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File: 453 KB, 1500x1600, stock-vector-hipster-character-with-hipster-elements-681073063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15450184 No.15450184 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15450186

I genuinely don’t think so

>> No.15450203

yeah the 70s era cowboy shit
the worst part about the modern is those tight fucking jeans and over accessorize

>> No.15450290

Yes imo. Just avoid the following clichés :
- tattoos
- beard
- beanie
- that red flannel

>> No.15450301

The one single thing that differentiates the faggy outfit in your image and what an actual lumberjack would wear (ignoring the shoes) is the fit being way too slim.
>jeans too small and tight and leave ankles visible
>shirt too tight to work in and accentuates twink body
Switch both to L or XL and he would look normal and heterosexual.

>> No.15450381

-any type of jewelry
-thin rimmed fake fag glasses
-overly groomed bears (clean shaven is best for 50s look)
-tacky looking suspenders
-tight jeans
-Beanies od trilbies (youll look like a hipster or neckbeard)

-trousers, slacks and maybe trews (a bit british)
-Regular fit (maybe a bit of drape)
-Short haircut, if longer slicked

Of course with that being said if you don't workout you'll still look like a malnourished faggy ass weak ass brittle hipster even while wearing everything correctly. Even your face should be a little bit rugged (achieve this by working under the sun (farming/mowing) and by smoking cigarettes)

There ya go the complete guide now women will sense your pheromones of manliness and will beg you to fill them up...

>> No.15450414

It depends if you wear heritage clothes for another reason that just style.
If you dob't over do it it should be okay. Don't be a plebbitor either.

>> No.15450443

what if i wear glasses

>> No.15450446

Holy shit actual answers on /fa/ thanks boys.

>> No.15450448

Which ones? Also im just saying those fake no dioptre hipster glasses

>> No.15450455


The reason a lot of Americana fits look bad is because people are wearing slim-fit clothing.
Baggy clothes give immediate improvement.

>> No.15450460
File: 171 KB, 800x1200, https___hypebeast.com_image_2019_03_faccies-fall-winter-2019-collection-lookbook-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15450463

Yes but you have to be at least chubby

>> No.15450471

sorry, i meant that just in general. what glasses arent obnoxious to wear for someone who has to wear them that can fit with the idea?

>> No.15450481

Not og commenter but If you actually need glasses wear what you want my dude imo

>> No.15450487
File: 78 KB, 928x523, cool_hand_luke_-_h_-_1967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely, go the prison labor route. All denim is based

>> No.15450489
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>> No.15450493

Honestly glasses havent changed that much, and even hipsters generally wear normal frames, its just that you can tell if they have no actual function because the lens dont magnify their eyes/face so then it looks tacky and fake, as if theyre just wearing it for fashion, which is totally against the old utilitarian fashion. Avoid those modern looking ones, best choice is thick rimmed, black or tortoise round, square, wayfarer frames. Clubmasters are ok too and have been around but they are a bit on the hipster edge.

>> No.15450500
File: 134 KB, 970x546, film__13236-escape-from-alcatraz--hi_res-44e5dd58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15450502

Objectively wrong. Whoever thinks this is Americana is not American

>> No.15450505

Its a modern bastardization of americana but its there... somewhere

>> No.15450508

Idk apart from the shoes the clothes she's wearing is pretty practical. Wool (I think) bib, large brimmed hat, flanney.

I get what you mean though.

>> No.15450513
File: 32 KB, 618x633, prisoners_still_09_pr-00561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always bring up High Jackman in 'Prisoners' every Americana thread but honestly I think it's what people should aim for.

Short haircut, henley t-shirt, flannel, necklace, decent dark jeans and leather boots. Maybe a canvas jacket.

Work out to actually look like you work outdoors (Or better yet actually work outdoors lol).

>> No.15450517
File: 109 KB, 450x495, 1576551481288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, that's a woman? She's definitely not American then, wayy too skinny

>> No.15450519
File: 168 KB, 1200x750, Badlands_Header_1501778409 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15450527

There is nothing more rugged and americana than just not wearing glasses even though you'd be legally blind without them. Just pretend youve never been to an eyedoctor in your life

>> No.15450559
File: 820 KB, 500x281, prisoners.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah he looks dope, gyllenhaal looked pretty based in it as well

>> No.15450576

Jake Gyllenhaal looks good in every movie he's in though no homo

>> No.15452024


>> No.15452089

What are some decent brands for dark jeans? I'm looking to replace some Levi's that I have, but I couldn't find a good brand to go with.

>> No.15452526

try dressing like people in alt country bands

>> No.15452533

>its just that you can tell if they have no actual function because the lens dont magnify their eyes/face so then it
Lenses for nearsightedness don't magnify your eyes even if you have shit vision.

>> No.15453168

Yes they do you can almost always tell real glasses from fake, especially nearsight ones because they narrow your head and leave a "blank spot".

>> No.15453173

vintage ralph lauren

>> No.15453185
File: 1.02 MB, 1500x2248, 1574707732878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15453213

Lift till strongfat
Work in manual labor
Otherwise no.

>> No.15453473

The biggest thing is being in shape. Just be buff. Don't be a skinnyfat think. Slim fit is a bit uncomfortable in thick stiff workwear materials, and doesn't look great. But regular fit, original fit, tailored regular, straight leg, will all be great. Baggy just looks frumpy, but is utilitarian if you're actually doing manual labor outdoors in the cold. The straight up red and black flannel is like a cartoon piece now, but any other should be fine. I prefer wool ones like Pendleton, in earth tones or greys. Having tattoos is fine. Anti tattoo shit us just trad LARPing zoomers or people afraid to be associated with "a look". The problem with that look isn't tattoos and facial hair though, it's effeminate bodies and ill-fitting clothes. Some things are LARP accessories, like: suspenders or logger boots in a non-logging situation. Avoid that. Also if you wear glasses avoid the thick framed rectangles, not just for this look, they just look bad in general. Beanies are obviously fine in any weather under 50°F. They're the default winter hat. Vehement anti-beanie shit is once again just people really worried about being associated with the "millennial hipster" look. Any facial hair is fine, as long as it actually looks good on you. Having picture perfect groomed facial hair obviously looks weird on anyone though.

>> No.15453542
File: 98 KB, 540x564, 9AA20D09-81D0-40A1-82B6-596B226B934D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem I see with the hipster appropriation of workwear and Americana is simply the cognitive dissonance between the person and the style. The flannels,denim and accessories convey an outdoorsy,rural and rustic aesthetic that doesn’t really match the personality of the typical “hipster”. Some middle class urbanite that consooms media passively and espouse liberal politics doesn’t really match with a flannel and denim. This also produces extra elements to the style that are just plain shitty like man buns and skinny jeans that attempt to bridge this gap.

Frankly if you want dress in heritage clothing you should either work some sort of blue collar or outdoor trade so the clothing has an actual reason for being there. If that’s not the case general leading a more active and outdoorsy lifestyle is also a good option. Earlier I briefly mentioned liberalism and I’d like to clarify that you don’t have to be conservative to where these clothes. But beliefs and values that originated from the same places those clothing style came from will match better. That could be as varied as pat Buchanan style Paleoconservativism, orgs like the IWW, environmentalism, libertarianism and even transcendentalism. But being your typical Hillary Clinton simp doesn’t bring flannel energy to the table.

Basically the style of clothing you where should match the kinda vibe you put out. Otherwise the resulting cognitive dissonance will create un/fa/ circumstances. If you think you have the same vibes as longshoremen, hiker, rancher or general outdoorsman than go for it but if you don’t people will know:

>> No.15454313

i liked his look in Zodiac

>> No.15455080

forester here, people who actually work in the woods wear:
>camo shirts
>blue jeans
>double-front carhartts
>hickory shirts
>bright neon safety t-shirts
>graphic t-shirts

>> No.15455090


>> No.15455324



Honestly though they are mad expensive, just stick with regular jeans imo unless you can really afford it.

>> No.15455331
File: 2.57 MB, 1935x1414, mm2zubsfumr41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you've ever gone to 4chan and accidentally imply your a redditer, hit that subscribe button.

>> No.15455339

If you've ever been in the reserves but wanted to be an operator so started a larp YouTube channel hit that thumbs up

>> No.15455349

Feels so good finding 2 mint 501's in yr size while thrifting.

>> No.15455386

It's assuming the trappings of masculinity without being or doing anything masculine. Deep down they know they are effeminate and feel ashamed about it, hence workwear, beards, 'the art of manliness' etc. Consuming is much easier than changing yourself.

>> No.15455401

Nice man, fucking travesty how bad Levi's are these days.