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15456410 No.15456410 [Reply] [Original]

A lot of clothing is manufactured in impoverished countries. They're manufactured in horrible environments (sweatshops), where the workers are paid very little or in some cases, not at all (e.g. china's Uighur slave labor), despite the fact the clothes are marked up hundreds, sometimes thousands, of times the manufacturing price, and sold for a heavy profit without the workers getting a fair share of the sales.

Do you let these facts affect your buying decisions?

>> No.15456464

>china's Uighur slave labor
Imagine believing these Western media lies.

>> No.15456544

>Western media lies.

Where's the proof the Uighur genocide isn't real?

>> No.15456558

>you have to prove something isn't happening
semper necessitas probandi incumbit ei qui agit

>> No.15456563

I kinda do.
Especially since i used to work for Trigema (everything gets produced in Germany) and it really wasn't that bad. Nobody got worked to death and the payment was fine.
And a Trigema hoodie is what? 80€?
Makes me especially pissed when mid-tier brands like A.P.C. throw 200€ chink shit at you.

>> No.15456569

Regardless of the treatment of the Uighur minority, they are not making your clothes in penal labor camps out in fucking xinjiang. Most chinese textile work is done in the south east. But anyway, a lot of clothing manufacturing isn't done in china anymore anyway because labor costs have become too expensive there.

I mostly buy made-in-america. The shirt (Michael-Spencer) and trousers (Brooks Brothers GF) I am wearing today were both made in the USA. It is harder to find undershirts/underwear/socks that are USA made. Dappered Classics makes over-the-calf dress socks in the USA, if you can get over the stupid name 'Dappered Classics.'

>> No.15456573


Well, where's the proof?

>> No.15456581

Also, just because something was made in america does not mean the constituent components were. I am not sure where Michael-Spencer sources their fabric. The trousers were made of fabric woven in Italy, but as with most Italian clothing manufacturing it was probably done by Chinese foreign workers.

>> No.15457279

Still made in sweatshops by underpaid and overworked illegal immigrants most likely.

>> No.15457288

Not really, it's not my responsibility. You can't save the world and you probably have very real issues in your own backyard.

All you're doing is imposing your moral standards and behavior on other cultures and people too.

I suspect you are against colonialism, which was also to spread civility. That's what you're doing.

Plus it's like being a vegan, it will only ever be a tiny minority who will not change shit. The average high street buyer doesn't think about where clothes are made once.

Lol this too

>> No.15457292

Prove to me right now Mars white face people are not killing brown faced Mars people on Mars. I want the proof or it is happening!!

>> No.15457454

>as with most Italian clothing manufacturing it was probably done by Chinese foreign workers.
i'd say that's everywhere, you won't get actual quality in this day and age unless it's handmade and tailored for you by some old man living in the woods (he'll also ask way too much for it but the cost's worth the money)

>> No.15457467


Unfortunately, yeah, to some degree. But there is a decent shot of it not being so, especially if it’s union made.

That being said, I prefer vintage clothing for a reason. Vintage American clothes were likely made by regular joe blow Americans for Americans.

>> No.15457533
File: 1.99 MB, 400x248, fake_surprise.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, the drugged up tranny clown looking nigger is also a Muslim sympathizer. Defending those that would throw your freak nigger self off the highest rooftop. those tranny drugs definitely don't fry your brain

>> No.15457679

I only buy thrift other than essentials like socks and underwear. I generally avoid stuff made in China.

>> No.15457701

Onus probandi incumbit ei qui dicit, non ei qui negat.

>> No.15457707

yes, i go out of my way to make sure what i buy is produced by manufacturers that were not sweatshops.

>> No.15457713

Why do I feel this is directed at me lol..

I'm not OP. I hate Islam and live by the grace of God. 25% of what I earn goes to charity in the name of God.

It's why I do not wear silver nor gold. It is too much of a vulgar display of wealth to me. But if it was directed at someone else, then carry on.

>> No.15457821

Mostly no, but I try to buy from first world countries as often as possible.

>> No.15457823

Fuck off tankie

>> No.15457830

I only buy thrifted clothes so I don't really feel the need to care where they were made, they are coming to me locally and secondhand.

>> No.15457832

Have you ever seen an American, dude?
I wouldn't let one of those vile, disease-ridden things put their hands anywhere near my clothing.

>> No.15457893
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holy fuck you are stupid
glow harder

there is no ethical consumption under capitalism.

>> No.15457898

>everything in china is made by uighurs
spot the brainlet

>> No.15458337
File: 1.63 MB, 3724x2096, DAA892D6-20DC-4069-83AB-CE8E170BB1A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The alternative is not better, though.
Buying local and consuming less means that you are taking away these countries’ hopes of industrialization and development.
It’s sad that that’s the case, but I’d these workers were not in sweatshops they would most likely be having a worse qol facing rural poverty. Just the fact that rural poverty is being eradicated throughout the world is a sign that overall, capitalism is helping the poorer of the poor (Bangladeshi children, not American farmers).
Making the rich richer is the price to help the poor survive.

>> No.15458359

I exclusively buy clothes made in the UK because there's no way I'm letting those brown goons get a dollar per hour out of me.

>> No.15458453

This. If people start buying local, H&M sure as fuck won't improve working conditions in Bangladesh as a response. They will shift their focus on cheap local production.
Also, the biggest part of the clothing produced in sweatshops goes to chinks and other developing countries, and they don't give a shit about human rights or child labor.

>> No.15458488

well if the immigrants are unhappy with it they can fuck off back to Mexico

>> No.15458491
File: 235 KB, 960x960, dcce36e05111033be6b21e7a33081bc88bdfb488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15458549

Not OP but i disagree with you.

I think that's pretty common knowledge that most chink clothes are made in sweatshops which are more like slavery than real job and as long as regular joes like you say "I cant affect the world by stopping to buy their products" there will be a market for sweatshops.

>> No.15458871

The third world is shitty because it is full of third world people. It will not get better. Meanwhile they pump out cheap chinkshit that feels and wears like garbage.
I only buy MiUSA, MiJapan, MiEngland and from a few select European countries. Fuck buying anything that comes from chinks and poos. Either they get their shit together and start making good products or they starve, all the same to me. Hint: it won't be the former, they are incapable.