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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 92 KB, 1200x800, 076A9E32-283A-4AB1-9046-2AFDBB789B08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15476350 No.15476350 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck is it so hard to find a good barber in America? Even the salons and barber shops in the rich parts of my large, east-coast city are a crap shoot. Every barber I’ve gone to in Europe just knew how to make my hair look good without too much instruction, but if I’m not super specific with barbers here this usually ends up happening
>“shorten up the sides and back and leave the top longer so I can style it”
>*cuts the top 1cm longer than the sides

>> No.15476358

>being decent in anything
that'll never happen. time to move

>> No.15476396

But even the European barbers who move here are usually pretty bad

>> No.15476463

Your environment shapes you. A couple months in USA would make anyone braindead.

>> No.15476878

finding a good barber is pretty easy

your're probably just ugly lol

>> No.15476901
File: 65 KB, 576x1024, E5A2FDB3-EFB3-465C-A1A8-373B4C801EC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s a 100% chance your hair looks like this

>> No.15476911

That guy can slay arthoes with that haircut

>> No.15476931

I’m not exaggerating when I say art hoes have the nastiest pussies in the game

>> No.15476935

Join the autosonorialist masterrace.

>> No.15476995

Mexican & dominican barbers cut the best. White barbers are always horrible and charge too much. Mexicans will drip your shit for <$20

>> No.15476998

Americans are fucking cringe

>> No.15477413

This... actually makes sense. Mexican kids always hd the freshest fades and their hair is the same as white hair

>> No.15477449

You watch all our movies, listen to our music, pay attention to our elections, and we barely know your irrelevant countries exist. But sure whatever

>> No.15477901

It's dumb barbers usually. Try going to a good expensive barbery and then take photos of the haircut so the retarded cheapo barbers don't fuck up... Too much. I personally found a good and cheap barber that does what i tell him or otherwise gives good suggestions and haircuts. Just keep looking.

>> No.15477995

>our movies
>our music
>our elections
>t. walmart employee

>> No.15478136

Imagine being proud that your election is a shitshow that everyone laughs at. Please keep being ignorant and stay in your joke of a country.

>> No.15478152

>Every barber I’ve gone to in Europe just knew how to make my hair look good without too much instruction

American here, got a haircut when I was in the Netherlands and it was the fucking best haircut I've ever had. Seriously why are Europeans so much better than Americans at haircuts? Every barber in the U.S. gives me a boomer cut or a Mexican fade.

>> No.15478155

Because everyone in the US is a boomer or a Mexican.

>> No.15478250

They were too shit to be a euro barber

>> No.15478278

Your country hasn't produced anything good since 2008

>> No.15478288

different education standards

>> No.15478311
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you style long-ish hair?
I've been growing it for the last few months using the toyota corona as an excuse to not go to the barber.
I don't know what to do with it.
My bangs reach my upper lips, but the front side and the sides aren't long enough to pull it back into a ponytail with the backside.
Also after I wash it, the side hair tend to curve in gravity defying matter, and won't go unless 2-3 days after my hair got oily again.
And my nape is getting a lot hairy to my tastes, how do I know the line to which I remove hair?

>> No.15478317

bro, i don't know if you know it yet, but your trans

>> No.15478350

As in beauty/barber school standards?

>> No.15478363

Since when /fa/ cared?
The rest of the boards thinks we're /fa/ggots, anyway.
And because of the lockdown I didn't cut my hair, and now I'm kind of attached to it.
Also because my hair is fine, now that's longer I don't look like I having thinning hair, and it hide my white hairs better.

>> No.15478369

>long hair men = trans in denial
Long hair is easier to handle than medium length hair, and if you do buzz/crew cut might as well shave your head.
>tfw my long hair looks better than my sister

>> No.15478392

>>long hair men = trans in denial
jewish psychoanalysis

>> No.15478420

if you are that anal about it go to the barber for your beard and an actual hair salon for your hair.
That's what I do.

>> No.15478434

what do u ask for at a salon? if i want short side long top but swaggy euro style not faggot boomer style

>> No.15478785

What is it called when you shave the sides and back of your hair one consistent length rather than doing a fade?

>> No.15478970

>Long hair is easier to handle than medium length

No it fucking isn't, you absolute trannoid.

>> No.15478973

I've been cutting my own hair since corona and realized I'm just as good at it as my salon was, and I've never been to a barber that didnt fuck my shit up

>> No.15478984

I don't know about you or what you think, but I've had long hair since highschool.
And it is easier to maintain when it gets long.
I just wash it every 3 days with shampoo then apply conditioner.
I just put it in ponytail or bun and go in my day.
No need for fancy pomade or clay or wax, or waste time with blowdryer.
Just good conditioner and occasional split ends cut.

>> No.15478997
File: 40 KB, 679x679, D055ACE3-E54F-4FAA-99DF-6AB1D36F42B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggas here love to complain about getting no pussy but literally and ugly dude 18-30 with a goofy novelty haircut can fuck art hoes. They have a weird self-hatred complex that makes them gravitate towards older uglier guys. Go get em lmao

>> No.15479000

It isn't, it takes longer to dry and you have to use more shampoo on it, it also gets in your face if it's windy or you decide to drive with windows down.

Medium length hair is definitely easier to manage.

>> No.15479006

why would you be proud of being ignorant?

>> No.15479027
File: 85 KB, 1500x1500, 718Y7CujJ3L._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it takes longer to dry and you have to use more shampoo on it
That's obvious.
>longer to dry
Maybe if you were one of (((them))), I'm night shower guy, it doesn't really make a difference to me, and it's not really THAT long.
Protip: Use cotton cloth to wrap your hair after you wash it, like pic related.
>more shampoo
Buy good shampoo, and the money you spend on shampoo comes from the products you spent on styling it like pomade, etc.
>get in your face
Ponytail, bun, etc.
>drive with windows down
You think I'm rich to have a car?

>> No.15479049

Who here is complaining about not getting pussy?

>> No.15479051
File: 115 KB, 1351x1213, hair-length-chart.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always seen this disputed here, about the pros and cons of long hair.
What do you call a long hair?
For me anything longer than buzzcut is long.
t.spent most life in military household

>> No.15479057
File: 32 KB, 700x355, 08FE5B10-3FEE-4D54-BAC5-21956ED69104.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t.spent most life in military household

>> No.15479060

95% of the board at all times

>> No.15479066

Who specifically in this thread?

>> No.15479071

I thought this was the norm, really.
All of our friends and neighbors were military as well.

>> No.15479079

I recommend Lady Jane's Haircuts for Men, they havent dissapointed me yet

>> No.15479163
File: 1.18 MB, 686x384, sniff.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do women deal with hair pass their hips?
It must get stuck in their ass crack, wouldn't it smell?

>> No.15479575 [DELETED] 
File: 686 KB, 2063x1817, a5h95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of product should use to keep my hair like this when they are a bit wet? Picture related.

After my hair dries out it becomes shaggy

>> No.15479730

I’m trying to find a place on the east coast rn too, my hair is super long and I want to ditch the blonde surfer look before I interview for a corporate job on zoom, should I just pick a salon and go for it lads

>> No.15479794

you thought

>> No.15480471


>> No.15480476


>> No.15480499

>now that's longer I don't look like I having thinning hair, and it hide my white hairs better.
shit nigga, same here but receding instead of thinning

>> No.15480994
File: 55 KB, 500x500, Comb-Over-Shaved-Sides-Beard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of pic related? I've been growing my hair out and it's about 4 1/2 inches long. I wanted to grow down to about neck length, but I saw this cut and I kinda dig it. I'm worried that if I do this and I don't end up liking it, I'm gonna look awkward as fuck for a whole other year while the sides and back of my hair catch up with the top.

>> No.15481004


big fax. big big fax. lived in bushwick for 3 years while I worked in NYC as a lowly analyst at a tech company. the amount of nasty fucking daddys dollar art hoes I saw was insane. armpit hair, smelly everything, bruh id imagine you'd gag at the sight of their puss.

the idea of a clean art hoe is oxymoronic

>> No.15481053

Your elections are globally mocked.
Your global dominance with musicians is falling, I hear much more local stuff on the shitty radio I am forced to hear at work.
Your movies are going the same way too, a Korean movie stomped your silly budget shit.

America will be as "irrelevant" as the countries you dismiss within the decade. In most ways it already is you're just too dumb to notice.

>> No.15481083

>watch our movies
Has been onions shit for decades for the most part
>listen to our music
Fair enough, I suppose.
>pay attention to our elections
In the same way you'd pay attention to a burning car wreck on the side of the road.
>we barely know your irrelevant countries exist
Imagine bragging about being retarded.

>> No.15481104

I have that and its pretty rad, however it does depend on the type of hair you got, I got thicc, luscious puffy hair, so I look like I have a pixie cut if I don't get the sides cut down. It won't look like shit, I have friends that have easily pulled off way longer hair but you have to get the sides trimmed regularly.

>> No.15481686

>Only one barber within 15 miles of my home who is not a Vietnamese immigrant with poor English
>Went to the one white barber
>Gay flag in the window
>I have a bad feeling about this
>Go in, ask for a haircut
>Best haircut I've ever gotten
>He spent the whole time caressing my cheek, resting hand on my shoulder, etc.
Looks like I'm stuck trying to communicate with the Vietcong.

>> No.15481758

I really really hate the white hair.
It make me look older while I'm just 25, I tried dying it but my hair is mix of dark brown, so I can only use black color or lighter shade of brown and it looked horrible in both ways.

>> No.15481764

>I'm not gay but I still like men no homo haircut.

>> No.15481830

like what? the avengers no thanks ill rewatch the seventh seal for trillionth time
you mean those shitty pop songs? no thanks
we really don't apart from /pol/cels

>> No.15481837

>would love to go to a barber

Just help me senpaitachi

>> No.15481843

hair transplant could be an option

>> No.15481918


>> No.15482073

do we literally need an infographic to tell us that shoulder length hair reaches the shoulders? Who tf makes these?

>> No.15482095

I think it's a representation if what it would like, probably visual aid for artist/designers?
>For me anything longer than buzzcut is long.
I get that.

>> No.15482377
File: 942 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_20200813_183352576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just cut my own hair this afternoon, what do you think boys

>> No.15482427
File: 1.57 MB, 1978x3648, Snapchat-1472521395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a haircut I should try to make me look better or is this pretty much good?

>> No.15482545

iwhat's with the chest hair? gross asf

>> No.15482594

I'm 26 mate

I know you're probably 17 or something but if you get to age 25 and you haven't got body hair people are going to think you're a bit weird

>> No.15482612
File: 439 KB, 800x800, fin6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks good, based chest hair, and nice facial features.
What's your background? You look a lot like my dad.

>> No.15482658

cheers mate, im australian, background is mostly irish and welsh

>> No.15482807

What are actually good shampoo and conditioner brands that will fix my chronically dry/frizzy hair?
or should i be using something else?

>> No.15482874

These haircuts look terrible on 95% of men.

>> No.15483208

how the fuck do you do it? everytime ive tried it looks like dogshit, do you use scissors?

>> No.15483223

I use clippers on the sides, then once I've gone up high enough I'll take scizzors to the top and kinda just start cutting randomly until it is all about one length. Then I get my missus to help clean up any bits I've missed which is pretty crucial and also she does around my ears for me and trims the neckline to make it clean

It's never a perfect haircut but in a week or two all the mistakes are usually grown out

>> No.15483232

I'd probably go a little bit longer, other than that I'd say it works. With a little more length you could also try out variations in styling it.

>> No.15483236

Cool thanks man.

>> No.15483239


How to look like a fucking sheep 101

>> No.15483295


Its called testosterone you mong.


I need to find somewhere which doesn't only do undercuts and peaky blinders haircuts I cba with that shit why do hairdressers hate side hair

>> No.15484697
File: 79 KB, 384x384, 1591299528795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then I get my missus
well thanks for the advice anyways...

>> No.15485221
File: 68 KB, 500x387, spongebob_hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without a missus you need to go quite orderly instead of randomly. Even though you need to kinda jump into the cold water the first few times you need to have a concept of what you're doing, derived from what cuts you already had, or a video you've watched, and based on what your hair like.

>> No.15485239

Get rid of the pervert mustache. You look like an e-fit of a child molester.

A fucking cat could lick that off.

>> No.15485245

pluck the center of your eyebrows ASAP

>> No.15485906

nice haircut good job now you just need to trim your chest hair

>> No.15485907

literally ask any female to cut your hair and they will jump at the chance to do it

>> No.15486026

Go to a fashionable black barber shop. The best haircuts I've ever gotten where from good barbers in the ghetto.

>> No.15486125

King of the hill S4E19 describe every man trip to the barbershop.