watch pewdiepie and I have no idea what you're talking about, so I'm guessing you probably watch a lot of pewdiepie then?

>> No.15504145

>I don't watch pewdiepie and I have no idea what you're talking about

good. just don't use the "big pp" meme or you'll get associated with him.

>> No.15504156


yeah pretty much.

>> No.15504170

only by people that watch him, apparently. people like you

>> No.15504194
File: 33 KB, 578x431, gachimuchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, its gachimuchi-core

>> No.15504204

this dude walks up to you and your girl, pushes her away and grabs your pp, never dropping eye contact, wdyd?

>> No.15504209

push my girl even father away and submit to whateve he says

>> No.15504214

>I'll show you whos boss of this gym..

>> No.15504260


Hey buddy i think you got the wrong door, the leather clubs two blocks down

>> No.15504325

fuck you..

>> No.15504332

Girls won't like me either way so might as well dress the way I want

>> No.15504339

cut to <=10% BF

>> No.15504342

This is ironic... right?

>> No.15504367


no fuck you leather man

>> No.15504374

A man is short sleeves or shorts is really cringey. At the very least wear pants and a coat or jacket. I also cringe at "urban" styles like you're trying to be some swaggy 15 year old.

>> No.15504375

>Women say that they're doing it for themselves.
And no one with more than 3 brain cells believes them.

>> No.15504376
File: 67 KB, 800x610, 3da2109bb82677d2de1e04961533ab7f47f28388f925824719d2efced5ae87e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>short sleeves or shorts is really cringey
its summer bitch wtf do you want me to wear?!

>> No.15504395

I just said. Pants and a coat or jacket. They have different materials that are for cold or hot weather.

>> No.15504413
File: 257 KB, 904x480, 001-tile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15504428

a summer jacket/coat? what are you on about? people can barely keep their t-shirts on

>> No.15504437
File: 120 KB, 559x1022, slp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15504439

That's so fake. Those people already want to take their clothes off for other reasons. You'll be cooler wearing clothes in the heat. It keeps the sun off your skin which not only keeps your temperature cooler, but it protects you from sun damage, sunburns, aged skin, cancer, etc. And bonus points for looking good because you're wearing nice clothes.

>> No.15504464

Who is this goddess?

>> No.15504469


Business and smart casual or whatever it's called. Everything else doesn't even register in my mind. Get a nice suit before you dump a few grand on an ayylmao gucci tracksuit.

>> No.15504471


Yes, very nice

>> No.15504474
File: 954 KB, 1055x711, asos gag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't go wrong with most things on ASOS, but those low V necklines are awful so I had to point it out. That example the person gave you was good too. Any essentric weird ass neckline. Keep it normal chaps.
This weird stuff makes me gag. Save it for the homos

>> No.15504477

It's fine, just very basic. If it weren't for your nice arms, I wouldn't notice you. Try button up tees and wear a leather watch too.

>> No.15504479

Bitch I live in Florida, it is currently 100 degrees outside. I wear the bare minimum to not get arrested

>> No.15504481

What is sexcore? Just tight clothes?

>> No.15504485
File: 1.55 MB, 996x1080, peak fashion12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, tight-fitting fast fashion core

>> No.15504488

ew guys who wear ripped denim pants

>> No.15504491
File: 269 KB, 1200x800, le6025$01-leatherman-v201911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15504503

"Get a hot body" is good advice but I wouldn't call it a style

>> No.15504506


>> No.15504551


>> No.15504553

Leather jackets are great, but not these full-blown double riders

>> No.15504615

Wearing what feels right is not the same as copying the currently most popular Instagram look. I thought we were on a fashion board ffs.
>Clothing is a medium for socializing better
I agree. That's why I wear the shit that I feel the most comfortable in. I don't need the attention from some damn Kim Kardashian fans and nu-dudebros, but the people I actually want to socialize with.

>> No.15504623

i can dream

>> No.15504643


I don't care what some normalfag thinks about my (admittedly very vanilla) style anyway

>> No.15504647
File: 96 KB, 190x360, 1591849591037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking based

>> No.15504663

>Won't be posting proof but just take my word for it.

Why would you even type that and expect me to take your post seriously

>> No.15504669

I dress for whoever I'm around. I just like dressing better than as many people as possible.

>> No.15504689

this is avantgarde SEXcore, dude is 10 years ahead of /fa/

>> No.15504701

SEXcore gets you SEX

Anything else is a cope

>> No.15504706

That’s SEXcore but cracked up to the maximum.

Doesn’t look bad but you definitely need the body for it

>> No.15504724

>avantgarde SEXcore

>> No.15504725

I would worship those tight breasts.

>> No.15504731
File: 103 KB, 256x443, 1592207482294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur too thicc for those jeans looking kinda dumpy friendo

>> No.15504732

At my work every cute asian girl I see is always with a fat older balding white man and all the mexican girls are with manlets

>> No.15504736

when you wear skinny jeans, you're only sending a signal that you can't fight for shit and even if you could, you'd get raped by any fighter that has pants that allow him to move his legs without twisting a testicle.

>> No.15504782

mmmm titties

>> No.15504788
File: 145 KB, 786x892, D57C7234-FB09-4348-8641-015456FF783C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15504845

Cute Asian women are DESIGNED for hot, masculine white men. If only they did not settle for the fat old balding ones.

>> No.15504858

>caring if women wear expensive clothing
gay men, maybe

>> No.15504865

i mean its fucking uncanny literally every single cute asian girl that was with a man was with a relatively taller fat or old horribly balding man and sometimes they even have like 3 kids running around

>> No.15504890

doesn't really matter so long as their aren't skid marks in his underwear

>> No.15504902
File: 123 KB, 1080x1344, 1541795464789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I agree it is a problem. I do see them with attractive white men but it is less common. Do you think the problem is the language barrier that the hot Japanese/Korean ones usually have makes it harder to have genuine relationships with? You mainly only see westernized ones with attractive white men because of it. And I guess we both know the ones you see are likely just marrying for money/security with ugly fat rich white men.

>> No.15504907

>in the summer
based retard

>> No.15504915

>not wearing jackets in the summer

>> No.15504958

>tantric SEXcore

>> No.15504976

>Wearing what feels right is not the same as copying the currently most popular Instagram look.
i never said it was dumbass, but notice how most people "feel right" in clothes that suit their attractiveness level and station in life.

>> No.15504993

JFC... Also black and brown has to die. It looks shit.

>> No.15504998

Idk I'm a dyke

>> No.15505010

Take the SEX pill (the blue one)

>> No.15505065

I have an iq above 120 so the utility and enjoyment of fashion ends at what it does in attracting woman. I have better things to focus on for personal enrichment than clothing.

>> No.15505093

>I have better things to focus on for personal enrichment
then why the fuck are you on 4channel?

>> No.15505122

Everybody has a vice

>> No.15505183
File: 104 KB, 220x165, tenor (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck this thread

>> No.15505367

>this thread


>> No.15505449

It looks really boring without a jacket.

>> No.15505458

>a leather watch
You're a fucking moron

>> No.15505459

Thanks for the tips, mr fag. What do you suggest for a guy with a slight dad body?

>> No.15505624

I love that many asian girls find white men more attractive to their own race.. I feel the same way about them! I'm probably brainwashed but I don't give a fuck...

>> No.15505631

younger men look sexy in them.
It's clear you don't have a fucking vagina. Go get your old man chains and silicone sports watches.

>> No.15505660

It's not called a leather watch you dipshit. There is no such thing as a leather watch. It's a watch on a leather band. No one fucking calls a watch on a leather band a leather watch except for your dumb ass.

>> No.15505679

Anal, party of one.

>> No.15505692

i'm going to ignore all the answers except this

>> No.15505694

why are you so upset?

>> No.15505695

That's a really weird thing to get absolutely assblasted about

>> No.15505697
File: 311 KB, 744x687, georgie boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still being surprised by autism on 4chan

>> No.15505699

literally kill yourself, you stupid sack of shit

>> No.15505701

I expect more considering the fact that over half of people on this website also browse Reddit

>> No.15505710

Don't lump the rest of us in with you, filthy fucking transplant.

>> No.15505726

Yeah I'm a Redditor, what are you gonna do about it? :p

>> No.15505729

ignore you

>> No.15505730

chill bro lmao

>> No.15505737

>what are you gonna do about it
Nothing. Enjoy ruining a interesting website because of your fucking entitlement. You probably didn't even bother doing the mandatory 1 year of lurking before posting. Redditors are fucking awful.

>> No.15505738

I live in las vegas lll

>> No.15505741

Is this Mariya Takeuchi

>> No.15505750

hey buddy

>> No.15505779

I had to work with him once as the company I'm at does a lot of shit with influencers.. he's as obnoxious as he looks.

>> No.15505825


>> No.15505891

A diet.

>> No.15505929

>I dont know the bale equivalent of dress/skirt
Suit/Oxford you dumbass.

>> No.15505960
File: 2.63 MB, 1490x1362, Bildschirmfoto 2020-08-23 um 11.48.14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SEXcore, what else

>> No.15505995

Don't feel shame brother. They were designed for BWC. It's just nature.

>> No.15506055

>anything on ASOS men's is good

>> No.15506062

What's a good jacket for a fit guy ? I was thinking a bomber and maybe a slim leather jacket, but can't think of anything else. Slim fit coats don't look nice imo

>> No.15506101
File: 18 KB, 182x281, _20200823_140808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am i doing?

>> No.15506104

a great job at giving people eye cancer

>> No.15506125

Basically good, maybe go to a better barber, and work on pecs, those are minor tho :)

>> No.15506127

This guy doesn’t fuck

>> No.15506131

its a woman afaik

>> No.15506159

arms too thin to pull off the action figure look desu

>> No.15506171

what about stretching materials?

>> No.15506174

found the only girl itt
would you be so kind as to post your tits?
or a sharpie in your pooper maybe?

>> No.15506182


>> No.15506183

depends if I'm ovulating or not

>> No.15506189

Dude shops in the women’s section

>> No.15506192

If anyone thinks this is the pinnacle of attractiveness they aren't worth appealing to, especially since there is real love waiting for you if you just be yourself

>> No.15506200

is that good or baad

>> No.15506273
File: 2.11 MB, 1252x1532, peak fashion12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15506338

I have a big pp but small pp energy. How to fix this?

>> No.15506461

definitely not """men""" who are into asians

>> No.15506530

Sexcore is so boring and gay. Fuck lifting and dressing for women.

>> No.15506546

>Can't go wrong with most things on ASOS
You can't go right with anything on ASOS, it's all cheap fast fashion trash.

>> No.15506556

A diet.

>> No.15506606


>> No.15506608

Please wear more gay earrings, men

>> No.15506644

This only possibly applies on the West Coast. On the East Coast, humidity makes any layering a sweat suit.

>> No.15506728

enjoy masturbating to your ugly skinnyfat body alone in your geobaskets

>> No.15506846

I couldn't do a proper kick in pants like this even if they contained spandex but maybe they didn't have enough % or I was scared to rip the shit out of them

>> No.15507119


>> No.15507144

Those pants aren't nearly as restrictive as you think they are.

>> No.15507194

Why does he wear the mask?

>> No.15507210
File: 371 KB, 1456x2057, q95ZPW6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless SEXcore

>> No.15507225

thats not SEXcore, its into high fashion territory

>> No.15507479

stop believing everything you read online
interact with asians irl and youll see that white fever or whatever is a meme

>> No.15507484

still SEXcore
/fa/ should start embracing the S E X

>> No.15507762
File: 2.62 MB, 3264x2815, men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really not into threads like this but here's my take
there's a big difference between "attractive" and what I would want my bf to wear. Obviously thin twinks / model-tier guys look best in clothes which is not my body preference. Lots of styles I wish I could pull of but mens / androgynous looks don't work with my body

nothing hotter than a guy in a sporty fit with shorts above the knee. also super into classy trad/prep (NOT frat-core)

>> No.15507771

ew those people are all dressed like high schoolers you fucking pedo

>> No.15507845

Why are you faggots on a fashion forum but lacking knowledge and desperate for validation by normie girls?

>> No.15507918
File: 59 KB, 640x480, gErREDx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15508633
File: 26 KB, 256x384, normie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, so it's just dressing basic af then

>> No.15508647

>women have basic as fuck tastes
Who would have guess.

>> No.15508649


>> No.15508654

this is all atrociously bland wow can mods start banning these posters? the quality of this board is dropping by the minute

>> No.15508816

Nice trousers

>> No.15508817

Bad trousers

>> No.15508820

Bad but approaching okayish trousers

>> No.15508881

No, clothing is a medium of expression.
A lot of people want to express their status and belonging. Personally, I express my worldview through my clothing. I can do corporate just fine, but I do so in my own, function first, way. I know this doesn't sit well with business-only (sales) cucks, and I'm fine with that. I'm a highly skilled professional with no interest or need for office politics. I want to lead or participate in a team of similarly skilled professionals in order to actually build value for customers.

tl;dr I dress for myself and in relation to others. Everyone else does this as well.

>> No.15509003
File: 94 KB, 417x993, 1598265919979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this idiot?

>> No.15509006

sorry I don't like mexicans

>> No.15509062

dude looks straight from jojo

>> No.15509268

nah definitely not, this girl looks vietnamese

>> No.15510099


>> No.15510108

Looking good Hashinshin

>> No.15510123

Thick forearms bro.

>> No.15510231

its how about you look not what you wear

>> No.15510251
File: 482 KB, 431x565, 1ee64150c1a2c790d81967d2b206b03c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally loveee 70's aesthetics and he geekier the better. Think Jackson from SuperMega

>> No.15510572

I don't want to be laughed at

>> No.15510582

Srsly? He looks like a sexual offender stereotype

>> No.15510672

Sorry I'm not into the most boring, stereotypical chad types, anon. I'll tailor my preferences to be less "weird"

>> No.15510986

Please do so

>> No.15511191


>> No.15511236

Based Chad Style

>> No.15511268

A Jacket in Texas 100 degree weather

>> No.15511274

Watch fag

>> No.15511637

I see someone doesn't own a leather watch...

>> No.15511992
File: 3 KB, 95x125, 1578432832396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is avantgarde SEXcore


>> No.15512014


>> No.15512023
File: 119 KB, 750x450, Saint-Laurent-Jeans_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15512066



>> No.15512097

>Asking a woman what she wants.
OP is a retard

>> No.15512136


Pretty much, when i see a guy dress like that he's probably compensating for a small brain and small penis. SEXcore is trash. i like guy's who know how to dress like adults.

>> No.15512672

wtf are with those bags? no one actually has them.

>> No.15513110
File: 52 KB, 480x852, legionario imperial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15513121
File: 1.31 MB, 1820x2730, wpy0tuumqsmdb5wznz9mqbemmdwd3wj3jfxatof3avwqohrxdruervrgpxopytoz-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or this
just the idea of sweaty war men without pantaloons awakes something so feral in me
Whenever there's the Passio Cristi procession in my town and the legionaries pass by I want to be impregnated by all of them there and now

>> No.15513135
File: 275 KB, 1152x1541, 1563623759082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sucks that the only modern men in male skirts nowadays are scots. I love thek ilt but most angloids are so ugly

>> No.15513139

this thread is shit and so are the men larping as women to reassure themselves.

>> No.15513143

i wish i could go back and conquer gaul

>> No.15513153

godly based.

>> No.15513162

sheesh bro lookin good

>> No.15513165

how so

>> No.15513171

Im a bigger fan of the bomber desu

>> No.15513172


nobody asked you. kys lol

>> No.15513437

Slim jeans are trash, fuck women.

>> No.15513441

And women do it because they depend on men and they're only worth is in looks.
Also I hate how women dress and do the make up.

>> No.15513448

He's absolutely right. Stupidity should be frowned upon, this is not the kindergarten.
Fucking imbecile.

>> No.15513461

agreed, but he was being a sperg. also being a sperg and childish is calling it a leather watch lmao.

>> No.15513465
File: 166 KB, 1019x1000, 009-alain-delon-theredlist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute shit taste. Except for Delon.

>> No.15513542
File: 3.44 MB, 1716x2000, image003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the girls what about this or similar

>> No.15514054


>> No.15514703
File: 737 KB, 1331x2418, animecharacter1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i prefer sort of a darker colored style that leans feminine while still maintaining a masculine appearance. Deep red, dark purple, black/dark blue jeans, cardigans, piercings, longer hair, maybe even nail polish. im not even the best at describing it lol. I will say i can't stand blue denim jean jackets, but that is very much a personal preference. Not all girls are into the look im into, and id say most women just like a guy who dresses kinda basic but "well". However there is definitely a significant minority who like a more feminine look and find it super appealing.

>> No.15514705


>> No.15514828

Looks pretentious as fuck and homosexual. Like someone you want to beat up after seeing him for 5 seconds.

I can't see anything masculine in that picture, might as well have a dilator cropped out of the pic.

>> No.15514845

kudos for having the courage to dress like that

>> No.15514853

yeah. they're called "lesbians" anon

>> No.15514858
File: 3.00 MB, 1280x533, how to treat women.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women shouldn't dictate how men dress, if anything it's the opposite. Women don't know the first thing about life, if you let them run the world we'd all starve after a month, they certainly don't know anything about style and taste, look at what they do to their tits, their eyebrows, their faces, their hair, their nails and their clothes. Everything about modern women is revolting, I'll be damned if I let a women decide how I have to dress.

>> No.15514869

well, i like what i like! teehee
in my mind, his bone structure makes him look masculine. but im just a dumb woman, so what do i know.

>> No.15514873

Sauce? That was hot.

>> No.15514874

Please refer to the above post.

>> No.15514877
File: 85 KB, 415x462, lewdreaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please, tell me more about how stupid women are...

>> No.15514882

>you make me sick

>> No.15514885

You might think you want something different but in reality your mind and body crave a strong male that dominates you. Stop lying to yourself and accept your biological role in society, you'll find yourself happier that way because you'll fullfil your purpose.
Shut up, roastie.

>> No.15514887
File: 1.14 MB, 1366x768, AGP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your misogyny speaks volumes, ma'am.
cis women don't speak like that.

>> No.15514889

no, really, please tell me more about how women are meant to be subordinate to men
i am literally begging

>> No.15514930

>I also cringe at "urban" styles like you're trying to be some swaggy 15 year old.

still better than a young person wearing a fucking suit and tie like Review Bruh or some other pretentious sperglord. same goes for girls. I cringe at girls over-dressing daily and who wear vintage shit only. 2020 is the year, not the 1950s. I take the sporty young urban look any day over that because it's far less pretentious.

>> No.15514942

so basically, stop being interesting and just look groomed

>> No.15514982
File: 3.36 MB, 250x180, tumblr_32b7eeffded2fe23cf0df307a0bec126_e7156b82_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still need to be interesting.
And you need to smell good.
Think of a date as a job interview for a gigilo position and dress/behave accordingly.

>> No.15515010

>You still need to be interesting.

I meant visually.

>> No.15515017

you're a big guy

>> No.15515031

You don't find the play of muscles beneath taught fabrics to be visually interesting?
Remember you're trying to attract women, not yourself.

>> No.15515060

>women are attracted by muscles

Women don't have the gay guy brain.

>> No.15515066

or just buy basically the same shit from Zara

>> No.15515068


>> No.15515074

then why does sexxcore work?

>> No.15515108

sure it does

>> No.15515422



>> No.15515425


for you

>> No.15515431

Maybe stop wearing a walmart suit you dumb piece of shit. A good jacket will always make a man look better. Always.
Fit is everything. Tradition exists for a reason.

>> No.15515446


Denim jacket does not fit with the outfit, sweatshirt over the OCBD button down shirt does not work either with this outfit. But sure. Iron Rangers are kind of a meme and associated with reddit mfa incels these days, but I guess if you're fit, then boots, some nice slim chinos, and an athletic fitting white or black t shirt is a classic look. The guy in your image would probably look better if he was jacked and lost the stupid fucking collared shirt inside the sweater and traded it for a basic T. Also don't know why he's posing for a pic with a backpack on that makes him look like a child.

tl;dr 0/10 would not fuck. looks like his mom dressed him after perusing some r/mfa posts.

>> No.15515449

This is like the male version of basic bitch.

>> No.15515459

Walking around with bigass clownshoes, and a giant purse. What a fruitcake.

>> No.15515467

those dont look like iron rangers afaik

>> No.15515485


>> No.15515486

walmart is not a thing in my country, sorry. there goes your faggy baseless assumption.

>> No.15515496


I can't tell the difference lmao, and it's still onions, especially styled like that dude is styling it.

>> No.15515497

A woman would choose a man with six cars over a man with a six pack any day so stop going to the gym and get to work - Robert Mugabe

>> No.15515499

It's a way of saying that means a cheap suit, retard. Do you also not get an education in your country?

>> No.15515531


>> No.15515533


>> No.15515551
File: 109 KB, 1200x600, chelsea-boots-1531751819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be controversial, but every time I see a man wearing Chelsea boots it makes me cringe. They look effeminate and metro sexual, gross...

>> No.15515553

walmart doesn't sell suits, faglord
just stop replying since your IQ is lower than your shoie size

>> No.15515562

in this color, perhaps. in black they look just like dress shoes with a shaft

>> No.15515577

God I fucking hate this look. Trying way too hard, and looks like shit.

>> No.15515578
File: 486 KB, 664x440, 7ff11fbc07ffff0a6668b19aea5a13033905f112b867a2e5daf322aeb7a17e9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell yeahh!
and then your hot bimbo wife will fuck the pool boy with rock hard abs while you wagecuck to provide her more of your betabux and when you find out and divorce her she will get half your money from the court kek

>> No.15515590

I don't give a shit what walmart sells, retard, it's irrelevant.

>> No.15515604
File: 140 KB, 804x720, 1547167292458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dressing for women

Most girls don't give a shit what you're wearing, and some of them don't even care how you look. Fashion won't get you the female attention you desperately need, it'd just make you look good when lonely :)

>> No.15515614

>implying you wont also be fucking the newer, better, model on the side thus continuing the vicious cycle

>> No.15515617

then why bring them up?

>> No.15515622
File: 31 KB, 450x600, 6e851db67c0507be5468df67b6ec64aedb1a15e4eff5f71a86e6012242537b92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most girls don't give a shit what you're wearing, and some of them don't even care how you look.
Ahh, yes this is why all the incels are rollin' in pussy, women don't care what you look like! It's all about being the supreme gentleman to them!

>> No.15515624

>it's a way of saying

>> No.15515629

that's exactly the fucking reason you loser. anyways sexcore is pure larp for closet twinks

>> No.15515632

He dressed better than 90% of the people on this board and had a BMW.
It's how you behave that determines if people like you.

>> No.15515640
File: 501 KB, 875x557, 1e06309be20b70bd9c2993a7dd3f6c8b8486c39629631d1418565920f12b33b7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the supreme gentleman intensifies

>> No.15515645

I am literally saying that he was a fucking sperg, you dumb fuck.

>> No.15515653

>imagine giving a SHIT what women think
>not dressing for men

>> No.15515666

he was a sperg but thinking that looks dont matter is cope

>> No.15515691

That wasn't me.

>> No.15515808

Incels are like that because they see women as objects to fuck. If you're not boring, treat women as human beings and have a personality, you're already on the other side. Of course it's easier if you look good, but 90% of the time women won't even approach to a good looking guy.

>> No.15515966

The final redpill is to treat women as the cumdumpsters they are but not put them on a pedestral, tha's the mistake incels do.

>> No.15516094
File: 1.18 MB, 1104x1374, Bildschirmfoto 2020-08-25 um 22.23.43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do grills like the saint laurent aesthetic (minus the anorexia and high heels part)?

>> No.15516115

slp leans too much into the heroin twink look. women prefer when that look is more rugged and less pansy.

>> No.15516147

>not liking heroin twinks

>> No.15516158

What do you mean minus the anorexia and heels? That's the best part

>> No.15516160

well, with regular boots and legs that dont look like sticks

>> No.15516170

That's part of the Saint Laurent look tho. It's not just a style of clothing, you need the heroin twink physique to pull it off, otherwise it's just cringe.

>> No.15516176
File: 1.41 MB, 2960x3053, dbauobui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate pls
inb4 tryhard

>> No.15516179

youre the opposite of tryhard, very basic

>> No.15516631

look at that fucking jaw my man, the gods were very generous with you it seems.

>> No.15516673

I loved you in Mr. Robot

>> No.15516725

Giga Tyrone

>> No.15516742

Looks like a fag with that hair + glasses combo

>> No.15516865


>> No.15517026

we're literally are attracted by muscles. but not powerlifting bods, unless you like guys that looks like bears.

>> No.15517267

WILL fuck your girlfriend

>> No.15517649

are you buying a katana from a shitty asian store in a dead mall any time soon?

>> No.15517654

looks like you read a lot about ”the game” and how to pickup girls on the street

>> No.15517714
File: 48 KB, 564x564, hot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer this style it looks so nice and hot

>> No.15517716
File: 115 KB, 564x1001, CRINGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..and I hate this shit

>> No.15517778


>> No.15517822


found her insta @pendylimx

>> No.15517825

>it looks nice and hot
more like you know the old mans money when you see it

>> No.15517829

with that look i would go more llewyn davis than the Crypto /biz/ Day Trader thing you've got going on here

>> No.15517864

good casual outfit for autumn/ winter
you dont know shit about fashion lmao

>> No.15518098

Haven´t worn them in years but skinny jeans are not nearly as restritive as you seem to believe.

>judging clothes in how well you can fight in them

You probably should watch less anime mate.

>> No.15518110

Wear them as a non-angloid, then.

>> No.15518236


>> No.15518240

Thanks good advice

>> No.15518244


stop replying to yourself lol. he looks like an incel and im not even the dude that was ragging on it originally

>> No.15518263

Tell me more

>> No.15518264

interesting thread, would be interesting to make it permanent

>> No.15518270

why did you feel the need to photoshop yourself in such a weird room?

>> No.15518319

Watch does not fit this look at all. Shirt looks like tissue paper and the jeans should be darker. Try a shirt in a color that isn't nearly the same blue as your jeans. 3.5/10

>> No.15518327

Reminds me of the Kamijou Touma cosplayer. Can't find the pic now.

>> No.15518352

You could see where i live, ez to dox

>> No.15518359

fair enough.
you look good eventhough I don't like the watch but oh well

>> No.15518378

please please please lurk more

>> No.15518460

lurked for like half a year, just wanna know how to dress like CIA core / see more about it reeee

>> No.15518626

much obliged

>> No.15518705

Do some shoulder workouts my man

>> No.15518744

its a meme from batman, cant believe you browsed half a year and havent heard of CIA

>> No.15518750

he looks like a redditor but not like an incel
its a good basic reddit style
wont win you a fashion award but its better than 99% of waywt

>> No.15518842

So... there is no actual CIA core ?
Man this is like the only core I actually like and could wear unironically, unlike all the larpers on fa with retarded looking clothes

>> No.15518909

>basic reddit
>not incel

this thread is about what outfits are going to get you laid, not what you think looks good... which apparently is reddit core boots, khakis and poorly selected colors/layers...? and based on how defensive you're getting, i'm assuming this is exactly how you dress. Please go back to r/mfa this thread isn't for you.

>> No.15519908

>looks like a redditor
>not like an incel

redditor detected