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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 432 KB, 1122x2208, 1597191250584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15494771 No.15494771 [Reply] [Original]

cringe thread

>> No.15494772 [DELETED] 

That's our Luc

>> No.15494775

coping luc

>> No.15494778

No. Coping Luc is not ours, he's just here

>> No.15494781
File: 70 KB, 640x853, f0z4aynwagg51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15494870

cope obsessed uggo fatty

>> No.15494873

your mine

>> No.15494880

this may be the worst fit that has ever been posted on the board

>> No.15494881

How surprising.

>> No.15494892

jealousy is a disease
just call it like I see it

>> No.15494895

jealous of what? the only upside in the entire fit is that it fits correctly

>> No.15494898

i want to paint his lips all glossy with my precum then make out desu

>> No.15494900

this fit is so bad i thought i clicked on a sleazecore theard

>> No.15494910

you have such a way with words anon

>> No.15494914

yes hello my prose is like immigrant thank you

>> No.15494924

the only upside in your mom is that I fucked her last night you nigger fatso

>> No.15494928

Holy shit you self absorbed faggot just get AIDS and die already

>> No.15494929

this isnt me but it has my approval

>> No.15494943


>> No.15494945

obsessed nigger

>> No.15494946

also I have a proper trip now :3

>> No.15494951 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 500x395, not my business dont care.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad for you.

>> No.15494953 [DELETED] 

You know you can be reprogrammed to be a real girlie girl

>> No.15494956

>starts 'sleaze' thread, gets mogged by every other fit in the thread

>> No.15494959

>mogs everyone else so hard i still get (you)s days later

>> No.15494974

Okay I legit want that shirt tho where do I get it

>> No.15494989

I found it on amazon after searching for good ones for a while and one of the ones had it hidden in the color options

>> No.15495004

Cope. You didn't mog anyone, you just broadcasted what an enormous faggot your are and got called out and your only comebacks were comprised of meaningless meme speak. You're worse than fucking Lawliet, which is really saying something.

>> No.15495019

damn! wellp had fun prettending to be you! you're just so handsome and fashionable I wanted to pretend to be such a GOD for a bit.

>> No.15495020

cope mogged fatty

>> No.15495021


What the fuck is this samefagging schizo shit.

>> No.15495028

it’s genuinely not me I don’t know why they decided to copy me

>> No.15495064


>> No.15495065

What a surprising reply. You're so one dimensional.

>> No.15495076

Based and redpilled

Luc I know your mum said people are only mean to you because they're jealous, but she's just as full of shit as you are sorry bro

>> No.15495087

no my mom called me an inhuman monster she should have aborted

>> No.15495090

Absolutely based. I feel bad for her that she has to live with the fact that you are her offspring.

>> No.15495096

she’s long dead i’m afraid :)

>> No.15495099

id be more worried about feeling bad about your lack of a chin and fat tumtum first so you can change and stop having to cope so hard btw

>> No.15495113

You are so unbelievably boring and unoriginal.

>> No.15495114

sorry you can’t handle the truth friend, it’s really sad at this point Id probably just give you a pity handy so you can calm down a bit

>> No.15495123

You're so boring

>> No.15495132

post chin or keep crying about it

>> No.15495146


>> No.15495151

and filtered, sorry I don’t like to talk to insecure uggos

>> No.15495156
File: 3.27 MB, 1879x2048, youdoodle-2020-08-19T01-27-30Z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not how that works. I don't have a name to filter

>> No.15495159

if thats actually you then you’re quite alright much less horrible than you led to believe and I commend your commitment

>> No.15495161

Based mullet anon

>> No.15495166

Cope harder

>> No.15495174

cope a rope into my holes

>> No.15495217

That's so /sleaze/ dude that's awesome

>> No.15495448
File: 911 KB, 3456x5184, x0VX5SW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything from reddit

>> No.15495451

nice outfit but he ruins it by being a hairy freak and also fat face

>> No.15495457

that dude looks like he slurp cum from public bathrooms

>> No.15495500

>reddit is more effay than /fa/
i am convinced this board is everything but effay

>> No.15495523

yuck this is ust gross

not only is he wearing rick owens in 2020 still but continueing budget ripoff fillers aswell its just criminal

>> No.15495578

Fuck this looks like shit. On top of the retro-wave inspired Hotline Miami-core t -shirt and the hair butchering, this dude is going around stinking of cheap gas station cigars.

>> No.15495619
File: 757 KB, 973x1190, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you want me to cum?

>> No.15495625

there really is no cure for ugly

>> No.15496024

I want to fuck luc in her pussy

>> No.15496225


>> No.15497367

what is this ugly creature
>body of a little boy
>face of a pudgy lesbian
and the worst sin of them all
>those eyebrow "scars"

>> No.15497379

Shoes and it's whatever. Flipflops and it's literal shit.

>> No.15497381

>gets everything wrong
>projecting this hard

>> No.15497507

Even Igor mogs this kid.

Igor is less of a fag than this kid and Igor literally gets pleasure from sucking men's dicks.

>> No.15497522

sieg for the last time im not sending you nudes this obsession has gone on long enough its unhealthy

>> No.15497964

sleazecore is the worst trend that has come from this board and that's including all the rick owens faggots. For some reason the only people who attempt sleazecore are early 20s, fat, undefined, pasty looking manchildren I guess they found a trend that allows them to look ugly and tacky on purpose so they just run with it.

>> No.15498034

you look like a big googoo gaga baby

>> No.15498042

but his description is completely accurate, tripfriend.

>> No.15498043

if youre ugly, why not dress in a way that compliments the uglyness.
not everyone is so insecure that they feel the need to get plastic surgery

>> No.15498050
File: 1.19 MB, 720x868, 14992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15498076

>body of a little boy
fatty cope
>face of a pudgy lesbian
ugly cope
malding cope, i shaved my head like this on purpose I previously had a full thick head of hair and have posted it here before, i wish I was bald though since hair is digusting
>eyebrow “scars”
>doesn’t know what eyebrow slits are

>> No.15498159

stop using fashion as a substitute for your non existent personality you insecure fruit

>> No.15498181

>seething fatty resorts to projection
I know it’s hard for an uggo like you to even dream of but hot people like me typically have personality as well as diverse taste in fashion, it’s why we’ll continue to find love and companionship while you rot and 72% before the end of the decade now hop along off my post buckaroo

>> No.15498202

>I-im not mad! let me type out this paragraph to prove how not mad I am!
lmaoing at your life loser

>> No.15498214

what's your skincare routine

>> No.15498220

>cope the post
stay fat and ugly :)

>> No.15498222

good genetics

>> No.15498226


>> No.15498230

I do supplement them with a basic toning moisturizer and a little bit of differin sensitive skin since I do get mild acne in patches but the my entire bodys skin is naturally silky smooth

>> No.15498256

stay insecure and bitter :)

>> No.15498259

Why would you ever try to pull this look off when you look sixteen.

>> No.15498261

ive posted my face tum pretty much everything but my ass and my undisclosed other parts, where as you’re too insecure to even post a face picture the state of cope itt

>> No.15498270

I don't need to post my face on an anonymous image board for validation points from random strangers, you're in denial and it's just pathetic.
>15 results
>half of which are from (you)
you know you've got em cornered when he(?) repeats the same buzzword over and over like a retarded chimp.

>> No.15498581

great mullet my man

>> No.15498654

where do I find these pics

>> No.15499046
File: 118 KB, 736x568, 765AB750-D96B-43DD-AC1C-E7F128B64725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wah wah wah wah wah
cope and dilate chinless fatty
here’s one :3

>> No.15499047 [DELETED] 

post clitty pls

>> No.15499048 [DELETED] 

I feel like suckling on a clit

>> No.15499099

charming as always, Igor

>> No.15499273

How shocking.
I was right.

>> No.15499297

Everyone knows you're not truly effay until you post butthole.

>> No.15499318 [DELETED] 

until you train the butthole to swallow 5cm wide objects

>> No.15499327 [DELETED] 

then you get addicted and crave that feeling of the phallic shit inside your rectum

>> No.15499337 [DELETED] 

This is in Russian, but really fucking good

>> No.15499351 [DELETED] 

skip to the 5:00

>> No.15499354 [DELETED] 

she enjoy dick in her ass like a gay man

>> No.15499362 [DELETED] 

skip to the 5:00 she enjoy dick in her ass like a gay man

>> No.15499368 [DELETED] 


>> No.15499489

Idk if this is your way to confirm your questionable sexuality - but there’s not need to be so gross n nasty. There are teenagers around here.

>> No.15499494 [DELETED] 

damage control

>> No.15499499

This is worse than that "wet ass pussy" song all the zoomers are listening to.

>> No.15499504 [DELETED] 
File: 444 KB, 500x376, cosby.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, that's hot as fuck

>> No.15499508 [DELETED] 

Sieg, you're a fag lmao
fucking LOVE tommy cash

>> No.15499510 [DELETED] 

Sieg is just a clueless assburger, don't mind him

>> No.15499512 [DELETED] 

I dunno, he comes across like a bit of a sociopath.

>> No.15499515

Damage control? These are my kids he’s talking all perverse to...sorry I want to protect them from people that are confused about their own sexuality and take it out on androgynous youngens

>> No.15499518

You know.... straight men don't have gay sex for money......Igor..... you're literally gay dude

>> No.15499519
File: 653 KB, 1392x1508, 1597940364438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15499523

can you explain why literally EVERY russian girl likes anal?

>> No.15499528 [DELETED] 

I never had gay sex, just an oriental dude sucked me off a few times when I was a teen.

>> No.15499534

Seems pretty fucking gay to me.

>> No.15499539 [DELETED] 

I just wanna fuck

>> No.15499541

That's sex....you had oral sex with a gaysian

Straight dudes wouldn't be able to get off to that..... you're gay

>> No.15499546 [DELETED] 
File: 206 KB, 1600x900, Lindsey-Vonn-and-PK-Subban-How-I-Spend-a-Typical-Day-in-Quarantine-During-the-Coronavirus-Outbreak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're gay
No I'm not. I want a mommy companion, dudes gross me out if thinking of them in similar terms

>> No.15499549
File: 74 KB, 640x603, 0f36e007b45edb2899c526b65a9dfd79_4a086f56_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15499551 [DELETED] 

*a FIT and cheerful mommy companion, not aging some bag of shit

>> No.15499563

I'm so glad you're here to protect me Indre, I think Igor's after my dick! Quick, can I hide it inside you?

>> No.15499585

No no no bb that’s not how mother/child relationships go.
I am not gonna play hide the weenie with you.

>> No.15499591 [DELETED] 

nurse me with your salty clit mommy

>> No.15499596


C'mon Indre keep him safe

>> No.15499602

But Indre I don't want the scary gay man to get me! Pleeeeaaasseeee?

>> No.15499711
File: 60 KB, 1024x1004, 1537978004339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15499745

Look it’s seems like it worked for at least a few minutes. I don’t doubt the explicit comments directed at considerably younger anons will continue...but I’m happy it worked for now at least.
Or maybe he’s busy eating a greasy pizza?

>> No.15500544

Why do you have no qualms admitting this?

>> No.15500558 [DELETED] 

Why would I be ashamed to admit that a chink sucked me off for money?

>> No.15500559

Here you go, Igor. You'll love this:


>> No.15500562 [DELETED] 

Nah that advanced level of anal is grotesque

>> No.15500568

You can catch her live on chaturbate all the time, the bad part is that when she's online, she is usually the number 1 most watched cammer.

I bet you could beat her and go deeper.

>> No.15500600

You prefer a girl's asshole to her pussy right?

Just admit you're gay dude.

We all know it. The ONLY thing you're doing is lying to yourself.

Igor the gay Russian

>> No.15500613 [DELETED] 


>> No.15501002 [DELETED] 
File: 1.70 MB, 1242x1651, 5d868696c3c60ee6ff5196a89b13e27873e0128f2c713e2759c3ccbf547624b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luc, you remind me of this pedo from Kohlkanker

>> No.15501265

CUM. Applied times a day. Smeared in thoroughly by the cocks it shot out of.

Sadly does not boost test, evidently.

>> No.15501283


>> No.15501306

Those ARE some nasty pizzas that he eats. Get better quality pizzas, Igor!

>> No.15501316

benedickt Cumberland?

>> No.15502231

honestly would look fine if not for the deep v neck.

>> No.15503038

"I'm ugly, fuck it may as well start dressing like an ugly obnoxious faggot" in this case two wrongs DON'T make a right, anon.

>> No.15504192

you look just like me do you have an instagram

>> No.15504274

Nice fit Karl

>> No.15504281

Mods why cant you ban these namefags already, noone likes them

>> No.15504537

are you a fe(male)?

>> No.15504579

I like the shirt, anyone know where to get it?

>> No.15504584

No one likes you either but you still havent 73%ed yet bitchboy

>> No.15504698
File: 563 KB, 548x523, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15504702

I like him. Anon is my friend.

>> No.15504705

I will never reveal what I am

>> No.15504707
File: 14 KB, 320x426, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]